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Maternal Mortality at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Southeast Nigeria: a 10-year review (2003–2012)

Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Women's Health

Abstract and Figures

Maternal mortality is high the world over, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria. Nigeria has consistently demonstrated one of the most abysmally poor reproductive health indices in the world, maternal mortality inclusive. This is a sad reminder that, unless things are better organized, Southeast Nigeria, which Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH) represents, may not join other parts of the world in attaining Millennium Development Goal 5 to improve maternal health in 2015. This study was conducted to assess NAUTH'S progress in achieving a 75% reduction in the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and to identify the major causes of maternal mortality. This was a 10-year retrospective study, conducted between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2012 at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Southeast Nigeria. During the study period, there were 8,022 live births and 103 maternal deaths, giving an MMR of 1,284/100,000 live births. The MMR was 1,709 in 2003, reducing to 1,115 in 2012. This is to say that there was a 24.86% reduction over 10 years, hence, in 15 years, the reduction should be 37%. This extrapolated reduction over 15 years is about 38% less than the target of 75% reduction. The major direct causes of maternal mortality in this study were: pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (27%), hemorrhage (22%), and sepsis (12%). The indirect causes were: anemia, anesthesia, and HIV encephalopathy. Most of the maternal deaths occurred in unbooked patients (98%) and within the first 48 hours of admission (76%). MMRs in NAUTH are still very high and the rate of reduction is very slow. At this rate, it will take this health facility 30 years, instead of 15 years, to achieve a 75% reduction in maternal mortality.
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International Journal of Women’s Health 2013:5 431–436
International Journal of Women’s Health
Maternal mortality at Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Teaching Hospital, Southeast Nigeria: a 10-year
review (2003–2012)
NJ Obiechina
VE Okolie
ZC Okechukwu
CF Oguejiofor
OI Udegbunam
LSA Nwajiaku
C Ogbuokiri
R Egeonu
Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Nnamdi Azikiwe
University Teaching Hospital,
Nnewi, Nigeria
Correspondence: Vitus Okolie Ezike
Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Teaching Hospital, PMB 5025 Nnewi,
Anambra State, Nigeria
Background: Maternal mortality is high the world over, especially in sub-Saharan Africa,
including Nigeria. Nigeria has consistently demonstrated one of the most abysmally poor
reproductive health indices in the world, maternal mortality inclusive. This is a sad reminder
that, unless things are better organized, Southeast Nigeria, which Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Teaching Hospital (NAUTH) represents, may not join other parts of the world in attaining
Millennium Development Goal 5 to improve maternal health in 2015.
Objectives: This study was conducted to assess NAUTH’S progress in achieving a 75%
reduction in the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and to identify the major causes of maternal
Materials and methods: This was a 10-year retrospective study, conducted between
January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2012 at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital,
Nnewi, Southeast Nigeria.
Results: During the study period, there were 8,022 live births and 103 maternal deaths, giv-
ing an MMR of 1,284/100,000 live births. The MMR was 1,709 in 2003, reducing to 1,115 in
2012. This is to say that there was a 24.86% reduction over 10 years, hence, in 15 years, the
reduction should be 37%. This extrapolated reduction over 15 years is about 38% less than
the target of 75% reduction. The major direct causes of maternal mortality in this study were:
pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (27%), hemorrhage (22%), and sepsis (12%). The indirect causes
were: anemia, anesthesia, and HIV encephalopathy. Most of the maternal deaths occurred in
unbooked patients (98%) and within the first 48 hours of admission (76%).
Conclusion: MMRs in NAUTH are still very high and the rate of reduction is very slow. At
this rate, it will take this health facility 30 years, instead of 15 years, to achieve a 75% reduction
in maternal mortality.
Keywords: maternal mortality, MDG-5, 2015, achievability, causes, NAUTH, Southeast
Pregnancy and childbirth are physiological events that should bring joy to the family
and society at large, but sometimes it turns out to be a source of sorrow. Globally, there
is an unacceptably high maternal mortality; the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in
sub-Saharan Africa is among the highest in the world, at 1,000/100,000 live births.
Maternal mortality is a major reproductive health index and could indeed be
considered to be a measure of the socioeconomic development of any nation. Nigeria
has progressively demonstrated one of the most abysmally poor reproductive health
indices in the world. Nigeria constitutes less than 2% of the world population but
contributed 10% of the world’s maternal deaths.
Maternal mortality only tells part
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International Journal of Women’s Health 2013:5
of the story: for every woman that dies as a result of com-
plications of pregnancy and childbirth, between 20 and
30 women will develop short- and long-term disabilities such
as obstetric fistula, ruptured uterus, or pelvic inflammatory
diseases. This is a sad reminder that, unless things are bet-
ter organized, Millennium Development Goal (MDG)-5, to
improve maternal health, will not be achieved by 2015 in
Southeast Nigeria.
Maternal mortality is considerably influenced by the
socioeconomic and political context of a health care system
and the cultural and biological realities of women seeking
care. This complex interplay may result in the women
delaying seeking care, and delays for women to receive care
during pregnancy and delivery.
As a result of high MMRs, the worlds attention was drawn
some decades ago to the thousands of deaths and millions
of serious complications that occur every year in association
with pregnancy and delivery, resulting in a conference held
in Nairobi, Kenya, in February 1987. Termed Safe Mother-
hood Initiative, the target was to reduce maternal mortality by
half by the year 2000. This target was to be achieved through
provision of widely available and affordable family planning
services, easily accessible antenatal care services, facilities
for safe and clean deliveries, and emergency obstetric care
services. This target was not achieved by the year 2000. In
September 2000, 147 world leaders met to articulate the prob-
lems of the world, especially those of developing countries,
and this conference resulted in eight MDGs. MDG-5 is to
improve maternal health, with a target of reducing maternal
death by three-quarters (75%) by 2015. To achieve this, there
must be a 5% reduction in maternal deaths per year over this
15-year period.
This study was conducted to assess the progress in achiev-
ing this 75% reduction in maternal mortality in a tertiary
health institution in Southeast Nigeria and to identify the
major causes of maternal death.
Materials and methods
File numbers of all the pregnant women that died between
January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2012, during pregnancy,
delivery, or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy,
irrespective of gestational age or site of the pregnancy but not
due to accidental or incidental causes, were collected from
the labor, antenatal, and postnatal wards, intensive care unit,
and operative unit of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching
Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, Southeast Nigeria. The case files
of the patients were retrieved from the records department of
the hospital. The following data were collected from each of
the files: age; booking status (whether they received antenatal
care services or not); the primary cause of death; and the
number of hours the patient stayed in admission before the
death occurred. The total number of maternal deaths, along
with the total number of live births in each year, was col-
lected, from which the total number of maternal deaths per
100,000 live births was calculated. Finally, the total num-
ber of maternal deaths, along with the total number of live
births, during the 10 years of the study was calculated, from
which the final maternal deaths per 100,000 live births (the
MMR) was calculated. The categorical data were collected
and represented in percentages. The data was analyzed using
SPSS statistical software (v 16; IBM Corporation, Armonk,
During the study period (2003–2012), there were a total of
8,022 live births and 103 maternal deaths, giving an MMR
of 1,284/100,000 live births. Table 1 shows the distribution
of maternal mortality over the 10-year period of the study:
maternity mortality was over 1,000 per 100,000 live births
except in 2006 (808), 2009 (749), and 2010 (691).
The causes of maternal mortality are shown in Figures 1–3.
Direct and indirect causes of maternal death contributed
74.75% and 23.3%, respectively, while unidentified causes
constituted 1.94% of maternal deaths. The common direct
causes of maternal death were pre-eclampsia, hemorrhage,
sepsis, and ruptured uterus. Other direct causes of maternal
death, although less common, were unsafe abortion and
obstructed labor. Anemia, anesthesia, and HIV encephalopa-
thy were the major indirect causes of maternal death.
Out of 103 maternal deaths recorded in this study,
101 (98.06%) were unbooked patients, while only two
(1.94%) were booked. Seventy-eight (75.73%) mortali-
ties occurred within the first 48 hours of admission, while
25 (24.27%) occurred after 48 hours of admission.
The MMR of 1,284/100,000 live births in this study is high; it
is higher than that reported in Ibadan (309)
or Lagos (852),
and almost the same as that reported in Jos (1,260).
It is also
higher than those reported in other developing countries like
South Africa (340), Uganda (344), Tanzania (308), Namibia
(300), and Botswana (480), and incomparably higher than
what is obtainable in developed countries.
This MMR is,
however, lower than those reported in Port-Harcourt (2,735)
and Sokoto (2,138).
It is almost the same as that reported
in NAUTH in 2007 (1,282).
This shows that the steps that
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Obiechina et al
International Journal of Women’s Health 2013:5
are currently in place in this center to combat maternal
death is not effective enough to reach the goal of improving
MMR by 2015. The higher maternal mortality in Sokoto can
be explained by the relatively lower socioeconomic status
of women, cultural/religious beliefs, and poorer antenatal
attendance. This results in type 1 delay, which is a delay in
recognizing and reacting to problems relating to pregnancy
and childbirth. In some instances, the pregnant woman needs
to wait for her husband to provide money and permission
before action can be carried out.
It is also of note that the MMR is lower in Ibadan and
Lagos; this may be due to higher levels of education and
availability of many qualified health professionals in western
Nigeria, which is in sharp contrast with what happens in
northern Nigeria. In western Nigeria, women have high levels
of education and independence, and there are good communi-
cation systems and road networks, and many government and
privately owned health facilities. These invariably reduce the
three types of delay, which are the delay in recognizing and
reacting (type 1), delay in reaching a health facility (type 2),
and delay in receiving medical assistance (type 3).
Analyzing MMR trends over the 10 years under
review, there was a steady decline over 2008, 2009, and
2010; this may have been due to the provision of 24-hour
blood bank services; employment of more doctors; the
creation of an independent obstetric anesthetic unit; the
introduction of daily audit reviews of all obstetric and
gynecological cases managed the previous day by all
residents, consultants in the department, and representatives
of hospital management; sleep-in provision for the senior
registrar and the consultant on call; stopping registrars from
performing cesarean sections (all being performed by either
the senior registrars or the on-call labor ward consultants);
and provision of emergency care services to the patients in
the first 48 hours without the requirement for immediate
payment. During audit reviews, all challenges encountered
that might have caused a type 3 delay in rendering of clinical
services the previous day are taken care of. But in 2011, the
MMR increased again, possibly due to increased confidence
in the maternity homes within the catchment area of this cen-
ter developed for the hospital, and referral of more patients,
which possibly overwhelmed the system. Another reason
could be that there were some levels of complacency in the
system. This calls for upgrading of the system, especially
regarding increased workforce numbers as demand rises to
avoid the system being overstretched.
In this 10-year review (2003–2012), it is notable that the
MMR in 2003 was 1,709/100,000 live births, while at the end
of the tenth year (2012), it was reduced to 1,115/100,000 live
births a reduction of 24.86% over 10 years. This equates to
a 2.486% reduction per year, instead of the required 5% per
year to achieve MDG-5 in 15 years. At this rate, only a 37.29%
reduction will be achieved in 15 years, meaning it will take
30 years instead of 15 to achieve MDG-5; ie, MDG-5 will be
achieved in 2030 rather than 2015. This means that NAUTH
may be 15 years behind the rest of the world in achieving
MDG-5 if nothing is done to improve the current situation.
This goal can, however, be achieved by vigorously sustaining
audit reviews and identifying type 3 delays on a daily basis
and correcting them early. The provision of 24-hour blood
bank services and an independent obstetric anesthetic unit
are of great value. Increasing the workforce when necessary
is also a very important measures toward achieving this goal.
Research should be encouraged, possibly prospective studies,
in intervals to study maternal mortality, its causes, and the
effective or inefficient measures put in place to reduce it.
The direct causes of maternal mortality contributed
74.75% of maternal deaths, while indirect causes contrib-
uted 23.3% in this study. This represents what is obtainable
in developing countries, where direct causes are the major
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Trend of maternal mortality ratio in NAUTH, Southeast Nigeria
Table 1 The maternal mortality ratio (MMR)
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total
Live births, n 351 382 433 619 731 802 935 1,013 1,198 1,558 8,022
Deaths, n 6 6 8 5 12 9 7 7 25 18 103
MMR (/100,000) 1,709 1,570 1,848 808 1,642 1,122 749 691 2,087 1,155 1,284
Figure 1 Medical causes of maternal death.
International Journal of Women’s Health 2013:5
factors in maternal deaths, while indirect causes are the lead-
ing factors in developed countries.
This finding is in contrast
to the previous study in this center, in which indirect causes
contributed 64% of maternal mortality.
The major causes of maternal mortality were pre-eclampsia
(27%), hemorrhage (22%), and sepsis (12%). All of these
are preventable causes of maternal death. The contribution
of pre-eclampsia to maternal death is on the increase, and
it contributes to more maternal deaths than hemorrhages,
as observed in other recent studies in Nigeria,
some studies in Nigeria have found that hemorrhage is still
the leading cause of maternal mortality.
The finding that
pre-eclampsia contributes more than hemorrhage to maternal
death may be explained by the availability of functional blood
bank services and use of oxytocic drugs in our hospital, which
help to reduce the contribution of hemorrhage to maternal
death. Therefore, the functional blood bank service and use
of oxytocic drugs should be sustained. Despite the use of
magnesium sulfate in the management of pre-eclampsia in
this center, the MMR was still very high; this may be due to
the fact that most of the patients were not booked, and tend to
present to the hospital when it is too late to save them. If
they were booked, raised blood pressure and protein in urine
could have been detected earlier and appropriate action taken
to arrest the situation. This suggests the need for increased
awareness about the importance of antenatal care services,
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Obiechina et al
Ruptured uterus
Obstructed labor
Figure 2 Direct medical causes of maternal death.
Anemia Anesthesia HIV/AIDS Thromboembolism
Figure 3 Indirect medical causes of maternal death.
International Journal of Women’s Health 2013:5
where pre-eclampsia could be detected and treated before
the stage of eclampsia, which has a high mortality rate, is
reached. Furthermore, the peripheral health facilities that
refer patients should be educated on the need for early refer-
ral, rather than referral when the patient is moribund and
saving their life is near impossible.
The major indirect medical causes of maternal death were
anemia, anesthesia, and HIV encephalopathy. There is a need
to improve on both the hemoglobin status (which can be done
when they are booked for antenatal care) and socioeconomic
(which is a remote cause of maternal death) status of our
women. Anesthetic-related deaths can be reduced in number
by training/retraining our anesthetic doctors in order to keep
up to date with the newest and safest techniques available,
especially epidural in pre-eclampsia/eclampsia cases. There
is a need for preventive counseling and testing for HIV in
pregnancy; those detected to be HIV-positive should be
placed on highly active antiretroviral therapy, as this will help
reduce HIV encephalopathy among our women.
It is notable that, in this study, unbooked patients consti-
tuted about 98% while booked patients accounted for only
2% of maternal mortalities. This is in keeping with previ-
ous studies, in this center
and in a neighboring center.
Some patients in Nigeria utilize traditional birth attendants,
maternity homes, and spiritual houses for deliveries.
is because the community believes that maternal death is
due to punishment from the gods as a result of antisocial
activities (adultery) of the woman, hence does not require
orthodox medications. Even in instances when they decide to
seek medical assistance, women are often hampered by poor
communication and transport systems and badly maintained
roads; as such, they may only present to hospital in a mori-
bund state, when any intervention would produce little or no
The inability to recognize or react to risks or reach
the medical facilities and delays in referral may be other
causes of the high maternal mortality in Southeast Nigeria.
There is a need for both governmental and nongovernmental
organizations to aid in creation of awareness and abolition of
laws that militate against safe motherhood, as well as in the
provision of effective communication and road networks and
accessible, affordable, and functional health care.
It was found that most of the deaths (75.73%) in our
study occurred within 48 hours of admission; hence, there
is a need for urgent, aggressive, and close monitoring of
our patients during the first 48 hours, which may require the
involvement of the labor consultant in the management of
high-risk patients in the first 48 hours of presentation to the
hospital, when crucial decisions on the management of the
patient must be made. This period also requires intensive
monitoring and care of the patient.
To increase the chances of achieving MDG-5 earlier
than 2030, as predicted by this study, all hands must be on
deck – women, men, the community, and governmental and
nongovernmental organizations must all get involved. The
socioeconomic status of the populace should be improved
upon, along with women’s independence, creation of aware-
ness, and political determination, with the aim of encouraging
pregnant women to book for antenatal care, where the preg-
nancy will be monitored and abnormalities can be detected
and corrected. Availability, accessibility, and affordability of
emergency care services to pregnant women are of utmost
importance, irrespective of class, tribe, creed, and socioeco-
nomic conditions.
Unless something is done to improve on the present situ-
ation, it will take NAUTH until 2030 to achieve MDG-5.
The major causes of maternal mortality are preventable.
Suggested measures to reduce maternal mortality include:
universal education and women’s independence; availability,
accessibility, and affordability of antenatal services; and
24-hour emergency obstetric services. Partnership among
the community, health workers, and governmental and
nongovernmental organizations should be encouraged. The
roles of political determination and further research cannot
be overemphasized in the aim of reducing the MMR in this
tertiary health institution in Southeast Nigeria.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work. The
authors alone are responsible for the contents and writing of
the paper. The study was conducted in the course of service in
the hospital and no funding was received from any source.
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Trend of maternal mortality ratio in NAUTH, Southeast Nigeria
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Obiechina et al
... Influenced by projected MM study findings of five to eleven years from other university hospital of different countries, this study aims to explore attributes to MM over 15 years period. [2][3][4][5][6][7] To begin with, in the first six years only Faculty/ Interns were involved. Thereafter Post Graduate Residents enrolled in MD Obstetrics and Gynaecology, were assigned MM and near miss presentations quarterly/ anually. ...
... Primary PPH was aggravated by other conditions like hepatitis (4), more when the labour was induced for hepatitis in preterm pregnancy and IUFD (2). Conservatively awaited PPROM in post percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) -RHD proved detrimental on assisted breech vaginal delivery. ...
... To summarize, uterine perforation occurred in four cases and except one that was repaired, all the three underwent hysterectomy [total hysterectomy (1) and subtotal (2). In addition, fourth case of subtotal hysterectomy was done in gangrenous gut without uterine trauma. ...
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Introduction Maternal mortality reflects reproductive health status and availability of good health care facilities at different levels of the healthcare system at a given period, influenced by globally adopted safe motherhood policies. The leading causes of maternal death in Nepal mainly comprise of hemorrhage, eclampsia, abortion-related complications, gastroenteritis and anemia. Although a declining trend has been noted in Nepal it has yet to meet the target set by the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.1 of reducing the global MMR to less than 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030. MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) from 1st Baisakh 2055- 30th Chaitra 2069 (15th April 1998- 14th April 2013). The study period of 15 years was divided into three parts, five years each: 2055-59 (14th April 1998-April 13th 2003) ; 2060-64 (14th April 2003- April 12th 2008) and 2065-69 (April 13th 2008 –April 12th 2013). MM was filled in Performa, discussed in morning conference and MM audit, computerized, analyzed, presented quarterly and yearly. Annual Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) expressed as MMR per 100,000 live births is calculated by dividing recorded (or estimated) maternal deaths by total recorded (or estimated) live births in the same period and multiplying by 100,000. ResultsTotal MM/maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in the first, mid and last five years were 39 (270 %); 37 (212% ) and 37 (188%) respectively giving overall total MM/MMR 113 (223.5%) attributing to Direct: 55 ( 48.6%), Indirect: 44 (38.9%) and Non maternal deaths: 14 (12.3%). Predominating cause of MM in the first/mid/last five years were sepsis and infective hepatitis each (17.6%) and PPH (18.5 %). While SP/E were almost same over the years, in decreasing trend were hepatitis and puerperal sepsis but in rising trend was PPH and criminally induced abortion (10.6%). Thenumber of maternal death has not changed much, the median age in each five years is surprisingly similar, set at 25 years and the adolescents who died were not very different in every five years. It’s unfortunate that many primigravida died during this period which is a matter of concern. Conclusions Maternal mortality stresses the impact of timely health seeking behaviour and health providers making provision of prompt adequate services and referral to help so that all Nepalese mothers, especially the young and first-time pregnant thrive. Keywords: infective hepatitis, maternal mortality, maternal mortality ratio, PPH, sepsis.
... The fatality rate in our study was 8.7%. This is similar to the finding of Jagun et al in the South- 21 Western part of Nigeria with a fatality rate of 8%. This is however lower than findings by Obiechina et 8 6 7 al , Abasiattai et al and Oguejiofor et al that found a maternal mortality rate of 31%, 14.3% and 12.9% respectively. ...
... This is however lower than findings by Obiechina et 8 6 7 al , Abasiattai et al and Oguejiofor et al that found a maternal mortality rate of 31%, 14.3% and 12.9% respectively. The older studies have a higher fatality rate and that may be explained by the better health seeking behaviour of patients, better obstetric care, blood transfusion services, anaesthetic care and the overall reduction in maternal mortality in the 21,22 country in recent years. ...
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Background: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH) is surgical removal of the uterus during childbirth or within its immediate 24 hours, a lifesaving procedure done as the last resort to control obstetric haemorrhage. Objectives: To determine the incidence, indications, and complications of peripartum hysterectomy. Methods: The study is a retrospective review of emergency peripartum hysterectomies performed at the Centre from 1st January, 2015 to 31st December, 2021. The patients’ case folders were retrieved from the medical records department and relevant information obtained using a structured data extraction format. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 26. Means, frequency, and percentages were used to present the significance of the results. Results: A total of 46 EPH were performed between January 2015 and December 2021 out of 20,832 deliveries within the same period, giving an incidence of 0.22% (2.2 per thousand deliveries). Indications were uterine rupture (78.2%), uterine atony (10.9%), abruptio placentae (4.3%), placenta previa (4.3%) and placenta accreta spectrum (2.2%). Subtotal hysterectomy was performed in most cases (39/46; 84.8%). The most common complication was intraoperative haemorrhage requiring blood transfusion (100%). Other complications included severe post-operative anaemia, wound sepsis, paralytic ileus and enterocutaneous fistula. The maternal case fatality was 4 (8.7%) and all the mortality cases were unbooked patients. Conclusion: The incidence of emergency peripartum hysterectomy is relatively low in our study and uterine rupture is the most common indication. EPH is associated with significant maternal morbidity and mortality, and this is related to booking status. Hence, enlightening women on antenatal care and hospital delivery will help in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality.
... [37] The WHO defined maternal mortality as 'the death of a woman while pregnant all within 42 days of the termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management except the accidental causes'. [38] Various government and local government programmes could impact the MMR, [39][40][41] as evident by the Mother Care Nigeria program, Midwives Service Scheme and Free Maternal and Child Health Services. All such interventions in Nigeria could contribute to an almost 75% decline in MMR. ...
... Although this rate was far from the MDG target, this decline was promising. [38] Like Pakistan, some regions in South Asia have the highest MMR of 260/100,000 live births. Every day, about 30,000 women die from birth-associated complications. ...
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The present review was intended to explore the effectiveness of perinatal services such as antenatal care (ANC) and post-natal care (PNC) on the health indicators such as maternal, child and neonatal mortality. Globally, indicators are considered very important in determining the health status and the overall performance of a country’s healthcare system. A literature search was conducted using maternal mortality, child mortality, neonatal mortality, ANC and PNC in the PubMed, Google, Academia, The Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association databases. Globally, implementing integrated perinatal care services has brought positive changes in the maternal, child and neonatal mortality indices. The United Nations (UN) is committed to improving the overall living conditions in all countries, significantly improving the population’s health status. The UN came up with eight Millennium Development Goals in 2000, aiming to eliminate poverty and increase development in member states. The World Health Organization was a partner in implementing these goals. Later, the UN introduced 17-fold Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for all citizens towards a better future by 2030. As a result, many countries have experienced positive changes in most indicator areas, including service utilization, maternal mortality, and child mortality. Some Sub-Saharan African and South Asian countries are progressing, however, slowly.
... [37] The WHO defined maternal mortality as 'the death of a woman while pregnant all within 42 days of the termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management except the accidental causes'. [38] Various government and local government programmes could impact the MMR, [39][40][41] as evident by the Mother Care Nigeria program, Midwives Service Scheme and Free Maternal and Child Health Services. All such interventions in Nigeria could contribute to an almost 75% decline in MMR. ...
... Although this rate was far from the MDG target, this decline was promising. [38] Like Pakistan, some regions in South Asia have the highest MMR of 260/100,000 live births. Every day, about 30,000 women die from birth-associated complications. ...
... [37] The WHO defined maternal mortality as 'the death of a woman while pregnant all within 42 days of the termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management except the accidental causes'. [38] Various government and local government programmes could impact the MMR, [39][40][41] as evident by the Mother Care Nigeria program, Midwives Service Scheme and Free Maternal and Child Health Services. All such interventions in Nigeria could contribute to an almost 75% decline in MMR. ...
... Although this rate was far from the MDG target, this decline was promising. [38] Like Pakistan, some regions in South Asia have the highest MMR of 260/100,000 live births. Every day, about 30,000 women die from birth-associated complications. ...
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The present review was intended to explore the effectiveness of perinatal services such as antenatal care (ANC) and post‑natal care (PNC) on the health indicators such as maternal, child and neonatal mortality. Globally, indicators are considered very important in determining the health status and the overall performance of a country’s healthcare system. A literature search was conducted using maternal mortality, child mortality, neonatal mortality, ANC and PNC in the PubMed, Google, Academia, The Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association databases. Globally, implementing integrated perinatal care services has brought positive changes in the maternal, child and neonatal mortality indices. The United Nations (UN) is committed to improving the overall living conditions in all countries, significantly improving the population’s health status. The UN came up with eight Millennium Development Goals in 2000, aiming to eliminate poverty and increase development in member states. The World Health Organization was a partner in implementing these goals. Later, the UN introduced 17‑fold Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for all citizens towards a better future by 2030. As a result, many countries have experienced positive changes in most indicator areas, including service utilisation, maternal mortality and child mortality. Some Sub‑Saharan African and South Asian countries are progressing, however, slowly.
... [43] Abe and Omo-Aghoja [44] had a ten-year review and attributed maternal mortality to low literacy, high poverty, extremes of parity and non-utilisation of antenatal services. Several studies noted various rates in maternal mortality and commonly occurring direct causes of hypertensive disorders (eclampsia and pre-eclampsia), obstetric (including postpartum) haemorrhage, sepsis, unsafe abortions, embolisms, ectopic pregnancies, uterine rupture, obstructed labour [44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54] and indirect causes included institutional difficulties [44] AIDS, anaemia, anaesthesia, thyrotoxicosis and diabetes mellitus. [48] Other factors influencing maternal death include un-booked cases, [52] poverty, lack of freedom over reproductive health choices, and lack of command of resources, women's educational attainment and economic empowerment. ...
... [1,2]It accounts for about 25% of maternal mortality and is a major cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality. [3][4][5] A previous Nigerian study by Obiechina et al, [6]has put maternal mortality from preeclampsia/eclampsia at 27%. In another Nigerian study on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, with severe preeclampsia as the leading cause, the reported stillbirth rate was 17.4% and the perinatal mortality rate was 20.9%. ...
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Background: Preeclampsia is a major complication of pregnancy and a major cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality. Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in the aetiology and pathophysiology of preeclampsia. However, there is no uniformity in the findings of previous studies on the association between vitamin D and preeclampsia. Aims and Objectives: The study is aimed at determining the association between preeclampsia and maternal vitamin D deficiency. Materials and Methods: This nested case-control study was conducted among 158 pregnant women (78 preeclamptic women and 80 controls) with singleton pregnancies. Case participants were women with preeclampsia. The controls were matched pregnant women without preeclampsia. Their serum vitamin D levels were determined. Statistics: Continuous data was analysed using T-test. The statistical significance was inferred at p-value ≤0.05. Results: The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in our study was 7.0% overall. The proportion of women with hypovitaminosis D was not significantly different between preeclampsia group and control group (7.7% vs 6.3% respectively; p=0.76). The mean serum concentration of vitamin D in the preeclamptic group was lower than that in the control group, however, the difference was not statistically significant (118.8±17.4nmol/L vs 129.0±19.7nmol/L, p=0.17). There was a weak association between gestational age and the level of serum vitamin D in both groups (r= 0.062 and r=-0.13 respectively). Conclusions: Hypovitaminosis D is not significantly associated with preeclampsia when compared with control. However, there was a weak association between gestational age and the level of serum vitamin D in both groups.
Nigeria has been reaffirming its commitment to reducing maternal death at national and international levels. Multiple strategies have therefore been formulated at different levels of the maternal healthcare delivery chain including health facilities. However, varying rates of maternal death are still being reported from health facilities in Nigeria. This study aimed at exploring the trend in maternal death across health facilities in Nigeria to guide policy making and/ or implementation. A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies conducted in Nigeria was undertaken according to standard protocol. Random and fixed effects model procedures were used to pool estimates from the studies that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Derived estimates were examined for heterogeneity, publication bias and quality using I-squared statistic, Egger's/Begg's tests and modified Downs/Black checklist respectively. The pooled maternal mortality ratio for Nigeria derived from 24 studies that reported data for 96 health facilities was 1470 per 100,000 live births. In restricted analysis, estimates for geopolitical zones were: South East (SE) 1449; South South (SS) 1825; South West (SW) 1564; North Central (NC) 1769; North East (NE) 1670 and North West 1530(NW). There was no publication bias in all analyses even though small sample size in restricted analysis and differing study duration may influence pooled estimates. Health facility-derived maternal mortality in Nigeria is unprecedentedly high and appropriate measures need to be put in place to reduce the MMR in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole.
Previous studies have found high levels of unintended pregnancy among female sex workers (FSW), but less attention has been paid to their abortion practices and outcomes. This study is the first to investigate abortion-related mortality among FSW across eight countries: Angola, Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. The Community Knowledge Approach (CKA) was used to survey a convenience sample of FSW (n = 1280). Participants reported on the deaths of peer FSW in their social networks during group meetings convened by non-governmental organisations (n = 165 groups, conducted across 24 cities in 2019). Details on any peer FSW deaths in the preceding five years were recorded. The circumstances of abortion-related deaths are reported here. Of the 1320 maternal deaths reported, 750 (56.8%) were due to unsafe abortion. The number of abortion-related deaths reported was highest in DRC (304 deaths reported by 270 participants), Kenya (188 deaths reported by 175 participants), and Nigeria (216 deaths reported by 312 participants). Among the abortion-related deaths, mean gestational age was 4.6 months and 75% occurred outside hospital. Unsafe abortion methods varied by country, but consumption of traditional or unknown medicines was most common (37.9% and 29.9%, respectively). The 750 abortion-related deaths led to 1207 children being left motherless. The CKA successfully recorded a stigmatised practice among a marginalised population, identifying very high levels of abortion-related mortality. Urgent action is now needed to deliver comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare to this vulnerable population, including contraption, safe abortion, and post-abortion care.
Objective This study aimed to assess the association between maternal serum levels of TNF-α and preeclampsia. Methods An analytical cross-sectional study involving 45 women diagnosed with preeclampsia and 45 healthy normotensive pregnant women matched for age, and gestational age at enrolment. Venous samples were collected from each participant after informed consent was obtained. Serum TNF-α level was determined using the human TNF-α competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique with ELISA Kit. Hypothesis testing was done using the Chi-square test for categorical variables, the independent samples t-test and the Kruskal-Wallis test for numerical variables. All significances were reported at P<0.05. Results The median concentrations of TNF-α in women with preeclampsia of varying severity were significantly higher than those with normotensive pregnancies (P=0.001). The median level of TNF-α was also significantly higher in patients with severe features of preeclampsia than in those without. The estimated cut-off levels of serum TNF-α were 15.6 ng/mL and 26.4 ng/mL respectively for the development and severity of preeclampsia. Maternal serum TNF-α level in preeclamptic patients is strongly correlated with systolic and diastolic BP, serum uric acid and alkaline phosphatase levels, proteinuria, and platelet count (P<0.05). Conclusion We can infer from this study that increased maternal serum levels of TNF-α may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. We recommend further validation of these findings with a more robust longitudinal characterization of maternal serum TNF-α profiles in pregnancy through a well-designed prospective cohort study.
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Maternal mortality remains a major public health challenge, not only at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, but in the developing world in general. The objective of this study was to assess trends in maternal mortality in a tertiary health facility, the maternal mortality ratio, the impact of sociodemographic factors in the deaths, and common medical and social causes of these deaths at the hospital. This was a retrospective review of obstetric service delivery records of all maternal deaths over an 11-year period (01 January 1999 to 31 December 2009). All pregnancy-related deaths of patients managed at the hospital were included in the study. A total of 15,264 live births and 231 maternal deaths were recorded during the period under review, giving a maternal mortality ratio of 1513.4 per 100,000 live births. In the last two years, there was a downward trend in maternal deaths of about 69.0% from the 1999 value. Most (63.3%) of the deaths were in women aged 20-34 years, 33.33% had completed at least primary education, and about 55.41% were unemployed. Eight had tertiary education. Two-thirds of the women were married. Obstetric hemorrhage was the leading cause of death (32.23%), followed by hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Type III delay accounted for 48.48% of the deaths, followed by Type I delay (35.5%). About 69.26% of these women had no antenatal care. The majority (61.04%) died within the first 48 hours of admission. Although there was a downward trend in maternal mortality over the study period, the extent of the reduction is deemed inadequate. The medical and social causes of maternal deaths identified in this study are preventable, especially Type III delay. Efforts must be put in place by government, hospital management, and society to reduce these figures further. Above all, there must be an attitudinal change towards obstetric emergencies by health care providers.
The aim of this review is to determine the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in a Nigerian tertiary health institution (University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria). The review was done through a retrospective analysis of maternal mortality records. The MMR for the 6-year period (1997-2002) was 825 per 100,000 live births. The common causes of maternal mortality included severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, 30 (27.8%); haemorrhage, 22 (20.4%) and complications of unsafe abortion 16 (14.8%). Grandmultiparous and patients aged 40 years and above were at the highest risk. This hospital-based MMR is very high and when compared with previous reports showed a 150% increase. Most of the maternal deaths are, however, preventable. Increased efforts at educating women, improvement of the socioeconomic conditions of the populace and strong political commitment in making emergency obstetric care available in rural and district hospitals are some of the measures that need to be adopted to reduce this avoidable tragedy.
Objective: To determine the causes and rate of maternal mortality at St. Charles Borromeo Hospital Onitsha and compare these with other parts of the country. Methods: A retrospective analysis of maternal deaths over a six year period at St. Charles Borromeo Hospital, Onitsha was done. Results: Between period January 1995 and December 2000, 6179 births were recorded, the maternal deaths were 49, giving a maternal mortality rate of 793/100,000 births. The ages of the dead mothers ranged from 16 - 46 years, with a mean of 28.43 years, standard deviation of 8.68. Causes of maternal deaths include haemorrhage (37%), septic abortion (17.4%), anaemia (13%), pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (8.7%), genital sepsis (6.5%), while the least were anaesthetic death (2.2%) and cerebral malaria (2.2%). Booked patients constituted (41.3%) while unbooked patients accounted for (58.7%) of the maternal death. Conclusion: Major causes of maternal death identified in this study are preventable. Measures to reduce maternal deaths include education of the women to use obstetric facilities, early referral of patients to specialist centres, and provision of blood transfusion services.
Introduction: Maternal death is unacceptably high in this center like in most centers in the developing world. Objective: To determine the maternal mortality ratio and the contribution of the direct and indirect obstetric complications to maternal deaths. Method: A retrospective review of all maternal deaths at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi, between January, 2003 and December 2007, a 5 year period. Maternal deaths, were identified from the labour ward, lying-in ward, sick prenatal ward, postnatal ward, gynaecology ward records and the medical records. The total number of births was gotten from the labour ward register. Results: There were 36 maternal deaths within the study period, and maternal mortality ratio of 1282 per 100,000 deliveries. The majority (64%) were due to indirect causes. The most common cause was pulmonary tuberculosis (25%). Anaemia contributed 14% and, viral hepatitis 11%. Cerebral malaria, intestinal obstruction and metastatic breast cancer caused 2.8% of maternal deaths each. The direct obstetrics causes contributed 36%, with preclampsia/eclampsia 19.4%, sepsis (Septic abortion and puerperal Sepsis) 8.4%, haemorrhage 5.6% and uterine rupture 2.8%. Conclusion: Indirect obstetric causes accounted for majority of the maternal deaths recorded within the study period.
Plateau state, one of Nigeria's 36 federating states, currently has a high rate of maternal mortality in the country. This study was designed to determine the nature of policies and programs for maternal health in the State with a view to identifying strategic interventions for reducing the high rate of maternal mortality in the state. Plateau state places high priority on the provision of qualitative healthcare for the citizens, but is yet to legislate on, and develop strategic policies and plans for maternal health. Human resource for health is grossly inadequate and available data on healthcare funding and logistics are not satisfactory. The healthcare infrastructure is also inadequate, while there is a need to improve the provision of a fully functional health system, logistics and resources for health. We believe that intense advocacy is needed to increase political will to improve maternal health and to reduce the high rate of maternal morbidity and mortality in Plateau State (Afr. J. Reprod. Health 2010; 14[2]: 43-48). Résumé Bilan des politiques et des programmes destinés à la promotion de la santé maternelle dans l'état de Plateau au Nigéria. L'état de Plateau, un des états fédéraux du Nigéria a actuellement un taux élevé de mortalité maternelle dans le pays. Cette étude a été conçue pour déterminer la nature des politiques et des programmes de la santé maternelle dans l'état en vue d'identifier les interventions stratégiques destinées à la réduction du taux élevé de mortalité maternelle. L'état de Plateau accorde une haute priorité à l'assurance des services médicaux qualitatifs à ses citoyens, mais il n'a pas encore légiféré sur la santé maternelle. Il n'a pas non plus élaboré des politiques stratégiques et des plans pour la santé maternelle. Les ressources humaines pour la santé sont largement inadéquates et les données dont on dispose sur le financement de soins médicaux et sur la logistique ne sont pas satisfaisantes. L'infrastructure de soins médicaux est également inadéquate, tandis qu'il y a la nécessité d'améliorer l'assurance d'un système de santé qui fonctionne bien, ainsi que la logistique et les ressources pour la santé. Nous sommes convaincus qu'un plaidoyer intensif est nécessaire pour augmenter la volonté politique pour améliorer la santé maternelle et pour réduire le taux élevé de morbidité et mortalité maternelles dans l'état de Plateau (Afr. J. Reprod. Health 2010; 14[2]: 43-48)..
There were 39 maternal deaths at Harare Hospital during 1987, giving a maternal mortality rate of 122/100,000 live births. If women who lived outside the Harare Municipality were excluded, the maternal mortality rate for the Greater Harare Maternity Unit was 53/100,000 live births. The cases were reviewed at monthly meetings in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Hypertensive disease in pregnancy caused 28pc of the deaths with haemorrhage, puerperal sepsis and abortion accounting for 18pc each. Avoidable factors were felt to be present in 88pc of cases and these are discussed.
A total of 183 maternal deaths occurring in the University College Hospital, Ibadan, over a 10 year period are reviewed. The hospital maternal mortality rate was 8.2/1,000. Severe anemia in pregnancy was responsible for 18.6% of all maternal deaths during the period under review. Acute hepatic failure was responsible for a further 15.3%. It is suggested that improvement in public health and maternity services along with transport and communication facilities will greatly reduce the very high maternal mortality rate in Nigeria.