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To build literacy, young children need more than instruction in such fundamental skills as recognizing letters, decoding words, learning vocabulary words, and reading and discussing stories. They also need opportunities to use oral and written language to learn about the world and to communicate their ideas and observations. Although educators traditionally have not thought of science instruction as a setting for literacy learning, inquiry-based science instruction can provide a rich context in which to build language skills. Students are typically curious about the world around them and eager to talk, read, and write about what they are learning. Inquiry-based science, as we define it, involves students in using the tools of science to answer questions about real-world phenomena. This type of inquiry is a collective effort in which students compare their thinking with others' thinking, actively communicate with one another, and express their ideas through words and graphics. Inquiry science and literacy intersect when students use reading, writing, and oral language to address questions about science content (for example, why humans are able to see different colors, or how an object's rate of motion is related to its mass), and to build their capacity to engage in scientific reasoning (for example, how to collect data in a controlled way, or how to generate claims about a phenomenon on the basis of patterns in data).
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December 2006/January 2007
December 2006/January 2007 | Volume 64 | Number 4
Science in the Spotlight Pages 56-60
Where Literacy and Science
Susanna Hapgood and Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar
Learning about the world and sharing one's own discoveries
can be powerful motivators for learning to read, write, and
speak effectively.
To build literacy, young children need more than instruction in
such fundamental skills as recognizing letters, decoding words, learning vocabulary words, and
reading and discussing stories. They also need opportunities to use oral and written language to
learn about the world and to communicate their ideas and observations.
Although educators traditionally have not thought of science instruction as a setting for literacy
learning, inquiry-based science instruction can provide a rich context in which to build language
skills. Students are typically curious about the world around them and eager to talk, read, and
write about what they are learning.
Inquiry-based science, as we define it, involves students in using the tools of science to answer
questions about real-world phenomena. This type of inquiry is a collective effort in which students
compare their thinking with others' thinking, actively communicate with one another, and express
their ideas through words and graphics. Inquiry science and literacy intersect when students use
reading, writing, and oral language to address questions about science content (for example, why
humans are able to see different colors, or how an object's rate of motion is related to its mass),
and to build their capacity to engage in scientific reasoning (for example, how to collect data in a
controlled way, or how to generate claims about a phenomenon on the basis of patterns in data).
Reading, Writing, and Oral Language
What kinds of literacy learning can educators promote in the context of inquiry-based science?
The following list is illustrative but not exhaustive.
Reading and Scientific Inquiry
People sometimes contrast reading with inquiry as though they are the antithesis of each other.
Teachers may believe that students should engage in inquiry by exploring questions through their
own activity and thinking rather than by turning to books for answers. But when combined with
hands-on activities as a way to explore scientific phenomena, rather than merely as a way to find
the correct answers, reading can be an important part of the inquiry process.
To promote this kind of science reading, we need to understand the importance of introducing
children, even very young children, to informational text. Recently, researchers have paid
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considerable attention to the dearth of informational texts in the reading diets of young children,
who are primarily exposed to narrative texts (Duke, 2000). With such impoverished reading diets,
children miss many opportunities that informational texts provide.
For example, informational texts use a wide range of text structures, such as cause/effect,
compare/contrast, problem/solution, listing, and a chronology of events. It is important that
students become familiar with these assorted text structures. As they do so, they increase their
own repertoire of writing strategies (Purcell-Gates & Duke, 2004).
In addition, informational texts typically communicate information about the world beyond the
child's home environment. Hence, these texts—particularly if we make them available at a range of
levels—can play an important role in leveling the playing field for students who have not had
access to enriching real-world experiences (Neuman & Celano, 2006). In particular, science texts
offer many opportunities to expand students' vocabulary, an important benefit because one of the
most robust findings regarding literacy is the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and
reading achievement (National Reading Panel, 2000).
Finally, reading informational texts can increase student engagement. Research has shown that
students' motivation and reading comprehension increase when the students are directed toward
content goals (such as learning science) rather than performance goals (such as getting a good
grade) (Grolnick & Ryan, 1987; Guthrie et al., 2006). Guthrie and colleagues' research on
Concept-Orientated Reading Instruction (2004) suggests that students who have both strategy
instruction and sustained opportunities to read interesting texts to learn about a particular theme
(for example, animal habitats) are more motivated to read and more strategic in their reading than
are students who receive strategy instruction alone. Vitale and Romance (in press) also report that
content-oriented instruction yields higher gains in reading comprehension than does
strategy-oriented instruction.
If students are to learn to approach informational text with an inquiry stance, teachers need to
consistently model how to read critically and question the ideas presented in the text. They need
to ask, “How did the author know that?” and comment, “I find this confusing. How can I find more
information to help me understand?”
Writing and Scientific Literacy
Students have many compelling occasions to use writing in the context of scientific inquiry. They
can record questions of interest, document how they have set up investigations, represent data
they have collected, and develop explanations for the phenomena they are investigating. Students
can also incorporate such graphic elements as drawings, tables, and graphs into their writing.
Perhaps the most frequent way that students experience writing in science classrooms is by
keeping notebooks. Notebook-writing activities, however, are often reduced to reports of
teacher-expected results (Shepardson & Britsch, 2001). To promote literacy, teachers need to
encourage more thoughtful uses of writing in science.
For example, the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) is a tool to help teachers and students use
writing to promote collaborative thinking and reasoning. This heuristic calls for students to (1)
identify the ideas and questions they bring to the study of a phenomenon, (2) record what they
do in the course of their inquiry, (3) record their observations, (4) identify their claims, (5) provide
supporting evidence for their claims, (6) read others' entries to compare their thinking, and (7)
reflect on how their ideas have changed.
Wallace, Hand, and Yang (2004) determined that 7th grade students who were instructed in the
use of the heuristic learned more about the content they were studying than did students who
did not learn this heuristic. Further, students who used textbooks in addition to the Science
Writing Heuristic learned the most content. Finally, students who experienced opportunities to
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write, guided by the heuristic, developed an understanding of the role of claims/evidence
relationships in scientific reasoning. Klentschy and Molina-De La Torre (2004) reported similar
findings from their work with K–8 students, many of whom were English language learners.
Oral Language and Scientific Literacy
Discussions about ideas found in informational trade books offer students opportunities to restate
ideas in their own words, expand on their initial understandings as they learn more about a topic,
notice how their thinking has changed over time, and make connections between the ideas found
in books and their own lives.
Varelas and Pappas (2006) have studied urban primary-grade classrooms serving high numbers
of Hispanic English language learners to explore how engaging young students in discussions
about science books can help the students develop scientific understandings and acquire the
language of science. In one of their studies, the teachers read aloud and discussed seven trade
books about the water cycle and states of matter. In these discussions, they provided
opportunities for the students to make connections between their home and school experiences as
well as among the various texts. The researchers observed that students began to note such
connections. For example, during snack time a student wondered aloud whether the juice would
evaporate if it were left on the table. On another occasion, a student noted that “when you leave
your milk for a long time in the refrigerator, it will become thick” (p. 219).
The read-aloud sessions were accompanied by opportunities for the students to engage in their
own hands-on investigations. This program of studies eventually resulted in positive changes.
Teachers became increasingly experienced in engaging students in the discussions and
increasingly comfortable making the students' ideas the anchor for the discussions. Over time,
students learned to use discussions to explore theories about how the world works, and they
began to appropriate the specific vocabulary they had come across in the readings to describe
scientific concepts. Other researchers (for example, Conant, Rosebery, Warren, &
Hudicourt-Barnes, 2001) have reported similar patterns in language use and language learning.
Models for Combining Literacy with Inquiry-Based Science
Here we describe the research on two instructional models that have been developed to integrate
science and literacy in the classroom.
Science IDEAS
Romance and Vitale have developed an integrated model called Science IDEAS, which replaces
traditional language arts instruction in upper elementary grades with a daily two-hour block that
combines instruction in science, reading, and writing. Using challenging content-area texts,
teachers integrate reading comprehension instruction and writing tasks that encourage students
to think deeply about the topics being studied. For example, in a unit called “Processes of Life,”
students conduct experiments to determine what factors increase the growth of bread mold or to
determine whether the color of light reaching plant seedlings affects their growth, and then write
about these experiments to describe what they have observed and learned. Students also read
trade books and basal textbook passages about such topics as classification or metamorphosis;
their teachers guide them in noticing text structure, learning new vocabulary, identifying main
ideas, asking questions, and making inferences.
Research on the model has found that Science IDEAS instruction resulted in significantly higher
levels of student achievement on nationally normed science tests, as well as in reading
comprehension. In addition, students in Science IDEAS classrooms displayed significantly more
positive attitudes toward both science and reading, as well as more confidence in their capacity to
learn science (Romance & Vitale, 2005). The Science IDEAS Web site (
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contains such resources as concept maps, writing prompts, discussion boards, lists of trade
books appropriate for specific topics, and planning checklists to help teachers tailor the model to
their districts' curriculum and their students' needs.
Guided Inquiry supporting Multiple Literacies (GIsML)
We have researched another integrated instructional approach to science and literacy that we call
Guided Inquiry supporting Multiple Literacies (GIsML). In this approach, K–6 elementary teachers
guide their students in sustained inquiry about specific topics, usually centering on physical
phenomena, using both firsthand investigations (during which students collect and analyze data
themselves) and secondhand investigations (during which the teacher and students read and ask
questions about specially written texts). This approach has significantly increased students'
science content knowledge and scientific reasoning at both the lower and upper elementary levels.
For example, during a program of study about the motion of balls down inclined planes, which took
place for 1–2 hours daily over 10 consecutive days, 2nd grade students read and discussed two
simulated scientist notebooks. The notebooks were designed to be read in a highly interactive
manner. They were written in the voice of fictional scientist Leslie Park, and they included her
research questions, diagrams of her investigative setups, data tables with the results of
investigations, and her reflections on patterns in the data she had collected and the claims she felt
she could make on the basis of those data. The students and their teacher approached reading
these texts as a type of investigation. They puzzled over how Leslie developed the questions she
asked, whether the methods she described were adequate, what patterns appeared in her data,
and how to interpret those data. The class also engaged in complementary firsthand
investigations about the motion of balls down inclined planes, collecting data themselves. Like
Leslie, they tried to find patterns and make claims about relationships—for example, how the mass
of a rolling object affects its momentum and how the starting height of an object is related to the
amount of time it takes that object to roll to the bottom of an incline.
Results of paper-and-pencil pretests and posttests indicated that the unit produced a significant
increase in the students' conceptual understandings about motion. In the students' writing, we
also found evidence of learning; by the end of the program of study, almost all of the students
were able to justify their claims with evidence and use data tables to organize their findings
(Hapgood, Magnusson, & Palincsar, 2004; Magnusson & Palincsar, 2005).
A Powerful Combination
The results of these programs of research suggest the following conclusions:
Because students generally find science engaging, inquiry-based science instruction is rife
with learning opportunities.
Inquiry-based science instruction encourages students to stretch their capacities to
express, digest, and critique ideas in written and oral forms.
Reading texts to explore science topics, combined with firsthand investigations and
discussions, can help students acquire reading strategies even better than direct
instruction in those strategies can.
Discussing ideas, along with reading and writing about them, is especially beneficial for
building students' vocabularies and their ability to use complex sentence structures.
Inquiry-based science instruction can give students a reason for communicating in
different genres and forms (for example, graphs, diagrams, tables, and prose). Knowing
how and when to use various ways of representing ideas is a fundamental literacy skill.
Taking an inquiry approach to informational texts helps students learn to question and be
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critical of texts rather than to always defer to the text or use texts simply for finding
Science instruction in the early grades provides an opportunity not only to build knowledge about
the physical world but also to learn about the basic literacy tools of science. Learning what others
have discovered about the world and sharing one's own discoveries can be powerful motivators for
learning to read, write, and speak effectively. In today's classroom environment of ever-increasing
demands, every instructional minute must count. Finding time for science instruction and literacy
instruction does not have to be an either/or proposition—in fact, the two subjects can be more
powerful when combined.
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thinking: How young children make meaning from first- and second-hand
investigations. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13(4), 455–506.
Klentschy, M., & Molina-De La Torre, E. (2004). Students' science notebooks and the
inquiry process. In E. W. Saul (Ed.), Crossing borders in literacy and science
instruction: Perspectives on theory and practice (pp. 340–354). Newark, DE:
International Reading Association.
Magnusson, S. J., & Palincsar, A. S. (2005). Teaching to promote the development of
scientific knowledge and reasoning about light at the elementary school level. In J.
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National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based
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Neuman, S., & Celano, D. (2006). The knowledge gap: Implications of leveling the
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NJ: Erlbaum.
Romance, N. R., & Vitale, M. R. (2005, May). A knowledge-focused multi-part strategy
for enhancing student reading comprehension proficiency in grade 5. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, Texas.
Shepardson, D., & Britsch, S. (2001). The role of children's journals in elementary
school science activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(1), 43–69.
Varelas, M., & Pappas, C. C. (2006). Intertextuality in read-alouds of integrated
science—literacy units in urban primary classrooms. Cognition and Instruction, 24(2),
Vitale, M. R., & Romance, N. R. (in press). A knowledge-based framework for unifying
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Wallace, C. S., Hand, B., & Yang, E. (2004). The science writing heuristic: Using writing
as a tool for learning in the laboratory. In W. S. Saul (Ed.), Crossing borders in literacy
and science instruction: Perspectives on theory and practice (pp. 355–368). Newark,
DE: International Reading Association.
Susanna Hapgood is Assistant Professor, Early Literacy, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Toledo, Ohio;
419-530-2139; Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar is Jean and Charles Walgreen Professor of Reading
and Literacy and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, School of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 734-647-0622;
Copyright © 2006 by Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
© Copyright ASCD. All rights reserved.
... During practical work assessment in Physical Sciences, teachers use a rubric and assume that following the rubric learners will understand science content. Typically, learners are provided with an aim; hypothesis; procedure; and are expected to record observations (Hapgood & Palincsar, 2007). Learners may reduce practical work to a game of "correct answers" and "what should happen" (Hapgood & Palincsar, 2007). ...
... Typically, learners are provided with an aim; hypothesis; procedure; and are expected to record observations (Hapgood & Palincsar, 2007). Learners may reduce practical work to a game of "correct answers" and "what should happen" (Hapgood & Palincsar, 2007). While the communication of experimental findings is part of scientific activity, it is not always done in many Physical Sciences classrooms. ...
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The language of teaching and learning challenges Physical Sciences teachers and impacts learners' achievements. The study aimed to investigate how language literacy is integrated into the teaching of Physical Sciences. A descriptive survey design was adopted. The participants were five Grade 10 Physical Sciences teachers and 211 learners (108 boys; 103 girls) from nine schools exhibiting low academic achievements. Data were gleaned through the Literacy Skills Usage Survey Questionnaire (LSUSQ). The results show that 77.78% of the teachers did not engage learners in report writing and arguments which are fundamental to language literacy, suggesting that integrating literacy in science teaching was inadequate. Learners had difficulties in contributing to word walls, writing reports, and arguing from evidence. The lack of integration suggests that teachers lacked training in integrating language literacy into science teaching. These findings underscore the need for workshops to enable teachers to incorporate language literacy in teaching Physical Sciences.
... and to communicate information in a coherent and structured manner (Christie, 2017;Hapgood & Palincsar, 2006). Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of integrated language arts and S&T (ILS&T) interventions (e.g., Guthrie et al., 2004;Vitale & Romance, 2011). ...
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Full-text available: Metaphors are a crucial factor in students’ biological content learning as they are used to make abstract phenomena more comprehensible. Therefore, metaphors are used in biology education to support students’ learning. However, metaphors might even impede the understanding of non-native speakers: They must not be understood literally, but in a transferred sense, and the usage of metaphors differs between different languages as well as cultures. So far, it is still unclear what impact different first languages have on students’ use of metaphors with respect to their biological content learning. This study examines which metaphors students with different first languages use when talking about immunology as biological phenomenon and to what extent and kind the metaphors differ. For this purpose, guided interviews with 10th grade students (15-17 years old) were conducted. Additionally, information about students’ language biography was collected. The interviews are analyzed by using a combination of two methods: First, Qualitative Content Analysis is used to structure the content of the interviews, and afterwards, the data was analyzed by Systematic Metaphor Analysis to get a deeper insight into students’ metaphor use while talking about different aspects of the phenomenon. Using these methods, a deeper insight into the connection between content and language was gained. Results show that students' use of metaphors differs individually. Contradictory to the state of research, 18 different types of metaphors were found, of which some metaphors were used just by single students.
... and to communicate information in a coherent and structured manner (Christie, 2017;Hapgood & Palincsar, 2006). Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of integrated language arts and S&T (ILS&T) interventions (e.g., Guthrie et al., 2004;Vitale & Romance, 2011). ...
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The third book in the ESERA 2023 Proceedings Book Series brings together research that spans four key strands of science education: Nature of Science: History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science (Strand 5), Interdisciplinarity and Education (Strand 6), Discourse and Argumentation in Science Education (Strand 7), and Scientific Literacy and Socio-scientific Issues (Strand 8). This collection reflects the diverse yet interconnected themes that drive contemporary research in science education and contribute to a deeper understanding of how science is taught, learned, and applied in various contexts.
... Pembelajaran inkuiri mengajarkan siswa memanfaatkan ilmu sains dengan melakukan observasi untuk mendapatkan solusi dari berbagai permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan fenomena-fenomena nyata. Siswa saling bertukar informasi, melakukan diskusi, dan mengomunikasikan apa yang didapatkan melalui tulisan ataupun lisan (Hapgood & Palincsar, 2006). Berikut Sintaks pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing menurut Llewellyn (2013): ...
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Penelitian ini merupakan studi analisis terkait e-modul (elektroknik modul) berbasis inkuiri terbimbing yang memanfaatkan potensi lokal untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan tahap awal menganalisis (analysis) yang termasuk dalam model ADDIE. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang diisi online melalui link google form oleh guru dan siswa di beberapa sekolah di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 93% responden menyatakan perlu dan setuju apabila dilakukan pengembangan elektronik modul (e-modul) IPA berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dengan memanfaatkan sumber belajar potensi lokal untuk meningkatkan literasi sains siswa. Hasil studi analisis digunakan untuk rancangan pengembangan e-modul IPA berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dengan memanfaatkan sumber belajar potensi lokal Kabupaten Ponorogo, yaitu: Telaga Ngebel. This research is an analytical study related to guided inquiry-based e-modules (electronic modules) that utilize local potential to improve students' scientific literacy skills. This research is an early stage of analyzing (analysis) which is included in the ADDIE model. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire filled out online via a google form link by teachers and students in several schools in Ponorogo Regency. The data obtained were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that 93% of respondents stated it was necessary and agreed to develop an electronic module (e-module) based on guided inquiry by utilizing local potential learning resources to improve students' scientific literacy. The results of the analytical study used to design the development of a guided inquiry-based science e-module by utilizing local potential learning resources in Ponorogo Regency, namely: Telaga Ngebel.
... Biology is scientific learning (IPA) based on discovery, which involves students in using science as a tool to answer real-world phenomena. Learning through discovery and literacy overlap in using reading, writing and oral language skills to answer questions about the content of science, and build capacity to engage in scientific reasoning [1]. ...
... Biologi merupakan pembelajaran sains (IPA) didasarkan pada penemuan, melibatkan peserta didik dalam menggunakan ilmu pengetahuan sebagai alat untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang fenomena dunia nyata. Pembelajaran melalui penemuan dan literasi saling berpotongan menggunakan keterampilan membaca, menulis, dan bahasa lisan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi sains, serta membangun kapasitas untuk terlibat dalam penalaran ilmiah [15]. Peserta didik yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ilmu pengetahuan di dunia nyata dengan mengembangkan keterampilan dan proses, diperlukan untuk mempunyai kemampuan literasi sains [16]. ...
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Literacy of science is a problem in Indonesia because of the low scientific literacy ability according to PISA. The objective of this research is to know the ability of science literacy ability of one of SMA Negeri in Sragen city. The research used survey research type with quantitative descriptive approach. The population in the study consisted of 5 classes of X IPA and 5 classes of XI IPA of 300 students. The sampling technique uses proportionate stratified random sampling. The sample was taken 10% of the population of 30 students consisting of 15 children class X IPA and 15 children class XI IPA. The literacy ability of learner’s science is measured using multiple choice tests developed by Rizkita et al. (2016). Research data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed the ability of science literacy learners based on the indicator that is the scientific opinion of 20% (very low); literature search of 60% (medium); understand the research design elements 36.67% (low); create a graph of 40% (medium); solving problems by 36.67% (low); understand and interpret basic statistics of 20% (very low); and draw conclusions of 23.33% (low)
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This systematic literature review presents a review of the effects of integrated language arts, science and technology (ILS&T) instruction, with an inquiry- or design-based pedagogy, in elementary schools on student achievement. To this end, an overview of the characteristics of the 19 included studies and their interventions is first presented. Second, the effects of interventions in relation to the study characteristics and outcome variables were examined, by comparing the mean effect sizes. The findings demonstrate positive effects of ILS&T instruction for all reported student learning outcome variables. Third, the relation between characteristics of the intervention and effect sizes was analysed. Interventions with higher levels of integration, a short duration, and teacher professional development activities produce higher effect sizes. These findings are relevant for the design of ILS&T interventions. The analysis was challenged by a lack of detailed information in study and intervention descriptions, which prompts a call for scholars to provide more comprehensive information in their intervention studies.
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In this study, we report the results of the content analysis of preservice middle school science teachers’ own written science storybooks and middle school female students’ reflections of five of the books. The participants of this study were 50 preservice middle school science teachers taking a history and nature of science course and 13 sixth-grade female students in a school in Turkey. We report representations of nature of science (NOS) aspects included in the preservice teachers’ own written storybooks. Observation and inference was the most commonly included aspect among the NOS aspects, followed by the tentative NOS. We used a qualitative analysis of transcribed classroom discussions around five storybooks used by five preservice teachers in their field experiences. We found that the teachers facilitated explicit reflections about NOS aspects and science content covered in the books. Our findings build on research showing that appropriately designed children’s science books can be used as classroom tools for supporting NOS instruction. We found that writing their storybooks and refining their NOS ideas through discussions provides a powerful tool for developing preservice teachers’ knowledge about NOS. Preservice teachers facilitated discussions promoting explicit student reflections about NOS aspects and science content using these books.
Standards-based reforms in K-12 literacy and disciplinary education call for engaging students in meaningful uses of literacy tools of reading, writing, and oral language in service of participating in disciplinary practices and building disciplinary knowledge. Despite calls for educational reform and the introduction of new academic standards, such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSSO, 2010) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States, 2013), too few K-12 classrooms have meaningfully taken up these ideas in curriculum and instruction. For example, literacy instruction has long been divorced from knowledge building. Further, limited instructional time for disciplinary instruction in elementary classrooms poses challenges to achieving the objectives outlined in rigorous standards-based reforms. One approach to addressing these problems is the thoughtful integration of literacy and science instruction in the elementary grades. In this dissertation study, I investigated the design and enactment of texts and tasks in an elementary project-based science curriculum. The following research questions guided this study: (1) How do texts and related tasks, designed for – and enacted in – project-based science instruction, support or constrain third-graders’ knowledge building and development of foundational and disciplinary literacies? (2) How might modifications to texts and tasks within the designed curriculum better support third-graders’ knowledge building and literacy development? This study took place in one third-grade classroom with 31 students and their teacher across a full year of project-based science instruction. The focal curriculum, Multiple Literacies in Project-based Learning (MLs), integrates science, English language arts, and mathematics, and addresses the three-dimensional learning goals of the NGSS and select CCSS. Within and across MLs units, students had multiple opportunities to read and interpret a variety of traditional print, multimodal, and digital texts. The teacher was an experienced elementary school teacher and a second-year participant in the MLs project. I used design-based research (Brown, 1992; Collins, 1992) and case study methods (Stake, 1995) to investigate the design, enactment, and improvement of focal texts and tasks. I used conjecture mapping (Sandoval, 2014) to identify salient and theoretically compelling features of the design of the instructional intervention, focused on literacy integration, and to map how features of the designed curriculum and the teacher’s enactment worked together to produce specific outcomes. Data sources for this study included field notes and videos of classroom observations, interviews with focal students and their teacher, artifacts, and the designed curriculum materials. Focal students were selected to represent a range of reading achievement and to reflect the demographics of the class. Findings indicated that: (a) the pairing of texts and tasks in the context of project-based science instruction created meaningful purposes for students to read and interpret multimodal informational texts; (b) the design and enactment of texts and tasks engaged students in using text in service of disciplinary knowledge-building and practice, creating opportunities for – and supporting – students’ science and literacy learning; and (c) texts served as tools for creating and sustaining coherence in PBL. I also identified missed opportunities within the design and enactment of the curriculum, which may have constrained students’ opportunities to learn in the context of project-based science instruction. These findings can inform revisions to the design of the MLs curriculum, and have implications for future curriculum design, the availability and use of informational text in elementary-grade classrooms, and educational policy.
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English language learners (ELLs) benefit when their teachers utilize a wide range of English as a Second Language (ESL) instructional strategies. However, content-area teachers often are unfamiliar with these ESL strategies as they have not received extensive professional development on meeting the needs of ELLs, especially within the context in their content area. In the current study, we explored the instructional differences between sixth-grade science teachers in their use of specific ESL strategies through the use of an observation protocol. Treatment teachers received ongoing, in-depth professional learning on working with ELLs and using ESL strategies. Our research question was: Is there a significant difference between treatment and control classrooms on teachers' implementation of ESL strategies? A total of 1,380 rounds of observation were completed in both treatment and control classrooms during science instruction, with an average of 54.5 minutes per teacher. Chi-square tests were conducted comparing treatment and control teachers' instruction. The results underscored the difference between treatment and control teachers in utilizing some of the specific ESL instructional strategies to enhance their students' science and literacy growth.
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One theoretical approach for increasing intrinsic motivation for reading consists of teachers using situational interest to encourage the development of long-term individual interest in reading. The authors investigated that possibility by using stimulating tasks, such as hands-on science observations and experiments, to increase situational interest. Concurrently, the authors provided books on the topics of the stimulating tasks and teacher guidance for reading to satisfy curiosities aroused from the tasks. Students with a high number of stimulating tasks increased their reading comprehension after controlling for initial comprehension more than did students in comparable intervention classrooms with fewer stimulating tasks. Students' motivation predicted their level of reading comprehension after controlling for initial comprehension. The number of stimulating tasks did not increase reading comprehension on a standardized test when motivation was controlled, suggesting that motivation mediated the effect of stimulating tasks on reading comprehension. Apparently, stimulating tasks in reading increased situational interest, which increased longer term intrinsic motivation and reading comprehension.
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In this descriptive case study, we describe a 10-day program of study of motion down inclined planes during which a class of 21 second graders investigated scientific relations such as mass and speed, speed and momentum, and mass and momentum via both text-based experiences ("second-hand investigations") and hands-on, materials-based experiments ("first-hand investigations"). We observed first-hand and second-hand investigations to work in concert to provide young students with rich opportunities to learn about motion and to express their developing understandings of scientific ideas. We highlight evidence of children in the class engaging in several processes integral to inquiry, namely, (a) using data as evidence, (b) evaluating investigative procedures, and
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ABSTRACTS This study examines children's uses of reading resources in neighborhood public libraries that have been transformed to “level the playing field.” Through foundation funding (US$20 million), the public library system of Philadelphia converted neighborhood branch libraries into a technologized modern urban library system, hoping to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and their families by closing the achievement gap. Using a mosaic of ethnographic methodologies, four studies examined children's uses of library resources in low‐income and middle‐income neighborhood libraries, prior to renovations and technology, right after, and once the novelty had worn off a year later, for preschoolers, elementary, and teens. Results indicated that despite heavy library use across low‐income and middle‐income children, quality differentials in the way resources were used appeared at all age levels, prior to, immediately after, and stronger still following technology renovations. Taken together, these studies suggest equal resources to economically unequal groups did not level the playing field. Instead, it appeared to widen the knowledge gap between low‐income and middle‐income children. Este estudio examina el uso que hacen los niños de los recursos de lectura en bibliotecas públicas barriales que han sido transformadas para “nivelar el campo de juego”. Por medio de un subsidio (20 millones de dólares), el sistema de bibliotecas públicas de Filadelfia convirtió las bibliotecas barriales en un sistema de bibliotecas moderno, urbano y con tecnología, esperando mejorar la vida de los niños en desventaja y sus familias, así como cerrar la brecha entre los logros de los niños de clase media y baja. Mediante un mosaico de metodologías etnográficas, cuatro estudios examinaron el uso que hacían los niños de los recursos de las bibliotecas en los barrios de clase baja y media en tres momentos: antes de las renovaciones y la tecnología, inmediatamente después y cuando habían dejado ya de ser novedad, un año más tarde para los niños de nivel inicial, primario y adolescentes. Los resultados indicaron que, a pesar de registrarse un uso intenso tanto en los niños de clase baja como en los de clase media, aparecieron diferencias cualitativas en la forma en que los recursos fueron usados en todas las edades, antes, inmediatamente después y, más fuertemente, luego de las renovaciones tecnológicas. En conjunto, estos estudios sugieren que iguales recursos a grupos económicamente diferentes no nivelaron el campo de juego. Al contrario, la brecha de conocimientos entre los niños de clase baja y clase media pareció agrandarse. Diese Studie untersucht die Nutzung der Leseressourcen von Kindern in öffentlichen Nachbarschaftsbüchereien, die zum „Angleichen der Spielregeln” umgewandelt wurden. Durch Spendenaufbringung (20 Millionen Dollars) veränderte Philadelphias öffentliches Büchereisystem Büchereiniederlassungen in Nachbarschaften in ein technologisch modernes städtisches Büchereisystem, in der Hoffnung, das Leben von benachteiligten Kindern und ihrer Familien durch Schließen des Leistungsabstands zu verbessern. Durch Anwendung eines Mosaiks von ethnographischen Methodologien untersuchten vier Studien die Nutzung der Büchereiressourcen durch Kinder von Büchereien in Nachbarschaften mit niedrigen und mittleren Einkommen vor Renovierungen und Technologie, unmittelbar danach, und nachdem die Erneuerungsbegeisterung nachließ, ein Jahr danach für Vorschüler, Grundschüler und Teens. Ergebnisse zeigten, daß trotz starker Büchereinutzung von Kindern quer durch niedrige und mittlere Einkommen Qualitätsunterschiede entstanden in der Art wie die Ressourcen durch alle Altersgruppen, vorher, unmittelbar danach, und stärker noch als Folge der Technologieerneuerung verwandt wurden. Zusammengefasst, deutet diese Studie an, daß gleiche Ressourcen für wirtschaftlich ungleiche Gruppen nicht die Spielregeln ausglichen. Stattdessen, so schien es, erweiterte sich die Wissenslücke zwischen Kindern aus niedrigen Einkommen und mittleren Einkommen. Cette étude étudie l'utilisation que font les enfants des ressources en lecture de bibliothèques publiques de proximité qui ont été transformées afin de « niveler le terrain de jeu ». Grâce à un financement de fondation (20 millions de dollars), le système de la bibliothèque publique de Philadelphie a transformé le réseau des bibiliothèques de proximité en un système de bibliothèque urbaine moderne technologique, avec l'espoir d'améliorer la vie des enfants de milieu défavorisé et de leurs familles en comblant les écarts de réussite. En utilisant toute une mosaïque de méthodologies ethnographiques, quatre études ont étudié comment les enfants ont utilisé les ressources des bibliothèques dans des bibliothèques de proximité de milieu défavorisé et de milieu moyen, avant les rénovations et la technologie, juste après, et une fois la nouveauté dissipée, un an plus tard, avec des enfants d'école maternelle, élémentaire, et secondaire. Les résultats montrent qu'en dépit d'une importante utilisation des bibliothèques par les enfants de milieu défavorisé et de classe moyenne, il apparaît des différences qualitatives à tous les âges dans la façon dont les ressources sont utilisées, avant, imédiatement après, et encore plus fortement après les rénovations technologiques. De manière générale, ces études suggèrent que des ressources égales fournies à des populations économiquement inégales ne nivellent pas le terrain de jeu. Mieux encore, il semble que les écarts de connaissance entre les enfants de milieu défavorisé et de classe moyenne se soient encore élargis.
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Based on an engagement perspective of reading development, we investigated the extent to which an instructional framework of combining motivation support and strategy instruction (Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction--CORI) influenced reading outcomes for third-grade children. In CORI, five motivational practices were integrated with six cognitive strategies for reading comprehension. In the first study, we compared this framework to an instructional framework emphasizing Strategy Instruction (SI), but not including motivation support. In the second study, we compared CORI to SI and to a traditional instruction group (TI), and used additional measures of major constructs. In both studies, class-level analyses showed that students in CORI classrooms were higher than SI and/or TI students on measures of reading comprehension, reading motivation, and reading strategies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The nature and evolution of intertextuality was studied in 2 urban primary-grade classrooms, focusing on read-alouds of an integrated science–literacy unit. The study provides evidence that both debunks deficit theories for urban children by highlight-ing funds of knowledge that these children bring to the classroom and the sense they make of them and demonstrates how intertextuality in classroom discourse creates learning opportunities as teachers and students interact with texts broadly defined. Changes over time of the various forms of intertextuality emerged in the 2 classes, thereby showing how intertextuality is both an act of discourse and an act of mind. A particular type of intertextuality—event intertextuality—dominated throughout the read-alouds and revealed how hybrid classroom discourse, incorporating both narra-tive and scientific genre features, allowed the emergence of classroom discourse that shared characteristics with scientific language. In this study we focused on intertextual connections made by first-and sec-ond-grade children and their teachers in urban classrooms in the context of the read-alouds of information books in an integrated science–literacy unit on the topic of states of matter and changes of states of matter (especially in the water cy-cle). We explored the nature of intertextuality—the juxtaposing of texts—in two primary-grade classrooms and the ways it evolved over a series of read-alouds by examining instructional discourse beyond individual lessons and conversational COGNITION AND INSTRUCTION, 24(2), 211–259 Copyright © 2006, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
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Ninety-one fifth-grade children participated in a study that assessed the effects of motivationally relevant conditions and individual differences on emotional experience and performance on a learning task. Two directed-learning conditions, one controlling and one noncontrolling, were contrasted with each other and with a third nondirected, spontaneous-learning context. Both directed sets resulted in greater rote learning compared with the nondirected-learning condition. However, both the nondirected and the noncontrolling directed-learning sets resulted in greater interest and conceptual learning compared with the controlling set, presumably because they were more conducive to autonomy or an internal perceived locus of causality. Furthermore, children in the controlling condition experienced more pressure and evidenced a greater deterioration in rote learning over an 8-(+/- 1) day follow-up. Individual differences in children's autonomy for school-related activities as measured by the Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Connell & Ryan, 1985) also related to outcomes, with more self-determined styles predicting greater conceptual learning. Results are discussed in terms of the role of autonomy in learning and development and the issue of directed versus nondirected learning.
In 1997, Hand and Wallace (formerly Keys) created a tool for enhancing learning from laboratory activities through writing to learn. The tool, called the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH, see Figure 1), consists of both activities and metacognitive support to promote reasoning about laboratory data and concepts. Similar to Gowin’s Vee heuristic, the SWH provides learners a template for thinking, doing, and writing. In addition, the SWH provides teachers a template of suggested activities to support the hands-on portion of labs. As a whole, the activities and metacognitive scaffolds are aimed at generating authentic meaning making on the part of the learner. The negotiation of meaning occurs across multiple formats for talk and writing. The teacher template includes eight possible activities surrounding a laboratory: (a) exploring pre-instruction ideas through concept mapping; (b) engaging in pre-laboratory writing activities, such as brainstorming, free writing or posing questions; (c) participation in the laboratory activity; (d) writing personal meanings for the laboratory activity, such as journal writing; (e) sharing personal interpretations of the data with peers in small groups; (f) comparing laboratory data with relevant ideas in printed resources, such as the textbook; (g) engaging in individual reflection and composing a product for public viewing, such as a laboratory report, newspaper article or PowerPoint presentation; and (h) engaging in post instruction concept mapping.
Although scholars have called for greater attention to informational texts in the early grades for some time, there have been few data available about the degree to which informational texts are actually included in early grade classrooms, and in what ways. This study provides basic, descriptive information about informational text experiences offered to children in 20 first-grade classrooms selected from very low- and very high-SES school districts. Each classroom was visited for four full days over the course of a school year. On each visit, data were collected about the types of texts on classroom walls and other surfaces, in the classroom library, and in classroom written language activities. Results show a scarcity of informational texts in these classroom print environments and activities—there were relatively few informational texts included in classroom libraries, little informational text on classroom walls and other surfaces, and a mean of only 3.6 minutes per day spent with informational texts during classroom written language activities. This scarcity was particularly acute for children in the low-SES school districts, where informational texts comprised a much smaller proportion of already-smaller classroom libraries, where informational texts were even less likely to be found on classroom walls and other surfaces, and where the mean time per day spent with informational texts was 1.9 minutes, with half the low-SES classrooms spending no time at all with informational texts during any of the four days each was observed. Strategies for increasing attention to informational texts in the early grades are presented. [Note: This article is reprinted in Promisng Practices for Urban Reading Instruction, www.reading.orgpublicationsbbvbooksbk518.] Si bien, desde hace algún tiempo, los investigadores han mostrado la necesidad de prestar mayor atención a los textos informativos en los grados iniciales, se dispone de pocos datos acerca del grado en el que efectivamente se incorporan textos informativos en las aulas de grados iniciales y de la forma en que son utilizados. Este estudio proporciona información básica, descriptiva acerca de experiencias con textos informativos llevadas a cabo con niños de 20 aulas de primer grado seleccionadas de distritos escolares de nivel socioeconómico (NSE) muy bajo y muy alto. Se visitó cada aula durante cuatro días completos en el curso del año escolar. En cada visita se recogieron datos sobre los tipos de textos que aparecían en las paredes del aula y otras superficies, en la biblioteca del aula y en las actividades de lenguaje escrito. Los resultados muestran una escasez de textos informativos en las escrituras del medio y en las actividades; había pocos textos informativos en las bibliotecas de las aulas, pocos textos informativos en las paredes del aula y otras superficies y una media de sólo 3.6 minutos por día dedicados a textos informativos durante las actividades con el lenguaje escrito. Esta escasez fue particularmente aguda en el caso de los distritos escolares de bajo NSE, en los cuales los textos informativos constituían una pequeña proporción en las ya pequeñas bibliotecas de las aulas. Asimismo, era poco probable encontrar textos informativos en las paredes de las aulas y otras superficies, el tiempo promedio por día dedicado a textos informativos fue de 1.9 minutos y en la mitad de las aulas de bajo NSE no se trabajó en ningún momento con textos informativos durante los cuatro días de observación. Se presentan estrategias para desarrollar la atención hacia los textos informativos en los grados iniciales. Obgleich die Wissenschaftler seit einiger Zeit fordern, den informativen Texten größere Beachtung in Anfangsklassen zu widmen, sind nur wenige Daten über das Ausmaß verfügbar, in welchem informative Texte tatsächlich in Anfangsklassen integriert werden und auf welche Weise dies geschieht. Diese Studie liefert gründlich dargelegte Erkenntnisse über die Verwertung informativer Texterfahrungen, die Kinder der ersten Klasse in 20 ausgesuchten Klassenräumen von sehr niedrigen bis zu sehr hohen sozial-ökonomischen {SES=SocioEconomic Status} Schulbezirken machten. Jeder Klassenraum wurde für einen vollen Tag an insgesamt vier Tagen im Verlauf eines Schuljahres besucht. Bei jedem Besuch wurden Daten über die Art der Texte an Klassenraumwänden und anderen Aushangflächen, in der Klassenraumbücherei und bei schriftlichen Klassenraumaktivitäten gesammelt. Die Resultate zeigen einen Mangel an informativen Texten in dieser für Gedrucktes und ähnlicher Aktivitäten vorgesehenen Klassenraumumgebung-es fanden sich relativ wenige informative Texte einschließlich der Klassenraumbücherei, wenig informativer Text an Klassenraumwänden und anderen Flächen, und während der Sprachaktivitäten im Durchschnitt nur 3.6 mit informativen Texten verbrachte Minuten pro Tag. Diese Einschränkung war besonders bei Kindern im unteren SES-Schulbezirk akut, wo informative Texte einen noch weit geringeren Anteil bilden, bei ohnehin kleineren Klassenraumbibliotheken, wobei solche informativen Texte weit weniger an Klassenraumwänden oder anderen Flächen zu finden waren und wo im Tagesdurchschnitt 1.9 Minuten mit informativen Texten verbracht wurden, wobei die Hälfte der niedrigen SES-Klassenräume überhaupt keine Zeit an nicht einem einzigen der vier observierten Tage mit informativen Texten verbrachten. Strategien für eine gesteigerte Bedeutung hin zu informativen Texten in den Anfangsklassen werden dargelegt.
This article reports on a study that investigated the ways that children's use of science journals aided their acquisition of science understandings in one kindergarten and one fourth-grade classroom. The questions for investigation were: how does the child contextualize the science experience on the journal page? How do child-produced graphics on the journal page reflect the children's experiences with other school texts? The study found that children recontextualized their understandings of the science investigation and phenomena by using three types of mental contexts that were reflected in their science journals: these contexts were imaginary, experienced, and investigative worlds. By drawing on these three worlds or internal contexts, the children were able to pull the external phenomenon into an internal context that was familiar to them. The child's construction of ideas about a current science experience as expressed on the journal page may reflect experiences with other conventional texts. In this study the children's representations of their imaginary, experienced and/or investigative worlds were shaped by other texts and structures such as school science texts. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 43–69, 2001