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Abstract and Figures

Purpose: To assess the measures of salivary free testosterone and cortisol concentrations across selected rugby union matches according to game outcome. Methods: Twenty-two professional male rugby union players were studied across 6 games (3 wins and 3 losses). Hormone samples were taken 40 min before the game and 15 min after. The hormonal data were grouped and compared against competition outcomes. These competition outcomes included wins and losses and a game-ranked performance score (1-6). Results: Across the entire team, pregame testosterone concentrations were significantly higher during winning games than losses (P = 5.8 × 10-5). Analysis by playing position further revealed that, for the backs, pregame testosterone concentrations (P = 3.6 × 10-5) and the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio T:C (P = .038) were significantly greater before a win than a loss. Game-ranked performance score correlated to the team's pregame testosterone concentrations (r = .81, P = .049). In backs, pregame testosterone (r = .91, P = .011) and T:C (r = .81, P = .05) also correlated to game-ranked performance. Analysis of the forwards' hormone concentrations did not distinguish between game outcomes, nor did it correlate with game-ranked performance. Game venue (home vs away) only affected postgame concentrations of testosterone (P = .018) and cortisol (P = 2.58 × 10-4). Conclusions: Monitoring game-day concentrations of salivary free testosterone may help identify competitive readiness in rugby union matches. The link between pregame T:C and rugby players in the back position suggests that monitoring weekly training loads and enhancing recovery modalities between games may also assist with favorable performance and outcome in rugby union matches.
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International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2014, 9, 324 -331
© 2014 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Relationship Between Pregame Concentrations
of Free Testosterone and Outcome in Rugby Union
Christopher M. Gaviglio, Blair T. Crewther, Liam P. Kilduff,
Keith A. Stokes, and Christian J. Cook
Purpose: To assess the measures of salivary free testosterone and cortisol concentrations across selected rugby
union matches according to game outcome. Methods: Twenty-two professional male rugby union players were
studied across 6 games (3 wins and 3 losses). Hormone samples were taken 40 min before the game and 15
min after. The hormonal data were grouped and compared against competition outcomes. These competition
outcomes included wins and losses and a game-ranked performance score (1–6). Results: Across the entire
team, pregame testosterone concentrations were signicantly higher during winning games than losses (P = 5.8
× 10
). Analysis by playing position further revealed that, for the backs, pregame testosterone concentrations
(P = 3.6 × 10
) and the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio T:C (P = .038) were signicantly greater before a win
than a loss. Game-ranked performance score correlated to the team’s pregame testosterone concentrations (r
= .81, P = .049). In backs, pregame testosterone (r = .91, P = .011) and T:C (r = .81, P = .05) also correlated
to game-ranked performance. Analysis of the forwards’ hormone concentrations did not distinguish between
game outcomes, nor did it correlate with game-ranked performance. Game venue (home vs away) only affected
postgame concentrations of testosterone (P = .018) and cortisol (P = 2.58 × 10
). Conclusions: Monitoring
game-day concentrations of salivary free testosterone may help identify competitive readiness in rugby union
matches. The link between pregame T:C and rugby players in the back position suggests that monitoring weekly
training loads and enhancing recovery modalities between games may also assist with favorable performance
and outcome in rugby union matches.
Keywords: salivary hormones, competition, monitoring, endocrine
Rugby union is a sport characterized by a high degree
of aggressive impacts and interactions (eg, grappling for
possession of the ball), with forwards generally involved
in more body-contact situations than the backs.
general the forwards are required to gain and retain pos-
session of the ball. Conversely, the backs spend greater
time in free running while controlling the possession of
the ball obtained by the forwards.
Testosterone and cortisol have been studied in rela-
tion to training and performance outcomes in sport.
For example, testosterone concentrations are related
to the neuromuscular expression of speed, power, and/
or strength.
Mood states such as competitiveness,
drive, persistence, and contribution to winning are also
associated with higher testosterone levels,
along with
aggressive and dominant behaviors.
Given these associa-
tions, the measurement of testosterone before training or
competition could help predict a favorable performance
outcome in sports that rely on these physiological and
behavioral actions.
The reporting of preevent testosterone concentra-
tions as a predictor of successful outcomes in sport is
equivocal. A study of elite fencers suggested that higher
blood testosterone concentrations increased their chance
for success,
and a similar trend was noted in judoists,
although there was no clear distinction between hormone
concentration and outcome. In separate studies on judo-
and tennis players,
pregame testosterone concen-
trations also showed no relevance to either wins or losses.
Links between the competition responses of both
free and serum (total) testosterone and sporting out-
comes are also equivocal.
In wrestlers, the pregame
to postgame competition changes in serum testosterone
and cortisol concentrations were indicators for success
in competition,
and a similar trend for only serum
testosterone was seen in winners in the same sport.
tennis, the difference between winners and losers was
also seen in the rise in mean testosterone from pregame
to immediately postmatch.
However, in basketball
signicant difference between the free testosterone and
Gaviglio is with the School of Human Movement Studies, Uni-
versity of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia. Crewther and
Cook are with the Hamlyn Centre, Imperial College, London,
UK. Kilduff is with the College of Engineering, Swansea
University, Swansea, UK. Stokes is with the Dept for Health,
University of Bath, Bath, UK.
Testosterone and Competition Outcome 325
cortisol responses and game outcomes were observed, but
the testosterone response did show a signicant relation-
ship between the score:time-playing ratio, an indicator
of individual participation and perception in the outcome
of that game.
The testosterone-to-cortisol ratio (T:C) has been
examined as a putative marker of the anabolic to catabolic
hormonal balance in the body. This ratio was originally
hypothesized as an indicator of overtraining and recovery
from intensive physical activity,
although more recent
investigations have queried its validity.
Few studies
have investigated the relationship between T:C and per-
formance outcomes in sport. As a predictive marker in
a low T:C was related to lower scores (ie, better
performance). In elite rugby union players, a postmatch
decline in T:C was reported after 2 matches in conjunction
with a pregame increase across a 3-game period, although
game outcomes were not reported.
Previous research has often included only 1 or 2
competitive events (and often weeks apart). Thus, the
purpose of this study was to improve on this by exam-
ining game-day measures of salivary free testosterone
and cortisol concentrations and the related outcomes of
professional rugby union across 6 consecutive games. We
hypothesized that salivary free-testosterone concentra-
tions and T:C would be higher before a win (vs a loss)
and that both measures would correlate to a game-ranked
performance score.
Twenty-two male rugby union players from a professional
rugby union team were recruited for this study. The age,
height, and body-mass details for participants are pre-
sented as a team and for the 2 major positional groupings
(forwards and backs) in Table 1. Subjects were informed
of the study protocols and signed informed consent before
testing began, and ethics approval was obtained from a
university ethics committee.
This study was conducted midseason over the course of
6 weeks. Players continued to train midweek according
to their usual training schedules, and the games were
played during the weekend on a home-and-away basis.
On each of the days immediately before testing, players
were encouraged to sleep well (>7 h), consume a good
breakfast (each player standardized across testing ses-
sions), and maintain their uid intake (at least 750 mL)
during the 2 hours before each testing session. During the
course of this study, the subjects were not on medications
other than several for asthma control.
Hormone Assessment
Saliva samples were taken at times chosen to minimize
any interruption of the players’ game preparation and to
keep diurnal consistency in sampling. Saliva was used due
to its ease of compliance, low invasiveness, and ability to
track the biologically active “free” hormone.
Pregame samples were taken 40 minutes before the
start of the game. Postgame samples were taken 15 min-
utes either after the player was substituted off the eld
or after the game’s completion. For each test, a 2-mL
saliva sample was collected and stored at –20°C before
analysis. Saliva was assayed for testosterone and cortisol
concentrations by a private commercial laboratory (HFL
Sport Science Laboratories, UK) using commercially
available kits (Salimetrics Enzyme Immunoassay Kits,
Salimetrics, USA) according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. Interassay coefcients of variation (based
on low and high control samples) for testosterone and
cortisol were both <10%.
Game Day-Performance
Game-day performance was determined by the overall
outcome, being a win, loss, or draw, based on the nal
score. A game-ranked performance score (1–6, 6 being
the best score possible) was also assigned to each game
(Table 2).
The win percentage was calculated from historical
data (obtained via
gathered from all of the games played against that relevant
opposition (Table 3).
Statistical Analyses
Pregame and postgame hormone concentrations and
hormonal changes across each game (perigame) were
tabulated for each player, game, and result. The perigame
hormone value was calculated by dividing the postgame
Table 1 Physical Characteristics of the Rugby Union Forwards
and Backs, Mean (SD)
Team (N = 22) Backs (n = 11) Forwards (n = 11)
Age (y) 27.8 (4.0) 27.1 (3.5) 28.4 (4.4)
Height (cm) 186.9 (7.7) 184.1 (6.6)* 189.1 (8.0)
Body mass (kg) 103.4 (11.6) 93.8 (8.0)*** 111.0 (7.8)
Signicantly different from forwards: *P < .1, ***P < .01.
326 Gaviglio et al
hormone value by the pregame hormone value (post-
game ÷ pregame = perigame). The hormone results for
winning and losing were compared using paired t tests.
Comparisons were conducted on the team data (team) and
for the 2 different positional groups in the team (backs
and forwards). To determine if game venue (home or
away) affected our results, the hormone data were pooled
according to game venue and compared using paired t
tests. The bivariate relationships between the hormonal
variables and the game-ranked outcomes were assessed
using Pearson product–moment correlations. The level
of signicance was set at P .05.
The pregame, postgame, and perigame measures of
testosterone, cortisol, and T:C are presented in Table 4.
Table 2 Results and Classifications for Each of the Rugby Games Played
Score Outcome Classification Clarification notes on appointing classification
1 Loss Bad Due to amount of points lost by and poor skill decision making and execution during the
2 Loss Unlucky A game that could have been won. A result of a close score or a game that was lost in
the last few minutes.
3 Draw Draw
4 Win Average A game resulting in a close score or that was won in the last few minutes. A perceived
lack of dominance during the game.
5 Win Good A win where the team played well against the opposition. A good performance not nec-
essarily reected by the score line.
6 Win Good + A dominant win. Reected usually by the quality of the opponent (good) and the score
Note: Score = game-ranked performance score; outcome = game result.
Table 3 Game-Day Information for Elite Rugby Union Players
Game Outcome Rating Score Game venue Historical win %
1 Loss Bad 1 Home 70%
2 Loss Unlucky 2 Away 37%
3 Win Average 4 Home 50%
4 Loss Bad 1 Away 50%
5 Win Good+ 6 Home 48%
6 Win Good 5 Away 63%
Note: Outcome = game result; rating = subjective performance rating; score = game-ranked per-
formance score.
Table 4 Salivary Hormone Concentrations of Elite Rugby Union Players on Game Day, Mean (SD)
Game 1
(loss) Game 2 (loss) Game 3 (win) Game 4 (loss) Game 5 (win) Game 6 (win)
Pregame testosterone (pg/mL) 78 (22) 99 (31) 121 (44) 94 (33) 111 (41) 114 (32)
Pregame cortisol (μg/dL)
0.3 (0.2) 0.3 (0.1) 0.4 (0.7) 0.2 (0.1) 0.2 (0.1) 0.3 (0.1)
Pregame T:C ratio 435 (177) 533 (334) 553 (338) 506 (324) 721 (377) 494 (232)
Postgame testosterone (pg/mL) 133 (52) 154 (58) 143 (86) 159 (81) 143 (68) 198 (94)
Postgame cortisol (μg/dL)
0.9 (0.5) 0.7 (0.4) 0.6 (0.5) 0.6 (0.2) 0.6 (0.3) 1.0 (0.5)
Postgame T:C ratio 264 (105) 270 (148) 363 (256) 237 (137) 237 (64) 233 (108)
Perigame testosterone 1.8 (0.7) 1.7 (0.8) 1.4 (1.2) 1.7 (0.9) 1.5 (0.9) 1.8 (0.9)
Perigame cortisol 3.1 (1.7) 3.9 (2.8) 2.9 (3.2) 5.3 (7.5) 5.3 (5.6) 4.0 (3.1)
Perigame T:C ratio 0.6 (0.6) 0.6 (0.3) 0.9 (0.9) 0.7 (0.3) 0.4 (0.2) 0.5 (0.2)
Abbreviations: T:C = testosterone-to-cortisol. Note: Perigame = postgame ÷ pregame hormone concentration.
Testosterone and Competition Outcome 327
Table 3 outlines the corresponding game information
and results. Table 3 also shows the subjective game rat-
ings, game-ranked score, and other relevant information
such as game venue and historical win percentage against
the corresponding opposition. Historical win percentage
had no obvious effect on pregame hormone levels. Game
venues (home vs away) only had an effect on postgame
testosterone (P = .018) and postgame cortisol (P = 2.58
× 10
) concentrations, both being higher in away games
(Table 5).
As a team, pregame testosterone concentrations were
signicantly higher before a win (P = 5.8 × 10
) than a
loss (Table 6). For the backs, pregame testosterone (P =
3.6 × 10
), T:C (P = .038), and postgame testosterone (P
= .045) concentrations were signicantly greater before
a win than a loss (Table 6). We found no signicant dif-
ferences between the forwards’ hormonal concentrations
(pregame, postgame, and perigame) across the different
match outcomes.
We found signicant correlations between pregame
testosterone concentration and game-ranked outcome
for both the team (r = .81, P = .049) and backs (r = .91,
P = .011; Figure 1). The pregame T:C for the backs was
the only other variable that correlated with game-ranked
outcomes (r = .81, P = .05—Figure 2).
Our results suggest that differences seen in the pre-
game testosterone discriminate strongly between game
outcomes. This held across a more subjective, detailed
classication of game outcome.
Pregame testosterone as an indicator of team out-
come in sport has not, to our knowledge, been presented
previously. There is considerable literature from individ-
ual-based sport
linking the outcomes of games
and combat bouts (wrestling and judo) to testosterone
concentrations, generally across a single day of bouts
or a single game, but pregame testosterone is not well
presented as a predictive factor. “Snapshot” studies are
extremely difcult to interpret as testosterone shows very
large variability across time.
Our study was somewhat
unique in allowing us to follow the same team across 6
games, removing some of the noise associated with this
variability. The longitudinal approach taken in this study
allowed a more comprehensive understanding of pregame
testosterone relationships to game outcome, while also
testing the stability of these outcomes. Arguably this
Table 5 Comparison of Hormone
Concentrations According to Game Venue
(Home and Away), Mean (SD)
Measure Home Away
Pregame testosterone (pg/
mL) 104 (40) 103 (32)
Pregame cortisol (μg/dL)
0.3 (0.4) 0.3 (0.1)
Pregame T:C ratio
571 (326) 510 (292)
Postgame testosterone (pg/
mL) 140 (68) 171 (80)**
Postgame cortisol (μg/dL)
0.6 (0.3) 0.8 (0.5)***
Postgame T:C ratio
285 (164) 246 (131)
Perigame testosterone
1.6 (0.9) 1.8 (0.9)
Perigame cortisol
3.8 (3.9) 4.4 (4.8)
Perigame T:C ratio
0.7 (0.6) 0.6 (0.4)
Abbreviations: T:C = testosterone-to-cortisol. Note: Perigame = post-
game ÷ pregame hormone concentration.
Signicantly different from home: **P < .05, ***P < .01.
Table 6 Comparison of Salivary Hormones According to Outcome (Win or Loss) for All Games,
Mean (SD)
Team (N = 22) Backs (n = 11) Forwards (n = 11)
Measure Win Loss Win Loss Win Loss
Pregame testosterone (pg/mL) 115 (39)*** 91 (28) 127 (43)*** 86 (22) 112 (33) 97 (32)
Pregame cortisol (μg/dL)
0.3 (0.3) 0.2 (0.1) 0.5 (0.5) 0.3 (0.1) 0.2 (0.1) 0.2 (0.2)
Pregame T:C ratio 589 (316)* 491 (278) 552 (367) ** 390 (147) 614 (271) 575 (336)
Postgame testosterone (pg/mL) 161 (83) 149 (63) 164 (60)** 134 (46) 160 (99) 160 (74)
Postgame cortisol (μg/dL)
0.7 (0.4) 0.7 (0.4) 0.7 (0.3) 0.6 (0.3) 0.7 (0.5) 0.8 (0.4)
Postgame T:C ratio 277 (143) 257 (130) 258 (135) 273 (153) 294 (146) 244 (107)
Perigame testosterone 1.8 (1.0) 1.7 (0.8) 1.4 (0.6) 1.6 (0.6) 1.7 (1.3) 1.8 (0.9)
Perigame cortisol 4.1 (3.9) 4.1 (4.0) 3.9 (3.5) 2.8 (1.6) 4.2 (3.9) 5.3 (5.0)
Perigame T:C ratio 0.6 (0.5) 0.6 (0.4) 0.7 (0.6) 0.7 (0.4) 0.6 (0.3) 0.5 (0.4)
Abbreviations: T:C = testosterone-to-cortisol. Note: Perigame = postgame ÷ pregame hormone concentration.
Signicantly different from loss: *P < .1, **P < .05, ***P < .01.
328 Gaviglio et al
nding may be a peculiarity of this team and group of
individuals but certainly suggests merit in repeating this
across other teams.
There is reasonable rationale for using free testos-
terone as a pregame predictive tool. Individual variance
in free-testosterone concentrations has been linked to
aggressive and dominant behavior
and to the expres-
sion of maximal power and short-distance (time) speed.
Expressed across several individuals in a team, it is not
hard to speculate the advantages of these attributes in a
game of rugby. The pregame T:C also showed a moder-
ated correlation to game outcome, but this of course may
simply reect changes in testosterone concentrations and
the lack of statistical change in cortisol. Some studies
have suggested the use of T:C as a measure of recovery,
with a high T:C indicative of positive anabolic state
hence, speculatively, it is possible that a higher T:C in
the current study indicates that players’ recovery was
Figure 1 — Relationship between pregame (Pre) salivary testosterone and game-ranked outcome. Game-ranked outcome: 1 = bad
loss, 2 = unlucky loss, 4 = average win, 5 = good win, and 6 = good win +. Regression lines presented for the team, backs, and
forwards. Error bars represent standard error.
Figure 2 Relationship between the pregame (Pre) salivary testosterone-to-cortisol (T/C) ratio and game-ranked outcome. Game-
ranked outcome: 1 = bad loss, 2 = unlucky loss, 4 = average win, 5 = good win, and 6 = good win +. Regression lines presented for
the team, backs, and forwards. Error bars represent standard error.
Testosterone and Competition Outcome 329
better before winning outcomes. The ability to recover
is of particular importance across a rugby season due to
the weekly exposures and extremely physical demands
of the sport.
Beyond the supporting role for testosterone in perfor-
mance, there are many other factors that are responsible
for outcome during a game (eg, refereeing decisions,
weather, skill execution, and opponents’ performance).
Home-versus-away hormonal data and historical statisti-
cal win/loss data did not show any causality on pregame
salivary hormones. Studies
have shown that playing
at home can offer both psychological and hormonal
advantages for some athletes when compared with an
opponents home ground. Further to this, it could be
plausible that the opposition team also inuenced the
anticipatory level of pregame testosterone, due to perfor-
mance expectations based on previous matches played.
However, we could not conclude from our results that
these specic factors had a direct effect on pregame levels
of salivary hormones, in particular, testosterone. The
players involved in this study were well-seasoned elite
athletes who at the time were a championship contending
team. The driving factors behind their success may have
been a collective and internal effort, thereby minimizing
external distractions detrimental to performance (eg,
game venue).
Such a theory, however, needs more investigation
across a larger number of games. This point highlights
that although hormone status of an athlete is important,
there are many other factors that contribute to game
outcome that may not be controllable. As such, pregame
measurement of free-testosterone concentration has
probability value but only among numerous other factors.
We saw no strong evidence to support an effect of
game outcome on perigame testosterone. This observation
is somewhat in contrast to ndings in other sports.
However, in those other sports the observation is complex
with dependencies on gender, situation of measurement,
team culture, and individual perceptions (eg, team
outcome vs individual perception of self-performance),
to name a few examples. Preliminary data (unpublished)
that we have collected suggest that the relationship of
testosterone changes (pregame to postgame) to game
outcome is team-culture dependent, being stronger in
teams that share strongly in the outcome rather than in
individual performance.
Examining the results by playing position (forwards
vs backs) gave some interesting additional observations.
Pregame testosterone concentrations and T:C in the backs
were the only hormonal measures to show signicance
to the game outcomes. Forwards showed no signicant
relationship between any game-day hormonal measure
and the outcomes. Initially these results surprised us,
considering the requirements of the game, given that
forwards are involved ostensibly in more contact and
aggressive situations than the backs.
The backs clearly
spend more time in free running at speed
but also in a
considerable degree of aggressive encounters and contact
at high speed,
and these ndings parallel a recent study
on elite rugby union players where the salivary testos-
terone concentrations of players, especially the backs,
correlated to speed, power, and strength.
We acknowledge that statistically only 6 games were
followed; however, the results seen in this study add to
those seen in other sporting contexts
and present the
novel nding of a strong relationship between pregame
testosterone concentrations and rugby outcome.
It is also important to acknowledge that the costs
of performing such an intensive and comprehensive
sampling collection are high, and this argues against the
use of hormones as a routine monitoring tool. We also
acknowledge the limitations of using saliva over blood
sampling to determine hormonal status. Although blood
samples are needed to substantiate the actual status of
gonadal function, elite athletes’ situation does not easily
allow the opportunity to obtain blood. On the other
hand, using saliva to analyze endogenous hormones
is noninvasive and stress-free.
Salivary testosterone
and cortisol concentration measures correlate well with
the blood hormones, especially the free hormone that
initiates the biological response at target tissue
the bioavailable hormone that is potentially available to
So although we are not able to understand the
mechanism behind gonadal function under competitive
stress, we are still able to obtain valuable descriptive
data of elite athletes in real competitive situations. This
type of data is lacking in the current literature, and this
study helps provide that necessary rst step to understand
such responses.
In conclusion, this study presented a strong associa-
tion between concentrations of free testosterone before
games and actual game outcomes in professional rugby
players across 6 matches. Given that there are physical
and psychological methods by which free-testosterone
concentrations can be acutely elevated, it would be
interesting to see if an acute prematch change in testos-
terone could subsequently affect game performance and
Practical Applications
The current ndings suggest a link between pregame free-
testosterone levels and success in an aggressive, contact-
based professional team sport. At present, the cost and
time to analyze pregame hormonal data are too high and
too slow, respectively, to suggest routine use. However,
examining how physical and psychological methods can
acutely alter prematch testosterone concentrations and
how training-week actions inuence it offers potential
avenues for managing performance on game week and
improving team readiness to compete on game day. In
addition, exploring the link between game-day T:C and
performance in rugby backs suggests that the monitor-
ing of training and game loads (eg, through the use of
global positioning system technology) and employment
of appropriate recovery techniques may also assist with
optimal game-day preparation.
330 Gaviglio et al
The authors declare that they have no conict of interest.
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... Speculation is difficult given the open end of what surfers perceive in free surfing; however, the results suggest that warm-up did affect aspects of performance early in the surf session. This is consistent with other data around the performance effects of warm-ups [16,21,29]. The lack of clear effect by wave ten does not negate this potential benefit as the warm-up treatment was not in any way penalized relative to the control treatment. ...
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Surfing is a growing, high-participation recreational and competitive activity. It is relatively unique, being performed on, in, and through water with a range of temperatures. In other sports, warm-up and heat retention have proved useful at augmenting performance and ameliorating injury risk. Little work has been carried out examining this in surfing. The purpose of this work was to measure thermal profiles in surfers with and without warm-up and passive heat retention, and secondarily to assess any potential influence on free surfing. A repeated measures pre- and post- design was adopted whereby participants surfed in an artificial wave pool following an active warm-up combined with passive heat retention (experimental condition) and after no warm-up (control). Core body temperature was measured both occasions. Our results showed increases in core body temperature were greater for the experimental condition versus control (p = 0.006), and a time effect exists (p < 0.001)—in particular, a warm-up effect in the water itself was shown in both groups, possibly due to further activity (e.g., paddling) and wetsuit properties. Finally, performance trended to being superior following warm-up. We conclude that body warmth in surfers may be facilitated by an active warm-up and passive heat retention. In free surfing, this is associated with a trend towards better performance; it may also reduce injury risk.
... Solo 1 trabajo utilizó jugadores de R7 en su muestra. 5 estudios encontraron una correlación débil entre C y los parámetros de rendimiento deportivo (r=0,40) (40,41,44,46,45). 3 trabajos concluyeron que no hay relación significativa (43,36,41). 1 estudio encontró un efecto de asociación grande para dos parámetros de rendimiento (r=0,54) (42). 5 estudios utilizaron diferentes intervenciones físicas para determinar el comportamiento hormonal. ...
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Introducción: El Rugby 7 (R7) es una rama del Rugby Unión (RU) y se caracteriza principalmente por ser un deporte de oposición con períodos de juego intensos y de corta duración, por lo tanto, los componentes psicológicos y fisiológicos juegan un rol en el rendimiento. En el R7, los deportistas compiten varias veces durante un mismo día, permitiendo la acumulación de fatiga. Esta acumulación de fatiga se puede explicar principalmente por la intensidad del juego y el número de colisiones a alta intensidad provocando perturbaciones a nivel muscular, endocrino y del sistema inmune. Sin embargo, a la fecha no existen trabajos que integren las respuestas fisiológicas como, por ejemplo, las respuestas hormonales de los jugadores a dichas demandas. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión de la literatura científica en relación al efecto de las hormonas T, C y el Ratio T/C en el rendimiento deportivo en el R7. Metodología: Revisión narrativa de la literatuta, se realizó una búsqueda durante los meses de abril a noviembre del 2021 en 4 bases de datos (Pubmed/Medline, Google Scholar, Scopus (Elsevier) y Scielo). Después de analizar 335 textos se consideró su utilidad y relevacia para la inclusión a esta revisión. 11 Estudios cumplierón con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: Los trabajos incluidos asocián la relación hormonal con el rendimiento deportivo en el RU y R7. Se destaca la relación grande (r=0,80) de la T con el rendimiento deportivo en el RU. Conclusión: Según los estudios analizados se puede observar la existencia de asociaciones entre los niveles hormonales de T y C con el rendimiento en deportistas de RU.
... Speculation is difficult given the open end of what surfers perceive in free surfing, however the results tantalizing suggest that warm-up did affect aspects of performance early in the surf session. This is consistent with other data around performance effects of warm-up 16,21,28 . The lack of clear effect by wave ten does not negate this potential benefit as the warm-up treatment was not in any-way penalized relative to the control treatment. ...
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Surfing is a growing, high participation recreational and competitive activity. It is relatively unique being performed on, in, and through water with a range of temperatures. In other sports, warm-up and heat retention have proved useful at augmenting performance and ameliorating injury risk. Little work has been done examining this in surfing. The purpose of this work was to measure thermal profiles in surfers with and without warm-up and passive heat retention, and secondarily to assess any potential influence on free surfing. A repeated measures pre- and post- design was adopted whereby participants surfed in an artificial wave pool following an active warm-up combined with passive heat retention (experimental condition), and after no warm-up (control). Core body temperature was measured both occasions. Our results showed a clear advantage to body temperature for the experimental condition versus control. Both groups showed a warm-up effect in the water itself, presumably due to further activity (e.g. paddling) and wetsuit properties. Finally, performance trended to being superior following warm-up. We conclude, body warmth in surfers may be facilitated by an active warm-up and passive heat retention. In free surfing this is associated with a trend towards better performance; it may also reduce injury risk.
... Speculation is difficult given the open end of what surfers perceive in free surfing, however the results tantalizing suggest that warm-up did affect aspects of performance early in the surf session. This is consistent with other data around performance effects of warm-up [16,21,26]. The lack of clear effect by wave ten does not negate this potential benefit as the warm-up treatment was not in any-way penalized relative to the control treatment. ...
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Surfing is a growing, high participation recreational and competitive activity. It is relatively unique being performed on, in, and through water with a range of temperatures. In other sports, warm-up and heat retention have proved useful at augmenting performance and ameliorating injury risk. Little work has been done examining this in surfing. The purpose of this work was to measure thermal profiles in surfers with and without warm-up and passive heat retention, and secondarily to assess any potential influence on free surfing. A repeated measures pre- and post- design was adopted whereby participants surfed in an artificial wave pool following an active warm-up combined with passive heat retention (experimental condition), and after no warm-up (control). Core body temperature was measured both occasions. Our results showed a clear advantage to body temperature for the experimental condition versus control. Both groups showed a warm-up effect in the water itself, presumably due to further activity (e.g. paddling) and wetsuit properties. Finally, performance trended to being superior following warm-up. We conclude, body warmth in surfers may be facilitated by an active warm-up and passive heat retention. In free surfing this is associated with a trend towards better performance; it may also reduce injury risk.
... It is secreted into the bloodstream where it circulates throughout the body and acts on many parts of the body. Testosterone is the hormone of masculinity and plays an important role in muscle and skeletal development, increased body hair, testicular and prostate development, and normal sperm production and motility [51][52][53][54][55][56][57]. ...
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With aging, men develop testosterone-deficiency syndrome (TDS). The development is closely associated with age-related mitochondrial dysfunction of Leydig cell and oxidative stress-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS). Testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT) is used to improve the symptoms of TDS. However, due to its various side effects, research on functional ingredients derived from natural products that do not have side effects is urgently needed. In this study, using the mitochondrial dysfunction TM3 (mouse Leydig) cells, in which testosterone biosynthesis is reduced by H2O2, we evaluated the effects of elderberry extract and monosaccharide-amino acid (fructose–leucine; FL) on mRNA and protein levels related to steroidogenesis-related enzymes steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), cytochrome P450 11A1(CYP11A1, cytochrome P450 17A1(CYP17A1), cytochrome P450 19A1(CYP19A1, aromatase), 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD), and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(17β-HSD). We analyzed elderberry extract and extract-derived FL for changes in ROS scavenging activity and testosterone secretion. Elderberry extract and FL significantly reduced H2O2-induced intracellular ROS levels, improved testosterone secretion, and increased the mRNA and protein expression levels of steroidogenesis-related enzymes (StAR, 3b-HSD, 17b-HSD, CYP11A1, CYp17A1). However, the conversion of testosterone to estradiol was inhibited by elderberry extract and extract-derived FL, which reduced the mRNA and protein expression of CYP19A1. In conclusion, elderberry extract and FL are predicted to have value as novel functional ingredients that may contribute to the prevention of TDS by ameliorating reduced steroidogenesis.
... 23,24 Moreover, pregame testosterone concentrations have been implicated in match outcomes in professional rugby players. 25 However, testosterone typically displays an early morning peak before slowly declining across the waking day. ...
Purpose: As the start of the 10th Rugby Union World Cup approaches, performance staff will be working on the final elements of their teams' preparation. Much of this planning and preparation will be underpinned by the latest performance science research. In this invited commentary, we discuss contemporary performance science research in rugby union centered around 4 key performance domains. First, we outline a systematic approach to developing an overall understanding of the game demands and how performance staff can enhance the players' preparedness for competition. We then move on to outline our understanding of the training science domain, followed by a brief overview of effective recovery strategies at major tournaments. Finally, we outline research in the area of competition-day strategies and how they can positively impact players' readiness to compete. Conclusions: Evaluating a team's preparation for the Rugby Union World Cup can be achieved by mapping their performance plan based on the 4 domains outlined above.
... Solo 1 trabajo utilizó jugadores de R7 en su muestra. 5 estudios encontraron una correlación débil entre C y los parámetros de rendimiento deportivo (r=0,40) (40,41,44,46,45). 3 trabajos concluyeron que no hay relación significativa (43,36,41). 1 estudio encontró un efecto de asociación grande para dos parámetros de rendimiento (r=0,54) (42). 5 estudios utilizaron diferentes intervenciones físicas para determinar el comportamiento hormonal. ...
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Introducción: El Rugby 7 (R7) es una rama del Rugby Unión (RU) y se caracteriza principalmente por ser un deporte de oposición con períodos de juego intensos y de corta duración, por lo tanto, los componentes psicológicos y fisiológicos juegan un rol en el rendimiento. En el R7, los deportistas compiten varias veces durante un mismo día, permitiendo la acumulación de fatiga. Esta acumulación de fatiga se puede explicar principalmente por la intensidad del juego y el número de colisiones a alta intensidad provocando perturbaciones a nivel muscular, endocrino y del sistema inmune. Sin embargo, a la fecha no existen trabajos que integren las respuestas fisiológicas como, por ejemplo, las respuestas hormonales de los jugadores a dichas demandas. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión de la literatura científica en relación al efecto de las hormonas T, C y el Ratio T/C en el rendimiento deportivo en el R7. Metodología: Revisión narrativa de la literatuta, se realizó una búsqueda durante los meses de abril a noviembre del 2021 en 4 bases de datos (Pubmed/Medline, Google Scholar, Scopus (Elsevier) y Scielo). Después de analizar 335 textos se consideró su utilidad y relevacia para la inclusión a esta revisión. 11 Estudios cumplierón con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: Los trabajos incluidos asocián la relación hormonal con el rendimiento deportivo en el RU y R7. Se destaca la relación grande (r=0,80) de la T con el rendimiento deportivo en el RU. Conclusión: Según los estudios analizados se puede observar la existencia de asociaciones entre los niveles hormonales de T y C con el rendimiento en deportistas de RU.
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Surfing is a high participation sport, yet little sport science research exists regarding competitive performance in surfing. Given surfing's inclusion as an Olympic sport from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics onwards, an examination of performance would seem useful. In numerous land-based sports, and in swimming, the importance of a warm-up and muscle heat is well documented. However, surfing is a unique sport in that it is undertaken both above and below water. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a warm-up in terms of readiness to perform in surfing. We discuss this in the context of thermal regulation, hormone profile change, and the subsequent expression of “power” on waves—a key criteria that surfers are scored for. Nineteen advanced level surfers (i.e., competitive at just below national level in Australia; n = 15 males and n = 4 females) with mean (±SD) age, height, and weight of 24.5 ± 11.6 years, 174.7 ± 9.1 cm, and 67.7 ± 10.2 kg, respectively, were recruited. We adopted a repeated measures pre- and post-design whereby participants engaged in several simulated surfing competitions in an artificial wave pool; once after an active warm-up combined with a passive heat retention strategy (i.e., wrapping themselves in survival blankets—treatment), and once after no warm-up (control). Saliva samples were collected pre- and post-active warm-up, or at equivalent times under control conditions, for the measurement of testosterone and cortisol. Increases in these hormones have previously been associated with an enhanced readiness to compete. Our results demonstrate a clear thermoregulatory benefit from the treatment, with the participants’ core body temperatures typically higher from the end of the warm-up to the end of the surf session following treatment ( p ≤ 0.03), and a magnitude of increase in core body temperature once in the water that is greater following treatment ( p = 0.01). A small magnitude upward change in testosterone ( p = 0.01) and cortisol ( p ≤ 0.001) following warm-up was also observed. Finally, warm-up was associated with an improved wave performance compared with the control, with a 20% increase in the performance score typically observed ( p ≤ 0.01). We argue that the improved thermal profile may have influenced power and, as such, surfing performance was enhanced.
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This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the validity of tests / markers of athletic readiness to predict physical performance in elite team and individual sport athletes. Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, Emcare, Scopus and SPORT Discus databases were searched from inception until 15 March 2023. Included articles examined physiological and psychological tests / markers of athletic readiness prior to a physical performance measure. 165 studies were included in the systematic review and 27 studies included in the meta-analysis. 20 markers / tests of athletic readiness were identified, of which five were meta-analysed. Countermovement jump (CMJ) jump height had a large correlation with improved 10m sprint speed / time (r = 0.69; p = .00), but not maximal velocity (r = 0.46; p = .57). Non-significant correlations were observed for peak power (r = 0.13; p = .87) and jump height (r = 0.70; p = .17) from squat jump, and 10m sprint speed / time. CMJ jump height (r = 0.38; p = .41) and salivary cortisol (r = -0.01; p = .99) did not correlate with total distance. Sub-maximal exercise heart rate (r = -0.65; p = .47) and heart rate variability (r = 0.66; p = .31) did not correlate with Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test 1 performance. No correlation was observed between blood C-reactive protein and competition load (r = 0.33; p = .89). CMJ jump height can predict sprint and acceleration qualities in elite athletes. The validity of the other readiness tests / markers meta-analysed warrants further investigation.
Sontag, SA, Cabarkapa, D, and Fry, AC. Testosterone and cortisol salivary samples are stable across multiple freeze-thaw cycles. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2022-When processing salivary samples for biomarker analysis, avoiding multiple freeze-thaw cycles is generally recommended. However, confusing tissue handling instructions or challenges with collections in the field sometimes makes this problematic. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine if the stability of salivary testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) hormones remains unchanged when exposed to multiple freeze-thaw cycles. Seven healthy recreationally active adults provided salivary samples at rest (i.e., 1600 hours) for analysis of T and C. Samples were separated into 4 aliquots for each hormone and underwent 4 freeze-thaw cycles (T1-T4 and C1-C4) before being analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The overall analysis of variance model was significant for T (p = 0.008) and nonsignificant for C (p = 0.820). A follow-up post hoc comparison indicated significant differences in salivary hormonal concentrations between T1 and T4 (p = 0.029), T2 and T4 (p = 0.007), and T3 and T4 (p = 0.032). The findings of this study indicate that salivary steroid hormones seem to be relatively stable following multiple freeze-thaw cycles. However, C seems to be more stable when exposed to multiple freeze-thaw cycles, as T concentrations did reveal a significant decrease by the fourth thaw cycle.
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Successful training must involve overload, but also must avoid the combination of excessive overload plus inadequate recovery. Athletes can experience short-term performance decrement, without severe psychological, or lasting other negative symptoms. This Functional Overreaching (FOR) will eventually lead to an improvement in performance after recovery. When athletes do not sufficiently respect the balance between training and recovery, Non-Functional Overreaching (NFOR) can occur. The distinction between NFOR and the Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) is very difficult and will depend on the clinical outcome and exclusion diagnosis. The athlete will often show the same clinical, hormonal and other signs and symptoms. A keyword in the recognition of OTS might be ‘prolonged maladaptation’ not only of the athlete, but also of several biological, neurochemical, and hormonal regulation mechanisms. It is generally thought that symptoms of OTS, such as fatigue, performance decline and mood disturbances, are more severe than those of NFOR. However, there is no scientific evidence to either confirmor refute this suggestion. One approach to understanding the aetiology of OTS involves the exclusion of organic diseases or infections and factors such as dietary caloric restriction (negative energy balance) and insufficient carbohydrate and/or protein intake, iron deficiency, magnesium deficiency, allergies, etc., together with identification of initiating events or triggers. In this paper, we provide the recent status of possible markers for the detection of OTS. Currently several markers (hormones, performance tests, psychological tests, biochemical and immune markers) are used, but none of them meets all criteria to make its use generally accepted.
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The purpose of this investigation was to study the effects of 36 continuous holes of competitive golf on salivary testosterone, cortisol, and testosterone-to-cortisol ratio and their relation to performance in eight elite male collegiate golfers (age 20.3 [+/- 1.5] years). Thirty-six holes of a 54-hole NCAA golf tournament were played on the first day of the competition. A saliva sample was taken 45 minutes prior to the round and immediately following each hole for a total of 37 samples per subject. Time matched baseline samples were collected on a different day to account for circadian variation. Six-hole areas under the curve (AUC) values were calculated for endocrine measures. Significant (p < 0.05) increases were noted for cortisol during competition, however, testosterone did not change during competition compared to baseline. Testosterone-to-cortisol (T/C) ratio was significantly lower throughout the competition compared to baseline measures. Thirty-six-hole AUC testosterone-to-cortisol ratio response was correlated (r = 0.82) to 36-hole score. There was a high correlation between pre-round testosterone (r = 0.71), T/C ratio response (r = 0.82), and 36-hole score. CSAI-2 somatic anxiety was correlated to pre-round cortisol (r = 0.81) and testosterone (r = - 0.80) response. These results indicate a significant hormonal response during 10 hours of competitive golf. Good golf performance (low golf scores) in this competition was related to low T/C ratio (r = .82). Additionally, results from this investigation validated CSAI-2 somatic anxiety with physiological measures of anxiety.
Male elite fencers (n=45) were subjected to two 10 s supramaximal exercise bouts separated by a 15 min passive rest. Significantly higher power outputs (maximal and terminal) were observed in the second bout compared to the first one. Mean pre- and post-exercise cortisol levels were low and undifferentiated. Testosterone was significantly increased (by about 9%) after Bout 2. The results suggest that the exercise protocol used does not induce a marked fatigue and maybe applied as a warm-up preceding a maximal exercise, e.g. prior to fencing competition.
The role of hormones in human aggression is open to debate, but takes on a new urgency owing to the alarming abuse of androgenic anabolic steroids by some sports participants. In this study, video-taped behavior exhibited by 28 male competitors during a judo fight was assessed to analyze its relation to serum testosterone and cortisol levels measured before and after the bouts. A positive relation between testosterone and offensive behaviors was obtained in the sense that the greater the hormonal titer, the greater the number of threats, fights, and attacks. These findings coincide with the pattern of relationships found using observational scales. Conversely, cortisol also presented positive correlations with some of these behavioral categories but did not moderate the relationship between testosterone and competitive behavior. The present results corroborate and extend earlier findings on the role of these hormones in human behavior, giving support to the view that testosterone can be linked to the expression of competitive aggression.
The multitude of publications regarding overtraining syndrome (OTS or ‘staleness’) or the short-term ‘over-reaching’ and the severity of consequences for the athlete are in sharp contrast with the limited availability of valid diagnostic tools. Ergometric tests may reveal a decrement in sport-specific performance if they are maximal tests until exhaustion. Overtrained athletes usually present an impaired anaerobic lactacid performance and a reduced time-to-exhaustion in standardised high-intensity endurance exercise accompanied by a small decrease in the maximum heart rate. Lactate levels are also slightly lowered during submaximal performance and this results in a slightly increased anaerobic threshold. A reduced respiratory exchange ratio during exercise still deserves further investigation. A deterioration of the mood state and typical subjective complaints (‘heavy legs’, sleep disorders) represent sensitive markers, however, they may be manipulated. Although measurements at rest of selected blood markers such as urea, uric acid, ammonia, enzymes (creatine kinase activity) or hormones including the ratio between (free) serum testosterone and cortisol, may serve to reveal circumstances which, for the long term, impair the exercise performance, they are not useful in the diagnosis of established OTS. The nocturnal urinary catecholamine excretion and the decrease in the maximum exercise-induced rise in pituitary hormones, especially adrenocorticotropic hormone and growth hormone, and, to a lesser degree, in cortisol and free plasma catecholamines, often provide interesting diagnostic information, but hormone measurements are less suitable in practical application. From a critical review of the existing overtraining research it must be concluded that there has been little improvement in recent years in the tools available for the diagnosis of OTS.
Changes in testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) were evaluated in males competing in a non-athletic laboratory reaction time task. Subjects were randomly assigned to “win” or “lose” by adjusting feedback regarding their task performance. Further, subjects were randomly assigned to either a Close Contest condition (where one person barely “defeated” his opponent), or a Decisive condition (in which the victory was clear). Throughout competition, samples of saliva were taken and assayed later for T and C. Post-competition mood and attributions were also measured. Winners had higher overall T levels than losers, with no significant difference between Close Contest or Decisive Victory conditions. In contrast, C levels did not differ between winners and losers nor did Condition (Close or Decisive) have any effect. Mood was depressed in Decisive losers compared to all other groups. The results indicate that the perception of winning or losing, regardless of actual performance or merit on the task, differentially influenced T (but not C) levels, and that such hormonal changes are not simply general arousal effects but are related to mood and status change.
Serum testosterone and cortisol levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in 14 young male judo competitors, in samples taken 10 minutes before and 45 minutes after two different procedures. The first involved physical exercise and the second competitive fighting. Both procedures were of 5 minutes duration and sessions took place at the same time (between 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M. local time) but on different days. Comparing the two situations over all subjects revealed that testosterone increased after exercise and decreased slightly after Competition. Between subject comparisons suggested that contrary to previous claims, winning or losing did not significantly change the testosterone and cortisol levels. Comparisons of subjects who were members of the Regional Team with individuals who were not part of that group confirmed that members increased their testosterone levels after competition, whereas the nonmembers showed a significant decrease. Moreover, success of the individuals, in their sporting record, correlated positively and significantly with the changes of testosterone observed during the competition. These preliminary results suggest that previous personal experience of success can influence the pattern of the psychoendocrine response to a contest situation.
The objective of this study was to determine if salivary free testosterone can predict an athlete's performance during back squats and sprints over time and the influence baseline strength on this relationship. Ten weight-trained male athletes were divided into 2 groups based on their 1 repetition maximum (1RM) squats, good squatters (1RM > 2.0 × body weight, n = 5) and average squatters (1RM < 1.9 × body weight, n = 5). The good squatters were stronger than the average squatters (p < 0.05). Each subject was assessed for squat 1RM and 10-m sprint times on 10 separate occasions over a 40-day period. A saliva sample was collected before testing and assayed for free testosterone and cortisol. The pooled testosterone correlations were strong and significant in the good squatters (r = 0.92 for squats, r = -0.87 for sprints, p < 0.01), but not significant for the average squatters (r = 0.35 for squats, r = -0.18 for sprints). Cortisol showed no significant correlations with 1RM squat and 10-m sprint performance, and no differences were identified between the 2 squatting groups. In summary, these results suggest that free testosterone is a strong individual predictor of squat and sprinting performance in individuals with relatively high strength levels but a poor predictor in less strong individuals. This information can assist coaches, trainers, and performance scientists working with stronger weight-trained athletes, for example, the preworkout measurement of free testosterone could indicate likely training outcomes or a readiness to train at a certain intensity level, especially if real-time measurements are made. Our results also highlight the need to separate group and individual hormonal data during the repeated testing of athletes with variable strength levels.
This study evaluated changes in immunoendocrine makers over an international series in professional rugby union players (N.=8). Venous bloods were taken on camp-entry, as well as before and after (0, 14 and 38 h) two games spaced over 21-days. Samples were analysed for changes in serum C-reactive protein (CRP), cortisol (C), testosterone (T), blood leukocytes, interleukin 6 (IL-6) and creatine kinase (CK). Significant reductions in CK activity and CRP concentrations were evident on day 5 (pre-game 1) when compared to camp-entry (day 1); P<0.05. A large acute-phase response was observed following both games. Differences in the magnitude of this response appeared dependant on the number of collisions players experienced during play. Compared to camp-entry, sharp increases in C (40%) and decreases (37%) in T were evident after both games; P<0.05. A gradual increase in T/C ratio was observed throughout the tournament; values 35% and 45% higher on days 19 and 21 than those observed at camp-entry (P<0.05). Current data suggests that improved physiological recovery can be achieved during an international rugby union series. Monitoring of previous club activity is essential to ensure optimal player readiness prior to participation in international rugby union games.
Previous research on wrestling suggests winning wrestlers will have a greater increase in testosterone (Tes) than losing wrestlers, although the physiological mechanism is unknown. To determine the role of the sympathetic nervous system in this phenomenon, 12 male wrestlers from an National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I program wrestled 5 matches over a 2-day period. Serum samples were collected pre (Pre) and immediately postmatch (Post) for the determination of Tes, cortisol (Cort), Tes/Cort, and epinephrine (Epi). The subjects had a combined record of 34 wins, 31 losses, and 4 ties. Testosterone increased (p < 0.05) for both winners and losers, but the increase was greater for winners (X ± SE; nmol · L(-1); winners, pre = 16.4 ± 1.2, post = 23.2 ± 1.5; losers, pre = 14.8 ± 1.0, post = 19.4 ± 1.2). Cortisol and Epi increased similarly for both winners and losers, whereas the Tes/Cort ratio was unaltered at any time. Relative changes in the Epi response (%Δ) for losers were correlated to %ΔTes (r = 0.91), whereas winners did not exhibit similar relationships (r = 0.09). These data suggest that winning wrestlers may use a different regulatory mechanism for their acute Tes responses than losers who appear to depend on sympathetic regulation. Additionally, these data from humans support the biosocial theory of status and the challenge hypothesis developed for competing males in other species.