Current user-mode machine simulators typically do not support simulation of dynamic compilation, threads, or garbage collection, all of which Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) require. In this paper, we describe, evaluate, and validate Dynamic SimpleScalar (DSS). DSS is a tool that simulates Java programs running on a JVM, using just-in-time compilation, executing on a simulated multi-way issue,
... [Show full abstract] out-of-order execution superscalar processor with a sophisticated memory system. We describe the implementation of the minimal support necessary for simulating a JVM in SimpleScalar, including signals, thread scheduling, synchronization, and dynamic code generation, all required by a JVM. We validate our simulator using IBM Research's Jikes RVM, a state-of-the-art JVM that runs Submitting to the First Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium On Code Generation and Optimization.