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A Meta-Analysis of the Published Research on the Effects of Pornography


Abstract and Figures

A meta-analysis of 46 published studies was undertaken to determine the effects of pornography on sexual deviancy, sexual perpetration, attitudes regarding intimate relationships, and attitudes regarding the rape myth. Most of the studies were done in the United States (39; 85%) and ranged in date from 1962 to 1995, with 35% (n=16) published between 1990 and 1995, and 33% (n=15) between 1978 and 1983. A total sample size of 12,323 people comprised the present meta-analysis. Effect sizes (d) were computed on each of the dependent variables for studies which were published in an academic journal, had a total sample size of 12 or greater, and included a contrast or comparison group. Average unweighted and weighted d's for sexual deviancy (.68 and .65 ), sexual perpetration (.67 and .46), intimate relationships (.83 and .40), and the rape myth (.74 and .64) provide clear evidence confirming the link between increased risk for negative development when exposed to pornography. These results suggest that the research in this area can move beyond the question of whether pornography has an influence on violence and family functioning. Various potentially moderating variables such as gender, socioeconomic status (SES), number of incidents of exposure, relationship of person who introduced pornography to the participant, degree of explicitness, subject of pornography, pornographic medium, and definition of pornography were assessed for each of the studies. The results are discussed in terms of the quality of the pornography research available and the subsequent limitations inherent in the present meta-analysis. A Meta-Analysis of the Published Research on the Effects of Pornography The issue of exposure to pornography has received a great deal of attention over the years. An overwhelming majority of adults in our society, both men and women, report having been exposed to very explicit sexual materials. In fact, Wilson and Abelson (1973) found that 84% of men and 69% of women reported exposure to one or more of pictorial or textual modes of pornography, with the majority of the group first being exposed to explicit materials before the age of 21 years. Coupled with more opportunities for people to access materials via a greater variety of media (e.g., magazines, television, video, world wide web), it is becoming increasingly important to investigate whether exposure to pornography has an effect on human behaviour. While the list of psychological sequelae that researchers have shown to be statistically common in persons exposed to pornography is immense, controversy and doubt are prevalent. Though the ongoing academic debate has relevant and significant socio-political implications, it is apparent that the issue of pornography has frequently been approached from a philosophical and moral stance rather than an empirical position. The present meta-analytic investigation attempts to redirect the focus of the question of pornography's potential effects to an empirical platform. The aim is to determine whether exposure to pornographic stimuli over the lifespan has any effect on sexual deviancy, sexual offending, intimate relationships, and attitudes regarding the rape myth. The results are expected to provide information which may assist families, educators, mental health professionals, and social policy directors in making
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A Meta-Analysis of the Published Research
on the Effects of Pornography
A meta-analysis of 46 published studies was undertaken to determine the effects of pornography on
sexual deviancy, sexual perpetration, attitudes regarding intimate relationships, and attitudes regarding
the rape myth. Most of the studies were done in the United States (39; 85%) and ranged in date from
1962 to 1995, with 35% (n=16) published between 1990 and 1995, and 33% (n=15) between 1978 and
1983. A total sample size of 12,323 people comprised the present meta-analysis. Effect sizes (d) were
computed on each of the dependent variables for studies which were published in an academic journal,
had a total sample size of 12 or greater, and included a contrast or comparison group. Average
unweighted and weighted d's for sexual deviancy (.68 and .65 ), sexual perpetration (.67 and .46),
intimate relationships (.83 and .40), and the rape myth (.74 and .64) provide clear evidence confirming the
link between increased risk for negative development when exposed to pornography. These results
suggest that the research in this area can move beyond the question of whether pornography has an
influence on violence and family functioning.
Various potentially moderating variables such as gender, socioeconomic status (SES), number of
incidents of exposure, relationship of person who introduced pornography to the participant, degree of
explicitness, subject of pornography, pornographic medium, and definition of pornography were assessed
for each of the studies. The results are discussed in terms of the quality of the pornography research
available and the subsequent limitations inherent in the present meta-analysis.
A Meta-Analysis of the Published Research on the Effects of Pornography
The issue of exposure to pornography has received a great deal of attention over the years. An
overwhelming majority of adults in our society, both men and women, report having been exposed to
very explicit sexual materials. In fact, Wilson and Abelson (1973) found that 84% of men and 69% of
women reported exposure to one or more of pictorial or textual modes of pornography, with the majority
of the group first being exposed to explicit materials before the age of 21 years. Coupled with more
opportunities for people to access materials via a greater variety of media (e.g., magazines, television,
video, world wide web), it is becoming increasingly important to investigate whether exposure to
pornography has an effect on human behaviour. While the list of psychological sequelae that researchers
have shown to be statistically common in persons exposed to pornography is immense, controversy and
doubt are prevalent. Though the ongoing academic debate has relevant and significant socio-political
implications, it is apparent that the issue of pornography has frequently been approached from a
philosophical and moral stance rather than an empirical position.
The present meta-analytic investigation attempts to redirect the focus of the question of
pornography's potential effects to an empirical platform. The aim is to determine whether exposure to
pornographic stimuli over the lifespan has any effect on sexual deviancy, sexual offending, intimate
relationships, and attitudes regarding the rape myth. The results are expected to provide information
which may assist families, educators, mental health professionals, and social policy directors in making
1 Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, PhD. Coordinator of Research, National Foundation for Family Research and
2 Mark L. Genuis, PhD. Executive Director, National Foundation for Family Research and Education.
3 Claudio Violato, PhD. Professor, University of Calgary.
decisions consistent with promoting human health and social growth.
Operational Definitions
Pornography is defined as any commercial product in the form of fictional drama designed to
elicit or enhance sexual arousal (Mosher, 1988). Three specific forms of pornography were examined.
Mild pornography consists of stimuli of nudes, persons engaging in petting, and nonviolent acts of sexual
intercourse without genitalia visible; erotica or explicit pornography involves stimuli portraying
consensual nonviolent sexual acts with genitalia visible; and violent pornography includes depictions of
rape, degradation, sexual aggression, or sadism. Four outcome variables of sexual deviancy (i.e., non-
normative sexual behaviours such as early age of first intercourse, excessive or ritualistic masturbation),
sexual perpetration (i.e., aggressive, sexually hostile, and violent behaviours), attitudes regarding intimate
relationships (i.e., perceptions of dominance, submission, courtship, sex role stereotyping, or viewing
persons as sexual objects), and belief in the rape myth (i.e., women cause rape, should resist or prevent it,
and rapists are normal) were coded for effect sizes. An effect size refers to the strength of a relationship
or an estimate of the degree to which a phenomenon is present in a population ( Vogt, 1993).
Sample of Studies
A total of 46 empirical investigations were included. The studies selected consisted of published
literature ranging from 1962 to 1995. A computer-based literature search of PsychLIT, Educational
Resources Information Center (ERIC) documents, and SOCIOFILE was conducted using pornog*, data,
and empirical as the keywords.
Variables Examined and Planned Analyses
Cohen's d was utilized for all of the effect size calculations. Nine potential moderators (i.e., age
of exposure, gender of user, SES of user, number of exposure incidents, relation of person who
introduced pornography to subject, degree of explicitness, subject, medium, and definition of
pornography) were examined.
The 46 research studies included a total of 12,323 persons (sample sizes ranged from 29 to 1,393), and
85% (n=39) were conducted in the United States versus 11% (n=5) conducted in Canada. Though studies
from Denmark tend to be cited to support the contention that availability of pornography is related to
lower rates of sexual offending, those located by the researchers did not meet the criteria for inclusion for
the present meta-analysis. For example, in Kutchinsky's (1973) study, a comparison or contrast group
was not included. Table 1 presents the average unweighted, weighted, and weighted corrected d's which
were computed for each of the dependent variables, along with their corresponding 95% confidence
intervals. A positive d indicates exposure to pornography had negative outcomes, while a negative d
indicates positive consequences in relation to sexual deviancy, sexual perpetration, intimate relationships,
and rape myth outcomes. As can be noted, no negative d's emerged in the current meta-analysis, thereby
indicating the consistent negative effect of exposure to pornography in each of these four areas.
Corresponding raw counts and percentages in the form of a Binomial Effect Size Display (BESD)
are also shown. This display demonstrates the practical importance of any effect indexed by a correlation
coefficient (Rosenthal, 1994, 1995). The correlation (r) refers to the difference in outcome rates between
the experimental and control groups, whereby the column and row totals always sum to 100. In the
analysis of sexual deviancy, correlations were computed for the average d (r =.32 ), average weighted d (r
=.31), and average weighted corrected d (r =.37). The results indicate that there is a 32, 31, and 37
percent respective increase over the baseline in sexual deviancy outcome for persons reporting exposure
to pornography. Similarly, in the analysis of sexual perpetration, correlations were computed for the
average d (r =.32) and average weighted d (r =.22), indicating a 32 and 22 percent respective increase in
sexual perpetration. For negative intimate relationships, correlations were computed for the average d (r
=.39 ), average weighted d (r =.20), and average weighted corrected d (r=.24), revealing a 39, 20, and 24
percent respective increase in negative intimate relationships. Finally, in the analysis of attitudes toward
the rape myth, correlations were computed for the average d (r =.35) and average weighted d (r =.31),
indicating a 35 and 31 percent respective increase in believing in the rape myth for persons exposed to
pornographic materials. Thus, it appears that the magnitude of the effect of pornography on each of the
four outcomes examined is large.
An estimate of the Fail Safe N was computed to determine the number of studies required to
refute the present findings. Forty-six studies would be required to refute the results for sexual deviancy,
142 for sexual perpetration, 49 for intimate relationships, and 47 to contradict the rape myth findings.
Overall, 284 unreported studies averaging a null result would be required before the present meta-analytic
findings could be reasonably ascribed to sampling bias. Accordingly, the results of the meta-analysis are
stable and generalizable.
Analysis of Mediating Variables
A number of mediating variables were analyzed individually using univariate analyses, in order
to examine the possibility of mediating influences of specific variables on pornography outcome or effect
size. Of the total 108 analyses conducted, two moderators were found to be statistically significant:
unweighted d of sexual deviancy and gender (F (1,3) = 68.26, p = .004) and average weighted d of rape
myth endorsement and definition of pornography (F (1,3) = 18.45, p = .023). Although there may be a
gender difference on sexual deviancy outcome as a result of exposure to pornography, and people may be
more likely to ascribe to the rape myth when exposed to one type of pornography over another (i.e., mild,
erotica, violent), these results may well be a statistical artifact. As the total number of ANOVA's
executed were large, the risk of Type I errors is increased substantially (i.e., the Bonferroni Inequality, .05
H 108 = 5.4; Violato & Russell, 1994). In 108 statistical tests when alpha is set at .05, then, it is probable
that six of the tests will emerge significant by chance alone. It is, therefore, prudent to regard these two
"significant" results as spurious. The most salient feature of the results summarized in Table 2, is that
there are no generally significant effects of the variables on d across all four domains. Still, although
none of these identified variables appear to mediate the effect of exposure to pornography on sexual
deviancy, sexual perpetration, intimate relationships, and rape myth outcome, it is recommended that
these findings be interpreted with caution. The nonsignificant results may be due more to the lack of
information documented in the original studies than to the fact that the variables do not really moderate
the relationship between pornography and the specific outcomes examined.
Consistent with previous meta-analyses (Allen, D'Alessio, & Brezgel, 1995) and single studies (Baron &
Straus, 1987; Fisher & Barak, 1991; Garcia, 1986; Gray, 1982; Gunther, 1995; Hui, 1986; Lottes,
Weinberg, & Weller, 1993), the results of the present meta-analysis suggest that exposure to pornography
produces a variety of substantial negative outcomes. Using the social learning theory and imitation model,
it may be argued that themes of aggression, impulse gratification, sexual flexibility and gymnastics, and
objectification in pornography may reinforce and/or justify similar attitudes and behaviours in everyday
human-life contacts. Persons viewing pornographic materials may believe that the way the characters
perform sexually is a "normal" and appropriate portrayal of reality. Armed with these expectations, they
may engage in activities which are not socially acceptable or even desirable at the individual level. While
likely not a solitary influence, it appears that exposure to pornography is one important factor which
contributes directly to the development of sexually dysfunctional attitudes and behaviours.
The results are clear and consistent; exposure to pornographic material puts one at increased risk
for developing sexually deviant tendencies, committing sexual offenses, experiencing difficulties in one's
intimate relationships, and accepting the rape myth. In order to promote a healthy and stable society, it is
time that we attend to the culmination of sound empirical research.
Table 4.1
Pornography Outcome Measures and Effect Sizes
Outcome # of
Studies Total
N Average
S.D. C.I. (95%) Average
S.D. C.I. (95%) Average
Corrected d
S.D. C.I. (95%)
Sexual Deviancy 11 4,450 .68 .27 .41 to .95 .65 .03 .62 to .68 .80 .04 .72 to .87
Sexual Perpetration 34 3,760 .67 .56 .11 to 1.23 .46 .03 .42 to .49 N/A N/A N/A
Intimate Relations 9 2,170 .83 .76 .07 to 1.60 .40 .05 .36 to .45 .50 .05 .40 to .61
Rape Myth 10 1,943 .74 .87 -.13 to 1.62 .64 .05 .59 to .69 N/A N/A N/A
Outcome File Drawer
Analysis BESD Percent Increase
Sexual Deviancy 46.21 Average d = .32 66.01 33.98
Av. Wghtd. d = .31 65.47 34.52
Av.Wghtd.Corr. d = .37 68.47 31.52
Perpetration 141.69 Average d = .32 65.91 34.08
Av. Wghtd. d = .22 61.14 38.85
Relationships 48.81 Average d = .39 69.26 30.73
Av. Wghtd. d = .20 59.85 40.14
Av.Wghtd.Corr. d = .24 62.15 37.84
Rape Myth 47.14 Average d = .35 67.40 32.59
Av. Wghtd. d = .31 65.27 34.72
*N/A results were obtained since it was not possible to correct for attenuation because reliabilities were not reported in the original studies.
Table 4.2
Potential Effect of Moderating Variables on Average Unweighted d Outcomes
Part A: Unweighted d
Outcome Sexual Deviancy Sexual Perpetration Intimate Relationships Rape Myth
Variable df F p df F p df F p df F p
Age of Exposure 2, 8 .71 .52 1, 31 .63 .43 --- --- --- 2, 7 .42 .68
Gender of Porno. User 2, 8 1.31 .32 2, 30 .31 .74 2, 6 1.46 .30 2, 7 .38 .70
# Exposures 1, 9 1.59 .24 2, 30 .33 .72 1, 7 .43 .53 1, 8 .51 .49
Degree of Explicitness 2, 8 .05 .95 2, 29 1.07 .36 --- --- --- 1, 8 .04 .84
Pornographic Medium 2, 8 .05 .95 1, 31 .04 .85 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Definition of
Pornography 1, 8 .94 .36 2, 29 .13 .88 2, 5 .31 .75 2, 5 .20 .83
Part B: Weighted d
Outcome Sexual Deviancy Sexual Perpetration Intimate Relationships Rape Myth
Variable df F p df F p df F p df F p
Age of Exposure 2, 8 .45 .65 1, 31 .75 .40 --- --- --- 2, 7 .45 .65
Gender of Porno. User 2, 8 .13 .88 2, 30 .37 .70 2, 6 .22 .81 2, 7 .44 .66
# Exposures 1, 9 .98 .35 2, 30 3.12 .06 1, 7 .14 .72 1, 8 .66 .44
Degree of Explicitness 2, 8 .34 .72 2, 29 .94 .40 --- --- --- 1, 8 1.05 .33
Pornographic Medium 2, 8 .47 .64 1, 31 .64 .43 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Definition of
Pornography 1, 8 5.01 .06 2, 29 .15 .86 2, 5 .40 .69 2, 5 1.05 .42
*Note: 108 ANOVA's were conducted on unweighted, av. weighted, & av. weighted corrected d's (not reported here) with a range of 1 to 3 & range of 2 to 3 (not
reported here).
Dashes indicate results of fewer than two non-empty groups when analysed.
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... It is commonly believed that individuals who have committed sexual offenses are more frequent consumers of pornography than those who have not offended and that such pornography use impacts their sexual behavior and increases the risk of sexual re-offense [26,27]. This is perhaps because pornography use is thought to lower levels of selfcontrol and inhibition [3••]. ...
... In nonexperimental studies, there appears to be a positive association between pornography use and attitudes supporting sexual aggression [12]. Pornography that depicts violence is associated with attitudes that support violence against women [27]. A recent meta-analysis among members of the general population revealed that individuals who consumed pornography were more likely to use or threaten force to obtain sex [16]. ...
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Purpose of Review This review examines the literature on the impact of pornography use by individuals convicted of sexual offenses; specifically, it highlights relevant research regarding the effect pornography use has on sexual offense recidivism and explores the implications for treatment and supervision. Recent Findings The current literature suggests that the use of pornography, by itself, does not consistently increase risk for sexual recidivism. Research suggests that pornography use may increase risk for sexual recidivism among adult males who have been assessed as high-risk, while the same cannot be said for low-risk adult males. Pornography may reinforce attitudes supportive of sexual aggression, such as hostility and sexual preoccupation, both variables that have been shown to relate to further acts of sexual offending. Pornography use is more predictive of risk when matched to the type of offense. Summary The extent to which pornography impacts the conceptualization of risk (and therefore treatment and supervision plans) depends on several factors such as the type of pornographic material viewed, the congruence of that material with the individual’s offending history, and the expectations regarding the use of pornography within the treatment/supervision context.
... It is important to note that for those scoring higher on the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale, this does not necessarily mean they watch a high volume of pornography, it shows that they have a more problematic relationship with pornography. These results support the findings by Paolucci et al. (1997) who noted that exposure to pornography is related to sexually deviant tendencies and an increased risk of committing sexual offences. The current study further suggests that not only is exposure to pornography linked with sexual fantasies, but the more problematic and potentially harmful the relationship an individual has with pornography, the higher the number of sexual fantasies they seem to present. ...
... Although more research is needed to understand the relationship between problematic pornographic consumption and sexual fantasies as well as behaviors, we know that pornography use can have a variety of negative consequences (e.g., Paolucci et al., 1997). These include aggression, impulse gratification, and difficulties in intimate relationships, among many others. ...
... A large 1 1 1 1 survey conducted in Australia has reported that 8,369 male participants (84%) ever viewed pornography, while 5,471 female participants (54%) ever viewed it [13]. The rate of rape and violence in the world also increases among those consuming pornography by about 30% [14]. The rate of sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis virus in the world, including Iraq, also increases among different age groups and sexes [15][16][17][18][19]. ...
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Background and aim: Pornography consumption is on the rise globally due to the widespread availability of the internet and unrestricted access to numerous pornographic websites. These sites pose various complications for consumers, and there is a noticeable lack of research on this issue in our country. Therefore, it is thought necessary to conduct this study. This study aims to measure pornography use among high school students, sex differences in pornography viewing, and the behavior of pornography viewing in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Zakho Independent Administration, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, among students of five high schools and two institutions. A paper questionnaire was handed out to the participants between April 1 and July 1, 2022. Descriptive statistics and inferential analyses, including chi-square tests, were utilized to examine sex differences and explore associations between the variables. Results: A total of 921 students were enrolled in this study, with an average age of 16.78 ± 1.26 years. More than half of the participants were male, 505 (54.83%); the ones who viewed pornography alone were 452 (49.08%), and 642 (69.71%) disagreed with watching porn. The first time watching pornography was more common at the age of 15-20, with over one-fourth of participants, 254 (27.58%), falling into this age group. There were statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) in the attitude and practice of men compared with women throughout all tested variables. Out of the total number of participants, 467 (50.71%) viewed pornography at least once in their lifetime; among those, 304 (65.1%) were male participants, 163 (34.9%) of them were female participants, and 852 (92.51%) participants agreed to restrict pornography sites. Conclusions: The prevalence of pornography among high school students is relatively high. Male sex is an associated factor for higher pornography viewing and should be considered when designing public health interventions in a related context. Increasing education about this topic in high school settings is crucial.
... The impact of pornography consumption has been related to numerous negative consequences of sexual behavior, such as sexually deviant tendencies, an increased risk of committing sexual offenses, endorsement of rape myths, and sexual harassment of women (Brosi et al., 2011;Lam & Chan, 2007;Paolucci et al., 1997). Fegley (2013) defends that even though pornography can be an appropriate tool for sexual fantasies for many individuals, it should not be considered a model of sexual behavior. ...
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The main objective of this study was to understand the relationship between pornography consumption and attitudes toward sexual consent. The study included 1329 adults who answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, questions about pornography consumption, Paraphilic Pornography Consumption Scale, Sexual Consent Scale, and questions about the use of verbal and non-verbal sexual consent behaviors. The results indicate that participants who don’t watch pornography have more positive attitudes towards sexual consent and those that watch pornography every day tend to feel more uncomfortable asking or giving sexual consent. Additionally, there were no gender differences in the way of giving or asking for sexual consent. Our findings acknowledge that pornography has an impact in the attitudes and behaviors of sexual consent, which reinforces the importance of mentioning its impact in sexual education classes. Sexual consent education is a fundamental part of sexual education, and in a digital world where pornography is just a click away, we need to further explore how this relationship can negatively impact people’s sexual experiences.
... Previous meta-analyses have examined mental health factors and experiencing SV (Dworkin, 2020;Dworkin, 2020), whereas others have focused on the mental and physical health outcomes associated with childhood sexual abuse (Lindert et al., 2014;Paolucci et al., 2001). Moreover, most research has focused on undifferentiated SV (i.e., the researchers do not differentiate between SV in which alcohol was involved or between acts of SV (e.g., can include unwanted kissing, touching, penetration, rape)) or on differences in prevalence rates between alcohol-facilitated and force-only SV (Badour et al., 2020;Krebs et al., 2009) rather than examining whether correlates differ based on type of SV. ...
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IntroductionUsing the biopsychosocial model, we explored the mental health and substance use factors associated with sexual violence (SV) victimization and perpetration among U.S. college students and compared the differences in strength of these correlates by gender, SV perpetration vs. victimization, and type of SV. This uniquely contributes to the existing literature by (a) focusing on mental health and substance use correlates of SV among college students, (b) including both SV victimization and perpetration, and (c) comparing the strength of correlates by gender, perpetration vs. victimization, and type of SV.Methods We conducted a meta-analysis of 101 studies meeting inclusion criteria of U.S. college samples published between January 2000 and April 2019 and calculated Q-statistics to compare differences in strength of correlates.ResultsNine mental health factors were positively associated with SV victimization (e.g., suicidal ideation). SV victimization and perpetration were positively associated with substance use. No significant differences were found comparing strength of correlate by gender or perpetration vs. victimization experience. PTSD, drug use, and alcohol were more strongly associated with certain types of SV than others.Conclusions In association with SV, mental health and substance use are serious considerations for individuals and organizations serving college students.Policy ImplicationsIt is important for these institutions to respond to reports of SV in a trauma-informed way, increase the accessibility and quality of on-campus mental health services available to SV survivors of all genders, and make the campus community aware of the resources are available.
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This paper aims to study the prevalence, causes, and impacts of pornography consumption (PC) among adolescents in Wamakko Local Government Area (WLGA), Sokoto State, Nigeria. A mixed-methods approach was used to gather data for this study. A randomized sampling technique was used to select a total of 550 respondents from the 11 political wards in WLGA, comprising 330 males and 220 females. Microsoft Word and Excel (2016 version) were used for data entry, editing, and cleaning. Furthermore, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Version 20) software was used to analyze the quantitative data. The results show that 63.3% of the sampled respondents reported being exposed to pornographic content on the internet, primarily through websites and social media platforms. Additionally, the study found that factors like peer influence, the lack of comprehensive sex education, and adolescents’ natural curiosity contribute to adolescent engagement in PC. In conclusion, the study recommends implementing comprehensive sex education in schools, promoting open communication between parents and their children, and raising awareness about the potential consequences of PC.
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The proliferation of the internet has sparked concerns among educators and advocates for gender equality that pornography is becoming both more severe and more accessible. The study described the perception of students from private and public schools concerning pornography. The study also determined the values of students from private and public schools about pornography. This study used descriptive method and surveyed a total of 289 students both from public and private schools. Based on the data, the researchers concluded that pornographic media did not encourage students to engage in such sexual practices. Hence, the students were not embarrassed while seeing sexual videos. The researchers also determined that the students did not enjoy watching pornography with their partner, as perceived by their values, and that they were not ashamed to disclose that they do so. As the majority of high school students were adolescents, it is suggested that parents, guardians, and teachers of both public and private schools monitor and educate students to prevent teenage pregnancy. Students, parents, guardians, and educators should be informed on this topic in order to raise their awareness. Since the sample size is insufficient to represent the high school student population as a whole, additional research should be conducted.
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Introduction Numerous studies have assessed sexual abuse (SA) in association with psychological consequences, psychiatric disorders, or somatic disorders. However, assessing such a complex psychological construct faces both methodological and theoretical difficulties. Method The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Sexual Abuse History Questionnaire (SAHQ) in a large, non-clinical sample (N = 24,715) and to identify other potential manifestations of sexual abuse using an open-ended question (e.g., groping, non-physical coercion, consent regarding sexual health, and the reproductive system). Results Two subsamples were created to perform both EFA and CFA, since no pre-established factor structure existed for the scale. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses identified a one-factor structure in sexual abuse both in childhood (CSA) and adolescence/adulthood (AASA). AASA and CSA showed a moderate positive correlation in both subsamples. Both AASA and CSA correlated positively with compulsive sexual behavior, sexual dysfunction, and number of sexual partners and negatively with problematic pornography consumption, although these associations were weak. Our qualitative analysis indicated eight additional categories of SA that the scale did not measure. Conclusions Our quantitative analyses showed adequate reliability but insufficient criterion validity for the SAHQ. Our qualitative analyses indicated that the scale is presumably not able to measure sexual abuse in its full complexity. Policy Implications The present research may point to the need to apply broader definitions of sexual abuse when it comes to designing interventions or treatment for SA survivors, as they can result in more personalized, inclusive, and effective intervention programs.
This study was undertaken to investigate the frequency of university of health students in the Lao PDR, viewing erotic pornography and its associated factors. The study contributes to the emerging research in countries, such as Lao PDR, that are, that is also influencing young people’s sexual norms. The study adopted a cross-sectional design, using self-administered questionnaires. Participants were identified using a cluster, multi-stage sampling approach. In total 365 students participated, women (N=202, 55.3%) and men (N = 163, 44.7%). The average age of participants was 21.9 years. The reported frequency of viewing erotic pornography averaged 40.9% (62.0% for males and 23.8% for females). Associated factors were being male (AOR=4.6, 95%CI=2.9–7.4, P<000), having partners (AOR=1.9, 95%CI=1.1–3.2, P<0.009), positive attitudes towards pornography (AOR=1.8, 95%CI=1.1–2.9, P<0.014), and peer support (AOR=1.8, 95%CI=1.6–2.9, P<0.010). Developing young people’s digital literacy skills and their ability to critically evaluate the influence of pornography on sexual behaviors is critical and should be integrated into sexual education curriculum.
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Įgyvendinant SLURŠ programą, mokyklose dažnai stebimas stručio sindromo reiškinys, skeptiškai vertinant programos siekinius ir įgyvendinimo strategijas, ypač dėl socialiai jautraus jos turinio. Straipsnyje argumentuojama socialiai jautraus lytiškumo ugdymo turinio pažinimo procesą grįsti kritinio mąstymo metodologine prieiga. Tyrimo metu identifikuotos socialiai jautrios lytiškumo ugdymo temos bei ištirti mokinių kritinio mąstymo raiškos požymiai socialiai jautriame lytiškumo ugdymo turinyje.
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Examined the effects of aggressive-erotic stimuli on male aggression toward females when 120 male undergraduates were angered or treated in a neutral manner by a male or female confederate. Ss were then shown either a neutral, erotic, or aggressive-erotic film and given an opportunity to aggress against the male or female via the delivery of electric shock. Results indicate that the aggressive-erotic film was effective in increasing aggression overall and that it produced the highest increase in aggression against the female. Even nonangered Ss showed an increase in aggression toward the female after viewing the aggressive-erotic film. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
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85 undergraduate males participated in an experiment designed to investigate the impact of various types of erotic stimuli on aggression. On the basis of previous research, it was hypothesized that exposure to mild erotic stimuli would tend to inhibit subsequent aggression, while exposure to more arousing stimuli of this type would facilitate such behavior. In order to examine this hypothesis, Ss were first angered or treated in a more neutral manner by a confederate of the E and then provided with an opportunity to aggress against this person by means of electric shock. Before aggressing, Ss were exposed to 1 of 5 different types of stimuli: nonerotic pictures of furniture, scenery, and abstract art; pictures of seminude females; pictures of nude females; pictures of couples engaged in various acts of lovemaking; or explicit erotic passages. Results offer partial support for the major hypothesis. Exposure to mild erotic stimuli inhibited later aggression, while exposure to more arousing sexual materials neither facilitated nor inhibited such behavior. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
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To examine the effects of highly erotic stimuli on aggression against females, 60 male undergraduates were angered by a male or female confederate and exposed to an erotic film, an aggressive film, or a nonfilm condition. Ss were given 2 opportunities to aggress against the confederate. Both the aggressive and the erotic films increased aggression against both targets during the 1st and 2nd aggression opportunities; however, the erotic film facilitated aggression against the female target across the 2 aggression sessions. The processes operating to cause this increase are discussed in terms of reducing restraints against aggressive behavior and the specific cue value of erotic films. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This study addresses the distinction made in some feminist literature between "erotic" and "pornographic” materials. Specifically, the study was designed to examine the differential effects, if any, of "erotic" and "pornographic" film content and to explore the impact of the conditions under which viewing took place. Forty-eight male university undergraduates rated their perceptions of and their emotional reactions to either "erotic" or "pornographic" film segments. Furthermore, participants viewed these film segments in one of three audience conditions: Alone, with another male, or with a female. The “erotic" film segments elicited different perceptual and emotional reactions than the “pornographic" segments. No effect of audience conditions was found. The results of the study provide empirical support for the conceptual distinctions between "erotica" and “pornography." © 1993 American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists.
The excitatory potential (low, high), the hedonic valence (negative, positive), and the type of content (erotic, non-erotic) of visual stimuli were varied in a factorial design. Male subjects were provoked by a same-sex peer, exposed to communication or, in a no-exposure control, made to wait for a period of time equal to that of communication exposure, and then provided with an opportunity to retaliate against their annoyer. High excitatory potential and negative hedonic valence were found to combine additively in a facilitative effect on retaliatory aggression. No appreciable differences were found in the effect of excitationally and hedonically matched erotica and non-erotica. Exposure to either arousing and displeasing erotica or non-erotica produced levels of aggression significantly above the level associated with the no-exposure control. Exposure to comparatively non-arousing and pleasing erotica or non-erotica failed to reduce aggression, however. The findings were considered to support a model that projects the effect of erotica on retaliatory aggression as a joint function of their excitatory potential and their hedonic valence.
Juvenile sexual offenders, violent nonsexual offenders, and status offenders were compared using psychometric instruments to assess intrafamily violence, quality of offender social skills, interpersonal relationships, and self-concept. Self-report and record data were gathered on family history, education, behavior problems, criminal history, history of abuse, exposure to pornography, and early childhood memories. Juvenile child molesters were found to have experienced more parental use of violence and to be victims of physical and sexual abuse more often than the other offender groups. Child molesters expressed greater need for control and inclusion in interpersonal relationships and problems related to self-esteem. The content of early childhood memories and exposure to pornographic material differed among the groups. The groups did not differ in assertiveness, self-concept, or family history variables. Implications of these differences for future research are considered.