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A New Evolutionary Adaptive Representation Paradigm


Abstract and Figures

In this paper a new evolutionary paradigm is proposed. A technique called Adaptive Representation Evolutionary Algorithm (AREA) based on this paradigm is designed. AREA involves dynamic alphabets for encoding solutions. Proposed adaptive representation is more compact than binary representation. Mutation is the unique variation operator. Mutations are usually more aggressive when higher alphabets are used. Therefore the proposed encoding ensures an efficient exploration of the search space. Numerical experiments seem to indicate that APA process better than the best multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. An AREA technique is used for solving multiobjective optimization problems. The resulting algorithm is called Adaptive Pareto Algorithm (APA).
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Abstract. In this paper a new evolutionary paradigm is proposed. A tech-
nique called Adaptive Representation Evolutionary Algorithm (AREA) based
on this paradigm is designed. AREA involves dynamic alphabets for encod-
ing solutions. Proposed adaptive representation is more compact than bi-
nary representation. Mutation is the unique variation operator. Mutations
are usually more aggressive when higher alphabets are used. Therefore the
proposed encoding ensures an efficient exploration of the search space.
Numerical experiments seem to indicate that APA process better than
the best multiobjective evolutionary algorithms.
An AREA technique is used for solving multiobjective optimization
problems. The resulting algorithm is called Adaptive Pareto Algorithm (APA).
Keywords: Evolutionary Computation, Evolutionary Multiobjective
Optimization, Pareto Set, Higher Alphabet Encoding, Adaptive Representa-
1. Introduction
In this paper we propose a new evolutionary paradigm. An algorithm based on
this paradigm and using a powerful adaptive representation is designed. The al-
gorithm called Adaptive Representation Evolutionary Algorithm (AREA). AREA
technique operators are mutation and selection for survival.
Many multiobjective optimization techniques using evolutionary algorithms have
been proposed in recent years. Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA,
[9]), Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES, [4]), Pareto Envelope based Se-
lection Algorithm (PESA, [1]), Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA
II, [3]) and SPEA II ([10]) are the best present-day Multiobjective Evolutionary
Algorithms (MOEAs).
Multi-alphabet representation proposed in this paper induces a powerful diver-
sity maintaining mechanism. For this reason AREA technique seems to be very
suitable for evolutionary multiobjective optimization purposes. Considered adap-
tive encoding allows solutions in the final population realizing a realistic picture
of Pareto frontier.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 68T05.
1998 CR Categories and Descriptors. I.2.8 [Computing Methodologies]: Artificial In-
telligence Problem Solving, Control Methods, and Search.
Numerical experiments with APA technique include several test functions rep-
utated as difficult ([2], [7]) and comparisons with the best MOEAs.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 is a short resume of the principal
recent evolutionary techniques for multiobjective optimization. Section 3 describes
the proposed algorithm. In Section 4 a comparison of the proposed approach with
some very efficient multiobjective evolutionary techniques is realized.
2. Recent MOEAs
In the last years a number of evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective opti-
mization have been proposed. Some of them will be shortly reviewed here.
2.1. Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm. Zitzler and Thiele proposed
an elitist evolutionary algorithm called Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm
(SPEA) ([9, 7]). The algorithm maintains an external population at every gen-
eration storing all nondominates solutions obtained so far. At each generation
external population is mixed with the current population. All nondominated solu-
tions in the mixed population are assigned fitness based on the number of solutions
they dominate. Dominated solutions are assigned fitness worse than the worst fit-
ness of any nondominates solutions. A deterministic clustering technique is used
to ensure diversity among nondominates solutions.
Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy
Knowles and Corne [4] proposed a simple evolutionary algorithm called Pareto
Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES). In PAES one parent generates by mutation
one offspring. The offspring is compared with the parent. If the offspring dom-
inates the parent, the offspring is accepted as the next parent and the iteration
continues. If the parent dominates the offspring, the offspring is discarded and
the new mutated solution (a new offspring) is generated. If the offspring and the
parent do not dominate each other, a comparison set of previously nondominated
individuals is used.
For maintaining population diversity along Pareto front, an archive of nondom-
inated solutions is considered. A new generated offspring is compared with the
archive to verify if it dominates any member of the archive. If yes, then the off-
spring enters the archive and is accepted as a new parent. The dominated solutions
are eliminated from the archive. If the offspring does not dominate any member
of the archive, both parent and offspring are checked for their nearness with the
solution of the archive. If the offspring resides in the least crowded region in the
parameter space among the members of the archive, it is accepted as a parent and
a copy is added to the archive.
2.2. Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm. Deb and his students [3]
suggested a fast elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA II). In
NSGA II, for each solution x the number of solutions that dominate solution x is
calculated. The set of solutions dominated by x is also calculated. The first front
(the current front) of the solutions that are nondominated is obtained.
Let us denote by S
the set of solutions that are dominated by the solution
. For each solution x
from the current front consider each solution x
the set S
. The number of solutions that dominates x
is reduced by one. The
solutions that remain nondominates after this reduction will form a separate list.
This process continues using the newly identified front as the current front.
Let P (0) be the initial population of size N. An offspring population Q(t) of size
N is created from current population P (t). Consider the combined population:
R(t) = P (t) Q(t).
Population R(t) is ranked according nondomination. The fronts F
, F
, ... are
obtained. New population P (t+1) is formed by considering individuals from the
fronts F
, F
, ..., until the population size exceeds N. Solutions of the last allowed
front are ranked according to a crowded comparison relation.
NSGA II uses a parameter (called crowding distance) for density estimation for
each individual. Crowded distance of a solution x is the average side-length of the
cube enclosing the point without including any other point in the population. So-
lutions of the last accepted front are ranked according to the crowded comparison
NSGA II works as follows. Initially a random population, which is sorted based
on the nondomination, is created. Each solution is assigned a fitness equal to its
nondomination level (1 is the best level). Binary tournament selection, recom-
bination and mutation are used to create an offspring population. A combined
population is formed from the parent and offspring population. The population
is sorted according to the nondomination relation. The new parent population is
formed by adding the solutions from the first front and the followings until exceed
the population size. Crowding comparison procedure is used during the population
reduction phase and in the tournament selection for deciding the winner.
3. AREA technique
In this paper we propose a new evolutionary paradigm, The main idea is to al-
low each solution be encoded on a different alphabet. Moreover representation of
a particular solution is not fixed. Representation is adaptive and may be changed
during the search process as an effect of mutation operator, An adaptive represen-
tation evolutionary algorithm (AREA) based on the new paradigm is designed.
AREA technique proposed in this paper uses a fixed population. Each AREA
individual (chromosome) consists of a pair (x, B), where x is a string encoding
object variables and B specifies the alphabet used for encoding x.
B is an integer number, B > 2 and x is a string of symbols from the alphabet
{0, 1, . . . , B-1}. If B= 2, the standard binary encoding is obtained. The alphabet
over which x is encoded may change during the search process.
Mutation is the unique variation operator. For mutation, a random number
between 0 and 1 is uniformly generated for each position, including the last one, of
the chromosom. Each position (gene) value is modified with a mutation probability
Mutation can modify object variables as well as last position (fixing the repre-
sentation alphabet). If the position giving B is changed, then the object variables
will be represented using symbols over the new alphabet, corresponding to the mu-
tated value of B. When the changing gene belongs to the object variable sub-string
(x part of the chromosome), the mutated gene is a symbol randomly chosen from
the same alphabet.
4. APA method
In this section a new MOEA technique called Adaptive Pareto Algorithm (APA)
is proposed. APA relies on the AREA method previously described.
AREA uses a unique population. No external or intermediary population is
Initial p opulation is randomly generated. Each individual is selected for muta-
tion, which is the unique variation operator. The offspring and parent are com-
pared. Dominance relation guides the survival.
If the offspring dominates the parent then the offspring enters the new popu-
lation and the parent is removed. If the parent dominates the offspring obtained
in ksuccessive mutations then another alphabet is chosen and the parent is repre-
sented in symbols over this alphabet. In this case only representation is changed
and the encoded solution does not change. Adaptive representation mechanism
and the survival strategy is generates an effective and efficient diversity preserving
APA algorithm
Proposed APA algorithm may b e outlined as follows:
Set t = 0;
Random initializes chromosome population P (0 );
Set to zero the number of harmful mutations for each individual in P(0);
while (t ¡ number of generations) do
for k = 1 to PopSize do
Mutate the k
chromosome from P (t ). An offspring is obtained.
If the offspring dominates the parent then the parent is removed and the offspring
is added to P (t+1);
else begin
Increase the number of harmful mutations for current individual;
If the number of harmful mutations = MAX HARMFUL MUTATIONS
then begin
Change the individual representation;
Set to zero the number of harmful mutations for the current individual;
Add individual to P(t+1);
Set t = t + 1;
Despite its simplicity APA is able to generate a population converging towards
Pareto optimal set. Moreover, the diversity of the population is automatically
maintained without any specialized mechanism.
Proposed APA algorithm realizes a realistic picture of Pareto optimal set. Nu-
merical experiments emphasizes that for considered problems, APA technique is
more effective then best present-day MOEAs. Moreover, APA’s complexity is a
reduced one with respect to the MOEAs techniques considered for comparison.
5. Comparison of Several Evolutionary Multiobjective Algorithms
In this section complexity of the proposed APA technique is compared with the
complexity of several evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms (SPEA,
Let us denote by m the numb er of objectives and by N the population size.
SPEA uses an internal and an external population. The fitness is assigned
differently to the individuals from these p opulations. A deterministic clustering
technique is used to reduce external population size the population diversity. The
complexity of this algorithm implementation is mN
PAES uses a single parent, which generate an offspring. An archive, which
maintains the nondominated solutions, is created. Let be a the archive size. The
worst case complexity for the PAES is amN. Since the archive size is usually
proportional to the population size N,the overall complexity of the algorithm is
NSGA II computes for each individual x the number of solutions that dominates
it and the number of solution, which x dominates. NSGA II uses for this N
computations. Identifying the fronts requires (in the worst case) N
The overall complexity is (mN
+ N
) or N
. So, the complexity may increase
from N to N
(the worst case). Computation complexity for density estimation
is mN logN. For sorting the combined population 2N log(2N ) computations are
necessary. Overall NSGA II complexity is thus mN
APA uses a unique fixed size population. Each individual is considered for
mutation. This requires mN operations. The algorithm does not use a superposed
mechanism for diversity maintaining. Overall complexity of SMEA algorithm is
thus O(mN ).
6. Numerical experiments
In this section we compare the performance of APA algorithm with the perfor-
mances of SPEA, NSGA II, PAES.
For this purpose by using six test functions introduced by Deb, Zitzler and
Thiele [7] are used.
6.1. Test functions. Each test function considered in this section is built by
using three functions f
, g, h. Biobjective function T considered here is
T (x) = (f
(x), f
The optimization problem is:
Minimize T (x), w here f
(x) = g(x
, . . . , x
), g(x
, . . . x
x = (x
, . . . , x
The five test functions used in this paper for comparison are:
Test function T
is defined using the following functions:
) = x
, . . . .x
) = 1 + 9 ·
/(m 1),
, g) = 1
where m= 30 and x
[0,1] i = 1,2,. . . ,m.
Pareto optimal front for the problem T
is convex and is characterized by the
g(x) = 1.
Test function T
is defined by considering the following functions:
) = x
, . . . .x
) = 1 + 9 ·
/(m 1)
, g) = 1 (f
where m = 30 and x
[0,1], i = 1,2,. . . ,m.
Pareto optimal front is characterized by the equation
is the nonconvex counterpart to T
Pareto optimal set corresponding to the Test function T
presents a discreten
feature. Pareto optimal front consists of several noncontiguous convex parts. The
involved functions are:
) = x
, . . . .x
) = 1 + 9 ·
/(m 1)
, g) = 1
/g (f
/g) sin (10πf
where m= 30 and x
[0,1], i = 1,2,. . . m.
Pareto optimal front is characterized by the equation
g(x) = 1.
The introduction of the function sin in the expression of function h causes
discontinuity in the Pareto optimal front. However, there is no discontinuity in
the parameter space.
The test function T
contains 21
local Pareto optimal fronts and, therefore, it
tests the EA ability to deal with multimodality. The involved functions are defined
) = x
, . . . .x
) = 1 + 10(m 1) +
10 cos(4πx
, g) = 1
where m = 10, x
[0,1] and x
,. . . ,x
Global Pareto optimal front is characterized by the equation
g(x) = 1.
The best local Pareto optimal front is described by the equation
g(x) = 1.25.
Note that not all local Pareto optimal sets are distinguishable in the objective
) = 1 exp(4x
) sin
, . . . .x
) = 1 + 9 · (
/(m 1))
, g) = 1 (f
The test function T
includes two
difficulties caused by the nonuniformity of the search space. First, the Pareto op-
timal solutions are nonuniformly distributed along the global Pareto optimal front
(the front is biased for solutions for which f
(x) is neat one). Second, the density
of the solutions is lowest near the Pareto optimal front and highest away from the
This test function is defined by using:
where m= 10, x
[0,1], i = 1,2,. . . m.
The Pareto optimal front is characterized by the equation
g(x) = 1
and is nonconvex.
6.1.1. Numerical comparisons. Several numerical experiments were performed with
APA. According to these experiments APA gives a good approximation of the
Pareto front for all considered test functions.
For both test functions T
and T
, the differences between the four considered
algorithms are very small (see Figure 1 and Figure 2).
The difference between APA and the other algorithms is significant for test
function T 4. APA gives the best arrangement on the front. Goo d solution distri-
bution is obtained also by NSGA II and SPEA. Solutions distribution realized by
NSGA II and SPEA are close to Pareto front. Moreover solution only distribution
supplied by APA is covers the real front.
For test function T
, APA also gives the best solution arrangement on the Pareto
front. PAES also gives distribution.
In these comparisons 25.000.000 function evaluations have been considered for
each algorithm. This ensures a realistic comparison of the algorithm outputs.
Figure 1. Results for test function T
. Pareto optimal front is convex
Figure 2. Results for test function T 2. Pareto optimal front is nonconvex
In this paper a new evolutionary paradigm is proposed. An evolutionary algo-
rithm (AREA) based on the new paradigm is designed.
A new evolutionary algorithm (called APA) for multiobjective optimization is
also proposed. AREA uses a new, dynamic solution representation.
APA technique is compared with four well-known evolutionary multiobjective
optimization algorithms. The results show that APA performs better than con-
sidered algorithms.
Figure 3. Results for test function T 3. All considered algo-
rithms give a good approximation of the Pareto front
Figure 4. Results for test function T
. For test function T
APA gives the best arrangement on the Pareto front. NSGA II
and SPEA converge toward global Pareto front. PAES did not
converge to the global Pareto front
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[2] Deb, K., S. Agrawal, Amrit Pratap and T. Meyarivan, A fast elitist non dominated sorting
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Figure 5. Results for test function T
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[4] Knowles, J. D. and Corne, D. W., The Pareto archived evolution strategy: A new baseline
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“Babes¸-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1 M.
alniceanu Street, RO-3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
E-mail address: ddumitr|cgrosan|
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... Learned Crossover operator (12) [Herrera and Lozano 1996;Hong et al. 2002;Pettinger and Everson 2002;Luchian and Gheorghieş 2003;Chen et al. 2005;Sakurai et al. 2010;Krempser et al. 2012;Bielza et al. 2013;Duarte-Mermoud et al. 2013;Karafotias et al. 2014a;Li et al. 2014a] Crossover rate (17) [Davis 1989;Lee and Takagi 1993;Herrera and Lozano 1996;Tuson and Ross 1998;Ho et al. 1999;Hong et al. 2002;Luchian and Gheorghieş 2003;Maeda et al. 2006;Eiben et al. 2007b;Aleti and Moser 2011;Bielza et al. 2013;Karafotias et al. 2014a;Bhagwan Hanchate and S Bichkar 2014;Aleti 2014;Aleti and Grunske 2015] Mutation operator (16) [Hong et al. 2002;Pettinger and Everson 2002;Luchian and Gheorghieş 2003;Chen et al. 2005;Igel et al. 2005;Maturana and Saubion 2007;Fialho et al. 2008;Sakurai et al. 2010;Karafotias et al. 2012;Krempser et al. 2012;Bielza et al. 2013;Karafotias et al. 2014a;Li et al. 2014a; Mutation rate (10) [Lee and Takagi 1993;Lis 1996;Tuson and Ross 1998;Ho et al. 1999;Hong et al. 2002;Muller et al. 2002;Luchian and Gheorghieş 2003;Arnold 2005;Maeda et al. 2006;Eiben et al. 2007b;Maturana and Saubion 2008b;Cervantes and Stephens 2009;Aleti and Moser 2011;Bielza et al. 2013;Karafotias et al. 2014a;Bhagwan Hanchate and S Bichkar 2014;Aleti 2014;Aleti and Grunske 2015] Representation (2) [Dumitrescu et al. 2001;Grosan and Oltean 2003] Problem specific (10) [Tuson and Ross 1998;Igel and Kreutz 2003;Thierens 2005;Fialho et al. 2008;2010;Aleti and Moser 2011;Krempser et al. 2012;Li et al. 2014b;Aleti 2014] Population (17) [Goldberg et al. 1991;Lee and Takagi 1993;Smith 1993;Smith and Smuda 1995;Schlierkamp-Voosen and Mühlenbein 1996;Harik et al. 1999;Yu et al. 2003;Yu et al. 2005;Eiben et al. 2007b;Yu et al. 2007;Montero and Riff 2011;Zhan and Zhang 2011;Ahrari and Shariat-Panahi 2013;Bielza et al. 2013;Goldberg et al. 2014;Karafotias et al. 2014a] Selection (6) [Smith 1993;Herrera and Lozano 1996;Eiben et al. 2007b;Smorodkina and Tauritz 2007b;Vajda et al. 2008;Liang and Leung 2011] Fitness function (11) [Barbosa and Lemonge 2003;Wagner et al. 2005;Tessema and Yen 2006;Wagner et al. 2007;Barbosa and Lemonge 2008;Wagner and Michalewicz 2008;Tessema and Yen 2009;Afanasyeva and Buzdalov 2011;Beaser et al. 2011;Costa et al. 2013;Vincenti et al. 2010] Replacement [Maturana and Saubion 2008b;Bielza et al. 2013] ...
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... In [4] a new evolutionary paradigm called Adaptive Representation Evolutionary Algorithm (AREA) for solving single and multiobjective problems has been proposed. Each AREA individual (chromosome) consists of a pair (x, B), where x is a string encoding object variables and B specifies the alphabet used for encoding x. ...
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Adaptive Representation Evolutionary Algorithm (AREA) is a new evolutionary paradigm that may be used for single and multiobjective optimization. AREA involves dynamic alphabets for encoding solutions. This encoding ensures an efficient exploration of the search space. In this paper a modified version of Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES) using AREA technique is proposed. The resulted algorithm is called Adaptive-PAES. Numerical experiments indicate that Adaptive-PAES perform significantly better than the standard PAES algorithm.
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Bio-inspired algorithms are a suitable alternative for solving multi-objective optimization problems. Among different proposals, a widely used approach is based on the Pareto front. In this document, a proposal is made for the analysis of the optimal front for multi-objective optimization problems using clustering techniques. With this approach, an alternative is sought for further use and improvement of multi-objective optimization algorithms considering solutions and clusters found. To carry out the clustering, the methods k-means and fuzzy c-means are employed, in such a way that there are two alternatives to generate the possible clusters. Regarding the results, it is observed that both clustering algorithms perform an adequate separation of the optimal Pareto continuous fronts; for discontinuous fronts, k-means and fuzzy c-means obtain results that complement each other (there is no superior algorithm). In terms of processing time, k-means presents less execution time than fuzzy c-means.
Centralized electrical networks induce a dependency of local territories for their power supply. However, thanks to microgrids, territories can increase their decision-making autonomy to design a network that matches their values. Technological and management choices are critical to minimize microgrids negative impacts on their environment. Influence of the latter on the design space is rarely discussed whereas extending the design space would help to find innovative microgrids. The purpose of this paper is to find several microgrids with various performances and parameters that are compromises between economic, technical and environmental objectives. The solutions’ variety therefore extends the decision-makers’ design space. A tool has been developed to answer this goal. Design parameters are both technological and management parameters. A physical modelling is implemented in a sequential simulation of the microgrid operation. The performance of the simulation allows to use genetic algorithms to perform multi-objective non-weighted optimizations. Two two-objective optimizations are performed. Results show how the solutions’ diversity in terms of performances and parameters helps the user choosing innovative microgrids. Especially, it underlines the potential of this approach to find microgrids with close performances but different parameters.
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L'utilisation de structures fines est croissante dans bon nombre d'industries. En ce sens, leur représentation mécanique et optimisation est un enjeu majeur de la recherche actuelle. De façon classique, l'optimisation s'effectue avec un critère de contrainte, obtenue à partir d'une modélisation Éléments-Finis en déplacements. L'idée de ces travaux est de construire un modèle Éléments-Finis mixte déplacements-contraintes et de développer des méthodes de réduction adaptées, de façon à améliorer l'efficacité des méthodes d'optimisation existantes.On construit d'une part deux modèles élément-finis mixtes déplacements-contraintes généralisées, pour des analyses dynamiques de structures "plaque" fines et épaisses. Ces derniers présentent l'avantage de donner des résultats identiques aux modèles classiques en déplacements, avec un meilleur temps de reconstruction des champs de contraintes. Cependant, ils s'avèrent être délicats pour plusieurs raisons: la taille des matrices associées, la difficulté de faire une analyse modale rapide, et un temps d'assemblage accru.C'est la raison pour laquelle nous développons par la suite des méthodes de sous-structuration et de double synthèse modale spécifiquement dédiées aux modèles mixtes. L'idée est d'utiliser des bases modales tirées du modèle équivalent en déplacements pour composer une nouvelle base mixte réduite. Dix méthodes sont implémentées, basées sur des modes encastrés, libres et de branche, parmi lesquelles certaines s'avèrent très efficaces pour réduire le nombre de degrés de liberté du système mixte, sans passer par ses modes propres.Enfin, nous intégrons les modèles mixtes sous-structurés sous forme de Super-Éléments Mixtes dans un algorithme génétique, dans le but de mener une optimisation multi-objectif de structures "plaque" académiques sous chargement dynamique, avec critères de contrainte et paramètres d'épaisseur. Les modèles précédemment définis sont ainsi paramétrés en épaisseur, et ne nécessitent plus d'être ré-assemblés pour chaque configuration. Nous disposons désormais d'un modèle mixte "plaque", qui conserve les avantages d'un accès direct aux contraintes, tout en étant affranchi de sa taille importante par le biais des méthodes de réduction, et de son assemblage grâce au paramétrage. Il en résulte des modèles mécaniques originaux et efficaces, permettant de réduire les coûts de calcul des algorithmes d'optimisation classiques. Ce type de méthode, couplé à de puissants algorithmes génétiques, permet d'avoir une bonne vue d'ensemble des solutions optimales, et laissent augurer des perspectives intéressantes pour une utilisation industrielle.
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This paper presents a methodology for the multi-objective (MO) robust optimization of plate structures under stress criteria, based on Mixed Super-Elements (MSEs). The optimization is performed with a classical Genetic Algorithm (GA) method based on Pareto-optimal solutions. It considers antagonist objectives among them stress criteria and thickness parameters distributed along the plate. This work aims at providing fast and efficient objective calculations. Our method is based on the implementation of MSEs for each zone of the plate featured by its own thickness. They are constructed with a Mixed Finite Element Model (MFEM) based on a displacement-stress mechanical formulation, and is enhanced with a sub-structuring modal reduction method in order to reduce the size of each constant thickness MSE. Those methods combined enable a fast and stress-wise efficient structure analysis, which improves the performance of the repetitive GA. A few cases minimizing the mass and the maximum Von Mises stress within a plate structure under dynamic loads put forward the relevance of our method with promising results. For the sake of robustness, both discrete frequencies and frequency bands are studied. The MO optimization is able to satisfy multiple damage criteria with different thickness distributions. It brings simplicity, saves computational time and the Pareto-front presentation with stress objective provides a good overview of the possibilities for the designers.
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Most popular evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective optimisation maintain a population of solutions from which individuals are selected for reproduction. In this paper, we introduce a simpler evolution scheme for multiobjective problems, called the Pareto archived evolution strategy (PAES). We argue that PAES may represent the simplest possible non-trivial algorithm capable of generating diverse solutions in the Pareto optimal set. The algorithm is identified as being a (1+1) evolution strategy, using local search from a population of one but using a reference archive of previously found solutions in order to identify the approximate dominance ranking of the current and candidate solution vectors. PAES is intended as a good baseline approach, against which more involved methods may be compared, and may also serve well in some real-world applications when local search seems superior to or competitive with population-based methods. The performance of the new algorithm is compared with that of a MOEA based on the niched Pareto GA on a real world application from the telecommunications field. In addition, we include results from experiments carried out on a suite of four test functions, to demonstrate the algorithm's general capability
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Although there are many versions of evolutionary algorithms that are tailored to multi-criteria optimization, theoretical results are apparently not yet available. In this paper, it is shown that results known from the theory of evolutionary algorithms in case of single-criterion optimization do not carry over to the multi-criterion case. At first, three different step size rules are investigated numerically for a selected problem with two conflicting objectives. The empirical results obtained by these experiments lead to the observation that only one of these step size rules may have the property to ensure convergence to the Pareto set. A theoretical analysis finally shows that a special version of an evolutionary algorithm with this step size rule converges with probability one to the Pareto set for the test problem under consideration
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms which use non-dominated sorting and sharing have been mainly criticized for their (i) O(MN³) computational complexity (where M is the number of objectives and N is the population size), (ii) non-elitism approach, and (iii) the need for specifying a sharing parameter. In this paper, we suggest a non-dominated sorting based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (we called it the Non-dominated Sorting GA-II or NSGA-II) which alleviates all the above three difficulties. Specifically, a fast non-dominated sorting approach with O(MN²) computational complexity is presented. Second, a selection operator is presented which creates a mating pool by combining the parent and child populations and selecting the best (with respect to fitness and spread) N solutions. Simulation results on five difficult test problems show that the proposed NSGA-II, in most problems, is able to find much better spread of solutions and better convergence near the true Pareto-optimal front compared to PAES and SPEA—two other elitist multi-objective EAs which pay special attention towards creating a diverse Pareto-optimal front. Because of NSGA-II's low computational requirements, elitist approach, and parameter-less sharing approach, NSGA-II should find increasing applications in the years to come.
In this paper a comparison of the most recent algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization is realized. For this comparison the authors used the following algorithms: Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA), Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES), Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA II), Adaptive Pareto Algorithm (APA). The comparison is made by using five test functions.
The Pareto-based approaches have shown some success in designing multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MEAs). Their methods of fitness assignment are mainly from the information of dominated and nondominated individuals. On the top of the hierarchy of MEAs, the strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA) has been elaborately designed with this principle in mind. In this paper, we propose a (μ+λ) multiobjective evolutionary algorithm ((μ+λ) MEA), which discards the dominated individuals in each generation. The comparisons of the experimental results demonstrate that the (μ+λ) MEA outperforms SPEA on five benchmark functions with less computational efforts.
In this paper, we study the problem features that may cause a multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA) difficulty to converge to the true Pareto-optimal front. Identification of such features helps us develop difficult test problems for multi-objective optimization. Multi-objective test problems are constructed from single-objective optimization problems, thereby allowing known difficult features of single-objective problems (such as multi-modality or deception) to be directly transferred to the corresponding multi-objective problem. In addition, test problems having features specific to multi-objective optimization are also constructed. The construction methodology allows a simpler way to develop test problems having other difficult and interesting problem features. More importantly, these difficult test problems will enable researchers to test their algorithms for specific aspects of multi-objective optimization in the coming years.
In this paper, we provide a systematic comparison of various evolutionary approaches to multiobjective optimization using six carefully chosen test functions. Each test function involves a particular feature that is known to cause difficulty in the evolutionary optimization process, mainly in converging to the Pareto-optimal front (e.g., multimodality and deception). By investigating these different problem features separately, it is possible to predict the kind of problems to which a certain technique is or is not well suited. However, in contrast to what was suspected beforehand, the experimental results indicate a hierarchy of the algorithms under consideration. Furthermore, the emerging effects are evidence that the suggested test functions provide sufficient complexity to compare multiobjective optimizers. Finally, elitism is shown to be an important factor for improving evolutionary multiobjective search.
Evolutionary algorithms (EA) have proved to be well suited for optimization problems with multiple objectives. Due to their inherent parallelism they are able to capture a number of solutions concurrently in a single run. In this report, we propose a new evolutionary approach to multicriteria optimization, the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA). It combines various features of previous multiobjective EAs in a unique manner and is characterized as follows: a) besides the population a set of individuals is maintained which contains the Pareto-optimal solutions generated so far; b) this set is used to evaluate the fitness of an individual according to the Pareto dominance relationship; c) unlike the commonly-used fitness sharing, population diversity is preserved on basis of Pareto dominance rather than distance; d) a clustering method is incorporated to reduce the Pareto set without destroying its characteristics. The proof-of-principle results on two problems suggest that SPE...