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Optimizing pacing strategies on a hilly track in cross-country skiing


Abstract and Figures

During events involving locomotive exercise, such as cross-country skiing, it is believed that pacing strategies (i.e. power distribution) have a significant impact on performance. Therefore, a program was developed for the numerical simulation and optimization of cross-country ski racing, one that numerically computes the optimal pacing strategy for a continuous track. The track is modelled by a set of cubic splines in two dimensions and can be used to simulate a closed loop track or one with the start and finish at different locations. For an arbitrary point on the two dimensional track, equations of motion are formulated parallel and normal to the track, considering the actual slope and curvature of the track. Forces considered at the studied point are the gravitational force, the normal force between snow and skis, the drag force from the wind, the frictional force between snow and ski and the propulsive force from the skier, where the latter is expressed as the available power divided by the actual speed. The differential equations of motion are solved from start to finish using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method. The optimization of the ski race is carried out with the Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) which minimizes the racing time by choosing the optimum distribution of available power. Constraints for minimum, maximum and average power are decided by conditions of scaling by body size. Results from a simulated ski competition with optimized power distribution on a real track are presented.
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Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology (APCST)
Optimizing pacing strategies on a hilly track in cross-country
David Sundström
, Peter Carlsson, Mats Tinnsten
Department of Enginnering and Sustainable Development, Mid Sweden University, Akademigatan 1, Östersund SE-83125, Sweden
Received 18 March 2011; revised 9 May 2011; accepted 10 May 2011
During events involving locomotive exercise, such as cross-country skiing, it is believed that pacing strategies (i.e.
power distribution) have a significant impact on performance. Therefore, a program was developed for the numerical
simulation and optimization of cross-country ski racing, one that numerically computes the optimal pacing strategy
for a continuous track. The track is modelled by a set of cubic splines in two dimensions and can be used to simulate
a closed loop track or one with the start and finish at different locations. For an arbitrary point on the two dimensional
track, equations of motion are formulated parallel and normal to the track, considering the actual slope and curvature
of the track. Forces considered at the studied point are the gravitational force, the normal force between snow and
skis, the drag force from the wind, the frictional force between snow and ski and the propulsive force from the skier,
where the latter is expressed as the available power divided by the actual speed. The differential equations of motion
are solved from start to finish using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method. The optimization of the ski race is carried out
with the Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) which minimizes the racing time by choosing the optimum
distribution of available power. Constraints for minimum, maximum and average power are decided by conditions of
scaling by body size. Results from a simulated ski competition with optimized power distribution on a real track are
© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of RMIT University
Keywords: Numerical simulation; optimization; cross-country skiing; splines
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-63-165-994.
E-mail address:
1877–7058 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Procedia Engineering 13 (2011) 10–16
David Sundström et al. / Procedia Engineering 13 (2011) 10–16
1. Introduction
Cross-country skiing is a winter sport where the athlete’s (skier’s) ability to cover the course distance
in the shortest time possible is of decisive importance to his/her performance. But since the athlete’s
amount of power is limited, the efforts must be distributed in a rational way. High power should be used
where it is most advantageous, and low power on sections of the track where it is possible or perhaps
necessary to rest and recover. Mathematical modelling of a ski race, combined with efficient nonlinear
optimization routines, provides the potential to analyze how the skiers’ efforts should be distributed in the
most advantageous way. Individual differences, such as size, mass, the available power and ability to
recover, etc., can be considered, as well as the influence of different course profiles on different skiers.
The aim of this investigation was to create a model that can approximate the optimal pacing strategy for a
typical world class cross-country sprint skier on a real course profile. And in the long run, the athlete can
apply this optimal pacing strategy to improve performance.
t, n local coordinate t in the course direction and n normal to the course, aimed at the centre of
x, y global coordinates horizontally and vertically
f(x) equation for the course section, i.e. y = f(x)
course incline at studied point
R course curvature at studied point
N normal force from snow
gravity force, F
= mg
drag force (air resistance) also taking into account any tail/headwind w in addition to skiers
frictional force between ski and snow (glide)
skier's forward propulsive force
w tail or headwind speed on current course section
P available (propulsive) power
2. Description of the Numerical Simulation Model
An arbitrary two-dimensional course profile can be created as a connected chain of cubic splines. As
the entire course is expressed as a connected chain of third degree polynomials, there is no problem in
obtaining the actual gradient and curvature radius for an arbitrary point on the course. The model only
takes account of the effective propulsive force generated by the athlete in the direction of the track. This
12 David Sundström et al. / Procedia Engineering 13 (2011) 10–16
in contrast to Moxnes and Hausken [1] or Holmberg and Lund [2] where certain parts of body movements
in skiing were studied. Moxnes and Hausken show analytical results for the relationships between glide
length, friction and kicking force during a diagonal stride, and in Holmberg and Lund a simulation of the
biomechanics of double-poling was performed and the load distribution between different muscles was
2.1. Forces and scaling
External forces to take into account during a race are the effect of gravity, the frictional forces between
the skis and snow and the effect of air resistance in which any tailwind or headwind can be included. The
skier’s propulsive force ܨ
in the direction of the course is used in the equations of motion. The propulsive
force is the available power, generated by the skier, divided by the current speed (ܨ
ൌܲ ݒ
). When
scaling between skiers of different size (mass), it has been assumed that the athletes have uniform
physiques. Scaling the terms of ܲ
and P
in Equations 7-9 for the individual skier was performed using
the exponential relationship;
where ܲ
is the allowable maximum value of the mean power and P
is the maximum power for the
optimization variables. Index represents skiers 1 and 2 with masses m
and m
etc., see also Bergh [3]. In
the expression used for air resistance, ܨ
the air resistance coefficient k
in uniform scaling is only proportional to the projected frontal area A and is therefore scaled according to
Equation 2, as the projected frontal areas behave like masses raised to 2/3.
2.2. Derivation of equations of motion for an arbitrary course section
The equations of motion are drawn up for a skier in horizontal and vertical directions for an arbitrary
point on the course, see Figure 1. Speed and acceleration relationships in Equation 3 and geometric
relationships from the course profile equation in Equation 4:
Fig. 1. Arbitrary section of the course with forces on the skier and chosen coordinates.
David Sundström et al. / Procedia Engineering 13 (2011) 10–16
ܿ݋ݏߙ ݏ݅݊ߙ
ݏ݅݊ߙ െܿ݋ݏߙ
Į = arctan(y')
During a ski race a skier is obliged to follow the given course profile. As a first step, it is thus useful
to describe the equations of motion in the natural directions of the movement, i.e. in the direction normal
to the course and tangentially [4]. After transformation to x- and y-coordinates and inserting the
expressions of the acting forces, the following equations of motion are obtained:
ߙ ݇ሺݐ
ߙ ݉ቀ݃ߙ
ݏ݅݊ߙ ݇ሺݐ
ݏ݅݊ߙ ݉ቀ݃ܿ݋ݏߙ
െ݉݃. (5)
where the frictional force is ܨ
, the propulsive force is ܨ
and the drag force is
In the drag force expression ݇ൌ
ܣߩ, C
is the drag coefficient,
A is projected frontal area,
is air density and w is the tailwind or headwind speed. The second order
differential equations in Equation 5 can be transformed into a system of four connected first order
equations. Subsequently the system may be solved by any standard numerical solver, see Carlsson et al.
3. Optimization
Numerical optimization is performed on the previously described simulation program. The natural
choice of objective function in the optimization is to minimize the total race time (Equation 6). The
chosen optimization variables are available power on carefully selected points along the course (P
Power levels between these points are available from linear interpolation between the variables. Since the
maximum power a skier can generate over a longer time is limited, certain restrictions must be connected
to the objective function. The chosen constraints are maximum and minimum levels of power (Equation
7), combined with the global maximum mean power ܲ
during the whole race (Equation 8). In order to
prevent the skier from using excessively high power on a longer part of the course, local constraints are
added to those previously described (Equation 9). These constraints prevent the skier from developing
maximum power on more than two consecutive optimization variables and allow a period of recovery
before the next maximum outtake. In mathematical terms, the optimization problem is formulated as;
Minimize ܶൌ
Such that ܲ
݆ൌͳǡʹǡǥǡܰ (7)
݀ݐ ܲ
݆ൌͳǡʹǡǥǡܰʹ (9)
where T is the total race time,
is the time segment during iteration i, K is the total number of time
segments during the actual simulation, P
is the j:th optimization variable (i.e. power level at j), P
are the minimum and maximum power levels for the optimization variables, ܲ
is a reference value of
the maximum mean power for the simulated skier, C is a constant (0 C 1) and N is the number of
optimization variables. To ensure that a good speed is maintained at the very end of the race, it might
14 David Sundström et al. / Procedia Engineering 13 (2011) 10–16
sometimes be necessary to complete the constraints with restrictions to certain speeds or power levels for
the last variables.
4. Numerical Results
The transformed system of connected first order differential equations of movement has been
implemented in a MATLAB program for solutions with the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method. In this paper,
the gradient-based Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA [6]) has been used for the optimization. The
routine has performed excellently in a number of optimization applications, including structural dynamics
Experience shows that it is important to keep the time segments small when solving the differential
equations, otherwise the optimization variables (i.e. the power variables) will occur on slightly different
places on the track with different levels of power. The input data for solving the differential equations are
the skier’s mass, starting speed and available power during the various parts of the race. Input data also
includes the course profile expressed as a connected chain of cubic splines, the glide friction coefficient
, tailwind or headwind speed w and any different postures’ effect on air resistance on various sections of
the course. When scaling the power constraints (ܲ
, P
) and the coefficient k in the expression of air
resistance, the reference value has been taken from values that may be appropriate for a skier with the
mass m = 70 kg. For this skier the reference value of maximum mean power ሺܲ
has been set to ܲ
= 325
W and the air resistance coefficient k
= 0.49. The reference values used for power, air resistance and
friction have, when simulating skiing 10,000 m on a flat course in conditions with no wind, given a skiing
time of just under 24 min. for a skier with a mass of 70 kg.
The planned course for the Swedish Sprint Championships in 2007 has been modelled as a chain of
totally 36 connected cubic splines, see Figure 2 (the sprint competitions were actually moved to another
place due to a lack of snow in the intended area). The course has a length of 1425 m. The course has been
used for the optimization of a skier’s power distribution during the race. In the simulated race a friction
coefficient of
= 0.03 is used and no headwind or tailwind is assumed. Optimization is performed with N
= 35 variables. The power variables are spread over the course in such a way that they are closer to each
other where the slope of the course has distinct changes. Available power values between the variable
values have been calculated by linear interpolation. Maximum and minimum values for the power in
Equation 8 are set to ܲ
resp. ܲ
and the constant C in Equation 9 is given the value
C = 1. In order to stabilize the numerical process, all constraints are normalized during the optimization.
4.1. Optimization of a skier on the planned course for the Swedish Sprint Championships in 2007
Considering a typical world class cross-country sprint skier with a body mass of 75 kg, we obtain ܲ
346.8 W and k = 0.51. The maximum and minimum values for the power variables are P
= 0.0 W and
= 416.1 W. The constraints on the two last variables remain the same and optimization starts with
initial values of ܲ
= 346.8 W for all variables P
. This initial set of variables gives a total time of 3
min 27.9 s with all constraints fulfilled. After 15 iterations with the optimization routine, the total time
has decreased to 3 min 24.55 s, a time difference of -3.55 s. All the constraints are still fulfilled and the
divergence from the stipulated reference value of the mean power in Equation 8 is now less than 0.5 W.
The location of the power variables (P
) and their values after optimization are shown in Figure 2. The
mean power that the athlete is able to sustain for a longer period of time is shown as a dashed line in the
figure. Because of the formulation of the constraint in Equation 8, the area between the line for the power
distribution should be equal above and below the mean power level (provided that the constraint is
fulfilled with equality).
David Sundström et al. / Procedia Engineering 13 (2011) 10–16
Fig. 2. Course profile and optimized power distribution for a 75 kg skier.
5. Discussion and Conclusion
The planned course for the Swedish Sprint Championships in 2007 was modelled with a chain of cubic
splines. Skiing was simulated for a skier of 75 kg, and optimization was performed on the power
distribution along the track. The main goal of the optimization was to minimize the total race time, at the
same time as there were limitations to the available power during the race. Overall, the performed
optimization acts in a reliable way. From an evenly distributed power level, the optimization routine
automatically iterates to a more effective way of distributing effort along the course. The risk of fatigue
for the skier can be avoided by constraints which control power levels during the race. A global constraint
on the power level is necessary but not enough; even if the mean level of the power is below that
prescribed there is still a risk of connected passages with excessive power output. The local constraint in
Equation 9 for connected power outtake assures that this risk is eliminated.
Individual adaption of optimization is easy; different bodily constitutions, as well as different physical
capacities, can be modelled. If necessary, the optimization problem can be completed with more
constraints to make it work better. A skier’s ability to perform their very best can of course vary from day
to day and this performance “on the day” can have a great effect on the results. The simulation shown
here does not take such variations into account, but it is nonetheless of great interest to study how power
should be distributed in the most effective way during a ski race. Once the profile of a course is known,
such studies might serve as an essential part of the preparation for important championship races.
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[2] Holmberg, LJ,Lund, AM. A musculoskeletal full-body simulation of cross-country skiing. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part P-J.
Sport. Eng. Technol. 2008;222:11-22.
[3] Bergh, U. The Influence of Body-Mass in Cross-Country Skiing. Med Sci Sport Exer 1987;19:324-31.
[4] Meriam, JL,Kraige, LG. Engineering mechanics dynamics. 6 ed: John Wiley and sons inc, 2008.
[5] Carlsson, P, Tinnsten, M,Ainegren, M. Numerical simulation of cross-country skiing. Computer methods in biomechanics
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0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 15001500
x [m]
y [m], 0.1P [W]
Course profile
Power distribution
Power variables
Mean power
16 David Sundström et al. / Procedia Engineering 13 (2011) 10–16
[6] Svanberg, K. The Method of Moving Asymptotes - a New Method for Structural Optimization. Int J Numer Meth Eng
[7] Carlsson, P, Tinnsten, M,Esping, B. Optimization of a Racing Ski. Structural Optimization 1995;10:61-3.
... Simulations of pacing strategies in endurance sports like cycling, running and cross-coun- try skiing have previously been published by several authors ( Abbiss et al., 2006;Atkinson & Brunskill, 2000;Moxnes, Sandbakk, & Hausken, 2013, 2014Sundström, Carlsson, Ståhl, & Tinnsten, 2012;Sundström, Carlsson, & Tinnsten, 2011;Tucker, Lambert, & Noakes, 2006). Among them, Atkinson and Brunskill (2000) define pacing strategy as the with- in-race distribution of work-rate (power output). ...
... Leino, Spring, and Suominen (1983) reported A′ to be 0.5 m 2 for a semi-squatting skiing position and 0.9 m 2 when skiing upright, whereas Leirdal et al. (2006) estimated A′ = 0.39 m 2 in a semi-squatting posture and A′ = 0.45 m 2 in an upright posture. Carlsson et al. (2011), used the power balance model to simulate XC skiing and further development of the skiing motion equations was completed by Sundström et al. (2011Sundström et al. ( , 2012, when optimising pacing strategies in a synthetic XC skiing race. However, their results were not validated by any experimental studies and it can thus be hypothesised that the propulsive power distribution during actual ski racing differs from the simulated opti- mal strategy. ...
... Still, it is likely that the skiers applied power during e.g., direction changes, but these are not included in the calculations. Over the full race, the average propulsive power in the current study (311, 296, 400 and 386 W) are in line with the results by Sundström et al. (2011Sundström et al. ( , 2012, who reported average propulsive power of 346.8 and 376 W, when simulating the optimal pacing strategy for skiers with body masses of 75 and 82 kg, respectively; this was evaluated for a 1,425 m long XC sprint skiing course. Andersson, Björklund, Holmberg, and Ørtenblad (2017) simulated a 1,300 m long XC sprint race on a treadmill where the mean power output at different stages were between 240 ± 22 W and 445 ± 32 W. ...
Pacing strategies in cross-country skiing have been investigated in several studies. However, none of the previous studies have been verified by collected skiing data giving the skiing velocities along a measured track. These can be used to calculate the propulsive power output. Collected real-time positioning data from a cross-country sprint skiing race were used to estimate the propulsive power by applying a power balance model. Analyses were made for the time-trial and the final for one female and one male skier. The average propulsive power over the whole race times were 311 and 296 W during the time trial and 400 and 386 W during the final, for the female and male skier, respectively. Compared to the average propulsive power over the whole race, the average active propulsive phases were calculated as 33 and 44% higher in the time trials and 36 and 37% higher in the finals for the female and male, respectively. The current study presents a novel approach to use real-time positioning data to estimate continuous propulsive power during cross-country sprint skiing, enabling in-depth analyses of power output and pacing strategies.
... Here, the average friction coefficients m 1 for HP and LP during the acceleration phase are lower than the m 2 values, employed as a reference. Although these reference values are calculated over a longer distance than proposed by Leino et al. (1983), they are still within the range considered normal for crosscountry skiing, and can thus be regarded as reliable (Moxnes & Hausken, 2009;Saibene et al., 1989;Sundströ m et al., 2011). The m 1 values from the acceleration part of the track fluctuate in a sinusoidal shape for all four trials, Figure 4, which can be Evaluating glide performance in skis 95 considered as an effect of the numerical treatment, but, it can also be hypothesized that the sinusoidal fluctuation can be caused by a 'rolling' position from heel to toe of the test-skier because this change in position and balance could alter velocity and/or friction. ...
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Although today’s ski waxing chemicals and micro-machining techniques of the ski base are highly sophisticated, objective procedures for testing and verification of the results have not yet been developed and evaluation is based on comparison of subjective experience. The purpose of the present study was thus to compare different set-ups for testing the glide of cross-country skis. Two differently waxed ski pairs were tested for glide inside a ski tunnel. IMU units were attached to each ski; instantaneous velocities monitored by three different speed-traps; the velocities during the acceleration phase determined by Doppler radar. Kinetic, potential and total energy, giving the energy dissipation, were calculated for four representative trials during the acceleration phase. No reliable data were obtained from the IMU units, due to high drift. The mean maximal velocity for the two ski pairs were 6.97 ± 0.09 ms-1 and 6.70 ± 0.09 ms-1 respectively. Higher differences between the skis were identified during the retardation phase compared to the acceleration phase. The mean difference between the velocities determined by the speed-trap and Doppler radar was 0.6 ± 1%, demonstrating that the latter provides accurate data for evaluation of gliding characteristics and performance. However, theoretical confirmation of the friction coefficient, on the basis of data provided by Doppler radar and energy calculations requires exact measurements of the inclination and topography of the track in question.
Dynamic analysis and trajectory optimization are of great significance for an understanding of the alpine skiing mechanism as well as the improvement of skiers’ performance. In this paper, the whole ski-skier system is modeled as a rigid body to study physical dynamic characteristics and global path planning. A multi-phase alpine skiing trajectory optimization model is established based on the optimal control theory, in which the objective is to minimize the runtime from the starting point to the finish line. Next, Radau pseudospectral method (RPM) is applied for the solution to the trajectory optimization problem. The optimization results under different constraints are obtained through numerical simulations, and the changes of the states and control variable are analyzed. Three factors that may influence the total skiing time are discussed, including the turning radius, skier’s weight, and height. Some trajectory optimization strategies are put forward in the hope of providing training reference and improving competition performance for alpine skiers.
The super giant slalom (Super-G) is a speed event in alpine skiing, in which the skier trajectory has a significant influence on the athletes’ performances. It is a challenging task to determine an optimal trajectory for the skiers along the entire course because of the complexity and difficulty in the convergence of the optimization model. In this study, a trajectory optimization model for alpine skiers competing in the Super-G is established based on the optimal control theory, in which the objective is to minimize the runtime between the starting point and the finish line. The original trajectory optimization problem is converted into a multi-phase nonlinear optimal control problem solved with a pseudospectral method, and the trajectory parameters are optimized to discover the time-optimal trajectory. Using numerical solution carried out by the MATLAB optimization toolbox, the optimal trajectory is obtained under several equality and inequality constraints. Simulation results reveal the effectiveness and rationality of the trajectory optimization model. A test is carried out to show that our code works properly. In addition, several practical proposals are provided to help alpine skiers improve their training and skiing performance.
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استان لرستان از مساعد ترین مناطق ایران برای برنامه ریزی و توسعه گردشگری مبتنی بر منابع طبیعی است؛ موقعیت آن در زاگرس میانی با ارتفاعات برفگیر سبب شده تا از نظر پتانسیل گسترش ورزش های کوهستانی مطلوب باشد. هدف اصلی انجام این مقاله، مکان یابی و شناسایی پهنه های مستعد استان برای احداث پیست اسکی با تأکید بر ویژگی های ژئومورفولوژیک است. در این مقاله که در دو مرحله صورت گرفته است، از لایه های اطلاعاتی ژئومورفولوژیک، عناصر اقلیمی، کاربری اراضی، داده های تکمیلی و داده های مستخرج از پرسش نامه ها و مصاحبه استفاده شده است. مراحل اولویت بندی، وزندهی و نرمال سازی معیارهای ورودی در نرم افزارهای تخصصی و مدل های چندمتغیره تلفیق لایه ای در سامانه اطلاعات جغرافیایی اجرا شدند. نتایج مرحلة اول نشان داد که در محدودة مورد بررسی، پهنه های بسیار مناسب در سه محدودة معین، یعنی دامنه های شمالی اشترانکوه، قالیکوه و گرین قرار گرفته اند. در مرحلة دوم، اشترانکوه که از نظر 8 شاخص طبیعی اولیه به عنوان یکی از مناطق مناسب شناخته شد، از نظر شاخص های تکمیلی موردبررسی که شامل زیرساخت ها و شاخص سرعت باد میباشد، نسبت به ارتفاعات قالیکوه و گرین در وضعیت مناسب تری است، بنابراین از نظر مجموعة شاخص های مورد بررسی مناسب ترین محدوده برای احداث پیست اسکی به شمار می رود
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This paper presents a measurement-driven, musculoskeletal, full-body simulation model for biomechanical analysis of the double-poling (DP) technique in cross-country skiing. DP is a fast and powerful full-body movement; therefore, it is interesting to examine whether inverse dynamics using static optimization is working for a musculoskeletal full-body model with high accelerations, a large range of motion, and realistic loads. An experiment was carried out to measure motion and pole force of a skier on a double-poling ergometer. Using the measurement data, a simulation model was implemented in the AnyBody Modeling System (AnyBody Technology A/S, Denmark). Experimental results of motion and pole force from the DP ergometer, and also simulation results of relative muscle force profiles, are presented. These results agree with results found in literature when the kinematics and external kinetics are similar. Consequently, it should be possible to use computer simulations of this type for cross-country skiing simulations. With a simulation model, it is possible to perform optimization studies and to ask and answer ‘what if’ questions. Solutions to such problems are not easy to obtain by traditional testing alone.
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The forces during the kicking phase in Nordic diagonal stride skiing are described by differential equations and the results are compared with experiments. The difference between static and dynamic friction, interacting with characteristics of the skier such as weight, velocity and the kicking force's angle with the terrain, are essential for high-velocity diagonal striding. Analytical results for relationships between glide length, friction and kicking force are shown. Aerodynamic drag and gravity are accounted for. A propulsion force based on the Hill (1970) equation for muscle contraction velocity and activation is constructed. The model shows a feasible tool for studying the effects of ski stiffness, the kicking force and the amount of waxing during diagonal stride skiing.
This paper shows how very tradition-bound construction can be improved through the use of modern technology. In this case, a cross-country ski, the construction can be traced back to a ski found in a swamp in Västerbotten in northern Sweden, a ski approximately 5000 years old.
A new method for non-linear programming in general and structural optimization in particular is presented. In each step of the iterative process, a strictly convex approximating subproblem is generated and solved. The generation of these subproblems is controlled by so called ‘moving asymptotes’, which may both stabilize and speed up the convergence of the general process.
A program for numerical simulation of a whole ski race, from start to finish, is developed in MATLAB. The track is modelled by a set of cubical splines in two dimensions and can be used to simulate a track in a closed loop or with the start and finish at different locations. The forces considered in the simulations are gravitational force, normal force between snow and skis, drag force from the wind, frictional force between snow and ski and driving force from the skier. The differential equations of motion are solved from start to finish with the Runge-Kutta method. Different wind situations during the race can be modelled, as well as different glide conditions on different parts of the track. It is also possible to vary the available power during the race. The simulation program's output is the total time of the race, together with the forces and speed during different parts of the race and intermediate times at selected points. Some preliminary simulations are also presented.
The influence of body weight on the performance in cross-country skiing has been studied by: dimensional analysis of the ratio (R) between the factors of importance to power production (VO2max, acceleration of gravity) and the braking powers, e.g., friction and air resistance; measuring the energy cost of level skiing (N = 6); comparing male world class skiers (N = 5) with less successful ones (N = 34) and female winners of the National Championships (N = 9) with non-winners (N = 9) in regard to the relationship between body weight and VO2max. The dimensional analysis revealed that R was less than unity for rather steep uphills. For level, downhill, and less steep uphill skiing, R was greater than unity. Thus, skiers who are light will be favored in steep uphill slopes, whereas heavier skiers have advantages in the other parts of the track. Energy cost per kilogram for level skiing was inversely related to the transported mass. Per unit of distance, this cost was positively related to velocity. The world class skiers displayed significantly greater VO2max than the less successful ones, regardless of the unit used. The lowest standard deviation among the world class skiers was attained when expressing VO2max as ml X min-1 X kg-2/3. The present results indicate that R will be quite close to unity and therefore the performance capability would theoretically be independent of body mass. Furthermore, VO2max is preferably expressed as ml X min-1 X kg-2/3 for cross-country skiers.
[3] Bergh, U. The Influence of Body-Mass in Cross-Country Skiing
  • Sport
  • Eng
Sport. Eng. Technol. 2008;222:11-22. [3] Bergh, U. The Influence of Body-Mass in Cross-Country Skiing. Med Sci Sport Exer 1987;19:324-31.