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Western Range Extension for Nereocystis luetkeana in the North Pacific Ocean



Discovery of a bed of Nereocystis luetkeana (Mertens f.) Postels et Ruprecht extends the known range of this species to Umnak Island, about 100 km west of Unalaska Island in the eastern Aleutians. This abrupt range termination cannot be correlated with similarly abrupt changes in environmental parameters, but light limitation is suggested as the most likely factor limiting the distribution of Nereocystis. The range of Nereocystis may fluctuate according to long term cycles, as do the ranges of other kelps in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.
Mi11er and Estes: Western range extension lor Nereotl'stis luetkeana in thc north Pacific 535
Botanica Marina
Vol. 32. pp. 535-538, 1989
western Range Extension for lr{ereocystis luetkeana
in the North Pacific Ocean
K. A. Iv{iller and J. A. Estes*
Llniversity Herbarium, university o/ CatiJbrnia, Berkeley, Cali/ornia 94720' Lr's.4.
* U.,S. Fish and Witettife Seryice,lnstitute of Marine Slutlies, Llniversitv- o.f California, Santa Crtrz, Califurniu
95064, U.S.A.
(Accepted 1 July 1989)
Discovery of a bed of Nereocy-stis luetkeana (Mertens f.) Postels el Ruprecht extends the known range of this
species to Umnak Island, about 100 km west of Unalaska Island in the eastern Aleutians. This abrupt range
tirmination cannot be correlated with similarly abrupt changes in environmental parameters, but light
limitation is suggested as the most likely factor limiting the distribution of Nereoi',i s/rs. The range of ly'er eocystis
may fluctuate according to long term cycles, as do the ranges of other kelps in the northeastern Pacific Ocean'
The western distributional boundary of the annual
kelp Nereoc.vstis luetkeana (Mertens f.) Postels el Ru-
precht (Lessoniaceae, Laminariales) is variously re-
corded as Unalaska Island, Alaska (53.19'N'
161"25'W; e.g., Druehl 19'70, Lindstrom 1917,
Hawkes et al. 1978, Scagel et al. 1987) or the Shu-
magin Islands, Alaska (50'5'N, 159"45'W; e' g', Vadas
1912, Abbott and Hollenberg 1976) (Fig' 1)' The
occurrence of attached populations has not been sub-
stantiated west of Unalaska Island, although drift
plants have been sighted throughout the Aleutian
chain to Attu Island (Lebednik and Palmisano 19ll;
our own observations and voucher specimen UC
1569901 from Chichagof Harbor, Attu Island), the
Commander Islands (Kardakova-Prezhentsova 1 938)'
the Kuril Islands (Abbott and Hollenberg 1976) and
Japan (Kawashima 1986)'
During a five week cruise in June-July 1987, we did
not observe attached plants from Attu Island through
the Islands of the Four Mountains, but on 11 July
1987. at the southwest end of Umnak Island, Alaska,
we saw what we believe to be the westernmost pop-
ulation of Nereocl'slls. We anchored and dove at
52'51.57'N, 168'56.87'W (Fig. 1, diamond symbol)'
This site is 2 degrees (about 100 km) west of Unalaska
Island, and the l{ereot'.vstis bed extended at least
several kilometers farther to the west. The bed con-
sisted of mature plants growing in depths of 6 - 12 m,
forming a substantial surface canopy. Two juvenile
plants (10 cm tall) were seen. Most pneumatocysts
exceeded 15 cm in diameter; stipes were up to 12 m
long, and blades, also up to 12 m long, bore fertile
sori. Upper portions of the stipes were heavily epi-
phytized with meter long thalli of reproducrive Por-
phyra nereotTslis Anderson and other algae. The low-
relief bottom was dominated by filter-feeding inver-
tebrates, especially encrusting sponges and barnacles'
The kelps Laminaria groenlandica Rosenvinge and L'
yezoensis Miyabe were well-developed, but the red
algal understory was depauperate. The predatory gas-
tropod Thais lamellosa (Gmelin 1791) and the pred-
atory asteroids Pycnopodia helianthoides (Brandt
1835) and Orthosterias kohleri (de Loriol 1897) were
common. From the faunal composition of this com-
536 Miller and Estes: Western range cxtension for Nereot'y.rtis luetkeana in thc north Pacific
Fig. 1. The Aleutian Islands (insert shows position of the Alcutian chain with respect to the mainland). Black diamond indicates
site of the Nereocystis bed off Umnak Island.
munity and the absence of Alaria fistulosaPostels et
Ruprecht, we infer that this site is exposed to swells
and currents passing through the adjacent Samalga
Pass (between Umnak and the Islands of the Four
The large size and the maturity ol these Nereocystis
plants and their epiphytes were surprising. Hawkes
(1981) described the seasonal occurrence of Nereo-
cystis in Barkley Sound on the west side ol Vancouver
Island, Canada (48"50'N, 125'11'W). There, sporo-
phytes appear at the beginning of March and reach
the surface by July, at which time stipe elongation is
reduced. Epiphytes appear in August and increase in
abundance through the winter. Porphyra nereocystis
appears in late November or early December and is
reproductive from January to July. Most of lhe ltler-
eocystis population is carried away by winter storms.
Porphyra present in spring and summer is epiphytic
on Nereocyslrs surviving from the previous year.
Nereocysti,s sporophytes in the Umnak population
may have either started growing earlier or they grew
more quickly than those in the Vancouver Island
population; their summer condition seemed to be
equivalent to the fall and winter condition of the more
southern plants. Alternatively, the entire population
may be composed of second-year plants (holdovers
from the previous season). This situation is unlikely,
however, as most plants appeared to be similar in size
and maturity, and no cohort of younger plants was
seen. Because we were able to observe this population
only once, we cannot confirm this apparent difference
in seasonal development, but can suggest that the
Umnak population, like those farther south, is essen-
tially annual with some plants persisting into a second
We are intrigued by the abrupt termination of Ner-
eocy,stis east of Samalga Pass and the exuberant
expression ol growth and reproduction in this popu-
lation on the margin of the species' geographic range.
Two explanations are generally given for such a pat-
1) further expansion westward is limited by a barrier
to dispersal or
2) habitats to the west are physically or biologically
unsuitable for growth andf or reproduction.
Although we noted high-velocity currents in Samalga
Pass that might prevent I{ereocystis from successfully
dispersing west to the Islands of the Four Mountains,
the broad distribution of apparently healthy drift
plants at islands as far west as the Kuril and Japanese
archipelagos argues against the dispersal barrier hy-
Seawater temperature gradients are often correlated
with changes in plant distribution, especially latitu-
dinal (e.g., Setchell 1920). Liining and Freshwater
(1988) concluded that a species' upper temperature
limit was a conservative taxonomic trait and deter-
mines the southern limits of its distribution. Usins
Miller and Estes: Western range extension lor Nereocystis luetkeana in the north Pacific 537
net positive photosynthesis as a criterion for survival,
they lound that l{ereocyslrs sporophytes were able to
survive one week at temperatures ranging from
- 1.5 'C to 18 'C. Vadas (1912) showed, through cul-
ture studies, that the eflective temperature limits for
reproduction in Nereor:ysrrs sporophytes and game-
tophytes are 3 'C and 1l '''C. It seems unlikely that
diflerences in sea water temperature sulficient to limit
reproduction in lVereocyslls occur over the less than
20 km separating the west end of Umnak Island and
the Islands of the Four Mountains, especially since
the Kuroshio current moderates seawater tempera-
tures through most of the year along the Aleutian
chain (McAlister and Favorite 1977).
Yadas (1972) also demonstrated that temperature has
less effect than light intensity on the growth and
development of gametophytes and young sporo-
phytes, and that the total quantity of light (intensity
x photoperiod) is the most important factor in the
development of both phases. He correlated maximum
growth with periods of maximum light availability.
Although summer days are long at 50.N, the western
Aleutians are extremely foggy, especially during sum-
mer (Armstrcng 1977), and light levels are low. A1-
though Wheeler et al. (1984) demonstrated that l/er-
eocystis can utilize low levels of light for photosyn-
thesis, Duncan and Foreman (1980) reported that
stipe elongation in Nereocystis is a phytochrome-me-
diated response to far-red illumination. Fog may con-
tribute to a reduction in light quality as well as quan-
tity sufficient to inhibit stipe elongation. Thus, .Ay'er-
eocystis may be light-limited west of Umnak Pass,
especially at the time of its early growth, when tem-
peratures are also low (McAlister and Favorite 1977).
Alaria fistulosa, a canopy-forming kelp, is competi-
tively subordinate to the dense community of peren-
nial stipitate Laminaria species in the Aleutians (Day-
ton 1975). Nereocystis is also a poor competitor for
substrate. Cowen et al. (1982) stated that the annual
Nereocystis replaces the perennial Macrocystls only
when Macrocysrls is removed by storms. In California
and Washinglon, I\,trereocyslls is an opportunistic col-
onizer in sea urchin-dominated areas that lack per-
ennial algal cover (other than encrusting corallines)
and tend to have high light levels (e.g., troster 1982).
Still, the increase in sea urchin-dominated habitats in
the Aleutians since the extirpation of sea otters (e. g.
Estes 1977) has not promoted the western spread of
Environmental and biotic factors not considered here
or elsewhere must influence seaweed distributions in
this interesting region. The geographic range of Ma-
crocystis integrifolia Bory (Lessoniaceae) agrees
closely with that of l,{ereocystrs (Foster and Schiel
1985) and may be maintained by similar mechanisms,
as yet unknown. Our sighting of l{ereocystls at Um-
nak may represent evidence that the endpoint of the
range of Nereocystis in Alaska fluctuates according
to seasonal or larger cycles, as do those of Macrocystis
pyri/bra (Linnaeus) C. Agardh in Baja California,
Mexico (Foster and Schiel 1985) and Alariafistulosa
in southeast Alaska and northern British Columbia
(Widdowson 7964, L. Druehl, personal communica-
tion). In light of the difficulty of defining, either
descriptively or experimentally, mechanisms that
structure the geographic range of a given species, we
recognize that the maintenance of distributional limits
is a dynamic evolutionary process acting on the pop-
ulation level, rather than a hxed, specific attribute of
any individual plant.
We thank Drs P. Silva, R. Moe, D. Garbary, L.
Druehl and a reviewer lor the U. S. Fish and Wildlife
Service for critically reading this manuscript, and Dr
L. Vorobik lor preparing the illustration. We are also
grateful for support from N. S. F. Polar Biology and
Medicine Grant DPP-8421362 to C. Simenstad, D.
Duggins, and J. Estes; the crew of the P.IY Alpha
Helix; the U. S. Coast Guard (Kodiak Air Station,
17th District); and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Alaska Maritime Refuge (Kodiak Island, Aleutian
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... Indeed, floating rafts of Macrocystis pyrifera are commonly observed along the west coasts of North and South America (Dayton et al., 1984;Dayton, 1985;Hobday, 2000;Macaya et al., 2005;Hernández-Carmona et al., 2006;Rothäusler et al., 2009;Hinojosa et al., 2010;Macaya and Zuccarello, 2010), where they have been identified as important long distance dispersal vectors (Batista et al., 2018). Similarly, drifting Nereocystis leutkeana with reproductive sporophylls have been observed cast on the beach and floating near the coast of Shemya Island in the Aleutian Archipelago, which is approximately 1,170 kilometers to the west of the western range limit of the species at Unmak Island, Alaska (Miller and Estes, 1989). However, Nereocystis leutkeana has yet to establish large sporophytes to the west of Unmak Island, which may be due to constraints posed on its microscopic life stages (Miller and Estes, 1989; discussed below). ...
... Similarly, drifting Nereocystis leutkeana with reproductive sporophylls have been observed cast on the beach and floating near the coast of Shemya Island in the Aleutian Archipelago, which is approximately 1,170 kilometers to the west of the western range limit of the species at Unmak Island, Alaska (Miller and Estes, 1989). However, Nereocystis leutkeana has yet to establish large sporophytes to the west of Unmak Island, which may be due to constraints posed on its microscopic life stages (Miller and Estes, 1989; discussed below). Nereocystis leutkeana sporophytes have also been observed drifting along the coast of Oregon, USA where they have been identified as an important vector for the colonization of associated flora and fauna (Kidder, 2006). ...
... On a longitudinal gradient, Miller and Estes (1989) observed that the western range limit of Nereocystis leutkeana in the Aleutian Islands was set at Unmak Island, just to the east of the Samalga Pass. While they did not determine the factors that set this range limit, they did hypothesize that it was likely due, at least in part, to the ability of its microscopic stages to reproduce under the lower light conditions that are established by the heavier cloud and fog cover to the west. ...
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Kelp forests are experiencing broad scale declines in abundance and shifts in latitudinal ranges in many areas of the world due to numerous environmental stressors, especially those associated with climate change. While the majority of studies on kelp ecology have focused exclusively on the macroscopic sporophyte life stage, a growing number of studies is showing quite convincingly that the microscopic zoospore and gametophyte life stages can be important to establishing spatial patterns in these marine forests, and in facilitating their recovery following deforestation. Unfortunately, their microscopic sizes have made them difficult to study in the field, leading to a ‘black box’ surrounding what we know about their ecologies. However, advances in experimental methodologies and a growing number of laboratories studying kelp microscopic life stages are revealing how they are affected by variability in environmental conditions, and are providing a clearer picture of how kelp forests might respond to a changing ocean climate. These studies have largely revealed that kelps can disperse over a wide range of distances, enhanced by the synchronous release and vertical transport of zoospores into shallower water, and by floating rafts of reproductive thalli. Settlement on the benthos is facilitated by both positive and negative chemotaxis, and by active selection of microhabitats that favor their growth and survival. Following settlement and subsequent germination, the haploid gametophytes can delay their development and form a bank of microscopic forms that persist during periods that are unfavorable for the large sporophyte populations, or they can develop and undergo sexual reproduction during which they respond to variability in environmental conditions. In particular, they are strongly affected by increases in irradiance (PAR, UVA + UVB) and temperature, decreases in nutrients and salinity, and by sedimentation and grazing. However, the manner in which they respond to these stressors varies among species and with their geographic distributions, which is integral to establishing biogeographic patterns in the large sporophyte populations. Given these factors are expected to change as the ocean climate changes, these species-specific responses have significant implications for future patterns of distribution and abundance of these iconic marine forests.
... Consequently, the pass marks a transition where many offshore species, such as demersal fish and deep water faunal communities, reach their range limits and where the structure and productivity of pelagic food webs markedly differ on opposing sides of the pass (Sinclair & Zeppelin, 2002;Coyle, 2005;Jahncke et al., 2005;Logerwell et al., 2005). The pass also coincides with a transition in the community structure of many species of coastal fishes, in particular cods and greenlings (Konar et al., 2015), and marks where the forest-forming bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana, experiences its western range limit (Miller & Estes, 1989). Three explanations have been suggested to explain these abrupt changes in ecosystems at Samalga Pass: 1) differences in pass width and depth to the east and west; 2) water masses with differing physical and chemical properties to the east and west; and 3) an east to west change from large land masses on a wide continental shelf to small land masses on a narrow shelf . ...
... Instead, urchin barrens (i.e., areas that are devoid of most foliose macroalgae and have high densities of sea urchins) dominate the coastal rocky reefs throughout this region (Estes & Duggins, 1995). In contrast, east of Samalga Pass, urchin barrens are rare and the kelp forests are larger and dominated by two canopyforming species, E. fistulosa and Nereocystis luetkeana (Miller & Estes, 1989). The presence or absence of urchin barrens is dictated by overgrazing by green sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus spp.; invertebrate nomenclature from that has occurred following the widespread loss of their primary predator, the northern sea otter, Enhydra lutris (kenyoni) (Estes & Duggins, 1995;Estes et al., 1998). ...
... In particular, the forest-forming kelps Eualaria fistulosa and Nereocystis luetkeana differed in their abundances on opposing sides of the pass, with the most striking difference being the complete absence of N. luetkeana to the west of the pass. This is consistent with a report by Miller & Estes (1989), who described the geographic extent of N. luetkeana being Samalga Pass. While they speculated that this range limit resulted from light limitation to the west side of the pass, we find it surprising that N. ...
Biogeographic breaks are often described as locations where a large number of species reach their geographic range limits. Samalga Pass, in the eastern Aleutian Archipelago, is a known biogeographic break for the spatial distribution of several species of offshore-pelagic communities, including numerous species of cold-water corals, zooplankton, fish, marine mammals, and seabirds. However, it remains unclear whether Samalga Pass also serves as a biogeographic break for nearshore benthic communities. The occurrence of biogeographic breaks across multiple habitats has not often been described. In this study, we examined if the biogeographic break for offshore-pelagic communities applies to nearshore kelp forests. To examine whether Samalga Pass serves as a biogeographic break for kelp forest communities, this study compared abundance, biomass and percent bottom cover of species associated with kelp forests on either side of the pass. We observed marked differences in kelp forest community structure, with some species reaching their geographic range limits on the opposing sides of the pass. In particular, the habitat-forming kelp Nereocystis luetkeana, and the predatory sea stars Pycnopodia helianthoides and Orthasterias koehleri all occurred on the eastern side of Samalga Pass but were not observed west of the pass. In contrast, the sea star Leptasterias camtschatica dispar was observed only on the western side of the pass. We also observed differences in overall abundance and biomass of numerous associated fish, invertebrate and macroalgal species on opposing sides of the pass. We conclude that Samalga Pass is important biogeographic break for kelp forest communities in the Aleutian Archipelago and may demark the geographic range limits of several ecologically important species.
... For example, in giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, adult sporophytes were observed with viable sori after traveling over long distances (Reed, 1987;Hernańdez-Carmona et al., 2006), and sporophylls were found to maintain buoyancy for up to 21 days (Macaya et al., 2005). Rafts of N. luetkeana have been found far from both the southern and northern edges of the species distribution (Miller and Estes, 1989;Selivanova and Zhigadlova, 1997;Gibson et al., 2010). ...
... This extended dispersal capability may be due to the rafting of adult sporophytesa mechanism proposed for several kelps that could also occur in N. luetkeana (Macaya et al., 2005;Hernańdez-Carmona et al., 2006;Waters et al., 2018;Fraser et al., 2022). Rafts of N. luetkeana have been found far from both the southern and northern edges of the species distribution (Miller and Estes, 1989;Selivanova and Zhigadlova, 1997). In Macrocystis pyrifera, adult sporophytes have viable sori after traveling over long distances (Reed, 1987;Hernańdez-Carmona et al., 2006), and sporophylls were found to maintain buoyancy for up to 21 days (Macaya et al., 2005). ...
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Introduction In temperate regions, one of the most critical determinants of present range-wide genetic diversity was the Pleistocene climate oscillations, the most recent one created by the last glacial maximum (LGM). This study aimed to describe N. luetkeana genetic structure across its entire range (Alaska to California) and test different models of population connectivity within the Salish Sea. This region was colonized after the LGM and has been under increased disturbance in recent decades. Methods We utilized microsatellite markers to study N. luetkeana genetic diversity at 53 sites across its range. Using higher sampling density in the Salish Sea, we employed a seascape genetics approach and tested isolation by hydrodynamic transport and environment models. Results At the species distribution scale, we found four main groups of genetic co-ancestry, Alaska; Washington with Vancouver Island’s outer coast and Juan de Fuca Strait; Washington’s inner Salish Sea; and Oregon with California. The highest allelic richness (AR) levels were found in California, near the trailing range edge, although AR was also high in Alaska. The inner Salish Sea region had the poorest diversity across the species distribution. Nevertheless, a pattern of isolation by hydrodynamic transport and environment was supported in this region. Discussion The levels of allelic, private allele richness and genetic differentiation suggest that during the LGM, bull kelp had both northern and southern glacial refugia in the Prince of Wales Island-Haida Gwaii region and Central California, respectively. Genetic diversity in Northern California sites seems resilient to recent disturbances, whereas the low levels of genetic diversity in the inner Salish Sea are concerning.
... Bull kelp is distributed in the northeast Pacific from San Luis Obispo County in California to Unimak Island in the eastern Aleutians (Abbott and Hollenberg, 1992;Miller and Estes, 1989). Our study area included the Sonoma and Mendocino County coastlines in northern California, extending approximately 215 km from north to south (Fig. 1). ...
... Post-Miocene trans-Pacific expansions indicate either a less directional pattern of circulation or a temporally less consistent one. Passive transport across the North Pacific has been documented in both directions in recent times: westward transport of the large kelp Nereocystis nuetkeana (Miller & Estes, 1989), and eastward transport of Japanese boats and docks wrecked by the great Fukushima earthquake of 2011 (Carlton et al., 2017). Successful expansion depends not only on circulation and dispersal, but also on establishing viable populations. ...
... Other sitespecific factors such as sedimentation, light limitation, wave exposure, and biotic interactions (e.g., herbivory) may play additional roles in shaping these populations. For example, light limitation due to chronic fog cover has been suggested as a key factor in determining the abundance and distribution of Nereocystis in the Aleutians, as opposed to thermal constraints alone (Miller and Estes 1989). Another study implicated herbivory as a factor that can overshadow the role of an abiotic driver, in this case wave action, in determining the distribution and abundance of kelps (Duggins et al. 2001). ...
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Kelp forests and the many vital ecosystem services they provide are threatened as the severity of climate change and other anthropogenic stressors continues to mount. Particularly in the North Pacific, sea surface temperature is warming and glacial melt is decreasing salinity. This study explored the resiliency of early life-history stages of these foundation species through a factorial laboratory experiment. The effects of rising sea surface temperature under low salinity conditions on kelp spore settlement and initial gametophyte growth in Eualaria fistulosa, Nereocystis luetkeana, and Saccharina latissima were investigated. Decreased settlement and growth were observed in these species at elevated temperatures and at low salinity. Eualaria fistulosa spores and gametophytes were the most negatively impacted, compared to the more widely distributed N. luetkeana and S. latissima. These results suggest that N. luetkeana and S. latissima could potentially outperform E. fistulosa under projected conditions. However, despite decreased performance among all species, our findings indicate that these species are largely resilient to temperature changes when exposed to a low salinity, even when the temperature changes are immediate and extreme. By exploring how early life-history stages of several key kelp species are impacted by dual stressors, this research enhances our understanding of how kelp forests will respond to projected and extreme changes in temperature when already stressed by low salinity.
... Although the species' ranges overlap throughout much of coastal Alaska, the southern extent E. fistulosa occurs in southeastern Alaska while the distribution of N. luetkeana extends further south (i.e., into warmer waters) to Point Conception, California. The western extent of N. luetkeana occurs at Samalga Pass near the base of the Aleutian Islands in southwestern Alaska, while the range of E. fistulosa continues west (i.e., into colder waters) along the Aleutian Archipelago to the islands north of Japan (Miller and Estes 1989). While both species form dense surface canopies, they have dissimilar morphologies, with E. fistulosa producing a single large blade that extends from the benthos to the sea surface and provides substantial midwater and surface structure, and N. luetkeana producing a single thin stipe that provides little mid-water structure but numerous blades at or near the surface that provide substantial structure in the upper few meters of the water column ( Fig. 1). ...
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In many temperate, rocky-reef coastal ecosystems, kelp forests modify alongshore currents, impact invertebrate settlement, and regulate understory algal abundances. Along the southern coasts of Alaska, in particular, two species of canopy-forming kelps with dissimilar morphologies, Nereocystis luetkeana and Eualaria fistulosa, co-occur but vary in their distributions and patterns of abundance, with one species often replacing the other at given sites in subsequent years. As a result, their differences in morphology may affect patterns of current flow through the forests, which could have strong impacts on invertebrate settlement and benthic diversity, particularly in Kachemak Bay, Alaska (59° 36′33ʺN, 151° 20′51ʺW), which experiences large tidal fluctuations resulting in strong alongshore currents. In this study, significant differences in current reductions were observed between the two kelp forest types within Kachemak Bay, but these reductions were small compared to the natural spatiotemporal variability of currents within the bay, and they were primarily limited to the upper few meters of the water column where the two species exhibit their greatest differences in morphology. Consequently, invertebrate settlement and abundance differed between the two kelp forest types as well as among study sites within the bay. In addition, there were differences observed in the composition and abundance of understory algae between the two forest types, which were presumably due to differences in shading abilities of the dominant kelps. Together, our results suggest that future changes in the distribution and abundances of these two kelp forest types may result in corresponding changes in hydrodynamic conditions within the forests, and thereby impact invertebrate and benthic algal assemblages.
Interactions in the Marine Benthos - edited by Stephen J. Hawkins August 2019
Characteristics of an organism's life history are often good predictors of genetic diversity and genetic structure. We tested hypotheses about genetic structure and diversity in an intertidal alga based on life history and life form. Fucus spiralis L. is a perennial monoecious alga that is abundant on the shores of Maine. Reproduction in fucoids is highly sensitive to water motion, resulting in fertilization success close to 100%. Given these life history characteristics, we predicted genetic structure among populations to be high and genetic diversity within populations to be low. We used five microsatellite loci to analyze genetic structure and diversity in F. spiralis from four sites on each of two coastal points, Maine, USA. Observed heterozygosities were relatively low (0.23 to 0.56), and F-IS estimates were usually significantly large, ranging from 0.021 to 0.476. This suggests that selfing and/or inbreeding may occur. Contrary to predictions, genetic differentiation between the two coastal points was insignificant. Moreover, few sites were genetically different from one another. Pairwise tests revealed complex patterns among sites. Genetic differentiation was not correlated with distance (P > 0.05). Life history characteristics are good predictors of genetic diversity but not of population genetic structure in F. spiralis. We suggest that long distance dispersal of F. spiralis via drifting algal rafts increases gene flow. In addition, low levels of genetic structure may arise due to episodic recruitment or recent recolonization events. We discuss the implications of our results in terms of using life history characteristics as predictors of genetic diversity and structure in algae.
Possible explanations are provided for a finding of a giant brown alga, Nereocystis luetkeana (Mert.) P. et R. belonging to the family Lessoniaceae (Laminariales) in Avachinskaya Bay (southeastern Kamchatka). This alga has never been observed there before. Changes in the system of sea currents in that part of the northwestern Pacific are proposed as one of possible reasons for this phenomenon. A possibility that representatives of the family Lessoniaceae grow on the Commander Islands is discussed. Analyzing inconsistent literature information and results of original long-term observations, the author proposes that these algae were reported for the Commander Islands erroneously.
The distribution of 40 species of Laminariales is described for the northeast Pacific coast from Santa Margarita Island, Baja California, Mexico to Attu Island, Alaska, U. S. A. In general this coast can be described as an area of gradual floristic change which can, however, be divided into seven broad transitional regions separated by regions of no floristic change. The relative distribution of Lessoniaceae, Alariaceae, and Laminariacea along the northeast pacific coast defines three distinct coastal floras: a southern segment from Santa Margarita Island to the Strait of Juan de Fuca; a northern segment from Hope Island, British Columbia, Canada, to Yakutat, Alaska; and a western segment from Kodiak Island, Alaska to Attu Island, Alaska.
Pigment levels, photosynthetic performance, and tissue nitrogen levels of three age-class blade disks of Nereocystis luetkeana were followed over one complete and two partial growth seasons. Chlorophyll (chl) a, fucoxanthin, and chlorophyll c all showed high levels in fall–winter and low levels in late summer. The molar ratios also varied with much higher fucoxanthin: chl a and chl c: chl a ratios in early spring than in late summer–fall. Plots of maximum photosynthetic rates (Pmax) at saturating light intensities and initial slopes (α) derived from photosynthetic rates at subsaturating light intensities also showed seasonal variations, with maxima in August and September and minima in April. The saturating light irradiance, IR, also showed a maximum in late summer and a minimum in winter. Tissue nitrate levels were high in winter, declined to near zero levels in May–August, and increased again in fall–winter. Amino acids and total N followed a similar pattern. The older tissues farthest from the bulb had higher Pmax and pigment levels as well as internal nitrate levels than young proximal tissues. Environmental data on sea-water nitrate, photon flux density, and temperature and data on mannitol and total C are presented. It appears that there is a significant negative correlation between photon flux density and initial slope of photosynthesis and between Pmax and temperature below 15 °C. At temperatures above 15 °C, internal N concentrations, which in turn are governed by the ambient nitrate concentration, appear to become limiting. Pigment levels, especially chlorophyll a, showed a direct correlation with ambient nitrate. These data are discussed in relation to the possible biennial nature and growth strategy of Nereocystis.
Giant kelp forests are marine communities dominated by the large brown alga, Macrocystis pyrifera. In the northern hemisphere, stands of this species occur along the outer coast of the eastern Pacific from near Santa Cruz in central California to the central coast of Baja California, Mexico. Plants are usually attached to rocky substrata at depths of 5 to 20 m. These submarine forests are probably the most species-rich, structurally complex and productive communities in temperate waters. This profile reviews the relevant literature (over 400 citations) describing M. pyrifera, the organisms associated with it, the interactions among these organisms, and environmental factors that affect the distribution and structure of the community. The state of our knowledge about giant kelp forests is summarized, and suggestions are made for future research and management. 31 figs., 12 tabs.
Preliminary evidence is presented which indicates that far-red irradiation promotes and near-red inhibits rapid stipe elongation in Nereocystis luetkeana (Mertens) Postels & Ruprecht. Laboratory results showed afar-red reversal of red inhibition, but a red/far-red reversal was not evident in field experiments. The effects of changing ratios of red and far-red irradiation brought about by selective water absorption are discussed in relation to stipe elongation of Nereocystis.
Meiospores, gametophytes grown in culture and then fragmented in a blendor, and young sporophytes of N. luetkeana, were grown at varying temperatures, light intensities, photoperiods, and densities. Vegetative growth occurred over a wider range of environmental conditions than did sexuality. Gametophytes matured at 5, 10, and 15 C but not at 20 C. Low light., 15 ft-c (161 lux), and short day photo-periods (8–16) inhibited or greatly retarded sexuality. Saturation intensities for sexuality occurred between 100 and 200 ft-c (1076 and 2152 lux). Maximal rates of sexuality occurred at or above light, intensities of 3200 ft-c hr/day on an alternating (16–8) light-dark cycle. Light was determined to be the single most important factor in sexuality and subsequent sporophyte growth. Increased density did not affect sexuality but significantly reduced sporophyte growth. Field light intensities beneath lower canopy kelps were below minimal light requirements for gametophyte maturation. These data support, the view that light sets the lower limits on vertical distribution and that, temperature is involved in the latitudinal range of N. luetkeana. These and other studies suggest that the anomalous shallow water depth distribution of N. luetkeana in the San Juan Islands is partly the result of competition for light and not light attenuation, per se.
The relative effects of sea urchin grazing and physical disturbance on community structure in a Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C.A. Agardh forest were examined experimentally. Sea urchins, Strongylocentrotusfranciscanus (Agassiz), were removed from shallow (8.5 m) and deep water (11.5 m) sites and subsequent changes in the algal and invertebrate populations followed relative to unmanipulated areas for over 12 months. Unusually high water motion also occurred during the experiment, allowing a comparison of grazing and storm effects. The results indicate that algal species composition, abundance, and distribution are strongly influenced by storm-related water motion by (1) initially reducing algal cover, especially the kelp canopy, (2) providing space for recruitment via abrasion and removal of portions of the substratum, and (3) causing apparent clumping of sea urchins in protected areas. Sea urchins dispersed after the storms, and there was a six-fold increase in algal cover, especially of the brown alga Desmarestia ligulata var. ligulata (Lightf.) Lamour. However, canopy-forming brown algal cover was generally higher and remained higher in urchin removal sites, while understory red algal cover was generally higher and remained higher in control sites. Other studies have suggested the sea otter—sea urchin—algae interaction as most important in structuring nearshore kelp communities in the North Pacific. Although changes in community structure related to sea otter predation on sea urchins may vary, our results suggest they will be less important than seasonal and year-to-year changes associated with storms in this study area.