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A Promise Theory View on the Policies of Object Orientation and the Service Oriented Architecture

  • Researcher and Advisor at ChiTek-i

Abstract and Figures

Object orientation (OO) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are two ap- proaches to software design. By modelling these using Promise Theory we show that we can easily accomodates SOA principles into program modelling. We also show that promise theory can help to resolve ambiguities in OO design, and we resolve a case in which UML semantics do not offer sufficient guidance to determine a natural structure in a program. Our approach offers some simple clarity on the various meanings of inheritance policy and the Liskov substitution principle.
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A Promise Theo ry View on the Policies of
Object Orientation and th e Service Oriented
Architectur e
Demissie Aredo, Mark Burgess and Simen Hagen
Oslo University College, P.O.Box 4, St Olavs Plass, 0130 Oslo, Norway
Object orientation (OO) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are two ap-
proaches to software design. By modelling these us ing Promise Theory we show
that we can easily accomodates SOA principles into program modelling. We also
show that promise theory can help to resolve ambiguities in OO design, and we
resolve a case in which UML semantics do not offer sufficient guid ance to determine
a natural structure in a program. Our approach offers some simple clarity on the
various meanings of inheritance policy and the Liskov substitution principle.
Key words: Information modelling, object orientation, service oriented
1 Introduction
Object Orientation (OO) is a policy for t he organization of software code[1,2],
based on a behaviourist view of software design and a roughly standardized
set of tools and mechanisms. It is realized through a number of programming
languages and the Unified Modelling Language (UML), and has attained con-
siderable popularity for its ability to separate issues and build hierarchies of
customizable and reusable data-types. Its strict application also has certain
weaknesses, as is testified to by their inability to avoid code duplication in
certain circumstances, such as product line variability. This has led interest
in complementary policies like aspect orientation[3], as well as the continued
popularity of procedural and functional programming languages.
The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a request-based architecture in
which services are performed on a voluntary ba sis, often by different organiza-
tions or companies who provide the servers[4]. In spite of partially overlapping
Preprint submitted to Science of Computer Programming 17 November 2006
philosophies, the two architectures are somewhat different. Object orientation
assumes a flow of logic in a program in a hierarchy without option to decline.
In the SOA, no single agent has the capability (or even the right) to demand
service from another. Exchanges are purely based on voluntary cooperation.
The architecture is built on a potentially unreliable communication channels,
often owned by a third party, and permissions a nd service levels are granted
with the grace of the server administrator, coded in a Service Level Agreement
In this paper, we follow Alexandrescu in considering OO and SOA interfaces
to be different policies for program writing[5]. We do this by embedding pro-
gramming design decisions within a framework of policy declarations. This will
allow us to see the structure and details o f the interfaces and their implications
for correctness and security. All policies can then be understood as aggrega-
tions of promises. Program modelling is normally carried out today using the
Unified Modelling Language (UML), but UML starts from the assumption
that OO is an appropriate mo del for a program. We pose the question dif-
ferently: can we describe the essential interfaces in behaviour driven models
using a declarative policy framework? And further, does this reveal anything
about which structural policies are well suited to solving a given problem? We
use the idea of promises[6–8] a s a model for distributed policy.
The plan for our paper is as follows. We begin by defining the basic notions
from promise theory that are relevant to model the archtiecture o f a com-
puter program. In particular we describe how autonomous agents promise to
agree on basic commonalities such as data-types etc., and we go on to de-
scribe how agents can be classified in terms o f the promises they make. Next
we introduce the main features of the Service Oriented Architecture, whose
philosophy is already close to t hat of promise theory, noting the role of on-
tologies where data-types are not consistent. Finally we discuss how one can
reproduce familiar ideas about Object Orientation, such as inheritance, with
the right promises and hence in terms of a Service Oriented model.
2 Program objects and their or ganization
We limit our ambitions in the present paper by considering only structures
and interfaces that describe program organization. This includes OO concepts
like data types and classes.
From a structural viewpoint, a program is a collection of data types and meth-
ods which interact and manipulate instances of the types. Data-types (DT)
are syntactic labels which achieve standardized processing. In a typical OO
design, data types are common knowledge to all parts of a program, starting
from the compiler and its libraries. In the SOA, however, different services
are coded and implemented on different servers, in possibly different domains,
with potentially incompatible languages and even different data-type schemas.
These can be controlled by different parties with possibly different interests.
Clients must always deal with the problem of matching interfaces[9,10]. Re-
cently Bergstra and Ponse have g iven a formulation of interfaces based on
groups for the symmetry of give and take[11]. Our promise model agrees nicely
with their viewpoint.
3 Promise theory
Promise theory is a language for discussing policy in networked environments.
We define policy to be an accumulation of predecided characteristics or be-
haviours, some of which are context dependent, i.e. a spec ification of decisions
made within the framework of a model. A promise network is built up from
entirely autonomous elements that have no authority or control over one an-
other, and no a priori common knowledge[6].
Definition 1 (Agent node) An agent is an autonomous entity in a graph.
Autonomy implies that each node makes a ll of its own decisions. No node in
the gra ph can be coerced or may make a demand o f any other. No agent can
require any property of another.
Both promisers and promisees are referred to as agents but these should not
be confused with the notion of agents in the Actor Model[12], or the concept
autonomous agents as used in Multi-Agent systems[13,14] where ‘autonomous’
simply means that agents work independently but are commanded from an
outside source. We make no judgement on whether the ag ents in a program
work serially or parallel here.
Definition 2 (Promise) A promise is an a utonomous declaration of behaviour
by an agent. It is represented as a labelled edge in a graph from a promiser to
a promisee. Each promise thus has a sender S and a receiver R. The subject
of the promise b is called the promise body. We use the notation:
R. (1)
An agent’s policy, according to this view, is now simply a collection of its
promises. The entire promise graph forms a distributed policy. In this paper,
we assume that both the sender and the recipient alone are aware of promises.
The promise body b is typically a doublet hτ, χi, where τ is a promise type,
and χ is a constraint which indicates the subset of possible values within the
domain of τ that the agent promises to keep to. e.g. τ is a promise to contain
an integer value, and χ says that it must lie in a given subset between 12 and
14. We therefore have a simple set-theoretic notion of a promise which lives in
a network of independent agents. See refs. [7,8,15] for more about promises.
3.1 Categories and types of promise
Promises require their own notion of type, which we strive not to confuse with
the data-types of programming languages. Promise types and program data-
types are a priori unrelated, but we shall relate them later. Additionally, there
are two distinct categories within each type of promise body: these are service
(give) and acceptance (t ake) promises. It is sometimes convenient to define a
third type called the coordination promise[6] which can be derived from the
A service promise body, whose body is denoted by b o r +b, is the basic type
of promise. It denotes a restriction of behaviour by the promising agent (as
if this restriction were a service to the promisee):
R or S
R (2)
A usage o r acceptance promise, denoted by U(b) or b, is t he promise to
receive and use a service b promised by another agent.
or S
A coordination or subordination promise, denoted by C(b), is the promise
to do the same as another agent with respect to a promise body b. This is
not a primitive type, but we denote it by the shorthand:
involves that R
informs S
about its actions with respect to promises of
type b, and the receipt and usage of that information by S
When two promises originating from an agent are incompatible, they cannot
be realized physically a t the same time. We write
# A
If A
= A
, we may omit the agents and write b
. Fo r example, a single
agent promising two promises of the same type but different constraints b
(τ, v = 2) and b
: (τ, v = 3) is not realizable. Breaking a promise is not the
same as not keeping a promise; it is an explicit contradiction.
Definition 3 (Broken promise) A promise to an agent is broken if one
promise is contradicted by another promise. We define a broken promise as
the promising of exclusive promises
, A
with b
Clearly promising b and ¬b would be incompatible, and hence would constitute
a broken promise.
4 Knowledge and Scope
Scope is a key feature of programming models and an important difference
between SOA and OO, hence we describe it from a theory of promises which
begins with absolute limitation of scope (private knowledge). Thus we develop
the basic ideas that allow us to discuss SOA collaboration and OO properties
in SOA.
Definition 4 (Agent Knowledge) Let K
be a set of data values that are
internal to agent n ode A
. We call K
the knowledge of agent A
about topic
or value v. Thi s knowledge is not available to any other agent, unless its value
is promised to them.
We use a notat io n K
, K
, K
as follows. Let K be the set of all possible
variables or subjects that can be known, and consider knowledge about a
specific set of values or subject K
K. We use K
to mean agent A
knowledge of t his subject v, and K
to be A
’s knowledge about K
etc. Thus
different agents (i) can have different knowledge about the same subject (v).
We shall use this, in particular, to discuss agents’ varying type schemas.
Definition 5 (Consistent Knowledge) Two agents S and R, with knowl-
edge K
and K
, can claim to have consistent knowledge about k
iff they each
can veri f y the equality of a subset of their knowledge k
= k
where k
and k
To simplify notation henceforth, we pick a single subject and suppress the v
sup erscripts.
Theorem 1 (Consistent Knowledge) Let S and R be any two agent nodes,
and l et π : k be a promise body that implies communicating knowledge k. Nodes
S and R have consistent knowledge k iff
R (7)
S (8)
S (9)
R (10)
R (11)
S (12)
where f(a, b) is som e function of the original values that must be agreed upon.
Proof 1 By definition 4 the knowledge k
of any agent S is only available
to another agent node R iff its value is promised as in eqns. (7) and (9).
The knowledge is not certainly received until the agents promise to accept the
promised values, as in eqns. (8) and (10). Now both agents know each others’
values. To make their knowledge consistent, by definition 5 they must now
promise each other to make their values equal. This can be done through an
intermediary function f(a, b) which signifies that an equilibrium is formed by
some unspecified concensus.
Consistency of knowledge is a strong concept which requires the notion of
verification; at the same time it is clear that knowledge might be both available
and consistent in a service oriented network, even if one cannot actually verify
that consistency, e.g. if it is disseminated from a single source.
Let K
be the knowledge of agent S. Knowledge K
is said to be relayed from
a source S to a receiver agent R iff
S (13)
The fact that knowledge has been passed on and received does not mean that
it has been assimil ated by the agent, i.e. that it will replace its own knowledge
about K with this new version. For example, in peer to peer systems, such
as media distribution, relay stations, routers, data are frequently relayed in
this way without necessarily being retained. A new version of a song or movie
could be passed o n to others without replacing a local authoritative version
used by the local system.
Definition 6 (Assimilated knowledge) Knowledge K
is said to be assim -
ilated by a receiver agent R from a source S iff
where A
, A
could be s ome unspecified agents. We shall assume here that
= A
= S fo r simplicity.
An agent does not know K unless it is either the source of the knowledge, or it
has promised to accept and assimilate the knowledge from the source. It does
not matter to whom the promises to use and assimilate the data are made, as
long as they are kept, though it seems natural to make the promises to S so
that S can verify the transmission.
Knowledge K can be passed on from agent to agent with integrity, but we
must distinguish between agents that end up with a different picture of the
information as a result of their local policies for receiving and relaying their
(1) Accepted from a source, ignored and passed on to a third party intact.
Note that the agent A
does not assimilate the knowledge here by making
its own version K
equals t o K
, it merely passes o n the value as hearsay.
(2) Accepted from a source, ignored and local knowledge is then passed on
to a third party instead.
Here the agent A
accepts the information but instead of passing it on,
passes on its own version. The source does not know that A
has not
relayed its data with integrity.
(3) Accepted and assimilated by an agent b efo re being passed on to a third
party with assurances of integrity.
uses the data from A
, assimilates it (K
= K
) and promises to pass
it on (conditionally K
) if it receives K
. It also promises to both
involved parties to assimilate the knowledge. Only in this case does the
knowledge K become common knowledge if one continues this chain.
The first two situations are indistinguishable by the receiving agents. In the
final case the promises to make K
= K
provide the information that guar-
antees consistency of knowledge throughout the scope of this pattern. We can
now define scope.
Definition 7 (Scope of common knowledge) Let S be a set of source agents
with consistent knowledge K, and let the s et A( X, K) mean the set of nodes
that have assimilated knowledge from a set of agents X. The scope S(K) o f K
is the union of S with all agents that have assimilated knowledge originating
from S, i.e.
S(K) = S A(S S(K), K) (18)
The simplest way to achieve common knowledge is to have all agents assimilate
the knowledge directly from a single source agent. This minimizes the potential
uncertainties, and the source itself can be the judge of whether the appropriate
promises have been given by all agents mediating in the interaction. The scope
is then simply a coo perative promise group in sense of ref. [7]. This is the
common understanding of how a network directory service works. Although
simplest, the centralized source model is not better than one in which data
are passed on epidemically from peer to peer. The problem then is simply in
knowing the boundaries of scope.
From these definitions, we can see that agents can have consistent knowledge
from an authoritative source, either with or without centralization, and scope
can be controlled using promise theory to describe b oth OO and SOA.
5 Promises for modelling software
If we adopt the promise theory viewpoint, i.e. that each data object and
method is an autonomous agent, then a program specification incorporates a
large number of promises between its components, and these promises reflect
the policy used in designing and implementing the pro gram.
5.1 Definitions
To model progr ams as freely cooperating constellations of agents, we can now
employ the following association:
Agent node Data value, Object, Pro cessing element
Promise Assignmemt, Interface property, Service
The success of any progra m can thus be thought of as relying on a number of
promises between agents, over which we have no outside control. We call this
voluntary coopera tion[1 6,8].
Let us restate some well known programming concepts in terms of promises.
Definition 8 (Program Metho d) A processin g element in a program that
can optionally receive input and optionally g enerate output on demand. A
method’s behaviour is speci fied by its internal process i ng code (within the body).
We do not need to make this definition more specific here. We assume that
readers have a common understanding of what a method is.
Definition 9 (Service) A se rvi ce spec i fication is a promise, from an agent S
to some unspecified agent A (denoted S
A). The promise body constrains
A to behave within certain limits (called its Service Level Promise).
Note that services and their specifications are indistinguishable before execu-
tion of a program begins; so, from a architectural viewpoint, the prediction
of future behaviour implied in a promise is indistinguishable from the service
Definition 10 (Data Object) A data object is a program element that can
optionally receive input to set its v alue a nd optionall y generate output to in-
form of its value.
It is easy to see that data objects are tr ivial methods (also called identity
functions). Let us now make the identifications with promises. In promise
theory, objects map to agents, but agents do no t have types a s data values do
in programs. It is the promises they make which have types.
Lemma 1 (Methods are services) A p rogram method is a collection of
Consider the services S
A for some A (to provide a data value to some
recipient), and S
A (to receive a data value from some source). If
there is at least one a gent S
then information can be received on demand.
If t here is at least one ag ent S
, a value will be returned. The composition of
zero or more of these ag ents hence forms a constellation that can optionally
exchange input/output based upon its internal decisions.
Lemma 2 (Data objects are services) A program object whic h supplies a
data value is a pair of optional services: one to accept changes in value and
one to inform of its value.
The proof of this is trivial: one can always view a data object as a method
which returns an internal value. This is even common practice in Object Ori-
ented programming. This leads to the straightforward equivalence of data
objects and methods, within the promise framework. This equivalence will al-
low us to build the concept of classes from bundles of promises in section 8.
The programming data-type of a value has not yet been addressed here; but
it is straightforward to note that it can be included in the type of the promise
(see below).
5.2 Examples
We pause to illustrate a few well-known programming idioms using the idea
of autonomous agents and promises, i.e. a service oriented view.
Example 1 A variab l e assig nment x=y involves a promise to yield the value
v held at b to a: as well as a promise by a to use o r accept that value from b:
y. (19)
The data-type of the value is implicit in the type of the promise body b and U(b).
One can sim ply identify the promise type of b with the data value’s identifier
together with its data type: τ(b) hid, DT i. The use-promise has b as its
value, meaning that it promises to accept any value in the doma i n χ(b), e.g.
this mig ht map to values of data-type int, etc. In a general service architecture,
the client x could refuse to accept certain values as being illegitimate. Simi l arly
in a stron gly typed language, such as Ada or Pascal, a variable could refuse to
accept a value that falls outside a specific range.
Example 2 I n figure 1(a) we capture the essence of the expression a = f (b),
in wh i ch node b contains a value v which is processed with a function f. In
(b) we use indirection ( pointers) to find out either the location of a value
p = &b; a = *p or the location of the variable p = &b; a = p. These two
alternatives are represen ted as different promise types. I n (c) a linked list is
represented as a chain of linked pointer promises next to a set of value nodes.
Partner nodes promise coordination so they belong to a compound object. An
additional promise v to an external coordinator adjudicates this me mbership.
Fig. 1. (a) a = f(b), (b) a = *p, (c) A linked list.
6 Classes: roles and promise bundles
We now turn to patterns within the promise graph, and define the concepts of
a bundle a nd a role of promise types. We shall use this concept below to define
a clas s in the object oriented sense. We shall find that roles are representative
of SOA and bundles are representative of OO.
Definition 11 (Promise bundle) Let S, R A be arbitrary subsets of equal
dimension d, from the set of agents. A promise bundle is any collection of
promises made (one-to-one) from a gents in S onto agents in R. We denote
= R s
, . . . s
. (20)
where Π d e notes a bundle of promises and B is the collection of promise bodies
, b
, . . . , b
An important concept in the promise graph is that of a role. To some extent
we shall be able to identify promise-roles with the natural set of classes in
an object oriented design. However, roles are more general than OO-classes.
In promise theory, roles are associated both with types of promises τ and
topology. In this respect, we can associate a collection of agents with a role,
given that they make (or use) the same set of promise types. In other words,
we are guided by the typed structure of t he graph alo ne.
Definition 12 (Role) Let A be a set of autonomous agents. Th e family of
sender/receiver subsets S, R A in a promise graph, which take part in
promises with body types t(B), define B-roles. Any subset S or R in the graph
is sa i d to play a role of (sender/receiver) wi th body types t(B) in the promise
graph. Bundles with equal type s and different constraints have equal roles.
Note that promise roles are identified empirically, not pre-decided by design.
Example 3 Th e set of all agent nodes W A that promises to provide web
service to any agent R A:
(R A) (21)
plays a role, which we can call ‘web server’. This is called a role by association,
since the members of W are not connected in any other way than they make
the same promise. The set o f nodes C A that is promised web service by
any agent:
(S A)
C (22)
plays a role, wh i ch we ca n call ‘web client’. This is called a role by appointment,
since the members of C are pointed to by a promise of the same type.
We refer readers to [7,8 ,1 5] for more information about promises and roles.
7 SOA concepts
The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an informal set of principles for
organizing a distributed web-based a pplication. The basic concepts in the SOA
are already quite close to the spirit in which Promises Theory builds its view
of systems. The a gents involved are autonomous (individually managed), they
are loosely coupled, i.e. they cooperate voluntarily. Several servers could im-
plement the same service, or services could be distinguished by their particular
service provider. Thus the concept of promise-roles offers a natural classifica-
tion of services in the SOA. Three qualities ar e mentioned in connection with
Exposing software interfaces through web services.
System components communicate over some form of standard structure
(usually XML based).
Asynchronous messaging transfers documents between different systems.
These concepts are essentially trivial except for the first. The first is non-trivial
because web servers are autonomous agents, in the sense of promise theory,
i.e. they have no a priori consistent knowledge. In addition to these points, we
add that, in the SOA, there must be a “Service Level Ag r eement” (an ag r eed
set of promises), which describes the availability and service quality of the
services provided. Service is taken for granted in OO.
An important aspect o f SOA systems, however, is that of an ontological map[9].
This is an interface that maps inequivalent typing standards between ag ents
in a peer to peer fashion. The SOA potentially lacks a common data model. If
parts of a program are distributed and designed by quite different developers,
they will not necessarily share a common set of data types or interpretations.
The Semantic Web project attempts to define data semantics for web services
using a variety of languages[17]. However, promises should not be confused
with Resource Description Framework (RD F)[17] or Reification algebra[18] as
featured in discussions of the Semantic Web. When different agents communi-
cate they require either a common knowledge of data -types or an ontological
map to relate them.
Definition 13 (Ontological map) A mappin g from one data-type schema
to another s
such that a maximum number of promises made by s
kept by s
Proposition 1 (Consistent type requires a type service) Let O be a col-
lection of type definition s , and let DT be an agent who knows these (a type
arbitrator). Then, a group of agents G kno ws O consistently iff it is consistent
knowledge. Hence there must be a source for this knowledge, which we call a
type server.
The proof follows from theorem 1. The type service, like a name or directory
service, might be centralized or decentralized, as in the theorem.
As we know from the consistent knowledge theorem, there are only two ways
to satisfy this closure requirement. Either one appoints a subset of servers
who have dedicated knowledge and who agree to coordinate that knowledge
and serve it to the rest (authoritative centralization); or, every agent interacts
bilaterally with every other agent inside the set A (uniform peers). If two
separate regions establish their own type servers, as in fig. 2, the interactions
between them must be coordinated as indicated by coordination promises
C(O), i.e. they must agr ee to make the same promises about data -types.
We can now state the requirements for distributed interactions in SOA.
Type serverType server
region 1 region 2
Fig. 2. Different data-type regions, served by independent type-servers. Data-type
regions can cooperate (share) with one another. Each corresponding element of
a class could use a different data-typ e server, as long as sender and recipient’s
definitions are coordinated.
Lemma 3 (Interface requirement) Consider a client agent C and a server
agent S and let q be a data value sent as a request to a server and v be the
value of the reply. A service oriented interaction requires promises:
C (23)
DT (24)
C (25)
π:v =f(q)/(q & schema)
C (26)
to exchange a service v = f(q).
The data-type server (DT ) must promise to deliver information about its data
model schema (types etc) to the client. Clearly it is possible that DT = S. The
client promises to use that schema. The server promises to use any request q
from the client if the client promises to obey the schema. Finally, the server
promises to return the va lue o f f(q) if it receives q.
(23) and (24) imply we have an ontological map.
(25) ensures that C obeys the data-model, S uses parameter q.
(26) ensures that S returns v = f(q) provided q is made available in an
acceptable data type.
Hence S
π:v =f(q)
C is a method specification.
8 OO concepts
We are now in a position to consider how to model OO concepts in promise
theory and hence in the SOA. We consider three properties:
Aggregation of data types and methods into ‘classes’. This usually implies
some philosophy for abstraction.
Inheritance of classes.
Sub-type polymorphism. The ability for sub-classes to override parent classes
when referred to by name.
8.1 Data types
A compound type like a ‘record’ or ‘struct’, in a modern programming lan-
guage, is simply a bundle of primitive data-types. In object terms, an instance
of one of these compound types is a bundle o f values. A class can additionally
include methods as members. Using the promise theory view of the equiva-
lence of values and methods with services (lemma 1), we can now reinterpret
classes as collections of promise bodies from similar promise bundles.
It is straightforward to map the structured class name tuples in fig. 3 t o a flat
promise type space. For instance, from the figure:
hXY Z , type1, name1i τ
hXY Z , type2, name2i τ
hXY Z , type3, method(input)i τ
etc. (27)
The hierarchical structure is not relevant to us; we only need to uniquely
identify the members.
At this point, it is trivial to model class instances or objects as bundles of
promises that are isomorphic (see fig. 3).
8.2 Classes and ‘natural’ roles
One of the controversial aspects of Object O r iented modelling is the idea that
classes model real world situations and therefore lead to simpler programs.
Let us take a different view, motivated by the idea of promises. Supp ose we
describe a program in terms of a set of promises it must keep, observing the
class XYZ
type1 name1;
type2 name2;
type3 method(type4 input);
Fig. 3. A class instance is a promise bun dle with a u nique pattern.
principles of parsimony and non-overlap of promise types as far as possible: let
us a sk, is there a natural set of promise patterns that emerge in the promise
graph of the program? Such basic patterns might be a natural set of classes
for the program, or at least form a minimal spanning set. Let us then assume
that we are operating in a region of common knowledge about data types.
Definition 14 (Class-like promise body) Any unique collection o f promise
bodies c {b
, b
, . . .}, belonging to a promise b undle.
A class-like bundle is a collection of promise bodies, i.e. it is missing the sender
and the receiver. It is thus an abstract compound type.
Lemma 4 (Class-like bundles) A class-like bundle is both a set of agents
S invol ved as sender, and a se t of receiver agen ts R together with a class-like
promise body (S
= R), iff each pair (r, s) (R, S) agrees to use a common
data-type definition for each b c in the promise bundle.
Notice that, even if the data types do not match, two apparently different
class-like bundles in different parts of a program might in fact be equivalent set
of promises between their respective agent sets, even if the class-like bundles
do not match in terms of their data-type schemas. This would mean that
there were inequivalent ways of compiling a data-type schema into t he same
promised behaviour, and would presumably be a sign that there existed a
suitable ontological mapping between the class-like bundles.
In other words, class-like instances form distinguishable patterns of pro mises,
that occur possibly several times in the graph and they must agree on the basic
type-alphabet for their pattern matching, on a per-promise basis. A class-like
bundle could now naturally be associated with an OO class, and the OO-class
is thence the role belonging to a promise bundle. However, we must remember
that the naming of classes in OO is a user policy decision, not a requirement.
Thus, we claim that while the roles lead us to a ‘natural’ set of classes, there
is no obligation for any programmer, ag ent or analyst to adopt these as the
actual set of OO classes. What we have identified is a natural ‘spanning set’
of class containers. This emphasizes that OO is a policy, not a necessity.
8.3 Inheritance and usage
The concept of inheritance is of central importance in Object Orientation,
for philosophical reasons if not hing else. It is bo t h used and explained using
a number of different interpretations[19–2 1]. We can use promises to restate
these meanings more clearly, though we cannot claim that our interpretations
are those intended by other authors. We shall consider three such meanings:
Class 2 ex tend s (add s to) cl ass 1:
When a child class extends another parent class, it adds values and meth-
ods that were not present in the parent class.
Class 2 substitutes (replaces) class 1
When a child class substitutes a parent class, it replaces it completely
with a new implementation. In the case of an abstract parent class it might,
in fa ct, provide the first proper implementation.
Class 2 specializes (overrides) class 1:
A subset of values and methods in the parent class can be replaced with
new implementations. In the limit of complete overriding, this becomes the
same as substitution.
Programming languages generally lump all three inheritance meanings t o-
gether in a general construct, so an inheritance policy might emply several of
these a t the same time (e.g. one often extends a parent class into a number
of child classes which are then thought of as specializations here we would
call them mutually exclusive extensions). We wish to be somewhat clear about
these and therefore keep them separate. In addition to this there is usage or
delegation in which a class “outsources” functionality to other classes by ag-
gregation of multiple specialized classes. This is similar in spirit to extension,
but does not attempt to “philosophically” integrate the functionality under
the umbrella of the same class.
The choice of inheritance a nd delegation is a policy choice, often motivated
by a heuristic philosophy. The Liskov Substitution Principle (Class 2 “IS A”
Class 1) ha s often been used to explain when inheritance should be used over
delegation, for instance[22]. However, the “is a” relationship is a heuristic one,
in which it is unclear whether one is talking about syntax or behaviour. This
often leads to ambiguities in its application.
Inheritance is thus used with several inequivalent meanings in OO, and so
we must disentangle the semantics of these distinct policies as behavioural
8.3.1 Extension
Extension is a relationship that decides whether a parent class is a subset of
the derived child class. Let us define these in terms of promises.
Definition 15 (Extension) Let c and c
be two class-like bundles, We say
that c extends c
or c > c
iff c
c. This gives us the notion of a container,
and containment.
Notice that this is simply a rule for aggregation. In terms of pro mises, there is
no difference between the extension of a class and the formation of a bundle.
8.3.2 XOR Overriding
Overriding promises (methods and values) is typically a technique used in
sub-type polymorphism. When overriding, there cannot be a conflict between
parent and client by definition, since the new behaviour and the old behaviour
are mutually exclusive. Overriding requires a switch-like structure (indeed
subtyp e- polymorphism is of ten intended to replace switch-case constructions).
Let S and R be agents, promise bundles can be selected and hence overridden
based on type labels using a construction in which bundles are made exclu-
sively if a certain type is promised. Since types are mutually exclusive, the
promises are mutually exclusive:
= R
= R
R (28)
8.3.3 Spec i alization
Specialization is a selective use of overriding to alter a subset of promises.
Definition 16 (Specialization) Let c
and c
, i = 1 . . . N be class-like bun-
dles. We say that
special i zes c
iff a subset c c
of class promises in the b undle is ma de conditionally on
predicate p and all promises in c
are dependent on predicates p
, in such a
way that p and p
are all mutually exclusive. It i s normally assumed that the
promise types in c
and c
are iden tical.
Thus we define a polymorphic class replacement using a simple switch-case
construction as one would expect.
For example, consider promise bundles that belong to the parent and the child.
These are conditionally switched if the promise of a subtype is made by the
receiving agent.
= R
= R (optional)
= R
R (29)
Here the extension-parent class bundle is exchanged for the child bundle if
subtyp e is promised. The base-parent bundle is promised in both cases. If a
parent class wishes to enforce behavioural constraints on a child, the it must
make such base-promises that are not overridable, otherwise there can never
be any broken promises in spite of radically changing behaviour.
Currently there is no way of having behavioural promises encoded always in
class implementations in programming languages as fa r as the authors know.
8.3.4 Substitution
Specialization is a selective use of overriding to alter a subset of promises.
Definition 17 (Substitution) Let c
and c
, i = 1 . . . N be class-like bun-
dles, We say that
substitutes c
iff the body c
in the bundle is made conditionally on some predicate p and all
promises in c
are d e pendent on predicates p
, in such a way that p and p
all mutually exclusive. It i s assumed that c
and c
are isomorphic with respect
to promise types and number, so that every c
is a complete replacement for
8.3.5 The Liskov test
Our notion of substitution is stronger than the weak form often used in the
literature. The Liskov substitution test[22] att empted to summarize and make
sense of the practice of inheritance by introducing a heuristic test of compli-
ance. This is often described in terms of the informal“is a ” relation, whose
name seems to imply an equality of certain entities, but this is not the case.
We make sense of this relation with our own definition as follows:
Definition 18 (“is a”) A c l ass-like p romise bundle S
= R “IS A” cla s s-
like promise bundle S
= R iff both bundles can be promised at the same time
without breaking any promises.
A common example used to illustrate this is that of a rectangle and a square.
Clearly a square is a special case of a rectangle, in every mathematical sense,
however a square has fewer behavioural freedoms than a rectangle (not more)
so it cannot extend the notion of rectangle. Informally it seems that square
is a rectangle, but this is because we have used a generic classification; t he
difficulties arise when we try to specify.
Let us examine the promises made by a square and a rectangle and see how
the behavioural (promise) definition above indicates why a square “not is a”
rectangle, according to our definition.
Let R be a rectangle agent, S be a square agent and A be any other promisee
A (30)
We assume they have a common data- type schema, so we let square extend
A (31)
The only difference now is that an additional promise has been made. This is a
behavioural constraint (not easily implementable in a programming language,
but straightforward in terms of promises). Now, since the promises
A (32)
are not indep endent, they may be reduced to:
A. (33)
And if we now try to ask the question whether square “is a” rectangle, it
implies that all promises of S a nd R must hold simultaneously. However, we
quickly find a broken pro mise:
R. (34)
Hence a square “is not a” rectangle in terms of the behaviours we have at-
tributed to it. Why was this problem detectable here and not in a classical
programming inheritance regime? Clearly the answer is that promises can be
made about behaviour, but normal pro gram syntax does not represent be-
havioural constraints. To avoid this problem one can therefore introduce the
policy, “Parent bundle promises should never be broken by a child bundle”.
8.4 Other class structures
The conceptual problems that occur with OO inheritance are only partially il-
luminated by the Liskov substitution principle. The idea of inheritance is itself
unclear because it derives only loosely from a heuristic model of phylogentic
attributes (family t rees). We want to map types to behaviours (this is what
promise theory does). What OO does is map types to aggregates without a
language to define behavioural constraints. “Is a” is not a good metaphor for
inheritance, since it is not obviously behaviour constraint. O ur interpretation
of “is a” above provides one explanation for inheritance, but one can easily
question whether the name and the definition match.
The limitation that inheritance is a purely tree-like structure is artificial (even
in biology, where bacteria exchange genetic attributes without spawning a
third party). The Service Oriented Architecture is somewhat freer in this re-
spect. An SOA application allows something that is not allowed in OO, is the
following scenario.
Example 4 Co mpany Yin produces a system that allows third-party add-ons
by company Yang. Yin leaves hooks into its code available as heritable classes
to the third party Yang and asks for it to do the same. In this way, both can
use each others default code or customize it to give each other the maximum
advantage to their business. For example, specially extended device d rivers that
make proprie tary extensions. What they need to do is this:
class yin : inherits yang
// yin stuff
class yang : inherits yin
// yang stuff
This scenario is strictly forbidden by OO languages. The two companies could
spawn a child and, using dual-inheritance, allow it to inherit from both par-
ents. In terms of promises, there is no logical problem with this, as long as
there are no namespace conflicts. Indeed this symmetric stand-off, according
to a different philosophy, is the basic economic model of a game (trade). It is
explicitly disallowed in O O programming. In the Service Oriented Architecture
it is possible.
We are not advocating this necessarily as a weakness of OO; some readers will
no doubt think the example is simply rediculous, because their world view is
one that accepts the OO way of thinking. Rather we propose that the weakness
in any programming philosophy lies in believing that features are “more easily
understood by humans if they are presented through analogies. As long as
languages o ff er mechanisms that are cluttered with conceptual baggage, t here
will be a need for meta-policies or design patterns to solve specific scenarios.
9 A natural modelling example
9.1 A bank account scenario
An example scenario that has been shown to be problematic in terms of Uni-
fied Modelling Languag e (UML) is the bank account scenario described in ref.
[23]. Consider a bank, comprising a number of employees and accounts for
customers. The issue here is that bank customers should have a ccess to use
their accounts and that bank employees can make certain privileged trans-
actions on accounts. However, if the customers are in fact bank employees,
they should not have privileged access to perform transactions that include
their own accounts (since t his could lead to embezzlement). Any user/Person,
whether the owner of an account or not should be able to make a cash pay-
ment to any account. This example is somewhat simplistic, but therefore also
uncomplicated; however, it illustrates the basic conundrum.
A UML model of this scenario is shown in fig. 4. We introduce the parent
class “Person” from which two child classes a re derived by inheritance. Unlike
promise theory, UML seeks to model associations between classes; in UML
a subclass inherits associations, as these form a subset of general at tr ibutes.
Given only this guidance, one could easily be led to the model shown in fig. 4
This structure has two problems that are easily avoidable by reorganizing the
Fig. 4. An OO class model for the bank account/user interaction, in UML.
model, but which are not ruled out by UML:
(1) It assumes that customers and employees a r e mutually exclusive cate-
(2) It allows employees t o perform privileged updates on their own accounts.
Although these are undesirable properties of the erroneous model, UML se-
mantics do not off er sufficient guidance, without additional policies, to see
what is going wrong. In this example, we would like to show that the basic
principles of promise theory (no agent can be forced, and knowledge is a pri-
ori private) lead us quickly to a cleaner and more intuitive structure which
obviates the need for an explicit “ownership” relation altogether.
We introduce agents for users, bank accounts and also a single (optional)
agent representing the bank’s administration. Always bearing in mind that
agents cannot be forced to perform any function, and have limited knowledge,
we identify the necessary promises from Users to Account agents. We further
introduce a category attribute for users of accounts: “customer”, employee”
and the default “other”. The categories “customer” and “other” are disjoint.
We assume one account p er agent and one user/Person per agent. To transpo r t
the necessary information to make promise-theoretic decisions, a user/Person-
agent must identify itself and its category. The possible set of promises that
are common to all agents are:
Account (general) (35)
π:cash payment
Account (general) (36)
Account (subset) (37)
Account (subset) (38)
Some promises probably only make sense for certain categories of agent and
we might represent these as conditional promises:
π:use account/customer
Account (39)
π:priv update/employee
Account (40)
however, one could imagine that dishonest agents might try to make these
promises unconditionally. It is entirely up to the receiving account to deal
with such behaviour, according to the promise precepts, so we shall disregard
the conditionals here, a s they make an unwarranted assumption about agent
behaviour. Note that an agent which does not promise to be a customer or
an employee can still exist and make promises, such as cash payments to any
account. Privileged updates, on the other hand, should only be promised by
An account agent makes a number o f promises to users in return; some of
these are of a general nat ure, such as accepting information promised to the
User/Person (41)
User/Person (42)
User/Person (43)
π:Keep money safe
User/Person (44)
π:Account fu nctions
User/Person (45)
π:U(cash payment)
User/Person (46)
Some additional promises are conditional on the category of user, such a s the
promise to accept instructions from different user categories. This leads us
naturally to an implementation in terms of access control rather t han class
π:U(use account)/C
User/Person (47)
π:U(priv update)/C
User/Person (48)
Let us consider these conditions. Any agent can make a cash payment to an
account, regardless of privilege level. For other transactions, we want to ensure
authorization however. The owner of an account should have all normal usage
privileges, thus if an agent with a name matching. The conditions C
, C
be based in information that is available (promised) to the account agents:
: name = owner AND employee 6= tru e (49)
: name 6= owner AND employee = true (50)
These conditional promises are mutually exclusive and hence they should be
represented by exclusive promises, which extend the unconditional promises
to accept cash payments.
We allow, by contrast with the UML model, user/Person agents to be bot h
customers and employees non-exclusively, since the conditional tests can be
made based entirely on the information that a user is operating in employee
mode (e.g. making that promise by entering an authorization code or passwd).
We see from the services provided by an account that users are distinguished
entirely by the functions t hey carry out, not by named skills without a basis
in service. Thus it is only allowed behaviour that distinguishes user categor ies.
Account-agents promise to accept normal usage transactions as long as an
agent is not an employee (any a gent customer or not might need to pay money
into a customer’s account). An agent who is sometimes an employee can also
use its account as lo ng as it is not currently making the employee promise. As
soon as employee privilege is invoked, account agents invoke different promised
behaviour which restricts the a ctions they can perfor m.
What about the UML ownership association? The account att r ibute “owner”
is the private knowledge of the account-a gent concerned. There is no need for
this information to be issued as an explicit relation that is promised to a user,
since that behaviour is implicit in the Use-promises. Thus the owns” associ-
ation is not a necessary interface relation, only an attr ibute of the account.
Readers might be uncomfortable that a bank account somehow knows own-
ership information by itself this is perhaps not how many would view a
traditional bank. If we wish to model a more traditional, centralized bank, we
could introduce a central bank ag ent which has knowledge of all accounts and
delegates the data to its subordinate account-ag ents:
, i (51)
Similarly, the account-agents could place themselves under the umbrella of the
bank by promising to use these names from the main agent.
Bank (52)
Bank (53)
There is nothing in this model that r equires this however. If one were to
implement a bank as a Service Oriented device, then bank accounts could be
created anywhere without a common umbrella. They do not have to belong
to a single bank. Our model is rather too primitive to make a detailed case
for this here however.
9.2 The roles and classes
In promise theory, we have conjectured that the natural spanning set of classes
in a system can be discovered by looking for roles in the promise gra ph, i.e.
common and repeated patterns within the graph. When ro le-promises ar e
disjoint or mutually exclusive they fall naturally into separate sub-classes,
such as might be implemented through sub-type polymorphism in OO. The
solution below is shown in fig. 5.
We recognize several kinds of user or person promise roles: promises made by
all users, and those which are made only by employees or customers. As we
pointed out above, the promises made only by customers and employees are
exclusive only as a courtesy and we can easily do away with the conditional
aspect of those promises. We choose that approach here for parsimony. Hence
we have a role for agents who promise to be customers, a role for employees
and a role for others (making neither of the other promises above). There is a
role for those who promise both. Since the former ro les overlap, it is incorrect
to represent these as subtypes and we propose that a person/user class would
be of the form of a single data-type.
CustomerACInt EmployeeACInt
String name
Pay cash−payment
U(cash payment)
U(use account)
U(priv update)
Bool customer
Bool employee
Account functions
Keep money safe
Fig. 5. A promise role derived class structure for the bank account problem. Note
that the customer/employee roles are not represented as s eparate classes, but as
attributes to the common user (Person) class.
We recognize t hree kinds of account promise roles, two of which are mutually
exclusive (and hence form natural subtypes) and one which is common to the
others (and hence requires no subtype). This forms a natural tree decomposi-
tion as shown in fig. 5.
What we see is that the promise theory solution, which makes behaviour t he
premier consideration, is to split the account class into two rather than the
person/user class. The split is based on what promises are available to the
different kinds of users. The change to an account subtype is a change in
security level (like a pure Clark-Wilson model[24] interface) which leads to a
natural access control. The decomposition is not based on names (as in the
OO philosophy) but on the promised behavioural characteristics. This shows
us immediately how to build such a system as a distributed Service Oriented
system, but it is equally applicable to a strategy of “need to know” in a local
We end up with two security levels, implemented through mutually exclusive
interfaces (modes) in the account class, rat her than two kinds of users, since
this arrangement embodies the behavioural constraints.
Promises ?
Fig. 6. Taking a promise viewpoint, the roles in the bank account interaction ex-
ample are shown. Note th at d ifferent user roles overlap. An employee might also be
a customer in the bank, similarly user can pay in tr ansactions even wh en a user is
not a customer of the ban k.
10 Discussion and conclusion
Using promises, we are able to model some salient features of both the Object
Oriented paradigm and the Service Oriented Architecture in a common frame-
work. There is an enormous pot ential for describing interfaces and constraints
on program activities, without having to deal with actual computational pro-
cesses. Design patterns are explicit embrace of policy, within policy to find
standard ways of using the standard tools. They are indications of the in-
completeness o f programming paradigm policies such as OO. Incompleteness
is not a bad thing it means flexibility, but it indicates that the doctrine of
‘better programming’ implied by some authors warrants further scrutiny.
Another programming paradigm introduced recently is that of aspects. Aspects
allow one to weave in-line code fragments into an existing program using a
secondary compiler. The break with the hierarchical container idiom, but are
easily represented as promises or services performed by a weaving agent.
A practical benefit of our promise theory approach in OO class construction is
the following. In OO design one models data-types first and creates instances
of these pre-decided types on demand as program logic develops. This is not
unnatural, since o ne does not necessarily know what precise objects will be
required in advance; however, it can lead to blind alleys and refactoring, a s
one has no empirical basis for a project at the outset. A spanning set model,
in terms of a ctual objects and their promises, which leads to ‘natural’ orga-
nizational structures, can help to avoid some of these blind alleys. We have
applied this approach to code examples in cfengine 3[25] with some success
(see fig. 7) as a proof of concept.
Compilers are inadequate to find many problems in programs and program-
ming design policy because they check syntax not behavioural promises. If
programming languages were able to pro mise behaviour, compilers would also
client function generating output
Appointing role
D&L = data^loggingoption
data/data (relay)
1:1 correspondence between streams
and clients
Singleton wrapper
stream interface
option repository
stream interface
level input "debug" etc
Fig. 7. Modelling the d esign of logging and output stream service using promises.The
dotted ellipses show how natural roles emerge wh ich can be identified with separate
class type-bundles
be able to detect improper use of policies like inheritance etc.
Promises also allow analyses, bo t h logical and economic[7,8]. The economic
trade-like model inherent in the SOA is nat ura lly described in promise the-
ory[8]. Using the idea of common knowledge as a graph theoretic construction
(rather than a modal logic inference) one has an easy way of tracking scope
with graph theoretical tools. This could be an approach to examining reflec-
tions, or ‘self-aware’ programs.
There are other ways entirely in which promises might assist in modelling soft-
ware engineering. The act of basing software o n a specification is a promise
to customers, saying that a program will comply with its specification. On
the other hand, much software is developed without any formal specification.
Open source software, for example, is often the result of dedicated work by
‘hackers’ who based their work more on knowledgeable intuition than on f or-
mal methods. Does this make it less able to function reliably? Users clearly
use the software even though t he software promises nothing formally. We hope
to return to some of these issues in future work.
Acknowledgement: we are grateful to Jan Bergstra, Alva Couch and Tuva
Hassel Stang for stimulating discussions.
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... Notice that, as we add the promises, the logic of the system reveals itself at a high level, without prejudice about architectures or other considerations (e.g. there is no reason to compare this to object oriented design or Unified Modelling Language [31]). This helps us to understand and even construct systems based on specification primitives (promises). ...
... The promises thus allow us to see where things can go wrong at the highest level, without getting embroiled in implementation details. We have also applied the technique to software engineering [31]. ...
... Let us draw another parallel with pervasive computing management, namely software engineering management, and suggest how promise theory can offer insights into the structure of programming objects. This has been developed at length in ref. [31]. ...
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We present a model for policy based management , stressing the role of decisive autonomy in generalized networks. The organization and consistency of agent cooperation is discussed within a cooperative network. We show that some simple rules can eliminate formal inconsistencies, allowing robust approximations to management. Using graph theoretical ranking methods, we evaluate also the probable consistency and robustness of cooperation in a network region. Our theory makes natural contact with social network models in building a theory of pervasive computing. We illustrate our model with a number of examples. Index Terms-Configuration management, ad hoc networks, peer to peer, pervasive computing, end-to-end service provision.
... Example 65 (Named Data and Content Centric Networking) Named Data Networking [15], and other namebased location addressing schemes, like Content Centric Networking [16], Content Delivery Networks [66] use names as the destination addresses of locations on the Internet. Unlike the impositional approaches to data transmission, NDN is based on the idea of voluntary cooperation [67], and is a form of conditional forwarding based on identity [6,[68][69][70]. Sources of data promises promise their data +D(n) by name n, with a signature of the originator to specify provenance (see figure 22). ...
... The intermediate router must be completely trustworthy to both parties, as it has the ability to distort the data and even replace it [6,68]. The authenticity is presumed by virtue of signing. ...
... Ironically, once we've finished constructing automata to mimic smart behaviour, the proxies which enact programmed patterns often seem very dumb to us, because they are frozen into behaviours that are little more sophisticated than the opening and closing of a flower in response to sunlight.68 In modern parlance, this process is called Continuous Delivery[125]. ...
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Using the previously developed concepts of semantic spacetime, I explore the interpretation of knowledge representations, and their structure, as a semantic system, within the framework of promise theory. By assigning interpretations to phenomena, from observers to observed, we may approach a simple description of knowledge-based functional systems, with direct practical utility. The focus is especially on the interpretation of concepts, associative knowledge, and context awareness. The inference seems to be that most if not all of these concepts emerge from purely semantic spacetime properties, which opens the possibility for a more generalized understanding of what constitutes a learning, or even 'intelligent' system. Some key principles emerge for effective knowledge representation: 1) separation of spacetime scales, 2) the recurrence of four irreducible types of association, by which intent propagates: aggregation, causation, cooperation , and similarity, 3) the need for discrimination of identities (discrete), which is assisted by distinguishing timeline simultaneity from sequential events, and 4) the ability to learn (memory). It is at least plausible that emergent knowledge abstraction capabilities have their origin in basic spacetime structures. These notes present a unified view of mostly well-known results; they allow us to see information models, knowledge representations, machine learning, and semantic networking (transport and information base) in a common framework. The notion of 'smart spaces' thus encompasses artificial systems as well as living systems, across many different scales, e.g. smart cities and organizations.
... There are also constructs for aggregation of concerns: contexts, containers, unions, packages, classes, etc. We may represent these structures purely within a framework of agent promises to see them as distributed systems [9]. ...
... What we require of the hierarchy of nameservices is the ability to manage them at timescales appropriate for development and operations (see section XI), from the bottom up. Top down registration (DNS) leads to contention and delay because it does not support multi-tenancy of control, and the control bottleneck forces all parties into a single management timescale that is typically much slower than their natural 9 The directory service Consul maintains a record of the service availability of a server independently of the name data. ...
Technical Report
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We summarize a multi-tenant and multiuser abstraction for ubiquitous distributed systems that range from datacentres to industrial, agricultural, and domestic scenarios. The virtual 'workspaces' we describe will be an important abstraction for managing multi-interest separation of concerns, both as a mapping between operations and resources, and as a unified approach for viewing datacentres and embedded systems as parts of a single unified platform.
... There are also constructs for aggregation of concerns: contexts, containers, unions, packages, classes, etc. We may represent these structures purely within a framework of agent promises to see them as distributed systems [9]. ...
... Let us draw another parallel with autonomous pervasive computing management, namely software engineering management, and show how promise theory recovers some well-known insights into the structure of programming objects[51]. (This example is subtly different to a 'real' network of autonomous devices, because program flow is driven forward by an external agent (the system scheduler), so the autonomy of the objects is Our theory of promises can be applied to programming by treating every addressable item in a program as a node in a graph. By explicitly adding arrows for the services that bind the objects together, one obtains a graph of the necessary and sufficient relationships between the objects. ...
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Abstract We present a model for policy based management, stressing the role of decisive autonomy in generalized networks. The organization and consistency of agent cooperation is discussed within a cooperative network. We show that some simple rules can eliminate formal inconsistencies, allowing robust approximations to management. Using graph theoretical ranking methods, we evaluate also the probable consistency and robustness of cooperation in a network,region. Our theory makes,natural contact with social network,models,in building a theory of pervasive computing. We illustrate our model,with a number,of examples. Index Terms Configuration management, ad hoc networks, peer to peer, per vasive computing.
... In this paper, we do not consider commitment promises, and use the term " commitment " to refer more generically to any promise made. Recently, conditional promises were introduced in order to encode simple interactions between promises[3,678. A conditional promise is a promise that is contingent upon the validity of other specified promises. Definition 1. ...
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Promise theory denes a method by which static service bindings are made in a network, but little work has been done on han- dling the dynamic case in which bindings must change over time due to both contingencies and changes in policy. We dene two new kinds of promises that provide temporal scope for a conditional promise. We show that simple temporally-scoped promises can describe common network behaviors such as leasing and failover, and allow an agent to completely control the sequence of sets of promises to which it commits with another agent, over time. This allows agents to adapt to changing conditions by making short-term bilateral agreements rather than the long-term uni- lateral agreements provided by previous promise constructions.
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Abstract We present a model for policy based management, stressing the role of decisive autonomy in generalized networks. The organization and consistency of agent cooperation is discussed within a cooperative network. We show that some simple rules can eliminate formal inconsistencies, allowing robust approximations to management. Using graph theoretical ranking methods, we evaluate also the probable consistency and robustness of cooperation in a network,region. Our theory makes,natural contact with social network,models,in building a theory of pervasive computing. We illustrate our model,with a number,of examples. Index Terms Configuration management, ad hoc networks, peer to peer, per vasive computing.
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Analytic execution architectures have been proposed as a means to conceptualize the cooperation between components such as programs, threads, states and services. Interface groups provide a technique to combine interface elements into interfaces with the flexibility to distinguish between permission and obligation and between promise and expectation which all come into play when component interfaces are specified. The set of basic actions A that underlies any program algebra or thread algebra generates the interface group for A (in additive notation). The main principle that makes use of an interface group is that when composing a closed system of a collection of interacting components, the sum of their interfaces must be 0. Interface groups provide a setting in which architectures, components and roles can be easily specified and discussed. As an example of this, we show that the program algebra PGA essentially needs an infinite number of primitive instructions to express all finite state threads. Key words:
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Abstract Systems with decentralized authority are sometimes,considered to be ‘unmanaged’ or even unman- ageable. Promise theory is an approach to policy that assumes complete,decentralization of authority. Cooperation between agents or systems is entirely voluntary, so why would agents cooperate in forming policy? By exhibiting the relationship between promise theory and game theory, we propose that there is a natural economic,incentive for cooperation in distribu ted systems with autonomous,control. The possibility of trading between,agents motivates the definit ion of a common,currency. Our results are especially applicable to the analysis of policy in a Service Oriented Architecture. We derive minimal requirements for the existence of stable Agreements between agents, with or without monetary payment.
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The use of hierarchy is an important component of object-oriented design. Hierarchy allows the use of type families, in which higher level supertypes capture the behavior that all of their subtypes have in common. For this methodology to be effective, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of how subtypes and supertypes are related. This paper takes the position that the relationship should ensure that any property proved about supertype objects also holds for its subtype objects. It presents two ways of defining the subtype relation, each of which meets this criterion, and each of which is easy for programmers to use. The paper also discusses the ramifications of this notion on the design of type families and on the contents of type specifications and presents a notation for specifying types formally.
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Presently, there is no satisfactory model for dealing with political autonomy of agents in policy based management. A theory of atomic policy units called ‘promises’ is therefore discussed. Using promises, a global authority is not required to build conventional management abstractions, but work is needed to bind peers into a traditional authoritative structure. The construction of promises is precise, if tedious, but can be simplified graphically to reason about the distributed effect of autonomous policy. Immediate applications include resolving the problem of policy conflicts in autonomous networks.
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The advent of pervasive computing is moving us towards a new paradigm for computing in terms of ad hoc services. This carries with it a certain risk, from a security and management viewpoint. Users become increasingly responsible for their own hosts. A form of service transaction based on minimal trust is discussed. A proof of concept implementation of non- demand (voluntary) services is discussed for pervasive computing environments. 'Voluntary Remote Procedure Call' is a test-implementation of the proposed protocol integrated into cfengine, to show how voluntary cooperation of nodes can allow a cautious exchange of collaborative services, based on minimal trust. An analysis of implementation approaches followed by a discussion of the desirability of this technology is presented.
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Additive AND/OR graphs are defined as AND/ OR graphs without circuits, which can be considered as folded AND/OR trees; i. e. the cost of a common subproblem is added to the cost as many times as the subproblem occurs, but it is computed only once. Additive ...
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We have found many programming problems for which neither procedural nor object-oriented programming techniques are sufficient to clearly capture some of the important design decisions the program must implement. This forces the implementation of those design decisions to be scattered throughout the code, resulting in “tangled” code that is excessively difficult to develop and maintain. We present an analysis of why certain design decisions have been so difficult to clearly capture in actual code. We call the properties these decisions address aspects, and show that the reason they have been hard to capture is that they cross-cut the system's basic functionality. We present the basis for a new programming technique, called aspect-oriented programming, that makes it possible to clearly express programs involving such aspects, including appropriate isolation, composition and reuse of the aspect code. The discussion is rooted in systems we have built using aspect-oriented programming.
Conference Paper
This paper introduces and develops an algebra over triadic relations (relations whose contents are only triples). In essence, the algebra is a severely restricted variation of relational algebra (RA) that is de.ned over relations with exactly three attributes and is closed for the same set of relations. In particular, arbitrary joins and Cartesian products are replaced by a single three-way join. Ternary relations are important because they provide the minimal, and thus most uniform, way to encode semantics wherein metadata may be treated uniformly with regular data; this fact has been recognized in the choice of triples to formalize the Semantic Web via RDF. Indeed, algebraic de.nitions corresponding to certain of these formalisms will be shown as examples. An important aspect of this algebra is an encoding of triples, implementing a kind of rei.cation. The algebra is shown to be equivalent, over non-rei.ed values, to a restriction of Datalog and hence to a fragment of .rst order logic. Furthermore, the algebra requires only two operators if certain .xed in.nitary constants (similar to Tarski’s identity) are present. In this case, all structure is represented only in the data, that is, in the encodings that these in.nitary constants represent.