The Chinese concept of Guanxi is a form of social QHWZRUNWKHRU\�WKDWGHÏ �QHVRQHpVSODFHLQWKH� social structure and provides security, trust and a prescribed role. This essay argues that Eastern Guanxi and recently popularized Western Social Network Theory (SNT) overlap in three ways. First, both imply that information is essential to sustain a social system by prescribing a set of EHKDYLRUVWKDWUHJXODWHWKH�Ì �RZRILQIRUPDWLRQ� DQGWKDWGHÏ �QHLQVLGHUDQGRXWVLGHUUHODWLRQVKLSV� (Guanxi), or strong ties and weak ties (SNT). Sec- ond, both offer a theory of change coupled with an ethic of sustainability where order is created by trust as a local, relative phenomena. Finally, both Guanxi and SNT characterize randomness and order as essential, though Guanxi favors certainty and trust over chaos. The implications of the comparison undermine the claims of 'new- QHVVpDQGSULPDF\�RIWHQDVVRFLDWHGZLWKUHFHQW� SNT literature. Furthermore, they suggest that :HVWHUQQHWZRUNWKHRULVWVFDQJDLQVLJQLÏ �FDQW� insight from traditional Eastern thought.