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10.1101/lm.031427.113Access the most recent version at doi:
2013 20: 417-420 Learn. Mem.
Margot Perez, Uther Rolland, Martin Giurfa, et al.
in ants
Sucrose responsiveness, learning success, and task specialization
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Brief Communication
Sucrose responsiveness, learning success, and task
specialization in ants
Margot Perez,
Uther Rolland,
Martin Giurfa,
and Patrizia d’Ettorre
Research Center on Animal Cognition, University of Toulouse, UPS, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France;
Research Center on Animal
Cognition, CNRS, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France;
Laboratory of Experimental and Comparative Ethology, University Paris 13,
Sorbonne Paris Cite
, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France
Social insects possess remarkable learning capabilities, which are crucial for their ecological success. They also exhibit inter-
individual differences in responsiveness to environmental stimuli, which underlie task specialization and division of labor.
Here we investigated for the first time the relationships between sucrose responsiveness, behavioral specialization, and ap-
petitive olfactory learning in ants, including reproductive castes. We show that castes of the ant Camponotus aethiops differ in
their responsiveness to sucrose and in their learning success in olfactory conditioning experiments in which sucrose is used
as reward. Olfactory learning was better in foragers than in nurses, in agreement with their higher sucrose responsiveness.
Interindividual variation in stimulus responsiveness and in learning may be, therefore, a crucial factor for division of labor
in social insects.
[Supplemental material is available for this article.]
The capacity to learn and form robust memories about events in
the environment is a distinctive trait of social insects (Giurfa
2007, 2013; Avargue
s-Weber et al. 2011). It allows them to master
changing environments and contributes to their ecological
success. Social insects are mainly known for their sophisticated co-
lonial organization, which relies on division of labor—the special-
ization of individuals in reproduction or in colony maintenance
tasks such as brood care, foraging, nest defense, or storage of
food resources (Wilson 1971). Task specialization is typically en-
sured by individuals of different morphological castes and/or ages.
Different models have been proposed to explain division of
labor and its relation to colony organization (Beshers and Fewell
2001). The response threshold model, which has been extremely
influential in this framework, posits that individuals differ in their
sensitivity (and therefore in their responsiveness) to biologically
relevant stimuli associated with specific tasks, thus leading to
the emergence of division of labor (Robinson 1992; Bonabeau et
al. 1996). Differential responsiveness to stimuli that act as positive
(e.g., food) or negative (e.g., noxious events) reinforcements re-
sults also in variable learning performances, in which individuals
learn better about reinforcements to which they are more sensi-
tive (Scheiner et al. 2005).
These behavioral traits have been studied in the honeybee
Apis mellifera where individual differences in sucrose responsive-
ness correlate with individual tendencies to forage either for pol-
len or nectar (Page et al. 1998; Pankiw and Page 1999; Pankiw et al.
2001; Scheiner et al. 2003). Pollen foragers, for instance, are more
responsive to a broad spectrum of sucrose concentrations than
nectar foragers, which respond mainly to higher sucrose concen-
trations (Pankiw and Page 1999). In these experiments, sucrose re-
sponsiveness was quantified by stimulating the antennae of
restrained bees with increasing sucrose concentrations and deter-
mining if proboscis extension reflex (PER) occurred (Pankiw and
Page 1999). Interindividual differences are established either via
a sucrose response threshold (SRT), i.e., the sucrose concentration
at which the response to sucrose differs from that to water (Page
et al. 1998), or a sucrose response score (SRS), which is the total
number of PER to a series of sucrose concentrations (Pankiw
et al. 2001). Sucrose responsiveness not only correlates with the
task performed by a bee, but also with its learning success: The
lower the SRT (i.e., the higher the SRS), the higher the bee’s ability
to learn in appetitive conditioning tasks (Scheiner et al. 1999,
2001a,b, 2003; Scheiner and Arnold 2010). These correlations re-
main so far unique as the interplay between learning, reinforce-
ment responsiveness, and social organization has not been
studied in any other social insect.
Ants constitute a remarkable example of eusocial lifestyle
lldobler and Wilson 1990). Despite their sophisticated social
organization and division of labor, little is known about the deter-
minants of these specializations. Responses to food are flexible and
may change among individuals in several ant species (e.g., Josens
et al. 1998; Falibene et al. 2009; Schilman 2011). Interindividual
differences in sucrose responsiveness were found in immobilized
workers of various ant species, which were stimulated with differ-
ent concentrations of sucrose solution (Falibene and Josens
2012). The possible relationship between these differences, learn-
ing success, and behavioral specializations within the colony
remains, however, unknown. Yet, relating these variables is possi-
ble because, besides the possibility of testing sucrose respon-
siveness, controlled learning protocols have been recently
established for ants (Dupuy et al. 2006; Guerrieri and d’Ettorre
2010; Guerrieri et al. 2011).
Here we provide the first comprehensive study investigating
the interplay between learning success, sucrose responsiveness,
and task specialization in ants. We focused on the carpenter ant
Camponotus aethiops, which feeds to some extent on nectar (most-
ly from extra-floral nectaries); this species can also be subjected
to appetitive olfactory conditioning in harnessing conditions in
the laboratory (Guerrieri and d’Ettorre 2010). We determined
whether different castes differ in their SRS and analyzed how
SRS levels relate to task specialization. We further studied if nurses
and foragers differ in appetitive olfactory learning and if these dif-
ferences relate to their respective SRS levels.
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ISSN 1549-5485/13;
417 Learning & Memory
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Nine queenright colonies of C. aethiops were collected at
Pompertuzat (Midi-Pyre
es, France, latitude 43.5
, longitude
) and keptin the laboratory (24
C, 12-h light–dark cycle,
60% humidity), each in two Fluon-coated plastic boxes connected
by a plastic hose. One box was provided with plaster floor and cov-
ered by cardboard (nest); the other was exposed to light (foraging
arena). Colonies were deprived of sucrose 3 wk before the experi-
ments. Mealworms and water were provided ad libitum.
For the experiments, each ant was immobilized by cooling it
on ice for 10 min and then harnessed in a holder (Eppendorf of 0.2
mL for workers and males, and 1.5 mL for gynes from which the
tip was removed). The ant’s head was then passed through the api-
cal hole and strips of adhesive tape were placed between the head
and the thorax to prevent body movements except those of the
antennae and mouthparts (Supplemental Fig. S1; Guerrieri and
d’Ettorre 2010). Ants were then kept in a humid box over 3 h for
recovery and habituation to the harness.
Individual responsiveness scores were quantified via the max-
illa–labium extension response (MaLER) (Guerrieri and d’Ettorre
2010) upon stimulation with a series of linear logarithmic ascend-
ing concentrations of sucrose solution (0.1%, 0.3%, 1%, 3%, 10%,
and 30% w/w) (Page et al. 1998). Each stimulation lasted 2 sec.
Prior to each sucrose stimulation water was delivered to control
for sensitization or habituation to increasing sucrose concentra-
tion. Groups of 15 ants were tested, one ant at a time, with an in-
terstimulus interval of 7 min. A 10-sec interval was established
before and after stimulus presentation to avoid contextual effects.
MaLER was scored as 1 when visible, 0 otherwise. Individuals that
did not respond to concentrations that were higher than those
eliciting prior to responding were discarded (7% of ants in
both experiments). Individual sucrose and water responsiveness
scores (SRS and WRS, respectively), were quantified as the sum of
the ant’s response to either stimulus. These scores varied between
0 (no response at any sucrose/water stimulation) and 6 (response
to all sucrose/water stimulations) (Scheiner et al. 2003).
In Experiment 1, we compared the sucrose responsiveness of
five castes performing different tasks: gynes, males, nurses, inac-
tive workers, and foragers. Gynes and males were collected from
three colonies 2 wk after they showed activity in the foraging are-
na; minor workers were collected from two different colonies and
assigned to one of three behavioral castes (marked with different
color paint) after 2 wk of behavioral observations (1 h, twice a
day):foragers, if theycollected food or water;nurses, if they werein-
volved in brood care, or “inactive,” if they
displayed reduced locomotor activity and
a distended (full) abdomen at the begin-
ning of sucrose deprivation. The SRS of
eachcaste wasthen determined (for work-
ers, assays were performed blind with re-
spect to individual behavioral task).
In Experiment 2, nurses and for-
agers were tested for their SRS and then
subjected to a differential conditioning
procedure with two odors, a rewarding
one and a nonrewarding one. Nurses
and foragers were collected from four col-
onies and their SRTs were determined.
Individuals that responded to the highest
sucrose concentration assay (30%) were
used 1 h later for differential condition-
ing experiments in which the uncondi-
tioned stimulus (US) was 30% sucrose
solution. We trained ants to respond
with MaLER to a CS+ odor paired with
the US and not to a CS2 odor that was
not paired with the US. Octanal and hex-
anol (floral scents, Sigma Aldrich) were used as CS+ and CS2 in a
balanced way. Six microliters of pure odorant were applied onto a
piece of filter paper that was inserted in a plastic 10-mL syringe.
Ants responding to the first presentation of the CS+ or the CS2
were discarded. The acquisition phase consisted of 12 trials (six
CS+ presentations and six CS2 presentations in pseudo-random
order, i.e., no more than two trials of the same CS type were al-
lowed [Guerrieri and d’Ettorre 2010]). Each trial lasted 1 min. In
CS+ trials, odor stimulation lasted 5 sec and preceded sucrose
stimulation by 3 sec, which also lasted 5 sec. In CS2 trials, only
the 5-sec odorant stimulation was delivered. In both cases, 25 sec
and 30 sec elapsed before and after stimulus delivery, respectively.
Intertrial interval was 10 min. An air extractor was placed behind
the ant to remove undesired odorant stimulations. Only individu-
als that responded at least five times to the US were included in the
statistical analyses. Individual acquisition scores to CS+ (AS+)
and CS2 (AS
were calculated as the sum of an ant’s conditioned
responses (CR) to CS+ and CS2, respectively. These scores vary be-
tween 0 (no CR to CS+/CS2) and 5 (CR to CS+/CS2 in trials 2–6).
Statistical analyses were performed with R environment (ver-
sion 2.15.0, Two-tailed Kruskal–
Wallis tests were used to test variation in SRS and WRS between
worker and sexual castes (package pgirmess; see CRAN.R-project.
org/package¼ pgirmess). Multiple Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney
rank sum tests were applied for pairwise comparisons between
castes (with sequential Bonferroni corrections) and for testing dif-
ferences in SRS, WRS, AS+, and AS2 between nurses and foragers.
Spearman rank correlation test was used to study correlations be-
tween SRS and AS+ (Rcorr function, package Hmisc; http:// For further details about
statistics see Supplemental Material.
In Experiment 1, sucrose and water responsiveness scores
(SRS and WRS, respectively) differed significantly between castes
(SRS, Kruskal–Wallis, x
¼ 69.58, df ¼ 4, P , 0.001 [Fig. 1A];
WRS, x
¼ 57.21, df ¼ 4, P , 0.001 [Fig. 1B]; see Supplemental
Fig. S2 for sucrose and water responsiveness curves). Although for-
agers and males exhibited higher SRS and WRS values, inactive
workers and gynes showed lower SRS and WRS values. Nurses
showed intermediate SRS values and WRS values similar to those
of foragers (Table 1).
In Experiment 2, we quantified sucrose responsiveness of
nurses and foragers (Supplemental Fig. S3) and kept only those
ants (83.87% and 50.81%, respectively, of foragers and nurses
Figure 1. Sucrose and water responsiveness scores of the five castes. (A) Box plots of sucrose respon-
siveness score of nurses (n ¼ 37), inactive workers (n ¼ 34), foragers (n ¼ 44), gynes (n ¼ 23), and
males (n ¼ 26). (B) Boxplots of water responsiveness scores of the same individuals. SRS and WRS
vary between 0 (no response to sucrose/water stimulation) and 6 (response to all six stimulations).
Boxes show median (line and dot), 1st and 3rd quartiles, 5th and 95th percentiles (whiskers).
Groups that are statistically different have different letters.
Sucrose responsiveness and learning in ants 418 Learning & Memory
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assayed) that responded to the highest sucrose concentration
(30%), used as US in the subsequent conditioning procedure. As
in the previous experiment, SRS values were significantly higher
in foragers than in nurses, but WRS values were not statistically
different (SRS, Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney rank sum test, W ¼
890.5, P , 0.05; WRS, W ¼ 1028.5, P ¼ 0.25).
Both castes learned the discrimination between rewarded
and unrewarded odors (see Supplemental Fig. S4 for learning
curves), but foragers learned the olfactory discrimination better
than nurses. Indeed, foragers exhibited higher AS+ values than
nurses (W ¼ 888, P , 0.05) (Fig. 2), although AS2 values did not
differ (W ¼ 1077.5, P ¼ 0.31). Thus, AS+ values are a reliable indi-
cator of individual learning success. AS+ values were positively
correlated with SRS values for nurses (n ¼ 35, rs ¼ 0.62, P ,
0.0001) and approached significance for foragers (n ¼ 68, rs ¼
0.23, P ¼ 0.055). AS2 values also correlated positively with SRS
values both for nurses (n ¼ 35, rs ¼ 0.54, P , 0.0001) and foragers
(n ¼ 68, rs ¼ 0.28, P ¼ 0.05), thus indicating that the excitatory
strength from the CS+ generalized in part to the CS2.
Our results show for the first time that different castes of an
ant species exhibit a significant variation in their sucrose respon-
siveness, which is ecologically relevant since these ants feed on
extra-floral nectaries. This inter-caste variation in sucrose re-
sponse scores (SRS) found in C. aethiops is in line with the response
threshold model of division of labor
(Beshers and Fewell 2001): Foragers, for
instance, proved to be highly sensitive
both to sucrose (high SRS) and to water
(high WRS). Higher WRS and SRS endow
ants with the capacity to collect water
and to sample food sources of variable
quality, thus increasing information
gathering about potential food sources.
Inactive workers, in contrast, exhibited
low WRS and SRS as they did not practi-
cally respond to water and responded
to the highest sucrose concentra-
tions. This high selectivity for sucrose is
adaptive in a scenario in which inactive
workers serve as sucrose storers for the
colony. The low SRS found in these ants
could relate to the fact that crop filling
induces a decrease in sucrose responsive-
ness (Falibene and Josens 2012). Nurses,
which are younger than foragers and in-
active workers (Ho
lldobler and Wilson
1990), responded to intermediate sucrose concentrations. They
could, therefore, modulate their responsiveness and specialize in
different tasks as they age. Gynes responded only to highest
sucrose concentrations probably because they need to store ener-
gy for solitary colony founding and egg laying. By contrast, males,
which die quickly after swarming and do not need to store energy,
may afford high responsiveness to water and low sucrose concen-
trations. This scenario thus proposes that both sucrose and water
responsiveness are adaptive traits related to the specific biological
constraints of each caste. Variations in water responsiveness
would reflect such biological differences and a general state of re-
sponsiveness to appetitive stimuli rather than being the mere re-
sult of sucrose sensitization.
The superior learning performance of foragers compared to
that of nurses is relevant for quickly acquiring local environmen-
tal cues (e.g., olfactory ones) predicting food, thus increasing for-
aging efficiency. Their higher level of acquisition likely results
from their higher responsiveness to sucrose reward (i.e., their
high SRS), similarly to honeybees, where pollen foragers show
better acquisition performances than nectar foragers due to their
higher responsiveness to sucrose (Scheiner et al. 2005).
The picture emerging from these experiments is one in
which castes within an ant colony differ in terms of their respon-
siveness to food reward and therefore in their learning capabilities
in conditioning experiments in which this food reward is used as
US. Although learning was only evaluated in foragers and nurses,
the sucrose scores found for the other castes allow predicting their
learning success. Males, like foragers, had higher SRS and are thus
expected to have a learning success as high as that of foragers.
Inactive workers and gynes, which showed SRS lower than those
of nurses, should be the less efficient learners.
In conclusion, C. aethiops exhibit interindividual variability
in sucrose and water responsiveness, thereby supporting the re-
sponse threshold model of division of labor. Differences in appe-
titive learning are thus likely mediated by sucrose responsiveness
and relate to behavioral tasks.
We thank A. Dussutour and S. Teseo for comments on previous
versions of the manuscript and H. Ro
del for help with statistical
analyses. M.G. was supported by the Institut Universitaire de
France, the French Research Council (CNRS) and the University
Paul Sabatier and P.dE. by a Marie Curie Reintegration Grant.
Figure 2. Learning success of nurses and foragers. Box plots of acquisition score to (A)CS+ (AS+)
and (B)CS2 (AS2) of nurses (n ¼ 35) and foragers (n ¼ 68). AS+ and AS2 vary between 0 (no re-
sponse to CS+ and CS2, respectively, during all successive trials) and 5 (positive responses to CS+
and CS2, respectively, after the first trial). Boxes show median (line and dot), 1st and 3rd quartiles,
5th and 95th percentiles (whiskers). (
) P , 0.05.
Table 1. Comparison of SRS and WRS between castes
Caste 1 Caste 2
SRS (adjusted
WRS (adjusted
Foragers Nurses ,0.05 0.052
,0.001 ,0.001
Gynes ,0.001 ,0.001
Males NS NS
Nurses Inactive
,0.001 ,0.05
Gynes ,0.01 ,0.05
Males ,0.01 ,0.001
Gynes NS NS
Males ,0.001 ,0.001
Gynes Males ,0.001 ,0.001
Adjusted P-values correspond to pairwise comparisons of scores between
each caste (sequential Bonferroni corrections after multiple Wilcoxon–
Mann–Whitney rank sum tests). (NS) not significant.
Sucrose responsiveness and learning in ants 419 Learning & Memory
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This work was supported by the CNRS research network GDR 2822
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Received April 15, 2013; accepted in revised form June 4, 2013.
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