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Hierarchical Support Vector Machines for Audio Classification


Abstract and Figures

Audio data is one of typical multimedia data and it contains plenty of information. Audio retrieval is becoming important content in multimedia information retrieval. In multimedia retrieval researches, it becomes more and more important research part how to construct better classifiers for audio classification and retrieval. Support Vector Machines, a novel method of the Pattern Recognition, presents excellent performance in solving the problems with small sample, nonlinear and local minima. But audio classification is a multi-class classification problem and it's just one of problems to be solved in SVM researches. In this paper, it compares several common Support Vector Machines and proposes a hierarchical Support Vector Machines based on audio features cluster method, combining audio features and hierarchical SVMS. It uses hierarchical classification method to classify audio data and it's proved better performance by experiments.
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Published by World Academic Press, World Academic Union
ISSN 1746-7659, England, U
Journal of Information and Computin
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2006, pp. 115-118
Hierarchical Support Vector Machines for Audio
Classification *
Xin He 1 +, Yaqin Zhao 1 and Xianzhong Zhou 2
1 School of Automatic Control, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
2 School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
( Received October 19, 2005, Accepted January 30, 2006 )
Abstract. Audio data is one of typical multimedia data and it contains plenty of information. Audio
retrieval is becoming important content in multimedia information retrieval. In multimedia retrieval
researches, it becomes more and more important research part how to construct better classifiers for audio
classification and retrieval. Support Vector Machines, a novel method of the Pattern Recognition, presents
excellent performance in solving the problems with small sample, nonlinear and local minima. But audio
classification is a multi-class classification problem and it’s just one of problems to be solved in SVM
researches. In this paper, it compares several common Support Vector Machines and proposes a hierarchical
Support Vector Machines based on audio features cluster method, combining audio features and hierarchical
SVMS. It uses hierarchical classification method to classify audio data and it’s proved better performance by
Keywords: support vector machines (SVMs), feature cluster, audio features
1. Introduction
The Statistical Learning Theory is the theory for research machine learning rules in small sample conditions.
And Support Vector Machines is kernel content of the Statistical Learning Theory, which is based on one of
kernel concepts of the Statistical Learning Theory—VC dimension and the theory of Structure Risk
Minimization. It can overcome problems of dimension and local minimization, which exist in traditional
machine learning methods [1, 2]. SVMs have been applied in Pattern Recognition, Regression Estimation
and Probability Density Function Estimation, etc. For example, it uses SVMs to solve classification problems
in Pattern Recognition, such as speech recognition, face recognition and handwritten numeral recognition,
There are two main problems to be solved in the SVMs research. The first one is how to effectively
apply separation methods used in two-class to multi-class classification problems, namely classification of
multi-class. Some effective classifiers for multi-class are designed based on classifier for two-class, such as
1-v-1, 1-v-r and Decision Directed Acyclic Graph (DDAG) [3,4], etc. The second problem is the sensitivity
to the noisy data.
In the paper, it discusses some usual SVMs classification methods [5-7] and presents a method, which
applies hierarchical Support Vector Machines based on feature cluster to audio classification. The rest of this
paper is organized as follows. In S ection 2 some audio classification and audio extraction are introduced.
Section 3 describes several common SVMs methods [5-7]. In Section 4, the method of hierarchical Support
Vector Machines based on feature cluster is presented. Finally, in Section 5, experiments and evaluations on
audio data are given.
2. Audio Features
It’s always based on audio features for audio classification. Audio feature extraction becomes one of
emphases in audio classification. Feature extraction includes the temporal and spectral characteristics. Some
usual features will be described in this section.
* The research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu province in China BK2004137).
+ Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Xin He, Yaqin Zhao, Xianzhong Zhou: Hi erarchical Support Vector Machines for Audio Classification
JIC email for contribution:
2.1. Temporal characteristics
It’s one of usual methods to capture the temporal characteristics. And it’s also used extensively. As a kind of
temporal signal, it’s intuitionistic to capture the temporal characteristics. These features are Short-Time
Average Zero-Crossing Rate, Short-Time Energy, etc. For example, Short-Time Average Zer o-Crossing Rate
is proved to be useful in characterizing different audio signals, especially in speech/music classification
2.2. Spectral characteristics
In audio theory, each audio signal is composed of sound wave in different time, frequency and energy
amplitude. Different frequency components can be decomposed by the Fourier Transform. There are several
Spectral characteristics such as LPC, MFCC, etc. LPC is extracted from every Shot-Time audio clip. Static
characteristics of audio in short time can be described by LPC and dynamic characteristics can be described
by difference of LPC. Audio data are processed with Z-transform and logarithm processing, and then
MFCCs can be obtained, described as Figure 1. 12-order MFCCs are usually used because of its good
discriminating ability.
Fig. 1: Mel-scaled frequency Cepstral coefficients.
3. Typical SVM Methods
3.1. Standard SVMs classification of two-class
Supposing a set of training data,
)}y,x(,),y,x(),y,x{(D mm2211 L=
1,1, ii yRx , and i
y is a class label.
The purpose of SVMs is to find decision function )(xf by training, which can construct separating
hyper-planes to classifier two different samples and maximize the margin. That is to say to solve the problem
of quadratic programming [2], described as follows:
ξ+ωω=ξωϕ =
1i i
.t.s iii 1]b)x[(y ξ+ω
It can be resolved into extreme value problem of quadratic function by seeking dual problem of the
above equation:
1j,i j
1i i)x,x(Kyy
1i ii
Then the separation decision function can be described as follows after finding the optimal solution:
]b)x,x(Ky[sign)x(f m
1i iii +
α= =
3.2. Multi-class classification
There are mainly two solutions in multi-class separation. Firstly, several classifiers of two-class are
combined to apply to separate multi-class, including 1-v-1, 1-v-r and DDAG, etc. If classifying N classes, it
needs N two-class classifiers by using 1-v-1, N(N-1)/2 by 1-v-r, and it also needs N(N-1)/2 by DDAG. These
methods are faster than typical algorithms, but the number of classifiers becomes more and more as the
Journal of Information and Computing Science, 1 (2006) 2, pp 115-118
JIC email for subscription:
number of classes increasing. Secondly, hierarchical classifier tree is constructed. In the tree, each node
denotes a two-class classifier, which can complete a predefined separation. In this method, the structure of
classifiers is simple and clear. The predefined separation can be defined according features of sample vectors.
It also needs less number of classifiers than algorithm described above and the runtime is shorter. There exits
obvious predominance as long as the layers of separation subtask is defined logically. In this paper, it’s just
based on features of audio data to cluster and complete separation.
4. Hierarchical SVM Audio Classification Method Based on Feature Cluster
4.1. Hierarchical SVM classification tree
One of important problems in multi-class pattern recognition is ambiguous class, which means that there is a
set of subset including classes of 1~N, and all sample feature vectors are similar. Light error in metrical
features can result in misclassification. The main idea of multi-class classifiers is first to separate ambiguous
class roughly, which is to be classified, then fine classify.
The definition of separation subtask is the kernel section of the design of hierarchical classification tree.
And it’s referred to efficiency and performance of classification tree. Figure 2 describes this method.
Fig. 1: Examples of hierarchical classification trees
4.2. Hierarchical SVM classification tree based on feature cluster
There are extensive sounds in the nature, such as speech, music and environment sound, etc. People can
apperceive sounds by aural signature. Naturally, they hope to retrieve audio information by aural signature
too. It can be realized to classify and retrieve audio data only when extensive aural signature is obtained from
audio data. Main features of audio data are composed of temporal and spectral characteristics. Temporal
characteristics mainly include average energy, zero-crossing rate (ZCR) and silencing ratio, etc. Spectral
characteristics include bandwidth, frequency spectrum, harmonic and tone, etc. In this paper, these
characteristics are used in audio feature cluster and hierarchical SVM is combined to classify audio data.
The method is described as follows. Supposing there are N classes audio to be classified.
Step 1: Dispose N classes audio data by the Fast Fourier Transfor m (FFT), then calculate audio features
accordingly by different algorithms, including bandwidth, ZCR, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
(MFCCs), etc.
Step 2: According as different audio features, separate audio data into two classes by feature cluster.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 to each sub-class until each there is only one class in each sub-class.
Step 4: Based on results of Step 2 and 3, define classification subtask respectively and construct the
separation tree of hierarchical SVM, where each node is according to a two-class classifier.
In the Statistical Learning Theory, features between different samples can be enhanced in non-linear
mapping. Then it can be accomplished in higher space to separate audio data and establish separation trees
by using SVMs, and separation effects are more obvious.
5. Experiments
The database used in experiments is composed of recorded broadcasting program, including pure speech
(male and female), speech with music, silence and music. Every audio class is about 20 minutes with sample
rate at 16 kHz. The database is partitioned into a training set and a test set, it’s drawn out 60-group audio
data respectively from every audio class with 10 seconds long, 40 groups for training set and 20 groups for
Xin He, Yaqin Zhao, Xianzhong Zhou: Hi erarchical Support Vector Machines for Audio Classification
JIC email for contribution:
testing group. The results are listed in Table 1.
Table 1.Experiment Results (N=5)
Pure speech
Classify type
Silence Music Acc.
announcer 10 0 0 0 0 100%
speech Female
announcer 0 9 0 0 1 90%
Speech with music 0 0 19 0 1 95%
Silence 0 0 0 20 0 100%
Music 0 1 1 0 18 90%
Furthermore, these data are also used test traditional SVM algorithms, in order to compare with the
method used in this paper. In Table 2, results are presented.
Table 2.Result of Comparison (N=5)
Classification algorithm Number of Classifiers
Method in this paper 4
1-v-1 10
1-v-r 5
6. Conclusion
In this paper, it’s discussed in details a classification problem of multi-class audio data. Hierarchical SVM is
used with audio features and it’s presented hierarchical SVM based on feature cluster for audio classification
and retrieval. It’s also shown that the performance of this method achieve high accuracy in audio
As for future research, we will improve this method for more audio classes and take emphases on
feature set definition and how to apply audio analysis to video retrieval.
7. Acknowledge
The authors are very grateful to Dr. Yingchun Shi and Dr. Bing Huang who give many valuable comments
and advices and the anonymous referees for their helpful comments.
8. References
[1] V. Vapnik, Statistical Learning Theory, New York: Springer Verlag, 1998.
[2] J. C. Burges, A tutorial on support vector machines for pattern recognition, Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery, 2(1998)2, 121-167.
[3] C. W. Hsu, C. J. Lin, A comparison of methods for multiclass support vector machines, IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks, 13(2002)2, 415-425.
[4] John C.Platt. Large Margin DAGs for Multiclass Classification, Neural Information Processing Systems 12, MIT
Press, 2000, 547-553.
[5] Girolami M, Mercer Kernel Based Clustering in Feature Space, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
13(2002)3, 780-784.
[6] X. Zhang, Using class-center vectors to build support vector machines. In Proceedings of NNSP’99, 1999.
[7] John C. Platt, Fast Training of Support Vector Machines using Sequential Minimal Optimization. In Scholkopf B.
et al(ed.), Advances in Kernel Methods-Support Vector Learning, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1999, 185-208.
Conference Paper
A new method based on kernel which can measure class separability in feature space is proposed in this paper for existing error accumulation when the hierarchical SVMs is used to diagnose multiclass network fault. This method has defined metrics of sample distribution in feature space, which are used as the rule of constructing hierarchical SVMs. Experiment results show that this method can restrain error accumulation and has higher multiclass classification accuracy, and offer an effective way for network fault diagnosis.
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The article presents a method for both the unsupervised partitioning of a sample of data and the estimation of the possible number of inherent clusters which generate the data. This work exploits the notion that performing a nonlinear data transformation into some high dimensional feature space increases the probability of the linear separability of the patterns within the transformed space and therefore simplifies the associated data structure. It is shown that the eigenvectors of a kernel matrix which defines the implicit mapping provides a means to estimate the number of clusters inherent within the data and a computationally simple iterative procedure is presented for the subsequent feature space partitioning of the data.
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We present a new learning architecture: the Decision Directed Acyclic Graph (DDAG), which is used to combine many two-class classifiers into a multiclass classifier. For an N-class problem, the DDAG contains N(N+1)/2 classifiers, one for each pair of classes. We present a VC analysis of the case when the node classifiers are hyperplanes; the resulting bound on the test error depends on N and on the margin achieved at the nodes, but not on the dimension of the space. This motivates an algorithm, DAGSVM, which operates in a kernel-induced feature space and uses two-class maximal margin hyperplanes at each decision-node of the DDAG. The DAGSVM is substantially faster to train and evaluate than either the standard algorithm or Max Wins, while maintaining comparable accuracy to both of these algorithms.
The tutorial starts with an overview of the concepts of VC dimension and structural risk minimization. We then describe linear Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for separable and non-separable data, working through a non-trivial example in detail. We describe a mechanical analogy, and discuss when SVM solutions are unique and when they are global. We describe how support vector training can be practically implemented, and discuss in detail the kernel mapping technique which is used to construct SVM solutions which are nonlinear in the data. We show how Support Vector machines can have very large (even infinite) VC dimension by computing the VC dimension for homogeneous polynomial and Gaussian radial basis function kernels. While very high VC dimension would normally bode ill for generalization performance, and while at present there exists no theory which shows that good generalization performance is guaranteed for SVMs, there are several arguments which support the observed high accuracy of SVMs, which we review. Results of some experiments which were inspired by these arguments are also presented. We give numerous examples and proofs of most of the key theorems. There is new material, and I hope that the reader will find that even old material is cast in a fresh light.
Support vector machines (SVMs) were originally designed for binary classification. How to effectively extend it for multiclass classification is still an ongoing research issue. Several methods have been proposed where typically we construct a multiclass classifier by combining several binary classifiers. Some authors also proposed methods that consider all classes at once. As it is computationally more expensive to solve multiclass problems, comparisons of these methods using large-scale problems have not been seriously conducted. Especially for methods solving multiclass SVM in one step, a much larger optimization problem is required so up to now experiments are limited to small data sets. In this paper we give decomposition implementations for two such "all-together" methods. We then compare their performance with three methods based on binary classifications: "one-against-all," "one-against-one," and directed acyclic graph SVM (DAGSVM). Our experiments indicate that the "one-against-one" and DAG methods are more suitable for practical use than the other methods. Results also show that for large problems methods by considering all data at once in general need fewer support vectors.
Conference Paper
A support vector machine builds the final classification function on only a small part of the training samples (the support vectors). It is believed that all the information about classification in the training set can be represented by these samples. However, this is actually not always true when the training set is polluted by noises (training data are not i.i.d.). We present a different method for the problem, which applies the idea of capacity control in SVM but tries to make the machine less sensitive to noises and outliers. The new method can be called a central support vector machine or CSVM, for it uses the class centers in building the support vector machine