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A funerary feast fit for King Midas



A royal banquet has been reconstructed from residues in pots found inside the tomb.
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
We have chemically analysed the
ancient organic contents of vessels
from the Tumulus MM, ‘Midas
Mound’1, the site at Gordion in central
Turkey that is the likely tomb of King
Midas. The analysis revealed that a spicy
meal of sheep or goat and pulses was eaten
by mourners at a feast before the interment.
We also identified a mixed fermented bev-
erage of grape wine, barley beer and honey
mead in the most comprehensive Iron Age
drinking set ever found, comprising
numerous bronze mixing and serving ves-
sels and more than 100 bowls. Besides pro-
viding direct and dramatic evidence for
ancient Mediterranean cuisine and cus-
toms, our findings have an important
bearing on the cultural antecedents of
Midas’s Phrygian kingdom and on the
wider application of molecular archaeologi-
cal techniques to other ancient foods and
Preservation conditions were extraordi-
narily good inside the tomb, which is the
earliest known intact wooden structure in
the world, dated at about 700 BC. The body
of a male, aged 60–65, was laid out in state
on a thick pile of dyed textiles in a unique
log coffin2. The identification of the body as
King Midas is strongly supported by the
monumental size of the earthen mound
built over the tomb, the richness of the
burial goods, and the contemporaneous
Assyrian inscriptions. The coffin and 14
pieces of fine wooden furniture3had been
placed in the tomb after being used in the
Our chemical reconstruction (Fig. 1) of
the banquet entrée is based on well pre-
served ‘fingerprint’ compounds. Triacyl-
glycerols, composed principally of saturated
palmitic (C16) and stearic (C18) fatty acids,
with small amounts of unsaturated oleic
(C18:1) fatty acids, predominate in the
residues. These compounds, together with
cholesterol and the C6, C8, C10 saturated
acids (caproic, caprylic and capric acids,
respectively) can best be explained as deriv-
ing from sheep or goat fat. A rancid odour,
which may have come from this fat, was
detected by the excavators when the tomb
was opened. Other compounds indicate
that the meat was first barbecued before
being cut off the bone and seasoned with
Mediterranean herbs and spices.
The major constituents of the mixed fer-
mented beverage are tartaric acid and its
salts (occurring naturally in large amounts
only in grape and its products, including
wine4), calcium oxalate (‘beerstone’, the
main precipitate of barley beer5) and
brief communications
VOL 402
23/30 DECEMBER 1999
| 863
A funerary feast fit for King Midas
A royal banquet has been reconstructed from residues in pots found inside the tomb.
4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500
Frequency (cm–1)
Relative absorbanceRelative intensity
836 862
808 892
Time (min)
Relative abundance
Ram-headed Situla
Pottery Jar
Figure 1 Analysis of vessel contents in the ‘King Midas’ tomb. a, Bronze ram-headed
b, Complementary analyses of the contents
of the
(purple line) and food remains from inside a pottery jar (red line). Diffuse-reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectra typify
the methanol extracts of 16 beverage and 14 food samples. The
’s residue is characterized by strong hydrocarbon bands at
2,930/2,860, 1,460, 1,360 and 720 cm11, best explained by long-chain esters of beeswax. Carboxylate adsorptions between 1,670
and 1,610 cm11and between 1,610 and 1,570 cm11correlate with calcium oxalate (‘beerstone’) and calcium tartrate, respectively. A
broad band at 3,450–3,400 cm11is due to hydroxyl groups. The food residue, by contrast, lacks carboxylate and hydroxyl absorption,
and has a marked carbonyl doublet at 1,750–1,730 cm11. Its hydrocarbon bands have better definition in the ‘fingerprint’ region at
1,420, 1,390, 1,170, and 1,120 cm11. These data would best be accounted for by lamb fat. c, High-performance liquid chromatogram
(HPLC) of a chloroform-methanol extract of the food residue shows that triacylglycerols account for the peak at a retention time of 2.55
min (total ions) representing 90% of the lipid fraction and about 10% of the ancient food residue. d, Its mass spectrum is dominated by
protonated palmitodistearin (
864), with lesser amounts of dipalmito-stearin (836) and tripalmitin (808). Small peaks at 862, 892 and
890, respectively, are due to to oleo-palmito-stearin, tristearin and 2-oleodistearin, the latter being prevalent in pulses. The diacyl-
glycerides at 608, 606, 580 and 552 are fragmentation products. Other components of the food samples were identified by gas chro-
matography–mass spectrometry, sometimes preceded by direct thermal extraction. These include: anisic acid (from anise or fennel),
chondrillasterol (lentil), elaidic acid, the
isomer of oleic acid (olive oil), a range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including
phenanthrene, and alkyl phenol derivatives such as cresol (barbecued meat), and a-terpineol and terpenoid compounds (spices).
© 1999 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
Game theory
Losing strategies can win
by Parrondo’s paradox
In a game of chess, pieces can sometimes be
sacrificed in order to win the overall game.
Similarly, engineers know that two unstable
systems, if combined in the right way, can
paradoxically become stable. But can two
losing gambling games be set up such that,
when they are played one after the other,
they becoming winning? The answer is yes.
This is a striking new result in game theory
called Parrondo’s paradox, after its discov-
erer, Juan Parrondo1,2. Here we model this
behaviour as a flashing ratchet3, in which
winning results if play alternates randomly
between two games.
There are actually many ways to con-
struct such gambling scenarios, the sim-
plest of which uses three biased coins (Fig.
1a). Game A consists of tossing a biased
coin (coin 1) that has a probability (p1) of
winning of less than half, so it is a losing
game. Let p141/21
, where
, the bias,
can be any small number, say 0.005.
Game B (Fig. 1a) consists of playing
with two biased coins. The rule is that we
play coin 2 if our capital is a multiple of an
integer Mand play coin 3 if it is not. The
value of Mis not important, but for sim-
plicity let us say that M43. This means
that, on average, coin 3 would be played a
VOL 402
23/30 DECEMBER1999
little more often than coin 2. If we assign a
poor probability of winning to coin 2, such
as p241/101
, then this would outweigh
the better coin 3 with p343/41
, making
game B a losing game overall.
Thus both A and B are losing games, as
can be seen in Fig. 1b, where the two lower
lines indicate declining capital. If we play
two games of A followed by two of B and so
on, this periodic switching results in the
upper line in Fig. 1b, showing a rapid
increase in capital — this is Parrondos para-
dox. What is even more remarkable is that
when games A and B are played randomly,
with no order in the sequence, this still pro-
duces a winning expectation (Fig. 1b).
This phenomenon was recently proved
mathematically1for a generalized Mand
analysed in terms of entropy based on
Shannon’s information theory3. We used
the flashing brownian ratchet4to explain
the game by analogy. The flashing ratchet
can be visualized as an uphill slope that
switches back and forth between a linear
and a sawtooth-shaped profile. Brownian
particles on a flat or sawtooth slope always
drift downwards, as expected. However, if
we flash between the flat and saw-tooth
slope, the particles are ‘massaged’ uphill.
This is only possible if the sawtooth shape is
asymmetrical in a way that favours particles
spilling over a higher tooth.
The flat slope is like game A, where the
is like the steepness of the slope. Game
B is like the sawtooth slope, where the differ-
ence between coin 2 and coin 3 is like the
asymmetry in the tooth shape. In the
brownian ratchet case, there are two types of
slope, with falling particles, but when they
are switched the particles go uphill. Simi-
larly, two of Parrondo’s games have declin-
ing capital that increases if the games are
switched or alternated. The games can be
thought of as being a discrete ratchet and are
known collectively as a parrondian ratchet.
Game theory is linked to various disci-
plines such as economics and social dynam-
ics, so the development of parrondian-like
strategies may be useful, for example for
modelling cases in which declining birth and
death processes combine in a beneficial way.
Gregory P. Harmer, Derek Abbott
Centre for Biomedical Engineering,
Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
1. Harmer, G. P., Abbott, D., Taylor, P. G. & Parrondo, J. M. R. in
Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations
11–15 July, Adelaide (eds Abbott, D. & Kiss, L. B.)(American
Institute of Physics, in the press).
2. McClintock, P. V. E. Nature 401, 23–25 (1999).
3. Harmer, G. P., Abbott, D., Taylor, P. G., Pearce, C. E. M. &
Parrondo, J. M. R. in Proc. Stochastic and Chaotic Dynamics
in the Lakes 16–20 August, Ambleside, UK (ed. McClintock,
P. V. E.) (American Institute of Physics, in the press).
4. Doering, C. R. Nuovo Cimento D 17, 685–697 (1995).
5. Rousselet, J., Salome, L., Ajdarai, A. & Prost, J. Nature 370,
446–448 (1994).
beeswax (a group of marker compounds6
that are not easily filtered out from mead).
The Homeric epics7,8, reflecting both
Greek and Anatolian traditions of the
eighth century BC and earlier, describe out-
door funeral banquets in which skewered
and roast sheep and goat were served,
together with a mixed fermented beverage
(Greek kykeon)9similar to that in the Midas
tomb. (Barley grains were added to kykeon,
which may have been in the form of beer.)
This beverage, in which other fruits such as
apple and cranberry might have been used
instead of grapes, had long been a tradition-
al drink in Europe10, suggesting that the
Phrygian population could have been of
European extraction, perhaps from the
Balkans or northern Greece.
Patrick E. McGovern*, Donald L. Glusker*,
Robert A. Moreau†, Alberto Nuñez†,
Curt W. Beck‡, Elizabeth Simpson§,
Eric D. Butrym¶, Lawrence J. Exner*,
Edith C. Stout‡
*Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology,
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology
and Anthropology, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19104, USA
brief communications
win lose
Coin 1
Capital is
divisible by MCapital is not
divisible by M
win lose
win lose
Coin 2 Coin 3
0 20 40 60 80 100
Games played
Game A
Game B
Figure 1 Game rules and simulation. a, An example of two
games, consisting of only three biased coins, which demonstrate
Parrondo’s paradox, where
3are the probabilities of
winning for the individual coins. For game A, if
40.005 and
, then it is a losing game. For game B, if
43 then we end up with coin
3 more often than coin 2. But coin 3 has a poor probability of win-
ning, so B is a losing game. The paradox is that playing games A
and B in any sequence leads to a win. b, The progress of playing
games A and B individually and when switching between them.
The simulation was performed by playing game A twice and game
B twice, and so on, until 100 games were played; this is indicated
by the line labelled ‘Periodic’. Randomly switched games result in
the line labelled ‘Random’. The results were averaged from
50,000 trials with
Eastern Regional Research Center,
US Department of Agriculture,
600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor,
Pennsylvania 19038, USA
Amber Research Laboratory,
Department of Chemistry, Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601, USA
§The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the
Decorative Arts, 18 West 86th Street, New York,
New York 10024, USA
Scientific Instrument Services,
1027 Old York Road, Ringoes,
New Jersey 08551, USA
1. Young, R. S. Three Great Early Tumuli (Univ. Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, 1981).
2. Simpson, E. J. Field Archaeol. 17, 69–87 (1990).
3. Simpson, E. in The Furniture of Western Asia: Ancient and
Traditional (ed. Herrmann, G.) 187–209 (Von Zabern, Mainz,
4. McGovern, P. E., Glusker, D. L., Exner, L. J. & Voigt, M. M.
Nature 381, 480–481 (1996).
5. Michel, R. H., McGovern, P. E. & Badler, V. R. Nature 360, 24
6. Evershed, R. P., Vaughan, S. J., Dudd, S. N. & Soles, J. S.
Antiquity 71, 979–985 (1997).
7. Homer Iliad 9.202–217, 11.638–641, 23.29–56, 24.660–667,
8. Homer Odyssey 10.229-243.
9. Ridgway, D. Oxf. J. Archaeol. 16, 324–344 (1997).
10.Sherr att, A. in Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean (eds
Waldren, W. H. & Kennard, R. C.) 81–114 (BAR, Oxford, 1987).
... Multiple methods of chemical residue analysis, including the Feigl spot test, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ion chromatography, and fourier-transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), have been employed to identify oxalate ions, proposed as markers of beer production, in archaeological ceramics (for example, Michel et al., 1993;McGovern et al., 1999;McGovern et al., 2005;Otto, 2015). The earliest reported identification of beer in the Middle East, for example, is based on a positive identification of oxalate ions on a Late Uruk ceramic sherd from Godin Tepe in Iran (Michel et al., 1993). ...
... 254-255;Smiddy et al., 2012) or plant oils (e.g., Parcerisa et al., 2000;Wiesman & Chapagain, 2009). Some work has attempted to extract precise taxonomic information from the TAGs preserved in archaeological vessels using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (Kimpe et al., 2001(Kimpe et al., , 2002McGovern et al., 1999;Romanus et al., 2007Romanus et al., , 2009Saliu et al., 2011Saliu et al., , 2014 and mass spectrometric analyses with different ionisation sources: electrospray ionisation (ESI and nano-ESI; Garnier et al., 2009;Mirabaud et al., 2007) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI; Oras et al., 2017;Smith, 2013aSmith, , 2013bSmith, , 2014. These studies demonstrated that it is possible to improve the analysis of archaeological TAGs, both in terms of detection limits and accuracy in identifying certain fatty foodstuffs. ...
Organic residue analysis (ORA) is a valuable tool for the study of ancient diets, but conventional methods remain limited in terms of taxonomic identification or to resolve mixtures. Here, we propose a method to further explore a class of compounds—triacylglycerols (TAGs)—using high‐resolution mass spectrometry to overcome these limitations in an attempt to better characterise culinary practices. Over 70 medieval Sicilian pots and a wide range of authentic fresh products were studied by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionisation–mass spectrometry (MALDI‐MS and MALDI‐MS/MS). MALDI‐MS analysis can distinguish fresh foodstuffs but provides little additional information regarding the contents of archaeological pottery compared to conventional ORA methods. In contrast, product ion analyses were able to deconvolute a range of animal carcass fat mixtures. In addition, detailed analysis of the composition of saturated T 44 and unsaturated T 50 –T 54 TAGs was able to provide greater taxonomic resolution regarding dairy products and plant oils.
... The innovation of this study was the targeting of corrosion for organic residue analysis, as opposed to visually distinguishable residues (e.g. 21,[27][28][29][30]. The researchers suggested that the organic compounds recovered had been encapsulated by inorganic compounds (although these were not identified as part of the study) as opposed to being trapped in the sample as metal-organic or organometallic complexes which would be harder to detect. ...
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The characterization of archaeological metal corrosion has traditionally been limited to the identification of inorganic compounds usually by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thought to result from the interaction between the metal object and the deposition environment. The discovery of a hoard of Late Roman copper-alloy vessels in Wiltshire, UK presented an unique opportunity to adopt a multi-analytical approach to characterize corrosion combining XRD with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and gas chromatography with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry using a thermal separation probe (GC-QTOF-MS with TSP). This approach revealed organic compounds potentially historical preserved within crystalline inorganic matrices. It has been known for some time that ceramics can harbour organic residues, which provide crucial evidence about the use of these vessels in the past. Our results confirms that similar residues appear to survive in metal corrosion thus extending the potential for identification of biomaterials used in the past.
Striking similarities in Etruscan and Anatolian material culture reveal various forms of contact and exchange between these regions on opposite sides of the Mediterranean. This is the first comprehensive investigation of these connections, approaching both cultures as agents of artistic exchange rather than as side characters in a Greek-focused narrative. It synthesizes a wide range of material evidence from c. 800 – 300 BCE, from tomb architecture and furniture to painted vases, terracotta reliefs, and magic amulets. By identifying shared practices, common visual language, and movements of objects and artisans (from both east to west and west to east), it illuminates many varied threads of the interconnected ancient Mediterranean fabric. Rather than trying to account for the similarities with any one, overarching theory, this volume presents multiple, simultaneous modes and implications of connectivity while also recognizing the distinct local identities expressed through shared artistic and cultural traditions.
Feasting and the drinking of beer by the Gamo Boreda, who live in the highlands of southern Ethiopia, represent status and seniority and have a long tradition of connecting the living with their ancestors. This paper focuses on the archaeological site of Ochollo Mulato (AD 1270–1950), incorporating oral traditions in association with ceramic ethnoarchaeological and archaeological research documenting the importance of beer and feasting to the Gamo Boreda. Elders recount, from their oral tradition, that Ochollo Mulato is the oldest and most senior of the nine original settlements encompassing the Gamo highlands. Oral tradition and archaeological and ethnoarchaeological ceramic analyses suggest that large-scale ritual feasting of beer and other foods were part of the activities that occurred at Ochollo Mulato over the last eight centuries.
What was burned in lamps in the prehistoric Mediterranean? Olive oil, as one would first suppose? Analysis of absorbed lipids preserved in the fabric of lamps and conical cups from the Minoan site of Mochlos in eastern Crete shows for the first time that beeswax was used as an illuminant.
Bronze cheese-graters have been found in three 9th-century warriors' graves at Lefkandi in Euboea. The presence of a similar item in a socially elevated male (and military) context is attested in the Iliad(xi, 628–643), when it is used in the preparation of a kykeon(mixture) in Nestor's depas(cup) that apparently revives a wounded hero. ‘Nestor's cup, good to drink from’ is mentioned in an inscription from a grave (c.725–700) at Euboean Pithekoussai on the Bay of Naples; and a number of bronze (occasionally silver) graters occur in 7th-century Orientalizing princely graves along the Tyrrhenian seaboard. Unlike that of the better-known 8th-century Euboean ‘pre-colonial’ skyphoi there, the distribution of 7th-century graters extends as far north as the metal-bearing area of Tuscany. It is suggested that a particular kind of ‘heroic’ drinking may have been introduced to the local Etruscan ‘princes’ by Euboeans negotiating for supplies of the Tuscan ores that are known to have been used at Pithekoussai; the presence c.700–690 of a high-ranking Etruscan xenos(guest) at nearby Cumae, recently postulated on epigraphic grounds, may be significant in this respect.
  • P V E Mcclintock
McClintock, P. V. E. Nature 401, 23-25 (1999).
  • C R Doering
Doering, C. R. Nuovo Cimento D 17, 685-697 (1995).
  • J Rousselet
  • L Salome
  • A Ajdarai
  • J Prost
Rousselet, J., Salome, L., Ajdarai, A. & Prost, J. Nature 370, 446-448 (1994).
  • D Ridgway
  • Oxf
Ridgway, D. Oxf. J. Archaeol. 16, 324-344 (1997).