It has been previously reported that a general electric field
solution and its initial condition, Eg(z,t) and
Eg(z,0), respectively, are not causal when formed by a
superposition of time-harmonic waves in an attenuating medium. However,
this is not the case. Further, the relationship between attenuation and
phase velocity as well as their dependence on frequency arise simply
from the form chosen for the time harmonic particular solutions. Even
though causality is not introduced during the solution to the wave
equation, the general solution can subsequently be shown to be a time
convolution of a causal boundary condition (time history of the electric
field as it crosses the z=0 plane, Eg(0,t)), and the medium's
impulse response g(z,t), which can be shown to be causal. Hence, the
general solution is also causal. The initial condition occurs at the
instant, t=0, when the electric field arrives at the z=0 plane, and it
has been previously reported that the initial condition depends on the
boundary condition for times after the initial time thereby violating
causality. A re-examination shows that the initial condition does not
depend on times after the initial time. Hence, the initial condition
obeys causality, and it can also be shown to be properly determined (E
g(z,0)=0 for z>0) even when the boundary condition is not
zero. It has also been reported that limiting expressions for the
boundary and initial conditions, Eg(0,t→0) and E<sub>g
</sub>(z→0,0), respectively, are not equal. However, a
re-examination reveals that