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Perspectives on Human Error: Hindsight Biases and Local Rationality

Perspectives on Human Error:
Hindsight Biases and Local Rationality
David D. Woods
Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory
Institute for Ergonomics
The Ohio State University
Richard I. Cook
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
University of Chicago
Early Episodes of “Human Error”
Consider these episodes where some stakeholders reacted to failure by
attributing the cause to “human error,” but where more careful examination
showed how a combnation of factors created the conditions for failure.
Case 1:
In 1796 the astronomer Maskelyne fired his assistant Kinnebrook because
the latter’s observations did not match his own (see Boring, 1950).
Bessel, another astronomer, studied the case empirically and identified
systematic factors
which produced imprecise observations.
The term stakeholders refers to all of the different groups who are affected by an accident in that
domain and by changes to operations, regulations, equipment, policies, etc. as a result of reactions to
that accident. For example, an accident in aviation affects the public as consumers of the service, the
FAA as regulators of the industry, pilots as practitioners, air traffic controllers as practitioners, air
carrier organizations as providers of the service, manufacturers of the aircraft type as equipment
designers, other development organizations that develop other equipment such as avionics, navigation
aids, and software, and other groups as well.
By systematic factors, we mean the behavior is not random but lawful, i.e., there are empirical
regularities, factors that influence behavior are external to individuals (system properties), these
factors have an effect because they influence the physical, cognitive and collaborative activities of
practitioners, and, finally, because there are regularities, there are predictable effects.
The implicit assumption was that one person (the assistant) was the source of
failure whether due to some inherent trait or to lack of effort on his part.
Bessel broke free of this assumption and empirically examined individual
differences in astronomical observations. He found that there were wide
differences across observers given the methods of the day. The techniques for
making observations at this time required a combination of auditory and
visual judgments. Those judgments were shaped by the tools of the day,
pendulum clocks and telescope hairlines, in relation to the demands of the
task. Dismissing Kinnebrook did not change what made the task difficult, did
not eliminate individual differences, and did not make the task less
vulnerable to sources of imprecision. Progress was based on searching for
better methods for making astronomical observations, re-designing the tools
that supported astronomers, and re-designing the tasks to change the
demands placed on human judgment.
Case 2:
In 1947 investigations of military aviation accidents concluded that pilot
errors were the cause of the crashes.
Fitts and Jones empirically studied pilot performance in the cockpit and
showed how systematic factors in interpreting instruments and operating
controls produced misassessments and actions not as intended (see Fitts
and Jones, 1947).
The implicit assumption was that the person closest to the failure was the
cause. Investigators saw that the aircraft was in principle flyable and that
other pilots were able to fly such aircraft successfully. They could show how
the necessary data were available for the pilot to correctly identify the actual
situation and act in an appropriate way. Since the pilot was the human
closest to the accident who could have acted differently, it seemed obvious to
conclude that the pilot was the cause of the failure.
Fitts and his colleague empirically looked for factors that could have
influenced the performance of the pilots. They found that, given the design
of the displays and layout of the controls, people relatively often misread
instruments or operated the wrong control, especially when task demands
were high. The misreadings and misoperations were design-induced in the
sense that researchers could link properties of interface design to these
erroneous actions and assessments. In other words, the “errors” were not
random events, rather they resulted from understandable, regular, and
predictable aspects of the design of the tools practitioners used.
The researchers found that misreadings and misoperations occurred, but did
not always lead to accidents due to two factors. First, pilots often detected
these errors before negative consequences occurred. Second, the misreadings
and misoperations alone did not lead directly to an accident. Disaster or near
misses usually occurred only when these errors occurred in combination with
other factors or other circumstances.
In the end, the constructive solution was not to conclude that pilots err, but
rather to understand principles and techniques for the design of visual
displays and control layout. Changing the artifacts used by pilots changed the
demands on human perception and cognition and changed the performance
of pilots.
Erratic People or System Factors?
While historical, the above episodes encapsulate current, widespread beliefs in
many technical and professional communities and the public in general about the
nature of human error and how systems fail. In most domains today, from aviation
to industrial processes to transportation systems to medicine, when systems fail we
find the same pattern as was observed in these earlier cases.
1. Stakeholders claim failure is “caused” by unreliable or erratic performance
of individuals working at the sharp end
who undermine systems which
otherwise worked as designed (for example, see the recent history of pilot-
automation accidents in aviation; Billings, 1996; Woods and Sarter, in press).
The search for causes tends to stop when we can find the human or group
closest to the accident who
could have acted differently
in a way that would
have led to a different outcome. These people are seen as the source or
“cause” of the failure, that is, the outcome was due to “human error.” When
stakeholders see erratic people as the cause of bad outcomes, then they
respond by calls to remove these people from practice, to provide remedial
training to other practitioners, to urge other practitioners to try harder, and to
regiment practice through policies, procedures, and automation.
2. However, researchers look more closely at the system in which these
practitioners are embedded and their studies reveal a different picture.
results show how popular beliefs that such accidents are due simply to
It has proven useful to depict complex systems such as health care, aviation and electrical
power generation and others as having a sharp and a blunt end (Reason, 1990). At the sharp
end, practitioners interact with the underlying process in their roles as pilots, spacecraft
controllers, and, in medicine, as nurses, physicians, technicians, and pharmacists. At the blunt
end of a system are regulators, administrators, economic policy makers, and technology
suppliers. The blunt end of the system controls the resources and constraints that confront the
practitioner at the sharp end, shaping and presenting sometimes conflicting incentives and
demands (Reason, in press).
The term practitioner refers to “a person engaged in the practice of a profession or occupation”
(Webster’s, 1990).
isolated blunders of individuals mask the deeper story -- a story of multiple
contributors that create the conditions that lead to operator errors. Reason
(1990, p. 173) summarizes the results: “Rather than being the main instigators
of an accident, operators tend to be the inheritors of system defects... Their
part is that of adding the final garnish to a lethal brew whose ingredients
have already been long in the cooking.” The empirical results reveal
regularities in organizational dynamics and in the design of artifacts that
produce the potential for certain kinds of erroneous actions and assessments
by people working at the sharp end of the system (Woods, Johannesen, Cook
and Sarter, 1994; Reason, 1998).
For example, one basic finding from research on disasters in complex systems
(e.g., Reason, 1990) is that accidents are not due to a single failure or cause.
Accidents in complex systems only occur through the concatenation of
multiple small factors or failures, each necessary but only jointly sufficient to
produce the accident. Often, these small failures or vulnerabilities are present
in the organization or operational system long before a specific incident is
triggered. All complex systems contain such “latent” factors or failures, but
only rarely do they combine to create an accident (Reason, 1998).
This pattern of multiple, latent factors occurs because the people in an
industry recognize the existence of various hazards that threaten to cause
accidents or other significant consequences, and they design defenses that
include technical, human, and organizational elements. For example, people
in health care recognize the hazards associated with the need to deliver
multiple drugs to multiple people at unpredictable times in a hospital setting
and use computers, labeling methods, patient identification cross-checking,
staff training, and other methods to defend against misadministrations.
Accidents in these kinds of systems occur when multiple factors join together
to create the trajectory for an accident by eroding, bypassing or breaking
through the multiple defenses. Because there are a set of contributors,
multiple opportunities arise to redirect the trajectory away from disaster. The
research has revealed that an important part of safety is enhancing
opportunities for people to recognize that a trajectory is heading closer to a
poor outcome and to recover before negative consequences occur
(Rasmussen, 1986). Factors that reduce error tolerance or block error detection
and recovery degrade system performance.
Behind the Label Human Error
Based on this pattern in the data, researchers see that the label “human error”
should serve as the starting point for investigating how systems fail, not as a
conclusion. In other words, human performance is shaped by systematic
factors, and the scientific study of failure is concerned with understanding
how these factors shape the cognition, collaboration and ultimately the
behavior of people in various work domains.
This research base has identified some of these regularities. In particular, we
know about how a variety of factors make certain
of erroneous actions
and assessments predictable (e.g., Norman, 1983; Norman, 1988; Hollnagel,
1993). Our ability to predict the timing and number of erroneous actions is
very weak, but our ability to predict the kind of errors that will occur, when
people do err, is often good. For example, when research pursues this deeper
story behind the label “human error,” we find imbalances between the
demands practitioners face and the resources available to meet the demands
of that field of activity (Rasmussen, 1986). These demand-resource
imbalances can affect the development of necessary expertise (Feltovich, Ford,
and Hoffman, 1997), how the system brings additional expertise to bear
especially when more difficult problems emerge, how people cope with
multiple pressures and demands (Klein, 1998), how the system supports
cooperative work activities especially when the tempo of operations
increases, and how organizational constraints hinder or aid practitioners
when they face difficult tradeoffs and dilemmas (Weick and Roberts, 1993).
This chapter will explore only a small portion of the issues that come to the
fore when one goes behind the label human error. The space of social,
psychological, technological, and organizational issues is large in part because
people play such diverse roles in work environments and because work
environments themselves vary so much.
Two Perspectives: Studying the Factors that Affect Human Performance and
Studying Reactions to Failure
The chapter revolves around an ambiguity in the label human error. The
two historical episodes introduced at the beginning of the chapter illustrate
this ambiguity.
When we use the label human error we are sometimes referring to the
processes and factors that influence the behavior of the people in the
situation. From this perspective investigators are trying to understand the
factors that lead up to erroneous actions and assessments. In this sense, the
label human error points at all of the factors that influence human
performance -- in particular, the performance of the practitioners working in
some field of activity. In the examples at the beginning of the chapter, Bessel
and Fitts followed up the incidents with this kind of investigation.
Understanding human performance is a very large subject (in part the subject
of much of this volume) and here we will examine only a few of the relevant
issues -- predominately cognitive factors, but also how those cognitive
processes are shaped by artifacts, coordination across multiple people, and
organizational pressures.
While the above constitutes the bulk of this chapter, the label human error
can refer to a different class of psychological issues and phenomena. After-
the-fact, stakeholders look back and make judgments about what led to the
accident or incident. In the examples at the beginning of the chapter,
Maskelyne and the authors of the aviation accident reports reacted after-the-
fact with the judgment that individuals were the cause of the accidents.
Labeling a past action as erroneous is a judgment based on a different
perspective and on different information than what was available to the
practitioners in context. In other words, this judgment is a process of causal
attribution, and there is an extensive body of research about the social and
psychological factors which influence these kinds of attributions of causality
(e.g., Kelley, 1973; Fischhoff, 1975; Baron and Hershey, 1988; Hilton, 1990).
From this perspective, error research studies the social and psychological
processes which govern our
reactions to failure
as stakeholders in the system
in question (Tasca, 1990; Woods et al., 1994, chapter 6).
Our reactions to failure as stakeholders are influenced by many factors. One
of the most critical is that, after an accident, we know the outcome and,
working backwards, what were critical assessments or actions that, if they had
been different, would have avoided that outcome. It is easy for us with the
benefit of hindsight to say, “how could they have missed x?” or “how could
they have not realized that x would obviously lead to y.”
Studies have consistently shown that people have a tendency to judge the
quality of a process by its outcome (Baron and Hershey, 1988; ; Lipshitz, 1989;
Caplan, Posner and Cheney, 1991). In a typical study, two groups are asked to
evaluate human performance in cases with the same descriptive facts but
with the outcomes randomly assigned to be either bad or neutral. Those with
knowledge of a poor outcome judge the same decision or action more
severely. This is referred to as the
(Baron and Hershey, 1988)
and has been demonstrated with practitioners in different domains. For
example, Caplan, Posner, and Cheney (1991) found an inverse relationship
between the severity of outcome and anesthesiologists’ judgments of the
appropriateness of care. The judges consistently rated the care in cases with
bad outcomes as substandard while viewing the same behaviors with neutral
outcomes as being up to standard even though the care (i.e., the preceding
human performance) was identical. The information about outcome biased
the evaluation of the process that was followed.
Other research has shown that once people have knowledge of an outcome,
they tend to view the outcome as having been more probable than other
possible outcomes. Moreover, people tend to be largely unaware of the
modifying effect of outcome information on what they believe they could
have known in foresight. These two tendencies collectively have been
termed the
. Fischhoff (1975) originally demonstrated the
hindsight bias in a set of experiments that compared foresight and hindsight
judgments concerning the likelihood of particular socio-historical events.
Basically, the bias has been demonstrated in the following way: participants
are told about some event, and some are provided with outcome
information. At least two different outcomes are used in order to control for
one particular outcome being a priori more likely. Participants are then asked
to estimate the probabilities associated with the several possible outcomes.
Participants given the outcome information are told to ignore it in coming up
with their estimates, i.e., “to respond as if they had not known the actual
outcome,” or in some cases are told to respond as they think others without
outcome knowledge would respond. Those participants with the outcome
knowledge judge the outcomes they had knowledge about as more likely than
the participants without the outcome knowledge, even when those making
the judgments have been warned about the phenomenon and been advised
to guard against it (Fischhoff, 1982). Experiments on the hindsight bias have
shown that: (a) people overestimate what they would have known in
foresight, (b) they also overestimate what others knew in foresight, and (c)
they actually misremember what they themselves knew in foresight.
Taken together, the outcome and hindsight biases have strong implications
for error analyses.
Decisions and actions having a negative outcome will be judged more
harshly than if the
process had resulted in a neutral or positive
outcome. We can expect this result even when judges are warned about
the phenomenon and have been advised to guard against it.
Judges will tend to believe that people involved in some incident knew
more about their situation than they actually did. Judges will tend to think
that people should have seen how their actions would lead up to the
outcome failure.
One sense of studying “human error” then involves understanding how
social and psychological processes such as hindsight and outcome biases shape
our reactions to failure as stakeholders in the failed system.
In general, we
react, after the fact, as if the knowledge we now possess was available to the
operators then. This oversimplifies or trivializes the situation confronting
In a narrow sense, the outcome and hindsight biases refer to specific experimental findings from
different test paradigms. In a broader sense, both of these experimental results, and other results, refer
to a collection of factors that influence our reactions to failures based on information that is available
only after the outcome is known. In the context of error analysis, we have used the label “hindsight
bias” to refer to the broader perspective of a judge looking back in hindsight to evaluate the
performance of others (Woods et al., 1994). Both specific experimental results illustrate ways in which
people with the benefit of hindsight can misperceive and misanalyze the factors that influenced the
behavior of the people working in the situation before outcome was known.
the practitioners, and masks the processes affecting practitioner behavior
before-the-fact. As a result, hindsight and outcome bias blocks our ability to
see the deeper story of systematic factors that predictably shape human
There is limited data available about the reactions of stakeholders to failure
(but see, Tasca, 1990 and the review in Woods et al., 1994, chapter 6). This
perspective shifts the focus of investigation from studying sharp end
practitioners to studying stakeholders. It emphasizes the need to collect data
on reactions to failure and to contrast those reactions after-the-fact to results
on the factors that influence human performance before-the-fact derived
from methods that reduce hindsight biases. Such studies can draw from the
conceptual base created by experimental studies on the social and
psychological factors in judgments of causal attribution such as hindsight
The main portion of this chapter will focus on the deeper story behind the
label human error of factors that influence human performance, especially
some of the cognitive factors. Then, we will return to hindsight and outcome
bias to illustrate several misconceptions about cognition that arise often when
incidents are reviewed with knowledge of outcome.
Cognitive Factors and Human Performance
What cognitive factors affect the performance of practitioners in complex
settings like medicine, aviation, telecommunications, process plants, and
space mission control? There are many ways one could organize classes of
cognitive factors relevant to human performance (e.g., Rasmussen, 1986;
Norman, 1988; Reason, 1990). Different aspects of cognition will be relevant
to various settings and situations. For example, one area of human
performance is concerned with slips of action such as capture errors or
omissions of isolated acts (e.g., Norman, 1981; Reason and Mycielska, 1982;
Byrne and Bovair, 1997). We have found it useful to teach people about
cognitive factors and error by using the concept of bounded or local rationality
(Simon, 1957).
Local Rationality
At work, groups of practitioners pursue goals and match procedures to
situations, but they also
resolve conflicts,
anticipate hazards,
accommodate variation and change,
cope with surprise,
workaround obstacles,
close gaps between plans and real situations,
detect and recover from miscommunications and misassessments.
In these activities practitioners at the sharp end block potential accident
trajectories. In other words, people actively contribute to safety when they
can carry out these roles successfully. “Error” research on human
performance tries to identify factors that undermine practitioners’ ability to
do these activities successfully. The question then becomes how can the same
processes result in success some of the time but result in failure in other
circumstances (Rasmussen, 1986).
The concept of bounded rationality is very useful for helping us think about
how people can forms intentions act in ways that later events will reveal are
erroneous. Peoples’ behavior in the work situations can be considered as
consistent with Newell’s principle of rationality—that is, practitioners use
their knowledge to pursue their goals (Newell, 1982). But there are bounds to
the data that they pick up or search out, bounds to the knowledge that they
possess, bounds to the knowledge that they activate in a particular context,
and there may be multiple goals which conflict (Simon, 1957). In other
words, people's behavior can be seen as “rational,” though possibly
erroneous, when seen from the point of view of their knowledge, their
mindset, and the multiple goals they are trying to balance (Rasmussen,
Duncan and Leplat, 1987). Rationality here does not mean consistent with
external, global standards such as models, policies or procedures; rationality
in Newell’s principle is defined locally from the point of view of the people
in a situation as they use their knowledge to pursue their goals based on their
view of the situation. As a result, for the context of error, we will refer to the
concept that human rationality is limited or bounded as “local” rationality
(Woods et al., 1994).
Fundamentally, human (and real machine) problem-solvers possess finite
capabilities. They cannot anticipate and consider all the possible alternatives
and information that may be relevant in complex problems. This means that
the rationality of finite resource problem solvers is local in the sense that it is
exercised relative to the complexity of the environment in which they
function (Klein et al., 1993; Klein, 1998). It takes effort (which consumes
limited computational resources) to seek out evidence, to interpret it (as
relevant), and to assimilate it with other evidence. Evidence may come in
over time, over many noisy channels. The process may yield information
only in response to diagnostic interventions. Time pressure, which compels
action (or the de facto decision not to act), makes it impossible to wait for all
evidence to accrue. Multiple goals may be relevant, not all of which are
consistent. It may not be clear, in foresight, which goals are the most
important ones to focus on at any one particular moment in time. Human
problem solvers cannot handle all the potentially relevant information,
cannot activate and hold in mind all of the relevant knowledge, and cannot
entertain all potentially relevant trains of thought. Hence, rationality must
be local—attending to only a subset of the possible evidence or knowledge
that could be, in principle, relevant to the problem.
The role for “error” research, in the sense of understanding the factors that
influence human performance, is to understand how limited knowledge
(missing knowledge or misconceptions), how a limited and changing
mindset, and how multiple interacting goals shaped the behavior of the
people in the evolving situation. In other words, this type of error research
reconstructs what the view was like or would have been like had we stood in
the same situation as the participants. If we can understand how their
knowledge, their mindset, and their goals guided the behavior of the
participants, then we can see how they were vulnerable to err given the
demands of the situation they faced. We can see new ways to help
practitioners activate relevant knowledge, shift attention to the critical focus
among multiple tasks in a rich, changing data field, and recognize and balance
competing goals.
Given that people use their knowledge to pursue their goals, but given that
there are bounds to their knowledge, limits to their mindset and multiple not
always consistent goals to achieve, one can learn about the performance of
practitioners at the sharp end by looking at factors that affect
how knowledge relevant to the situation at hand is called to mind --
knowledge in context,
how we come to focus on one perspective on or one part of a rich and
changing environment and how we shift that focus across multiple events
over time -- mindset,
how we balance or make tradeoffs among multiple interacting goals --
interacting goals.
We have found it useful to group various findings and concepts into these
three classes of cognitive factors that govern how people form intentions to
act (Cook and Woods, 1994). Problems in the coordination of these cognitive
functions, relative to the demands imposed by the field of activity, create the
potential for mismanaging systems towards failure. For example, in terms of
knowledge factors, some of the possible problems are buggy knowledge (e.g.,
incorrect model of device function), inert knowledge, and oversimplifications
(Spiro, Coulson, Feltovich, and Anderson, 1988). In terms of mindset, one
form of breakdown occurs when an inappropriate mindset takes hold or
persists in the face of evidence which does not fit this assessment. Failures
very often can be traced back to dilemmas and tradeoffs that arise from
multiple interacting and sometimes conflicting goals. Practitioners by the
very nature of their role at the sharp end of systems must implicitly or
explicitly resolve these conflicts and dilemmas as they are expressed in
particular situations (Cook and Woods, 1994).
Knowledge in Context
Knowledge factors refer to the process of bringing knowledge to bear to solve
problems in context:
what knowledge do practitioners possess about the system or process in
question (is it correct, incomplete, or erroneous, i.e., “buggy”?),
how this knowledge is organized so that it can be used flexibly in different
contexts, and
the processes involved in calling to mind the knowledge relevant to the
situation at hand.
Knowledge of the world and its operation may be complete or incomplete and
accurate or inaccurate. Practitioners may act based on inaccurate knowledge
or on incomplete knowledge about some aspect of the complex system or its
operation. When the mental model that practitioners hold of such systems is
inaccurate or incomplete, their actions may well be inappropriate. These
mental models are sometimes described as “buggy.” The study of
practitioners’ mental models has examined the models that people use for
understanding technological, physical, and physiological processes. Several
volumes are available which provide a comprehensive view of research on
this question (see Gentner and Stevens, 1983; Chi, Glaser, and Farr, 1988;
Feltovich, Ford and Hoffman, 1997).
Note that research in this area has emphasized that mere possession of
knowledge is not enough for expertise. It is also critical for knowledge to be
organized so that it can be activated and used in different contexts (Bransford,
Sherwood, Vye, and Rieser, 1986). Thus, Feltovich, Spiro, and Coulson (1989)
and others emphasize that one component of human expertise is the
application of knowledge in
There are multiple overlapping lines of research related to the activation of
knowledge in context by humans performing in complex systems. These
the problem of inert knowledge, and
the use of heuristics, simplifications, and approximations.
Going behind the label “human error” involves investigating how
knowledge was or could have been brought to bear in the evolving incident.
Any of the above factors could influence the activation of knowledge in
context—for example, did the participants have incomplete or erroneous
knowledge? Were otherwise useful simplifications applied in circumstances
that demanded consideration of a deeper model of the factors at work in the
case? Did relevant knowledge remain inert? We will briefly sample a few of
the issues in this area.
Activating Relevant Knowledge In Context: The Problem Of Inert Knowledge
Lack of knowledge or buggy knowledge may be one part of the puzzle, but the
more critical question may be factors that affect whether relevant knowledge
is activated and utilized in the actual problem solving context (e.g., Bransford
et al., 1986). The question is not just does the problem-solver know some
particular piece of domain knowledge, but does he or she call it to mind when
it is relevant to the problem at hand and does he or she know how to utilize
this knowledge in problem solving? We tend to assume that if a person can
be shown to possess a piece of knowledge in one situation and context, then
this knowledge should be accessible under all conditions where it might be
useful. In contrast, a variety of research results have revealed dissociation
effects where knowledge accessed in one context remains inert in another
(Gentner and Stevens, 1983; Perkins and Martin, 1986).
Thus, the fact that people possess relevant knowledge does not guarantee that
this knowledge will be activated when needed. The critical question is not to
show that the problem-solver possesses domain knowledge, but rather the
more stringent criterion that situation-relevant knowledge is accessible under
the conditions in which the task is performed. Knowledge that is accessed
only in a restricted set of contexts is called
inert knowledge
. Inert knowledge
may be related to cases that are difficult to handle, not because problem-
solvers do not know the individual pieces of knowledge needed to build a
solution, but because they have not confronted previously the need to join
the pieces together.
Results from accident investigations often show that the people involved did
not call to mind all the relevant knowledge during the incident although
they “knew” and recognized the significance of the knowledge afterwards.
The triggering of a knowledge item X may depend on subtle pattern
recognition factors that are not present in every case where X is relevant.
Alternatively, that triggering may depend critically on having sufficient time
to process all the available stimuli in order to extract the pattern. This may
explain the difficulty practitioners have in “seeing” the relevant details when
the pace of activity is high.
One implication of these results is that training experiences should exercise
knowledge in the contexts where it is likely to be needed.
People tend to cope with complexity through simplifying heuristics.
Heuristics are useful because they are usually relatively easy to apply and
minimize the cognitive effort required to produce decisions. These
simplifications may be useful approximations that allow limited resource
practitioners to function robustly over a variety of problem demand factors or
they may be distortions or misconceptions that appear to work satisfactorily
under some conditions but lead to error in others. Feltovich et al. (1989) call
the latter “oversimplifications.”
In studying the acquisition and representation of complex concepts in
biomedicine, Feltovich et al. (1989) found that various oversimplifications
were held by some medical students and even by some practicing physicians.
They found that “. . . bits and pieces of knowledge, in themselves sometimes
correct, sometimes partly wrong in aspects, or sometimes absent in critical
places, interact with each other to create large-scale and robust
misconceptions” (Feltovich et al., 1989, p. 162). Examples of kinds of
oversimplification include (see Feltovich, Spiro, and Coulson, 1993):
seeing different entities as more similar than they actually are,
treating dynamic phenomena as static,
assuming that some general principle accounts for all of a phenomenon,
treating multidimensional phenomena as unidimensional or according to
a subset of the dimensions,
treating continuous variables as discrete,
treating highly interconnected concepts as separable,
treating the whole as merely the sum of its parts.
Feltovich and his colleagues’ work has important implications for the
teaching and training of complex material. Their studies and analyses
challenge the view of instruction that presents initially simplified material in
modules that decompose complex concepts into their simpler components
with the belief that these will eventually “add up” for the advanced learner
(Feltovich et al., 1993). Instructional analogies, while serving to convey
certain aspects of a complex phenomenon, may miss some crucial ones and
mislead on others. The analytic decomposition misrepresents concepts that
have interactions among variables. The conventional approach may produce
a false sense of understanding and inhibit pursuit of deeper understanding
because learners may resist learning a more complex model once they already
have an apparently useful simpler one (Spiro et al., 1988). Feltovich and his
colleagues have developed the theoretical basis for a new approach to
advanced knowledge acquisition in ill-structured domains (Feltovich, Spiro,
and Coulson, 1997).
Why do practitioners utilize simplified or oversimplified knowledge? These
simplifying tendencies may occur because of the cognitive effort required in
demanding circumstances (Feltovich et al., 1989). Also, simplifications may
be adaptive, first, because the effort required to follow more “ideal” reasoning
paths may be so large that it would keep practitioners from acting with the
speed demanded in actual environments. This has been shown elegantly by
Payne, Bettman, and Johnson (1988) and by Payne, Johnson, Bettman, and
Coupey (1990) who demonstrated that simplified methods will produce a
higher proportion of correct choices between multiple alternatives under
conditions of time pressure.
In summary, heuristics represent effective and necessary adaptations to the
demands of real workplaces (Rasmussen, 1986). The issue may not always be
the shortcut or simplification itself, but whether practitioners know the limits
of the shortcuts, can recognize situations where the simplification is no
longer relevant, and have the ability to use more complex concepts, methods,
or models (or the ability to integrate help from specialist knowledge sources)
when the situation they face demands it
“Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by
the mind, in a clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several
simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought” (James, 1890 I, 403-404).
We are able to focus, temporarily, on some objects, events, actions in the
world or on some of our goals, expectations or trains of thought
remaining sensitive to new objects or events that may occur
. We can refer to
this broadly as a state of attentional focus or mindset (LaBerge, 1995).
Mindset is not fixed, but shifts to explore the world and to track potentially
relevant changes in the world (LaBerge, 1995). In other words, one re-orients
attentional focus to a newly relevant object or event from a previous state
where attention was focused on other objects or on other cognitive activities
(such as diagnostic search, response planning, communication to others).
New stimuli are occurring constantly; any of these could serve as a signal we
should interrupt ongoing lines of thought and re-orient attention. This re-
orientation involves disengagement from a previous focus and movement of
attention to a new focus. Interestingly, this control of attentional focus can be
seen as a skillful activity that can be developed through training (Gopher,
1991) or supported (or undermined) by the design of artifacts and intelligent
machine agents (Woods 1995; Patterson, Watts-Perotti, and Woods, in press).
A basic challenge for practitioners at work is where to focus attention next in
a changing world (Woods and Watts, 1997). Which object, event, goal or line
of thought we focus on depends on the interaction of two sets of activity. One
of these is goal or knowledge directed, endogenous processes (often called
attentional set) that depend on the observer’s current knowledge, goals and
expectations about the task at hand. The other set of processes are stimulus-
or data-driven where attributes of the stimulus world (unique features,
transients, new objects) elicit attentional capture independent of the
observer’s current mindset (Yantis, 1993). These salient changes in the world
help guide shifts focus of attention or mindset to relevant new events,
objects, or tasks.
These two kinds of processes combine in a cycle, what Neisser (1976) called
the perceptual cycle, where unique events in the environment shift the focus
of attention or mindset, call to mind knowledge, trigger new lines of thought.
The activated knowledge, expectations or goals in turn guides further
exploration and action. This cycle is a crucial concept for those trying to
understand human performance in the workplace (e.g., Jager Adams, Tenney,
and Pew, 1995).
There are a variety of interesting psychological phenomena that can be
organized under the label “mindset.” Examples include:
attentional control and loss of situation awareness (Gopher, 1991; Jager
Adams et al., 1995: Durso and Gronlund, this volume),
revising assessments as new evidence occurs, for example in garden path
problems and in failures to revise, such as fixation effects (Johnson et al.,
1988; DeKeyser and Woods, 1990),
framing effects and the representation effect (Johnson et al., 1991; Zhang
and Norman, 1994; Zhang, 1997),
juggling multiple lines of thought and activity in time including
breakdowns in workload management and thematic vagabonding
(Dorner, 1983).
There are a variety of problems that can occur in synchronizing mindset to
goals and priorities in a changing world depending on problem demands,
skill levels, coordinative structures, and the artifacts available to support
performance, e.g.:
Irrelevant stimuli may intrude on a primary task, e.g., distraction -- a
breakdown in selective attention.
One’s mindset may be too easily interrupted, as in thematic vagabonding
-- a breakdown in attention switching.
One’s mindset may be too hard to interrupt and re-focus, i.e., fixating on
one view of the problem -- a breakdown in attention switching.
Attention may be captured by irrelevant stimuli or relevant stimuli fail to
capture attention in a cognitively noisy workplace, e.g., habituation to
nuisance alarms or ‘high rates of false alarms (Woods, 1995; Getty, Swets,
Pickett, and Gonthier, 1995).
Thematic vagabonding refers to one form of loss of coherence where multiple interacting themes are
treated superficially and independently so that the person or team jumps incoherently from one theme
to the next (Dorner, 1983).
Breakdowns can occur in setting priorities or making tradeoffs, e.g.,
shedding the wrong task under high workload -- a breakdown in attention
When the goal of the investigator is to understand the factors that shape
human performance, a critical step is to trace out how an individual’s
mindset or a group’s mindset develops and changes as the incident evolves.
Often this involves understanding how the mindset of different individuals
or groups interact and or remain encapsulated. This analysis reveals the cues
which attracted attention, how did they match the expectations of the
observers, what was called to mind, what lines of thought were triggered, and
how those goals and issues guided further exploration and action, which in
turn generates new cues. This analysis reveals the kinds of attentional
challenges produced by the evolving problem and the kinds of attentional
breakdowns that occurred.
Loss of Situation Awareness
Situation awareness is a label that is often used to refer to many of the
cognitive processes involved in forming and changing mindset (e.g., Jager
Adams et al., 1995; Durso and Gronlund, this volume). Maintaining
situation awareness necessarily requires shifts of attention to inform and
modify a coherent picture or model of the situation the practitioners face.
Anticipating how the situation may develop or change in the future state is a
particularly important aspect.
Breakdowns in these cognitive processes can lead to operational difficulties in
handling the demands of dynamic, event-driven incidents. In aviation
circles this is known as “falling behind the plane” and in aircraft carrier flight
operations it has been described as “losing the bubble” (Roberts and Rousseau,
1989). In each case what is being lost is the operator’s internal representation
of the state of the world at that moment and the direction in which the forces
active in the world are taking the system that the operator is trying to control.
Fischer, Orasanu and Montvalo (1993) examined the juggling of multiple
threads of a problem in a simulated aviation scenario. More effective crews
were better able to coordinate their activities with multiple issues over time;
less effective crews traded one problem for another. More effective crews
were sensitive to the interactions between multiple threads involved in the
incident; less effective crews tended to simplify the situations they faced and
were less sensitive to the constraints of the particular context they faced. Less
effective crews “were controlled by the task demands” and did not look ahead
or prepare for what would come next. As a result, they were more likely to
run out of time or encounter other cascading problems. Interestingly, there
were written procedures for each of the problems the crews faced. The
cognitive work associated with managing multiple threads of activity goes
beyond the activities needed to merely follow the rules.
This study illustrates how breakdowns in attentional control result from how
task demands challenge human abilities to shift and focus attention in a
changing task world (Gilson, 1995).
Failures To Revise Situation Assessments: Fixation Or Cognitive Lockup
Diagnostic problems fraught with inherent uncertainties are common,
especially when evidence arrives over time and situations can change.
Incidents rarely spring full blown and complete; incidents evolve.
Practitioners make provisional assessments and form expectancies based on
partial and uncertain data. These assessments are incrementally updated and
revised as more evidence comes in. Furthermore, situation assessment and
plan formulation are not distinct sequential stages, but rather they are closely
interwoven processes with partial and provisional plan development and
feedback leading to revised situation assessments (Woods, 1994).
As a result, it may be necessary for practitioners to entertain and evaluate
what turn out later to be erroneous assessments. Problems arise when the
revision process breaks down and the practitioner becomes fixated on an
erroneous assessment, missing, discounting or re-interpreting discrepant
evidence (e.g., DeKeyser and Woods, 1990; Johnson et al., 1981, 1988; Gaba and
DeAnda, 1989). These
failures to revise
situation assessment as new evidence
comes in have been referred to as functional fixations, cognitive lockup and
cognitive hysteresis. The operational teams involved in several major
accidents (e.g., the Three Mile Island accident) seem to have exhibited this
pattern of behavior (Woods et al., 1987).
In cases of fixation, the initial situation assessment tends to be appropriate, in
the sense of being consistent with the partial information available at that
early stage of the incident. As the incident evolves, however, people fail to
revise their assessments in response to new evidence, evidence that indicates
an evolution away from the expected path. The practitioners become fixated
on the old assessment and fail to revise their situation assessment and plans
in a manner appropriate to the data now present in their world. Thus, a
occurs when practitioners fail to revise their situation assessment or
course of action and maintain an inappropriate judgment or action
in the face
of opportunities to revise.
Thus, fixations represent breakdowns in the
process of error detection and recovery where people discount discrepant
evidence and fail to keep up with new evidence or a changing situation.
Several criteria need to be met in order to describe an event as a fixation. One
critical feature is that there is some form of
over time in the
behavior of the fixated person or team. Second, opportunities to revise are
cues, available or potentially available to the practitioners, that could have
started the revision process if observed and interpreted properly. In part, this
feature distinguishes fixations from simple cases of inexperience, lack of
knowledge, or other problems that impair error detection and recovery. The
basic defining characteristic of fixations is that the immediate problem-
solving context has biased the practitioners’ mindset in some direction
inappropriately. In naturally occurring problems, the context in which the
incident occurs and the way the incident evolves activates certain kinds of
knowledge as relevant to the evolving incident. This knowledge, in turn,
affects how new incoming information is interpreted -- a framing effect.
After the fact or after the correct diagnosis has been pointed out, the solution
seems obvious, even to the fixated person or team.
There are certain types of problems that may encourage fixations by
mimicking other situations, in effect, leading practitioners down a
(Johnson et al., 1988; Johnson, Jamal, and Berryman, 1991; Johnson,
Grazioli, Jamal, and Zualkernan, 1992; Roth, Woods, and Pople, 1992). In
garden path problems “early cues strongly suggest [plausible but] incorrect
answers, and later, usually weaker cues suggest answers that are correct”
(Johnson, Moen and Thompson, 1988). It is important to point out that the
erroneous assessments resulting from being led down the garden path are not
due to knowledge factors. Rather, they seem to occur because “a problem-
solving process that works most of the time is applied to a class of problems
for which it is not well suited” (Johnson et al., 1988). This notion of garden
path situations is important because it identifies a task genotype (Hollnagel,
1993) in which people become susceptible to fixations. The problems that
occur are best attributed to the interaction of particular environmental (task)
features and the heuristics people apply (local rationality given difficult
problems and limited resources), rather than to a generic weakness in the
strategies used. The way that a problem presents itself to practitioners may
make it very easy to entertain plausible but in fact erroneous possibilities.
Fixation may represent the downside of normally efficient and reliable
cognitive processes given the cognitive demands of dynamic situations and
cases where diagnosis and response happen in parallel (Woods, 1994). It is
clear that in demanding situations where the state of the monitored process is
changing rapidly, there is a potential conflict or tradeoff between the need to
revise the situation assessment and the need to maintain coherence. Not
every change is important; not every signal is meaningful. The practitioner
whose attention is constantly shifting from one item to another may not be
able to formulate a complete and coherent picture of the state of the system
(thematic vagabonding in Dorner, 1983). Conversely, the practitioner whose
attention does not shift may miss cues and data that are critical to updating
the situation assessment. This latter condition may lead to fixation.
Given the kinds of cognitive processes that seem to be involved in fixation,
there are a variety of techniques that, in principle, may reduce this form of
breakdown. Data on successful and unsuccessful revision of erroneous
situation assessments show that it usually takes a person with a fresh point of
view on the situation to break a team or individual out of a fixation (Woods
et al., 1987). Note that this result reveals a distributed, multi-agent
component to cognition at work. Thus, one can change the architecture of
the distributed system to try to ensure a fresh point of view, i.e., one that is
unbiased by the immediate context. Another approach is to try to develop
distributed system architectures where one person or group criticizes the
assessments developed by the remainder of the group (e.g., a devil’s advocate
team member as in Schwenk and Cosier, 1980). A third direction is predicated
on the fact that poor feedback about the state and behavior of the monitored
process, especially related to goal achievement, is often implicated in fixations
and failures to revise. Thus, one can provide practitioners with new
representations about what is going on in the monitored process (e.g., Woods
et al., 1987 for examples from nuclear power which tried this in response to
the Three Mile Island accident).
Interacting Goals
Another set of factors that effect cognition at work is strategic in nature.
People have to make tradeoffs between different but interacting or conflicting
goals, between values or costs placed on different possible outcomes or
courses of action, or between the risks of different errors. They must make
these tradeoffs while facing irreducible uncertainty, risk, and the pressure of
limited resources (e.g., time pressure; opportunity costs). One may think of
these tradeoffs in terms of simplistic global examples like safety versus
economy. Tradeoffs also occur on other kinds of dimensions. In responding
to an anomaly in domains like aircraft or space vehicles, for example, there is
a tradeoff with respect to when to commit to a course of action. Practitioners
have to decide whether to take corrective action early in the course of an
incident with limited information, to delay the response and wait for more
data to come in, to search for additional findings, or to ponder additional
alternative hypotheses.
Practitioners also trade off between following operational rules or taking
action based on reasoning about the case itself (cf., Woods et al., 1987). Do the
standard rules apply to this particular situation when some additional factor
is present that complicates the textbook scenario? Should we adapt the
standard plans or should we stick with them regardless of the special
circumstances? Strategic tradeoffs can also involve coordination among
people and machine agents in the distributed human-machine cognitive
system (Woods et al., 1994 chapter 4). A machine expert recommends a
particular diagnosis or action, but what if your own evaluation is different?
What is enough evidence that the machine is wrong to justify disregarding
the machine expert’s evaluation and proceeding on your own evaluation of
the situation?
Criterion setting on these different tradeoffs may not always be a conscious
process or an explicit decision made by individuals. The criterion adopted
may be an emergent property of systems of people, either small groups or
larger organizations. The criterion may be fairly labile and susceptible to
influence or relatively stable and difficult to change. The tradeoffs may create
explicit choice points for practitioners embedded in an evolving situation, or
may influence performance indirectly for example by shifting a team’s
mindset in a particular direction (e.g., Layton, Smith and McCoy, 1994).
Goal Conflicts
Multiple goals are simultaneously relevant in actual fields of practice.
Depending on the particular circumstances in effect in a particular situation,
the means to influence these multiple goals will interact, potentially
producing conflicts between different goals. Expertise consists, in part, of
being able to negotiate among interacting goals by selecting or constructing
the means to satisfy all sufficiently or by deciding which goals to focus on and
which goals to relax or sacrifice in a particular context.
However, practitioners may fail to meet this cognitive demand adequately.
An adequate analysis of human performance and the potential for error
requires explicit description of the interacting goals, the tradeoffs being made,
and the pressures present that shift the operating points for these tradeoffs
(Cook and Woods, 1994).
The finding potential conflicts, assessing their impact, and developing robust
strategies may be quite difficult. Consider the anesthesiologist. Practitioners’
highest level goal (and the one most often explicitly acknowledged) is to
protect patient safety. But that is not the only goal. There are other goals,
some of which are less explicitly articulated. These goals include reducing
costs, avoiding actions that would increase the likelihood of being sued,
maintaining good relations with the surgical service, maintaining resource
elasticity to allow for handling unexpected emergencies, and others.
In a given circumstance, the relationships between these goals can produce
conflicts. In the daily routine, for example, maximizing patient safety and
avoiding lawsuits create the need to maximize information about the patient
through preoperative workup. The anesthetist may find some hint of a
potentially problematic condition and consider further tests that may incur
costs, risks to the patient, and a delay of surgery. The cost-reduction goal
provides an incentive for a minimal preoperative workup and the use of
same-day surgery. This conflicts with the other goals. The anesthetist may be
squeezed in this conflict—gathering the additional information, which in the
end may not reveal anything important, will cause a delay of surgery and
decrease throughput.
Given these external pressures some medical practitioners will not follow up
hints about some aspect of the patient’s history because to do so would impact
the usual practices relative to throughput and economic goals. However,
failing to acquire the information may reduce the ill-defined margin of safety
and, in a specific case, the omission may turn out to be a contributor to an
incident or accident. Other practitioners will adopt a conservative stance and
order tests for minor indications even though the yield is low. This may
affect the day’s surgical schedule, the hospital and the surgeons’ economic
goals, and the anesthesiologists’ relationship with the surgeons. In either
case, the nature of the goals and pressures on the practitioner are seldom
made explicit and rarely examined critically.
Analyses of past disasters frequently find that goal conflicts played a role in
the accident evolution, especially when they place practitioners in double
binds. In one tragic aviation disaster, the Dryden Ontario crash (Moshansky,
1992), several different organizational pressures to meet economic goals,
along with organizational decisions to reduce resources, created a situation
which placed a pilot in a double bind. Demand for the flight created a
situation where the flight either could carry all of the passengers awaiting
transport or carry enough fuel to reach their destination, but not both (no
other aircraft was available to meet demand). The Captain decided to offload
passengers and make a direct trip; the Company (a regional carrier) overruled
him deciding to offload fuel and make a refueling stop at Dryden on the way
to their destination.
After landing at Dryden weather was within nominal standards but a freezing
rain had begun. Any delays increased the probability of wing ice. After
landing, the crew had to keep engines running (a “hot” fuel) or they would
have been unable to restart them (a) because the aircraft had departed with an
inoperative auxiliary power unit and (b) due to the lack of equipment to
restart jet engines at this airport. However, deicing is not permitted with an
engine running because of other safety concerns. Several factors led to delays
(e.g., they delayed on the ramp waiting for another aircraft to land). The
captain attempted to takeoff, and the aircraft crashed due to wings
contaminated with ice.
The immediate reaction was that a pilot error was responsible. In hindsight,
there were obvious threats which it appeared the pilot recklessly disregarded.
However, this view drastically oversimplified the situation the pilot faced.
The actual accident investigation went deeper and found that organizational
factors and specific circumstances placed the pilot in a goal conflict and double
bind (note the report needed four volumes to lay out all of the different
organizational factors and how they created the latent conditions for this
One critical part of the investigation was understanding the situation from
the point of view of the practitioners in the situation. When the investigators
reconstructed the view of the evolving situation from the vantage point of a
pilot, the Captain’s dilemmas became clear. Deciding not to take off would
strand a full plane of passengers, disrupt schedules, and lose money for the
carrier. Such a decision would be regarded as an economic failure with
potential sanctions for the pilot. On the other hand, the means to
accommodate the interacting constraints of the weather threat and refueling
process were not available due to organizational choices not to invest in or
cut back on equipment at peripheral airports such as Dryden. The air carrier
was new to jet service and provided minimal support for the flight crew in
terms of guidance or from company dispatch.
The accident investigation identified multiple, latent organizational factors
which created the dilemmas. These included factors at the level of the
regional carrier (e.g., new to jet operations but with inadequate investment in
expertise and infrastructure to support these operations), at the level of the
relationship between the regional carrier and the parent carrier (e.g., the
parent organization distanced itself from operations and safety issues in its
newly acquired subsidiary; the regional carrier minimized communication to
preserve its autonomy), and at the level of regulatory oversight (e.g.,
breakdowns due to increased workload in a deregulated environment
coupled with major staff and budget cuts).
As in this case, constraints imposed by organizational or social context can
create or exacerbate competition between goals. Organizational pressures
generated competition between goals that was an important factor in the
breakdown of safety barriers in the system for transporting oil through Prince
William Sound that preceded the Exxon Valdez disaster (National
Transportation Safety Board, 1990).
It should not be thought that the organizational goals are necessarily simply
the written policies and procedures of the institution. Indeed, the messages
received by practitioners about the nature of the institution's goals may be
quite different from those that management acknowledges. How the
organization reacts to incidents, near misses and failures can send sharp end
practitioners potent if implicit messages about how to tradeoff conflicting
goals (Rochlin et al., 1987). These covert factors are especially insidious
because they affect behavior and yet are unacknowledged. For example, the
Navy sent an implicit but very clear message to its commanders by the
differential treatment it accorded to the commander of the Stark following
that incident (U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services,
1987) as opposed to the Vincennes following that incident (U.S. Department
of Defense, 1988).
Goal conflicts also can arise from intrinsic characteristics of the field of
activity. An example from cardiac anesthesiology is the conflict between the
desirability of a high blood pressure to improve cardiac perfusion (oxygen
supply to the heart muscle) and a low one to reduce cardiac work. The blood
pressure target adopted by the anesthetist to balance this tradeoff depends in
part on the practitioner’s strategy, the nature of the patient, the kind of
surgical procedure, anticipating potential risks (e.g., the risk of major
bleeding), and the negotiations between different people in the operating
room team (e.g., the surgeon who would like the blood pressure kept low to
limit the blood loss at the surgical site).
Because local rationality revolves around how people pursue their goals,
understanding performance at the sharp depends on tracing interacting
multiple goals and how they produce tradeoffs, dilemmas, and double binds.
In this process the investigator needs to understand how the tradeoffs
produced by interacting goals are usually resolved. Practitioners in a field of
activity may usually apply standard routines without deliberating on the
nature of a dilemma, or they may work explicitly to find ways to balance the
competing demands. The typical strategies for resolving tradeoffs, dilemmas
and interacting goals, whether implicit in organizational practices or explicitly
developed by practitioners, may be
robust -- work well across a wide range of circumstance but still not
guarantee a successful outcome,
brittle -- work well under a limited set of conditions but breakdown when
circumstances create situations outside the boundary conditions,
poor -- very vulnerable to breakdown.
Understanding where and how goal conflicts can arise is a first step.
Organizations can then examine how to improve strategies for handling
these conflicts, even though ultimately there may be no algorithmic methods
that can guarantee successful outcomes in all cases.
Problem Demands
In the above discussion, one should notice that it is difficult to examine
cognition at work without also speaking of the demands that situations place
on individuals, teams, and more distributed, coordinated activity
(Rasmussen, 1986). The concept of local rationality captures this idea that
cognitive activity needs to be considered in light of the
placed on
practitioners by characteristics of the incidents and problems that occur.
These problem demands vary in type and degree. One incident may present
itself as a textbook version of a well practiced plan while another may occur
accompanied by several complicating factors which together create a more
substantive challenge to practitioners. One case may be straightforward to
diagnose, while another may represent a garden path problem (e.g., Johnson
et al., 1988; Roth et. al., 1992). One case may be straightforward because a
single response will simultaneously satisfy the multiple relevant goals, while
another may present a dilemma because multiple important goals conflict.
Understanding the kinds of problem demands that can arise in a field of
activity can reveal a great deal about the knowledge activation, attentional
control or handling of multiple goals that is needed for successful
performance. In other words, problem demands shape the cognitive
activities of any agent or set of agents who might confront that incident. This
perspective implies that one must consider what features of domain incidents
and situations increase problem demands (coupling, escalation, time
pressure, sources of variability particularly unanticipated variability,
variations in tempo including rhythms of self-paced and event-driven
activity, conflicting goals, uncertainty). The expression of expertise and error,
then, is governed by the interplay of problem demands inherent in the field
of activity and the resources available to bring knowledge to bear in pursuit of
the critical goals. Analyses of the potential for failure look for mismatches in
this demand-resource relationship (Rasmussen, 1986). Two examples of
demand factors are coupling and escalation.
One demand factor that affects the kinds of problems that arise is the degree of
coupling in the underlying system (Perrow, 1984). Increasing the coupling in
a system, increases the physical and functional interconnections between
parts (Rasmussen, 1986). This has a variety of consequences but among them
are effects at a distance, cascades of disturbances, side effects of actions (Woods,
1994). Several results follow from the fact that apparently distant parts are
Practitioners must master new knowledge demands, e.g., knowing how
different parts of the system interact physically or functionally. Greater
investments will be required to avoid buggy, incomplete or oversimplified
models. However, many of these interconnections will be relevant only
under special circumstances. The potential for inert knowledge may go
An action or a fault may influence a part of the system that seems distant
from the area of focus. This complicates the diagnostic search process, for
example, the ability to discriminate red herrings from important “distant”
indications will be more difficult (e.g., the problem in Roth et al., 1992). In
hindsight the relevance of such distant indications will be crystal clear,
while from a practitioners’ perspective the demand is to discriminate
irrelevant data from the critical findings to focus on.
A single action will have multiple effects. Some of these will be the
intended or main effects while others will be “side” effects. Missing side
effects in diagnosis, planning and adapting plans in progress to cope with
new events is a very common form of failure in highly coupled systems.
A fault will produce multiple disturbances and these disturbances will
cascade along the lines of physical and functional interconnection in the
underlying monitored process. This also complicates diagnostic search
(evidence will come in over time), but, importantly, it will increase the
tempo of operations.
A related demand factor is phenomenon of escalation which captures a
fundamental correlation between the situation, the cognitive demands, and
the penalties for poor human-machine interaction (Woods et al., 1994): the
greater the trouble in the underlying process or the higher the tempo of
operations, the greater the information processing activities required to cope
with the trouble or pace of activities.
As situations diverge from routine or textbook, the tempo of operations
escalates and the cognitive and cooperative work needed to cope with the
anomalous situation escalates as well. As a result, demands for monitoring,
attentional control, information gathering, and communication among team
members (including human-machine communication) all tend to go up with
the unusualness, tempo and criticality of situations. More knowledge and
more specialist knowledge will need to be brought to bear as an incident
evolves and escalates. This occurs through the technological and
organizational structures used to access knowledge stored in different
systems, places, or people. More lines of activity and thought will arise and
need to be coordinated (Woods, 1994). The potential for goals to interact and
conflict will go up. Focusing on the most critical goals may be needed to
make tradeoff decisions. Plans will need to be put into effect to cope with the
anomalous situation, but some practitioners will need to evaluate how well
contingency plans match the actual circumstances or how to adapt them to
the specific context.
If there are workload or other burdens associated with using a computer
interface or with interacting with an autonomous or intelligent machine
agent, these burdens tend to be concentrated at the very times when the
practitioner can least afford new tasks, new memory demands, or diversions
of his or her attention away from the job at hand to the interface per se (e.g.,
the case of cockpit automation; Billings, 1996). This means the penalties for
poor design will be visible only in beyond-textbook situations. Since the
system will seem to function well much of the time, breakdowns in higher
tempo situations will seem mysterious after-the-fact and attributed to “pilot
error” (see Sarter and Woods, in press, for this process in the case of cockpit
Cognition in Context
While many of the factors discussed in the previous sections appear to be
aspects of an individual’s cognitive processes, i.e., knowledge organization,
mental model, attention, judgment under uncertainty, we quickly find in
work environments that these cognitive activities occur in the context of
other practitioners, supported by artifacts of various types, and framed by the
demands of the organization (Moray, this volume). While research on errors
often began by considering the cognition of individuals, investigations
quickly revealed one had to adopt a broader focus. For example, the more
researchers have looked at success and failure in complex work settings, the
more they have realized that a critical part of the story is how resources and
constraints provided by the blunt end shape and influence the behavior of the
people at the sharp end (Rochlin et al., 1987; Hirschhorn, 1993; Reason, 1998).
When investigators studied cognition at work, whether on flightdecks of
commercial jet airliners, in control centers that manage space missions, in
surgical operating rooms, in control rooms that manage chemical or energy
processes, in control centers that monitor telecommunication networks, or in
many other fields of human activity, first, they did not find cognitive activity
isolated in a single individual, but rather they saw cognitive activity
distributed across multiple agents (Resnick, Leavine, and Teasley, 1991;
Hutchins, 1995). Second, they did not see cognitive activity separated in a
thoughtful individual, but rather as a part of a stream of activity (Klein,
Orasanu, and Calderwood, 1993). Third, they saw these sets of active
practitioners embedded in larger group, professional, organizational, or
institutional contexts which constrain their activities, set up rewards and
punishments, define goals which are not always consistent, and provide
resources (e.g., Hutchins, 1990). Moments of individual cognition punctuated
this larger flow, and they were set up and conditioned by the larger system
and communities of practice in which that individual was embedded.
Fourth, they observed phases of activity with transitions and evolution.
Cognitive and physical activity varied in tempo, with periods of lower
activity and more self-paced tasks interspersed with busy, externally paced
operations where task performance was more critical. These higher tempo
situations created greater need for cognitive work and at the same time often
created greater constraints on cognitive activity (e.g., time pressure,
uncertainty, exceptional circumstances, failures, and their associated hazards).
They observed that there are multiple consequences at stake for the
individuals, groups, and organizations involved in the field of activity or
affected by that field of activity—such as economic, personal, and safety goals.
Fifth, they noticed that tools of all types are everywhere. Almost all activity
was aided by external artifacts, some fashioned from traditional technologies
and many built in the computer medium (Norman, 1993). More in-depth
observation revealed that the computer technology was often poorly adapted
to the needs of the practitioner. The computer technology was used clumsy
in that the computer-based systems made new demands on the practitioner,
demands that tended to congregate at the higher tempo or higher criticality
periods. Close observation revealed that people and systems of people
(operators, designers, regulators, etc.) adapted their tools and their activities
continuously to respond to indications of trouble or to meet new demands.
Furthermore, new machines were not used as the designers intended, but
were shaped by practitioners to the contingencies of the field of activity in a
locally pragmatic way (Woods et al., 1994, chapter 5).
These kinds of observations about cognition at work has led some to propose
that cognition can be seen as fundamentally public and shared, distributed
across agents, distributed between external artifacts and internal strategies,
embedded in a larger context that partially governs the meanings that are
made out of events (Winograd and Flores, 1988; Norman, 1993; Hutchins,
1995). Understanding cognition then depends as much on studying the
context in which cognition is embedded and the larger distributed system of
artifacts and multiple agents, as on studying what goes on between the ears --
a distributed cognitive system perspective (Hutchins, 1995).
Hughes Randall and Shapiro (1992, p. 5) illustrate this distributed cognitive
system viewpoint in their studies of the UK air traffic control system and the
reliability of this system.
If one looks to see what constitutes this reliability, it cannot be found
in any single element of the system. It is certainly not to be found in
the equipment . . . for a period of several months during our field work
it was failing regularly. . . . Nor is it to be found in the rules and
procedures, which are a resource for safe operation but which can
never cover every circumstance and condition. Nor is it to be found in
the personnel who, though very highly skilled, motivated, and
dedicated, are as prone as people everywhere to human error. Rather
we believe it is to be found in the cooperative activities of controllers
across the ‘totality’ of the system, and in particular in the way that it
enforces the active engagement of controllers, chiefs, and assistants
with the material they are using and with each other.
Success and failure belong to the larger operational system and not simply to
an individual. Failure involves breakdowns in cognitive activities which are
distributed across multiple practitioners and influenced by the artifacts used
by those practitioners. This is perhaps best illustrated in processes of error
detection and recovery which play a key role in determining system reliability
in practice. In most domains, recovery involves the interaction of multiple
people cross stimulating and cross checking each other (e.g., see Billings, 1996
for aviation; Rochlin et al., 1987 for air carrier operations; also see Seifert and
Hutchins, 1992).
Hindsight and Cognitive Factors
Now that we have explored some of the factors that affect human
performance, the way in which our knowledge of outcome biases attributions
about causes of accidents becomes clearer. With knowledge of outcome,
reviewers oversimplify the situation faced by practitioners in context (Woods
et al., 1994). First, reviewers, after-the-fact assume that if people demonstrate
knowledge in some context, then that knowledge should be available in all
contexts. However, research on human performance shows that calling to
mind knowledge is a significant cognitive process. Education research has
focused extensively on the problem of inert knowledge—knowledge that can
be demonstrated in one context (e.g., test exercises) is not activated in other
contexts where it is relevant (e.g., ill-structured problems). Inert knowledge
consists of isolated facts that are disconnected from how the knowledge can be
used to accomplish some purpose. This research emphasizes the need to
“conditionalize” knowledge to its use in different contexts as a fundamental
training strategy.
Second, reviewers, after-the-fact, assume that if data are physically available,
then their significance should be appreciated in all contexts. Many accident
reports have a statement to the effect that all of the data relevant in hindsight
were physically available to the people at the sharp end, but the people did
not find and interpret the right data at the right time. Hindsight biases
reviewers, blocking from view all of the processes associated with forming
and shifting mindset as new events occur, the attentional demands of the
situation, and the factors that led to a breakdown in synchronizing mindset
in a changing world. Instead of seeing the mindset related factors and how
they shape human performance, reviewers in hindsight are baffled by the
practitioners inability to see what is obvious to all after-the-fact. In this
explanatory vacuum reviewers in hindsight fall back on other explanations,
for example, a motivational or effort factor (the people involved in an
incident didn’t “try hard enough”) and try to improve things by a carrot and
stick approach of exhortations to try harder combined with punishments for
Third, since reviewers after-the-fact know which goal was the most critical,
they assume that this should have been obvious to the practitioners working
before-the-fact. However, this ignores the multiple interacting goals that are
always present in systems under resource pressure, goals that co-exist
sometimes peacefully and sometimes work against each other. If practitioner
actions that are shaped by a goal conflict contribute to a bad outcome in a
specific case, then it is easy for post-incident evaluations to say that a “human
error” occurred—e.g., the practitioners should have delayed the surgical
procedure to investigate the hint. The role of the goal conflict may never be
noted; therefore, post-accident changes cannot address critical contributors,
factors that can contribute to other incidents.
To evaluate the behavior of the practitioners involved in an incident, it is
important to elucidate the relevant goals, the interactions among these goals,
and the factors that influence how practitioners make tradeoffs in particular
situations. The role of these factors is often missed in evaluations of the
behavior of practitioners. As a result, it is easy for organizations to produce
what appear to be solutions that in fact exacerbate conflict between goals
rather than help practitioners handle goal conflicts in context. In part, this
occurs because it is difficult for many organizations (particularly in regulated
industries) to admit that goal conflicts and tradeoff decisions exist. However
distasteful to admit or whatever public relations problems it creates, denying
the existence of goal interactions does not make such conflicts disappear and
is likely to make them even tougher to handle when they are relevant to a
particular incident.
Debiasing and Studying Human Error
Hindsight biases fundamentally undermine our ability to understand the
factors that influenced practitioner behavior. Given knowledge of outcome,
reviewers will tend to
the problem-solving situation that was
actually faced by the practitioner. The dilemmas, the uncertainties, the
tradeoffs, the attentional demands, and double binds faced by practitioners
may be missed or under-emphasized when an incident is viewed in
hindsight. Typically, hindsight biases make it seem that participants failed to
account for information or conditions that “should have been obvious” or
behaved in ways that were inconsistent with the (now known to be)
significant information. Possessing knowledge of the outcome, because of
hindsight biases, trivializes the situation confronting the practitioner, who
cannot know the outcome before-the-fact, and makes the “correct” choice
seem crystal clear.
Because hindsight biases mask the real dilemmas, uncertainties, and
demands practitioners confront, the result is a distorted view of the factors
contributing to the incident or accident. In this vacuum, we can only see
human performance after an accident or near miss as irrational, willing
disregard (for what is now obvious to us and to them), or even diabolical.
This seems to support the belief that human error often is the cause of an
accident and that this judgment provides a satisfactory closure to the accident.
When the label human error ends the investigation, the only response left is
to search for the culprits and once they have been identified, remove them
from practice, provide remedial training, replace them with technology,
while new policies and procedures can be issued to keep other practitioners in
The difference between these everyday or “folk” reactions to failure and
investigations of the factors that influence human performance is that
researchers see the label human error as the starting point for investigations
and use methods designed to remove hindsight biases to see better the factors
that influenced the behavior of the people in the situation. When this is
done, from Bessel’s observations to Fitts’ studies to today’s investigations of
computerized cockpits and other domains, the results identify the multiple
deeper factors that lead to erroneous actions and assessments. These deeper
factors will still be present even if the people associated with the failure are
removed from practice. The vulnerabilities remain despite injunctions for
practitioners to be more careful in the future. The injunctions or
punishments that follow the accident may even exacerbate some of the
vulnerabilities resident in the larger system.
We always can look back at people, episodes or cases in any system and using
one or another standard identify any number of “errors,” that is, violations of
that standard. The key to safety is not minimizing or eradicating an infection
of error (Rasmussen, 1990). Effective, robust, “high reliability” systems are
able to recognize trouble before negative consequences occur. This means
that processes involved in detecting that a situation is heading towards
trouble and re-directing the situation away from a poor outcome is an
important part of human performance related to safety versus failure.
Evidence of difficulties, problems, incidents is an important form of
information about the organization and operational system that is necessary
for adaptive and constructive change (Reason, 1998). Studying cognitive
factors, coordinative activities, and organizational constraints relative to
problems demands in a particular domain is a crucial part of generating this
base of information. Successful, “high reliability” organizations value,
encourage, and generate such flows of information without waiting for
accidents to occur (Rochlin, LaPorte, and Roberts, 1987).
Considering the topic “human error” quickly led us to two different
“Human error” in one sense is a label invoked by stakeholders after-the-fact
in a psychological and social process of causal attribution. Psychologists and
others have studied these processes and in particular found a pernicious
influence of knowledge of outcome, such as outcome and hindsight biases,
that obscures the factors that shape human performance. Studying “human
error” from this perspective is the study of how stakeholders react to failure.
“Human error” in another sense refers to the processes that lead up to success
and failure (or potential failures) of a system. Researchers, using techniques
to escape the hindsight bias, have studied such work domains and the factors
that influence the performance of the people who work in those systems. In
this chapter, we have reviewed a portion of the results using one heuristic
structure -- knowledge in context, mindset and goal conflicts.
However, there is an irony in these research results. In focusing on cognitive
factors behind the label human error, processes that would seem to reside
only within individuals, researchers instead found
a critical role for understanding the demands posed by problems, e.g.,
coupling and escalation (Perrow, 1984; Rasmussen, 1986),
that artifacts shape cognition (Zhang and Norman, 1994; Woods et al.,
1994, chapter 5),
that coordination across practitioners is an essential component of success
(Resnick, Levine and Teasley, 1991; Hutchins, 1995),
that organizations create or exacerbate constraints on sharp end
practitioners (Rochlin et al., 1987; Reason, 1998).
When one investigates the factors that produce “human error” in actual
work environments, our view of cognition expands. “Cognition in the wild,”
as Hutchins (1995) puts it, is distributed across people, across people and
machines, and constrained by context.
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... E/HF takes a socio-technical systems approach to understanding human behavior (Walker et al. 2008), whilst projects undertaken in building nature-based solutions take a socioecological-technological systems approach (McPhearson et al. (2022). Therefore, while E/HF builds an understanding of 'local rationality' focused on the human users' multiple goals (Smith et al. 2002;Woods and Cook 1999), the ecological aspects are sometimes de-emphasised. Instead, E/HF helps identify the multiple human systems aspects (physical, cognitive, or organisational aspects) where value might be found (Dul et al. 2012). ...
Unplanned, high-density settlements in low-middle income countries often lack functional wastewater management systems. Nature-based solutions, such as constructed wetlands, are an option for the treatment of greywater, provided they are used by and useful to the community. We explored the effectiveness of iterative design for two pilot constructed wetlands in an informal settlement in Johannesburg, South Africa. Using ergonomics and human factors (E/HF) design approaches, this study evaluated the usability and postural risks associated with interactions with the constructed wetlands to motivate (and evaluate) design changes to increase use and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal pain. An elevated work area reduced musculoskeletal risks and a larger work area allowed more users at one time. The raised work areas provided other benefits such as stormwater and sewerage protection. The value of E/HF as part of a broader transdisciplinary team was demonstrated by embedding the design in the activities of the community.
... He raised doubts and concerns about the possibility of studying cognition exclusively in laboratories, through experiments or based on a sequential and linear information-processing view, what he described as cognition 'in the head'. Woods and his colleagues preferred for instance the notion of a distributed cognition (Woods et al, 1994, Woods, Cook, 1999, which conceptualises the complex interplay between screens, people and the world ('cognition in the wild' is also often considered to be a core contribution to and expression of distributed cognition, Hutchins, 2005). Based on this position, Woods and his colleagues conceptualised 'human error' as a mismatch in this triad (i.e. ...
Over the past two decades, the ‘new view’ has become a popular term in safety theory and practice. It has however also been criticised, provoking division and controversy. The aim of this article is to clarify the current situation. It describes the origins, ambiguities and successes of the ‘new view’ as well as the critiques formulated. The article begins by outlining the origins of this concept, in the 1980 s and 1990 s, from the cognitive (system) engineering (CSE) school initiated by Rasmussen, Hollnagel and Woods. This differed from Reason’s approach to human error in this period. The article explains how Dekker, in the early 2000 s, translates ideas from the CSE school to coin the term ‘new view’, while also developing, shortly after, an argument against Reason’s legacy that was more radical and critical than his predecessors’. Secondly, the article describes the ambiguities associated with the term ‘new view’ because of the different programs that have derived from CSE (Resilience Engineering – RE then Safety II, Safety Differently, Theory of Graceful Extensibility). The text identifies three programs by different thinkers (methodological, formal and critical) and Dekker’s three eclectic versions of the ‘new view’. Thirdly, the article discusses the successes of the CSE and RE school, showing how it has strongly resonated with many practitioners outside the academic world. Fourthly, the critiques raised within the field of human factors and system safety but also from different traditions (e.g., system safety engineering with Leveson, sociology of safety with Hopkins) are introduced, and discussed.
... This study points towards some aspects of public management's challenges, for example, the preconditions created in the societal blunt end, i.e., the WAN dimension of work. Future research could focus on gaining a more thorough understanding of public management's incentives, trade-offs, priorities and local rationality [72,73], navigating the landscape of shifting requests from the political level, incorporating wishes and feedback from official review mechanisms, citizens, users, and internal officials, while administrating large complex organizations. Future research needs to deepen the insight of the conflicting public goals and ask questions about which values guide public management in everyday work, as well as which values they preserve for crisis operations and why. ...
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During the autumn of 2015, Europe experienced a sharp increase in refugee influx, and many refugees arrived in the European Øresund Region. Refugees travelled through Denmark and over the Øresund Bridge, arriving in the third largest city in Sweden, Malmö. Private, public and voluntary organizations in Malmö had to change the way they worked to meet the new entry demands. Flexible adaptations to changing circumstances can be described as resilient performance and are supported or hindered by societal and organizational drivers and barriers. Qualitative interview data from Swedish organizations managing the refugee reception in Malmö were analyzed through the theoretical lens of Resilience Engineering (RE). The analysis results showed that necessary adaptations were not supported by the managerial design of the responsible public organizations. The analysis also showed that preconditions created from societal steering hinders value responsiveness at the public management level, i.e., the public management level has barriers towards becoming familiar with the organization’s value structures. Familiarity with the system value and goal structure is essential for an efficient prioritizing of conflicting goals, which is why it is suggested that this aspect be explicitly included in RE principles.
... This required an increase in attention to the psychological underpinnings of error which, in turn, started to challenge 'rational actor' or utility theories tacit in human error thinking to this point, first proposed by Daniel Bernoulli in the 1700s and popular in economics around the 1950s (Tversky 1975). The idea of local or bounded rationality (Simon 1957) was proposed whereby the rationality of decisions or actions must be defined from the local perspective of the person acting in the particular situation, taking into account their knowledge, their goals and the environmental constraints under which they are operating (Gibson 1979;Woods and Cook 1999). Far from seeking to rationally optimise an outcome, humans were observed to operate as 'satisficers' (Simon 1956) who make use of 'fast and frugal' heuristics within an adaptive toolbox of strategies (Gigerenzer 2001). ...
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This paper reviews the key perspectives on human error and analyses the core theories and methods developed and applied over the last 60 years. These theories and methods have sought to improve our understanding of what human error is, and how and why it occurs, to facilitate the prediction of errors and use these insights to support safer work and societal systems. Yet, while this area of Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) has been influential and long standing, the benefits of the ‘human error approach’ to understanding accidents and optimising system performance have been questioned. This state of science review analyses the construct of human error within EHF. It then discusses the key conceptual difficulties the construct faces in an era of systems EHF. Finally, a way forward is proposed to prompt further discussion within the EHF community. Practitioner statement: This state-of-science review discusses the evolution of perspectives on human error as well as trends in the theories and methods applied to understand, prevent and mitigate error. It concludes that, although a useful contribution has been made, we must move beyond a focus on individual error to systems failure to understand and optimise whole systems.
... • detect and recover from miscommunications and misassessments. 4 The safety of the first two operating regimes, Routine and Non-Routine Operation, are addressed, within the limits of the approach, by traditional OSHA Process Safety Management. 5 However, Abnormal Operation has not been or cannot 6 Chevron did not have a procedure for determining whether to shut down in response to the leak. The response was cognitively developed at the time. ...
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Traditional process safety, Safety‐I, is the condition where adverse outcomes are minimized, for example, OSHA PSM. Adverse Outcomes result from unusual (erroneous) actions in usual conditions. Safety‐I applies to situations that were planned. While process safety incident rates have improved dramatically under Safety‐I, industry seems to have reached an asymptote. There is a Safety‐I gap for unplanned situations, those with no procedures, the initiating event type for a majority of incidents. Work‐as‐Done does not align with Work‐as‐Imagined. Operational Discipline defined in terms of following procedures cannot apply. Safety‐II, the condition where adaption and recovery to safe conditions are maximized, applies where Safety‐I is weak. Adverse Outcomes result from usual (normal) actions in unusual conditions, when workers do what appears to make sense at the time, but the situation is not as expected. Safety‐I and Safety‐II processes are both vital. System improvement results from Safety‐I. System robustness results from Safety‐II. Safety‐II provides for Resilience. Safety‐II is not formally implemented in the United States. This article introduces the concepts behind Safety‐II, the justification for adoption of Safety‐II to cover unplanned operation, and an outline for beginning implementation.
Technical Report
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Perception is not an objective recording of the world but an active construction, shaped by the brain’s sensory gating, reticular activation, and predictive coding. These mechanisms filter, prioritize, and interpret sensory input, transforming fragmented data into a coherent experience. However, because this process is individualized, shaped by cognitive biases, neurobiology, and past experiences, perception of error is also subjective. What one person detects as a critical mistake may be overlooked by another, highlighting the variability in how individuals process discrepancies between expectation and reality. This subjectivity has profound implications for human error and safety. Errors are not absolute but perceptual mismatches, influenced by an individual’s sensory thresholds, attentional biases, and predictive assumptions. In high-risk environments, failure to recognize the variability in error perception can lead to communication breakdowns, inconsistent risk assessments, and ineffective safety interventions. Human factors engineering must accommodate perceptual diversity, ensuring that systems are designed with redundancy, adaptability, and cognitive diversity in mind. Safety strategies must move beyond rigid protocols and instead embrace flexible, user-centered approaches that account for differences in attention, expectation, and sensory processing. Understanding perception as a constructed reality rather than a fixed truth allows us to reframe human error—not as failure, but as a natural consequence of subjective information processing. By designing systems that align with the way humans actually perceive, predict, and correct for mismatches, we can create safer, more resilient working environments that reduce the impact of perceptual variability and enhance collective problem-solving, decision-making, and risk management.
This article reviews aspects of the historical perspective of error and contrasts it with modern perspectives in the context of forensic science systems. Instead of attributing “error” to the acts of individuals, modern perspectives instead seek to understand errors considering the situational context, the design of technology and systems, operator experience, and higher-level organizational factors that affect how work gets done in the forensic laboratory.
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Analyses of accident investigation reports show that attempting to simultaneously perform tasks onboard ships to manage workload has led to many accidents at sea. These accident reports point out that seafarers fail to follow procedures as expected by shipping companies when conducting tasks simultaneously. Only a handful of studies that examined such discrepancies between work as imagined by shipping companies and work as actually done by seafarers exist. This study aims to examine why seafarers engage in simultaneous tasks, which may lead to accidents. In an exploratory qualitative study, face-to-face interviews were conducted with selective and targeted seafarers previously involved in maritime accidents. The collected data were analysed using interpretive and descriptive qualitative methods with a socio-cultural approach. The findings of this study show that the substantial regulatory changes over the years in the maritime industry have resulted in increased occupational workload for seafarers. Some of these regulatory barriers designed to improve safety at sea prompted seafarers to engage in simultaneous tasks to perform excessive paperwork and compensate for insufficient crewing. The research also revealed how a poor speak-up culture onboard might encourage simultaneous tasks leading to accidents at sea. The analysis shows that reasons for engaging in simultaneous tasks at sea are varied and complex. Therefore, complex intervention efforts to discourage seafarers from engaging in simultaneous tasks is needed to mitigate accidents at sea.
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Many critical real world human problem solving situations take place in dynamic event-drivers environments, where the evidence comes over time and situations can change rapidly. In these situations people must amass and integrate, uncertain, incomplete and changing evidence. A major source of human error in dynamic domains seems to be a failure to revise situation assessment as new evidence comes in. This paper will be concerned with the identification of the main descriptive patterns of fixation errors and with how to build new sytems to reduce this type of error. It will also begin the process of building a theory of fixation errors.
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The role of effort and accuracy in the adaptive use of decision processes is examined. A computer simulation using the concept of elementary information processes identified heuristic choice strategies that approximate the accuracy of normative procedures while saving substantial effort. However, no single heuristic did well across all task and context conditions. Of particular interest was the finding that under time constraints, several heuristics were more accurate than a truncated normative procedure. Using a process-tracing technique that monitors information acquisition behaviors, two experiments tested how closely the efficient processing patterns for a given decision problem identified by the simulation correspond to the actual processing behavior exhibited by subjects. People appear highly adaptive in responding to changes in the structure of the available alternatives and to the presence of time pressure. In general, actual behavior corresponded to the general patterns of efficient processing identified by the simulation. Finally, learning of effort and accuracy trade-offs are discussed.
As seen in Malcolm Gladwell's Blink: the modern classic on how people make decisions by drawing on prior experience and using a combination of intuition and analysis. We have all seen images of firefighters rescuing people from burning buildings and paramedics treating bombing victims. How do these individuals make the split-second decisions that save lives? Most studies of decision making, based on artificial tasks assigned in laboratory settings, view people as biased and unskilled. In this modern classic, Gary A. Klein proposes a naturalistic approach to decision making, which views people as gaining experience that then enables them to use a combination of intuition and analysis to make decisions. To illustrate this approach, Klein tells stories of people—from pilots to chess masters—acting under such real-life constraints as time pressure, high stakes, personal responsibility, and shifting conditions. Since its publication, Sources of Power has been enormously influential. The book has sold more than 50,000 copies, has been translated into six languages, has been cited in professional journals that range from Journal of Marketing Research to Journal of Nursing, and is mentioned by Malcolm Gladwell in Blink. Author Gary Klein has collaborated with Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman and served on a team that redesigned the White House Situation Room to support more effective decision making. The model of decision-making Klein proposes in the book has been adopted in many fields, including law enforcement training and petrochemical plant operation.
An efficient strategy for fault diagnosis relies upon specific symptoms to activate only a small portion of the available diagnostic knowledge. However, expert systems and humans using this strategy often commit characteristic errors. These errors occur because significantly different faults may manifest similar symptoms. If these symptoms are confused, the wrong portion of diagnostic knowledge can be activated. This paper discusses such errors and describes a strategy for reducing their incidence based upon an investigation of expertise in the Galen expert system.
The authors note that high-reliability organizations such a nuclear power plants, air traffic control units, and aircraft carriers pose special challenges to organizational researchers. These organizations, where the consequences of failure can be catastrophic, are made relatively inaccessible to organizational research by their technical complexity and sensitivity to scrutiny. Methods for conductive research in these organizations are explicated along with the consequences of failing to bring organizational knowledge to high-reliability work units. The authors define some major characteristics of high-reliability systems and discuss how they affect research on such organizations. They address issues of entre, problem formulation, data collection, data interpretation, researcher relationships with the organizations, and product presentation.