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Measuring and Monitoring Carbon Stocks at the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, Paraná, Brazil

Measuring and Monitoring Carbon Stocks at the
Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, Paraná, Brazil
Nov, 2002 Extension Serie No. 153 (p 98-115) Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.
International Symposium on Forest Carbon Sequestration and Monitoring.
Gilberto Tiepolo1, Miguel Calmon2, André Rocha Feretti1
Any climate action project that seeks to obtain recognition, and
potentially carbon benefits, for the GHG emissions reductions it achieves must
accurately calculate those reductions over time using scientifically rigorous
methods that will stand up to external review. Carbon inventory and
monitoring plans are designed to quantify the changes in key carbon (C) pools
in and around the project area and to project local land-use changes by
monitoring patterns of land-use in proxy regions, trend modeling, and analyzing
socio-economic and other data. Data from the inventory and monitoring
activities are used to calculate the difference between the with- and without-
project scenarios.
The Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project is being implemented by
SPVS (Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental), in
partnership with TNC (The Nature Conservancy) and AEP (American Electric
Power). It has an area of approximately 7,000 hectares and is located in
Paraná State, Brazil, within the Environmental Protection Area of
Guaraqueçaba in the Atlantic Rain Forest. This ecosystem is recognized by the
United Nations Economic and Social Organization (UNESCO) as one of the
planet’s highest priorities for conservation and has designated it World
Biosphere Reserve.
The main goals of the project are biodiversity conservation, restoration of
degraded pasture, sustainable development of local communities, and
generation of carbon offsets that are real, measurable, and verifiable.
The requirements for a good monitoring program should include the
following: (i) use the most appropriate and cost-effective methodology for the
region; (ii) follow quality assurance/control plan (QA/QC) and standard
operating procedures (SOPs); (iii) train local NGOs and field personnel on SOPs;
(iv) elaboration of a vegetation map and stratification of the project area; (v)
1 Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental – SPVS
Rua Gutemberg, 296, Batel. 80420-030 Curitiba - PR, Brazil., E-Mail:
2 The Nature Conservancy – TNC
Alameda Júlia da Costa, 1240, Bigorrilho. 80730-070 Curitiba – PR, Brazil. –, E-Mail:
post-monitoring independent verification; (vi) record-keeping and data entry,
analysis, interpretation, maintenance, and archiving. The Winrock international
methodology (MacDicken, 1997), adapted to the local conditions, was
selected to measure and monitor carbon at the project. A QA/QC and SOP
documents were developed for the project to guarantee that carbon
measurements done during the lifetime of the project are consistent and
accurate. Researchers and technicians from SPVS were trained on the SOP
before the beginning of the carbon inventory and monitoring field work. A
total of 12 strata were identified, but only 6 forest strata were under threat of
deforestation and therefore used to estimate carbon stocks and offsets. A total
of 188 permanent plots were established with 68 in the submontane forest
(1162,5 ha), 11 in the lowland forest (427 ha), 10 in the floodplain forest (173 ha),
63 in advanced/medium forest (1,783 ha), 24 in medium secondary forest (545
ha), and 12 in young secondary forest (279 ha). Twenty-eight clip plots were
established on the pasture (409 ha) and shrublands (279 ha).
The preliminary average carbon stock (aboveground woody biomass)
estimated for the 6 forest strata were the following: submontane forest: 135.9 t C
ha-1; lowland forest: 106.8 t C ha-1; floodplain forest: 64.12 t C ha-1;
advanced/medium forest: 106.1 t C ha-1; medium secondary forest: 101.96 t C
ha-1; young secondary forest: 42.89 t C ha-1. The above ground carbon for the
pasture strata was 2.4 t C ha-1 and for the shrublands 7.4 C ha-1. The general
wet biomass equation that is currently being used to estimate the carbon stock
is being verified and adjusted from the destructive sampling effort that is being
conducted by SPVS. A new biomass equation for tree fern was also
developed, which showed a strong correlation between biomass and height.
The results of this effort will help to improve and develop models to
measure and monitor carbon stock in very complex and heterogeneous
landscapes, such as the ones found in the Atlantic Forest Biome, and to
promote projects that are designed to generate multiple benefits such as
biodiversity, soil and water conservation, restoration of degraded lands, and
sustainable development of local communities.
The Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project is an innovative effort to
combine reforestation and forest stewardship strategies to help manage levels
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Over a period of forty years (the project
term), the project will restore and protect approximately 7,000 hectares (17,000
acres) of partially degraded and/or deforested tropical forest within the
Guaraqueçaba Environmental Protection Area (EPA) of Paraná State, in
southern Brazil. The land is titled to SPVS, which assumed responsibility for its
long-term protection and stewardship, and will be registered as a private
reserve (Serra do Itaqui Natural Reserve). By protecting and restoring
threatened tracts of Atlantic Forest, the project will conserve biodiversity while
contributing to the mitigation of global climate change.
The project – a collaborative effort between Central and South West
Corporation, a Texas-based electric utility (now American Electric Power), The
Nature Conservancy (TNC), a US-based conservation organization, and
Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental (SPVS), a
Brazilian conservation organization. The project is promoting assisted natural
forest regeneration and regrowth on pastures and degraded forests on the
acquired lands. It is also protecting standing forest that still exists within the
project area, but It is under threat of deforestation.
The main goals of the project are to protect and restore the ecological
health and biodiversity of the area in the project site and establish models for
the adequate use of resources in the Guaraqueçaba EPA, and generate
carbon offsets that are real, measurable, and verifiable. Through a rigorous
monitoring and verification program, the carbon benefits generated by the
project will be quantified and validated in such a way as to maximize the
possibility that they will be accepted under any future international carbon
trading regime(s) and to serve as a scientifically-based pilot project in
ecosystem restoration.
In addition to these primary objectives, the project also seeks to improve
local environmental quality, support sustainable economic development by
creating opportunities for local people, and promote environmental awareness
of the Guaraqueçaba region.
While the project is designed as a stand-alone effort, it will benefit from a
variety of existing programs and activities currently being undertaken by the
project partners, including other two climate action projects (The Antonina Pilot
Reforestation Project, a collaborative effort between Chevron-Texaco, TNC
and SPVS; and The Atlantic Rainforest Restoration Project, a joint effort between
General Motors, TNC and SPVS). This project leveraging will enable it to have a
broad impact and to contribute to a regional strategy for protecting the
Guaraqueçaba EPA.
Materials and methods
Project Location
The present study is based on the carbon inventory and monitoring
activities of the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, located in the Atlantic
Forest biome in Paraná State between latitudes 25o 26’ and 25o 21’ South, on
the coastal plain. Lying about 45 kilometers from the seat of the municipality
and 140 Kilometers from Curitiba, the capital of the state. Its geographic
location is strategic for conservation purposes, as it connects 500 meters
mountains and 1,200 hectares of mangroves, borders Guaraqueçaba Bay to
the South, PR-405 highway to the North, Itaqui hills to the West and Tagaçaba
River to the East. It is a region of great environmental fragility composed of
freshwater and marine environments, in close proximity to Guaraqueçaba Bay
(Figure 1).
The Guaraqueçaba EPA is in the middle of the largest continuous piece
of Atlantic forest remaining today. Brazil’s Atlantic Forest is an internationally
recognized world biosphere reserve and home to one of the planet’s most
diverse and endangered ecosystems. Today, only seven percent of the original
vegetation cover remains, making the Atlantic Forest one of the most
threatened tropical forest in the world.
In the project site (Serra do Itaqui Natural Reserve), as well as in most of
the region, the original vegetation has been submitted to intense exploitation
that has stripped it of its original characteristics, particularly in the plains. Easy
access encouraged timber exploitation of mature forests, which implied either
complete removal or drastic changes to their structure and composition. Such
conditions resulted in a mosaic of secondary forests with varied floristic,
structural and physiognomic characteristics, where initial formations are more
prevalent in flat areas and intermediate stages on the hillsides.
The changes imposed on the vegetation, particularly in areas that
underwent total removal of the original cover, have altered original drainage
processes and caused severe soil degradation. Such conditions will require
considerable efforts to fully restore the biogeochemical processes needed to
support the original ecological systems.
Figure 1 Location of the Project (1- The Antonina Pilot Reforestation Project; 2 – The
Atlantic Rainforest Restoration Project; 3 – Guaraqueçaba Climate Action
Vegetation Map
The vegetation map of the project area was based on color aerial
photography (scale 1:30,000) and Ikonos satellite imagery. An orthophoto was
also used as the base map. After photointerpretation and field checking
several type of forests and other land uses were identified and classified. The
level of human intervention and successional stages for the different forest
types were also classified during this effort. A total of 12 strata, based on the
classification scheme developed by IBGE (1992), were identified within the
project area (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Vegetation Map of Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project with the
localization of permanent plots.
For the carbon inventory it was used a stratified sampling, which helped
to make the estimates more precise and cost-effective. From the 12
vegetation classes, 6 forest classes (Submontane forest, Lowland forest,
Floodplain forest, advanced / medium forest, medium secondary forest, and
Young secondary forest) were assumed to be under threat and therefore were
used during the carbon inventory work to estimate the carbon stock and
benefits to be generated at the project area.
In addition to those forest strata, other non-forest classes such as pasture,
herbaceous vegetation and shrus were also included as part of the carbon
inventory effort, but temporary plots were used on those strata.
Carbon Inventory
The methodology used for the carbon inventory was the one developed
by Winrock International (MacDicken, 1997) and adapted to the project
conditions. A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was developed for the
project and SPVS personnel was trained on every step (Brown and Delaney,
2000 A). Some of the main activities described on the SOP are listed below.
Before de installation of the permanent plots, 6 preliminary plots were installed
on each strata to determine the number of plots necessary to represent the
carbon stock within each stratum. The number of plots was calculated by using
a software (plot calculator) developed by Winrock International, which takes
into account the maximum allowable error, desired level of precision, total area
of the project and strata, variance, and approximate cost per plot. After that a
Carbon Inventory and Monitoring Plan was developed for the project (Brown et
al., 1999) in order to start the plot installation in 2000.
Establishment of Transects
Transects are lines cut through the forest or pastures to allow access to
permanent or clip plot locations. The selection of the places where the
transects were opened was based on the vegetation map in areas that most
represented each stratum composition and on the availability of existing trails
to facilitate the access and reduce suppression of vegetation within the project
area. In general the length of the 35 transects vary from 200 to 700 meters.
Establishment of Plots
A total of 188 nested circular plots were installed on the different forest
strata (Table 1). Four nested plots were used to measure aboveground biomass.
The 1-m radius plot was used to measure saplings with dbh <5 cm; the 4-m
radius (0.005 ha) was used for trees between 5-19.9 cm dbh; the 14-m radius
(0.06 ha) was used for trees between 20-69.9 cm dbh; and the 20-m radius was
used for trees with 70 cm dbh (Figure 3). The actual size of each plots was
adjusted depending on the percentage slope of the plot. At the center of the
plot a PVC pipe was installed and painted with bright color and plastic tapes.
A GPS was used to collect the coordinates of the center.
All trees were measured at dbh (1.3 m above ground) unless buttressed
or with defects at that height. Aluminum numbered tags were placed and
nailed on each tree measured within the four plots. More details can be found
on Brown and Delaney (2000 A).
Table 1 Description of the each stratum, area, and number of plots established.
Strata code Vegetation type Area (ha) Number of sample
plots established
DM submontane forest 1162,55 68
LL lowland forest 427,3 11
FP floodplain forest 172,9 10
M advanced/medium forest 1782,9 63
Y medium secondary forest 544,92 24
VY Young secondary forest 278,58 12
P Pure pasture 386 12
PS Pasture/shrub 30 10
S Shrubs 297 6
TOTALS 4,694 216
Small Plot-S
Code all trees S, M,
or L
Medium Plot-M
Code all trees M
or L
Large Plot-L
Code all trees L
4 m
14 m
20 m
Figure 3 Nested plot layout. Small plot radius is 4m; medium plot radius is 14 m and
large plot radius is 20 m; the 1.0-m radius plot for saplings is not shown.
Measurement of Biomass
Two main carbon pools were measured during the carbon inventory: a)
live biomass which included live trees, understory, and roots and b)
aboveground dead wood which included litter and standing and lying dead
Live trees
The criteria for including trees within each plot was based on the
diametric density of the different forest strata. A diameter class range was used
for each different plot size (see above), with the exception of trees with less
than 5 cm at dbh, lianas, heart-of-palm, and tree fern. In the last two cases the
height and dbh were measured.
For trees > 1.3 m high and less than 5 cm dbh, the number of trees within
the 1-m plot was counted and then multiplied by the average biomass that
was estimated by destructive sampling (10 plots per strata) on the opposite
side of the permanent plot. The average of sampling biomass for each strata
submontane forest - 0,2 kg
lowland forest – 0,2 kg
floodplain forest – 0,2 kg
advanced/medium forest – 0,3 kg
medium secondary forest – 0,6 kg
young secondary forest – 1,6 kg
The young secondary forest got the highest coefficient because in this
formation the understory is less shaded than formations more developed,
allowing good condition to the establishment of natural regeneration.
The general wet biomass equation was used to estimate aboveground
biomass carbon for trees because it matches most closely to the climatic
conditions (rainfall amount and distribution; and near the southern extreme of
the tropical belt) in the project area (Brown, 1997, 2001). However, the
suitability of this equation is being verified and adjusted by the destructive
sampling program that was initiated in 2001. The goal is to cut 15-20 large trees
(dbh > 50 cm) and adjust the equation according to the results. At the same
time other smaller trees will be cut and included in the adjustment. Other
equations were also used to estimate the biomass of mature Cecropia, palms,
and lianas (Table 2), which were developed from work in Noel Kempff Climate
Action Project in Bolivia (Brown et al., 2000).
A new biomass equation for tree fern (Cyathea spp.) was also
developed for the project by destructively sampling 22 trees and developing a
regression equation between tree biomass and height and tree biomass and
To characterize the understory, within each plot were established 4 Clip
plots (aluminum sample frames – 60 cm in diameter). Species with dbh < 5 cm
and less than 1,3 height , were cut, weighed and collected sub-sample for
determination of humidity percentage.
Table 2 Regression equations used for estimating biomass carbon (Y) in the 2000
analysis of plots in the GCAP area.
Equation Species R2
Dbh and
Y=21.297-6.953(dbh)+0.74(dbh^2) General 0.91 4-116 cm
Y=0.3999+7.907*height Palms 0.75 1-33 m
Y =(-.48367+1.13488*(Sqr(dbh))*Log(dbh))^2 Cecropia 0.62 1-11 m
Y=563.56*(dbh)^2.6277 Lianas 0.89 0.3-2.5 cm
Y=-4266348/1-2792284e-0.313677 Fern tree 0.88 1 – 8 m
A recent review of the literature on root biomass for the world’s forests
including 39 studies for the tropics suggests that root:shoot ratios vary from 0.1 to
0.38 with root biomass ranging from 1 to over 130 t ha-1 (Cairns et al. 1997). We
assumed a root:shoot ratio of 0.20 that represents the lower 95% CI for tropical
forests and it is more conservative (Brown and Delaney, 2000 B)
For sampling pasture biomass, it was used clip plots that are placed on
the ground at regular intervals along transects. The procedures for this were the
same way used for understory estimation.
Dead aboveground biomass
For litter it was used the same methodology that understory. Standing
dead trees were measured according to the same criteria as live trees; i.e.
classified either in the small, medium, or large nested plot. If the standing dead
tree contained branches and twigs and resembles a live tree (except for
leaves) the dbh was measured and its biomass was estimated using the
appropriate biomass regression equation as for live trees. If there were
branches, but no twigs remaining on the standing dead tree, the proportion of
the biomass was subtracted from the total for the tree. If the top of the standing
dead tree was missing, the height of the remaining stem was measured with a
clinometer and the top diameter was estimated – this can be done by
estimating the ratio of the top diameter to the basal diameter.
Lying dead wood were measured using the line intersect method
outlined in Harmon and Sexton (1986). Fallen coarse dead wood were defined
as all woody material on the ground with a diameter >10 cm. Several discs of
dead wood in each of the three density classes were collected and their
volume and dry mass were determined. The estimated densities are given in
Table 3.
Table 3 Density of wood disc samples used in dead wood calculations.
Type/Decomposition class of wood sample Density (t/m3)
General/Sound 0.47
General/Intermediate 0.34
General/Rotten 0.17
Palm/Intermediate 0.14
Palm/Rotten 0.09
(Source: Brown and Delaney, 2000 B)
Results and discussion
Biomass Regressions Tree Ferns
For the Cyathea spp., height is more strongly correlated to biomass (R2 =
0.88) than is DBH (R2 = 0.1). The equation for height provides an acceptably
robust model for estimating carbon storage without destructively harvesting
more individuals (Figure 4, 5 6. ). The biomass result can be converted to carbon
by multiplying the biomass by the carbon concentration found in the species
(about 0.5).
Figure 4 Relationship between height and biomass for fern trees.
Figure 5 Relationship between dbh and biomass for fern trees.
Figure 6 Allometric regression equations for fern trees.
Carbon in Forest
The total carbon in the forest strata (excluding soil) was 471547,89 t C
with a 95% confidence interval of ± 6,7% of the mean (Table 4). As expected,
the highest amount of carbon was in the submontane forest stratum (135,89 t
C/ha) that represents the oldest forest in the project site. It is an altered primary
forest that is located in the slopes of hills in continental soils, usually more deep.
The lowest amount occurs in the very young secondary forest stratum (42,89 t
C/ha), that is characterized by small trees (5 m height) with sparse crown.
Coefficients of variation for total carbon content by strata were relatively low
(29 -51 %), particularly for the advanced /medium stratum.
Table 4 Total, mean, and statistical measures for the carbon content (excluding soil)
of the four forest strata of the GCAP. See Table 6 for carbon content in
different components of the forests.
Strata submontane
n= 68 11 10 63 24 12
Area (ha) 1162,55 427,3 172,9 1782,9 544,92 278,58
Mean(t C/ha) 135,89 106,81 64,12 106,19 101,96 42,89
Min 61,1 27,5 18,5 44,8 38,3 9,8
Max 373,1 211,5 95,8 189 189,4 57
Variance 2314,1 2940,6 702,9 951 1565,7 267,6
Deviation 48,1 54,2 26,5 30,8 39,6 16,4
Standard Error 5,8 16,4 8,4 3,9 8,1 4,7
C.V. (%) 35,4 50,8 41,3 29 38,8 38,1
Mean(t C/ha) 114,36 ± 7,7
Total (tons C) 471547,89 ± 31593,64
CI % (+/-)
(tons C) 6,7
CV = coefficient of variation; CI = 95% confidence internal 21,954,21
Although the total carbon had relatively low variation, individual
components were more variable (Table 5). The most variable component was
standing dead biomass, with coefficients of variation of 128-287% (Appendix 1).
Lying dead wood was also variable. On a plot by plot basis, there is generally
some relationship between live and dead biomass, so that when combined the
overall variation decreases.
The overall weighted mean of the total carbon content of forests is 108 t
C/ha, 74% of which is in the live aboveground woody biomass (Table 5). Dead
wood carbon represented about 5% and litter and understory combined
represented about 3,6% of the total carbon stock. For the very young forests,
the litter and understory represented 19% of the aboveground biomass, and
thus is a more significant component.
Table 5 Mean carbon content by forest component and by forest strata for the 2000
inventory in the GCAP (details of the carbon content of each component
are given in Appendix 1 to 7.
< 5 cm
vegetation Litter Total
Strata (ha) T C ha-1 T C ha-1 T C ha-1 T C ha-1 T C ha-1 T C ha-1 T C ha-1 T C ha-1
submontane 1162,55 109,30 21,86 2,86 1,43 0,44 nm nm 135,89
lowland 427,30 83,69 16,74 1,84 0,92 0,09 1,83 1,70 106,81
floodplain 172,94 43,96 8,79 5,48 2,74 0,32 0,52 2,32 64,12
medium 1782,90 76,42 15,28 4,76 2,38 2,43 0,52 4,40 106,19
secondary 544,92 70,83 14,17 4,41 2,20 3,62 1,19 5,54 101,96
secondary 278,58 21,24 4,25 1,25 0,62 5,94 0,91 8,67 42,89
Total 4369,20
DESPAD 40,1 8,0 5,0 2,5 3,4 8,0 2,7 46,9
mean 80,4 16,1 3,7 1,9 20,6 3,3 107,9
CI 5,7 1,1 0,7 0,4 0,5 1,4 0,5 8,4
%74,5 14,9 3,5 1,7 1,8 0,6 3,1
*CI is the 95% confidence interval expressed as a percent of the mean
nm= not measured
Carbon in pastures
The mean aboveground carbon content of pastures ranged from 0.7 to
3.5 t C/ha, with the highest carbon content found in pastures dominated by
shrub vegetation and the lowest in pure pastures (Table 6). The results were
variable with 95% confidence interval of 25.6% of the mean. Pasture grasses
generally have as much biomass below ground as above, thus the total range
of biomass carbon for pure pastures (7P) and pastures with shrubs (7PS) ranges
from 1.4 to 2.4 t C/ha. For the shrub formation (7S), belowground biomass is
about 30% of aboveground. Thus the shrub formation has a range of total
biomass carbon of 3.0 to 7.4 t C/ha. The maximum values were used in the
carbon benefit calculations as described above.
Table 6 Statistics for aboveground carbon in the pasture strata of the GCAP.
Strata Pasture
n= 12 10 6
Area (ha) 386 30.4 296.7
Mean (t C/ha) 0.7 0.8 3.5
Min 0.2 0.4 2.3
Max 1.1 1.2 5.7
Variance 0.1 0.1 1.9
Standard Deviation 0.3 0.3 1.4
Standard Error 0.1 0.1 0.6
C.V. (%) 50.8 37.5 39.9
Mean (t C/ha) 1.8 ± 0.5
Total (tons C) 1305.7 ± 334.8
CI % (+/-) (tons C) 25.6
CV= coefficient of variation; CI= 95% confidence interval
Source preliminary carbo-offset report 2000
With the Carbon inventory conducted in the Guaraqueçaba Climate
Action Project it was possible to quantify the amount of carbon stored with a
reasonable level of precision. This inventory was used to estimate the
differences between the with- and without-project carbon pools and is the
primary basis for determination of project GHG benefits. Through ongoing
carbon inventory work, several aspects of the carbon inventories that could be
improved or significantly strengthened were identified.
In the Allometric regression equations for fern trees it was observed that
the relationship between height and biomass showed a strong correlation,
where the dbh x biomass showed a poor correlation. Therefore, we
recommend the use of the relationship height x biomass when estimating
aboveground biomass of ferns trees in the Atlantic Forest Biome.
The results of this effort will help to improve and develop models to
measure and monitor carbon stock in very complex and heterogeneous
landscapes, such as the ones found in the Atlantic Forest Biome, and to
promote projects that are designed to generate multiple benefits such as
biodiversity, soil and water conservation, restoration of degraded lands, and
sustainable development of local communities.
Also brought a lot of challenges during the implementation of the
carbon inventory. Many lessons were learned during this phase, but much more
are still to be learned in order to improve and adjust the methodology for future
We thank Dr. Sandra Brown and Matt Delaney for making Winrock
International’s methodology available to the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action
Project and making it a very important component of the project. Their
participation during the planning and implementation phases of the carbon
inventory and their willingness to train and transfer the methodology to SPVS’s
team were very important for the success of the carbon inventory program.
We also would like to thank Bill Stanley for their valuable work and input as a
Forester during all phases of the carbon inventory work. This work could not be
done without the help and assistance of Flavio , Guilherme, Elielson, Arildo, Luis,
Nelson, Jair, Walkiria, that spent several weeks in the field, and also to Alia
Ghandour Warwick Manfrinato, Patricia Garffer, Joe Keenan , Alexandra
Andrade, Clóvis Borges, Franco Amato, Ricardo, Laércio, and many others that
could share with us the beauties of Atlantic forest.
Harmon, M. E. and J. Sexton. 1996. Guidelines for Measurements of Woody
Detritus in Forest Ecosystems. US LTER Publication No. 20. US LTER Network
Office, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
MacDicken, K. 1997. A Guide to Monitoring Carbon Storage in Forestry and
Agroforestry Projects. Winrock International, 1611 N. Kent St., Suite 600,
Arlington, VA 22209, USA.
Brown, S., M. Calmon, and M. Delaney. 1999. Carbon Inventory and Monitoring
Plan for the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, Brazil. . Winrock
International, Arlington, VA.
Brown, S. and M. Delaney. 2000 A. Standard Operating Procedures for the
Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, GCAP-SOP, Version: 2.00. Winrock
International, Arlington, VA.
Brown, S. and M. Delaney. 2000 B. Preliminary Carbon-Offset Report for the
Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project. Winrock International, Arlington, VA.
Brown, S., Burnham, M., Delaney, M., Vacca, R., Powell, M. and Moreno, A.
2000. Issues and challenges for forest-based carbon-offset projects: a case
study of the Noel Kempff Climate Action Project in Bolivia. Mitigat. Adapt.
Strategies Global Change 5, 99-121.
Brown, S. and M. Delaney. 2001. Preliminary carbon-offset report for the
Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project.
Brown, P.: 1998. Climate, Biodiversity, and Forests: Issues and Opportunities
Emerging from the Kyoto Protocol, Washington, D. C., World Resources
Institute, 35p.
Brown, S. 1997. Estimating Biomass and Biomass Change of Tropical Forests: a
Primer. FAO Forestry Paper 134, Rome, Italy.
Cairns, M. A., S. Brown, E. H. Helmer, and G. A. Baumgardner. 1997. Root
biomass allocation in the world’s upland forests. Oecologia 111:1-11.
Appendix 01: Stats for aboveground biomass
Strata Y M M/A SM LL FP
N12 24 63 68 11 10
Mean 21,24167 70,83333 76,42111 109,2975 83,68818 43,95556
Variance 92,47667 995,0112 638,4199 1512,872 1905,853 357,3587
Standard Desviation 9,616479 31,5438 25,26697 38,89566 43,65608 18,90393
Standard Error 2,776038 6,438851 3,183339 4,716791 13,1628 5,977948
CV % 45,27177 44,53242 33,06282 35,58696 52,16516 43,00692
Mean 85,85332 4,893639
Total 351193,4 20018,02
CI % 5,7
Appendix 02: Stats for belowground biomass
Strata Y M M/A SM LL FP
N12 24 63 68 11 10
Mean 4,248333 14,16667 15,28422 21,8595 16,73764 8,791111
Variance 3,699067 39,80045 25,5368 60,51489 76,23412 14,29435
Standard Desviation 1,923296 6,30876 5,053394 7,779132 8,731216 3,780786
Standard Error 0,555208 1,28777 0,636668 0,943358 2,632561 1,19559
CV % 45,27177 44,53242 33,06282 35,58696 52,16516 43,00692
Mean 17,17066 0,197004
Total 70238,68 805,8677
CI % 1,147328
Appendix 03: Stats for Standing dead
Strata Y M M/A SM LL FP
N12 24 63 68 11 10
Mean 1,249167 4,4075 4,76 2,859853 1,841818 5,475556
Variance 12,86866 31,7084 32,24936 13,67173 7,873636 59,649
Standard Desviation 3,587292 5,631021 5,678852 3,69753 2,806 7,723277
Standard Error 1,035562 1,149427 0,715468 0,448391 0,846041 2,442315
CV % 287,1748 127,76 119,3036 129,2909 152,3495 141,0501
Mean 3,983516 0,028352
Total 16295,05 115,9778
CI % 0,711736
Appendix 04: Stats for Lying dead
Strata Y M M/A SM LL FP
N12 24 63 68 11 10
Mean 0,624583 2,20375 2,38 1,429926 0,920909 2,737778
Variance 3,217166 7,927101 8,062341 3,417932 1,968409 14,91225
Standard Desviation 1,793646 2,815511 2,839426 1,848765 1,403 3,861638
Standard Error 0,517781 0,574714 0,357734 0,224196 0,42302 1,221157
CV % 287,1748 127,76 119,3036 129,2909 152,3495 141,0501
Mean 1,991758 0,007088
Total 8147,527 28,99445
CI % 0,355868
Appendix 05: Stats for one meter
Strata Y M M/A SM LL FP
n12 24 63 68 11 10
Mean 5,94179 3,620778 2,42522 0,440017 0,086812 0,31831
Variance 98,25101 9,11727 5,083811 0,81066 0,042371 0,177312
Standard Desviation 9,912165 3,019482 2,254731 0,900366 0,205842 0,421085
Standard Error 2,861396 0,616349 0,284069 0,109185 0,062064 0,133159
CV % 166,8212 83,39317 92,97014 204,6208 237,1123 132,2876
Mean 2,091599 0,010163
Total 8555,939 41,57481
CI % 0,485918
Appendix 06: Stats for understory
Strata Y M M/A SM LL FP
N12 24 63 011 10
Mean 0,910739 1,189191 0,521873 1,834093 0,523628
Variance 0,438179 5,049935 0,103712 7,172959 0,188951
Standard Desviation 0,661951 2,247206 0,322043 2,678238 0,434686
Standard Error 0,191089 0,458709 0,040574 0,807519 0,13746
CV % 72,68284 188,9693 61,70911 146,0252 83,0141
Mean 0,661624 0,009501
Total 2706,454 38,86659
CI % 1,43607
Appendix 07: Stats for litter
Strata Y M M/A SM LL FP
n12 24 63 011 10
Mean 8,674554 5,541915 4,40001 1,703824 2,321543
Variance 16,26518 4,651904 3,263792 1,612673 3,274465
Standard Desviation 4,033011 2,156827 1,806597 1,269911 1,809548
Standard Error 1,16423 0,440261 0,22761 0,382892 0,572229
CV % 46,49243 38,91845 41,05893 74,53296 77,94594
Mean 3,522895 0,017332
Total 14410,83 70,90053
CI % 0,491995
... A paired t test (Table 10) also clearly indicates that the mean observed biomass does not significantly vary from the predicted biomass of Palms of the Sele-Nono forest (t = 0.28, df = 4, p > 0.05) when estimated by Tiepolo et al. (2002) than when predicted by other models. ...
... The cross-validation test also shows that the model developed by Stanley et al. (2003) properly estimated the actual biomass of our fern trees with very little bias (MRE = ~ 1%). On the contrary, the model developed by Tiepolo et al. (2002), respectively, overestimated and underestimated the actual biomass of fern trees in the study area to an unacceptable level (Error greater than 50%), which is unjustifiable (Table 15). ...
... This study indicates that the allometric equation developed by Tiepolo et al. (2002) was a more accurate estimator of the AGB of Palms (MRE < 10%) in the Sele-Nono forest than the models developed by Hughes (1997) and Winrock international organization which works on carbon stock issues. This may be attributed to the climatic closeness of Bolivia of Brazil (research site of Tiepolo et al. 2002) and Sele-Nono forest. ...
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In relation to the current climate change scenario, an increasing demand for research about forest biomass and/or carbon stock assessment through general allometric equation has been evident especially in tropical areas, which include the Ethiopian forests too. In Ethiopia, the majority of the natural forests that reflect large reservoirs of carbon are found in the moist southwest forests of the country as in for instance Sele-Nono forest, and estimating this biomass/carbon stock would influence the country to revise its forest policy. However, most of the allometric equations were developed based on data collected far from the southwest forests of the country; and hence may be a source of error in biomass and carbon stock estimation. Thus, this study was conducted aiming to validate the possible allometric equation for Sele-Nono forest so as to minimize the uncertainty that might be introduced due to the choice of the allometric models. For this purpose, a total of 30 plant individuals (10 trees, 5 palms, 5 fern trees, 5 lianas, and 5 bamboos) were used in this study for relevant data collection following the recommendation of Walker et al. (Standard operating procedures for terrestrial carbon measurement. Version 2012. Winrock International, USA). Regression graphs, paired t test, and cross-validation statistics were used for data analysis. The results showed that Chave et al. (Glob Change Biol 20:3177–3190, 2014) model was the more accurate model for estimating the biomass of trees in the Sele-Nono forest as compared to the local equations developed by the woody biomass project in Ethiopia and the general allometric equations developed for moist trees of tropical forest. Lianas were found to be better estimated using Schnitzer et al. (Biotropica 38:581–591, 2006), whereas Palms, highland bamboos (Arundinaria alpina), and fern trees (Cyathea manniana) were better estimated using Tiepolo et al. (Extension Serie Taiwan Forestry Research Institute 153:98–115, 2002), Mulatu and Fetene (Ethiop J Biol Sci 12:1–23, 2013), and Stanley et al. (The climate action project research initiative. Paper Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Carbon Sequestration, Arlington, 2003) models, respectively (Bias ≤ 10%). Based on the findings of our study we recommend that the biomass equations proposed by Chave et al. (Glob Change Biol 20:3177–3190, 2014), Tiepolo et al. (Extension Serie Taiwan Forestry Research Institute 153:98–115, 2002), Schnitzer et al. (Biotropica 38:581–591, 2006), Mulatu and Fetene (Ethiop J Biol Sci 12:1–23, 2013), and Stanley et al. (The climate action project research initiative. Paper Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Carbon Sequestration, Arlington, 2003) shall be employed for biomass and carbon stock estimation of trees, palms, lianas, bamboos, and fern trees, respectively, in Sele-Nono forest.
... However, few such equations have been developed for herbaceous plants in the lowland tropical forest regions of Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia (Yuen et al. 2016). There have also been few studies of allometric equations for ferns, except for woody ferns, in any region of the world (Tiepolo et al. 2002). Furthermore, fewer such equations have been developed for estimating BGB than for aboveground biomass (AGB) due to the difficulty of root excavation (Yuen et al. 2016). ...
... Therefore, we conducted a preliminary investigation of the study site to identify the largest individual in each group, which were then harvested. The number of harvested individuals was determined following previous studies that sampled herbaceous plants and ferns in tropical regions; 15 individuals from banana plants in The Philippines (Armecin and Coseco 2012), 14-64 individuals from grass species in the Andes (Cabrera et al. 2018), 22 individuals from tree ferns in Brazil (Tiepolo et al. 2002), and 30 individuals from sugarcane and other grass species in Hawaii (Youkhana et al. 2017). Because Cabrera et al. (2018) reported that the estimation error was high in a study where 14 individuals were harvested, we sampled more than 20 individuals in each group. ...
... The productive structure of the aboveground parts of both grasses and fern species are categorized as the grass type, and the belowground parts are also similar in morphology, with both groups having fibrous roots (Monsi and Saeki 2005;Schulze et al. 2005). By contrast, the equation for ferns developed in this study may not be applicable to woody ferns due to their significantly different morphology (e.g., tall stem), although they are more closely taxonomically related to ferns than (Tiepolo et al. 2002). It was found that in the most cases there were large errors when estimating aboveground biomass by applying the equations derived from plants in other tropical species and/ or regions to herbs, grass, and ferns in Malaysia. ...
There are no models for estimating the above- and belowground biomass (AGB and BGB) of herbaceous and fern species in Southeast Asia, and therefore we developed a set of allometric equations for this purpose that were applicable to Malaysia. Grass species, herbs, and ferns of different sizes were harvested and excavated to measure the AGB and BGB. After being harvested and oven-dried, the biomass of plant parts was weighed to develop allometric equations between plant size parameters (height and diameter) and biomass. When comparing the allometric equations among the three plant groups (grass, herbs, and ferns), no differences were found between grass and fern groups in both AGB and BGB, whereas herbs versus grass and/or ferns significantly differed. This suggests that the accuracy of the estimation may improve if plant species were separated into these groups. The allometric equation, which pooled all groups, also showed significant relation with high correlation coefficient, and thus it was possible to make estimations with a certain degree of accuracy, even without grouping. The ratio of BGB to AGB (RSR) increased with plant size for herbs and ferns, whereas the RSR was constant with plant size for grasses. These relationships indicated that the RSR potentially used to estimate BGB from AGB with size parameter in each group, though there was larger variation compared with allometric equations. We concluded that developed allometric equations and the RSR can be used to estimate the AGB and/or BGB without the destructive sampling of grassland species in the region.
... The volume was calculated according to van Wagner (1968) and then the biomass was calculated by multiplying the volume by the wood density of each class found in Maas et al. (2021). When the dead individual was a palm, we used the density reported by Tiepolo et al. (2002). ...
... Aboveground biomass was calculated for angiosperms using the pantropical model from Chave et al. (2014): Aboveground biomass = 0.0673 × (ρD 2 H) 0.976 , where ρ is wood density (g/cm 3 ), D is diameter (cm), and H is height (m). Dry biomass was calculated for Araucaria angustifolia using the model from Sanquetta, Watzlawick, Schumacher, and DeMello (2003) and Alsophila sp. were estimated using the equations given by Tiepolo, Calmon, and Rocha Feretti (2002), in which Palm aboveground biomass = 0.3999 + 7.907H, and Tree Fern aboveground biomass = −4,266,348/(1−(2,792,284 exp[0.313677H])). Wood density values were obtained from Chave et al. (2006) for 101 species (61% of our species, and 85% of our stems). ...
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The responses of forest communities to interacting anthropogenic disturbances like climate change and logging are poorly known. Subtropical forests have been heavily modified by humans and their response to climate change is poorly understood. We investigated the 9-year change observed in a mixed conifer-hardwood Atlantic forest mosaic that included both mature and selectively logged forest patches in subtropical South America. We used demographic monitoring data within 10 1 ha plots that were subjected to distinct management histories (plots logged until 1955, until 1987, and unlogged) to test the hypothesis that climate change affected forest structure and dynamics differentially depending on past disturbances. We determined the functional group of all species based on life-history affinities as well as many functional traits like leaf size, specific leaf area, wood density, total height, stem slender-ness, and seed size data for the 66 most abundant species. Analysis of climate data revealed that minimum temperatures and rainfall have been increasing in the last few decades of the 20th century. Floristic composition differed mainly with logging history categories, with only minor change over the nine annual census intervals. Aboveground biomass increased in all plots, but increases were higher in mature un-logged forests, which showed signs of forest growth associated with increased CO 2 , temperature, and rainfall/treefall gap disturbance at the same time. Logged forests showed arrested succession as indicated by reduced abundances of Pioneers and biomass-accumulators like Large Seeded Pioneers and Araucaria, as well as reduced functional diversity. Management actions aimed at creating regeneration opportunities for long-lived pioneers are needed to restore community functional diversity , and ecosystem services such as increased aboveground biomass accumulation. We conclude that the effects of climate drivers on the dynamics of Brazilian mixed Atlantic forests vary with land-use legacies, and can differ importantly from the ones prevalent in better known tropical forests.
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Synthesising knowledge on carbon stocks is an essential tool for understanding the potential of forests to store carbon and its drivers. However, such a synthesis needs to be constructed for the Atlantic Forest due to various methodological approaches and biogeographic heterogeneity. Thus, here we conducted a bibliographic search (2000 to 2021) on carbon stocks in the biomass and necromass of Atlantic Forest ecosystems to understand the variation in stocks and their explanatory variables. Drivers included spatial (altitude, forest size) and climatic (precipitation and temperature) variables, and successional stages. Based on the information in 46 articles, biomass exhibited the highest carbon stock (96%), in Mature Forests (MF), with an average of 125.34±40.3 MgC.ha-1, whereas Secondary Forests (SF) stored 82.7±38.2 MgC.ha-1. The carbon in the necromass varied from 1.63 to 11.47 MgC.ha-1, with SF exhibiting 3.90±2.73 MgC.ha-1 and MF 4.31±2.82 MgC.ha-1. Only average annual precipitation and successional stage positively explained the carbon in Atlantic Forest. This research clarifies the function and potential of Atlantic Forest fragments for storing carbon and reinforces need for conserving mature forest patches throughout the biome since one hectare of mature forest can store almost twice as much carbon as one hectare of secondary young patches.
Fragmented tropical forest landscapes preserve much of the remaining biodiversity and carbon stocks. Climate change is expected to intensify droughts and increase fire hazard and fire intensities, thereby causing habitat deterioration, and losses of biodiversity and carbon stock losses. Understanding the trajectories that these landscapes may follow under increased climate pressure is imperative for establishing strategies for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Here, we used a quantitative predictive modelling approach to project the spatial distribution of the above-ground biomass density (AGB) by the end of the 21st century across the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (AF) domain. To develop the models, we used the maximum entropy method with projected climate data to 2100, based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 from the fifth Assessment Report (AR5). Our AGB models had a satisfactory performance (AUC> 0.75 and p value <0.05). The models projected a significant increase of 8.5% in the total carbon stock. Overall, the projections indicated that 76.9% of the AF domain would have suitable climatic conditions for increasing biomass by 2100 considering the RCP 4.5 scenario, in the absence of deforestation. Of the existing forest fragments, 34.7% are projected to increase their AGB, while 2.6% are projected to have their AGB reduced by 2100. The regions likely to lose most AGB - up to 40% compared to the baseline - are found between latitudes 13° and 20 ° south. Overall, although climate change effects on AGB vary latitudinally for the 2071-2100 period under the RCP 4.5 scenario, our model indicates that AGB stocks can potentially increase across a large fraction of the AF. The patterns found here are recommended to be taken into consideration during the planning of restoration efforts, as part of climate change mitigation strategies in the AF and elsewhere in Brazil.
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Allometric relationships between girth at breast height (GBH), height, age and carbon content in eucalyptus trees were established using100 trees of age varying from 0.5 to 24 years, height from 1.20 to 21.10m and GBH from 6.10 to 74.92cm. Regression equation with GBH i.e. y = 2.224 x-35.80, r 2 = 0.89 (p<0.01) was found to be the most practical and precise for determining the carbon content in eucalyptus trees. The equation was applied in Eucalyptus-Triticum aestivum (wheat) agroforestry system established at farmer's field in Jabalpur, M.P. (India). Determination of carbon stock potential of eucalyptus trees in wheat-based agroforestry and its relationship with the productivity of the crop revealed that carbon content in eucalyptus trees increased when cultivated with wheat in agroforestry system. Although, this upsurge gradually declined with age of the trees with maximum (32.64%) in 1.5 years to 0.38% in 4.5 years old trees. Simultaneously, economic yield and crop biomass of wheat crop also declined with increase in age of eucalyptus trees. The results suggest that wheat can be cultivated with eucalyptus trees during initial two years of plantation to enhance carbon stock in trees without affecting crop productivity.
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Urban trees play an important role in urban planning and are directly linked to urban spaces that promote ecosystem services such as biodiversity conservation and carbon stock. A useful methodology to quantify the above-ground (ABG) biomass, and consequently, the carbon stocks, in this green infrastructure is the allometric models made for tropical areas. This work aimed to evaluate the carbon stock in public squares within the central region of São Paulo city, thus contributing to the comprehension of São Paulo’s green infrastructure. To test the models, tree density and ABG biomass of approximately 7 ha of urban green areas in the center of São Paulo city were evaluated. The activities involved measuring the diameter at breast height (DBH) of the trees and the total height of all individuals with a DBH greater than 5 cm. The results showed that the public squares varied in size and number of trees. The average height of trees also varied along the squares, probably influencing the ABG biomass allocation. Also, the results showed that there was a considerable variation between the ABG biomass estimated along the models. Some squares stood out in absolute terms of ABG biomass accumulation. The size of the green area correlated only with the total number of individuals found (R2=0.44). The total ABG biomass, tree density, and ABG biomass density did not present a significant relationship with the size of the squares. This work demonstrates, for the first time, the attributes of tree communities in public squares of- São Paulo city and provides technical information for the management of public policies related to the protection and maintenance of urban green areas.
Tree biomass equations are important yet difficult, time-intensive, and expensive to develop. However, the calibration of previously developed, species-specific models could be a viable alternative, particularly for highly diverse and protected forests like the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Consequently, the primary research goal of this study was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the potential to calibrate an existing individual tree aboveground biomass model for a new species and/or site by using linear mixed-effects. Specific research objectives were to determine the optimal approach for effective calibration by allowing sample selection method, sample size, and range of tree sizes sampled to vary. In particular, a certain set of species was used as a primary dataset to fit both generalized and species-specific biomass models, that were then calibrated for a secondary dataset at a different site and location. Both similar and divergent species at the secondary site were used to calibrate and evaluate the previous models. Our results suggested that species-level calibration was efficient for the majority of the species or individuals examined that can greatly improve the performance at much lower sample sizes required to develop a new equation, especially for the larger trees in the stand. In general, one to three randomly selected trees were sufficient to effectively calibrate a biomass model for a new species. We expect the combination of model calibration for abundant species associated with the use of the previous developed generalized model for less abundant species can drastically reduce the need for destructive sampling and improve predictions, which is important for highly threatened forests like the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. Overall, the results highlight the potential of model calibration to significantly improve both biomass and carbon estimates in species-rich forests like those in the tropics.
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As the international Joint Implementation (JI) program develops a system for trading carbon credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions, project managers need a reliable basis for measuring the carbon storage benefits of carbon offset projects. Monitoring and verifying carbon storage can be expensive, depending on the level of scientific validity needed. This guide describes a system of cost-effective methods for monitoring and verification on a commercial basis, for three types of land use; forest plantations, managed natural forests and agroforestry. Winrock International`s Forest Carbon Monitoring Program developed this system with its partners as a way to provide reliable results using accepted principles and practices of forest inventory, soil science and ecological surveys. Perhaps most important, the system brings field research methods to bear on commercial-scale inventories, at levels of precision specified by funding agencies.
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The Noel Kempff Climate Action Project in Bolivia, nowin its third year, is breaking ground to establishcredible and verifiable methods to quantify greenhousegas (GHG) benefits of land-use change and forestry (LUCF)projects. Developed under the United Nations FrameworkConvention Climate Change (FCCC) Activities ImplementedJointly pilot phase, the project conserves naturalforests that would otherwise have been subjected tocontinued logging and future agricultural conversion.Carbon (C) monitoring began with a C inventory of theproject area in 1997. The total amount of C in theproject area was 118 Tg (Tg = 1012g) 4%(95% confidence interval). Periodic monitoring ofrelevant C pools (occurring in 1999 and every 5 yrthereafter) occurs over the 30-year life of theproject to establish the difference between thewith-project and projected without-project scenarios. Permanent sample plots were established both insidethe project area to monitor changes in C pools overtime and in a proxy logging concession near theproject area to determine changes in C pools inforests that have been impacted by logging. Ground-based monitoring is complemented by datacollection on forest industry trends and land-usechange patterns. Remote sensing was used to developa vegetation stratification map of the area, and workis ongoing to investigate the potential application ofdual-camera aerial videography to improve theefficiency of monitoring over time.
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Because the world's forests play a major role in regulating nutrient and carbon cycles, there is much interest in estimating their biomass. Estimates of aboveground biomass based on well-established methods are relatively abundant; estimates of root biomass based on standard methods are much less common. The goal of this work was to determine if a reliable method to estimate root biomass density for forests could be developed based on existing data from the literature. The forestry literature containing root biomass measurements was reviewed and summarized and relationships between both root biomass density (Mg ha−1) and root:shoot ratios (R/S) as dependent variables and various edaphic and climatic independent variables, singly and in combination, were statistically tested. None of the tested independent variables of aboveground biomass density, latitude, temperature, precipitation, temperature:precipitation ratios, tree type, soil texture, and age had important explanatory value for R/S. However, linear regression analysis showed that aboveground biomass density, age, and latitudinal category were the most important predictors of root biomass density, and together explained 84% of the variation. A comparison of root biomass density estimates based on our equations with those based on use of generalized R/S ratios for forests in the United States indicated that our method tended to produce estimates that were about 20% higher.
PREFACE This publication describes some of the most common methods used to quantify the amount and dynamics of woody detritus in forest ecosystems. A hierarchical scheme is presented that will help assure data comparability for intersite studies. For each type of measurement several methods are described and compared. Detailed guidelines are presented for measuring mass, nutrient stores, production, and decomposition processes. Additionally, references are included for more detailed process studies including nitrogen fixation, leaching, respiration, sporocarp production, and insect production.
Climate, Biodiversity, and Forests: Issues and Opportunities Emerging from the Kyoto Protocol
  • P Brown
Brown, P.: 1998. Climate, Biodiversity, and Forests: Issues and Opportunities Emerging from the Kyoto Protocol, Washington, D. C., World Resources Institute, 35p.
Preliminary carbon-offset report for the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project
  • S Brown
  • M Delaney
Brown, S. and M. Delaney. 2001. Preliminary carbon-offset report for the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project.
Carbon Inventory and Monitoring Plan for the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, Brazil
  • S Brown
  • M Calmon
  • M Delaney
Brown, S., M. Calmon, and M. Delaney. 1999. Carbon Inventory and Monitoring Plan for the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, Brazil.. Winrock International, Arlington, VA.
A. Standard Operating Procedures for the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, GCAP-SOP, Version: 2.00. Winrock International
  • S Brown
  • M Delaney
Brown, S. and M. Delaney. 2000 A. Standard Operating Procedures for the Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project, GCAP-SOP, Version: 2.00. Winrock International, Arlington, VA.