
Evaluation of temporal and spatial trends of groundwater quality alteration in the area of mining waste disposal site

  • Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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On the basis of data from long-term monitoring studies carried out in the impact area of the Smolnica coal mining waste disposal site in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (Poland), the extent and propagation of originally good groundwater quality degradation that resulted from infiltration to the Quaternary aquifer of contaminants leached from the disposal site, as well as major trends of the natural water quality alteration were evaluated. For assessment of spatial and temporal groundwater quality trends in the vicinity of the disposal site, geostatistical methods were applied. Water quality alteration trends were monitored with use of two major constituents: chlorides and sulfates showing significant changes in time and space. The spatial variability was assessed with use of the GeoEas and Surfer models; for data aggregation and trend analysis, the SigmaPlot was used; preliminary data analysis was accomplished with use of the Statgraphics Plus for Windows software. The hydrogeochemical background of two analyzed compounds for each separate hydrogeochemical zone in the waste disposal area was simulated by a probabilistic method. Time- and space-dependent characteristics of chloride and sulfate distribution along with assessed data for the hydrogeochemical background provided a basis for the long-term evaluation of the groundwater chemical composition and deterioration rate variability in the area of the mining waste disposal site.

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... WQI is used to evaluate the quality of water in rivers (Ewaid and Abed, 2017;Wu et al., 2018;Tripathi and Singal, 2019), streams (Tian et al., 2019) or even lacustrine water bodies (Zotou et al., 2020). These types of issues are widely used, including for the assessment of the migration of groundwater pollutants (Pietrucin and Czop, 2015;Niedbalska et al., 2015;Jamorska et al., 2019), long-term changes in surface and groundwater quality (Kmiecik et al., 2004;Szalińska and d'Obyrn, 2018;Kurek et al., 2020) or hydrochemical characteristics in the lacustrine environment (Aleksander-Kwaterczak and Zdechlik, 2016). ...
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The primary aim of the present work is to estimate the influence of the selected method of liquidating post-exploitation sulphur mining excavations in the Tarnobrzeg region to the changes in the water relations in their surrounds. The long term mining activities in this region have lead to radical changes to the initial water relations. Under the influence of mine dewatering a drawdown cone spanning an area of tens of kilometers has formed in the Quaternary and Tertiary aquifer formations. The chosen method for liquidating mining excavations assumes the formation of recreational water reservoirs in their place. Prognosing the changes to the hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical conditions on a regional scale as a result of liquidating post-exploitation excavations is possible by utilising numerical modelling methods. Constructed hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical models represent a stable base upon which future solutions and prognosis can be carried out e.g. in the case that liquidation decisions change. The results obtained from modelling studies are elementary to the execution of technical projects liquidating post-exploitation excavations. A new method for the estimation of the hydrogeochemical background based on geostatistical modelling methods and analysis of probability curves has been developed.