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IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.3, March 2007
Manuscript received February 5, 2007.
Manuscript revised March 25, 2007.
Statistics Hacking - Exploiting Vulnerabilities in News
Amrinder Arora
Department of Computer Science, George Washington University, Washington DC, 20052 USA
We analyze and discuss a vulnerability in leading news websites,
that can lead to modification of the system statistics by malicious
users (statistics hacking). We outline two broad categories of
methods that can counter statistics hacking. The first category
consists of many methods already available to distinguish human
users from computers. We compare the different methods within
this category on basis of security and accessibility. The second
category uses well known clustering techniques applied to the
web statistics. We compare the different methods within this
category on basis of security.
Key words:
Statistics Hacking, Click Fraud, Link Spamming, Image
Verification, Turing Test, CAPTCHA, Human Verification
1. Introduction
News websites often attempt to be interactive. In order to
present an enhanced user experience, news websites
attempt to measure user interest indirectly, as well as allow
readers to give feedback, or allow them to vote on
popularity of news, etc. This feedback feature can lead to
vulnerability in their system. In this paper, we analyze the
vulnerabilities and present mechanisms to combat them.
Example: BBC is one of the leading news websites and is
often ranked in top 10 most visited websites. Due to this, it
wields an enormous amount of influence. As a user
feedback mechanism, BBC also monitors the popularity of
a news item on at least two counts (i) Number of times the
news item was read, and (ii) Number of times the news
item was emailed. These correspond to the “Most
E-mailed” and “Most Read” segments of the BBC website.
This seemingly innocuous feature is often exploited by
statistics hacker to affect the news (or their order)
displayed by BBC. The very same feature also leads to
traffic surges on the Internet, as statistics hackers attempt
to outperform each other, in the process impacting the
accessibility of website to other users.
1.1 Motivation
As Internet continues to gain market share from television,
radio and print media as a primary news provider, the
news websites are currently experiencing tremendous
growth. One advantage of Internet news is that it allows
more interactive behavior as compared to traditional media.
Trustworthy news websites attempt to perform fair and
accurate reporting. The goal is to report the news, without
creating any unnecessary hype or pursuing any special
agenda. However, this is a delicate balance that requires
strong editorial control. The configurability and
user-interactive feature of Internet news websites however
makes this objective even harder.
To further complicate the matters, websites are also visited
by software programs and scripts (popularly known as
spiders, robots, or just “bots”). Thus, websites need an
adequate mechanism to distinguish a human reader from a
non-human reader.
Yet another motivation for this problem is that Statistics
Hacking is very similar to Click Fraud. Advertisers need to
be able to distinguish clicks by human users from clicks by
non-human readers, and also be able to distinguish clicks
by normal users from clicks by malicious users.
1.2 Scope and Structure
This article is based upon the vulnerability in the news
websites, as it allows hackers to modify the statistics 1 of
the system quite easily. As we will show briefly in this
article, news websites (for example BBC) employ an
extremely basic protection scheme against statistics
This paper is organized as follows. The current section
introduces and motivates the problem. In Section 2, we
define the statistics hacking and analyze the extent to
which the statistics hacking is pervasive in the current
news systems. In Section 3, we present in detail the
vulnerability in BBC, a leading news website, and how the
vulnerability can be exploited by statistics hacker. In
Section 4, we discuss methods for protection against
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.3, March 2007
statistics hacking by distinguishing human users from
computers, and present our analysis of these methods. In
Section 5, we discuss a different category of methods for
protection against statistics hacking. These methods
involve adjusting counting principles to ignore the
duplicate actions from malicious users. Finally, our
conclusions presented in Section 6 complete the paper.
2. What is Statistics Hacking?
We define Statistics Hacking to be a process in which a
malicious user manages to modify the system usage
statistics. Statistics Hacking explicitly refers to the
situation where the resource (website or system) is
available to the malicious user for acceptable usage, but
the user is able to modify the system usage statistics using
some unacceptable methodology.
Difference from other forms of hacking: Statistics
hacking is distinctly different from some other forms of
hacking as it does not try to gain unauthorized access to
the system or the equipment. It only affects the system
usage, even acting in the same way a valid user would act.
There is also the possibility that a malicious user gains an
unauthorized access to the host system and manually
modifies the statistics (by increasing the hit counts
database tables or files). However, we do not consider that
form of hacking as Statistics Hacking.
Relation to click fraud: Statistics Hacking is in practice
quite similar to Click Fraud, which as a term used mostly
in conjunction with search engines and pay per click
advertising. The primary difference between Click Fraud
and Statistics Hacking is the motive. Operationally, the
acts are similar and much of the discussion in this paper
also applies to Click Fraud.
Relation to link spamming: Statistics Hacking is also
similar to the practice of Link Spamming, in which the
motive is to obtain free advertising or spread a propaganda
by posting the page onto free public boards or forums on
the Internet.
Not necessarily programmer’s hacking: It is also worth
pointing out that Statistics Hacking may not even require
any software to operate. For a low usage system, a user
may simply be able to modify the statistics by using the
program manually sufficient number of times. In this
article, we focus on the form of statistics hacking that can
work against BBC, that is, a very high usage system.
2.1 Scope of Statistics Hacking Problem
To understand the scope of statistics hacking, we
considered the following leading news websites as a
representative sample.
- BusinesWeek
- ABC News
It was quite surprising to note that all these leading
websites contained significant vulnerabilities to statistics
2.2 Scope of Problem at BBC
To better understand the scope of statistics hacking and
how it affects a news website, we performed detailed
analysis of the BBC website [1]. We observed the most
popular and the most emailed news sections.
From these sections, we observed the news and attempted
to separate them into genuine candidate and non-candidate
news. To define non-candidate news, we used the
following criteria, all of which must be met for the news to
be defined as non-candidate. (i) News must be at least
three days old, (ii) No subsequent follow up on BBC
posted on that news, (iii) Not listed in the other popular
section. Such news represent a very high chance of
statistics hacking, as normal reader behavior would not
elevate such news to high rank. Between November 1st
and November 10th, 2006, we sampled and reviewed the
website 50 times over a period of ten days. Our
observations include the following:
1. On a total of 37 times, at least one of the news in
the ‘Most Emailed’ section was a non-candidate
2. On each of the ten days, at least one of the 5
observations showed a non-candidate news. The
worst observations for each of the 10 days are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Measuring extent of Statistics Hacking at BBC: Data collected
for 10 days and separated between candidate and non-candidate news
Most Emailed Most Read Day
Candidate Not
Candidate Not
1 4 1 5 0
2 3 2 5 0
3 4 1 5 0
4 4 1 5 0
5 4 1 4 1
6 4 1 5 0
7 4 1 5 0
8 4 1 5 0
9 3 2 5 0
10 4 1 4 1
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.3, March 2007
3. Basic Vulnerability in the BBC’s System
This section highlights in detail the vulnerability in the
BBC’s “Email this to a friend” system, and how it can be
exploited by Statistics Hackers.
BBC does not employ any of the advanced methods that
we present in Section 4. Instead, it only uses a small hash
value, which is hard coded inside the HTML form. It is not
clear if this hash is intended as a security mechanism at all.
In either case, it has no impact on security.
3.1 Hacker’s Code
In the scenario below, we assume that the Statistics Hacker
is a dedicated health services professional, who wants to
highlight the story “HIV home screening kit launched”, a
news story carried by BBC at
Hacker begins by opening that page manually in a web
browser, and then manually clicking on the “Email this to
a friend” link. When the smaller window with email form
opens, the hacker views the source of that page (using the
browser’s ’View Source’ functionality). The source of
the page reveals most of the information that the hacker
requires to submit that form.
Hacker’s code involves a relatively simple Java program,
in which a URL connection is obtained to the URL of the
“Email this to a friend” page. Using the hidden variables
and their values obtained from the form source, hacker
creates the content that is then written to the output stream
of the URLConnection object. Detailed code exploiting
this vulnerability is available in Table 2.
We considered a scenario of a relatively benign hacker. It
is easy to observe that this technique can also be used to
highlight stories that are of embarrassment to individuals
and communities, or incite physical or emotional violence.
Due to the nature of the news, many news items do need to
be reported, and a Statistics Hacker can then use the BBC
as a propaganda tool by constantly keeping a story on the
top of list of most emailed stories. As has been well
documented by FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting), a non-profit media watchdog agency,
sensationalism is one of the largest problems in the news
4. Protecting against Statistics Hacking by
Distinguishing Humans and Computers
The first broad category of protection against statistics
hacking consists of distinguishing human readers from
computers (or software programs). As presented in the
Section 3, a software program can be made to repeatedly
use a feature. If the website is able to distinguish human
Table 2: Hacker’s code exploiting vulnerability in BBC’s “E-mail
this to a friend”
// URL of the “Email this news page”
URL url = new URL (“” +
“email/ asia/5404256.stm”);
URLConnection urlConn = url.openConnection();
urlConn.setDoInput (true);
urlConn.setDoOutput (true);
urlConn.setUseCaches (false);
urlConn.setRequestProperty (“Content-Type”,
DataOutputStream printout = new DataOutputStream
(urlConn.getOutputStream ());
// Prepares the content
String content = “submit=” + URLEncoder.encode (“send”) + “&storyURL=”
+ URLEncoder.encode(“”) +
“&summary=” + URLEncoder.enclode(“The first home test which says ” + “it
can reassure patients they are free of HIV is launched in the UK.”) +
“&headline=” + URLEncoder.enclode (“HIV home screening kit launched”) +
“&hash=” + URLEncoder.encode(“JPpVtKp+mt2ce2S621RMSQ”) +
“&emailsString=” + URLEncoder.encode (“”) +
“&fromName=” + URLEncoder.encode (“Fake Name”) + “&fromEmail=” +
URLEncoder.encode (“”);
printout.writeBytes (content);
printout.flush ();
printout.close ();
// Gets response data.
DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream (urlConn.getInputStream
String str;
while (null != ((str = input.readLine()))) { }
and computer users, then this vulnerability can be
Distinguishing between humans and computers is a well
studied topic, and is related to the famous Turing Test
problem[2, 3]. The application of Turing Test to this
problem involves introducing an intermediate “Turing”
test in the online user’s action, with the assumption that it
would be difficult for the software to respond accurately to
the Turing test. The rationale is that such a test does not
inconvenience casual users, who are likely to use that
feature once, but is a significant deterrent for a user who
attempts to perform the same action multiple times.
Note: In the classical Turing test, the entity presenting the
test is a human user. However, in the current test, the entity
presenting the test is the software system powering the
website. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as
Computerized Turing Test. One particular system within
this category is the CAPTCHA [4], which is a registered
There is a variety of Turing tests available, and they work
with varying degrees of success against state of the art
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.3, March 2007
computer programs. Next, we present an outline of various
mechanisms and discuss their advantages and
4.1 Visual/Image Verification (Turing Numbers)
In this mechanism, an image is displayed that contains a
text that is obscured by using image distortion techniques,
such as highlights, background clutter, shadows and
random line segments. This mechanism is widely deployed
by websites that require registration. While specialized
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) implementations
can defeat this test, it does make the spamming software
significantly harder. A recent implementation of image
verification by Dutta et al [5] has been shown to protect
against latest OCR algorithms.
One disadvantage of this approach is that it seriously
impacts the web accessibility for the users who may be
visually impaired.
An example of image verification is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of image verification (Turing Numbers)
4.2 Audio Verification
In this mechanism, an audio is played by the website, and
the human user is expected to answer a short question
based on the audio. Again, the motivation is that this
makes the spamming softare significantly more complex,
as it must include a module to read an audio file, decipher
the words, and then calculate the answer. Recent works
using this technique include [6] and [7].
4.3 Mathematical Expressions
In this mechanism, the website presents a mathematical
expression, and the human user is expected to calculate the
answer to the mathematical expression. For example, the
website’s challenge question may be: “What is seventeen
plus two plus thirteen minus twenty?”
This is considered a relatively weak form of Turing Test,
even though in practice it may be safe due to “security by
The primary disadvantage of this method is that a custom
calculator can be built quite easily that accepts
mathematical expressions and some elements of natural
language processing.
Another significant disadvantage of this method is that it
impacts the accessibility for users who have cognitive
4.4 Logic Riddles or Puzzles
This mechanism is similar to the mathematical expressions,
except that in place of a mathematical expression, a logic
puzzle is presented to the website user. For example, a
challenge question may be: “What is the name of the fruit
that is its own color?” (Orange), or “What is the name of a
yellow curved fruit?” (Banana).
This form of Turing test is very vulnerable to a dictionary
attack, as the logic puzzles may be limited in number.
4.5 Video Verification
This mechanism is similar to audio expression, except that
a video is shown to the website user. Following the video,
a challenge question may be: “What did the man wearing
yellow shirt talk about”. The response can either be free
form, or optionally 4 choices are presented to the user.
This form of Turing test suffers from a problem that some
web browsers and operating systems may not show the
video clip.
Clearly enough, image, audio and video verification
methods pose problems for users using textual browsers.
4.6 Ascii Image Verification
This Turing test is similar to image verification, with the
difference that it presents the image using Ascii characters,
thereby continuing to be accessible to users using textual
An example of Ascii image verification is shown in Figure
Security of the Ascii image verification technique has not
been considered so far in the literature, though again, like
in practice it may be safe due to “security by obscurity”.
Figure 2: Example of Ascii image verification
4.7 Accessibility of Suggested Methods
The methods presented in Sections 4.1- 4.6 vary in the
degree of success that they provide distinguishing humans
from computers. They also vary in the degree of
accessibility. We compare them on the following counts:
Cultural/Intellectual Compatibility: The methods
that use certain intellectual or cultural
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.3, March 2007
information may not be accessible for all users.
For example, consider the two challenge
questions presented in Section 4.4. A person who
is not a native English speaker may have
difficulties answering the first question. Similarly,
a person who is colorblind may have difficulties
answering the second question. Audio verification
may pose challenges to a person who is hearing
impaired or is accustomed to a different accent.
Browser Compatibility: The methods using
non-textual mechanisms, that is, image
verification, audio verification and video
verification all present problems in terms of
browser compatibility. Users with older browsers
may not be able to use these features.
Convenience: To compare the various
mechanisms in terms of convenience, we apply
the 10 second versus non 10 second rule.
Essentially, a mechanism that takes more than 10
seconds for a human user to verify
inconveniences the user significantly so as to
affect the usability of the feature. As per this
rule, both video verification and mathematical
expressions can be considered to be unnecessarily
We present a summary of the accessibility of suggested
methods in Table 3.
Table 3: Comparison of various methods for
distinguishing human users and computers
Method Cultural
9 9
9 9 9
Logic Riddles
or Puzzles
9 9
Ascii Image
9 9 9
Due to the accessibility issues, many combination methods
have been proposed as well. The idea is that by providing
multiple methods, the accessibility of the system can be
A few other methods for human verification have also
been proposed, for example, [8], [9] and [10].
5. Protecting against Statistics Hacking using
In Section 4, we presented various methods that can
counter statistics hacking by distinguishing humans and
computers. In this section, we explore an entire different
strategy. In this strategy, the software system does not try
stop the malicious usage. Rather, it alters its counting
methodology to ignore the duplicate actions from the
malicious users.
Following methods of protection are available against
Statistics Hacking, that we will explore individually.
5.1 Ignoring Multiples in Statistics based on IP
Address and Time
This is a relatively easy method, in which the usage
statistics module simply ignores multiple actions taken by
the “same” user, where the same user is interpreted to be
the same IP address and time unit. The time unit may be
selected to be 1 hr, 1 day, or something else depending
upon the exact system.
All similar actions performed from the same IP and within
the same time unit (hour/day) are counted as one action.
Again, to further diminish repeat counts, the last byte of
the IP address may be ignored in this process.
5.2 Ignoring Multiples in Statistics based on
Similarity in Action
In this method, a pattern is established on the underlying
action, and its impact is assessed, irrespective of the time
or the source of the action. For example, in case of BBC’s
“Email this to a Friend” feature, a pattern may be
established on the sender’s and/or receiver’s email address.
The business interpretation can be that each receiver’s
email address only counts once.
This mechanism can be easily defeated by using a random
email address as sender and a random email address as
receiver. Even if the system is able to ignore bounced or
undelivered emails, the statistics hacker can use a domain
catch all address (that is, all emails sent to a particular
domain are delivered to one address). So, while this
mechanism is not perfect, it is in principle different from
Time and/or IP based grouping.
5.3 Ignoring Misusing IPs or Domains
Once an IP or a domain is found engage in Statistics
Hacking, website administrator may ignore usage from
that IP or domain when calculating statistics.
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.7 No.3, March 2007
(i) Goal of Clustering: None of the methods are foolproof,
and many may ignore multiple valid uses. Still, as the
statistical counts are usually not mission critical, it may be
acceptable to under report the usage counts.
(ii) Blocking is not an option: Once an IP or a domain is
found engage in Statistics Hacking, website administrator
may block that IP or domain from further using the service.
This method is often impractical as it allows malicious
users to compromise the usability of shared public
6. Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we highlighted a form of vulnerability which
can lead to “Statistics Hacking”. This form of hacking is of
particular importance to news and other public websites
that also want to allow users to interact and give feedback
to the news. We also presented the other forms of hacking,
similar or related to Statistics Hacking and highlighted the
differences and similarities.
We reviewed leading news websites and presented a
summary of the scope of the existing problem. We
documented a method for exploiting this vulnerability in a
known leading website that can lead to modification of the
system statistics by malicious users (statistics hacking).
We outline two broad categories of methods that can
counter statistics hacking. The first category consists of
many methods already available to distinguish humans
from computers. We compare the different methods within
this category on basis of security and accessibility. The
second category uses well known clustering techniques
applied to the web statistics. We compare the different
methods within this category on basis of security.
This work can be extended in two distinct ways. We
outlined various methods for conducting Turing test, that
is, distinguishing computers and humans in Section 4. That
analysis can be extended to jointly consider security and
accessibility features. In Section 5, we presented counting
principles which can be used to limit the effects of
Statistics Hacking, click fraud and link spamming. This
work can be extended to present a quantitative analysis,
which would be of interest in publishing and advertising
[1] “BBC NewsWebsite,”, Retrieved
between October 1st, 2006 and December 15th, 2006.
[2] A. Turing, “Computing machinery and intelligence,” Mind,
vol. LIX, no. 236, pp. 433–460, October 1950.
[3] S. G. Sterrett, “Nested algorithms and the ’original imitation
game test’,” Minds and Machines, 2002.
[4] “CAPTCHA Project,”
, Retrieved on
December 8th, 2006.
[5] R. Datta, J. Li, and J. Wang, “Imagination: A robust
image-based captcha generation system,” in Proceedings of the
ACM Multimedia Conference, November 2005.
[6] M. T. Goodrich, M. Sirivianos, J. Solis, G. Tsudik, and E.
Uzun, “Loud and clear: Human-verifiable authentication based
on audio,” in ICDCS 2006: 26th IEEE International Conference
on Distributed Computing Systems, 2006.
[7] G. Kochanski, D. Lopresti, and C. Shih, “A reverse turing test
using speech,” in Proceedings of the International Conferences
on Spoken Language Processing, 2002.
[8] J. McCune, A. Perrig, and M. K. Reiter, “Seeing is believing:
Using camera phones for human verifiable authentication,” in
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2005, pp. 110–124.
[9] Y. Y. Gu, Y. Zhang, and Y. T. Zhang, “A novel biometric
approach in human verification by photoplethysmographic
signals,” in 4th International IEEE EMBS Special Topic
Conference on Information Technology Applications in
Biomedicine, 2003, pp. 13–14.
[10] C. Park, J. Paik, T. Choi, S. Kim, Y. Kim, and J. Namkung,
“Multi-modal human verification using face and speech,” in
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Systems,
Amrinder Arora
received the B.
Tech. degree in Computer Science and
Engineering from the Indian Institute
of Technology, Delhi, in 1998. He
received MS and DSc degrees from the
George Washington University,
Washington DC in 2001 and 2006
His research interest includes online
algorithms, theory of computation and software engineering.