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Reliability and Lifetime of Mechanical Units in Operation and Test

Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Key Engineering Materials
  • Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


The paper discusses the problem of reliability calculation for mechanical units under load. Because the rated reliability of the unit as a system with many independent elements can tend to zero, the methods of reliability calculation of the units as real objects with the common factors (loads, operation conditions) are proposed. The choice of the life test modes and test time depends essentially on unit-related information like their operation conditions. The paper describes one of approaches, passing to this problem. Within its framework, the accumulations of damages are made at several typical points of the loaded system.
Reliability and Lifetime of Mechanical Units in Operation and Test
Vladimir B. Algin1,a, Hyoung-Eui Kim2,b
1BELAVTOTRAKTOROSTROENIE Scientific-Engineering Enterprise and the Institute of
Mechanics and Reliability of Machines of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
12, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072 Minsk, Belarus
2Reliability Assessment Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials,
Yuseong P.O Box 101, 171 Jang Dong, Yu Seong Gu, Daejeon, Korea, 305-343,
Keywords: Mechanical unit, Reliability, Load, Lifetime, Operation conditions, Limiting state, Test
Abstract. The paper discusses the problem of reliability calculation for mechanical units under
load. Because the rated reliability of the unit as a system with many independent elements can tend
to zero, the methods of reliability calculation of the units as real objects with the common factors
(loads, operation conditions) are proposed. The choice of the life test modes and test time depends
essentially on unit-related information like their operation conditions. The paper describes one of
approaches, passing to this problem. Within its framework, the accumulations of damages are made
at several typical points of the loaded system.
A shaft with N elements (Fig. 1), assuming that reliability (probability of no-failure) Pi for each
element is known, can be considered as a case in point. To result in the total reliability of the shaft,
the single element's probabilities should be multiplied. Thus, the total reliability depends on a
number of the elements allocated in the shaft. It is generally accepted in many fundamental works
that the more elements are considered, the closer this reliability tends to zero. Hence the reliability
of the loaded system can not be correctly calculated having only reliabilities of single elements. To
analyze such a system correctly, its work conditions and common acting factors should be
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
This approach can be examined for a chain of the same elements with the random load Q
(Fig. 2), where strength of elements is a random variable; the load is the common factor. A method
of reliability calculation for the loaded chain is known [1]. But in mechanical units the elements and
parameters of their loads and load-carrying abilities are different. Therefore the first section of the
paper is dedicated to methods for calculating the reliability of units as loaded mechanical systems.
In the second section the problem of test modes for the loaded units is examined.
1 Reliability calculation for systems with various loaded elements
Calculation of system with the elements having the dependent damages. It can be accepted
for the further discussion that the operating time has fixed value L= Lj and the elements failure is
caused by accumulation of damages. Then probability of no-failure PLj for every element is rated
with distributions of its extent of damage QLj and the load-carrying ability R (see Fig. 3). The unit
has elements with various pairs of distributions QLj and R. Therefore it is impossible to use the
approach suitable for calculation of the chain reliability. If the damage-related extents of various
P1 P2 PN
P1 P2 PN
Key Engineering Materials Vols. 326-328 (2006) pp. 549-552
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© (2006) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
written permission of the publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, (ID:,09:31:20)
elements are strongly dependent, this feature can be take into account offering an approach
described below.
Now a concept of “equivalent
pairs of distributions” for random
variables can be introduced. A pair
of distributions {fRI(RI), fQI(QI)} is
equivalent to a pair {fRII(RII),
fQII(QII)} if distribution fYI(Y) of
random variable YI = RI QI
coincides with distribution fYII(Y) of
random variable YII = RII QI, i.e.
fYI(Y)=fYII(Y). Using this concept, the
equivalent pair distributions with the same distribution fQa(Q) for each system element (x=a, b, c,
…) can be selected: {fQa(Q), fRxa(R)}, {fQa(Q), fRxb(R)}, {fQa(Q), fRxc(R)} and so on. It allows finding
the function of distribution of load-carrying ability of the system as an integrated function of
minimal values for the equivalent distributions fRx(R). This question is described in detail in [2]. As
a result, the system is reduced to one equivalent element with known distributions of the load-
carrying ability FE(R) and the extent of damage FQa(Q). Now it is not a problem to determine the
probability of no-failure P(Lj). Repeating described procedure for other values L, the reliability
function of system P(L) is derived.
As an example, a planetary reducer (Fig. 4) and the results of its calculation (Fig. 5) are
presented: 1 is the reliability function P(L) and 2 is the density of distribution of lifetime f (L).
Densities of distributions of lifetime for reducer elements are presented as well: the bearing of
satellite with contact fatigue (a); sun gear teeth with contact fatigue (b); satellite teeth with contact
fatigue (c) and bending fatigue (d).
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Reliability calculation with taking into account the operation conditions as common factor.
Concepts of loading are various for different machine parts. But all loads are determined by the
operation conditions. To rate the loaded systems in the general case, the calculation can be
performed under the scheme “operation conditions lifetime”. For this purpose lifetime-strength
curves of an element are used (Fig. 6). The operation conditions are described by probabilistic
manner in a form of the relative durations for the commonly accepted typical conditions (see
Fig. 7).
The relative durations of operation conditions αk and the load-carrying ability of elements are
random variables. Using a method of statistical modelling (Monte Carlo), in each cycle of
modelling the durations of the operation conditions αk (k=1, 2, …, K) and load-carrying abilities of
QLj, R
f(R) R
Fig. 3
c, d
Experimental Mechanics in Nano and Biotechnology550
elements are reproduced. Then using lifetime-strength curves the lifetimes of elements can be found
at these conditions. This results in lifetimes of elements and the total system under all conditions at
the end of the cycle. To obtain the condition αk =1 in each cycle, the special correction is used.
When the statistical modelling is carried out, the characteristics of the initial and corrected (related
to the total sum) values are different. Therefore closeness of parameters of distributions αk to the
given values is provided by means of multi-step optimization procedure.
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Probabilistic lifetime calculation with taking into account a complicated logic of limiting
states of the machine, its units and parts. The previous part of the paper considered that the
limiting state of a system occurs with the first limiting state of an element. Actually the lifetime of a
complex object is usually determined by a complicated way. For example, the machine lifetime is
exhausted if the limiting states of the frame, the engine and one of transmission units are reached.
To describe such states, the scheme of limiting states is introduced.
As an example, lifetime calculation of the machine with the scheme of limiting states (1, 1, 1) is
presented in Table 1. The record (1, 1, 1) means that the limiting state of the machine occurs if the
limiting states are reached with one part of the first type (the number standing in the first position),
one part of the second type (the number standing in the second position) and one of parts of the
third type (the number standing in the third position). Elements lifetimes are lognormally distributed
with the following coefficients of variation: 1) 0.50; 2) 0.45; 3) 0.55; 4) 0.45 and 5) 0.45.
Eighty percentage lifetimes of machine parts and the machine as the whole: A) machine lifetime
(first failure); B) machine lifetime with taking into account the scheme of limiting state (1, 1, 1)
(type 1)
2) Engine
(type 2)
(type 3)
4) Forward
driving axle
(type 3)
5) Rear
driving axle
(type 3)
A) Machine
B) Machine:
scheme of
limiting state
(1, 1, 1)
1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,687 1,423
Table 1
2 Life accelerated test
Object representation. Three following cases described below can be marked out.
The first case. Full information about object and its load mode in operation are known. The
weakest element is known. The test mode is directed on testing this element.
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
Relative duration of operation conditions
Density of distribution
Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Condition 4
0 10 20 30 40
Load-carrying ability (fatigue endurance)
Logarithm of lifetime
Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Condition 4
Key Engineering Materials Vols. 326-328 551
The second case. Elements data is unknown. The load mode of the object in operation is known
as well as typical processes of object damage.
The third case. Assignment and general device of object (for example, the kinematic scheme of
transmission) is known.
The choice of the accelerated test mode essentially depends on information on object.
Example. In Fig. 8 the
choice of test time for
transmission is shown
taking into account the
loading and accumulation
of damages at its typical
points. The load mode of
transmission in operation
is predicted. Calculation
is carried out in relative
units. Only the ratios and
efficiencies of
transmission units are
Horizontal lines
represent extents of
damage at typical points
of transmission for the
accepted operation
conditions. Inclined lines
(bevels) represent the
change of damage-related
extents depending on test
time. The inclination is determined by a test torque level and parameters of S-N curves of elements.
Also it is necessary to consider differences in dynamic loadings under operation and test. The points
of crossing the horizontal and inclined lines give an expected time for obtaining the limiting states
of the most loaded parts which are located in the units of transmission mentioned above.
The dependent behaviors of elements are the basic problem in calculating the complex systems. The
developed techniques allow to reproduce the real connections with elements loadings and to avoid
tending to zero for reliability in calculating systems with many loaded elements. Next prominent
aspect in calculating units is the description and taking into account a complicated logic of their
limiting states. The choice of lifetime test mode depends on the initial information on object and its
operation conditions. The method based on calculating extents of damages at several typical points
of the loaded system has been presented.
[1] K.C. Kapur and L.R. Lamberson: Reliability in Engineering Design (John Willey & Sons, New
York 1977).
[2] V.B. Algin: Dynamics, reliability and lifetime designing for transmissions of mobile machines
(Navuka & Teknika, Minsk 1995, in Russian).
Fig. 8
Experimental Mechanics in Nano and Biotechnology552
... Based on the amalgamation, according to the relevant rules of the T R function family, the reliability function P st (t) is obtained (Fig. 1). In the individual approach, probabilistic-physical methods are used, taking into account the nature of the degradation processes (the failure physics) and the mutual influence of elements [2,3]. ...
... In addition, thanks to the development of technical diagnostic systems, the number of technical indicators that are heterogeneous has increased. They are also subject to integration in the process of assessing the state of the object for the adoption of one of the three decisions: (1) Prolongation of its operation with standard parameters, or with their limitations; (2) repairs and upgrades with subsequent use in order; (3) decommissioning. ...
... The paper accumulates and develops statements for calculation of the mechanical system reliability, introduced in [5], [9], and [10] Paper contains Generalities (Section II), Calculation of system with the elements having the strongly dependent damages (Section III), General approach to system reliability calculation (Section IV), Extended general approach including complicated logic of limiting states for parts, units and machine as a whole (Section V), and Conclusions (Section VI). ...
... The factors and effects leading to lifetime-dependent behaviors of the components examined in [5], [9], and [10], are generalized and presented in Tab Fig. 1 shows a process when the extent of damage Q is close to the "fan function" Q L . In this case q is unit extent of damage; Q L =qL; R is extent of load-carrying ability. ...
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The traditional reliability theory deals with systems consisting of the physically depersonalized components which are described by the set of reliability indexes. Dependences of components which take place at mechanical level are not reproduced that leads to erroneous results in evaluating machine reliability. The paper * presents novel approaches and techniques for calculation of machine reliability, since mechanical levels and finishing by structural levels, with consideration of complicated logic of limiting states for machine components (parts, units, assemblies, and so on) and the machine as a whole. Factors, which determine typical dependences of machine components, are presented. Two approaches are offered: 1) the special one for calculation of strongly connected components; 2) the general one based on statistical modeling a spectrum of machine operation conditions, loading modes, damages and failures (limiting states) of components and machine as a whole. The approaches give the ways to compute the real machine reliability.
... 3. Statistical regularities of the load mode of vehicles and their transmissions (ITS, subsection 2.2) and methods of their use in practical calculations of transmissions (ITS, subsection 2.3, Fig. 2) were transformed in more general representation of operation conditions in the form of a probabilistic spectrum of relative durations of standard conditions, and were added with classification and the use of various driving styles in calculations of lifetime for mechanical components (LMM, [23,24]); 4. Probabilistic calculations of the main transmission parts (tooth gears, bearings) on the basis of the universal loading modes and representation of lifetime calculations with use of typical laws of distribution for relative lifetime (ITS, subsection 2.3) have served as prerequisites to creation of essentially new types of calculations of real reliability of parts, assembly, units, and the vehicle as a whole on the basis of the principle of dependent behavior of elements in the loaded mechanical system (LMM, [23], [24], [28]); 5. The first State Standard of the USSR in the field of prognosis of item reliability during designing [10], guidelines by calculation of machine-building components [11], [12] and others (ITS, subsection 2.4) received a respective response in the modern State Standards of Republic of Belarus in a field of dependability of technically complicated items (TCI) (LMM [29] - [32]). ...
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Main directions and trends of mechanism and machine mechanics developing in Belarus are considered. Results of investigations fulfilled in the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering and V.A. Bely Metal Polymer Research Institute of NASB, Belarusian National Technical and Belarusian-Russian Universities, as well as in Belarusian State Transport University and other Belarusian research centers are presented. Generally, these investigations are forwarded for modernization of drives of various machines and mechanisms, including mobile machines, instrument mechanisms and estimation of their operation characteristics in the frame of "Industry 4.0" conception. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on gears and powertrains. Parts of the paper contain sources of information and main publications of Belarusian scientists. Thus, the paper as a whole bears informational and bibliographic character.
... And the input torques differ according to the operating conditions. This problem is considered in [22,23]. Loading concepts are different for different elements of the machine. ...
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Typical cases of problem situations associated with uncertainties in modeling properties of gears and transmissions of cars, tractors and other similar technically complicated items are considered. Such items work in a changing environment, consist of many heterogeneous non-standard components and are controlled by the operator. Typical uncertainties include: isomorphism, incorrect schematization, lack of detailed data about the item, variation of the environment, the presence of a variety of calculation (modeling) methods, etc. Ways of resolving problem situations associated with uncertainties are developed. Reducing the uncertainty in modeling the individual lifetime of an item can be achieved through digitalization (diagnostic data, recognition of item state). When uncertainty is unavoidable, it is recommended to create a decision-making space that is convenient for stakeholders to analyze and assess the degree of risk resulting from their decisions. It is shown that situations in decision-making can be significantly enhance by introducing an indicator that successfully describes a set of basic properties of an item. The main provisions of the article are accompanied with examples from the authors’ own practice. The considered approaches are methodologically typical for many complex mechanical and combined items based on mechanical systems.
... And the input torques differ according to the operating conditions. This problem is considered in [22]. Loading concepts are different for different elements of the machine. ...
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Typical cases of problem situations associated with uncertainties in modeling properties of gears and transmissions of cars, tractors and other similar technically complicated items are considered. Such items work in a changing environment , consist of many heterogeneous non-standard components and are controlled by the operator. Typical uncertainties include: isomorphism, incorrect schematization, lack of detailed data about the item, variation of the environment, the presence of a variety of calculation (modeling) methods, etc. Ways of resolving problem situations associated with uncertainties are developed. Reducing the uncertainty in modeling the individual lifetime of an item can be achieved through digitalization (diagnostic data, recognition of item state). When uncertainty is unavoidable, it is recommended to create a decision-making space that is convenient for stakeholders to analyze and assess the degree of risk resulting from their decisions. It is shown that situations in decision-making can be significantly enhance by introducing an indicator that successfully describes a set of basic properties of an item. The main provisions of the article are accompanied with examples from the authors' own practice. The considered approaches are methodologically typical for many complex mechanical and combined items based on mechanical systems.
... The general approach reproduces the probabilistic nature of components properties and effects of their dependent behaviour in a system. This approach [22,23] has general character and it can be applied to any technically complicated item, like a transmission. Load modes are various for different machine parts. ...
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The paper presents author's models and method for vehicle planetary transmission, which cover the stages of synthesis, kinematic, quasi-static and dynamic computations, dependability prediction and diagnostics of transmissions in operation process. The obtained data of the synthesis stage (block and kinematic diagrams, gear ratios of transmission mechanisms) are expanded at subsequent design stages with the ultimate goal of forming a complete information model (digital twin), allowing to support transmission design process and predict the behaviour of the transmission in operation. The emphasis is made on the developed original methods solving the most science intensive problems in the transmission life cycle.
The architectonics of the gear train information model (digital twin), developed on the basis of the lifetime mechanics of machines, is presented, and its main components – concepts, representations, models and methods – are described. These provisions and methods were created within the framework of the scientific school founded by Igor Tsitovich, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Brief historic data are given. Currently, this direction is developing at the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The developed architectonics contains several new components: three method of gear trains synthesis, universal kinematic-quasi-static calculations for the gear transmissions of any configuration, simulation of dynamics based on concept of a regular mechanical systems, strength calculations in the lifetime form, space of operation conditions, reliability calculations according to multilevel “mechanics-dependability” scheme, and a special method for reliability calculation under the general load conditions of the components. Basic representations of the transmission (kinematic diagram, a set of dynamic schemes, life-strength curves, schemes of limiting states, etc.) appear in the development process and go through all stages of life cycle. These components are complemented at the operational stage by transmission diagnostics and evaluation of its lifetime expense as a complex item and serves as accumulators of new knowledge and data about the item and its operation conditions (environment). The methodological provisions developed for the transmissions are applicable to a wide range of engineering objects. They are also presented in the State standards of the USSR and the Republic of Belarus.KeywordsGear trainTransmissionInformation modelDigital twinCalculationSynthesisKinematicsDynamicsReliabilityLifetime expense
The problem of assessing the main operation and lifetime properties of vehicles based on justification of calculated cases is formulated and solved. Two approaches are used. The first one is developed for determining a calculated indicator by making a typical probabilistic representation of a parameter for property under study by example of the energy consumption of electric buses. The second approach relates to comparative procedures that allow to estimate the properties without a detailed set of data on construction of vehicles and their operation modes. In the frame of this approach, a method for estimating the energy consumption of an electric bus using data on the fuel consumption of a diesel bus of a similar mass is considered. The energy required for the movement of buses is compared, and the differences in their “Tank-to-Wheel” characteristics are taken into account. One more method is used for a comparative lifetime assessment of mechanical units; the parameters of the load mode are determined and the damage measure are calculated for objects being compared. The damage measures of the same gearbox are calculated when it works at various vehicles. The combination of both presented approaches increases the efficiency and validity of estimates when making decisions about the choice of parameters for the units or the use of ready-made units from different suppliers.
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