
Individuum und Person Strafrechtliche Zurechnung und die Ergebnisse moderner Hirnforschung

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I. Physische Determination

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... 68 Criminal law, like law in general, actualizes itself through communication 69 and is real in the social sense if it provides social orientation. 70 In this respect, Jakobs' statement that criminal law does not know the category into which free will belongs 71 is true only to the extent that he means the biophysical dimension of free will. Free will is not irrelevant or just a fiction, neither from a perspective of social science nor from a constructivist perspective. ...
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Robots and Artificial Intelligence are conquering our world. Just as any progress, this development is expected to have a relevant impact on law in general as well as on criminal law in particular. It involves the potential of transforming our conception of criminal responsibility, as notions of personhood, capacity and culpability will not stay unaffected. This article aims at giving an overview of the potential conversion criminal law is facing due to the increased importance of robotics and of artificial intelligence in our everyday lives. The discussion starts with an overview of different scenarios of criminal liability in the context of robotics. While some of them can be faced with existing doctrines, others demand a more far reaching assessment of the question if robots could ever gain legal personhood and therefore be originally called to account. While the picture of robots as liable perpetrators seems implausible at first sight, the present analysis reveals that blameworthiness is inherently socially constructed. However, it is not randomly constituted and follows social interaction and social meaning in fulfilling a certain function. Enabling the possibility of robots’ criminal liability therefore would require that robots are regarded as a suitable agent of responsibility. The article lights up the conditions for such social and legal change in rethinking the very nature of culpability having the overall function of criminal law in mind. It can be concluded that the on-going technological progress definitely has the potential of testing the theory of criminal responsibility while more clearly unveiling its foundations and its sociological implications. A guilty robot, however, as fictional as that appears today, may be nothing unrealistic nor unlikely in the future.
Ceza hukukunda sorumluluğun temelini failin suçu işleme iradesi oluşturmaktadır. Bu irade nedeniyle fail kusurlu sayılmakta ve hukuk düzenince kınanmaktadır. Bu kınamanın sonucu olarak failin davranışı sebebiyle ceza yaptırımına hükmedilebilmektedir. Kuşkusuz fail hakkında fiili nedeniyle ceza yaptırımına hükmedilebilmesi için, failin fiil anında yaptığından başka türlü hareket edebilme yeteneğine sahip olması gerekmektedir. Hukuka uygun olan ile hukuka aykırı olan davranış arasındaki bu seçim imkânı, failin “irade özgürlüğü” ile anlatılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ceza hukukunda “kusur” kavramı içinde yer alan, “başka türlü hareket edebilme”, “kınanma”, “hatalı irade oluşturma” gibi hususlar sadece ceza hukukunda değil, nörobilimler ve felsefe alanında da “irade özgürlüğü” konusu altında tartışılmaktadır. Bu denli öneme sahip irade özgürlüğü kavramının ceza hukuku açısından nasıl ele alındığı yakından incelenmesi gereken bir konudur. Söz konusu çalışma ceza hukukundaki klasik kusur ve sorumluluk anlayışının “irade özgürlüğü” tartışmalarından ne şekilde etkilendiğini açıklamaya çalışmaktadır.
Los subtipos de deformidad y grave deformidad se encuentran entre las lesiones agravadas por el resultado. Sin embargo, el fundamento de su mayor gravedad es distinto. Pues, además del ataque a la integridad corporal, se castiga el menoscabo de la dignidad humana en su proyección como derecho a la propia identidad de la persona en sus relaciones con los demás. Sobre esta idea se reinterpretan los significados de los términos típicos deformidad y grave deformidad. Y se establecen las bases materiales que legitiman la diferenciación punitiva entre ambas figuras delictivas. Finalmente, bajo esta concepción teórica, se examinan los supuestos prácticos derivados de la jurisprudencia de los tribunales y su corrección en relación con la aplicación de la ley penal.
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This article argues that the function of criminal law and of punishment consists in stabilizing norms by ascribing culpability. A theoretical and sociological examination of the mechanism of placing blame reveals that it consists of three elements. Blame is placed only if a capable addressee of norms is present (personhood), if this person was in the time of offending competent enough to question a norm (competence), and if this person actually communicated a negation of this norm (message). If these requirements are met, an act destabilizes the norm effectively, and punishment becomes necessary. The fault requirement therefore is crucial for fulfilling criminal law’s function, i.e. the stabilization of norms within society by means of punishment. In outlining the social importance of placing blame, this article establishes a basis for both a sociological approach to and a normative discussion regarding theories of punishment and of responsibility, and discloses that respecting the principle of culpability is not only an expression of justice but also one of social necessity.
This article provides a critical review of key theoretical positions relevant to border control and sets out an agenda for developing these ideas. In 2005 Mythen and Walklate published a theoretical milestone for the study of terrorism in their article ‘Criminology and terrorism: Which thesis? Risk society or governmentality?’. Those authors reviewed two theories of risk, considering how each might contribute to understanding ‘new terrorism’. Inspired by ‘Which thesis?’ we review, contrast and compare three key theoretical contributions relevant to penology, criminology and border control: Stump’s ‘crimmigration’ thesis, Bosworth and Guild’s adaptation of the ‘new penology’ perspective, and Krasmann’s critique of Jakobs’ ‘enemy penology’ thesis. The article consolidates these important theoretical strands into one critical discussion, highlighting the growing relevance of the pre-crime literature to the study of borders, and signposting potential theoretical developments within border criminology that build on these foundations.
The conclusive chapter presents the findings of the comparative study undertaken in this book. The study of the criminal offence of historical denialism is paradigmatic of some trends of the modern criminal law. The recourse to criminal law and the trial to protect and forge collective historical memory demonstrates that human rights are now at the centre of a new ethical pact. This has supplanted the original pact against the Holocaust, the foundational event of the European identity. Yet this process has shown that, paradoxically, there is no common European memory. Rather, different domestic legislations implementing the EU Framework Decision correspond to different historical memories. Moreover, criminalisation jeopardises the tenets of the liberal approach of criminal law and unveils a widespread trend towards the juridification of memory and remembering. Therefore, politics and history, which should be the prime actors of collective memory , are somehow marginalised by criminal law. Criminal law on the contrary, is proving to be neither the most adequate nor the most effective remedy.
Die Rechtswissenschaft ist eine Wissenschaft von der Verantwortung. Sie handelt von der Weitergabe von Verantwortung von Person zu Person in der Sprache des Rechts. Im Recht wird die Verantwortung „scharf gestellt“. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff der Verantwortung muss deshalb die rechtswissenschaftliche Dimension einbeziehen.
Die Rechtswissenschaft ist eine Wissenschaft von der Verantwortung. Sie handelt von der Weitergabe von Verantwortung von Person zu Person in der Sprache des Rechts. Im Recht wird die Verantwortung „scharf gestellt“. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff der Verantwortung muss deshalb die rechtswissenschaftliche Dimension einbeziehen.
The article analyses the simultaneous co-existence of both forms of social control in criminal law (Tatstrafrecht and Taterstrafrecht) with regard to the role of neuroscience therein. Based on the assumption that law generates stability of expectations, the article examines the resulting limits to preventive measures of policing and punishment, and thus neuroscience. Free will is shown to be a product of social order. More specifically, the legal subject (Rechtssubjekt) is a necessary form for governing through law. It is only when this functioning of law is not assured that neurosciences are used to treat the "natural criminal".
Die Fragen von Determiniertheit und Beeinflussbarkeit menschlichen Verhaltens bestimmen große Teile der gegenwärtigen Neurokognition. Gerade für den Bereich delinquenten Verhaltens werden dessen Beweggründe heutzutage auch im juristischen Kontext immer häufiger und intensiver erforscht. Dahinter steht in der Regel ein Menschenbild, das einerseits Menschen als grundsätzlich verantwortlich für ihr Tun ansieht, andererseits bestimmte Gründe und Determinanten berücksichtigt, die die Verantwortlichkeit einschränken können. Es wird die These vertreten und belegt, dass diese Unterscheidung eine artifizielle ist und stattdessen von einer grundsätzlichen Determiniertheit jedweden Verhaltens ausgegangen werden muss. Begründet wird diese mit der These, dass unsere genetische Ausstattung, die bis zur Gegenwart gemachten Erfahrungen und die gegenwärtige biopsychosoziale Konstitution das Verhalten vollständig determinieren und dass wir dementsprechend nicht die Wahl haben, uns alternativ zu verhalten.
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