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The topics students have difficulty in understanding and learning in history course



The aim of this research is to find out which historical themes and subjects the students have difficulty in understanding and learning and to define the reasons for them. In the research, the survey prepared by researchers who have taken students’ essays, the education program of history lesson and experts’ opinions as basis is used as instruments of the data collection and also focus group interview is conducted with participants. The research has been implemented with 131 students in twelfth grade of public high schools, which are affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, in Aksaray and Ankara. In conclusion, it is determined that the students find such historical themes and subjects as migration, natural disasters, daily life (or people's way of life), antiquity civilisations, the rise of Ottoman empire easy to learn. However, they have difficulty in understanding and learning such subjects as regional history, peace treaties, World and European history, Turkish and World history after 1938.
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1877–0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2803–2807
WCES 2011
The topics students have difficulty in understanding and learning in
history course
Fatma Gültekin
* Neval Akça Berk
Akrasay University, Aksaray 68310, Turkiye
Gazi Üniversity, Ankara 06500, TurkÕye
The aim of this research is to find out which historical themes and subjects the students have difficulty in understanding and learning and to
define the reasons for them. In the research, the survey prepared by researchers who have taken students’ essays, the education program of history
lesson and experts’ opinions as basis is used as instruments of the data collection and also focus group interview is conducted with participants.
The research has been implemented with 131 students in twelfth grade of public high schools, which are affiliated to the Ministry of National
Education, in Aksaray and Ankara. In conclusion, it is determined that the students find such historical themes and subjects as migration, natural
disasters, daily life (or people’s way of life), antiquity civilisations, the rise of Ottoman empire easy to learn. However, they have difficulty in
understanding and learning such subjects as regional history, peace treaties, World and European history, Turkish and World history after 1938.
© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: History education, student-centered education
1. Introduction
Starting from primary school till the end of high school, special importance is attached to history lesson
(Paykoç,1998). History course education program for high school was renewed in 2007 in line with the primary and
high school program development reform in our country. The history programs for ninth and tenth grades have been
issued in 2007 and 2008, respectively and the programs for other grades have gradually been put into effect.
The new program of history education envisages significant alterations and innovations. As stated in the
program “A new student-centered approach which balances knowledge and skills and which helps students interact
with their environment paying attention to their own lives and individual differences is intended to be implemented”
(MEB, 2007).
As it is understood from the objective of the program, the new program history education puts the student
in the center. It is a remarkable change because it is stated that students who remain indifferent to the lesson forget
the topics which they have difficulty learning and they get bored and are unwilling to learn (Sözer, 2005; as cited in
ùimúek, 2006). However, the opposite is observed when students are interested. As stated in modern education
approaches, the programs which take students’ interests and potential into consideration are highly likely to be
successful (ùimúek, 2006). Students’ success, involvement, competency in lessons increase students’ motivation and
* Fatma Gültekin. Tel.: +90 312 202 83 16 ; fax: +90 312 222 84 83.
E-mail address:
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
2804 Fatma Gültekin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2803–2807
Within the context of history lesson, there are some points, which aren’t explained to or debated with
students, but only presented for memorization. This situation not only makes history lesson unfavourable but also
causes a decline in the process of knowledge production (IúÕk, 2008). History lesson is not about memorizing old
information patterns, but being able to make contribution to the formation and continuation of history by making
universal values reusable upon searching, analysing and understanding humanity (Ata, 2002).
History teachers participating in the in-service training seminar in July 2010 stated that new history
education program cannot be applied properly because of strict curriculum and insufficent time. Also, a research on
“which subjects must be removed from the history books” was conducted with the participants. History teachers,
who complain about the strict curriculum and time constraints, added some topics to the curriculum rather than
eliminating some of them (Meydan, 2010). This situation forms the origin of the study. In the history lessons, is it
possible and appropriate for education to apply the new training program and configuration approach properly by
taking the students’ ideas into consideration? Can history education in high schools be changed based on the
students? It is expected that this research, prepared on the basis of this problem in high school history education, can
help the field of history by revealing the topics students have difficulty in and the reasons behind them.
The aim of this research is to find out the historical themes and subjects students have difficulty in
understanding and learning, and to define the reasons why they have difficulty in these. In this context, the problem
statement of the research is stated as” What are the historical themes and subjects that students in the twelfth grade
of high schools have difficulty in understanding and learning?”
The sub-problems of this problem are as follows:
1) What are the historical themes that high school 12
grade students have difficulty in learning?
2) What are the historical topics that high school 12
grade students have difficulty in learning?
3) What are the reasons behind these difficulties experienced in history lessons?
2. Method
2.1. Participants
The findings of the research have been obtained from 131 12
grade students in public high schools that are
affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Aksaray and Ankara. The objective of focusing on high school
class students is that so far they have had an experience about the history course in their education-instruction
process. The research has been completed in 2010-2011 academic year in fall term.
2.2. Data Collection Tool
A questionnaire prepared by the researchers is used as a tool for data collection. This questionnaire has
three parts and the first part includes 11 items of historical topics. The students are asked to determine whether they
find these historical topics easy or difficult. As the twelfth item, under other” title, the students are expected to state
if there is any other subject they find difficult in addition to the 11 items defined by the researchers. In the second
part of the questionnaire, historical periods are listed in fifteen items and the students are again asked to state
whether they have difficulty in those historical topics in a rating scale. In the sixteenth item, the students are asked
to state any other topic they find difficult in addition to the items presented by the researchers. In the last part of the
questionnaire, the reasons why the students have difficulty in some themes and topics in history course are listed in
twelve items. The students are asked to mark the suitable items among those reasons and to write the other reasons-
if there are any- under “other” title.
After the implementation of the questionnaire, focus group interview is conducted with students to
effectively describe the historical themes and topics students have difficulty with. Focus group interview is applied
to 12 volunteer students. A girl and a boy from each class participated in the interview.
2.3. Analysis of Data
Descriptive methods aim at presenting the existing situation of the problems on which people do research.
Descriptive data generally uses observation, questionnaire (survey), interview and some tests as data collection
tools. (Balci,2001; Kaptan,1973). In this research, descriptive analysis is used with the aim of stating the results and
what the collected data shows about the research problem.
Fatma Gültekin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2803–2807
3. Findings
3.1. Findings related to the Historical Themes and Topics in History Lessons that 12
Grade Students have
Difficulty in Learning
The first sub-problem determined based on the problem statement of the research is intended to determine
the historical themes in the history lessons that 12
grade students have most difficulty in learning. The findings
related to the first sub-problem are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. The Range of the Historical Themes that the Students have Difficulty in Learning
Easy Difficult
1 Government history 62 47,3 69 52,6
2 Daily life 97 74 43 32,8
3 Interstate relationships 54 41,2 77 58,7
4 Scientific developments 70 53,4 61 46,5
5 Things the governors, heroes and scholars did 58 44,2 73 55,7
6 Works of art of related periods 52 39,6 79 60,3
7 Wars 61 46,5 70 53,4
8 Peace settlements and treaties 37 28,2 94 71,7
9 Economic activities of related periods 80 61 51 38,9
10 Immigration and natural disasters 101 77 30 22,9
11 History of regions and places 35 26,7 96 73,2
In Table 1, the frequency and the percentage distribution of the historical themes in the history lessons that
students find easy and difficult in learning is shown. According to this table, the easiest historical theme to learn is
the “immigrations and natural disasters” with 77 percent. The theme that students find the most difficult is the
“history of regions and places” with 73.2 percent. It is remarkable that the percentage of the theme that the students
find difficult is close to the percentage of the theme that the students find easy. When the total percentages are
considered, the percentage of the easy themes is 47.4 percent, while that of difficult themes is 52.5. The fact that the
percentages of the themes specified as easy and difficult are close to each other is yet another significant finding.
None of students specified a theme in “Other” section.
The second sub-problem determined in line with the problem statement of the research is intended to
determine the historical subjects in the history lessons that 12
grade students find difficult. The findings related to
the second sub-problem are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. The Range of the Historical Subjects that the Students have Difficulty in learning
Easy Difficult
1 Ancient Civilizations 99 75,5 32 24,4
2 Early Turkish States and Tribes 89 67,9 42 32
3 History of Islam 88 67,1 43 32,8
4 Early Islamic Turkish States History 75 57,2 56 42,7
5 Seljuk Empire History 54 41,2 77 58,7
6 The History of Anatolian Principalities 53 40,4 78 59,5
7 Anatolian Seljuk Empire History 59 45 72 54,9
8 The Rise of the Ottoman Empire 91 69,4 40 30,5
9 The Growth of the Ottoman Empire 67 51,1 64 48,8
10 The Decline of The Ottoman Empire 62 47,3 69 52,6
11 Ottoman Modernization and Dissolution Period 59 45 72 54,9
12 European and World History in Middle Ages and Modern Times 31 23,6 100 76,3
13 The War of Independence 49 37,4 82 62,5
14 Ataturk’s Reforms and Revolutions 68 51,9 63 48
15 Turkish and World History after 1938 37 28,2 94 71,7
2806 Fatma Gültekin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2803–2807
In Table 2, the frequency and the percentage distribution of the historical subjects in the history lessons that
students find difficult is shown. According to this table, the historical subject that the students find easy is “Ancient
Civilizations with 75.5 percent. The subject that the students find difficult is “European and World History in
Middle Ages and Modern Times” with 76.3 percent. When the total percentages are considered, the percentage of
the easy topics is 49.9 percent, while that of difficult topics is 50.0. It is highly remarkable that the percentages of
the topics that the students find easy and difficult are almost the same. The fact that the percentages of the themes
specified as easy and difficult are close to each other is yet another significant finding. In “Other” section, students
added such topics as “some topics in Revolution History, Recent History and Life of Ataturk” and mentioned that
they find these topics difficult as well.
In the focus group meeting with students, students give answers supporting these findings. As an answer to
the question What themes and subjects do you have difficulty in learning in the history lesson?” Student A says;
“…in my opinion; the most difficult subject is History of Europe. I have difficulty in learning our own history; I
can’t recall most of the topics that I learned. So we don’t need to learn History of Europe. Student B says; “I like
Egyptians; I find pleasure in learning their history. For this reason; the easiest subject is ancient civilizations for
me. I always wonder, too many years ago, how they put the stones on top of each other without technology. I
wonder! So I read encyclopedias at home sometimes, I watch documentaries on television, so I find it easy.” Student
C says; “… I don’t understand peace settlements and treatments. The relationship between the treaties and the wars
is so complicated for me.” Student D says; “...the decline of the Ottoman Empire is complicated for me. For
example, modernization” Students expressed the historical themes and topics that they have difficulty in
understanding and learning and they added that the themes and topics they cannot visualize in their minds are
especially difficult. In addition, students said both in the “other” section and during the group meetings that they
learn history more easily as long as the history lessons are taught by documentaries, films or other visual materials.
3.2. Findings related to the Reasons why High School 12
Grade Students have Difficulty in Learning Historical
Themes and Topics in History Lessons
The third sub-problem determined in line with the problem statement of the research is intended to
determine why 12
grade students have difficulty in learning historical themes and subjects in the history classes.
The findings related to the sub-problem are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. The Reasons Why the Students have difficulty in learning Historical Themes and Topics
1 The topic and the period are not recent 41 31,2
2 Events are not taught in chronological order 13 9,9
3 Events are related to many other facts and become complex 99 75,5
4 Events and periods have a complex structure 72 54,9
5 The scene of events cannot be seen and examined 55 41,9
6 Ideas of the people related to the events are not considered 31 23,6
7 Concepts belonging to the events and periods are not known 44 33,5
8 A long period of time is explained in a really short time 67 51,1
9 Maps, pictures, photographs, graphs films etc. are not used in history lessons 52 39,6
10 Events and periods are not related to the present time 49 37,4
The frequency and the percentage distribution related to why the students have difficulty in learning the
historical themes and topics are given in Table 3. As it is seen in the table, the students have difficulty in learning
the historical topics because “Events are related to many other facts and become complex” with 75.5 percent and
because “Events and periods have a complex structure” with 54.9 percent, A long time period is explained in a
really short time” with 51.1 percent and “The scene of events cannot be seen and examined” with 41.9 percent.
Considering the historical themes the students have difficulty in learning are “History of regions and places” and
“Peace settlements and treaties”, it is quite normal that they have cited such reasons as Events and periods have a
complex structure”, “A long period of time is explained in a really short time” for not being able to learn these
themes. Considering the historical topics the students have difficulty in learning are “European and World History in
Middle Ages and Modern Times” and “Turkish and World History after 1938”, it can be said that the reasons like
Fatma Gültekin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 2803–2807
“Events are related to many other facts and become complex” and “The scene of events cannot be seen and
examined” can explain why they cannot learn these topics.
In the focus group meetings, the students stated that it is important to relate events to topics. They also
mentioned that the intricate relation between the topics and teachers’ efforts to make this relation clear further make
the events incomprehensible and hard to learn. In the “other” section in this part, the students attributed the reason
for difficulty in learning to “teaching”. The fact that only lecturing method is used and that the teachers do not make
use of technology and expect students to memorize the information are listed as the reasons for difficulty in
learning. In this context, the students emphasized that when they are not interested in the lesson, it becomes harder
to learn and they find the lesson boring. They added that to be able to prevent this, the lesson has to be made
enjoyable. The students also stated that teachers do not teach according to the chronological order and they
continually get back to the previous topics because of the organization in the book which has a lot of details and
subtitles. The students concluded that all these factors lead to difficulty in learning for them.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
In this study, what kind of historical themes and subjects students have difficulty in understanding and the
reasons behind this problem are put forward. In the end of the study, subjects, which are easy and difficult for
students to learn, are determined. The themes and subjects which are easy for students to learn are “immigration and
natural disasters, daily life of ordinary people, ancient civilizations and the Rise of Ottoman Empire”;on the other
hand, the issues and themes, which are difficult for students to learn are “history of regions and places, peace and
treaties, European and World History, history of the Turks and the World after 1938”. The fact that the themes and
topics which are difficult for students to learn are not arranged in textbooks taking students’ interest into account,
the fact that historical events take place in textbooks comprehensively and also the lack of visual expression while
presenting history lessons explain why students have difficulty in understanding these historical themes and topics.
When students express why they have difficulty in learning these issues and themes, they also emphasize
the teaching methods in history lessons.This situation is important in terms of using various teaching methods and
planning lessons taking individual differences into consideration. In addition to this, students state that history
lessons help understand today and they claim that history should be learned “even through memorizationdespite all
the difficulties they experience.
Students use such expressions as “boring, uninteresting and monotonous” for history course. Besides, most
of the students have described history lessons as difficult to understand and learn.To change this bad image of the
history lesson in the eyes of students, history lessons should be made more interesting and understandable rather
than forgettable.
Ata, B. (2002). Bahaeddin YediyÕldÕz ile tarih araúWÕrmalarÕ ve ö÷retimi konusunda söyleúi. Türk Yurdu. 175, 49-53.
BalcÕ, A. (2001), Sosyal bilimlerde araúWÕrma yöntem teknik ve ilkeler. Ankara: Pegem A YayÕncÕOÕk.
Kaptan, S. (1973), Bilimsel araúWÕrma ve teknikleri, østanbul: Bilim YayÕnlarÕ.
Õk, H. (2008). Tarih ö÷retiminde döküman kullanÕPÕQÕn ö÷rencilerin tarihsel úünme becerilerine ve baúarÕlarÕna etkisi. YayÕnlanmamÕú
doktora tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
Meydan, S.B. (2010). Talim Terbiye Kurulu BaúkanlÕ÷Õ’nda çalÕúan Seçil Buket Meydan ile 24.08.2010 tarihinde yapÕlan göúme.
Millî E÷itim BakanlÕ÷Õ (2007). Ortaö÷retim 9. sÕQÕf tarih dersi programÕ. 11.10.2010 tarihinde adresinden
Paykoç, F. (1991). Tarih ö÷retimi. Eskiúehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi AÖF YayÕnlarÕ.
úek, A. (2006). Il÷retim ö÷rencilerine göre sosyal bilgiler dersinde neler olmalÕGÕr? 15. E÷itim Bilimleri Kongresi. Mu÷la 13–15 Eylül.
... 3rd International Conference on Environmental Geography and Geography Education IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 747 (2021) 012057 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/747/1/012057 2 which causes students not to be enthusiastic about taking history learning, and it becomes challenging to learn history [1]. ...
... The theme consists of several historical materials including 1) Before getting to know writing, 2) The formation of the Indonesian Archipelago, 3) Knowing early humans, 4) The origins of the distribution of the Indonesian Ancestors, 5) The Life Style of Praaksara Society and 6) Technological Development. This is also supported by previous research conducted by Gültekin, et al. (2011) with the title "The topics students have difficulty in understanding and learning in history course" states that 76.6% of students consider the theme of early civilization easy on the grounds why students like historical themes about early civilizations or ancient civilizations, namely because of this theme. considered attractive by students, a sense of interest arises because students always wonder that in the early civilization there were too many years and how they moved stones without technology, so that it encourages students to find out about the theme of the history of early civilizations by means of reading from various sources such as encyclopedias and watching films related to the theme [1]. ...
... This is also supported by previous research conducted by Gültekin, et al. (2011) with the title "The topics students have difficulty in understanding and learning in history course" states that 76.6% of students consider the theme of early civilization easy on the grounds why students like historical themes about early civilizations or ancient civilizations, namely because of this theme. considered attractive by students, a sense of interest arises because students always wonder that in the early civilization there were too many years and how they moved stones without technology, so that it encourages students to find out about the theme of the history of early civilizations by means of reading from various sources such as encyclopedias and watching films related to the theme [1]. ...
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The importance of History in fostering effective citizenship is beyond question. Hard as students study History, some of them fail to achieve higher grades. Hence, History seems to create problems for many students. The current research is a minor case study aimed to examine the causal factors that induce to a poor achievement in History and provide study strategies accordingly to enhance students’ achievement in the subject. The sample consisted of 2 participants from government secondary schools. The participants obtained poor grades in History. After interviewing the participants, the findings shows that: (i) pay less attention, (ii) poor study skills, and (iii) poor time management were the causal factors of poor performance in History. Therefore, five learning strategies – (i) paying attention, (ii) rehearsal (revision), (iii) elaboration-based learning techniques, (iv) mnemonics, and (v) comprehensive approach – are recommended as remedies for the low History achievement. The applications of the above-mentioned remedies are discussed across a variety of History topics. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1p517
Sosyal bilimlerde araúWÕrma yöntem teknik ve ilkeler
  • A Balcõ
BalcÕ, A. (2001), Sosyal bilimlerde araúWÕrma yöntem teknik ve ilkeler. Ankara: Pegem A YayÕncÕOÕk.
Bilimsel araúWÕrma ve teknikleri, østanbul: Bilim YayÕnlarÕ Tarih ö÷retiminde döküman kullanÕPÕQÕn ö÷rencilerin tarihsel düúünme becerilerine ve baúarÕlarÕna etkisi
  • S Kaptan
Kaptan, S. (1973), Bilimsel araúWÕrma ve teknikleri, østanbul: Bilim YayÕnlarÕ.,úÕk, H. (2008). Tarih ö÷retiminde döküman kullanÕPÕQÕn ö÷rencilerin tarihsel düúünme becerilerine ve baúarÕlarÕna etkisi. YayÕnlanmamÕú doktora tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
Talim Terbiye Kurulu BaúkanlÕ÷Õ'nda çalÕúan Seçil Buket Meydan ile 24.08.2010 tarihinde yapÕlan görüúme Ortaö÷retim 9. sÕQÕf tarih dersi programÕ. 11.10
  • S B Meydan
Meydan, S.B. (2010). Talim Terbiye Kurulu BaúkanlÕ÷Õ'nda çalÕúan Seçil Buket Meydan ile 24.08.2010 tarihinde yapÕlan görüúme. Millî E÷itim BakanlÕ÷Õ (2007). Ortaö÷retim 9. sÕQÕf tarih dersi programÕ. 11.10.2010 tarihinde adresinden alÕnmÕúWÕr.
Tarih ö÷retimi. Eskiúehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi AÖF YayÕnlarÕ Ilkö÷retim ö÷rencilerine göre sosyal bilgiler dersinde neler olmalÕGÕr? 15. E÷itim Bilimleri Kongresi
  • F Paykoç
Paykoç, F. (1991). Tarih ö÷retimi. Eskiúehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi AÖF YayÕnlarÕ. ùimúek, A. (2006). Ilkö÷retim ö÷rencilerine göre sosyal bilgiler dersinde neler olmalÕGÕr? 15. E÷itim Bilimleri Kongresi. Mu÷la 13–15 Eylül.
Ortaöretim 9. sf tarih dersi program. 11.10
  • Eitim Millî
  • Bakanl
Millî Eitim Bakanl (2007). Ortaöretim 9. sf tarih dersi program. 11.10.2010 tarihinde adresinden alnmr.
Talim Terbiye Kurulu Bakanl'nda çalan Seçil Buket Meydan ile 24
  • S B Meydan
Meydan, S.B. (2010). Talim Terbiye Kurulu Bakanl'nda çalan Seçil Buket Meydan ile 24.08.2010 tarihinde yaplan görüme.
Bilimsel ararma ve teknikleri, stanbul: Bilim Yaynlar Tarih öretiminde döküman kullann örencilerin tarihsel düünme becerilerine ve baarlarna etkisi
  • S K Kaptan
Kaptan, S. (1973), Bilimsel ararma ve teknikleri, stanbul: Bilim Yaynlar. k, H. (2008). Tarih öretiminde döküman kullann örencilerin tarihsel düünme becerilerine ve baarlarna etkisi. Yaynlanmam doktora tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
Tarih öretimi Eskiehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi AÖF Yaynlar Ilköretim örencilerine göre sosyal bilgiler dersinde neler olmalr? 15
  • F Paykoç
  • A Imek
Paykoç, F. (1991). Tarih öretimi. Eskiehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi AÖF Yaynlar. imek, A. (2006). Ilköretim örencilerine göre sosyal bilgiler dersinde neler olmalr? 15. Eitim Bilimleri Kongresi. Mula 13–15 Eylül.
Sosyal bilimlerde ara rma yöntem teknik ve ilkeler. Ankara: Pegem A Yay nc k
  • A Balc
Balc, A. (2001), Sosyal bilimlerde ara rma yöntem teknik ve ilkeler. Ankara: Pegem A Yay nc k.