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The repatriated Vietnam prisoners of war are suffering almost no mental illness, and the effective use of humor seems to be one of the reasons for their health. The literature by and about prisoners of war from several recent wars indicates prisoners often found humor to be an effective coping mechanism, a way of fighting back and taking control. By defining humor as an element of communication and by thinking of resilience as a communication phenomenon, the links between humor and resilience become more apparent. This was a qualitative study that consisted of interviewing approximately 50 Vietnam POWs in unstructured interviews and 12 Vietnam POWs in a structured, topical format. Chronicling the subjective accounts of these men and framing them as communication allowed an examination of the results. Knowing that human connection contributed to the survival and resilience of these men implies that resilience is contagious, as humor seems to be. Through the creation of humor in a well-defined system of social support, these fiercely independent men learned to rely on their own power and to draw a sense of mastery from each other.
Linda D. Henman, Ph.D.
In 1973 the Vietnam Conflict drew to a close and 566 military prisoners of war were returned
from captivity in North Vietnam. Over 25 years later the medical and psychological tests of
approximately 300 of these repatriated prisoners show few medical, social, and psychological
problems. How can this be when other groups in history who have experienced captivity have
often shown extreme aftereffects? The answers are varied and complex, but one thing seems
clear. The Vietnam prisoners of war (VPOWs) had a system that worked, a system for human
connection based on control and grounded in the effective use of humor.
Psychologists tell us that human beings want power and authority over their futures. We want
to feel that we have a say in how things will go for us. When we perceive that our actions will
make an outcome likely, we feel optimistic and secure. When we don’t, we feel insecure. We
feel like victims. Sometimes people stay in a victim’s frame of mind after a loss or
disappointment. They doubt their capacity to make their lives happen according to their own
aspirations, so they wait to be rescued or blessed by good fortune. They start to feel undermined
and overwhelmed; and they can become totally immobilized.
But the VPOWs weren’t victims. They were certainly victimized by their captors, but they
never saw themselves as victims, no matter what was done to them. They weren’t victims
because the took control of the few things they could control. They were told when and what and
if they could eat; they were told if and when the could shower, sleep, and use the toilet. They had
no say about parts of their lives that people normally take for granted. But they did have control
over one thing, and that was their humor perspective.
Control and Human Connection
In 1958 William Schutz proposed a theory of behavior that suggested that control is one of
the salient variables of interpersonal relationships, and people form groups to fulfill their needs for
it. Their need for control served as a framework for the VPOWs who created and maintained a
system of strong interpersonal relationships and group affiliation that helped them survive over
seven years in captivity and thrive during the years since repatriation. Humor was one of the
elements of this system. The VPOWs taught each other how to use humor as a weapon for
fighting back and as a tool for building cohesion.
One way to break down a group's power is to reduce the feelings of control the members
have. If people have a need to feel control, authority, and influence in their lives and over the
lives of others, removing this perception can, according to Schutz, compromise the cohesion of
the groups. In the Nazi prison camps, the guards succeeded in doing just that. The prisoners
were forced to say "thou" to one another, which in Germany is indiscriminately used only among
small children. Using this term with adults shows a lack of respect, but the Nazi guards did not
permit the prisoners to address one another with the many titles to which middle and upper-class
Germans were accustomed. On the other hand, the prisoners had to address the guards in the
most deferential manner, showing respect by giving them all their titles (Bettelheim, 1953).
As Bettelheim pointed out, forcing these adults to live like children, to speak like and to be
spoken to like children caused them eventually to take on some characteristics of children. They
were unable to plan for the future, and they were unable to establish durable relationships. The
Nazi prisoners had no control over their lives, even to the extent that their most basic of human
needs for food, sleep, and using the toilet were controlled by the guards. Numerous accounts
claim many prisoners eventually reverted to such childlike behaviors as bed-wetting and soiling
themselves. The need for control was purposefully thwarted for these prisoners. Expressions of
independence, rebellion, and resistance were almost certain triggers for more abuse, so these
prisoners did not find control within their own lives or through forming relationships with other
Groups as Systems of Control
The VPOWs, on the other hand, did form groups and relied on their system to help them
overcome some of the adversity of the situation. These prisoners, like the Nazi prisoners, were
treated like children. Satisfaction of their basic physiological needs was also determined by their
guards; however, one significant difference is apparent. The Vietnam prisoners had a system for
resisting. They were forced to submit and comply with many of the guards' demands, but because
of their system of human connection, their group, they were able to rebel when prisoners in other
captivity situations had not been able to.
The Vietnamese captors, like the Nazi captors, tried to break the power of the group, but the
Vietnamese were not so formidable. The Nazis were successful in controlling the prisoners
because the prisoners had no system for resisting the coercion. When the North Vietnamese tried
to impose a rule similar to the Nazi's rule of saying "thou" to one another, they were met with
unexpected resistance. For example, the VPOWs refused to give into the captives' demands that
they refrain from addressing each other by rank.
The VPOWs also created humor among themselves, and in so doing, exercised control in
another sense. Humor has its basis in the individual, but it manifests itself in interpersonal
relationships. When responding to what helped them make it through, the research respondents
described humor from both an intrapersonal and interpersonal perspective. That is, they reported
a sense of humor within themselves and the laughter they shared with each other. One
participant’s observation that, “The larger the group, the more lighthearted things were. The
smaller the group, the more intense things were” reflected the comments of many.
As one man stated, “Believe it or not, even under the almost worst of conditions over there,
under the right circumstances, we could laugh.” They would say, “Well, boy, we’re going to look
back on this and laugh, but boy, it sure does hurt now.” Another participant added, “The first five
months I didn’t have a sense of humor. I was having great difficulty finding anything very funny
about the situation, and then I discovered by living with other people and the way we interacted,
that we eventually started being awfully funny.”
Henman Performance Group 636.537.3774
He went on to clarify the kind of humor he often found valuable. He remembers, “I lived next
to a guy in late ’67 who had been beaten very severely.” After several days of being beaten on a
routine basis, the friend reported he had been threatened that he would have both arms broken if
he did not answer the questions the next day. When asked what he intended to do, he replied, “I
don’t know. I suppose I’ll tap with my cast tomorrow.” The participant described this as an
“almost morbid sense of humor.” Another participant called this a type of “in-house humor.
“Those who have not experienced it could not understand how two men could find a discussion
about the honey bucket so funny. Taking off the lid and commenting that one had diarrhea and
one was constipated when they had both eaten the same thing was truly funny, but the humor is
lost on outsiders.”
A third participant called this “had to be there humor.” In explaining what he meant, he
mentioned an incident that the VPOWs found humorous. He had passed a worm of substantial
length, so he gave it to the guard, thinking the guard would take it to a doctor and request
medical attention for the parasites he obviously had: “So I handed it to him through the bars in
the door on a piece of bamboo stick, and the water girls were on the cell block at the time, and I
thought, ‘Hey, he’s going to take it to the doctor,’ you know, and ‘I’ll get some medicine here.’
So he closes the door and the starts chasing the water girls with it, screaming and laughing, and
the water cans tipped over.” He further commented that he too remembers mocking the situation
to find humor. He mentioned that one of the VPOWs with whom he was communicating tapped
to him that when he gets out and “he fills out his critique sheet,” he will tell them “The exercise is
real and it lasted too damn long.”
According to some VPOWs, the importance and the value of a sense of humor was first and
foremost. “Humor allows you to get up every morning and think this isn’t the end of the world,
so one’s sense of humor is pretty critical.” One VPOW reported that even after being beaten the
men ended up telling jokes to each other in spite of the miserable conditions of the cell. Some
others on the other side of the wall, who had also been beaten, tapped the question, “What’s so
funny?” The response was, “If you don’t have a sense of humor, you shouldn’t have joined up.”
One repatriated VPOW remarked on the link between humor and control. The value of order
and self-control is best appreciated in the light of the prisoner uncertainties and required
compliance's. In other words, taking charge of anything allowed a perception of some degree of
control (Naughton, 1975). Researchers Rahe and Geneder (1983) echoed Naughton’s
observations. They found that the use of humor was a way of exercising some control as well as
a means of coping. “Use of humor has an immense coping value. Getting the best of one’s
guards, on occasion, not only provides humorous remembrances that can be savored later, but
gives captives a moment of control in what otherwise is a totally uncontrolled situation” (p.580).
Human Connection at Work
To prevent a disjunction of the self and to find meaning in a situation void of meaning, the
VPOWs relied on resources many of them did not know they had. Their internal sense of mirth
and humor, their reliance on one another, and their group interactions all combined to create a
system for survival. Their humor perspective provided the framework for discovering how to
Henman Performance Group 636.537.3774
cope with their captivity, and their commitment to one another other gives an important
perspective about what coping is made of. The role humor can play in bouncing back from
adversity, especially when we are linked to others who will help us laugh, seems critical.
Groups operate as systems anytime people come together and communicate with one another
over a period of time to achieve a goal, but few groups rely on the system as much as a group in
crisis does. The VPOW system, with its related use of humor, acted as a type of anchor in
humanity for the VPOWs. Because they were cemented in a strong social structure, they had a
buffer against fragmentation of self or of the system. Humor within oneself and with others
allows for taking control of a senseless situation and for the establishment of groups.
The VPOW accounts indicate these men formed a system that defined and encouraged humor
among the group's members. These men relied on humor not in spite of the crisis but because of
it. The VPOWs' system was a powerful civilizing force that discouraged any antisocial slip into a
kind of jungle mentality. Control is central to individuals’ health, their personal benefits, and in the
case of the Vietnam POWs, their actual survival.
Bethelheim, B. (1953). Individual and mass behavior in extreme situations. Journal of
Abnormal and Social Psychology, 34. 417-452.
Naughton, R. (1975). Motivational factors of American prisoners of war held by the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Naval War College Review, 27. 2-14.
Henman Performance Group 636.537.3774
Rahe, R. & Geneder, E. (1983). Adaptation to and recovery from captivity stress. Military
Medicine, 148. 577-585.
Schutz, W. (1966). Interpersonal underworld. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavioral Books,
Schutz, W. (1992). Beyond FIRO-B--Three new theory-derived measures--Element B:
Behavior , element F: Feelings, element S: Self. Psychological Reports, 70. 915-937.
Henman Performance Group 636.537.3774
... Prior to this, laughter was a by-product of a theatre genre; comedy. Since then, literature has started covering humour as a health benefit of lowering stress (Henman, 2001;Robinson, 1983;Berk, 1998), increasing productivity in the workplace (Thomas & Al-Maskati, 1997) and even being beneficial in early education for encouraging engagement (Cornett, 1986;Davies & Apter, 1980;Kher et al., 1999). However, the literature covering use of humour as a teaching / learning tool with a focus on mature students in Higher Education appears to be extremely scarce. ...
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The focus of this study is on mature students in a UK university, returning to higher education after a gap of many years, and the experiences and perceptions this demographic has of humour in Higher Education (HE). This interpretivist phenomenological study uses semi-structured interviews with mature students in a UK university and identifies areas the students focus on when discussing their perceptions of humour in higher education. Through the detailed analysis of the data collected, six themes were selected by the researcher as it appears that students clearly deem them important to their educational journey in HE. Primary focus of the students is on the enjoyable and fun teaching style, followed by the relaxed learning environment conducive to feelings of safety. Both of these enable the learning and understanding of the content (cognition) and encourage engagement with the tutor and the peer group. According to the results obtained through the semi-structured interviews, the students make it clear that they want:”more humour” and “more fun”. Previous experiences of education (referred to as “traumas” by the participants) are revisited and students report their belief that they would have achieved much better GCSE results if humour was used in the classroom. Furthermore, the use of humour within the lectures in their current undertaking on the undergraduate level, is cited as a reason for potential progression beyond the current course of study, and onto the postgraduate level.
... However, humour is suggested as a very effective management tool that can be used to achieve goals (Duncan, 1982), and it is seen that it can be used in the workplace to create team unity, provide employee motivation, generate ideas, and prevent the spread of disappointment (Lyttle, 2007). While Yovetich et al. (1990) stated in their study that humour reduces the level of stress, Henman (2001) stated that a joke to be made in a stressful situation eliminates the feeling of losing control, and Dixon (1980) stated that the fear of losing control can be overcome with humour. Martineau (1972) stated that the feeling of togetherness in the workplace that can be created with humour will facilitate the sharing and management of the factors that cause stress, and Sykes (1966) stated that it will facilitate the establishment of different friendship relations. ...
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Depending on various factors in the workplace, employees are exposed to some effects such as stress and workload. The main purpose of this study is one way to explore whether stress and workload encountered in working life can cause many physical, mental, and spiritual effects on employees, and the other is determining which strategies can be developed regarding stress and workload. Within the scope of the study, concepts of stress and workload were defined within a literature review. This study tries to sort and classify which strategies could be used when faced with stress and workload. It is possible that effective strategies applied when encountering negative situations in organizations where the employees are able to cope with stress and workload will result in positive outcomes. Managing of both concepts is possible with the help of effective strategies.
... However, humour is suggested as a very effective management tool that can be used to achieve goals (Duncan, 1982), and it is seen that it can be used in the workplace to create team unity, provide employee motivation, generate ideas, and prevent the spread of disappointment (Lyttle, 2007). While Yovetich et al. (1990) stated in their study that humour reduces the level of stress, Henman (2001) stated that a joke to be made in a stressful situation eliminates the feeling of losing control, and Dixon (1980) stated that the fear of losing control can be overcome with humour. Martineau (1972) stated that the feeling of togetherness in the workplace that can be created with humour will facilitate the sharing and management of the factors that cause stress, and Sykes (1966) stated that it will facilitate the establishment of different friendship relations. ...
Depending on various factors in the workplace, employees are exposed to some effects such as stress and workload. The main purpose of this study is one way to explore whether stress and workload encountered in working life can cause many physical, mental, and spiritual effects on employees, and the other is determining which strategies can be developed regarding stress and workload. Within the scope of the study, concepts of stress and workload were defined within a literature review. This study tries to sort and classify which strategies could be used when faced with stress and workload. It is possible that effective strategies applied when encountering negative situations in organizations where the employees are able to cope with stress and workload will result in positive outcomes. Managing of both concepts is possible with the help of effective strategies.
The article is interested in the role of humour employed in memes on X by the government of Ukraine in the war following the invasion by Russia in 2022. It brings insights from cultural and humour studies as well as psychology into politics and shows how and what kind of humour the government around President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a professional comedian, uses in their meme communication via social media in order to communicate with the public, seek global legitimacy and support, as well as depict and attack the enemy. It shows that the government uses a broad set of different humour types, styles and theories while completely avoiding self-deprecation as a humour style and humour which corresponds to relief theory. While this absence may not seem surprising at first in a situation of war in which there is a need to maintain tension towards the enemy, to galvanize support and avoid emphasizing own faults which might make it appear weak, the void of such forms of humour should be reconsidered. While this absence may not seem surprising during a war – a time in which there is a need to maintain tension towards the enemy, to galvanize support and to avoid emphasizing one’s own faults so as not to give the appearance of weakness – the void of such forms of humour should be reconsidered. The article calls for further research on the benefits and limitations of laughter in war. It argues that both relief theory and self-deprecation can be effective tools of crisis communication as these forms of humour can contribute to the portrayal of confidence and strength, while also providing a means of dealing with the difficult and traumatic experiences the population is facing in times of war.
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Les mèmes suscitent un vif intérêt dans les sciences humaines étant donné leur capacité à refléter le cadre socioculturel et psychologique de leurs concepteurs. Cet intérêt se développe car les mèmeurs y ont recours pour s’adapter à la crise sanitaire de la COVID19. Dans notre mémoire qui s’inscrit dans l’analyse du discours, nous étudions le processus de l’événementialisation de cette crise à travers les procédés discursifs employés par des mèmeurs algériens dans le but de comprendre comment elle se reflète dans cette nouvelle pratique discursive. Memes generate a great deal of interest in social science due to their ability to reflect the socio-cultural and psychological frame of their designers. This interest is growing as memers are using it to adapt to the COVID19 health crisis. In our thesis which enrolls in discourse analysis, we study the process of eventization of this crisis through discursive strategies used by Algerian memers in order to understand how it is reflected in this new speech practice.
The authors of this chapter draw upon their respective research experiences in Nepal and Afghanistan to discuss the use of humour during times of political uncertainty, conflict, and displacement from a geopolitical perspective. The authors argue that humour is a method for creating shared spaces of connection and community during adversity. Vulnerable populations often experience humour through the temporally limited spaces of connection and community it creates. Humour is also used as a method for countering oppression, structural and physical violence, and identity-based marginalization. When uncertainty is met through humour and humorous actions, it creates moments of solidarity among the actors. This chapter provides an overview of the literature in geography on the geopolitics of humour followed by each author’s discussion of political and everyday uses of humour in Nepal and Afghanistan. The Nepal case study examines uses of humour among Tibetan refugees and indigenous Himalayan communities when faced with state surveillance and political marginalization. The Afghanistan case study examines humour through the media and everyday interactions among individuals in the face of profound political precarity, violence, and continued uncertainty.
In line with Positive Psychology’s focus on humour as a coping mechanism for challenging situations, which has a positive impact on individuals’ psychological well-being (Peterson and Seligman, Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. Oxford University Press, 2004), this chapter looks at how German Turkish descendants use humour as a strategy to cope with and challenge dominant Discourses of social integration in Germany. This chapter focuses on the perspective of those who are affected in different ways by mainstream Discourses around (and perceived lack of) integration into German society, namely adolescents of German Turkish descent. In over 13 hours of audio-recorded discussions, our participants often utilise humour as a coping mechanism to make fun of and at the same time criticise the difficulties of social integration. Findings illustrate that humour is an important strategy frequently used to assist speakers to talk about the unsayable (Billig, Discourse & Society, 12(3), 267–289, 2001), to collaboratively make meaning of their own experiences in a difficult context, and to eventually challenge, resist, and possibly change current mainstream Discourses about the difficulties of social integration.
This study examines the relationships between workplace humor, manager gender, and leadership outcomes. A sample of 321 business school alumni provided data on the use of both positive and negative humor by their managers and described their managers’ relative use of task behavior, relationship behavior, and overall effectiveness. While humor was expected to affect perceived leader behavior and effectiveness, an interaction between humor use and manager gender was hypothesized where male managers were advantaged in ratings relative to females. The results show that positive humor is associated with higher ratings of desirable leader behaviors. Negative humor use was only associated with lower task-behavior ratings. Significant interactions between gender and humor use were found on relationship behavior and effectiveness, however the direction was not as predicted. Female managers using positive humor at work were rated higher than males in leader outcomes while females using negative humor were rated lower than males in those outcomes. Positive humor use may benefit managers (especially females) by improving communication and group relations.
Humor has been suggested as an effecive management tool. Reviewed in this paper is the existing research on humor appreciation or what is funny to whom; the influence of humor on group characteristics such as cohesiveness, communications, power, and status; and the linkage, if any, between group dynamic variables and human performance. A list of guidelines for management in matching humor with the situation is given, and some priorities are suggested for research.
In attempting to persuade employees to support an organizational change strategy, managers usually place their prime emphasis on the cognitive elements of persuasion, using mainly rational arguments. The central message of this article is that, in any change implementation program. the emotional elements of persuasion must be taken into consideration. The importance of emotions in organizations is discussed, and practical methods on how to use emotions in the change process are offered. These methods are organized around five domains: the core messages, how the messages are packaged. the characteristics of the change leaders, the interaction of change leaders with their audience, and the setting in which interactions with employees take place.
In this study, we examined the links between leadership style, the use of humor, and two measures of performance. Results indicated that leadership style was moderated by the use of humor in its relationship with individual and unit-level performance. Implications for further research on the use of humor by leaders are discussed.
Previous research on ingratiation in organizations has identified various categories of ingratiatory behaviors. However, these studies have failed to mention or investigate the ingratiatory power of humor. I integrate past research on ingratiation with research on humor in organizations to propose humor as a type of ingratiatory behavior in the workplace. I describe how humor affects targets, including determinants of humor's effectiveness as an ingratiation strategy, and various outcomes of humor as an ingratiation tactic.
Humor has been suggested as an effecive management tool. Reviewed in this paper is the existing research on humor appreciation or what is funny to whom; the influence of humor on group characteristics such as cohesiveness, communications, power, and status; and the linkage, if any, between group dynamic variables and human performance. A list of guidelines for management in matching humor with the situation is given, and some priorities are suggested for research.