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An estimation of the radioactive S-35 emitted into the atmospheric from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by using a numerical simulation global transport


Abstract and Figures

We present a numerical study carried out with the SPRINTARS model modified to account for the radioactive decay of S-35 compounds emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant station after the hydrogen and vapor blast. The transport dynamics of the released material reproduced previous field observations. Four different emission scenarios were compared to the measurements of atmospheric S-35 in sulfate collected in La Jolla, Tsukuba, Kashiwa and Yokohama. Linear regressions of the relation between emitted and transported material that reached the sampling sites were used to estimate the amount of S-35 atoms and the amount of neutrons released in to the atmosphere. We estimate that a lower limit of 1.9 x 10(16) S-35 atoms sec(-1) were released after the events in March and this flux dropped to 4-39 x 10(14) S-35 atoms sec(-1) at the end of the month. Based on this calculations we estimated a lower limit of 5.2 x 10(21) slow neutrons m(-2) sec(-1) were emitted from the nuclear fuel rods to the sea water injected in the reactors after the events in March.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 46, pp. 335 to 339, 2012
*Corresponding author (e-mail:
Copyright © 2012 by The Geochemical Society of Japan.
among its minor constituents sulfur-35 isotope (
S is a radionuclide with a half life of 87 days pro-
duced in the atmosphere by cosmic ray spallation of
Argon-40 (Lal and Peters, 1967). Once produced,
S is
rapidly oxidized to
(~1 sec.) and by further oxida-
tion this radionuclide containing molecule forms chemi-
cally stable sulfates (
). Since all chemical proper-
ties of stable and radio isotopes are similar to the most
abundant one (
S, in this case), the aerosol formation
process followed by wet and dry removal from the at-
mosphere is the same for all isotopic species. Due to its
short half life, most of
produced in the
stratosphere does not readily reach the troposphere be-
fore decaying to
Cl except during stratosphere-
troposphere air exchange. The study of radionuclides pro-
duced by nuclear detonations over sea water has shown
the presence of
S produced by slow neutron capture of
Cl via
S reaction (Dyrssen and Nyman, 1955).
S is also produced by slow neutrons via
However, this process is 200 times slower than
S (Love and Sam, 1962).
S production from
both pathways are likely to have taken place during the
injection of sea water within the reaction vessels of units
1, 2 and 3.
An estimation of the radioactive
S emitted into the atmospheric
from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
by using a numerical simulation global transport
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan
Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
9500 Gilman Drive, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, U.S.A.
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 816-8560, Japan
(Received February 29, 2012; Accepted June 3, 2012)
We present a numerical study carried out with the SPRINTARS model modified to account for the radioactive decay of
S compounds emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant station after the hydrogen and vapor blast. The
transport dynamics of the released material reproduced previous field observations. Four different emission scenarios
were compared to the measurements of atmospheric
S in sulfate collected in La Jolla, Tsukuba, Kashiwa and Yokohama.
Linear regressions of the relation between emitted and transported material that reached the sampling sites were used to
estimate the amount of
S atoms and the amount of neutrons released in to the atmosphere. We estimate that a lower limit
of 1.9 × 10
S atoms sec
were released after the events in March and this flux dropped to 4–39 × 10
S atoms
at the end of the month. Based on this calculations we estimated a lower limit of 5.2 × 10
slow neutrons m
were emitted from the nuclear fuel rods to the sea water injected in the reactors after the events in March.
Keywords: Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, radioactive isotopes, sulfate, global transport model, SPRINTARS
The massive earthquake that affected the northeast
coast of Japan on March 11th released a powerful Tsu-
nami which hit the shores of Fukushima prefecture. The
power shortage occasioned by this natural disaster pro-
duced the meltdown in the reaction vessels of units 1, 2
and 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant pro-
duced a hydrogen fueled vapor blasts that lasted for a
period of several days until March 15. Consequently, sev-
eral radioactive species were released into the boundary
layer, an event of such magnitude that has not been seen
since the Chernobyl disaster and the extent, significance
and consequences of such tragedy will remain a topic of
research and monitoring for many years. The material
released into the boundary layer includes a series of ra-
dioactive materials including radio nuclei of Iodine-131
I), cesium-137 (
Cs) (Chino et al., 2011; Yoshida
and Takahashi, 2012; Yoshida and Kanda, 2012) and
336 S. O. Danielache et al.
Priyadarshi et al. (2011) measured
S activity in
sulfate collected at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
(SIO), La Jolla California during March–April 2011. They
observed a distinct increase in
S activity (1500 atoms
) from the natural background (450 atoms m
) on 28
March 2011. Based on measurements and mathematical
modeling, they explained that the observed enhancement
was due to the long range transport of radioac-
produced within the nuclear reactor in
Fukushima nuclear power plant.
S activity measured at
La Jolla peaked after the hydrogen blasts at the Fukushima
nuclear power plant. Their results complemented with a
moving box model study estimated a concentration of 2
× 10
molecules m
S in the marine boundary layer
over Fukushima. An additional report by the same group
(Priyadarshi et al., in prep.) presented the fluctuation of
radioactive species
monitored at the
Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH), Atmosphere
and Ocean Institute (AORI) and National Institute of
Environmental Studies (NIES) in the Kanto area of Ja-
pan. At these monitoring sites, a maximum of 11778,
61402 and 5019 atoms m
were respectively measured
during March 25–April 7.
A numerical simulation that models the global trans-
port of atmospheric particles after the major emission of
radioactive materials has been reported by Takemura et
al. (2011). Their results replicate the transport and dissi-
pation patterns reported by numerous measurements and
simulations carried out throughout the planet (See
Takemura et al. (2011) and references there in). Here we
present the results of using a modify version of the code
employed by Takemura et al. (2011) where radioactive
decay of
is added to the simulation. Our results
are compared to the timing and amount of
S material
detected in California and Tokyo. Using field measure-
ments as constraining conditions, we estimate the bulk
amount of
S material released from the nuclear power
The model employed for this numerical study is a spec-
tral radiation-transport model for aerosol species
(SPRINTARS) developed by Takemura and co-workers
(Takemura et al., 2000, 2002, 2005). This code has been
developed to calculate physical processes involved in the
transport of particles including emission, molecular and
turbulent diffusion, advection by inter-grid air motion,
while deposited species are conformed by gravity, wet
and dry deposition. The dynamic core of SPRINTARS is
based on the atmospheric component of a global climate
model MIROC (Watanabe et al., 2010) and therefore is
capable of calculating global atmospheric state, such as
air motion, temperature, moisture, clouds and precipita-
tion. The model grid consists of 20 vertical levels where
the lowermost 4 are located below 1 km altitude while
the horizontal resolution is approximately 0.56° by 0.56°
in latitude and longitude (T213 spectral truncation in the
dynamical core). In order to achieve higher accuracy, the
atmospheric state generated by the dynamic core was as-
similated to a 6-hourly data based on dynamic observa-
The release of material was approximated in the model
by injecting particles in the lowest layer at the grid point
where the nuclear power plant is located (Fig. 1). The
emission of particles was kept constant from 1200 UTC,
March 14 when measured gamma radiation was above 2
mSv/h at the plant (TEPCO, 2011), until the end of the
simulation on April 10. This assumption is taken on the
bases that the
S emissions are not known and the mea-
sured amounts of gamma radiation are a proxy of the re-
leased material, therefore from a model point of view the
simulation represents the ratio in concentration between
the emission domain and any given point at considerable
distance. A more detailed presentation of the emission
scenario is presented in Takemura et al. (2011). In this
experiment the authors considered the emission to be com-
posed of
Cs and other radioactive materials. In our
study, emitted material is composed of sulfate aerosols
S formed in the reactor is rapidly converted to
, since the generated
S atom is highly unstable
and is likely to be oxidized to H
(Giulianelli and
Willard, 1974). The relation between mode radii (
m) and
relative humidity is a deciding factor in the simulation of
dry, wet and gravitational settling. In this study, the radii
values for a 0–99% calculated relative humidity range was
m. For a detailed description and formu-
lation of the computations of aerosols and their proper-
Fig. 1. Geographical position of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power plant (37.4
N, 141.8
E) and
sampling sites
TITECH (35.3
N, 139.3
E), AORI (35.9
N, 140.0
N, 140.1
E) and SIO (32.8
N, 117.3
Estimation of
S emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 337
ties, see Takemura et al. (2000, 2002, 2005). The code
has been modified to take into account the radioactive
decay (half life 87 days) of emitted
. In this model
the mass balance of the emitted material consist of wet,
dry, gravitational deposition and radioactive decay (81%,
11%, 0.02% and 0.7%, respectively).
The emission scenario for this study was set to 1.43 ×
estimated from the numerical values presented by
Priyadarshi et al. (2011) and expanded to 3 different emis-
sion scenarios (1.43 × 10
, 1.43 × 10
, and 1.43 × 10
atoms s
). Once the linearity of the relation between re-
leased material and the material that reached SIO, NIES,
AORI and TITECH was confirmed, the number of atoms
S emitted after the considered events (hydrogen and
vapor blasts) were estimated.
Figure 2 shows the simulated distribution of
S con-
centration emitted from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power
plant. The numerical data presented in this figure corre-
spond to the scenario where 1.43 × 10
atoms s
released into the lowermost layer of the simulation grid.
Panel a and b of Fig. 2 shows the initial wave of
species being transported eastwards. The simulation
shows that the initial wave (concentrations above 10
atoms m
) reached 120°W latitude on March 17. The
simulation presented in this report shows a transport time
of 4 days since the initial injection of radioactive mate-
rial. Panel c and d of Fig. 2 shows that the concentration
of the transported
species arriving at La Jolla ex-
ceeded 1000 m
on March 25, 12 days after the initial
blast. This maximum was also measured at La Jolla in a
sample retrieved during March 24–28 (Priyadarshi et al.,
2011). After this 12 days maximum, the emitted
species is dispersed within 16 km altitude layer of the
northern hemisphere.
Figure 3 presents simulated temporal variations of
compounds concentrations at 4 different sites
within Japan (TITECH, NIES and AORI) and US (SIO).
Since the emission flux of 1.43 × 10
atoms s
was kept
constant, large peaks sampled within Tokyo area and La
Jolla suggest specific wind patterns of transported mate-
rial with high concentration levels of
from the
emission source. In order to validate the inferred conclu-
sions, our calculations have been compared to field meas-
urements carried out at TITECH, NIES, AORI and SIO
and reported by Priyadarshi et al. (2011, in preparation).
The simulation presents peaks with concentrations of
material of above 10000 atoms m
in Tokyo area
Fig. 2. Simulated near surface concentration of
material emitted continuously (1.43
emission scenario) presented
for the entire globe for March 17 (a) and March 25 (c). Panel b and d present latitudinal mean concentration in the northern
hemisphere on the longitudinal vs. altitude plot. The chromatic scale represents atoms m
338 S. O. Danielache et al.
during the periods of March 14–15, March 20–24, March
28–April 1, April 3–8 and April 9 (Fig. 3a), and peaks of
above 1000 atoms m
measured at SIO during March 25
and March 27–28 period (Fig. 3b). These modeled peaks
replicate the timing of appearance with high degree of
accuracy with the measurements of Priyadarshi et al.
(2011 and in prep.) carried out in Japan (March 23–25,
March 28–April 4) and US (March 24–28). The time evo-
lution of the released material from the power plant shows
that the measured peaks represent events where the emit-
ted material was transported by southeastward winds in
the case of Tokyo area and the North Pacific Jet stream
for the case of SIO.
From the 4 calculated case scenarios, a linear regres-
sion of the relation between emitted flux and transported
material concentration at each site was constructed and
the measured amounts of
S atoms were employed to
calculate the specific emitted flux of
S material from
the nuclear reactors. Calculated fluxes were then em-
ployed to estimate the amount of slow neutrons emitted
from the nuclear fuel rods that activated the sea water
within the reactors. The methodology of this conversion
was the same as the one employed by Priyadarshi et al.
(2011). Table 1 presents a summary of observed
S emission flux and released neutron amount.
Since the background levels of
S atoms produced by
cosmic rays spallation have some fluctuation, data sets
with large concentrations of
S species (above 10000
atoms m
) were employed for the case of Tokyo but back-
ground corrected values were employed for the measure-
ments at SIO. Backtrace analysis presented by Priyadarshi
et al. (2011) of
S species at SIO between March 24–28
shows that it took 10 days of transport since its, based on
this analysis we estimate that 183 × 10
atoms s
emitted from the nuclear power plant between March 14
and 18 (Table 1). The measurements at AORI between
March 23 and March 25 were used to estimate an emis-
sion of 91 × 10
atoms s
. Joint measurements at AORI,
NIES and TITECH between March 28 and April 1 esti-
mate an emission of 4–39 × 10
atoms s
that were trans-
ported within a day from the source. Based on these re-
sults, the emission simulated between March 28 and April
1 represents approximately 8% of the initial emissions
simulated between March 14–18. Chino et al. (2011) study
on the time variation of released main radioactive nuclei
I and
Cs estimates a reduction in the order of 10–
100 from the emission on March 14 until sometime be-
tween March 28 and April 1. If this initial amount of
material is taken as representative of the occurred events
we estimate that 52 × 10
slow neutrons m
released from the fuel rods into the sea water present
within the nuclear reactor. Priyadarshi et al. (2011) have
estimated a release amount of 4 × 10
slow neutrons
. The large difference with our estimation comes from
the intrinsic limit of the box model study by Priyadarshi
Fig. 3. Simulated temporal variation of
concentrations at 1.43
emission scenario for NIES,
TITECH and AORI Japan (a) and SIO, US (b).
Site Observed term Measured
(atoms m
S emission flux
atoms s
Neutron flux
SIO 2428 March 1050* 183 52
AORI 2325 March 17074 91 26
AORI 2830 March 13893 4 1
AORI 30 March1 April 61402 39 11
NIES 29 March1 April 18049 4 1
TITECH 2830 March 11778 7 2
3/11/11 3/16/11 3/21/11 3/26/11 3/31/11 4/5/11 4/10/11
Table 1.
S emission and calculated neutron flux at the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear power plant estimated by the linearity of the relation between released
material and the material detected at each site
*This value is corrected for the background levels of
S measured between March 2 and 9.
Estimation of
S emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 339
et al. (2011), which takes into account deposition and de-
cay during the trans-Atlantic transport but is limited to
estimate the actual amount of
S atoms present at inside
the reactor. By considering different scenarios our model
directly estimates the amount of material released from
the reactor core. The estimated initial
S material and
number of neutron represent a lower limit of the amount
of radiation emitted from the nuclear reactors at
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. These values can
be used as a proxy to the total amount of radiation emit-
ted since the melt down.
AcknowledgmentsS. O. Danielache, C. Yoshikawa and N.
Yoshida would like to express their gratitude to the Global En-
vironmental Fund (A094) of the Japanese Ministry of Environ-
ment and the Global COE program Earth to Earths, Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology (MEXT), Japan
for their financial support. S. Danielache and Y. Ueno are sup-
ported by the NEXT program (GR033) of MEXT, Japan. T.
Takemura expresses his gratitude to the Funding Program for
Next Generation World-Leading Researchers by the Cabinet
Office, Government of Japan (GR079). The authors thank K.
Yamada and S. Toyoda for their comments and support.
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... To test this hypothesis, global circulation models were adapted to account for the decay process of 35 S while simulating transport and deposition. Danielache et al. (2012) reported several emission scenarios based on these studies. Disagreement exist on whether the 35 S released was already present in the nuclear fuel or was produced from 35 Cl present in the primary coolant of the light wa-ter reactors (Strub et al., 2011). ...
... Only one study by Danielache et al. (2012), reported on the 35 S radioisotope, which precedes the work presented in this report. The (Danielache et al., 2012) study used a modified SPRINTARS model to account for the radioactive decay of 35 S compounds. ...
... Only one study by Danielache et al. (2012), reported on the 35 S radioisotope, which precedes the work presented in this report. The (Danielache et al., 2012) study used a modified SPRINTARS model to account for the radioactive decay of 35 S compounds. SPRINTRAS is a Eulerian spectral radiation-transport model for aerosol species (Takemura, 2002(Takemura, , 2011. ...
We present a numerical study conducted using a regional Lagrangian model to account for the transport, deposition and radioactive decay of ³⁵S in sulfur dioxide and sulfate aerosols emitted into the atmosphere during the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant incident. The model is a Eulerian-Lagrangian hybrid system that accounts for chemical conversion of SO2 into SO4²⁻ in a Eulerian manner. The simulations were compared to field measurements of atmospheric ³⁵S in sulfate collected at Kawamata, Tsukuba, Kashiwa, Fuchu and Yokohama, Japan. The ³⁵S emission scenario that best replicated the field measurements followed the same temporal variation pattern as the 134/137Cs emissions. These results suggest that ³⁵S and 134/137Cs follow a similar release pattern. Among the considered emission scenarios, a maximum flux of emitted chemical compounds was assumed to be either 100% ³⁵SO4²⁻ or 100% ³⁵SO2, with values of 4.0 × 10¹⁹ molecules/hour and 4.0 × 10²⁰ molecules/hour, respectively on March 14th. These emission scenarios reflect the findings reported in the literature, where traces of ³⁵SO2 were measured along with ³⁵SO4²⁻, so the actual emission is expected to be a combination of both chemical forms. The Kawamata measurements (Figs. 5 and 6) presented a large concentration in the July–August period, several months after emissions decreased by more than an order of magnitude. To explain this anomaly, re-suspension ratios were calculated for the Kawamata site, which ranged between 0.1 and 1.5% and partially, but not fully, explain the large measured concentrations. Furthermore, they show large discrepancies with 134/137Cs re-suspension values for measurements at the town of Namie. This situation indicates a lack of understanding of the transformations of ³⁵S that occurs after deposition and the mechanisms involved in the ³⁵S re-suspension process.
... The numerical accuracy of Lagrangian based models depends on the number of air parcels or particles released and the resolution of meteorological input data. Eulerian models are also used frequently to simulate regional and global radioactive aerosol transport (e.g., Takemura et al., 2011;Danielache et al., 2012;Christoudias et al., 2013;Draxler et al., 2015). Draxler et al. (2015) conducted a regional scale simulation using five different atmospheric transport and deposition models and compared their ensemble mean results ( 137 Cs and 131 I air concentration and their deposition) with the measurements at a single location about 110 km from the FDNPP. ...
... It was then attributed to the 35 S production by slow neutron capture of 35 Cl and 34 S present in the coolant seawater (Priyadarshi et al., 2011). In the present study, we have used an estimated average emission flux of ~10 16 atoms s -1 of 35 S in two particle size categories of effective radii, 0.13 µm and 0.2 µm with equal weightage (Danielache et al., 2012). The release period started from 12 UTC, March 14, 2011 and continued for ~12 days (Danielache et al., 2012). ...
... In the present study, we have used an estimated average emission flux of ~10 16 atoms s -1 of 35 S in two particle size categories of effective radii, 0.13 µm and 0.2 µm with equal weightage (Danielache et al., 2012). The release period started from 12 UTC, March 14, 2011 and continued for ~12 days (Danielache et al., 2012). ...
The transport of aerosols relies primarily upon air flow for conveyance; however, the air flow pattern is dominated by large-scale circulation conditions. One mission of the 2013 7-SEAS/BASELInE (Seven SouthEast Asian Studies/Biomass-burning Aerosols & Stratocumulus Environment: Lifecycles and Interactions Experiment) was to capture/confirm the downwind effect on the surface air quality due to the long-range transport of Southeast Asia biomass-burning (SEA BB) pollutants. This phenomenon was first discovered during the 2010 Dongsha experiment and directly observed by a lidar system at Hengchun in southern Taiwan during 7-SEAS/BASELInE. Through three-dimensional structural analysis, it was found that the sinking motion behind the upper-level active short wave trough is the major mechanism that enhances subsidence along the cold surge leading edge. In turn, the enhanced subsidence could bring the long-range transport of the SEA BB pollutants down to the surface. Furthermore, the HYSPLIT backward air trajectories helped identify the SEA BB pollutants in the mid-troposphere, while the fine-resolution WRF model simulation combined with dual-polarization lidar observations demonstrated the evolution of the brought-down aerosols process. An additional significant finding of this study is that the upper-level ridge-trough short wave within 20°–35°N was very active during spring 2013, highlighting the inter-annual variability of the long-range transport of SEA BB pollutants.
... The numerical accuracy of Lagrangian based models depends on the number of air parcels or particles released and the resolution of meteorological input data. Eulerian models are also used frequently to simulate regional and global radioactive aerosol transport (e.g., Takemura et al., 2011;Danielache et al., 2012;Christoudias et al., 2013;Draxler et al., 2015). Draxler et al. (2015) conducted a regional scale simulation using five different atmospheric transport and deposition models and compared their ensemble mean results ( 137 Cs and 131 I air concentration and their deposition) with the measurements at a single location about 110 km from the FDNPP. ...
... It was then attributed to the 35 S production by slow neutron capture of 35 Cl and 34 S present in the coolant seawater (Priyadarshi et al., 2011). In the present study, we have used an estimated average emission flux of ~10 16 atoms s -1 of 35 S in two particle size categories of effective radii, 0.13 µm and 0.2 µm with equal weightage (Danielache et al., 2012). The release period started from 12 UTC, March 14, 2011 and continued for ~12 days (Danielache et al., 2012). ...
... In the present study, we have used an estimated average emission flux of ~10 16 atoms s -1 of 35 S in two particle size categories of effective radii, 0.13 µm and 0.2 µm with equal weightage (Danielache et al., 2012). The release period started from 12 UTC, March 14, 2011 and continued for ~12 days (Danielache et al., 2012). ...
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Study of long range transport of radioactive gases and aerosols is necessary to estimate radiological impact to the members of public and environment during nuclear reactor accidents. In the present work, an attempt has been made to employ an atmospheric circulation model that predicts meteorological parameters at the regional and global scales, and a transport model that utilizes these meteorological parameters for the aerosol dispersion. Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) coupled with Spectral Radiation Transport Model for Aerosol Species (SPRINTARS) is used to fulfil this objective, which was used for simulating effects of conventional aerosols on atmospheric pollution and climate system. As a case study, global simulation is carried out for a horizontal resolution of ~110 km to model the dispersion of radioactive aerosol (35S, 131I and 137Cs) releases from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident. The results obtained from this case study are compared with the available literature data and other simulation results. The statistical analyses show that the comparisons are better for locations far away (>150 km) from the emission location, and the results are further discussed. Continuous run of this system will help in predicting the activity concentration in forecast mode, and it may be used for decision support, particularly for long range (>100 km).
... Since then, a number of studies have been conducted, particularly during the months that followed the accident. These assessments include primary emission estimations (Chino et al., 2011;Danielache et al., 2012;Stohl et al., 2012;Terada et al., 2012;Katata et al., 2012aKatata et al., , b, 2015Winiarek et al., 2012Winiarek et al., , 2014Hirao et al., 2013;Saunier et al., 2013;Yumimoto et al., 2016;Danielache et al., 2016), field observations (ground aerosol sampling: Masson et al., 2011Masson et al., , 2013Kaneyasu et al., 2012;Adachi et al., 2013;Tsuruta et al., 2014;Igarashi et al., 2015;Oura et al., 2015;aircraft measurements: NRA, 2012; and measurements carried out on foot: Hososhima and Kaneyasu, 2015), and numerical simulations of transport and depositions (deterministic simulation: Chino et al., 2011;Morino et al., 2011;Yasunari et al., 2011;Stohl et al., 2012;Terada et al., 2012;Katata et al., 2012a, b;Winiarek et al., 2012Winiarek et al., , 2014Hirao et al., 2013;Saunier et al., 2013;Katata et al., 2015;Yumimoto et al., 2016;Danielache et al., 2016; deterministic simulation with sensitivity runs: Morino et al., 2013;Adachi et al., 2013;Groëll et al., 2014;Saito et al., 2015;Sekiyama et al., 2015;Quérel et al., 2015; uncertainty modeling and probabilistic forecast: Girard et al., 2016;Sekiyama et al., 2016; and multi-model intercomparison and multi-model ensemble analysis: SCJ, 2014; Draxler et al., 2015;Kristiansen et al., 2016). The targeted radionuclides were species with both short and long half-lives: 99 Mo-99m Tc (half-life 65.9-6 h), 129m Te (33.6 days), 131 I (8.02 days), 132 Te-132 I (3.2 days-2.3 ...
... Since then, a number of studies have been conducted, particularly during the months that followed the accident. These assessments include primary emission estimations (Chino et al., 2011;Danielache et al., 2012;Stohl et al., 2012;Terada et al., 2012;Katata et al., 2012aKatata et al., , b, 2015Winiarek et al., 2012Winiarek et al., , 2014Hirao et al., 2013;Saunier et al., 2013;Yumimoto et al., 2016;Danielache et al., 2016), field observations (ground aerosol sampling: Masson et al., 2011Masson et al., , 2013Kaneyasu et al., 2012;Adachi et al., 2013;Tsuruta et al., 2014;Igarashi et al., 2015;Oura et al., 2015;aircraft measurements: NRA, 2012; and measurements carried out on foot: Hososhima and Kaneyasu, 2015), and numerical simulations of transport and depositions (deterministic simulation: Chino et al., 2011;Morino et al., 2011;Yasunari et al., 2011;Stohl et al., 2012;Terada et al., 2012;Katata et al., 2012a, b;Winiarek et al., 2012Winiarek et al., , 2014Hirao et al., 2013;Saunier et al., 2013;Katata et al., 2015;Yumimoto et al., 2016;Danielache et al., 2016; deterministic simulation with sensitivity runs: Morino et al., 2013;Adachi et al., 2013;Groëll et al., 2014;Saito et al., 2015;Sekiyama et al., 2015;Quérel et al., 2015; uncertainty modeling and probabilistic forecast: Girard et al., 2016;Sekiyama et al., 2016; and multi-model intercomparison and multi-model ensemble analysis: SCJ, 2014; Draxler et al., 2015;Kristiansen et al., 2016). The targeted radionuclides were species with both short and long half-lives: 99 Mo-99m Tc (half-life 65.9-6 h), 129m Te (33.6 days), 131 I (8.02 days), 132 Te-132 I (3.2 days-2.3 ...
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The long-term effect of 137Cs re-suspension from contaminated soil and forests due to the Fukushima nuclear accident has been quantitatively assessed by numerical simulation, a field experiment on dust emission flux in a contaminated area (town of Namie, Fukushima prefecture), and air concentration measurements inside (Namie) and outside (city of Tsukuba, Ibaraki prefecture) the contaminated area. In order to assess the long-term effect, the full year of 2013 was selected to study just after the start of the field experiments. The 137Cs concentrations at Namie and Tsukuba were approximately 10−1–1 and 10−2–10−1 mBq m−3, respectively. The observed monthly median concentration at Namie was 1 to 2 orders of magnitude larger than that at Tsukuba. This observed difference between the two sites was consistent with the simulated difference, indicating successful modeling of 137Cs re-suspension and atmospheric transport. The estimated re-suspension rate was approximately 10−6 day−1, which was significantly lower than the decreasing rate of the ambient gamma dose rate in Fukushima prefecture (10−4–10−3 day−1) as a result of radioactive decay, migration in the soil and biota, and decontamination. Consequently, re-suspension contributed negligibly in reducing ground radioactivity. The dust emission model could reproduce the air concentration of 137Cs in winter, whereas the summer air concentration was underestimated by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude. Re-suspension from forests at a constant rate of 10−7 h−1, multiplied by the green area fraction, could explain the air concentration of 137Cs at Namie and its seasonal variation. The simulated contribution of dust re-suspension to the air concentration was 0.7–0.9 in the cold season and 0.2–0.4 in the warm season at both sites; the remainder of the contribution was re-suspension from forest. The re-suspension mechanisms, especially through the forest ecosystems, remain unknown. This is the first study that provides a crude estimation of the long-term assessment of radiocesium re-suspension. Additional research activities should investigate the processes/mechanisms governing the re-suspension over the long term. This could be achieved through conducting additional field experiments and numerical simulations.
This review study has been based on two main foundations as advances on the attainment of the risk radioactive fallouts levels, and the applications of methods for risk assessment to actual data and visual results, which are based on a 3-year study. A risk analysis model is developed with the animated simulations including the isotope distribution based on soil activity data, ¹³¹I measured at 19 stations after the Fukushima accident. Probability distribution functions of the risk levels are obtained in addition to the probability of occurrence (risk) and the probability of non-occurrence (reliability) of the activity risks concerning ¹³¹I. The results are used for prediction of 60-day radioactive fallout subsequence and animated (.mp4) through simulations. Graphical abstract Open image in new window
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The powerful tsunami generated by the massive earthquake that occurred east of Japan on March 11, 2011 caused serious damages of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on its cooling facilities for nuclear reactors. Hydrogen and vapor blasts that occurred until March 15 outside of the reactors led to the emission of radioactive materials into the air. Here we show a numerical simulation for the long-range transport from the plant to the U. S. and even Europe with a global aerosol transport model SPRINTARS. Large-scale updraft organized by a low-pressure system traveling across Japan from March 14 to 15 was found effective in lifting the particles from the surface layer to the level of a westerly jet stream that could carry the particles across the Pacific within 3 to 4 days. Their simulated concentration rapidly decreases to the order of 10(-8) of its initial level, consistent with the level detected in California on March 18. The simulation also reproduces the subsequent trans-Atlantic transport of those particles by a poleward-deflected jet stream, first toward Iceland and then southward to continental Europe as actually observed.
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A global three-dimensional model that can treat transportation of various species of aerosols in the atmosphere is developed using a framework of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). Main aerosols in the troposphere, i.e., soil dust, carbonaceous (organic and black carbon), sulfate, and sea-salt aerosols, are introduced into this model. Prior to the model calculations the meteorological parameters are calculated by the AGCM with the nudging technique using reanalysis data. To evaluate aerosol effects on the climate system and to compare simulated results with observations, the optical thickness and Ångström exponent are also calculated taking into account the size distribution and composition. The model results are validated by both measured surface aerosol concentrations and retrieved aerosol optical parameters from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. A general agreement is found between the simulated result and the observation globally and seasonally. One of the significant results is that the simulated relative contribution of anthropogenic carbonaceous aerosols to the total optical thickness is comparable to that of sulfate aerosols at midlatitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, which agrees with recent observations. This result leads to a conclusion that the radiative effect evaluation of aerosols on the climate system is necessary to be modified because optical properties of carbonaceous aerosols are different from those of sulfate aerosols. The other finding is that the seasonal shift off the west coast of North Africa observed by satellites, i.e., the latitude of the maximum optical thickness moves seasonally, is also reproduced in consideration of a mixed state of soil dust and carbonaceous aerosols.
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The initial estimation of release amounts of 131I and 137Cs accidentally discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant into the atmosphere is presented. For the source term estimation, environmental monitoring data on air concentrations of iodine and cesium were mainly used. The System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) network system) operated by MEXT was used for calculating air concentrations and dose rates. The simulation results were furnished from NSC for the purpose of the source term estimation. To estimate the total amounts of 131I and 137Cs discharged into the atmosphere, the 'Duration' is roughly estimated by assuming that the release with a certain release rate continued from/to the middle times between released times of sampled air.
Radionuclides, such as Cs-134, Cs-137, and I-131, were released during the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in March 2011. Their distribution was monitored by airborne surveys and soil sampling. The most highly contaminated areas are to the northwest of the plant and in the Naka-dori region of Fukushima Prefecture; this contamination was mainly the result of wet deposition on March 15. Radionuclides were also released on March 21, and they were dispersed up to 200 km south of the plant. The Cs/I ratios are different for these two events, probably because of differences in the initial ratios in the airborne plumes and the amount of wet deposition. Numerical simulations of the dispersion process and vertical profiles of radionuclides in soils are used to describe the contamination of soils.
A three-dimensional aerosol transport-radiation model, SPRINTARS, successfully simulates the long-range transport of the large-scale Asian dust storms from East Asia to North America which crossed the North Pacific Ocean during the springtime of 2001 and 2002. It is found from the calculated dust optical thickness that 10 to 20% of the Asian dust around Japan reached North America. The simulation also reveals the importance of the contribution of anthropogenic aerosols, which are carbonaceous and sulfate aerosols emitted from the industrialized areas in East Asia, to air turbidity during the dust storms. The contribution of the anthropogenic aerosol to the total optical thickness is simulated to be of a comparable order to that of the Asian dust, which is consistent with the observed values of the particle size index from the satellite and ground-based sun/sky photometry.
Rapid radiochemical procedures were developed for determining Na24 and S35 in seawater containing fission product radionuclides. Sodium-24 is separated from other radionuclides by scavenging with lanthanum hydroxide; two sodium chloride precipitations with hydrogen chloride gas follow. The disintegration rate is determined by measuring the area of the 1.368-or 2.750-m.e.v. gamma photopeak. The working time for a single analysis is 0.5 hour; the precision, ±1%; the chemical yield, about 70%; and the chemical decontamination factor from fission products, > 105. Sulfur-35 in seawater is separated from other radionuclides by precipitating barium sulfate. The sulfate is then reduced to hydrogen sulfide with hydrogen iodide. Subsequently, the sulfide is oxidized to sulfate in an alkaline peroxide solution. The working time required for a single analysis is less than 1 hour; the precision, ±5%; the chemical yield, 70 to 80%; and the decontamination factor from fission products, > 107. Although the samples tested are salt solutions contaminated with fission products (nuclear explosions in the ocean and in salt domes), these methods are applicable to many other types of Na24 and S35 samples containing fission products and induced activities.
Using neutron-irradiated KCl crystals pretreated to maximize the "labile" fraction of 35S formed by the 35Cl(n,p)35S process, the chemical reactions of this fraction upon dissolution have been examined using different scavengers, reductants, and carriers. This 85% component is oxidized to 35SO42- when dissolved in carrier-free aqueous NaOH and appears as 35S2- when only S2- carrier is present. When only SO32- carrier is present, it appears in three fractions: 20% S2O32-, 50% S2-, and 15% SO32-, indicating the presence of (1) S10, (2) a species reduced by SO32-, and (3) a species which exchanges with SO32-. Tests in the presence of CN- and allyl alcohol are consistent with these findings. Experiments on the effect of temperature of dissolution of the KCl on the distribution of the 35S activity and on the production of S10 in water by photolysis of OCS are also described.
Matter which is exposed to cosmic radiation undergoes characteristic changes in its chemical and isotopic composition. Such irradiated material can be found in many places on earth and belongs to either of two categories: terrestrial matter bombarded by cosmic ray particles incident on the earth, and extraterrestrial matter bombarded in outer space and subsequently accreted by the earth.