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The Predictive Performance of Morningstar's Mutual Fund Ratings


Abstract and Figures

With currently more than 17,000 mutual funds available, many investors are looking for tools to identify the best performing mutual funds. The most well-known fund rating system is provided by Morningstar Inc. This study investigates in a thorough empirical analysis the predictive performance of mutual fund ratings given by Morningstar over the course of a 10 year period beginning March 1995. From this analysis it becomes clear that the predictive performances of the different rating systems used by Morningstar do not beat a random walk. Furthermore, our results show that the latest amendment to the rating system, the introduction of 64 categories over four different asset classes, has reduced the predictive performance of the rating system as a whole.
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The Predictive Performance of Morningstar’s Mutual Fund Ratings
Roman Kräussl1 Ralph Sandelowsky
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
First Version: 31 August 2006
This Version: 15 December 2006
In this study, the predictive performance of mutual fund ratings given by Morningstar is
examined over the course of a 10 year period starting March 1995, by analysing out of sample
performance for different out of sample periods up to 10 years, based on Ordinary Least
Squares regression analysis. From this analysis it becomes clear that the predictive
performance of the different rating systems used by Morningstar do not beat a random walk.
Furthermore, research shows that the latest amendment to the rating system, the introduction
of 64 categories over four different asset classes, has reduced the predictive performance of
the rating system as a whole. Finally, analysis on potential biases and limitations concludes
that the comparison of the latest two Morningstar rating systems is not subject to a bias,
thereby heavily contradicting results presented by Morningstar itself.
1 Corresponding author: Roman Kräussl, Free University of Amsterdam and Center for
Financial Studies Frankfurt/Main. Address at FU: Department of Finance and Financial
Sector Management, FEWEB, de Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Tel.: +31 20 5986102, Fax: +31 20 5986020, Email:
1 Introduction
This paper analyses the mutual fund rating system developed by Morningstar. Morningstar
assigns up to five stars to a mutual fund to indicate its past performance. Throughout this
paper, the predictive performance of the rating system will be analysed and different versions
of the rating system will be compared, as the methodology used by Morningstar has changed
over the years. The main tool for doing so is an OLS dummy regression that shows whether
funds with different star ratings indeed perform differently, and, if so, what the difference in
return is. Furthermore, several potential bias introducing factors are analysed.
Morningstar (Kinnel, 2005) has published a study, which concludes that in terms of predictive
performance, the rating system introduced by Morningstar in July of 2002 outperforms its
predecessor. However, the analysis in that paper is based on June 2002 and June 2003. This
introduces a bias into their results as exogenous changes (e.g. in market conditions and
number of available mutual funds) could influence the results of their analysis. In order to
refrain from making similar mistakes, this paper will compare both rating systems by using
samples that are no longer than six month apart. Furthermore, the methodology of Kinnel
(2005) is unclear as the paper only contains the results of his study. Blake and Morey (2000)
use a very clear methodology. It is for that reason that a similar methodology will be used
throughout this paper.
Overall, the paper published by Morningstar (2005) is not very clear on how the research is
conducted. Therefore, since previous studies have failed to offer a complete picture of the
rating system, (e.g. Blake and Morey (2000) only analyse the U.S. Stock category and
Morningstar does not provide their methodology for arriving at the found results) this paper is
written in order to offer individuals with interests in mutual fund ratings a complete overview
of both the predictive performance of Morningstar’s mutual fund rating systems and the
change in predictive performance between the last two rating systems.
The importance of Morningstar’s star ratings is highlighted by the fact that the bulk of
investors have little knowledge about the funds that they are investing in and historical
performance is the leading source of information for mutual fund investors (Capon,
Fitzsimons and Prince; 1996). This put a great weight on Morningstar’s rating system when
investors decide upon which fund to invest in. Nevertheless, whether this great weight is
justified is under scrutiny in this paper.
Over time, Morningstar had employed two different rating systems based on the same
methodology. First, in 1985 Morningstar introduced a rating system based on four broad asset
classes. In October of 1996, Morningstar assigned funds into a certain category in order to
give a better overview of the mutual fund’s area of investment. The system based on four
broad asset classes was in effect until July 2002, when these asset classes were replaced by 64
categories as a basis for classifying and analysing mutual funds. The analysis found in this
paper consists of two parts. First the predictive performance of the two previous mentioned
Morningstar’s rating systems is analysed by using out of sample periods of up to ten years.
After this analysis, the changes between the two rating systems are further analysed in order
to come to a conclusion whether the revision was actually an improvement.
In the dataset obtained from Morningstar it is unclear to which asset class mutual funds were
assigned prior to October 1996. In order to be able to use the data for analysis it is assumed
that all funds are assigned to a single category from March 1995 until October 1996. This
period will be considered as a different rating system.
Results indicate that the rating system in effect up to October 1996 is good at predicting
severe underperformance, but fails to discriminate between three, four and five star rated
funds. The predictive performance of this system is similar to the predictive performance of
the system where the ratings are based on four broad asset classes. However, in terms of
predictive performance, the rating system is at best equal to a random walk. Due to changing
market demands, mutual funds had to be substitutes for one another. In order to comply with
these demands Morningstar revised its rating system in July 2002. Ratings were now based on
64 categories instead of four broad asset classes in order to further indicate the characteristics
of individual mutual funds. The results in terms of predictive performance of this last rating
system are ghastly. Hardly any categories provide significant regression results. This implies
that there is no significant performance difference between one and five star rated funds and
undermines the entire usage of the rating system constructed by Morningstar.
In order to compare the two rating systems, the mutual fund out of sample performance of
samples three months previous to the rating system change and three months after this event
are compared. In order to compare results from samples in the four broad asset classes system
(200204 200206) with results from samples in the category system (200207-200209), the
samples from the four broad asset classes system had to be re-estimated according to the new
rating system. Since Morningstar provided category figures since October 1996, this was not
a problem. Doing so resulted in ratings based on the four broad asset classes system organised
in categories. These new samples were compared to the samples both based on and organised
in categories by comparing the F-stat figures of the overall regressions. From this analysis it
can be concluded that the latest revision to the rating system has not improved its predictive
abilities. Furthermore, additional analysis shows that there are no biases in the initial
The results found in this paper are largely in line with those found by Blake and Morey
(2000), but contradict the results published by Morningstar (2005). Section 2 contains
information on mutual funds, Morningstar and the star rating methodology. Section 3
analyses the previous literature, section 4.1 discusses the dataset and sample construction, 4.2
discusses the methodology used to obtain the results. Section 4.3 contains the analysis on
predictive performance for three different rating system methodologies and 4.4 analyses the
difference in terms of predictive performance between the last two rating systems. Section 5
concludes the analysis.
2 Morningstar and Mutual Funds
2.1 Mutual Funds
According to Pozen (1998), mutual funds are a type of financial intermediary. They pool
investors’ assets for collective investment. In other words, investors buy shares of a mutual
fund, which in turn invests the money in various types of securities. It is called a mutual fund
as all of its returns, minus the expenses, are shared by the fund’s shareholders. But why
should investors invest their well earned money into mutual funds?
Investors have a basic choice, they can invest directly in individual securities, or they can
invest indirectly through the use of a financial intermediary. There are several advantages and
disadvantages associated to the usage of mutual funds. The SEC (2006) lists professional
management, diversification, affordability and liquidity as advantages, while the
disadvantages associated to the use of mutual funds are: Costs despite negative returns, lack
of control and price uncertainty.
Professional Management. Professional money managers research, select, and
monitor the performance of the securities the fund purchases. Due to their increased
experience over general investors and the economies of scale obtained through the
mutual fund, professional management greatly reduces costs to the investor.
Diversification. Diversification is an investing strategy that can be neatly summed up
as "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." Spreading investments across a wide range
of companies and industry sectors can help lower risk if a company or sector fails.
Some investors find it easier to achieve diversification through ownership of mutual
funds rather than through ownership of individual stocks or bonds, especially since
the former requires a smaller investment than the latter.
Affordability. Some mutual funds accommodate investors who don't have a lot of
money to invest by setting relatively low dollar amounts for initial purchases,
subsequent monthly purchases, or both.
Liquidity. Mutual fund investors can readily redeem their shares at the current NAV
— plus any fees and charges assessed on redemption — at any time, where the
holding of less liquid shares might involve trading against prices of a liquidity
provider, or worse, not being able to close a position at all.
Costs despite negative returns. Investors must pay sales charges, annual fees, and
other expenses regardless of how the fund performs. And, depending on the timing of
their investment, investors may also have to pay taxes on any capital gains
distribution they receive even if the fund went on to perform poorly after they
bought shares.
Lack of control. Investors typically cannot ascertain the exact make-up of a fund's
portfolio at any given time, nor can they directly influence which securities the fund
manager buys and sells or the timing of those trades.
Price Uncertainty. With an individual stock, one can obtain real-time pricing
information with relative ease by checking financial websites or by calling a broker.
One can also monitor how a stock's price changes from hour to hour — or even tick
by tick. By contrast, with a mutual fund, the price at which you purchase or redeem
shares will typically depend on the fund's NAV, which the fund might not calculate
until many hours after you've placed your order. In general, mutual funds must
calculate their NAV at least once every business day, typically after the major U.S.
exchanges close. Some exchange traded funds (ETFs) offer the same characteristics
as regular stocks (e.g. tick by tick pricing) nevertheless, the traded volume of ETFs is
likely to be lower than that of the stock it is investing in, thereby increasing the
possibility of having to buy and sell against the less favourable prices of a liquidity
2.2 Morningstar
Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in the United
States and in major international markets. They offer an extensive line of Internet, software,
and print-based products for individual investors, financial advisors, and institutional clients.
Morningstar is a source for insightful information on stocks, mutual funds, variable annuities,
closed-end funds, exchange-traded funds, separate accounts, hedge funds, and 529 college
savings plans. With operations in 13 countries, they currently provide data on more than
145,000 investment offerings worldwide.
Morningstar has developed a number of proprietary research and analytical tools that support
their fundamental approach to investing. Examples include:
Morningstar Rating: popularised the concept of risk-adjusted returns among the
general investing public;
Morningstar Style Box: classifies investment offerings based on their underlying size
and investment style;
Morningstar Ownership Zone: graphical tool that plots each stock in a fund’s
portfolio within the Morningstar Style Box.
In the early 1980s, the mutual fund industry experienced dramatic growth. Individual
investors, however, could not readily access comprehensive information about fund
performance. Believing that such fundamental information ought to be widely available,
Morningstar was established in 1984. One year later, the star rating for mutual funds was
introduced. The rating system is subject to continuous improvement, with milestones in 1996
and 2002 where the categories were introduced and the rating system was based on the
previously introduced categories.
2.3 Five Star Mutual Fund Rating System
The original Morningstar rating was launched in 1985. It was often used to help investors and
advisors choose one or a few funds from a wide array within broadly defined asset classes2.
However, over time, mutual funds moved from a ‘stand alone’ investment to being part of a
larger portfolio. Due to this development, it was important that funds within a particular
rating group be valid substitutes for one another, something the current rating system was
unable to do. Therefore, Morningstar changed the methodology in 1996 to assign ratings
based on comparisons of all funds within a specific Morningstar category, instead of all funds
in a broad asset class. An adjustment to this methodology change was made in 2002, when
Morningstar enhanced its star rating with new peer groups and a new measure of risk-adjusted
return, in which the ratings were based on the categories to which the funds were assigned.
These categories were present since October 1996, but were not used as a basis for the Star
rating until July 2002.
Morningstar U.S. places a fund in one of 64 fund categories. These categories are listed in the
table 1 on the next page.3
2 These asset classes comprised of: U.S. stock funds, international stock funds, taxable bond
funds and municipal bond funds.
3 For more information on the Morningstar categories, see the Appendix.
Table 1: Morningstar Categories
Large Value Conservative Allocation Specialty Precious Metals High Yield Muni
Large Blend Moderate Allocation Long Government Muni Single State Long
Large Growth Convertibles Intermediate Government Muni Single State Interm
Mid-Cap Value European Stock Short Government Muni Single State Short
Mid-Cap Blend Latin America Stock Long-Term Bond Muni California Long
Mid-Cap Growth Diversified Emerging Mkts. Intermediate-Term Bond Muni California Int/Sh
Small Value Diversified Pacific/Asia Short-Term Bond Muni Florida
Small Blend Pacific/Asia (ex Japan) Stock Ultrashort Bond Muni Massachusetts
Small Growth Japan Stock Bank Loan Muni Minnesota
Spec. Communications Foreign Large Value High Yield Bond Muni New Jersey
Specialty Financial Foreign Large Blend Multisector Bond Muni New York Long
Spec. Natural Resources Foreign Large Growth World Bond Muni New York Int/Sh
Specialty Real Estate Foreign Small/Mid Value Emerging Markets Bond Muni Ohio
Specialty Technology Foreign Small/Mid Growth Muni National Long Muni Pennsylvania
Specialty Utilities World Stock Muni Natl. Intermediate Specialty Health
Bear Market World Allocation Muni National Short Stable Value
The table above lists the 64 categories that Morningstar uses to classify mutual funds. Funds
placed in the ‘Bear Market’ category do not receive a rating as their strategies for shorting the
market vary widely. Furthermore, not all categories contain funds at all times, as Morningstar
has added and changed categories over time.
2.3.1 Morningstar Risk Adjusted Return
Morningstar uses the Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return (MRAR) to rate funds. In order to
obtain this return, one first has to calculate the fund’s total return as given below.
TR , (1)
where TR is the total return for the month, Pe is the end of the month Net Asset Value (NAV),
Pb is the NAV at the beginning of the month, Di is the per share distribution at time i, Pi is the
reinvestment NAV per share at time i and n is the number of distributions during the month.
Distributions include dividends, distributed capital gains and return of capital.
Another important aspect of the MRAR is the cumulative value. If there were no loads or
redemption fees, the cumulative value of a $1 investment over a period of t months would be:
( )
tu TRV
1, (2)
where Vu is the cumulative value, unadjusted for loads and redemption fees and TRt is the
total return for month t.
In the case of loads or redemption fees, this formula changes into the following.
( )( ) ( )
u= , (3)
where V is the cumulative value, adjusted for loads and redemption fees, F is the front load, D
is the deferred load, R is the redemption fee, P0 is the NAV per share at the start of the period
and Pt is the NAV per share at the end of the period.
MRAR is defined as follows:
( )
MRAR , (4)
where rGt is the geometric excess return in month t expressed as:
Rbt is the return on a risk-free asset in month t and
is a parameter that describes the degree
of risk aversion. A rating system that would be based only on performance instead of both on
performance and risk would rate funds based on their geometric mean return or MRAR(0). A
rating system that does account for risk taken by funds requires MRAR(>0). Fund analysts
have concluded that for a typical investor,
Since MRAR is an annualised return, it consists of a return component, MRAR(0) and a risk
component MRAR(0)-MRAR(2). Where MRAR(0), the annualised geometric mean of the
geometric excess return is:
( )
GtrMRAR (5)
This calculation of MRAR assumes no loads and redemption fees. When fees and redemption
fees are present, the monthly total returns (TRt) must be adjusted according to the following
tt TRaATR , (6)
with a being:
where ATRt is the adjusted total return for month t, a is the adjustment factor, TRt is given in
equation 1, Vu is given in equation 2 and V is given in equation 3. In order to integrate the
loads and fees into the MRAR (equation 4), ATRt should be used instead of TRt. Weights
Funds are rated for up to three periods, three, five and 10-years. For a fund that does not
change categories during the evaluation period, the overall rating is calculated by using the
weights in the following table. When a fund does change categories, its historical information
is given less weight. This minimises the incentive for fund companies to change a fund’s style
in order to receive a better rating.
Table 2: Mutual Fund Weights
Fund Age Overall Rating
At least three years, but less than five 100% three-year rating
Between five and 10 years 60% five-year rating
40% three-year rating
At least 10 years 50% 10-year rating
30% five-year rating
20% three-year rating
While this table seems to give the most weight to the 10-year rating, the three-year rating is
actually the most important as it is included in all rating periods. When a fund does change
categories, the weights in the table above change, based on the similarity between the
category the fund belonged to and the category the fund changed to. This is done by first
applying the following formulae:
D and
where Dn is the average degree of similarity for the n year period and Ds is the degree of
similarity between the fund’s category in month one and the fund’s category in month s,
where s=1 is the current month and s=2 is the previous month. Values for Ds can be found in
table 3 and table 4. When a category pair is not listed, the similarity is 0.00.
Table 3: Similarity Matrix
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Large Value 1.00
2 Large Blend 0.50
3 Large Growth 0.00
4 Mid-Cap Value 0.50
5 Mid-Cap Blend 0.25
6 Mid-Cap Growth
7 Small Value 0.00
8 Small Blend 0.00
9 Small Growth 0.00
10 World Stock 0.50
11 Mod Allocation 0.25
The matrix above shows the similarity between certain category pairs. This data is used to
calculate the weightings for funds that switched between similar categories.
Table 4: Category Similarity
Category A Category B Similarity
Conservative Allocation World Allocation 0.25
Moderate Allocation World Allocation 0.25
Conservative Allocation Multisector Bond 0.25
Moderate Allocation Conservative Allocation 0.50
Specialty Technology Specialty Communications 0.25
Foreign Large Value World Stock 0.50
Foreign Large Blend World Stock 0.50
Foreign Large Growth World Stock 0.50
Foreign Small/Mid Value World Stock 0.50
Foreign Small/Mid Growth World Stock 0.50
Foreign Large Value Foreign Large Blend 0.50
Foreign Large Blend Foreign Large Growth 0.50
Foreign Small/Mid Value Foreign Small/Mid Growth 0.25
Foreign Small/Mid Value Foreign Large Value 0.25
Foreign Small/Mid Value Foreign Large Blend 0.25
Foreign Small/Mid Growth Foreign Large Blend 0.25
Foreign Small/Mid Growth Foreign Large Growth 0.25
Long Government Intermediate Government 0.50
Intermediate Government Short Government 0.50
Long-Term Bond Intermediate-Term Bond 0.50
Intermediate-Term Bond Short-Term Bond 0.50
Short-Term Bond Ultrashort Bond 0.50
Muni National Long Muni National Intermediate
Muni National Intermediate
Muni National Short 0.50
High Yield Muni Muni National Long 0.50
High Yield Muni Muni National Intermediate
High Yield Muni Muni National Short 0.50
Muni Single State Long Muni Single State Int/Sh 0.50
Muni New York Long Muni New York Int/Sh 0.50
Muni California Long Muni California Int/Sh 0.50
Table 4 shows the similarity between category pairs. It extends table 3 with mutual funds that
fall outside the similarity matrix.
When a fund has five years of data available, the three-year and five-year ratings are
combined with the following weights.
= and
For a fund that has 10 years of available data, its three-year, five-year and 10-year ratings are
combined with the following weights:
= and
The actual star rating is calculated by first placing each fund it the category it belongs to
according to the most recent monthly record and then calculating the three-year star rating for
all funds that have at least 36 continuous months of data. Funds are ranked based on their
MRAR(2), where funds with the highest scores receive the most stars. For those funds where
data is available on a five-year and 10-year periods, ratings are assigned for those periods as
well and the final rating is a weighted average according to the weights in table 2, but only if
the funds remain in the same category over the five- or 10-year period of time. Otherwise the
weights are changed according to the formulae described above.
The resulting performance figures are assigned to star groups according to the following
table. This distribution is the same for all 64 categories, with the Bear Market category as
exception as funds in that category vary widely in their risk factor exposures and receive no
rating at all.
Star Rating Distribution
* ** *** **** *****
Star Rating
Percentage of Funds
Figure 1: Star Rating Distribution
The figure above shows the distribution of Morningstar’s mutual fund rating. From this figure
it becomes clear that the three star category is most common. This is an important factor to
consider as this distribution implies that is harder to distinguish between the four and the five
star group, than it is to distinguish between the three and the four star group. This is mainly
due to the fact that there are simply less fund-months to estimate the performance of the five
star group on than there are to estimate the performance of the four star group on.
2.4 Mutual Fund Categories
Many funds, in their prospectus, claim to be seeking ‘growth’ with some of these funds
investing heavily in blue-chip companies while others where mainly investing in small-cap
firms. The risk borne by these two funds is obviously different and for that reason, they
should not be placed in the same ‘growth’ category.
In order to eliminate this category allocation problem, Morningstar introduced 64 categories
in 19964 to help investors to better compare different mutual funds. The creation of the
categories is based on five arguments:
Funds in the same category invest in similar types of securities and consequently,
share the same risk factors.
Funds in the same category are more likely to behave in the same way to one another
than to funds in another category.
The performance of different categories differs substantially over time.
Categories contain enough funds to form the basis for peer group comparisons.
The differences between categories are meaningful to investors.
4 Morningstar’s database lists multiple categories since 1996, but these were not used to base
the rating system on until July 2002.
3 Previous Studies
3.1 Predictive Performance
Khorana and Nelling (1998) examine the determinants and predictive ability of Morningstar’s
mutual fund rating system, in order to better understand the extent to which ratings are related
to various fund characteristics. Apart from that, they also examine the degree of persistence in
fund ratings. Their analysis is based on a dataset obtained from the Morningstar OnDisc CD-
ROM as of June 1995. For each fund, the dataset includes the following: The Morningstar
rating; the alpha, beta, and R-square values from a market model regression using monthly
returns over the period July 1992 through June 1995; expenses; portfolio turnover; front-end
load charges; and the tenure of the current fund manager as of June 1995. In all, the dataset
provides data on 2871 funds.
Based on descriptive statistics, Khorana and Nelling find that higher-rated funds tend to be
larger. Furthermore, they argue that it is likely that highly rated funds performed well in the
past and, therefore, attracted more capital, which, in turn resulted in a lower expense ratio, but
only when the fund’s costs were largely fixed, instead of variable. Moreover, Khorana and
Nelling find that funds with higher star ratings exhibit lower portfolio turnover than lower
rated funds, and that managers of higher-rated funds tend to serve longer tenures5. In order to
come to these findings, Khorana and Nelling use a multinomial probit model based on the
sample of all funds, and a sample organised by investment objective. Contrary to the analysis
performed on all funds, the analysis of funds organised by investment objective does not
show longer management tenures for higher-rated funds.
In order to check for persistence in fund ratings, Khorana and Nelling compare the ratings of
848 funds on June 1995 with the ratings of those funds on December 1992. They find that
61% of the four-and five-star funds maintained or improved their rating over the course of the
selected period. Furthermore, Khorana and Nelling find that funds with higher ratings tend to
have higher risk-adjusted performance, lower systematic risk, a greater degree of
diversification, a larger asset base, managers with longer tenures, and lower front-load
charges and expense ratios. Furthermore, according to Khorana and Nelling, fund
performance is persistent over a short-term horizon.
5 This result seems counterintuitive as successful managers are more likely to receive offers to
manage other funds, usually resulting in a better performance structure for the manager.
Blake and Morey (2000) examine the Morningstar rating system as a predictor of mutual fund
performance for U.S. domestic equity funds. They compare the future performance of mutual
funds against both their Morningstar rating and four alternative predictors: a naïve predictor
(in-sample mean monthly returns), the Sharpe ratio and Jensen’s single-index and four-index
In order to cope with the size of their database, Blake and Morey define two samples which
they name (1) seasoned funds 1992 – 1997 and (2) complete funds 1993. For the first sample,
they select funds classified as domestic equity and that are categorised as aggressive growth,
equity-income, growth, growth-income, or small company from the Morningstar On-Disk or
Principia programs from 1992 to 1997. They refine this sample by only selecting those funds
that have at least 10 years of return data, and were open to new investors at the time the fund
was rated by Morningstar.
In order to reduce survivorship bias by only selecting funds that have over 10 years of return
data, Blake and Morey select virtually all open aggressive growth, equity-income, growth,
growth-income and small company funds that received a Morningstar rating in January 1993
for their second sample.
In order to examine out-of-sample performance of the selected funds, Blake and Morey use
two methods: dummy variable regression analysis and the non-parametric Spearman-Rho
rank correlation test. The dummy variable regression on the seasoned funds sample shows
that the performance of five star funds differs over time and secondly, that the out-of-sample
performance of four- and three-star funds does not differ from that of five-star funds. Third,
the regression shows that Morningstar ratings are able to predict underperforming funds to a
certain extent. The results of the Spearman-Rho correlation tests further prove the point that
low scores predict poor performance, while high scores have, at best, only mixed ability to
predict future performance. The results are similar for the complete funds 1993 sample,
except for the growth and growth-income funds, where there is evidence of ability to predict
winning funds.
When considering the different performance metrics, Blake and Morey find that
Morningstar‘s rating system is mediocre in terms of predicting future performance. The naïve
predictor without adjustment for styles, and the four-index alpha do worse, while the Sharpe
ratio does considerably better. Nevertheless, for each predictor, the ability to predict high-
performing funds is weak, while the ability to predict low-performing funds is quite high.
Results on the complete funds 1993 sample indicate that the alternative predictors do worse in
predicting performance than the Morningstar star method.
It is interesting to note this difference in predictive abilities of the Morningstar system over
the alternative predictors when considering the different samples. This is largely due to the
fact that the alternative predictors in the complete fund 1993 sample have only three years of
return data available, whereas for 545 out of 635 funds, Morningstar uses more data to
allocate their stars. When looking at young funds, the difference in predictive abilities
compared to the alternative predictors disappears.
Although the results are impressive, this study has several shortcomings. First, Blake and
Morey only analyse domestic equity funds, and only those classified as aggressive growth,
equity-income, growth, growth-income, or small company. Second, they only analyse
seasoned funds. Although the complete funds 1993 sample is constructed to show a more
complete picture, Blake and Morey are cautious about its result due to the limited sample size
of the complete funds 1993 sample. Third, the seasoned funds 1992 – 1997 sample only
covers five years. It would be interesting to see what the predictive performance of
Morningstar’s star rating system is over a longer time period (i.e. 10 years)
3.2 Investor Behaviour
Sirri and Tufano (1998) find that equity mutual fund investors invest in funds with the highest
recent returns, while they fail to disinvest from poor performing funds. Meanwhile, investors
are sensitive to fees charged by mutual funds, as funds charging lower fees and funds that
have reduced their fees, grow faster. Conversely, funds that receive greater media attention
attract greater inflows, resulting in a stronger performance-flow relationship amongst funds
that are more active in marketing, thereby charging higher fees. Another interesting finding
by Sirri and Tufano is that funds in larger complexes (such as Fidelity, Vanguard and T.
Rowe) grow more quickly. This implies that mutual funds receiving a five star rating from
Morningstar experience a high inflow of funds, while on disappearance of this five star rating,
there is a smaller outflow.
Del Guercio and Tkac (2001) use a sample obtained from Morningstar on mutual funds
classified as domestic equity, running from November 1996 to October 1999 containing star
ratings for mutual funds present in this domestic equity group. In order to adjust for
survivorship bias, they fill in star ratings for funds that disappeared by using the monthly
editions of Morningstar’s Principia CD-ROM totalling 4,040 fund-months. In order to link the
star ratings to performance and order flow, the star ratings were supplemented with data on
returns, total net assets and other characteristics from the 1999 Survivorship Bias Free Mutual
Fund Database constructed by the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP). From this
combined dataset, all fund-months in which a merger took place were removed as these
events could distort the flow data. The final dataset consists of 111,715 fund-months from
3,388 funds. From analysis on this database, Del Guercio and Tkac conclude that the average
standardised abnormal flow is significantly positive for funds receiving an initial rating of
five stars in months one and six after the rating is announced. This means that due to the
issuance of the five star rating, the funds attracted abnormal high amounts of money in the
first and sixth month after the rating was issued. Furthermore, the same analysis shows that a
same effect is found when funds are issued a two star rating, although in this scenario the
average standardised abnormal flow is significantly negative: investors disinvest from a fund
when its first rating is a two star rating6.
When looking at the average cumulative standardised abnormal flow (ACSAF), the effect
described above is found over more periods; Del Guercio and Tkac find that five star funds
have a positive ACSAF for six months after the issuance of the initial five star rating, while
two star funds experience a negative ACSAF for three months after the fund receives its two
star rating, including the month the rating was issued in. This implies that the effects of an
initial rating are measurable up to six months after the rating was issued. When looking at the
ACSAF resulting from rating up- and downgrades, the situation is somewhat similar. When
funds are upgraded from a one star rating to a two star rating, the ACSAF there is a minor
positive effect in months five and six after the rating upgrade. However, an upgrade from two
to three stars ensures for a significantly positive ACSAF in the six months after the rating
upgrade, with the exception of month two. An upgrade from three tot four stars is similar to
an upgrade from one to two stars, only a significantly positive ACSAF in months four five
and six. Last but not least, an upgrade from four to five stars ensures a positive ACSAF in all
six months after the rating is issued, including the month the rating is issued in.
Rating downgrades result in the following ACSAFs. When a fund is downgraded from five to
four stars, there is no significantly negative ACSAF in any of the six months following the
rating downgrade. This is different for a rating downgrade from four to three stars; as here
there is a significantly negative ACSAF in all six months following the rating downgrade.
When a fund is downgraded from three to two stars, there is a significantly negative ACSAF
in months three, four five and six after the rating downgrade. A downgrade from two to one
6 It is remarkable that when a fund receives an initial one star rating, this effect is not present.
star does not result in a significantly negative ACSAF in any of the six months after the rating
The above clearly shows that while investors choose to invest in funds receiving a five star
rating, they choose not to disinvest from these funds once they receive a rating downgrade.
This is in-line with the findings of Sirri and Tufano (1998). However, Del Guercio and Tkac
state that Morningstar’s master data file contains historical star ratings for each fund that
reflects the rating algorithm currently in place, rather than the one in place at that time. If this
were true, the dataset used in this paper would not contain any information on fund ratings
prior to October 1996, as before that date; the Morningstar Categories were not introduced.
Since these categories form the basis for rating the mutual funds in the present rating system,
recalculating historical rating based on the current algorithm would not be possible as is no
information on the exact category a fund is in, prior to October 1996. This could seriously
dilute the results found in their study.
Based on a telephone survey of 3386 mutual fund investors, Capon, Fitzsimons and Prince
(1996) find that the bulk of investors have little knowledge about the funds that they are
investing in, as 72.3% does not know whether their funds invest in domestic or international
investments and, more strikingly, 75.0% of the mutual fund investors did not know whether
their fund invested in equity or fixed income. Furthermore, in that same survey, Capon et al.
find that published performance rankings are the leading source of information on mutual
funds, while historical performance is used as the most important selection criterion. The fact
that published performance rankings achieve a score of 4.57 out of 5 further illustrates the
importance of a rating system such as Morningstar’s to investors. This importance puts a high
weight on the validity of Morningstar’s ratings, as Morningstar is amongst the leading raters
of mutual funds.
All the papers described above highlight the importance of the ratings assigned by
Morningstar. A five star rating heavily increases the flow of funds towards a mutual fund,
while a rating downgrade does not immediately result in a large outflow of funds. The fact
that investors stick to the fund ratings is not at all surprising, as research shows that investors
choose their mutual funds based on historical performance, which these ratings are an
indication of.
3.3 Survivorship Bias
When analysing a sample mutual funds over longer periods of time, some mutual funds in the
sample are sure to cease to exist. As a consequence of this, the results of analysis performed
on the sample are biased towards better performing funds, as funds that cease to exist
generally do so due to poor performance or a low total market value (Elton, Gruber and
Blake, 1996), based on which managers choose to no longer maintain the fund. In other
words, by overlooking the funds that ‘die’, either by merger or liquidation, the results of
analysis performed on a sample of mutual funds are too optimistic. Prior studies show that
survivorship bias ranges from 10 to 150 basis points (e.g. Grinblatt and Titman, 1989 and
Malkiel, 1995). According to Elton et al. (1996), the three-index model based on the S&P
500, the smallest two deciles of CRSP NYSE stocks and the Leman Brothers Aggregate Bond
Index is the appropriate way to measure excess returns and bias.
Morey (2002) investigates the relationship between the age of mutual funds and their
Morningstar ratings. Data is obtained from the quarterly Morningstar On-Disk or Principia
programs from September 1991 to September 2000. From these disks, Morey selects all funds
in the domestic equity category. These funds are then placed in one of three age related
categories: young funds (36-59 months of return data), middle-aged funds (60-119 months of
return data) and seasoned funds (>119 months of return data).
Using descriptive statistics, Morey finds that the average overall star rating of seasoned funds
is almost always higher than that of young funds, and to a lesser extent, that of middle-aged
funds7, thereby concluding that when the age of the fund increases, the average overall star
rating increases as well. When looking at the standard deviation, Morey finds that the
standard deviation of young funds is higher than that of seasoned funds. Middle-aged funds
also have a higher standard deviation than do seasoned funds, but when analysing middle-
aged and young funds, there is no clear pattern when focussing on standard deviation. When
organising the sample by age, Morey shows that young and middle-aged funds are more
likely to receive very high or very low ratings than do seasoned funds.
In order to check whether the results are subject to survivorship bias, Morey uses the time
specific three- and five-year ratings to compare funds, instead of the overall rating. When
using these ratings, Morey finds that the higher overall star ratings of seasoned funds are not
caused by better performance in the three-year time specific ratings. Interesting to note is that
when comparing young and middle-aged funds on the three-year time specific rating, the
middle-aged funds have a higher rating in 22 out of 30 cases.
7 Perhaps the situation is no different from hedge funds, where, when a fund after a certain
period of time still does not perform as required, one might as well liquidate the fund and start
a new one.
While survivorship bias does play a role in the rating process, Morey shows that once a fund
receives a 10-year time specific rating, its overall rating is less likely to decline, due to the
weights that Morningstar uses to calculate the overall rating. While on the other hand, a fund
with a 10-year time specific rating will see its overall rating increase more easily.
3.4 Earnings Persistence
Morey and Vinod (2001) examine the estimation risk in the Morningstar mutual fund star
rating system. They find that the estimates upon which younger funds ratings are based have
significantly higher estimation risk than the estimates upon which the ratings of older funds
are based. They use data from the January 2001 Morningstar Principia Data Disk. From this
disk, they select all funds that are in Morningstar’s International Equity Fund Category and
have received an overall star rating (thereby having at least three years of return data) and
collect the excess non-load adjusted monthly returns for the 10-year period from January
1991 to December 2000, or the entire history of the fund, if it has less than 10 years of return
data. This gives them a sample of 1281 funds, of which 508 are classified as young funds
(three to five years of return data), 619 are middle-aged funds (five to 10 years of return data)
and 154 are seasoned funds (over 10 years of return data).
The fact that Morningstar uses a discrete interval to measure performance requires Morey and
Vinod to use a methodology that does not directly determine the estimation risk in the star
ratings themselves, but computes the estimation risk in the estimates that are used by
Morningstar to calculate its star ratings. Morey and Vinod subsequently compute a confidence
interval on the difference between a fund’s load-adjusted return and a fund’s risk. Due to the
increased amount of available data points for the seasoned funds, the confidence interval of
the measure that Morningstar uses to calculate time specific star ratings for seasoned funds is
narrower than that of young and middle-aged funds. While this seems impressive at first, it
only concerns the time specific Morningstar rating, the overall rating is a weighting of the
time specific ratings and the effect of the narrower confidence interval on the overall rating is
therefore, much smaller, nevertheless existent. This implies that a young fund that as received
a three star rating could actually be a four- or two star fund, while a seasoned fund with a four
star rating has a much higher probability of actually being a four star fund, as the confidence
interval for the ten year rating is smaller. This makes perfect sense, as, all other things being
equal, an average based on three years of data is more volatile than an average based on 10
years of data.
Morey (2003) examines the effect that an initial 5-star Morningstar mutual fund rating has on
future fund performance, strategy, risk-taking, expenses and portfolio turnover by using 33
Morningstar mutual fund quarterly data disks from July 1993 till July 2001. From these disks,
Morey selected all funds that had inception dates after March 31st, 1990 and had received a 5-
star overall Morningstar rating for the first time (e.g. a fund that received an overall 5-star
rating on the July 1993 disk would no longer be selected when using the October 1993 data
disk). This results in a sample of relatively young funds, as the dataset only spans eight years.
In order to make the sample more manageable, Morey selects only those funds that are
classified as diversified domestic equity funds, resulting in a sample of 273 funds. For these
273 funds, Morey examines the mean and median performance levels before and after the
issuance of the initial 5-star rating. Moreover, he defines three sub samples: (1) All funds,
with the exception of index funds in order to only select actively managed portfolios; (2) All
actively managed portfolios that do not have multiple share classes; and (3) All actively
managed portfolios, that are defined as growth funds, without multiple share classes, resulting
in a total of four samples to be tested. Using the following four out-of-sample performance
metrics: (1) the Fama-French-Momentum 4-factor alpha; (2) the Elton, Gruber and Blake 4-
factor alpha; (3) the Sharpe ratio; and (4) a single-index alpha, for all four samples, Morey
shows a steep drop in performance, thereby concluding that a 5-star Morningstar rating does
not persist three years out-of-sample.
An explanation for this phenomenon can be found in the fact that managers significantly
move towards higher value stocks in attempt to maintain the 5-star rating. Furthermore,
Morey’s results show that after receiving the initial 5-star rating, funds do a poorer job of
loading on momentum stocks. Apart from the previous mentioned factors, a separate test on
the risk-taking behaviour of the 5-star rated fund shows that the risk level of the average
initial 5-star rated fund increases substantially (i.e. both sigma and beta rise). Finally, there is
always the argument of mean reversion: given enough time, most winning funds will revert to
the mean in terms of performance.
When taking a good look at the dataset used, it is evident that Morey’s larges sample consists
of only 273 funds, with even smaller sub samples. Furthermore, by selecting only diversified
domestic equity funds, Morey limits the generalisation ability of the results. It would be
interesting to perform an identical analysis on a much larger dataset.
4 Empirical Analysis
This section describes the analysis that has been performed on the dataset obtained from
Morningstar. The analysis consists of two parts: an analysis on the predictive performance of
both Morningstar’s rating systems and a comparison of these two rating systems. Section 4.1
describes the dataset and section 4.2 discusses the methodology that was used to analyse the
predictive performances (Section 4.3) and to compare the two rating systems (Section 4.4).
4.1 Data
The dataset used for the analysis in this paper was obtained from Morningstar Inc. and
consists of data on 25.202 funds, ranging from March 1995 till September 2005. For each
fund, it contains data on fund name, fund return, Morningstar overall star rating, Morningstar
star rating based on three years of data, inception date, end date, category, equity style box
position, and fixed income style box position, on a monthly basis. Moreover, for a selection of
funds, return data is available from September 1924 onwards. Furthermore, for each fund, the
start date, end date, name, age and education of the fund manager are supplied.
Although Morningstar has changed it rating methodology in July 2002, past ratings are not
recalculated as it is the data available to investors at a particular moment in time that is used
by those investors to decide upon which fund to invest in. If this takes place before July 2002,
the data will be based on the old rating method.
Since the Morningstar Risk Adjusted Return accounts for loads and redemption fees8, this
research should do the same. However, obtaining load information on over 25.000 funds, of
which some ceased to exist as long as 10 years ago is an unmanageable quest and would be an
excellent suggestion for further research. For the sake of manageability of the already massive
database, it is assumed that all funds refrain from charging loads and redemption fees, or
rather, that there is no difference in loads and fees charged by funds with different ratings.9
In the event that the fund has merged, or was liquidated, it is assumed that investors randomly
invest their funds in funds of the same category as the liquidated or merged fund was in, at the
8 See equation 3.
9 On average, one would expect no difference between a) the loads and redemption fees
charged by one star rated and five star rated funds, and b) the number of one and five star
rated funds charging loads and redemption fees. If this were to be true, the assumption made
should not result in a bias. However, that would be something that further research could
point out.
time of liquidation or merger. This means that from the merger or liquidation date onwards,
the fund will have the average return of the category it was last listed in. However, since the
Morningstar Categories were introduced in October 1996, a fund that ceases to exist between
March 1995 and October 1996 will have to be excluded from the sample. In total, the
following funds were removed from the database:
Funds that have a category listing of ‘NA’ at the time of disappearance from the
Funds that ceased to exist prior to the introduction of the Morningstar categories
(October 1996)
Apart from funds disappearing from the database, several categories disappeared or changed
name. In the event of a name change, the name of the category was changed in the database.
When a category ceased to exist, its returns were recreated by using the weighted average of
the returns of the categories the original category split into; with the weights being based on
the number of funds in the ‘new’ category. There were only two categories for which this
procedure was necessary: Domestic Hybrid and Foreign Stock. The former split into
Conservative Allocation and Moderate Allocation, while the latter split into Foreign
Small/Mid Value, Foreign Large Blend, Foreign Large Growth, Foreign Small/Mid Growth
and Foreign Large Value. Analysis has shown that around 1% of the values are missing (e.g.
When performing an analysis on a sample with 240 funds for a one year out of sample
window, the regression was based on 2592 fund-months).
There are sixteen samples in this study, running from 199503 (the first four digits indicate the
base year, the last two digits indicate the base month) through 200403 and including 200204 -
200209. The annual xxxx03 samples will be used to analyse the predictive performance of the
Morningstar rating system, while the 200204 – 200209 samples will be used to compare the
rating system used until 200206 with the rating system used from 200207 onwards.
4.2 Methodology
To test for predictive abilities of Morningstar ratings, the equation below was estimated using
a one year, three year, five year and 10 year out of sample period.
10 There were 28 funds that had a rating for a period of no more than five months when they
ceased to exist. Morningstar assigned these funds to category 36: NA. These funds were
removed from the database.
0*40*30*20*10 4321 , (7)
where: C0 is the constant (the performance of a five-star fund at time 0), Rij is a return for fund
i at time j; DGR4i0 is a binary dummy variable indicating whether fund i is a four-star fund at
time 0 ; DGR3i0 is a similar dummy variable, only signifying whether fund i is a three-star
fund at time 0; the same is true for DGR2i0 as it indicates whether fund i is a two-star fund at
time 0; DGR1i0 is a binary dummy variable as well, that points out whether fund i is a one-star
fund at time 0 and ij
is the error term.
In the equation above, the five star fund group is taken as a reference for the other fund
groups as the five star fund group forms a ceiling which no fund can surpass. The return of
the five star fund group in equation 17 is similar to C0 (since all the betas are 0), where, in the
case of a fund belonging to a different star group, the applicable beta is added to C0.
Intuitively, if the rating system developed by Morningstar were to be completely correct, all
betas should be negative, as a four star fund should not outperform a five star fund.
Furthermore, assuming that Morningstar’s rating system is flawless in it predictions of future
performance, β1<β2<β3<β4 should hold, as a one star fund should not outperform a two star
fund either.
While the methodology described in the paragraph above in itself could yield some interesting
results, these results become far more interesting when different out of sample periods are
used. In doing so, one is not only able to assess the performance of Morningstar’s rating
system, but is also capable of seeing shifts in this performance, as the out of sample period
increases. Thus, it becomes evident whether the ratings assigned by the rating system, are
valid for a certain period. This can be of great value to investors, as when a fund receives a
five star rating, that fund is likely to outperform others for the coming period.
4.3 Predictive Performance
In this section, the predictive performance of Morningstar’s mutual fund rating system will be
tested. Due to its high importance to investors (see e.g. Sirri and Tufano, 1998; Del Guercia
and Tkac, 2001; and Capon, Fitzsimons and Prince, 1996) the predictive abilities of a rating
system such as Morningstar’s should be as high as possible.
4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics
From the dataset, all funds that have a star rating on xxxx03 were selected. For March 1995,
this amounts to 2431 funds. These funds were divided into five sub-groups according to the
star rating on the sample creation date. This implies the creation of the following groups:
Table 5: Sample Characteristics
199503 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=2431 184 501 864 658 224
100% 7.57% 20.61% 35.54% 27.07% 9.21%
199603 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=3364 293 695 1203 869 304
100% 8.71% 20.66% 35.76% 25.83% 9.04%
199703 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=4755 438 1080 1713 1099 428
100% 9.21% 22.71% 36.03% 23.11% 9.00%
199803 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=6039 534 1435 2145 1386 539
100% 8.84% 23.76% 35.52% 22.95% 8.93%
199903 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=6901 664 1583 2455 1532 667
100% 9.62% 22.94% 35.57% 22.20% 9.67%
200003 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=7991 777 1775 2835 1788 816
100% 9.72% 22.21% 35.48% 22.38% 10.21%
200103 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=8989 829 2022 3152 2098 888
100% 9.22% 22.49% 35.07% 23.34% 9.88%
200203 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=9879 862 2179 3631 2227 980
100% 8.73% 22.06% 36.75% 22.54% 9.92%
200303 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=11673 1110 3005 4148 2475 935
100% 9.51% 25.74% 35.53% 21.20% 8.01%
200403 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=13104 1226 3260 4661 2906 1051
100% 9.36% 24.88% 35.57% 22.18% 8.02%
For each fund in the group, the return and the category were selected on a monthly basis. The
table above shows that number of mutual funds has quintupled over the course of a 10 year
period. Furthermore, the distribution as shown in figure 1 does not hold for the samples
described in table 5, as the tails of the distribution of the samples described in table 5 are not
as fat as they should be. An interesting note regarding the distribution found in the table
above is that there is no difference between bull and bear markets. One might expect the
distribution to be skewed to the right in the case of a bull market and skewed to the left in the
case of a bear market, but according to table 5, this is not the case.
Over the course of the sample (199503-200403), Morningstar has changed its rating system.
Up to 199609, when Morningstar introduced the Morningstar Categories, all funds were
treated as if belonging to a single group11. In 199610, the funds were grouped according to the
four broad asset classes that formed the basis of the ratings, until this changed to the 64
categories in 200207. The results of the predictive performance analysis on the three rating
methods will be discussed in turn.
4.3.2 Single Group
This section will analyse the predictive performance of Morningstar’s rating system if it were
to consider all mutual funds as a single group. Although Morningstar classified funds by
using their four broad asset classes during 1995 and 1996, the lack of data in the database
bought from Morningstar requires for an analysis based on a single group. Even though this
classification never found its way into practice, it does serve as a proper benchmark to
compare results of other rating systems against.
Table 6: Regression Results on Single Group Sample
Sample C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
One year
1995 1.5125***12
-.1861* -.0868* -.0226 .0007 .0006 4.300***
1996 .8329*** -.3118*** -.1138** .0728 .1416*** .0024 24.483***
Three Year
1995 1.2543*** -.5948*** -.1513*** .0130 .0432 .0033 73.361***
1996 .8414*** -.6041*** -.1036*** .1008*** .1077*** .0020 59.423***
Five Year
1995 1.0461*** -.4638*** -.0843** .0188 -.0151 .0008 30.007***
1996 .7984*** -.4512*** -.1425*** -.0324 -.0041 .0008 37.946***
Ten Year
1995 .7349*** -.1590*** -.0942*** -.0499* -.0296 .0001 6.492***
The table above lists the base year of the sample for three different out of sample periods. The
10 year out of sample period only has the 1995 sample, as there is not enough data for such an
out of sample period for a sample that starts in 199603. Each combination shows the constant
and the four betas estimated by using equation 7. Furthermore, the R2 and the absolute F-
Statistic are stated in order to provide data on the significance of the regression as a whole.
11 The database obtained from Morningstar does not provide information on which of the four
broad asset classes a fund is in prior to October 1996
12 *** indicates significance at the 1% level, ** indicates significance at the 5% level and *
indicates significance at the 10% level.
When looking at the table above, it becomes clear that the rating system employed by
Morningstar is excellent at predicting underperformance. All β1s are significant at the 1%
level and have the correct sign. The same can be said for the β2s; they are all significant
(albeit some at the 5% and 10% level), have the correct sign, and are larger than the
respective β1s. This however, is where the praising ends. Of the β3s, only three have the
correct sign, of which only one is significant at the 10% level. This implies that, according to
the rating system, there is hardly a difference in performance between three star and five star
rated funds. When looking at four star rated funds, the situation becomes even worse. There
are three β4s that have the correct sign, none of which is significant at even the 10% level,
furthermore, the β4s that are significant (at the 1% level), are those with an incorrect sign.
This would mean that in two occasions, four star rated funds achieve significantly higher
returns than five star rated funds. These results are in line with those found by Blake and
Morey (2000)
In addition to the qualities of the rating system as a whole, table 6 shows the performance of
the rating system across different out of sample periods. When looking at the last column of
table 6, one can see that all regressions are highly significant, but that the out of sample
period of three years (and to a lesser extent, the out of sample period of five years) exceeds all
others in terms of absolute F-stat values.
When rating mutual funds as a single group, the rating system is perfectly able to predict the
future underperformance of one and two star rated funds, while it cannot distinguish between
three, four and five star rated funds.
4.3.3 Four Broad Asset Classes
After introducing the 64 categories in 199610, the funds could be traced back to the asset
class they belonged to. This changed the situation found in the analysis above. The results of
the predictive performance analysis on the four broad asset classes will be discussed per asset
U.S. Stock
This section analyses the predictive performance of mutual funds classified as U.S. Stock, or
domestic equity. Table 8 shows the regression results of equation 7 on different out of sample
periods for mutual funds belonging to the U.S. Stock asset class.
Table 7: Regression Results on U.S. Stock Asset Class
C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
One Year
1997 2.3490*** -.6312*** -.3053** -.2161* -.1484 .0011
1998 .8189*** -.9677*** -.3182 -.2731 -.1771 .0007
1999 2.1064*** 2.2227***
.5768*** -.7747*** -.5849*** .0237
2000 -3.3745***
2001 -.6348*** -.6682*** .0325 .1336 .1766* .0014
2002 1.596*** -.7928*** -.3570*** -.0457 .0658 .0019
Three Year
1997 1.1560*** 1.1113***
.8081*** .2637*** .1624 .0027
1998 .7007*** .3034*** .1701* -.1046 -.0824 .0004
1999 -.1029 .9437*** .8305*** .3720*** .1601** .0023
2000 -2.4561***
2001 .2169*** -.2196*** -.0079 -.0350 -.0036 .0001
2002 .9664*** -.6871*** -.5515*** -.4149*** -.2101*** .0017
Five Year13
1997 .8152*** -.1042 -.0570 -.1049 -.0794 .0000
1998 -.0096 .0314 .0094 -.0442 -.0755 .0000
1999 .0623 .8202*** .6960*** .3004*** .1254** .0020
2000 -.7548*** 1.7596***
.9602*** .5283*** .0078
Where the previous rating system proved excellent in predicting underperformance, the rating
system that diversifies funds amongst four broad asset classes has great difficulties in
achieving the same result, as can be seen in the table above. Despite the fact that out of 16 β1s,
14 are significant at the 1% level, only 6 of these 14 bear the correct sign. This means that in
different base years, over several out of sample periods, 50% of all one star rated funds
significantly outperform five star rated funds; Whereas five star rated funds significantly
outperform one star rated funds in 37.5% of the cases. A result such as this makes the rating
system just as accurate as flipping a coin, unless the coin has two heads of course.
When looking at β2, the situation does not improve. Out of 16 betas, 11 are significant, but
only three have the correct sign, resulting in two star rated funds significantly outperforming
five star funds in, again, 50% of the time, in different base years, over different out of sample
periods. Moreover, the regression results in table 8 show that five star funds significantly
outperform two star funds in only 18.75% of the cases.
Out of the 16 β3s, nine are significant, with only three bearing the correct sign, meaning that
five star funds significantly outperform three star funds 18.75% of the time. The opposite
13 The five year period runs from 1997 through 2000. As the database contains information up
to 200509, this makes it impossible to construct five year periods for 2001 and further.
holds for 37.5% of the cases, the results of the remaining 43.75% show no significant
difference between three star and five star rated funds.
Of the 16 β4s, eight are significant, with only two bearing the correct sign. This implies that
five star funds outperform four star funds in 12.5% of the occasions, the opposite being true
for 37.5% of the cases.
When taking the different out of sample periods into consideration, table 7 illustrates that the
results of all one- and three year regressions are significant at the 1% level. For the five year
out of sample period, only two out of four regressions are significant, nevertheless at the 1%
level. Further distinguishing between the one- and three year out of sample periods, it shows
that the absolute F-Statistic of the one year out of sample is higher than its thee year out of
sample counterpart, although this difference does not imply much, as they are both significant
at the 1% level.
The above clearly shows that for the U.S. Stock category, the rating system employed by
Morningstar offers no added value in terms of predicting mutual fund returns, as there is no
occasion where the rating system would outperform a random walk. Unlike the system that
classifies all mutual funds as a single group, the system using the U.S. Stock classified funds
to base a rating upon is even not able to predict underperformance.
International Stock
Since the results of the U.S. Stock category are not impressive, perhaps Morningstar’s rating
system is better at predicting performance for mutual funds classified as International Stock.
Table 8 lists the results of equation 7 for this broad asset class.
The table below shows the estimates of equation 7 for different base years with multiple out
of sample periods. A quick glance shows that for the International Stock category, the rating
system is perfectly able at estimating betas significantly different form zero for one and two
star rated funds. A closer look however, learns that the signs of these coefficients are not
always correct.
Table 8: Regression Results on International Stock Asset Class
C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
One Year
1997 1.7024*** -4.0776***
-.9852*** -.3018 .0415
1998 .3889 -1.1582***
-.3974 -.1150 .0066
1999 3.7043*** -.5471* 1.0378*** -.5424** -.9852*** .0124
2000 -3.4923***
1.6272*** 1.3848*** 1.9241***
2001 -1.2119***
1.7216*** .5577*** -.3215** -.0059 .0101
2002 -1.1401***
-.4279* -.3377** -.4023*** -.1957 .0005
Three Year
1997 1.5301*** -1.8700***
-.9465*** -.2213 .0370 .0059
1998 .6096*** -.4772** -.3190* -.2342 .0011 .0005
1999 .0612 .8712*** .4884*** -.1241 -.0972 .0025
2000 -2.4061***
1.8882*** 1.1627*** .9502*** .7006*** .0061
2001 .2511*** 1.2107*** .4213*** -.1209 -.0316 .0048
2002 1.3348*** -.2674** -.1493* -.1518* -.1162 .0001
Five Year
1997 .4298*** -.7511*** -.6300*** -.3579*** -.0013 .0015
1998 -.2530** .5294*** .0969 -.1098 .0195 .0006
1999 .3590*** 1.0423*** .5689*** -.0125 -.0465 .0032
2000 -.4942*** 1.2015*** .9304*** .5404*** .3957*** .0036
For the International Stock category, all 16 β1s are significant, with 8 of these betas showing
the correct sign. This implies that just as with the U.S. Stock category, in only 50% of the
cases, five star funds significantly outperform one star rated funds. This situation deteriorates
for the β2s, where from the 15 significant betas; seven have the correct sign, implying that in
only 43.75% of the cases, five star funds outperform two star funds. However, out of the nine
significant β3s, six show the correct sign, thereby making sure that in 37.5% of all occasions,
five star funds outperform three star funds, whereas in only 18.75% of the cases, three star
funds outperform five star funds. Although this is slightly better than the previous results (at
least the percentage of five star funds outperforming three star funds is higher than the
percentage of three star funds outperforming five star funds), it still does not beat a random
walk, as in 43.75% of the cases there is no significant difference between the performance of
five- and three star rated funds. Continuing with the β4s, four out of 16 betas are significant,
of which only one has the correct sign. This means that in 6.25% of the occasions, five star
funds significantly outperform four star funds, whereas the opposite holds in 18.75% of the
cases. This shows that there is hardly a difference between four and five star rated funds in
terms of performance, as in 75% of the cases there is no significant difference.
Despite the fact that almost all regressions in all out of sample periods are significant at the
1% level (the exception being the three year 2002 regression), table 8 shows that the rating
system best predicts performance for International Stock mutual funds for an out of sample
period of one year. In this period, 12 out of 19 significant betas bear the correct sign. Once
again, out of a total of 24 betas, this in only 50%.
The analysis above concludes that the rating system used by Morningstar does, at best, equal
the performance of a random walk. However, it not able at outperforming this random walk.
Taxable Bond
This section discusses the results of equation 7 on those mutual finds classified as Taxable
Bond. An important difference between this category and the previous two is that the funds in
the Taxable Bond category mainly have a fixed income portfolio, whereas the portfolios of
funds in the U.S. Stock and International Stock categories are largely made up out of equity.
Table 9: Regression Results on Taxable Bond Asset Class
C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
One Year
1997 .8391*** -.2411***
1998 -.3340***
.7821*** .7171*** .7184*** .5524*** .0112
1999 .2637*** .2396*** -.2872***
2000 .6863*** -.5006***
-.0696 .1093** .0745 .0121
2001 .4876*** -.8825***
.0884 -.0054 .0093
2002 .4586*** .0072 .1710 .3947*** .1182 .0008
Three Year
1997 .4136*** -.1153***
-.0690** -.0441 -.0318 .0003
1998 .0899*** .1758*** .3216*** .3519*** .2597*** .0043
1999 .3973*** -.1280***
-.0708** .0340 .0563* .0010
2000 .4683*** -.0710 .1502*** .1387*** .1095** .0005
2001 .3689*** .2464*** .2393*** .2205*** .1028* .0005
2002 .3824*** .5827*** .3894*** .0941** -.0367 .0038
Five Year
1997 .2719*** .1088*** .2127*** .2067*** .1445*** .0010
1998 .1001*** .3274*** .4605*** .3934*** .2712*** .0024
1999 .4299*** .1759*** .0324 .0784** .0283 .0003
2000 .4080*** .1999*** .1762*** .1081*** .0664** .0005
When comparing the table above with the table of the previous two equity categories, it
becomes clear when predicting performance of Taxable Bond funds; Morningstar’s rating
system is able to predict the performance of three and four star rated funds, whereas in the
previous two equity categories, the number of significant β3s and β4s were limited.
For the β1s, the Taxable Bond category does not prove to be different from the previous
categories. Out of 14 significant betas, only five (31.25%) bear the correct sign, three of
which are in the one year out of sample period. The β2s show the same story, out of 13
significant betas, five (31.25%) show the correct sign. Once again, three of these are in the
one year out of sample period. When looking at the β3s, the situation worsens a bit. Out of 13
significant betas, only two (12.5%) show the correct sign. Both these betas are in the one year
out of sample period. Out of 10 significant β4s, two (12.5%) bear the correct sign. It comes as
no surprise that these two are in the one year out of sample period.
Despite the fact that all regressions are significant at the 1% level, it is clear that the one year
out of sample period is the best investment period to use when considering investing based
upon Morningstar’s rating system. The absolute F-Stat figures as shown in the last column of
table 9 are also the highest for the one year out of sample period. Nevertheless, as indicated
by the small number of correct betas, the predictive performance for the Taxable Bond
category based upon Morningstar’s ratings is extremely weak. Where the U.S. Stock and
International Stock asset classes were at least able to equal the performance of a random
walk, investing based upon Morningstar’s ratings in funds classified as Taxable bond will
never exceed the returns yielded by a random walk. This is odd, as the number of significant
betas is higher for the Taxable Bond category than it is for the equity categories, but the
number of betas with the correct sign is lower for the Taxable Bond category, compared to the
two equity categories. Perhaps that, due to the characteristics of a bond, the earnings of
portfolios consisting of bonds are less volatile, resulting in a more significant beta. This
would explain the high number of significant betas. Moreover, in order for funds with a one
star rating to raise performance, more risk has to be taken on. This implies adding fixed
income products with a lower credit rating (and therefore, a higher return) to the portfolio.
When these firms do not default on their loans, a higher return is realised. This would explain
the betas with incorrect signs.
Municipal Bond
The last of the four broad asset classes is the Municipal Bond asset classes. The main
difference between the Taxable Bond category and the Municipal Bond category is that
returns from the Taxable Bond category are subject to capital gains taxes, while municipal
bonds have an exemption from this sort of tax. This gives investing in municipalities a tax
advantage over investing in corporations. The table below lists the regression results of
equation 7 on the Municipal Bond asset class.
Table 10: Regression Results on Municipal Bond Asset Class
C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
One Year
1997 .6609*** .0358 .0293 .0181 -.0028 .0002
1998 .4275*** -.0457* -.0317 -.0189 -.0044 .0004
1999 -.2918***
-.0591** -.0181 .0243 .0021
2000 .6749*** .2365*** .2280*** .1950* .1759***
2001 .4770*** -.0511 -.0314 -.0064 .0068 .0003
2002 .5167*** -.0262 -.0200 .0069 .0076 .0001
Three Year
1997 .2960*** -.0788***
-.0151 .0005
1998 .3131*** -.0213 -.0021 .0126 .0244 .0002
1999 .3357*** -.0440** -.0028 .0067 .0139 .0002
2000 .5418*** .0696*** .0823*** .0766***
2001 .4693*** .0004 .0017 .0395 .0186 .0001
2002 .3736*** .0179 .0012 .0337 .0047 .0000
Five Year
1997 .4221*** -.0167 -.0050 .0036 .0086 .0001
1998 .3796*** -.0136 .0025 .0122 .0179 .0001
1999 .3963*** -.0311* -.0018 .0055 .0099 .0001
2000 .4413*** .0555*** .0634*** .0569***
When looking at table 10, it is immediately clear that hardly any coefficients are significantly
different from zero. This would imply that the division of funds classified as Municipal Bond
into the five star groups makes no sense, as the performance of all Municipal Bond funds is
alike, thereby immediately questioning the existence of the Municipal Bond asset class.
Despite the lack of predictive performance in the previous categories, at least they had a large
number of significant betas. For the Municipal Bond category this no longer holds. Out of
only eight significant β1s, five (31.25%) bear the correct sign. For the β2s, this is even worse,
out of five significant betas, there are only two (12.5%) negative ones.
Just as with the previous categories, the predictive performance as a whole of the rating
system decreases whenever funds get closer to a five star rating. Out of four significant β3s,
only one (6.25%) shows the correct sign. Where other categories had some correct β4s, the
Municipal Bond category only has three significant β4s, with zero of them being correct.
When looking at the F-stat values, it becomes clear that the three year out of sample period is
the best period to use when investing in Municipal Bond funds based upon Morningstar’s
rating system. This three year out of sample period has four significant regression results out
of a total of six regressions.
The results of tables 7 through 10 are quite disastrous for Morningstar’s rating system.
However, this is not the first time that the predictive performance of the Morningstar’s rating
system is analysed. When Blake and Morey (2000) analysed the predictive performance of
Morningstar’s mutual fund rating system, they only analysed the U.S. Stock14 category. They
came to the conclusion that the rating system was able to predict underperformance, but the
system was unable to predict superior performance amongst funds. Nevertheless, the above
results, even for the U.S. stock category, suggest otherwise. Morningstar’s rating system is
neither able to predict superior performance, nor is it able to predict inferior performance. The
fact that at best15 50% of all β1s are significant and bear the correct sign illustrates this point.
Regarding the different out of sample periods, the analysis concludes that the one year out of
sample period is the period for which the rating is valid. The three and five year out of sample
periods produce lower absolute F-Stat values. This implies that, in line with Morey (2003),
funds are not able to maintain a high star rating. Furthermore, it is a signal to investors to
adjust their investment horizon to this one year period when considering an investment in
mutual funds based on Morningstar’s rating system.
Morningstar was not unaware of the low predictive performance of its system based on four
broad asset classes and introduced an improved rating system in 20020716. The predictive
performance of this system will be analysed in the next section.
4.3.4 Rating Funds Based on Categories
The analysis on the rating system introduced in 200207 consists of two samples, both with a
one year out of sample period. Due to the lack of available data, it is impossible to construct
longer out of sample periods. The results of equation 7 on this new rating system are grouped
according to the four broad asset classes that contain the newly introduced categories. The
results can be found in the sections below. Not all 64 categories are present at all times as
Morningstar continuously adds and changes categories. Due to the fact that 200303 only has
48 categories, there is no point in adding the other 18 listed in 200403, as that would remove
a comparison of categories over different samples from the analysis.
14 They named this category “domestic equity”
15 See the β1s of the International Stock category in table 9
16 Improved according to Morningstar that is.
U.S. Stock
This section will discuss the results of equation 7 based on the categories that together make
up the U.S. Stock asset class. From table 11 on the next page, it becomes clear that overall;
the ratings of the new rating system do not have any predictive performance abilities.
Exceptions are there for the Large Blend and Large Growth categories, and, to a lesser extent,
Small Blend, Small Growth and Specialty Health. The fact that both Small and Large Mid-
Cap and Growth categories produce coefficients that are significantly different from zero does
not come as a big surprise. As the earnings of Value funds are rather stable17 , there is not a lot
of difference between the different funds in terms of performance. For Blend and moreover,
Growth funds, this difference in earnings is present. It is due to this difference that a rating
system is better at: a) assigning funds over the five star groups and b) predicting the
performance of these star groups, largely due to the increased volatility of the Blend and
Growth portfolios over the volatility of the Value portfolios. Nevertheless, only the
coefficients of the Large Growth and Small Growth funds in the 200403 sample show the
correct sign.
Overall, out of 34 β1s, 11 are significantly different from zero, with five of these (14.71%)
bearing the correct sign. This means that in the remaining 85.29%, there is no difference in
the performance of one and five star rated funds, or that one star rated funds significantly
outperform five star rated funds, over the course of a one year out of sample period. The same
can be said for the β2s, out of 34, only 11 are significantly different from zero, with again, five
of these (14.71%) bearing the correct sign. As expected, the number of significant coefficients
is lower for the β3s. Out of 34 betas, six are significantly different from zero, with one of
these six (2.9%) bearing the correct sign. This further confirms the conclusion found in the
previous section and in Blake and Morey (2000), that Morningstar’s rating system is at best
able to predict performance for lower rated funds. The β4s show a situation in which out of the
34 betas, two are significant, with only one (2.9%) bearing the correct sign.
When looking at the absolute F-Stat values, the results confirm that the rating system is able
to predict the out of sample performance of mutual funds belonging the Large Blend, Large
Growth, Small Blend, Small Growth and Specialty Health categories.
17 The CAPM β of Value Funds tends to be lower than 1.
Table 11: Regression Results on Categories in U.S. Stock Asset Class
Category Sample
C0 β1 β2 β3 Β4 R2 F-Stat
Large Value 2003 2.7036***
.1575 .1982* .1942* .1537 .0004
2004 .8721*** -.1005 -.1251 -.0879 -.0469 .0002
Large Blend 2003 2.1925***
.4760*** .3972*** .4367*** .4324***
2004 .6485*** -.2290** -.1894** -.1153 -.0753 .0006
Large Growth 2003 2.5555***
.5059*** .0926 -.0413 -.0895 .0030
2004 .5293*** -.6232*** -.3787***
-.2429* .0020
Mid-Cap Value 2003 2.9502***
.2212 .3301 .4242* .1786 .0019
2004 1.2205***
-.0206 -.1764 -.1962 -.2078 .0006
Mid-Cap Blend 2003 3.2151***
.6507* .2423 .0725 -.0128 .0035
2004 1.1387***
-.4024 -.2687 -.2560 -.1510 .0009
Mid-Cap Growth 2003 3.1396***
.1185 .1644 .1136 -.0676 .0006
2004 .7977*** -.2458 -.2073 -.1858 -.0385 .0004
Small Value 2003 3.5874***
.5901 .5197* .3937 .2319 .0021
2004 1.0883** .0533 .1243 .1116 .1844 .0001
Small Blend 2003 3.3646***
.8237** .7873*** .5109* .4741 .0030
2004 1.2058***
-.4264 -.3310 -.0898 -.0521 .0012
Small Growth 2003 3.8303***
.7381** .1868 .0875 -.0020 .0018
2004 .9354*** -.9841*** -.5170** -.3963 -.2173 .0021
Specialty Communication 2003 3.6417***
.7242 .5243 -.3037 -.1737 .0093
2004 .4563 .1521 .1726 -.0437 .5307 .0018
Specialty Financial 2003 3.1019***
-.1073 .4621 .2410 -.0502 .0033
2004 .5365* -.2724 -.2432 -.1471 .3256 .0049
Specialty Health 2003 2.8706***
1.2183* .2605 -.5024 .1253 .0189
2004 .2474 -1.1592***
-.6505* -.1862 -.0230 .0078
Specialty Natural Resources
2003 3.4017***
-.9569 -.4894 -.7125 -.6973 .0013
2004 3.4688***
-.1946 -.5387 -.5947 -.3539 .0012
Specialty Real Estate 2003 2.9872***
.3635* .4018** .3023* .1555 .0049
2004 1.6226***
.0104 .0464 -.0596 .0223 .0000
Specialty Technology 2003 3.2377***
.9303 .9005* .5952 .4237 .0023
2004 .2946 -.7671 -.9762** -.6379 -.4917 .0017
Specialty Utilities 2003 2.5804***
.1589 -.0463 .0707 -.1435 .0010
2004 1.6788 .0007 -.1167 -.1112 .2739 .0044
Convertibles 2003 2.4946***
-.2703 -.3336 -.3413 .0099
2004 .2152 -.5181 .0958 .0782 .1167 .0026
International Stock
In this section, the results of equation 7 on the categories within the International Stock asset
class will be discussed. Table 12 on the next page shows these results. It immediately shows
that some categories do not have values for all betas. This is due to the fact that about 1% of
the fund-months are missing. When using equation 7 on the four broad asset classes, this 1%
can be ignored as each sample contains enough fund-months. Nevertheless, when basing the
regressions on the multiple smaller categories, each containing less fund-months, the missing
of a single fund month has a larger impact on the results. The fact that certain coefficients
cannot be estimated is a clear example of this.
Despite the missing values, table 12 clearly shows that the only category in the International
Stock asset class for which the rating system can produce meaningful results is the Europe
Stock category. A quick analysis of the betas in the International Stock category shows that
out of 18 β1s, two are significantly different from zero, with one (5.56%) bearing the correct
sign. The results are a little better for the β2s, out of 18 betas; two are significantly different
from zero, both having the correct sign (11.11%). There is only one (5.56%) significant β3 out
of the group of 18, but this beta has the correct sign. The results of equation 7 do not show a
significant β4. When looking at the absolute F-Stat values, the results indicate that
Morningstar’s rating system is excellent at predicting the returns of mutual funds classified as
Europe Stock, almost all coefficients are significantly different from zero and bear the correct
sign. Furthermore, the absolute F-Stat values indicate that the system has some predictive
performance capabilities for funds classified as World Stock.
Table 12: Regression Results on Categories in International Stock Asset Class
Category Sample
C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
World Stock 2003 3.499* .0558 -.1125 -.2133 -.1238
2004 1.1147* -.3093 -.4346** -.1479 .0286 .0027
Diversified Emerging Markets
2003 5.0221* -.2509 -.3800 -.3851 -.5065
2004 2.4458* -.6502 -.6306 -.5004 -.2070
Latin America Stock 2003 4.8383* .6189 .3626 .3006 .2285 .0015
2004 3.363*** .0608 .1629 .1335 -.1850
Europe Stock 2003 3.5350* .4601 .4744 .2386 .4258 .0011
2004 2.3125* -1.1096**
Japan Stock 2003 3.2919* .4908 -.3885 -.4728 NA18 .0035
2004 1.7758 -1.0023 -.8710 -.5266 -.4069
Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stock 2003 3.9552* NA18 .6320 .4963 .7924 .0013
2004 1.5264**
-.4362 -.4331 -.7066 -.5440
Diversified Pacific/Asia 2003 3.1956* .1378 -.0097 .3208 .5557 .0037
2004 1.1733* .0431 -.1305 .0900 NA18 .0005
Specialty Precious Metals 2003 4.2713* -.8672 -.2119 -.4545 .6113 .0021
2004 .3633 .4242 -.0274 .0748 .1378 .0001
International Hybrid 2003 1.9533* .9425* .4497 .3919 .2185 .0065
2004 1.0842* -.1077 -.5927 -.1555 -.0577
* indicates significance at the 10% level, ** indicates significance at the 5% level and *** indicates significance at the 1% level
18 There is no fund with such a rating in this category
Taxable Bond
This section discusses the result of equation 7 on the categories contained in the Taxable
Bond asset class. Table 13 on the next page shows the coefficients for each of the categories.
When looking at the β1s, it becomes clear that out of a total of 22 betas, 10 are significantly
different from zero up to a 10% significance level. Out of these 10 betas, 7 (31.81%) bear the
correct sign; a heavy improvement over the last two asset classes. For the β2s, the situation is
even better; out of 22 betas, 12 are significantly different from zero, with nine (40.91%) of
these showing the correct sign. As expected, the situation deteriorates a bit for the β3s, where
out of 22 betas; eight are significantly different from zero, with six (27.27%) of these bearing
the correct sign. Despite the amount of significant betas in the first three groups, the β4s show
two significant betas out of a total of 22, where one (4.55%) of these two has the correct sign.
When looking at the absolute F-Stat values, it becomes clear that out of the Taxable Bond
sample, Morningstar’s rating system has excellent predictive performance abilities for the
Intermediate Government, Intermediate-Term Bond, Ultrashort Bond, High Yield Bond,
Multisector Bond and International Bond categories. When considering the individual betas,
this list changes to Intermediate Government, Short Government, Long-Term Bond,
Intermediate-Term Bond, Multisector Bond and International Bond, as for those categories,
almost all betas are significant, and β1<β2<β3 holds. This makes Morningstar’s rating system
an excellent tool for investing in funds classified in one of these categories.
Table 13: Regression Results on Categories in Taxable Bond Asset Class
Category Sample
C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
Long Government 2003 .4680 -.5561 -.3650 -.2957 -.1011 .0022
2004 .3215 -.1440 .1247 .0331 .0150 .0009
Intermediate Government
2003 .3139*** -.1582 -.1489* -.1289 -.0869 .0010
2004 .2569*** -.2391***
-.1227** -.0870 .0030
Short Government 2003 .2454*** -.1773** -.1433** -.1123* -.0663 .0045
2004 .1063** -.1037 -.1057* -.0763 -.0544 .0023
Long-Term Bond 2003 .8125*** .1132 -.2489 -.2896 -.2076 .0051
2004 .6325*** -.4103* -.3933* -.3751* -.1605 .0071
Intermediate-Term Bond 2003 .4646*** .0837 -.0429 -.0578 -.0582 .0009
2004 .2997*** -.1551***
Short-Term Bond 2003 .2421*** .0342 -.0545 -.0521 -.0020 .0024
2004 .0858** -.0735 -.0686* -.0421 -.0088 .0024
Ultrashort Bond 2003 .1698** .9352*** .6366*** .0828 -.0375 .2208
2004 .1267*** -.0898** -.0505 -.0261 -.0026 .0189
High-Yield Bond 2003 1.323*** .4286*** .4611*** .4292*** .2978***
2004 .7524*** .0622 .0437 .0425 .0124 .0003
Multisector Bond 2003 .6380*** .7274*** .4439** .4891*** .2149 .0116
2004 .7992*** -.3088* -.2919** -.2689** -.1326 .0055
Emerging Markets Bond 2003 1.9612***
-.1929 -.2275 -.0925 -.1229 .0008
2004 1.4480***
-.3733 -.4257 -.3050 -.3814 .0022
International Bond 2003 .8131*** .0205 .1665 .1014 .0261 .0006
2004 .9432*** -.5773** -.4890***
-.3576** -.1619 .0077
Municipal Bond
This section discusses the results of equation 7 performed on the categories belonging to the
Municipal Bond asset class. The estimated coefficients are depicted in table 15 on the next
page. The results found in that table indicate that there is no predictive performance
whatsoever for any categories in the Municipal Bond asset class, with the exception of the
Muni Short and Muni Single State Intermediate categories. This might be due to the effect
that the credit ratings of the individual states are the same, and, therefore, the interest paid on
the bonds is the same. This would imply similar portfolios for all mutual funds classified in
categories belonging to the Municipal Bond asset class. When the returns of the portfolios are
similar, it is extremely difficult for the rating system to distinguish between a one star and a
five star rated fund.
When looking at the betas, the following situation emerges. Out of 18 β1s, three (16.67%) are
significant, all bearing the correct sign. Out of 18 β2s, just two (11.11%) are significantly
different from zero, both showing the correct sign. There are no significant β3s and β4s. The
only regression with an absolute F-Stat value significantly different from zero at the 10%
level is that of the Muni Short category. Next to the Muni Short category, the Muni Single
State Intermediate category has two significant betas as well, with, for both categories β1<β2.
When considering tables 11, 12, 13 and 15 as a whole, one of the distinguishing results found
is the fact that out of 92 regressions, only 20 are significant up to a 10% level. When
considering the different betas, the situation is as shown in the table below
Table 14: Summarised Regression Results of Ratings Based on Categories
Significant (-)
Significant (+)
Not Significant
% Correct
β1 16 11 64 17.58%
β2 18 9 65 19.57%
β3 8 7 77 8.70%
β4 2 2 86 2.22%
Table 15 shows the number of significantly positive and significantly negative betas for each
rating group. Furthermore, it shows the number of betas that are not significantly different
from zero and the percentage of betas with the correct sign. This value is based on the total
number of betas, not just the number of significant betas.
Table 15: Regression Results on Categories in Municipal Bond Asset Class
Category Sample
C0 β1 β2 β3 β4 R2 F-Stat
Muni National Long 2003 .6166***
.0412 -.0925 -.1117
2004 .2685***
-.1474 -.1011 -.0680
Muni National Intermediate 2003 .5239 -.1060 .5977 -.0831
2004 .1499** -.1315 -.0586 -.0646
Muni Single State Ling 2003 .5271***
-.0537 -.0533 -.0426
2004 .2478***
-.1127 -.0953 -.0503
Muni Single State Intermediate
2003 .5025***
-.1960* -.1230 -.0795
2004 .2007***
Muni California Long 2003 .5231***
.0285 -.0690 -.0367
2004 .2665** -.0871 -.0551 -.0049
.0232 .0008
Muni New York Long 2003 .5061***
.0664 -.0569 -.0328
2004 .2583** -.1293 -.0668 -.0501
Muni California Intermediate 2003 .5025***
-.1596 -.1117 -.0764
2004 .1540 -.1052 -.0942 -.0539
Muni Short 2003 .3825***
-.1822* -.1120
2004 .0722 -.0873 -.0778 -.0612
Muni New York Intermediate 2003 .5494***
-.1266 -.0899 -.1477
2004 .1838 -.1542 -.1043 -.0639
Notwithstanding the fact that the percentage of betas with a correct sign is appalling, the fact
that the number of significant betas with the correct sign (first column) is greater than the
number of significant betas with the incorrect sign (second column) can be seen as a positive
result for the new rating system at first. However, constructing a similar table for the previous
rating system shows the following:
Table 16: Four Broad Asset Classes: 1Y Summarised Regression Results
Significant (-)
Significant (+)
Not Significant
% Correct
β1 13 7 4 54.17%
β2 9 7 8 37.5%
β3 8 6 10 33.33%
β4 4 5 15 16.67%
Table 15 and 16 clearly show that, when looking at the same out of sample period, the old
rating system surpasses the new rating system in terms of percentage of correct significant
betas. When confronted with such a result, it is only natural that the question of rating system
superiority arises. It is this question that will be answered in the next section.
4.4 Comparing Rating Systems
Due to criticism (e.g. Blake and Morey, 2000; Khorana and Nelling, 1998), Morningstar
adjusted its rating methodology at the start of July 2002. Morningstar recently published a
study (Kinnel, 2005) in which they analyse the difference between the two different rating
systems. However, the article published by Morningstar is not clear on how the analysis was
set up. Furthermore, Kinnel (2005) uses two samples that are 12 months apart to base his
conclusion on. During these 12 months, exogenous changes might influence the ratings
assigned by Morningstar and, therefore, make the analysis by Kinnel (2005) less accurate. In
order to give investors a proper comparison both rating systems, this section will analyse and
compare the rating system based on four broad asset classes with the rating system based on
64 categories.
4.4.1 Descriptive Statistics
This study will analyse whether the change of methodology has indeed increased the
predictive abilities of the new rating system compared to the old. In order to do so, the
predictive performance of the 200204 – 200206 samples is compared with the predictive
performance of the 200207 – 200209 samples. Due to the law of averages, it is important to
compare samples that are close to each other in time, as otherwise, the increasing number of
funds result in a bias towards the younger samples. (i.e. Regressions based on more fund-
months are, with all other things being equal, likely to yield results that are more significant
than regressions that are based on fewer fund-months.) The specifics of each sample can be
found in the table below.
Table 17: Sample Characteristics
Total 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=9935 888 2220 3565 2270 992
100% 8.94% 22.35% 35.88% 22.85% 9.98%
Total 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=9901 906 2182 3548 2269 996
100% 9.15% 22.04% 35.83% 22.92% 10.06%
Total 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=9901 940 2548 3517 2086 810
100% 9.49% 25.73% 35.52% 21.07% 8.18%
Total 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=9950 933 2573 3548 2112 784
100% 9.38% 25.86% 35.62% 21.23% 7.87%
Total 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=9999 947 2591 3587 2084 790
100% 9.47% 25.91% 35.87% 20.84% 7.90%
Total 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star
N=10064 957 2638 3562 2130 777
100% 9.51% 26.21% 35.39% 21.16% 7.72%
As can be seen in table 17, all samples contain information on a rather similar number of
funds. As a comparison, the 200303 sample contains information on 11,673 funds.
Furthermore, the ratings are consistently distributed across the samples, with the tails of the
distribution being a little more flat than they should be according to figure 1. Just as with the
199503 sample, the return and the category for each fund are selected on a monthly basis and
it is assumed that investors randomly invest into funds of the same category once a fund
disappears from the database.
4.4.2 Four Broad Asset Classes vs. 64 Categories
Since the analysis on the four broad asset classes contains four regressions per out of sample
period, per sample, whereas the analysis on the rating system based on categories contains 48
regressions per out of sample period, per sample, these two cannot be compared like that. In
order to be able to check for a shift in predictive performance, the samples prior to 200207
have been grouped using the categories of the new rating system (which were present since
October 1996, but not used as a basis for the ratings), while the ratings itself were based on
the output of the old rating system. Since this might result in categories not having all star
ratings in a certain sample, the only way to compare the different rating systems is by
focussing on the F-statistic. The absolute values of the F-Statistic are of no use here, as there
is a tremendous absolute difference between an F-Stat value of 5 and 100, while they are both
significant at the 1% level. Therefore, in order to properly compare the rating systems, the
probability of the F-Statisctic (pF-stat) will be used. Equation 7 is used to estimate the results.
A summary of the equation results can be found in table 18. Results are obtained by using
equation 7 for each category on both a one year and a three year out of sample periods. This
implies that all results are based on 96 regressions.
Table 18: Average p(F-stat) Values for Different Samples
Sample 200204 200205 200206 200207 200208 200209
Average P(F-Stat) 0.5558 0.6149 0.6280 0.6522 0.6275 0.6267
The table above shows the average p(F-stat) values for the samples used to compare the two
rating systems. This table illustrates that both systems would, on average, not yield results
significantly different from zero. Nevertheless, a quick glance shows that the average p(F-
stat) values for the regressions based on the old system are a little lower. While table 20
shows the average p-values for the different samples, the effect found is further illustrated in
table 21, which lists the differences between the different samples, by subtracting the average
value of the regressions based on the new system from the average value of the regressions
based on the old system. A negative value implies that the results of the old rating system are
more accurate, while a positive value means that the new system provides more accurate
Table 19: Analysis of p(F-Stat) Values (Old-New)
New Old
200204 200205 200206
200207 -0.0964 -0.0717 -0.0709
200208 -0.0373 -0.0126 -0.0118
200209 -0.0242 0.0005 0.0013
When subtracting the average p(F-stat) values of the new rating system from the old, the
situation described in table 19 emerges. In this situation, the majority of the values are
negative, while positive values are almost equal to zero. This clearly shows that the rating
system introduced in 200207 is, in terms of predictive performance, at best equal to its
predecessor. In most occasions, the results yielded by the old rating system are more
significant than the results produced by the new rating system. However, there can be
numerous reasons for such a result. Several of these possibilities will be discussed in the
following sections.
4.4.3 Potential Biases and Limitations
Number of Fund-Months
The argument made by Morey and Vinod (2001) can be applied to the old/new rating system
comparison as well. In the event that the old rating system contains fund-months than the new
rating system, one might argue that, since the coefficients are close to zero, the results are
biased in favour of the old system. Nevertheless, as table 17 shows, the number of fund-
months in all samples is about equal.
While the overall fund-months do not suggest a bias, the regressions are based on individual
categories and, therefore, fund-months should be analysed based on category and year. Table
20 shows this analysis.
Table 20: Number of Funds per Category, per Sample
Category 200204
Large Value 690 689 607 615 625 628 83 13.5
Large Blend 915 916 921 917 924 932 17 1.9
Large Growth 679 675 736 743 747 754 79 11.7
Mid-Cap Value 204 205 184 188 186 188 21 11.4
Mid-Cap Blend 150 150 160 163 157 158 13 8.7
Mid-Cap Growth 438 446 471 471 471 471 33 7.5
Small Value 187 188 201 203 206 207 20 10.7
Small Blend 187 186 179 182 182 184 8 4.5
Small Growth 376 369 390 399 401 402 33 8.9
Specialty Communication 21 22 20 20 20 24 4 20.0
Specialty Financial 64 64 71 72 72 72 8 12.5
Specialty Health 57 57 61 64 68 69 12 21.1
Specialty Natural Resources 64 64 64 65 65 65 1 1.6
Specialty Real Estate 114 115 113 113 113 118 5 4.4
Specialty Technology 104 106 117 120 123 131 27 26.0
Specialty Utilities 81 81 81 82 83 83 2 2.5
Convertibles 56 60 60 61 61 61 5 8.9
Domestic Hybrid 664 664 663 669 677 674 14 2.1
World Stock 232 234 236 237 238 239 7 3.0
Diversified Emerging Markets 146 147 145 141 138 137 10 7.3
Latin America Stock 31 30 26 25 25 25 6 24.0
Europe Stock 126 128 120 122 122 123 8 6.7
Japan Stock 38 38 38 39 39 39 1 2.6
Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stock 72 72 76 77 75 75 4 5.6
Diversified Pacific/Asia 44 44 43 44 41 41 3 7.3
Specialty Precious Metals 29 30 29 29 29 29 1 3.4
Foreign Stock 615 609 618 623 624 627 18 3.0
International Hybrid 51 51 50 50 49 49 2 4.1
Long Government 58 58 57 57 54 59 5 9.3
Intermediate Government 266 267 273 275 280 279 14 5.3
Short Government 116 114 109 111 112 113 7 6.4
Long-Term Bond 91 88 79 75 77 78 16 21.3
Intermediate-Term Bond 493 494 496 500 507 513 20 4.1
Short-Term Bond 199 199 185 184 185 187 15 8.2
Ultrashort Bond 42 44 46 49 51 57 15 35.7
High Yield Bond 289 284 284 286 281 283 8 2.8
Multisector Bond 151 152 150 152 154 154 4 2.7
Emerging Markets Bond 37 37 34 34 37 37 3 8.8
International Bond 118 112 114 116 116 116 6 5.4
Muni National Long 294 297 303 301 303 303 9 3.1
Muni National Intermediate 138 137 134 134 137 138 4 3.0
Muni National Short 594 585 564 545 545 544 49 9.0
Muni Single State Intermediate 279 258 258 263 264 261 21 8.1
Muni California Long 107 107 107 108 108 107 1 0.9
Muni New York Long 86 86 87 89 89 89 3 3.4
Muni California Intermediate 28 28 27 27 28 29 2 7.4
Muni Short 92 93 93 89 90 89 4 4.5
Muni New York Intermediate 22 22 21 21 22 22 1 4.7
Table 20 shows the number of funds in each category for the months used to compare both
systems. The Hi-Lo column shows the difference between the highest number of funds in a
category and the lowest number of funds in that category. The % column shows this number
in a percentage of the lowest number of funds in a category. Basing the percentage on the
lowest number of funds provides a conservative analysis compared to basing the percentage
on the highest number of funds in a category. The top ten percent of funds that have the
greatest percentage difference between highest and lowest number of funds in a category are
printed in italics.
In order to conclude whether the number of fund-months in a category influences the
regression results, the monthly differences in p(F-stat) values are analysed to see how these
results influence the averages stated in table 19. This analysis can be found in table 21 on the
next page.
Table 21: p(F-Stat) Differences for Categories with High Difference in Number of Funds
Category 200204-
1y 0.0405 0.3262 0.6122 0.3206 0.6063 0.8923 0.0192 0.3006 0.5866 0.4116 Specialty
Health 3y -0.107 0.0214 0.2292 -0.041 0.0874 0.2952 -0.152 0.0871 0.2949
1y 0.0526 -0.020 0.4313 0.0587 -0.014 0.4374 0.0811 0.0087 0.4598 0.1662 Specialty
Technology 3y -0.065 -0.052 -0.057 -0.114 -0.102 -0.107 0.0025 0.0149 0.0098
1y -0.000 0.002 -0.001 -0.003 -0.000 -0.003 0.0005 0.003 0.0002 0 Latin America
Stock 3y 0 0.0003 -0.000 -0.001 -0.000 -0.001 0.0008 0.0011 0.0006
1y 0.6022 0.4554 0.7456 0.2928 0.146 0.4362 0.3162 0.1694 0.4596 0.4026 Long-Term
Bond 3y 0.0319 0.0799 0.1622 0.0727 0.1207 0.203 0.6852 0.7332 0.8155
1y -0.626 -0.014 0.0001 -0.616 -0.003 0.0102 -0.136 0.4766 0.4902 -0.464 Ultrashort
Bond 3y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sample Average -0.007 0.0800 0.2123 -0.003 0.0841 0.2164 0.0811 0.1795 0.3117 0.1283
The table above shows the differences of the p(F-stat) values for both regression on the one year and the three year out of sample period for categories with a
high percentage difference in fund-months. The differences are obtained by the subtractions stated in bold. The value in the second to last column is the
average of all subtractions in a category, while the values in the bottom row are obtained by taking the averages of all values in a column. Table 21 clearly
illustrates that when there is a large difference in number of funds in a category over time, the result of the regression of this category is likely to be more
significant for the new rating system than for its predecessor as almost all figures in the bottom row are positive values. Furthermore, this effect has a greater
presence in the one year out of sample period than it has in the three year out of sample period, as can be concluded from the last column, where the value for
the one year out of sample period is always greater than that of the value for the three year out of sample period. The result does not come as a surprise, as in
most cases the new rating system has more funds in a category than its old counterpart. The only exceptions to this are the Latin America Stock and Long-
Term Bond categories, and even in the latter category, the results of the new rating system are more significant than the results of the old rating system, as can
be concluded from the positive value in the second to last column. This indicates that the number of available fund-months does not lead to a bias in our
conclusion as: a) The new rating system outperforms the old rating system when the analysis of the new rating system contains more fund-months and
b) In the event that the old rating system contains more fund-months than the new rating
system, the new rating system still outperforms the old rating system in terms of predictive
performance. This means that the number of funds in a category does not lead to a bias
favouring the old rating system.
The analysis on the number of funds proves that, although there is a small bias due to the
difference in number of funds in a category over time, this bias is certainly not in favour of
the old rating system, further strengthening the results stated in table 19.
Performance across Categories
While the section above shows that the number of funds in a sample does not lead to a bias
towards the drawn conclusion, there could however, be other factors influencing the results. It
could very well be that the two rating systems perform different across categories (i.e. the old
system yielding significant results for the Large Value and Large Blend categories, while the
new system performs better on the Long Government and Long-Term Bond categories). In
order to analyse this potential occurrence, the top 10 best estimated categories of both rating
systems will be compared. This comparison can be found in table 23 on the next page. It
shows the 10 regressions with the most significant results per sample. Although there are
some categories present in all samples (Ultrashort Bond, Foreign Stock and to a lesser extent
International Bond, Long Government and Short-Term Bond), a more interesting result is
found when the categories are grouped according to the groups of the old rating system. The
old rating system uses the following grouping.
Table 22: Colour Coding of Category Grouping in Four Broad Asset Classes
Asset Class Colour
1 US Stock Red
2 International Stock
3 Taxable Bond Blue
4 Municipal Bond Pink
When taking this grouping into account, it becomes clear that both the old and the new rating
system provide very accurate results for mutual funds in the Taxable Bond group. This
however, does not come as a surprise as, the Taxable Bond category scored very well in the
previous predictive performance analysis based on categories. However, there is one category
in which the new rating system performs better than the old: Multisector Bond (and to a lesser
extent, High Yield Bond), but this is more an anomaly than a real difference between the
rating systems. Since there are no major differences between the two rating systems in terms
of performance across categories, this does not bias the result found in table 19.
Table 23: Best Estimated Categories per Sample
200204 200205 200206 200207 200208 200209
1 Domestic Hybrid (3y) Ultrashort Bond
Short Government (1y) Short Government
Ultrashort Bond (3y) Ultrashort Bond
2 Long Government (1y) International Bond
Short-Term Bond (1y) Ultrashort Bond
Multisector Bond (3y) Ultrashort Bond
3 Short-Term Bond (1y) International Bond
Ultrashort Bond (3y) Foreign Stock (3y) Foreign Stock (3y) Multisector Bond
4 Ultrashort Bond (3y) Long Government
Short-Term Bond (3y) Short Government
Multisector Bond (1y) Foreign Stock (3y)
5 International Bond (1y) Domestic Hybrid
International Bond (1y) Multisector Bond
Short Government (3y) Multisector Bond
6 International Bond (3y) Foreign Stock (3y) Short Government (3y) Short-Term Bond
Long Government (3y) Long Government
7 Foreign Stock (3y) Short-Term Bond
Foreign Stock (3y) International Bond
High Yield Bond (3y) High Yield Bond
8 Ultrashort Bond (1y) Short Government
Intermediate-Term Bond
International Bond
High Yield Bond (1y) High Yield Bond
9 Intermediate-Term Bond
Long Government
Muni Short (3y) Muni Short (3y) Ultrashort Bond (1y) Large Growth (1y)
10 Domestic Hybrid (1y) Ultrashort Bond
Intermediate-Term Bond
Short-Term Bond
Intermediate-Term Bond
Short Government
Performance over Years
Apart from the number of funds and the performance across categories, the results found in
table 19 could be influenced by the performance of the different rating systems over the
different out of sample periods (i.e. the old rating system outperforms the new rating system
at the 1 year out of sample period, while the new rating system outperforms the old at a
sample consisting of three years of return data). In order to check for such an effect, both time
windows will be compared for both rating systems in order to see whether one rating system
outperforms the other on a certain timeframe.
Table 24: Average p(F-stat) Values for Different Out of Sample Estimation Periods
Period 200204
Avg. Old
Avg. New
1 year 0.5455 0.6424 0.6501 0.6902 0.6825 0.6763 0.6127 0.6830
3 years
0.5661 0.5874 0.6059 0.6142 0.5724 0.5771 0.5865 0.5879
Table 24 shows the average p(F-stat) value for regressions based on a one year out of sample
period, and those based on a three year out of sample period. With the exception of 200204,
the results of the regressions based on three years of data are more significant than the results
of the regressions based on one year of data. This was to be expected as regressions based on
more fund-months tend to yield more significant results.
What is interesting to note about table 24 is that the old rating system is superior to the new
rating system when looking at estimation periods of 1 year. The p(F-stat) values are, on
average, 7% lower for the old rating system than that they are for the new rating system. This
means that the old rating system is superior in predicting short term performance, while both
systems are about equal in predicting longer term performance. Nevertheless, the averages of
both rating systems are far from being significant at the 10% level, but if one were to use an
alpha of 0.6519, the average results of the old rating system on the one year out of sample
period would be significant, whereas that would not be true for the average results of the new
rating system on the same out of sample period.
19 An alpha of 0.65 is nothing short from absurd, but the example illustrates the point of the
old rating system providing better results than the new rating system.
5 Conclusion
The analysis on predictive performance shows that while both the rating system based on
categories and the rating system based on four broad asset classes fail to outperform a random
walk, this does not hold for one large sample of mutual funds as seen in table 6. This table
shows that a rating system using just one category is perfectly able at distinguishing poor
performance from superior performance. However, this system cannot properly discern three
and four star rated funds from five star rated funds.
The comparison between the two latest Morningstar rating system methodologies concludes
that the old Morningstar Mutual Fund rating system is, in terms of predictive performance,
superior to the new rating system. Even after analysing potential biases in the analysis, the
conclusion holds. This implies that the results found by Morningstar (Kinnel, 2005) are
largely incorrect. The only advantage of the new rating system is that it shows in which exact
categories it is able to predict performance. It is for those, and only those categories that the
new rating system should be used as a source to base the investment decision upon. For all
other categories, the Morningstar’s rating system does not offer any value in terms of
predicting future performance and is degraded to an excellent source of information about a
specific fund (fund manger, top five holdings etc.)
The results of these analyses in this paper indicate that Morningstar is an excellent source for
obtaining information on mutual funds as they offer very detailed information on a wide array
of funds. However, the results of their rating system prove that, once more, past performance
does not guarantee future results. Morningstar is very clear on this by saying that their ratings
are based on the past. Nevertheless, as previous research has indicated, investors choose to
use the ratings as an indicator for future performance. Albeit a very interesting topic, the
reasons for investors to use the mutual fund ratings as a guide for selecting the mutual fund(s)
to invest in, falls beyond the scope of this research.
While the conclusion itself is straightforward, there could very well be a rational explanation
behind the found results. The results found in the predictive performance section do not
applaud Morningstar for the predictive performance of their mutual fund ratings. However,
this may be due to one crucial assumption. As it was not possible to gain information on loads
and redemption fees for over 25.000 funds, it had to be assumed that all funds did not charge
any fees. Nevertheless, Morningstar incorporates the possible loads and fees into the rating.
This might result in a bias towards overestimating the performance of funds that charge loads
and fees as their out of sample performance has not been lowered due to the fees, while these
same fees are used to reduce the performance in the estimation period used by Morningstar to
base the rating upon. Therefore, this might be a reason why lower rated funds achieve higher
than expected levels of performance. Testing whether this assumption does result in the
theoretical bias is a topic for further research.
Apart from the argument stated above, it would be wise to test the latest rating method on
multiple out of sample periods. Furthermore, repeating this study with an even larger
database, resulting in more funds per category for the latest rating system, might change the
results in favour of Morningstar’s new rating system.
Regarding the comparison of the rating systems, the ratings given by the old system are based
on four categories whereas the new rating system bases the ratings on 48 categories. When
looking at 200206, there are 9901 funds listed in the database. Dividing this number by 4,
results in about 2475 funds per category on average, whereas in the 200207 sample, 9950
funds have to be divided over 48 categories, resulting in about 207 funds per category, on
When comparing analyses based on 207 funds with analyses based on 2475 funds, the latter
analyses will produce more significant results compared to the former. So by adding more
categories, Morningstar has reduced the power of the results. While this does not mean that
all analyses should be based on just one category as shown in table 6, it does raise the
question of the use of the different categories. Morningstar states that the differences between
categories have to be meaningful, but differentiating between municipal bonds issued by the
state of Florida and municipal bonds issued by the state of California could very well be seen
as overkill. The appendix shows the complete list of categories used by Morningstar. In order
to overcome this situation, further research could test whether the Morningstar Style Box
could be used as a basis for assigning ratings, as all funds have a position somewhere in the
Style Box.
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... Fund ratings have gained much attention in the finance literature, as shown in the works of Khorana and Nelling, 1998;Detzel and Gagne, 1999;Loviscek and Jordan, 2000;Blake and Morey, 2000;Morey, 2002;Lashgari and Wahab, 2003;Gerrans, 2004Gerrans, , 2006Morey, 2005;Morey and Gottesman, 2006;Kräussl and Sandelowsky, 2007;Del Guercio and Tkac, 2008;Füss et al., 2010. One of the earlier studies on fund rating is by Khorana and Nelling (1998). ...
... Thus, they conclude that Morningstar rating provides useful information to investors in the fund selection process. This is further supported by Blake and Morey (2000), Lashgari and Wahab (2003), Gerrans (2006), and Kräussl and Sandelowsky (2007). According to Blake and Morey (2000), funds that are rated less than three-star show the worst future performance. ...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the risk-adjusted performance of rated funds and determine the usefulness of Lipper Leader rating of unit trusts in Malaysia during the period 2000 to 2010. Design/methodology/approach – The paper utilizes the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen’s alpha and Fama-French 3-factor model to measure performance. Findings – During the period of study, the performance of the market index and risk free rate outperformed that of 68 equity unit trust funds in the 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year investment horizons. The ranking, based on four performance measures, corresponds to Lipper rating for the lowest rated and leader funds, but not for the 3- and 4-key rated funds. Further, there is a significant difference in the performance of the 5-key, 4-key and 3-key rated funds which outperform the lowest rated funds, indicating that Lipper rating is able to distinguish superior and inferior unit trust funds. Research limitations/implications – Some of the limitations in this study are that the indexes could be self-constructed. The existing index might not represent the asset allocation of the funds concerned. Additional variables might have to be considered when examining fund performance as they should correspond to the characteristics of a fund. Practical implications – The results indicate that Lipper rating classification could identify the highest and lowest performing funds. Therefore, investors could use this rating to make informed investment decisions without undertaking time consuming analysis to ascertain the good and bad quality funds in the market. Social implications – The findings of this study could be used by the academia as another source of reference to enhance their understanding of the applicability of Lipper rating for unit trust funds in an emerging market. Originality/value – The contribution of this study is that it analyzes the effectiveness and capability of Lipper Leader rating in identifying quality funds in the context of an emerging market. Performance comparison between Lipper Leader rating and methods used in portfolio theory bridges the theory-practice gap between practitioners and academics. To date, there have been no attempts to study and compare the ratings of advisory firms with theoretical performance measures, particularly in the context of Malaysia. Keywords – Unit trusts, rating, performance Paper type – Research paper
... Furthermore, Morey and Gottesman [2006] investigated the modified Morningstar system from 2002 and found that it has predictive ability, with high-rated funds performing significantly better than low-rated funds. However, Kraussl and Sandelowsky [2007] concluded that the outcome of the new system was poorer than that of the previous one. Morey [2005] focused on five-star rated mutual funds and discovered that funds increase their risk exposure immediately after receiving the five-star rating. ...
... Similar results were obtained when adjusting performance to risk (Exhibit 4). 16 The method is similar to those of Blake and Morey [2000], Kraussl and Sandelowsky [2007], and others who examined the ability of the Morningstar rating to forecast future performance of U.S. mutual funds. Bechmann and Rangvid [2007] used a similar method to examine the ability of the AtpRating to forecast future performance of the Danish mutual fund market. ...
... Fund ratings have gained much attention in the finance literature, as shown in the works of Khorana and Nelling, 1998;Detzel and Gagne, 1999;Loviscek and Jordan, 2000;Blake and Morey, 2000;Morey, 2002;Lashgari and Wahab, 2003;Gerrans, 2004Gerrans, , 2006Morey, 2005;Morey and Gottesman, 2006;Kräussl and Sandelowsky, 2007;Del Guercio and Tkac, 2008;Füss et al., 2010. One of the earlier studies on fund rating is by Khorana and Nelling (1998). ...
... Thus, they conclude that Morningstar rating provides useful information to investors in the fund selection process. This is further supported by Blake and Morey (2000), Lashgari and Wahab (2003), Gerrans (2006), and Kräussl and Sandelowsky (2007). According to Blake and Morey (2000), funds that are rated less than three-star show the worst future performance. ...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the risk-adjusted performance of rated funds and determine the usefulness of Lipper Leader rating of unit trusts in Malaysia during the period 2000 to 2010. Design/methodology/approach – The paper utilizes the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Jensen’s alpha and Fama-French three-factor model to measure performance. Findings – During the period of study, the performance of the market index and risk-free rate outperformed that of 68 equity unit trust funds in the 3-year, 5-year and 10-year investment horizons. The ranking, based on four performance measures, corresponds to Lipper rating for the lowest rated and leader funds, but not for the three- and four-key rated funds. Further, there is a significant difference in the performance of the five-key, four-key and three-key rated funds which outperform the lowest rated funds, indicating that Lipper rating is able to distinguish superior and inferior unit trust funds. Research limitations/implications – Some of the limitations in this study are that the indexes could be self-constructed. The existing index might not represent the asset allocation of the funds concerned. Additional variables might have to be considered when examining fund performance as they should correspond to the characteristics of a fund. Practical implications – The results indicate that Lipper rating classification could identify the highest and lowest performing funds. Therefore, investors could use this rating to make informed investment decisions without undertaking time-consuming analysis to ascertain the good- and bad-quality funds in the market. Social implications – The findings of this study could be used by the academia as another source of reference to enhance their understanding of the applicability of Lipper rating for unit trust funds in an emerging market. Originality/value – The contribution of this study is that it analyzes the effectiveness and capability of Lipper Leader rating in identifying quality funds in the context of an emerging market. Performance comparison between Lipper Leader rating and methods used in the portfolio theory bridges the theory-practice gap between practitioners and academics. To date, there have been no attempts to study and compare the ratings of advisory firms with theoretical performance measures, particularly in the context of Malaysia.
... Morey and Gottesman (2006) argue that after changes in June 2002, the rating system can better predict future performance. Contradictory to this result, Kraussl and Sandelowsky (2007) find that the predictive power of star ratings does not beat a random walk even after Morningstar changed its rating system in 2002. 5 See, among others, Bjerring et al. (1983), Copeland and Mayers (1982), Barber and Loeffler (1993), Desai and Jain (1995), Womack (1996), Lin and McNichols (1998), Gleason and Lee (2003), Ivković and Jegadeesh (2004), Mikhail et al. (2007), and Altinkilicc and Hansen (2009). ...