The distribution and migration of houbara bustard in China was studied by range in-vestigation and tracking through PTT satellite transmitter from 1997 to 2004. The houbara bustard occurs in the Junggar Basin, north part of Tacheng Basin and valley of Ulungur river in northern Xinjiang, southern part of Turpan Basin and Barkol in eastern Xinjiang. In Inner Mongolia, the hou-bara bustard occurs in Urathouqi, Alxahouqi and Ejinaqi. In Gansu province, the houbara bustard occurs in Wuwei, Minqin and Shandan. The whole range is not contiguous area. Houbara bastard started migration from Junggar Basin in northern Xinjiang, Turpan Basin and Barkol in eastern Xin-jiang, Wuwei in western Gansu Province and Bayan Nur in western Inner Mongolia in the middle of September. Flying to the west and northwest, via Junggar Basin and area between Bole and Habahe in northern Xinjiang, entered Kazakhstan, they turned toward southwest, passed Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, arrived in Arabia Bay of southern Iran or flied over Afghanistan, arrived in southern Pakistan for wintering. The whole migration usually took 35 ± 13 days covering a distance of 4 800-7 000 km. In the next year, houbara went back to the breeding grounds in China through the same routes at the beginning of March. However, it took the birds 64 ± 17 days to finish the spring migra-tion. They arrived in breeding site between middle of April and late May. The sub-adults arrived later and did not breed.