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The Netherlands Sciamachy Data Center (NL-SCIA-DC) provides access to satellite data from the GOME and Sciamachy instruments for over 10 years now. GOME and Sciamachy both measure trace gases like Ozone, Methane, NO2 and aerosols, which are important for climate and air quality monitoring. Recently (February 2010) a new release of the NL-SCIA-DC provides an improved processing and archiving structure and an improved user interface. This Java Webstart application allows the user to browse, query and download GOME and Sciamachy data products, including KNMI and SRON GOME and Sciamachy products (cloud products, CH4, NO2, CO). Data can be searched on file and pixel level, and can be graphically displayed. The huge database containing all pixel information of GOME and Sciamachy is unique and allows specific selection, e.g., selecting cloud free pixels. Ordered data is delivered by FTP or email. The data available spans the mission times of GOME and Sciamachy, and is constantly updated as new data becomes available. The data services future upgrades include offering additional functionality to end-users of Sciamachy data. One of the functionalities provided will be the possibility to select and process Sciamachy products using different data processors, using Grid technology. This technology was successfully researched and will be made operationally available in the near future.

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