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The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them


Abstract and Figures

Concept Mapping in Middle School Mathematics (CMMSM) is a developing mathematics intervention designed to increase the likelihood of success in Algebra I for sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students from low-income neighborhoods. The intervention uses concept mapping,to strengthen teacher understanding of the connections among,mathematical,concepts and to bring meaningful,learning of connected ,concepts to their classrooms. This study details the progress of one ,group of 17 teachers as they learn to use CmapTools™ to connect ideas in planning instruction using activities and textbook units. 1,Introduction: Teaching and Learning Algebra I Algebra I is a gatekeeper subject for the secondary mathematics,curriculum. According to the American Association
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... Wang et al. [18] integrated question-knowledge hierarchies into a deep learning framework to improve predictions despite data sparsity. Despite these advances, challenges persist: (1) high demands for expert effort in mapping and annotating knowledge concepts [19], (2) ignorance of temporal learning dynamics [20], and (3) disruption of sequential learning effects even with some methodological recognition [21,22]. In addressing data sparsity in ITSs, tensor factorization has also played a pivotal role by leveraging multidimensional relationships to enhance prediction accuracy and knowledge representation. ...
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Learning performance data, such as correct or incorrect responses to questions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) is crucial for tracking and assessing the learners' progress and mastery of knowledge. However, the issue of data sparsity, characterized by unexplored questions and missing attempts, hampers accurate assessment and the provision of tailored, personalized instruction within ITSs. This paper proposes using the Generative Adversarial Imputation Networks (GAIN) framework to impute sparse learning performance data, reconstructed into a three-dimensional (3D) tensor representation across the dimensions of learners, questions and attempts. Our customized GAIN-based method computational process imputes sparse data in a 3D tensor space, significantly enhanced by convolutional neural networks for its input and output layers. This adaptation also includes the use of a least squares loss function for optimization and aligns the shapes of the input and output with the dimensions of the questions-attempts matrices along the learners' dimension. Through extensive experiments on six datasets from various ITSs, including AutoTutor, ASSISTments and MATHia, we demonstrate that the GAIN approach generally outperforms existing methods such as tensor factorization and other generative adversarial network (GAN) based approaches in terms of imputation accuracy. This finding enhances comprehensive learning data modeling and analytics in AI-based education.
... Pada saat praktik rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, ada beberapa mahasiswa mengalami hambatan dalam menjelaskan materi dengan jelas secara konseptual karena kurang dalam dan luas kemampuan kognitif mahasiswa serta memberikan solusi dari permasalahan (contoh). Padahal, menurut Novak & & Cañas bahwa pembelajaran harus bermakna yaitu siswa dapat menerima materi dengan jelas dan benar serta tuntas (Novak & Cañas, 2008). Mahasiswa prodi PGSD sebagai calon guru mampu berproses secara kognitif (Rahmawati, Hariyadi, & Febrianto, 2020) sesuai level kognitif Bloom yaitu C4: memecah materi ke dalam bagian-bagiannya dan menentukan bagaimana bagian-bagian itu terhubungkan antarbagian dan ke struktur atau tujuan keseluruhan (Ariyana, Pudjiastuti, Bestary, & Zamroni, 2021). ...
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Tujuan pelatihan yaitu untuk membelajarkan kemampuan belajar bermakna dan kemampuan mengajar sistematikc bagi mahasiswa prodi PGSD FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya sehingga sewaktu pembelajaran materi, siswa mudah menerima materi dan bersemangat dalam belajar. Peserta pelatihan adalah mahasiswa prodi PGSD FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya yang berjumlah 51 orang terdiri dari dua kelas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu semua mahasiswa melakukan praksis berpikir analisis dengan melihat media gambar yang ditampilkan kemudian mempraktikkan melalui maju ke depan untuk menulis ke white board melalui apa yang dilihat pada media gambar. Pertama, menulis kosa kata; Kedua, mengkonsep seperti peta untuk kosa kata yang telah ditulis menjadi rangkaian kosa kata yang dipisahkan dengan tanda pisah dari beberapa kosa kata; dan Ketiga, beberapa kosa kata yang telah dipeta konsepkan dan diberi tanda pisah atau hubung kemudian dibuat menjadi kalimat. Temuan pelatihan ini yaitu mahasiswa masih kurang memliki komampuan untuk berpikir konsep melalui merangkai kalimat yang dituliskan dan hasil pelatihan diperoleh bahwa mahasiswa mulai memiliki kemampuan menyusun kalimat dan kemampuan beripikir analisis. Simpulan yaitu pelatihan berpikir analisis mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir untuk memetakan masalah, mencari masalah, dan menemukan gagasan serta menghubungkan antar bagian gagasan bagi mahasiswa prodi PGSD FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya.
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To address the learning disadvantages that students might face in a foreign language (L2) environment, this research explores the impact of concept mapping on enhancing long-term memory retention among Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) pupils. The research design is quasi-experimental and involves sixty Spanish primary education students non-randomly assigned from a Spanish-English semi-public bilingual school. The main hypothesis investigated is that concept maps serve as effective teaching instruments for enhancing long-term memory. During training, new information was systematically integrated with students’ prior knowledge to aid long-lasting retention of instructional content. The study examines the use of concept maps in a CLIL classroom as a complement to traditional teaching strategies and instructional design, focusing on improving the recall of previously learned information. Findings show that concept maps are reliable tools for assisting CLIL students whose mother tongue (L1) is not English, significantly reducing forgetfulness because of the precision of the transmitted information. The study shows the potential of concept mapping to improve learning outcomes in L2 settings by providing visual, accurate, and structured learning aids.
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The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the use of concept maps using Cmap Tools and student learning at the National Intercultural University of Bagua in the year 2023. This is a basic study of non-experimental nature, of cross-sectional and correlational design. The population will be composed of 106 students belonging to the Faculty of Social and Business Sciences, from which a sample of 35 students of the technological education career of the I cycle will be selected. Likewise, a questionnaire with Likert scale was used as an instrument of data collection which has allowed us to arrive at the results where the existing relationship between the variables is established in such a way that the degree of existing significance is verified. In addition, the camp tools software facilitates the students' achievement of competences making the pedagogical activity interactive and motivating, allowing them to understand the specific topic in order to organize the ideas and concepts at a comprehensive and analytical learning level
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Die Rahmenbedingungen für Projekte in den Digital Humanities können herausfordernd sein: Zum einen ist die Innovationserwartung beteiligter Institutionen und Fördergeber ungebremst. Zum anderen bedürfen die Koordination interdisziplinärer, komplexer Großvorhaben sowie der Aufbau von Forschungsinfrastruktur und -services einer Professionalisierung des Projektmanagements. Die Beiträger*innen geben Einblicke in unterschiedliche Praktiken und versammeln Sichtweisen aus der Fachcommunity. Damit gehen sie den ersten Schritt, um das Tätigkeitsfeld in den deutschsprachigen Fachdiskurs zu holen - und zeigen durch theoriegeleitete Reflexionen methodologische Ansätze zu einer Weiterentwicklung des Wissenschaftsmanagements auf.
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ASR 228 Resumen Estudio de mediación pedagógica, con perspectiva interpretativa y descriptiva, a través del cual se propuso identificar posibles evidencias de aprendizaje significativo, derivadas de una tentativa de formación continuada docente, que fue realizada a través de un curso en la plataforma Moodle, sobre el enfoque epistemológico y remoto del laboratorio didáctico de las ciencias. El contexto estuvo referido a la formación continuada de dieciocho profesores de ciencias, que actúan en diferentes niveles de la red pública y privada de educación, al interior del estado de São Paulo, Brasil. fue desarrollado a partir de tres etapas metodológicas, a saber: levantamiento de expectativas del profesor sobre el curso; construcción de unidades educativas potencialmente significativas, a través de la V de Gowin, y evaluación del curso. La construcción de ueps exhibieron la potencialidad de contribuir favorablemente en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje significativo de profesores sobre el enfoque epistemológico y remoto del laboratorio didáctico de ciencias. Palabras-clave: formación de profesores, ueps, laboratorio didáctico de ciencias, enfoque epistemológico y remoto, aprendizaje significativo. Abstract Pedagogical mediation study, with an interpretive and descriptive perspective, through which it was proposed to identify possible evidences of Meaningful Learning, derived from an attempt at continuous teacher training, which was carried out through a course on the Moodle platform, on the epistemological approach and remote from the didactic science laboratory. The context was referred to the continuous training of eighteen science teachers, who work at different levels of the public and private education network, within the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It was developed from three methodological stages, namely: raising the teacher's expectations about the course; construction of potentially meaningful educational ueps, through Gowin's V, and course evaluation. The construction of ueps exhibited the potential to contribute favorably in the process of teaching and Meaningful Learning of teachers about the epistemological and remote approach of the didactic science laboratory.
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This paper describes CMEX Mars, an effort to create a comprehensive set of concept maps to describe all aspects of Mars exploration. These concept maps, created using the CmapTools software developed by the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, are available on the Internet at and are linked among themselves as well as to resources on the Internet. The work described took place mainly between 1998 and 2001 and combined the goals of: 1) developing a library of concept maps for educational outreach, while also 2) refining the capabilities of the software used to create the interactive maps, and 3) making them available on the Internet. Here we focus on the library of Mars exploration concept maps that has been created.
Information visualization has been a research topic for many years, leading to a mature field where guidelines and practices are well established. Knowledge visualization, in contrast, is a relatively new area of research that has received more attention recently due to the interest from the business community in Knowledge Management. In this paper we present the CmapTools software as an example of how concept maps, a knowledge visualization tool, can be combined with recent technology to provide integration between knowledge and information visualizations. We show how concept map-based knowledge models can be used to organize repositories of information in a way that makes them easily browsable, and how concept maps can improve searching algorithms for the Web. We also report on how information can be used to complement knowledge models and, based on the searching algorithms, improve the process of constructing concept maps.
This chapter offers a research-based perspective on the use of portfolios in classroom assessment for science teachers, graduate students in science education, and science education researchers to practice. Within science classrooms, a wide variety of products could be included as work samples in a student portfolio. In addition to serving as products in assessment, portfolio activities and tasks may also serve as a constructivist mode of instruction. As such, the development of a portfolio work sample by a student is an important instructional element of the classroom learning process. Portfolios have the potential to demonstrate student performance that reflects integrative understanding and application of science concepts. Their function is to provide the teacher with work samples from which inferences may be made regarding students' conceptual understanding. The question of the definition and representation of knowledge has been recognized as important in a variety of different disciplines. As used in cognitive science and related disciplines, knowledge refers to conceptual understanding rather than memorization of inert factual information.