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Effect of engine backpressure on the performance and emissions of a CI engine


Abstract and Figures

This study investigated the effect of engine backpressure on the performance and emissions of a CI engine under different speed and load conditions. A 4-stroke single cylinder naturally aspirated direct injection (DI) diesel engine was used for the investigation with the backpressure of 0, 40, 60 and 80 mm of Hg at engine speed of 600, 950 and 1200 rpm. Two parameters were measured during the engine operation: one is engine performance (brake thermal efficiency and brake specific fuel consumption), and the other is the exhaust emissions (NOx, CO and odor). NOx and CO emission were measured by flue gas analyzer (IMR 1400). The engine backpressure produced by the flow regulating valve in the exhaust line was measured by Hg (mercury) manometer. The result showed that, the brake thermal efficiency and brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) are almost unchanged with increasing backpressure up to 40 mm of Hg pressure for all engine speed and load conditions. The NOx emission became constant or a little decreased with increasing backpressure. The formation of CO was slightly higher with increase of load and back pressure at low engine speed condition. However, under high speed conditions, CO reduced significantly with increasing backpressure for all load conditions. The odor level was similar or a little higher with increasing backpressure for all engine speed and load conditions. Hence, backpressure up to a certain level is not detrimental for a CI engine.
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lication in the following source:
Joardder, Mohammad Uzzal Hossain, Uddin, Md. Shazib, & Roy, Mu-
rari Mohaon (2011) Effect of engine backpressure on the performance
and emissions of a CI engine. In International Conference on Mechani-
cal Engineering 2011 (ICME2011), 18-20 December 2011, BUET, Dhaka,
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Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011
(ICME2011) 18-20 December 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh
© ICME2011 1 TH-013
Backpressure usually refers to the pressure exerted on
a moving fluid by obstructions against its direction of
flow. The average pressure in the exhaust pipe during
the exhaust stroke is called the mean exhaust pressure
and the atmospheric pressure is called the ambient
pressure. The difference between these two pressures is
defined as backpressure [1]. Diesel engine causes
emissions in the environment; some of them are harmful
for human being. Exhaust systems including catalytic
converter, muffler and resonator in diesel engine reduce
the engine emissions [2, 3]. Increase in exhaust back
pressure decreases nitric oxide, due to the increased
exhaust gas remaining in the cylinder, as has also been
demonstrated by others. Hydrocarbon emissions are also
reduced as exhaust back pressure is increased [4]. Long
term application of the system causes significant
effect on engine performance and emissions.
Particulate matter and other exhaust product adhere
with flow passage of exhaust systems and the passage is
reduced and backpressure is building up on the engine.
The performance and emissions of a diesel engine can
control by backpressure [2]. Excessive backpressure in
the exhaust system create excessive heat, lower engine
power and fuel penalty in the engine cylinder, that may
cause damage of the engine parts and poor performance
[5 ]. The amount of power loss depends on many factors,
but a good rule-of-thumb is that one inch (25.4 mm) of
mercury backpressure causes about 1.0% loss of
maximum engine power [6].
Hence, backpressure can be used up to a certain level
to improve the engine performance and reduce
emissions. In modern diesel engine, diesel oxidation
catalyst (DOC) is inevitably used to control CO and HC
emissions. A new DOC is very effective mean of
controlling CO and HC without any significant penalty
in fuel consumption and power output and efficiency.
When DOC becomes older, its activity is diminished,
and it develops significant backpressure deteriorating
engine performance with fuel penalty. An experimental
investigation was performed at RUET, Bangladesh to
obtain the allowable level of backpressure for which,
there is no significant change in engine performance
and fuel penalty. Its effect on exhaust emissions
including odor was also investigated.
A four-stroke single cylinder naturally aspirated DI
diesel engine with specification as in Table 1 was used in
this experiment. All experimental data were taken at
engine speeds of 600, 950 and 1200 rpm with low,
medium and high load conditions of 12, 20 and 26N
respectively after engine warm-up. The engine speeds
were selected on the basis of low, medium and high under
Mohammad Uzzal Hossain Joardder, Md. Shazib Uddin and Murari Mohon Roy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, RUET, Bangladesh
This study investigated the effect of engine backpressure on the performance and emissions of a CI engine.
Two parameters were measured during the engine operation: one is engine performance and the other is
the exhaust emissions. The result showed that, the brake thermal efficiency and brake specific fuel
consumption (bsfc) are almost unchanged with increasing backpressure up to 40 mm of Hg pressure for all
engine speed and load conditions. The NOx emission became constant or a little decreased with increasing
backpressure. The formation of CO was slightly higher with increase of load and back pressure at low
engine speed condition. However, under high speed conditions, CO reduced significantly with increasing
backpressure for all load conditions. The odor level was similar or a little higher with increasing
backpressure for all engine speed and load conditions. Hence, backpressure up to a certain level is not
detrimental for a CI engine.
Keywords: DI Diesel Engine, Performance and Emissions, Backpressure.
© ICME2011 TH-013 2
available engine operating conditions in practice. The
available loads were divided into three
categories like low, medium and high load.
Loads and speeds were adjusted manually during the
operations. The diesel fuel used in this study is available
in the local market. Loads were measured by electric
dynamometer. Exhaust emissions were measured after
diesel oxidation catalyst and fuel consumption rate were
measured by taking time for consumption of 10cc of fuel.
The calculation of thermal efficiency and bsfc were
measured by following formulae-
The schematic of diesel engine with gas analyzer and
odor measurement arrangement is shown in Figure 1.
Table1: Engine specifications
Engine type 4-stroke DI diesel engine
umber of cylinders One
Bore x Stroke 80 x 110 mm
Swept volume 553 cc
Compression ratio 16.5:1
Rated power 4.476Kw@1800 rpm
Fuel injection timing
Fig 1. Schematic of diesel engine with gas analyzer and
odor measurement arrangement
Fig 2. Arrangement of mercury manometer to measure
exhaust backpressure.
A flue gas analyzer (IMR 1400) was used to measure
carbon monoxide (CO) and NOx of exhaust gases. A
mercury manometer was used to measure the exhaust
backpressure in the exhaust line. Gate valve in the
exhaust line was used to regulate the backpressure. The
arrangement of backpressure measurement is shown in
Figure 2.
2.1 Human Assessment
Sensual assessment by human nose is one technique
to asses the odor level of exhaust gases. This study used
an odor intensity scale to evaluate the discomfort level
of exhaust gases. The intensity scale and corresponding
explanation of odor rating are shown in Table 2. A
difference in 1 point has been reported as equivalent to
a 10 fold the change in the concentration of odorous
gases [7]. This means that one point improvement in the
odor scale is a significant improvement in exhaust odor.
Deviations in sensual assessment vary from person to
person when the test personnel are inexperienced, while
reliable results can be obtained with experienced
personnel [8]. This study used three experienced
Table 2: Odor rating scale
Ve rb al
1 Not detectable No odor
2 Slight
Odor but not
3 Moderate Uncomfortable odor
4 Strong
Limiting odor, long
time exposure not
5 Very strong
Very imitating odor,
exposure even 1 o
2s impossible
3.1 Engine Performance
After the engine reached the stabilized working
condition for each test, fuel consumption, load and
exhaust emissions were measured from which bsfc and
efficiency were computed. The variations of these
parameters with backpressure are presented.
P (kW)
Thermal efficiency=
CV (kJ/kg) × m (kg/s)
m (kg/hr)
© ICME2011 TH-013 3
Figure 3 shows the variation of brake thermal
efficiency (η
) with engine backpressure. Figure 3(a),
(b) and (c) represent the effect of backpressure on
thermal efficiency at 600, 950 and 1200 rpm engine
speed respectively. Brake thermal efficiency was
almost constant for low, medium and high load
condition with backpressure at low engine speed of
600 rpm. At 950 rpm, it slightly decreased for low,
medium and high load condition. At 1200 rpm, it is
decreased with increase in backpressure. Medium and
high load condition could not be examined due to
unacceptable level of black smoke.
Fig 3. Effect of backpressure on brake thermal
efficiency with various engine loads.
Fig 4. Effect of backpressure on bsfc with various
engine loads.
Figure 4 shows the variation of bsfc with
backpressure at various engine load and speed
condition. Figure 4 (a), (b) and (c) represent the effect
of backpressure on bsfc at 600, 950 and 1200 rpm
respectively. From the figure, it is seen that bsfc has
no significance change for low speed condition. of
600 rpm. At 950 rpm bsfc increased with the increase
in backpressure for all load condition.
At 1200 rpm at low load condition bsfc also
increased with backpressure. Hence, up to a certain
limit of speed and backpressure, there is no
significant effect on engine performance. Excessive
backpressure at very high operating condition causes
decrease in the engine performance and fuel penalty.
3.2 Engine Emissions
Figure 5 shows the variation of CO emission with
backpressure at various load condition. Figure 5 (a),
(b) and (c) represents the effect of backpressure on
CO emission at 600, 950 and 1200 rpm respectively.
At 600 rpm CO increases with increasing
backpressure at various engine load condition. At low
load condition, CO is higher than other test load. At
950 rpm high load condition, CO decreases
significantly with backpressure. At low and medium
load condition CO slightly decreases with
backpressure. Also at 1200 rpm CO decreases with
backpressure and at no load condition it is higher than
at low load. Hence, at low engine speed CO is higher
with increased backpressure. However, CO decreased
with increase in backpressure at high engine speed.
Fig 5. Effect of backpressure on CO emission.
Figure 6 illustrates the variation of NOx emission
with backpressure at various engine load condition.
© ICME2011 TH-013 4
Fig 6. Effect of backpressure on NOx emission.
From the figure, it is seen that NOx emission
decreases with backpressure and increases with
increasing engine load at various test load and engine
speed. Increased backpressure causes increased
exhaust gas remaining in the cylinder, which have
higher specific heat and act as a heat sink in the engine
cylinder. Hence, NOx is reduced.
Figure 7 shows the variation of odor with
backpressure for different load conditions.
Fig 7. Effect of backpressure on odor.
From the figure, it is seen that the trend is similar
for all load condition at 600, 950 and 1200 rpm engine
speed, i.e., odor slightly increases with increasing
Figure 8 illustrates the variation of exhaust gas
temperature with backpressure for various load
condition. It is seen that, gas temperature increases
with increasing backpressure for 600, 950 and 1200
rpm engine speed and all load condition. Gas
temperature is low at low load and high at high load.
Hence, backpressure causes increase in the exhaust
gas temperature due to exhaust gas present longer time
in the exhaust line before being exhausted and
increase the temperature of exhaust gas.
Fig 8. Effect of backpressure on exhaust gas temperature.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the
experimental investigation.
1. At low engine speed the backpressure has no
significant effect on engine performance with various
load conditions. At medium and high engine speed the
performance remains constant up-to a certain
backpressure (40 mm of Hg) and then decreased. At
low speed condition, bsfc is almost constant. However,
at medium and high speed, bsfc is little higher for all
load conditions.
2. CO is higher at low engine speed for all load
condition with increased backpressure. However, CO
decreased with increased backpressure for higher
engine speeds and loads.
3. NOx emission always decreased at low, medium
and high engine speed with increased backpressure for
various load conditions due to backpressure increased
the exhaust gases in the cylinder and act as heat sink.
© ICME2011 TH-013 5
4. Backpressure has no significant effect on odor level
up to 40 mm of Hg pressure. However, odor is
increased above the backpressure of 40 mm Hg. The
exhaust gas temperature was always increased with
higher backpressure and engine load.
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2. Mohiuddin A.K.M., Mohd Rashidin Ideres and
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3. Huang, L., 2004," Parametric study of a
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4. Jay A. Bolt, Stephen P. Bergin, Frederick J.
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Md. Shazib Uddin
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
RUET, Bangladesh
... In the year 1981, Kleinhenz & Schmeichel studied the impact of exhaust backpressure on the fuel consumption in CI engine, and it was found that on average, 1.5% of brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) does increase for every 5.5 kPa to 10 kPa of exhaust backpressure in a rpm range of 1800 to 1950 [17]. Similarly, in the year 2010, Roy, Joardder & Uddin investigated the correlation of exhaust backpressure to the performance of CI engine and documented that increase in bsfc was significant at higher rpm range in between 950 to 1200 while in 650 rpm (lower rpm), the backpressure shows less effect on the bsfc [18]. In the year 2009, Pesansky et al. stated in their research that the fuel consumption did increase by 0.005 kg/kW*hr for 14 kPa of backpressure increase in 5.4L SI engine [9]. ...
... In contrast, in the year 2010, Roy of the CI engine. It was found that the CO increment was significant at lower rpm in between 650 to 950, but it did decrease at 1200 rpm (higher rpm) [18]. Thus, it could be concluded that the backpressure existence will increase all type of emissions except for NOx in either SI or CI engine. ...
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The exhaust system in any Internal Combustion (IC) engine is a critical component that affects the engine’s performance. A poorly designed exhaust system generally results in an increment of exhaust backpressure. Backpressure is one of the fluid’s characteristics that acts as a resistance to exhaust gas flow. Relatively higher backpressure blocks the exhaust gas flow from discharging efficiently, decreasing the engine’s performance. In general, higher backpressure results in power and torque loss as well as higher fuel consumption and emission to the environment. This review paper aims to elucidate the relationship between exhaust backpressure and the performance of IC engine. Various past studies were conducted to study the effect of exhaust backpressure on the performance of IC engine through Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation, engine simulation and experimental analysis. Some studies used Taguchi’s method to optimize the exhaust manifold’s design in respect to backpressure decrement. It was found that 0.22 kW to 0.45 kW of engine’s power increases for every 1 kPa of exhaust backpressure decrement. At the same time, 1.5% to 3% of fuel consumption decreases for every 10 kPa of backpressure decrement. In contrast, higher backpressure does reduce the Nitrous Oxides (NOx) emission in the exhaust gas due to higher temperature. Therefore, exhaust backpressure must be minimized to improve any IC engine’s performance if the NOx emission is neglected. This review paper is expected to provide a better understanding of the impact of exhaust backpressure on IC engine’s performance.
... The weight of the produced nickel nanoparticles was recorded. Characterization techniques will not be done for the synthesis of the NiNPs since this method has already been confirmed to work from the researchers previous studies [12]. ...
The atmospheric level of carbon dioxide (CO2) has exceeded the 400 parts per million (ppm) threshold in 2015, making global warming a concerning cause for alarm. To lessen carbon emissions, Nickel Nanoparticles (NiNPs) have been proven to catalyze mineral carbonation in a Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) solution (Bhaduri Siller). This is seen as a viable method to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. However, this technology has not yet been applied in an actual device. T.E.R.R.A. (The Economical Response to Reduce Air Pollution) is a device which utilizes the catalytic effect of NiNPs and uses it to lessen the carbon emissions of vehicles. When tested in a laboratory setting, it was found that T.E.R.R.A. was able to sequester 82.5% of CO2 bubbled through. With lower pressure and improvements in the design, it is projected that higher amounts of CO2 may be sequestered by T.E.R.R.A., deeming it a feasible device for the mitigation of carbon emissions.
... The amount of power lost varies depending on a variety of circumstances, but a reasonable rule of thumb is that one inch (25.4 mm) of mercury back pressure results in a 1.0% reduction in maximum engine power. [11]. ...
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The increase in fuel emissions from a vehicle and the production of unwanted noise has significantly contributed to air and noise pollution while we look around our surroundings. The exhaust gas pressures created by the engine to overcome the hydraulic resistance of the exhaust system to discharge the gases into the atmosphere are referred to as engine exhaust back pressure. The inverse relationship between noise and back pressure is undesirable, as an ideal muffler must have slight back pressure and produce a minimum amount of noise. The system's efficiency will increase as more air is allowed to flow through the system, which technically means trying to keep back pressure as low as possible, the focus of our study. This paper aims to identify the parameters most responsible for the change in back pressure and find their relationship with it. The parameters we decided upon were the diameter of perforated holes, the distance between holes, and the number of holes. After that, the dimensions of the parameters mentioned will be altered on a standard muffler model to find how the results are affected when CFD analysis is done on Fluent with different boundary conditions. Finally, the simulation results are displayed with contour plots for easy visualization.
... Due to the high cost and complex experimental equipment of diesel engine tests, although there are some related tests of EBP, they mainly focus on singlecylinder engines and gasoline engines, which are not suitable for marine applications. Jardder et al. [25] compared the brake thermal efficiency, NOx, CO, and exhaust gas temperature, and it is considered that the increase in EBP is harmless to the CI engine when the EBP is less than 40 mm of Hg. Mittal et al. [26] mainly studied the effects of high EBP and low EBP on the emissions of NOx, Soot, PM, CO, and total HC under different loads. ...
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The use of exhaust gas recirculation, complex after-treatment systems, advanced technology of high-strength engines, and underwater exhaust will lead to increased diesel exhaust back pressure (EBP). This will increase the residual exhaust gas and the exchange temperature in the cylinder and reduce the fresh air charged in the next cycle. In this work, the effects of two high EBP conditions (10 kPa and 25 kPa) on the performance of medium-speed ship engines under different loads are explored through experiments. The results show that the increase in EBP from 10 kPa to 25 kPa has little effect on the heat release rate, engine power, and engine start-up time. However, it will lead to ignition advance and the maximum pressure rise rate, peak pressure, and exhaust temperature increase. The increase in EBP has a more significant impact on the small valve overlap angle. Because the reduction in the valve overlap angle has led to an increase in the residual exhaust gas, further increases in EBP causes residual exhaust gas effects to be more pronounced. The effect of increasing EBP on fuel consumption depends primarily on which effect of exhaust back pressure on temperature and fresh air intake dominates.
... There are rather few published papers with experimental measures of EBP. For naturally aspirated single-cylinder diesel engines, EBP has been varied in the range of 1.1-1.5 bar, which explains the influence on residual gas fraction and emissions [5,6]; meanwhile, other work [7] has reported increased smoke and a drop of brake thermal efficiency at low loads. ...
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The actual trade-off among engine emissions and performance requires detailed investigations into exhaust system configurations. Correlations among engine data acquired by sensors are susceptible to artificial intelligence (AI)-driven performance assessment. The influence of exhaust back pressure (EBP) on engine performance, mainly on effective power, was investigated on a turbocharged diesel engine tested on an instrumented dynamometric test-bench. The EBP was externally applied at steady state operation modes defined by speed and load. A complete dataset was collected to supply the statistical analysis and machine learning phases—the training and testing of all the AI solutions developed in order to predict the effective power. By extending the cloud-/edge-computing model with the cloud AI/edge AI paradigm, comprehensive research was conducted on the algorithms and software frameworks most suited to vehicular smart devices. A selection of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and regressors was implemented and evaluated. Two proof-of concept smart devices were built using state-of-the-art technology—one with hardware acceleration for “complete cycle” AI and the other with a compact code and size (“AI in a nut-shell”) with ANN coefficients embedded in the code and occasionally offline “statistical re-calibration”.
... Diesel fuel can be considered the best available fossil fuel. Compared with gasoline, the CO and HC emissions emitted are less [5]. The NOx and PM pollutants produced are more than gasoline. ...
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Diesel engines are used around the globe in many transportation and power production activities. These engines consume large amounts of fuel and produce many dangerous pollutants. If we add to this all, the coming day for the depletion of oil, all these things together require consideration of alternatives to reduce the consumption of diesel oil and its pollutants. In this study, we navigate through the scientific research space and review the latest findings of science in this regard. There are substitutes for diesel, including fully compensated, or mixing with it to reduce pollutants. All these alternatives have their positives and negatives. To this day, diesel fuel is still dominating the ignition engines and has not yet achieved a competitive advantage in terms of combustion efficiency.
Conference Paper
div class="section abstract"> The primary function of exhaust muffler is to reduce noise from the internal combustion engine without affecting its performance due to the impact of higher back pressure. The exhaust system back pressure is directly related to the engine fuel efficiency. The consumption of back pressure by the emission control system in BS IV regulation is about 30% from the total permissible engine limit, whereas in BS VI consumption is about 70%. The combination technologies used in BSVI and forthcoming RDE regulations such as TWC, GPF, DOC, DPF and SCR increases significant back pressure in exhaust system, hence the engine performance decreases. This demand robust method to control the exhaust back pressure for better fuel efficiency. Emission, noise and back pressure are the non-complimentary parameters in exhaust system development. The variable valve technology introduction in muffler is one method to optimize the above parameters. In general, mechanical variable valve in muffler containing torsional spring is used to improve the acoustics in lower rpm and to reduce exhaust backpressure in higher rpm. This paper deals with development of variable valve with compression spring as an alternative of torsional spring valve by using GT-POWER 1D tool. The conceptual design and working progress of new valve followed by comparative performance evaluation in acoustics and back pressure are dealt with in detail through simulation and validation. The new valve functioning with compression spring achieved 15% improvement in back pressure at higher rpm and 7% improvement in exhaust order noise at lower rpm. </div
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This study is to analyse the exhaust back pressure of older and new exhaust piping design and silencer or muffler position after modification of the exhaust system of a 4-stroke marine diesel generator which operates at Marine Generator Workshop, Ungku Omar Polytechnic, Malaysia. The purpose of the exhaust system modification is to collect the exhaust gases produced inside combustion chamber of the engine cylinders and discharge them as quickly and silently as possible to atmosphere. Generally the better a silencer or muffler is at attenuating sound the more back pressure is generated. In a reactive silencer where good attenuation is achieved, the exhaust gases are forced to pass through numerous geometry changes of exhaust system and a fair amount of back pressure may be generated, which reduces the power output of the engine slightly. However, too much back pressure generated may led the power losses, weakening the engine performance and increased the fuel consumption. Henceforth, the study is aims to find the relationship between the exhaust back pressure levels occurred in exhaust flow design as well as silencer position and yet propose the best design to ensure the optimisation of engine performance. The actual dimensions of the exhaust system is used to perform the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation and analysis. The performance of an exhaust system is based on velocity and exhaust back pressure. Investigation in CFD was performed on four parameters comprises manifold temperature, manifold pressure, exhaust piping system temperature and atmosphere pressure. Results of CFD simulation was showed in the form of pressure and velocity contours and streamline and been analysed within the input parameters been set.
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Internal Combustion Engines is a textbook designed for the students of mechanical and allied engineering programmes to help them understand the principles, working, and performance of various IC engines. Suitable for: students of mechanical and allied engineering programmes............................................................
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The main objective of this study was to find the relationship between the back pressure and the noise level. Back pressure needs to be kept to a minimum. The relationship between the noise and the back pressure is inversely proportional; lowering the noise level at the tip will result in high back pressure. However, this relationship is undesirable as the requirement is to have a quiet muffler with a small back pressure (ideal muffler). The design of the muffler chamber separation and arrangement is essential in determining the muffler characteristics. Some design considerations are proposed in order to come up with an optimum muffler design. The result shows a general shape of an average design of the muffler which would be the most suitable for the test car model.
An optimization study is carried out for a silencer consisting of two side-branch, rectangular cavities covered by membranes highly stretched in the direction of the duct axis. Stopband is defined as the range of frequency where the transmission loss is everywhere higher than the peak value of that in an expansion chamber which occupies three times as much cavity volume as does the present silencer. The logarithmic bandwidth is optimized with respect to the length-to-depth ratio of the cavity, the mass and the tension of the membrane. For two cavities each with a dimensionless volume of 5 (the duct height being the length scale), the optimal cavity aspect ratio is 6.6, and the lower stopband frequency is 0.09 times the first cut-on frequency of the rigid duct. This is compared favourably with the traditional duct lining modelled as an equivalent fluid. As the membrane mass increases, the stopband shifts to lower frequencies but it also narrows. The widest stopband is around 1.6 octaves for a massless membrane. The membrane tension plays a delicate role of setting the intervals between adjacent spectral peaks.
Analysis Method of Low Concentration Gas and Bad Smell
  • T Owkita
  • Y Shigeta
Owkita, T. and Shigeta, Y., 1972," Analysis Method of Low Concentration Gas and Bad Smell, KOUDANNSYA (in Japanese).