The Simulation Hypothesis postulates that our physical reality is an artificial reality, akin to a computer simulation. The ancestor simulation proposes that an advanced civilization could simulate our universe to the degree that is necessary, conversely a deep-universe (Programmer God) simulation begins with the big bang and constructs the universe in its entirety, to the smallest detail.
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This article is an overview of a Planck scale deep-universe model that uses objects for the Planck units as the geometry of 2 dimensionless physical constants (fine structure constant alpha = 137.03599... and Omega = 2.00713495...). These objects are not independent of each other, the mass object M has the function mass in the presence of the objects for length L and time T ... according to a unit number relationship; kg(15), m(-13), s(-30), A(3), K(20), and so these objects can combine `Lego-style' to form more complex objects (events), from electrons to galaxies, whilst still maintaining the underlying attributes. This is a geometrical model of the universe based on these 2 dimensionless constants, the model does not use dimension-ed constants, but as it operates at the Planck scale, we can refer to and use dimension-ed Planck units for conversion.
The (Planck) objects are discrete entities at the Planck scale, however particles and photons do not `exist' at unit (Planck) time (at the Planck scale) but include a time dimension (frequency), they are events that oscillate over time aka the quantum level. By embedding into the electron event the objects for mass, length and charge, the electron can exhibit mass, wavelength and charge. Particles themselves have specific geometries, the electron for example will orbit the proton due to geometrical imperatives, the universe itself geometrically autonomous. The laws of physics then become a set of formulas that describe underlying geometrical patterns which, as long as the particle geometries are invariant, will be constant and repeating and so measurable. The more complex the geometries, the more complex the formulas required to map them.
This unit number relation linking the (Planck) objects permits combinations whereby objects can overlap to form dimensionless entities, the electron event is an example. Although embedded within the electron are the (Planck) objects, the electron itself is a mathematical particle, not a physical particle, there is no physical electron. We can postulate the existence of a dimensionless Planck entity within which are embedded the Planck objects (as with the electron). If, for each increment to the simulation clock we add 1 Planck entity (as the origin of the Planck units), then a 14.6 billion year old Planck universe (sans particles) will have CMB (cosmic microwave background) parameters similar to our 13.8 billion year old universe. As this Planck entity itself is dimensionless, then regardless of the size and mass of the universe (when observed from inside the simulation), there is no physical universe if observed externally. This also means that to create time (the time required to read this passage), the universe had proportionately to grow larger (add more length) and more massive (add more mass) in order that the sum universe remain dimensionless. Conversely, if time were to reverse (a Planck entity subtracted per unit time), the universe would shrink in size and mass accordingly.
As the universe (hypersphere) expands by adding size, it pulls particles with it, this expansion as the source of all motion. This occurs at 1 unit of Planck length (volume) per unit of Planck time, and so the universe is expanding at the speed of light, and as it pulls particles with it, all particles travel at, and only at, the speed of light. However the electromagnetic spectrum (photons ...), lacking mass, are not pulled along by this expansion but rather transverse the surface of the hypersphere (3-D space). As most observed information is obtained via this spectrum, only relative motion is noted, motion of objects relative to each other and not to the universe itself (where velocity = c). Relativity is thus the mathematics of perspective, a 4-axis expanding hypersphere projected onto a 3-axis surface. We have 3 measures of time; the dimensionless simulation clock-rate, dimension-ed (Planck) time T = pi measured in seconds and observed time as a change of state.
Particles are linked to each other by a universe wide network of n-body rotating particle-to-particle orbital pairs. With each increment to the simulation clock, these orbital pairs rotate 1 unit of length in hypersphere space (v = c). When mapped over time, we observe satellites orbiting planets and planets orbiting stars, however these gravitational orbits are simply emerging from those discrete n-body rotations occurring at the Planck scale in unit Planck time. There is no gravitational force being exerted between objects. Atomic orbital pairs include wavelength and require an extra alpha term. The Bohr radius is a (rotating) physical entity analogous to the photon albeit of inverse phase, during electron transitions between atomic orbitals the photon zips onto, or is emitted by, the orbital Bohr radius. The electron itself has a passive role.