
Competitive Social Design - Die Soziale Frage der nächsten Gesellschaft

  • European School of Governance
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Wir haben uns daran gewöhnt, das Soziale nur dort zu thematisieren, wo es sichtbar scheitert. Wir sprechen von sozialen Problemen und denken an Armut, Krankheit oder gewalttätigen Protest. Wir verorten das Soziale regelmäßig an den Rändern der Gesellschaft. Soziale Fragen sind dort, nicht hier. Die Beantwortung kann delegiert werden, an den Staat oder an die Zivilgesellschaft. Wir haben es verlernt, das Soziale aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft heraus zu denken. Wir erinnern zwar noch den Menschen als ein soziales Wesen, aber wir wenden diesen Gedanken sogleich populationstheoretisch. Wie sehen ein, dass der Mensch nicht allein lebt, sondern in Gemeinschaft. Wir denken an Gemeinschaften und springen gedanklich sogleich in die großen Staatsmodelle und Gesellschaftsutopien. Wir verstellen uns regelmäßig den Blick darauf, dass der entscheidende Bereich dazwischen liegt, zwischen dem Individuum auf der einen Seite und dem Staat auf der anderen Seite. Die emergente Gestalt des Sozialen liegt inmitten der Lebenspraxis, im Miteinander der Vielen.

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... The exciting possibility based on Luhmann's view is the evaluation of social technologies or social design in regard to their impact on the practices of social systems. Different social designs and different cultural tools have different consequences and implications which, depending on the choice of the criteria, are denoted as more efficient and desirable and can be propagated (Klein, 2009). This perspective provides a practical approach for dealing with social complexity in project management (Linger and Owen, 2012). ...
The Anthropocene calls for systemic change which requires much more than good ideas, stakeholder activism and self-organization. Successful change is managed in the form of a project. However, project management itself needs to learn to cope with the systemic complexity of the real world, especially with social complexity. Hence, this paper explores the paradox of reintroducing complexity within a discipline that has professionalized the reduction of complexity. Acknowledging the inevitability of the social aspects in human activity systems, this paper suggests decomposing social complexity along a political and a cultural perspective. This has methodological implications and practical consequences. First, the political stakeholder analysis is enriched with a systemic and ecological view. Second, cultures are interpreted along the lines of meaning-creation and sensemaking, exploring the stories which are the world to us. Thus, navigating systemic change finally embarks on the concept of next practice, promoting a path forward, step by step. Copyright
The ecology of paradigms conceptualises an alternative perspective on culture. The focus is on practice and understands culture as the paradigmatic reference of a community of practice. This looks at procedures of self‐observation and self‐description as well as on the routines of meaning creation and sense making. The perspective brought forward is radical by focussing primarily on communities of practice. And it is amplified by the modern proliferation of roles carried out and played by the individual calling in this sense for different paradigmatic references. This coexistence of different paradigmatic references holds for the individual as well as for the wider, even global scale. It acknowledges professions next to religions, next to youth and pop culture and next to administrative procedures. Ecology, the science of coexistence allows the synopsis of different cultures on a scale ranging from competition to symbiosis. The clash of civilisations happens at the same time as the coevolution of protestant ethics and capitalism. Based on the concept of ecology of paradigms, we can take a proactive stand and cease to submit reactively to traditions and catechisms. We may start to see possibilities and responsibilities, which come with our practices and their paradigmatic references. And finally, note that evolution correlates with symbiosis and not with competition. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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