The twentieth century was hailed as the century for physics, seeing the transformation of various fields such as transportation, telecommunications, information technology, space revolution, astronomy, nuclear physics and robotics. This century is shaping up as the century for biology, with biotechnology commanding recognition in the fields of agriculture, medical, environment, and industrial development. In spite of the recognition earned by this sector, biotechnology has sparked debates. Given the magnitude of debate and interest caused by biotechnology around the globe, engaging the public on issues related to biotechnology is of paramount importance for scientists to understand public concerns, and also for the public to appreciate research and its needs. This paper intends to highlight the scaremongering tactics used by anti-biotechnology activists that creates a negative perception among that public. The presentation compares the messages disseminated by these activists to the actual facts of modern biotechnology. Global status of biotech crops and its impact to economy, social and welfare of the farmers, and the environment is also discussed. Understanding the strategies used by activists will help scientists and science communicators to engage in effective rebuttal as sensational stories from the activists forms everlasting images and perception that can very difficult to erase. Iran, as a country that faces various challenges such as limited arable land, water resources, and pests and diseases needs a robust environment where agribiotechnology can thrive and ensure food security. This requires policy makers, politicians and the public to be biotechnology literate.