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A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Cognitive Correlates of Bilingualism


Abstract and Figures

A number of studies have documented the cognitive outcomes associated with bilingualism. To gain a clear understanding of the extent and diversity of these cognitive outcomes, the authors conducted a meta-analysis of studies that examined the cognitive correlates of bilingualism. Data from 63 studies (involving 6,022 participants) were extracted and analyzed following established protocols and procedures for conducting systematic reviews and guidelines for meta-analysis. Results indicate that bilingualism is reliably associated with several cognitive outcomes, including increased attentional control, working memory, metalinguistic awareness, and abstract and symbolic representation skills. Overall mean effect sizes varied from small to large, depending on the cognitive outcomes measured, and were moderated by methodological features of the studies.
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Review of Educational Research
DOI: 10.3102/0034654310368803
Olusola O. Adesope, Tracy Lavin, Terri Thompson and Charles Ungerleider
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Cognitive Correlates of
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Review of Educational Research
June 2010, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 207–245
DOI: 10.3102/0034654310368803
© 2010 AERA.
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the
Cognitive Correlates of Bilingualism
Olusola O. Adesope
Washington State University
Tracy Lavin and Terri Thompson
Directions Evidence and Policy Research Group
Charles Ungerleider
University of British Columbia
A number of studies have documented the cognitive outcomes associated with
bilingualism. To gain a clear understanding of the extent and diversity of
these cognitive outcomes, the authors conducted a meta-analysis of studies
that examined the cognitive correlates of bilingualism. Data from 63 studies
(involving 6,022 participants) were extracted and analyzed following estab-
lished protocols and procedures for conducting systematic reviews and
guidelines for meta-analysis. Results indicate that bilingualism is reliably
associated with several cognitive outcomes, including increased attentional
control, working memory, metalinguistic awareness, and abstract and sym-
bolic representation skills. Overall mean effect sizes varied from small to
large, depending on the cognitive outcomes measured, and were moderated
by methodological features of the studies.
Keywords: bilingual, cognitive correlates, biliteracy, meta-analysis, systematic
Early research on bilingualism warned that bilingualism could be deleterious to
learning. These early studies concluded that monolingual students outperformed
bilingual students on a range of cognitive tasks (for reviews, see Bhatia & Ritchie,
2006; Hakuta, 1986; Macnamara, 1966).
In a seminal article, Peal and Lambert (1962) introduced the concept of “bal-
anced bilinguals” and demonstrated the methodological weaknesses of previous
bilingual studies, providing a new approach for research on bilingualism. Peal and
Lambert noted that early studies on the effects of bilingualism did not properly
match bilingual and monolingual participants along several dimensions, including
socioeconomic status (SES), second language proficiency (pseudobilingualism),
language of assessment, gender, age, and urban–rural contexts. They noted that
these and other factors may have confounded earlier results showing bilingual
disadvantages on cognitive measures. Controlling for these extraneous factors,
Peal and Lambert found that bilingual participants significantly outperformed
monolinguals on several measures of verbal and nonverbal intelligence.
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Adesope et al.
Since Peal and Lambert’s (1962) original studies, a considerable body of evi-
dence has accumulated suggesting that bilingualism confers a number of cognitive
benefits. For example, researchers have observed that bilinguals may have greater
metalinguistic awareness (Bialystok, 1987, 1988, 2001b; Diaz, 1985; Diaz &
Klinger, 1991; Ferdman & Hakuta, 1985; Goetz, 2000; Hakuta, 1990; Huber &
Lasagabaster, 2000; Ricciardelli, 1993; Titone, 1997) and enhanced metacognitive
skills (Duncan, 2005). Bilinguals may have stronger symbolic representation and
abstract reasoning skills (Bamford & Mizokawa, 1990, 1992; Berguno & Bowler,
2004; Chan, 2005; Diaz, 1985; Goncz, 1988; Johnson, 1991; McLeay, 2003), as
well as better learning strategies (Bochner, 1996; Ponomarev, 1992). Bilinguals
may also have enhanced problem-solving skills because of their ability to selec-
tively attend to relevant information and disregard misleading information
(Bamford & Mizokawa, 1991; Bialystok, 1999, 2001a, 2005; Bialystok &
Majumber, 1998; Duncan, 2005; Stephens, 1997) and may be able to use this
selectivity to succeed at theory-of-mind tasks, which require the ability to attribute
the behavior of others to their own distinct beliefs, desires, and intentions (Chan,
2005; Goetz, 2000). Bilinguals may have enhanced creative and divergent thinking
skills (Braccini & Cianchi, 1993; Ho, 1987; Konaka, 1997; Ricciardelli, 1993;
Srivastava, 1991) and greater cognitive flexibility (Hakuta, 1990; Iannaccone,
Fraternali, & Vaccia, 1992; Kovacs & Teglas, 2002; Kozulin, 1999).
Although many studies have documented advantages for bilinguals on cogni-
tive tasks, other studies have reported negative, null, or mixed effects of bilingual-
ism (Macnamara, 1966; Rosenblum & Pinker, 1983). To make sense of these
conflicting findings, the current work synthesizes the available research on the
cognitive correlates of bilingualism. This review does not investigate the effective-
ness of bilingual education programs because previous reviews, meta-analyses,
and best-evidence syntheses have addressed the question of program effectiveness,
albeit with inconclusive results (Baker & de Kanter, 1981; Rossell & Baker, 1996;
Slavin & Cheung, 2005; Willig, 1985, 1987). Specifically, the current review
focuses on examining the cognitive correlates of bilingualism and the associated
effect sizes. The following section discusses potential relationships between bilin-
gualism and various cognitive skills.
Attentional Control
There is considerable evidence that bilingual speakers are more readily able
to control their attention while engaged in linguistic and nonverbal tasks com-
pared to monolingual learners (Bialystok, 2001a; Bialystok, Craik, Klein, &
Viswanathan, 2004; Bialystok, Craik, & Ryan, 2006; Emmorey, Luk, Pyers, &
Bialystok, 2008). Several explanations have been advanced for this cognitive
advantage. A dominant perspective suggests that the regular use of two lan-
guages requires that bilinguals control their attention and select the target lan-
guage. Some researchers have claimed that the ability to selectively attend to
different representations may be responsible for the greater attentional control
exhibited by bilingual participants in many studies (Bialystok, 2001a; Bialystok,
Martin, & Viswanathan, 2005; Yoshida, 2008). In other words, these researchers
speculate that bilingual learners’ ability to concurrently hold two languages in
the mind, resisting intrusions of words and grammar from one language into the
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
other, might explain the greater control reflected by improved performance on
tasks with conflicting or distracting information.
More recently, researchers have also shown that the cognitive control of attention
found in studies with bilingual children appears to be sustained into adulthood. For
example, Bialystok et al. (2004) found that adults who have been bilingual since
childhood are more capable than comparable monolingual adults of managing
their attention when presented with tasks requiring cognitive control.
In addition, there is a growing body of evidence that bilingualism may help
offset some age-related cognitive declines by building cognitive reserves that slow
the aging process for adults (Bialystok, Craik, & Freedman, 2007; Bialystok et al.,
2004). In a recent study on the effect of lifelong bilingualism on age-related cogni-
tive decline, Bialystok et al. (2007) found that bilingual adults showed symptoms
of dementia 4 years later than comparable monolinguals, even when other factors
remained constant. The preliminary findings in the literature suggest that “the
lifelong experience of managing two languages attenuates the age-related decline
in the efficiency of inhibitory processing” (Bialystok et al., 2004, p. 301).
Working Memory
There are at least two contrasting hypotheses about the relationship between
bilingualism and working memory. First, the need to manage two languages con-
currently could place greater demands on working memory. This hypothesis sug-
gests that bilingualism may impede efficient processing of information in working
memory because of the cognitive load imposed on working memory (Lee, Plass,
& Homer, 2006; Sweller & Chandler, 1994; van Merrienboer & Sweller, 2005).
Conversely, bilinguals’ well-developed ability to inhibit one language while using
the other may increase the efficiency of their working memory capacity because
working memory resources are properly managed through such inhibitory process-
ing (Bialystok et al., 2004; Bialystok, Craik, & Luk 2008; Fernandes, Craik,
Bialystok, & Kreuger, 2007; Just & Carpenter, 1992; Michael & Gollan, 2005;
Rosen & Engle, 1997).
Research on these competing hypotheses has yielded inconclusive findings
with results depending on the nature of the task (Bialystok et al., 2008). On tasks
that require greater attentional control, bilinguals appear to have greater working
memory capacity than monolinguals (Engle, 2002; Kane, Bleckley, Conway, &
Engle, 2001). In attention-aided tasks, however, the bilingual advantage disappears
(Yang, Yang, Ceci, & Wang, 2005).
Metalinguistic Awareness
Metalinguistic awareness is the ability to think about language. It is the explicit
awareness of linguistic forms and structures and an understanding of how these
relate to and produce meaning (Cazden, 1974). It is hypothesized that the experi-
ence of acquiring and maintaining two different languages—with different forms
and structures—allows bilingual speakers to develop an explicit and articulated
understanding of how language works. For example, bilingual speakers have two
different words for most concepts. Reflecting on this can point to the insight that
words are only arbitrarily and symbolically related to their underlying concepts
(e.g., knowing that dog and chien are concepts for dog makes it obvious that the
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Adesope et al.
word dog is only an arbitrary symbol). Similarly, when syntactic rules differ across
languages, bilingual speakers of those languages may notice the differences and
become explicitly aware of the syntactic rules—which most monolingual speakers
will know only implicitly. For example, English–Japanese bilinguals may note that
objects follow verbs in English sentences (e.g., “I like chocolate”) but objects
precede verbs in Japanese sentences (e.g., “I chocolate like”). Noting this distinc-
tion provides insight into the specific grammatical rules in each language as well
as into the universal properties of human language.
Over the past decades, researchers have investigated the effects of bilingualism
on children’s metalinguistic development. The majority of studies have found that
bilingual speakers, particularly those highly proficient in both languages, demon-
strate greater metalinguistic awareness than their monolingual counterparts
(Bialystok, Majumder & Martin, 2003; Campbell & Sais, 1995; Galambos &
Hakuta, 1988).
Metacognitive Awareness
Metacognitive awareness refers to knowledge about one’s own cognitive pro-
cesses. It is an awareness of one’s own learning strategies and the mental activities
required to self-regulate the learning process (Flavell, 1978). The process of learn-
ing the vocabulary, syntax, phonology, and morphology of more than one lan-
guage, as well as learning how to use this body of knowledge in contextually
appropriate fashion, may provide bilingual speakers special insight into their own
cognitive processes and learning strategies (Kemp, 2007). Research comparing the
metacognitive awareness of bilinguals and monolinguals is scant but has generally
found that bilinguals show greater metacognitive awareness than monolinguals
(Ransdell, Barbier, & Niit, 2006; Vorstman, De Swart, Ceginskas, & Van Den
Bergh, 2009).
Abstract or Symbolic Reasoning and Creative and Divergent Thinking
Across a number of studies, bilinguals have shown enhanced skills with respect
to creative and divergent thinking and to abstract and symbolic reasoning. In an
investigation on creativity and bilingualism, Ricciardelli (1992) found that bilin-
guals outperformed monolinguals in 20 of the 24 studies reviewed, showing a clear
positive relationship between bilingualism and creativity or divergent thinking.
Peal and Lambert (1962) suggested that bilingual children develop greater cogni-
tive flexibility and creativity as a result of switching between two languages and
two different perspectives. As well, Cummins (1976) has proposed that bilingual-
ism spurs the development of abstract and symbolic reasoning through the experi-
ence of having two different words for most concepts. This helps bilingual children
understand that the relationship between words and their referents is entirely arbi-
trary and represents an abstract symbolic relationship.
Problem Solving
Bilinguals also show evidence of enhanced problem-solving skills, particu-
larly on tasks requiring executive control (i.e., planning, cognitive flexibility,
abstract thinking, rule acquisition, initiating appropriate actions and inhibiting
inappropriate actions, and selecting relevant sensory information; Baddeley,
1996). A bilingual advantage has been demonstrated using the Simon task, the
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
dimensional change card sort task, and other similar tasks used to assess exec-
utive control for problem-solving tasks (Bialystok, 1999, 2006). Simon tasks
refer to a family of tasks typically used to investigate interference effects.
In the Simon task, stimuli are presented with different target features and in
different positions. For example, participants may be asked to indicate the
color of either a red or a green square presented on one side of the screen by
pressing a left or a right key. The general finding in the Simon task is that reac-
tion times are slowed when the spatial location of the target and its response
coding do not correspond (incongruent condition) versus when spatial location
and response coding correspond (congruent condition). An incongruent trial
occurs when a signal is presented to the right but its color requires a left-hand
button press. Conversely, signals that require a left-hand response and are also
presented on the left side are referred to as congruent trials. Typically, reaction
times are slower to incongruent compared to congruent trials, a finding referred
to as the congruency effect or interference effect.
The enhanced problem-solving ability may be because of the cognitive flexibil-
ity associated with bilingualism. Because bilinguals have the capacity to choose
between two languages, they may develop more flexibility with respect to thinking
that can be applied to solve problems.
Purpose of the Study
Since Peal and Lambert’s (1962) seminal work, a number of studies have docu-
mented the positive cognitive correlates of bilingualism; however, the magnitude
of these effects remains unclear. The majority of recent studies have shown posi-
tive effects of bilingualism, but some studies have shown that bilingual perfor-
mance is relatively impaired on some cognitive tasks. A few studies have also
demonstrated mixed effects of bilingualism on performance on cognitive tasks.
The current analysis is an attempt to synthesize these results. The goal of the pres-
ent study is to meta-analyze research on the cognitive outcomes of bilingualism by
estimating the effects of bilingualism on specific cognitive measures. Specifically,
the meta-analysis addresses the following research questions:
1. What are the cognitive correlates associated with bilingualism?
2. How do the effects of bilingualism vary when cognitive outcomes are mea-
sured in different geographical locations, in different settings, and at differ-
ent educational levels?
3. How are effect sizes influenced by different combinations of languages spo-
ken by bilinguals?
4. Are the effect sizes influenced by methodological features of the research?
Selection Criteria
To capture all relevant studies on the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, specific
criteria for inclusion were developed. Studies were deemed eligible if:
a. Bilingual participants were reported to be equally (or almost equally) profi-
cient in two languages. Thus, participants who were learning second
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languages were not regarded as bilinguals but rather as second language
learners. Studies with such second language learners were excluded from
this meta-analysis. Bilinguals with learning disabilities or other cognitive
disabilities were excluded.
b. They had an experimental group of bilingual participants and a control group
of monolingual participants.
c. Measured outcomes (cognitive benefits) were clearly reported. These
include attentional control, problem-solving skills, creative and divergent
thinking, cognitive flexibility, learning strategies, symbolic representation
and abstract reasoning skills, metalinguistic awareness, metacognitive skills,
and working memory. We excluded studies that measured only psychosocial
outcomes such as employability or social problem solving and other activi-
ties such as code switching, cross-language priming, and social identity.
d. They reported sufficient data to allow for effect size calculations. When
basic descriptive statistics were not included in a study, other statistics were
used (e.g., t and F statistics), but we coded for reviewer’s confidence in
effect size derivation. Studies with insufficient data for effect size calcula-
tions were excluded.
e. They were publicly available, either online or in library archives.
For multiple reports of the same study (e.g., dissertation, conference proceed-
ings, and journal article), the version published as a journal article was coded, but
in some cases other versions of the published article (e.g., conference proceedings)
were used to make the coding features more extensive and accurate.
Location and Selection of Studies
A comprehensive and systematic search was conducted in the following elec-
tronic databases to locate appropriate studies: Academic Search Premier, Education
Full Text, ERIC (including British and Australian ERIC), Linguistic and Language
Behavior Abstracts, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. A primary search was con-
ducted utilizing Boolean combinations of the controlled vocabulary within each
database for the terms immigrant students, bilingualism, and cognition. A manual
search of the reference lists of earlier reviews of the literature on bilingualism (e.g.,
Bialystok, 2002; Cenoz, 2003) was subsequently conducted.
A total of 5,185 articles were obtained from the search procedure. Two researchers
reviewed the titles, abstracts, and keywords of these articles for possible inclusion by
applying the selection criteria stated above. When abstracts did not contain sufficient
information to determine inclusion or exclusion, the full text of the article was obtained
and read. Duplicate studies were removed, and articles that did not meet the selection
criteria were excluded. Interrater agreement was computed to determine the reliability
of including or excluding articles based on reading only the abstracts. This yielded a
Cohen’s kappa of .88. Researchers discussed all disagreements until they were fully
resolved. A total of 157 articles were retained for secondary screening.
Two researchers independently read the full texts of each of the 157 articles
retained after first inclusion to further determine their suitability based on the
specified criteria for inclusion. Only 39 articles met the second inclusion criterion,
and data from these articles were extracted using EPPI-Reviewer, an online appli-
cation for managing and conducting systematic reviews (Thomas & Brunton,
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
2006). Coded variables were organized into 11 major categories in the database. These
include (a) study identification, (b) study characteristics and measured outcomes,
(c) research questions, (d) research design, (e) groups and randomization strategy, (f)
sampling strategy, (g) characteristics of samples in the study, (h) recruitment and
consent, (i) data collection, (j) data analysis, and (k) results and conclusion. In
cases where some variables were not explicitly stated in the study, reviewers made
reasonable inferences and noted the absence of explicit information. The appendix
shows the coding book containing a description of all variables coded under each
Although there are many variants of bilingualism (early bilinguals, late bilin-
guals, balanced bilinguals, etc.), sufficient information was not provided in many
of the studies to code this variable. Nevertheless, as highlighted earlier in the arti-
cle, all of the studies that met our inclusion criteria had participants who were
proficient in two languages before the start of each study.
Some articles reported multiple studies. Hence, 63 studies with an overall sam-
ple size of 6,022 participants were reported in all 39 articles and were included for
meta-analysis. Another interrater reliability analysis was conducted to determine
agreement among researchers on inclusion or exclusion judgments based on full-
text review of all 63 studies, yielding a Cohen’s kappa of .92. Again, researchers
discussed all disagreements until they were fully resolved.
Throughout the design and implementation of this review, guidelines for meta-
analysis provided by Lipsey and Wilson (2001) were followed. The coding scheme
prevented inappropriately combining statistically dependent comparisons in cal-
culating mean effect sizes. To generate a single distribution of effect sizes, a mean
effect size was obtained for each set of statistically dependent effect sizes by aver-
aging over different cognitive outcomes and study characteristics.
Extraction and Calculation of Effect Sizes
Effect size is a standardized metric obtained by calculating the difference
between the means of the experimental (bilingual) and control (monolingual)
groups divided by the pooled standard deviation of the two groups. Hedges (1981)
observed that estimates may yield inflated effect sizes when samples are small. To
correct for such bias in effect size estimation, especially with small sample sizes
(Lipsey & Wilson, 2001, p. 48), the obtained Cohen’s d values were converted to
Hedges’s g, an unbiased estimate (Hedges & Olkin, 1985, p. 81) of the standard-
ized mean difference effect size. When other statistics such as F or t were provided,
these were also used to derive effect sizes or, in some cases, to verify the obtained
d (Cooper & Hedges, 1994).
Data Analysis
Standard meta-analytic guidelines and equations were followed in all data analyses
(Cooper & Hedges, 1994; Hedges & Olkin, 1985; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). All data
analyses were conducted using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version 2.2.048
(Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2008) and SPSS Version 16.0 for Windows.
Aggregating Effect Sizes
To aggregate effect sizes, the inverse variance weight was computed for each
finding. An aggregate effect size was then obtained from the weighted effect sizes
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to derive an overall weighted mean estimate of the effect of the treatment.
This allowed more weight to be assigned to studies with larger sample sizes. The
standard error of Hedges’s unbiased estimate of the mean effect size was then
A 95% confidence interval was computed around each weighted mean effect
size to determine statistical significance. Confidence intervals spanning a range
above zero were interpreted as indicating a statistically detectable result favoring
bilinguals with respect to the associated cognitive outcome.
An important aspect of meta-analysis involves the determination of whether the
various effect sizes that are averaged into a mean value all estimate the same pop-
ulation effect size. This assumption of homogeneity of variance was tested by the
Q statistic. When all findings share the same population value, Q has an approxi-
mate chi-square distribution with k – 1 degrees of freedom, where k is the number
of effect sizes or studies for a particular subset. When Q exceeded the critical value
of the chi-square distribution (i.e., p < .05), the mean effect size was reported to be
significantly heterogeneous, meaning that there was more variability in the effect
sizes than would be expected from sampling error and suggesting that each effect
size did not estimate a common population mean (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). The I2
statistic is reported as a complement to interpret the result of the homogeneity test
(Higgins & Thompson, 2002; Huedo-Medina, Sánchez-Meca, Marín-Martínez, &
Botella, 2006).1
After resolving statistical independence, 63 studies (from 39 articles) were
Table 1 shows a summary of the variables coded for each of the 63 studies. This
includes the study, grade level of participants, total number of participants involved
in each study, languages spoken by the bilingual participants, cognitive benefits
measured, and unbiased effect size, Hedges’s g. In this and subsequent tables,
positive effect sizes show bilingual advantages whereas negative effect sizes show
an advantage for monolinguals over bilinguals on cognitive measures.
For outlier analysis, we used the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software to
determine the effect of removing a number of effect sizes from the distribution of
effect. The forest plot of the 63 standardized mean difference effect sizes for the
cognitive benefits of bilingualism was examined, and 3 potential outlying studies
were removed. The recalculated results did not increase the fit of the remaining
effect sizes to a simple model of homogeneity (g = 0.39; Qtotal(59) = 287.61, p < .001;
I2 = 79.50%). Because the removal of potential outliers did not produce a homoge-
neous model, a decision was made not to remove any effect sizes from the original
Overall Relationship Between Cognitive Outcomes and Bilingualism
Table 2 shows the overall weighted mean and homogeneity statistics of all sta-
tistically independent effect sizes. Table 2 and subsequent tables include the num-
ber of participants (N) in each category, the number of findings (k), the weighted
mean effect size (g) and its standard error (SE), the 95% confidence interval around
the mean, a test of the null hypothesis (z), a test of heterogeneity (Q) with its
Summary of coded studies and associated effect sizes
range N
(bilingual)aDominant cognitive benefits measured
size (g)
Abu-Rabia and Siegel (2002) 4–7 63 Arabic–English Working memory for normally developed 0.20
Abu-Rabia and Siegel (2002) 4–7 31 Arabic–English Working memory for reading disabled –0.23
Bialystok (1997) PreK 81 French–English ASR: Symbolic representation of printb1.04*
Bialystok (1997) PreK 87 Chinese–English ASR: Symbolic representation of print 1.32*
Bialystok (1997) PreK 81 French–English ASR: Symbolic representationc0.07
Bialystok (1997) PreK 87 Chinese–English ASR: Symbolic representation –0.26
Bialystok (2006) PSec 97 Mixed–English Working memory using Simon tasks 0.51*
Bialystok (1999) PreK 30 Chinese–English Attentional Controld0.82*
Bialystok (1999) PreK 30 Chinese–English Attentional Controle0.69
Bialystok, Craik, et al. (2005) PSec 29 French–English Attentional Control 0.63
Bialystok, Craik, and Ruocco (2006)f, Exp. 1 PSec 48 Mixed–English Working memoryg0.48
Bialystok, Craik, and Ruocco (2006), Exp. 2 PSec 48 Mixed–English Working memoryh–0.30
Bialystok et al. (2004), Exp. 1 PSec 20 Tamil–English Attentional control: MRT for younger adultsi2.25*
Bialystok et al. (2004), Exp. 1 PSec 20 Tamil–English Attentional control: MRT for older adults 1.03*
Bialystok et al. (2004), Exp. 2 PSec 64 Tamil–English Attentional control: MRT for younger 2.63*
Bialystok et al. (2004), Exp. 2 PSec 30 Mixed–English Attentional control: MRT for older adults 1.35*
Bialystok et al. (2004), Exp. 2 PSec 20 French–English Attentional control: MRT for older adults 2.45*
Bialystok, Luk, et al. (2005b) 1 132 Mixed–English Metalinguistic awarenessj0.95*
Bialystok and Majumder (1998) K–3 71 Mixed–English Problem solvingk0.35
Bialystok et al. (2003), Exp. 1 K–3 72 French–English Metalinguistic awareness –0.02
Bialystok et al. (2003), Exp. 2 K–3 75 French–English Metalinguistic awareness –0.45
Bialystok et al. (2003), Exp. 3 K–3 64 Chinese–English Metalinguistic awarenessl–0.92*
Bialystok et al. (2003), Exp. 3 K–3 58 Spanish–English Metalinguistic awareness 0.51
Bialystok and Martin (2004), Exp. 1 PreK 67 Cantonese–English Attentional control using the DCCS taskm0.35
Bialystok and Martin (2004), Exp. 2 PreK 30 French–English Attentional control using manual DCCS task 0.83*
Bialystok and Martin (2004), Exp. 3 PreK 53 Chinese–English Attentional control: color shape and color object 0.63*
Bialystok and Martin (2004), Exp. 3 PreK 53 Chinese–English Attentional control: functional location and place 0.42
Bialystok, McBride-Chang, et al. (2005), Exp. 1 K–1 67 Chinese–English Metalinguistic awareness –0.04
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range N
(bilingual)aDominant cognitive benefits measured
size (g)
Bialystok, McBride-Chang, et al. (2005), Exp. 2 K–1 67 Chinese–English Metalinguistic awareness –0.30
Bialystok and Senman (2004), Exp. 2 PreK 95 Mixed–English Attentional controln1.59*
Bialystok and Shapero (2005), Exp. 1 K–1 48 Mixed–English ASR: Reversibility of ambiguous figureso1.14*
Bialystok and Shapero (2005), Exp. 2 K 53 Mixed–English Attentional control using different tasksp0.18
Bruck and Genesee (1995) K 137 French–English Metalinguistic awareness –0.44*
Campbell and Sais (1995) PreK 30 Italian–English Metalinguistic awarenessq0.64
Chen et al. (2004), Exp. 1 2 125 Canton-Mandarin Metalinguistic awareness: tone, onset and rime tasks 0.20
Chen et al. (2004), Exp. 1 4 150 Canton-Mandarin Metalinguistic awareness: tone, onset and rime tasks –0.30
Chen et al. (2004), Exp. 2 1 94 Canton-Mandarin Metalinguistic awareness tasksr0.36
Chen et al. (2004), Exp. 2 2 89 Canton-Mandarin Metalinguistic awareness: tone, onset and rime tasks 0.49*
Chen et al. (2004), Exp. 2 4 106 Canton-Mandarin Metalinguistic awareness: tone, onset and rime tasks 0.06
Clarkson and Galbraith (1992) 6 96 Pidgin–English Problem solving with mathematical tests 0.40
Cromdal (1999) K 54 Swedish–English Metalinguistic awareness taskss0.71*
Davidson and Tell (2005), Exp. 1 PreK 40 Urdu–English ASR: Mutual exclusivity in naming whole objectst0.18
Davidson and Tell (2005), Exp. 1 K–1 40 Urdu–English Mutual exclusivity in naming whole objects 1.22*
Davidson and Tell (2005), Exp. 2 K–1 20 Urdu–English Mutual exclusivity in naming whole objects 0.34
Demie and Strand (2006) 10 1026 Mixed–English Problem solving with a standardized test 0.23*
Demont (2001) 1 43 German-French Metalinguistic awareness: several tasksu0.56
Eviatar and Ibrahim (2000) K–1 76 Russian-Hebrew Metalinguistic awareness using several tasksv0.96*
Galambos and Goldin-Meadow (1990) PreK–1 64 Spanish–English Metalinguistic awareness—correcting errors 0.39
Galambos and Goldin-Meadow (1990) PreK–1 64 Spanish–English Metalinguistic awareness—explaining errors 0.09
Gutierrez-Clellen et al. (2004) 3 44 Spanish–English Working memory using two tasksw–0.09
Humphreys and Mumtaz (2001) 2–3 120 Urdu–English Working memory 1.52*
Jordà-Maria (2003) PSec 160 Catalan-Castilian Metalinguistic awareness: Metapragmatic 0.66*
Keshavarz and Astaneh (2004) PSec 60 Mixed–PersianxMetalinguistic awareness 0.56*
Loizou and Stuart (2003) 1 32 Greek–English Metalinguistic awareness using several tasksy0.96*
Loizou and Stuart (2003) 1 36 English-Greek Metalinguistic awareness using several tasks –0.34
Love et al. (2003) PSec 71 Mixed–English Metalinguistic awareness: syntactic processing 0.20
Merriman and Kutlesic (1993) K–2 78 Serbian–English Metalinguistic awareness 0.48*
Oller et al. (2007) 2 288 Spanish–English Metalinguistic awarenessz1.07*
TABLE 1 (continued)
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range N
(bilingual)aDominant cognitive benefits measured
size (g)
Oller et al. (2007) 4 296 Spanish–English Metalinguistic awareness with several measures 0.49*
Ransdell et al. (2006) PSec 137 Mixed–English Metacognitive awarenessaa 0.16
Reichard and Mokhtari (2004) PSec 350 Mixed–English Metacognitive awareness and strategies 0.39*
Sanz (2000) 8–12 201 Catalan-Spanish Metalinguistic awareness with several measures 0.68*
Sheng et al. (2006) K–3 24 Mandarin–English Metalinguistic awareness with several measuresbb 0.22
Note. PreK = prekindergarten; PSec = postsecondary; N = number of participants; ASR = abstract and symbolic representation; MRT = mean reaction time.
a. The language spoken by the monolingual group is presented last in the bilingual coupling (e.g., Arabic–English bilingual means that English was the language of the monolingual group).
b. Moving word problem was used to determine abstract and symbolic representation (ASR) for literacy.
c. Consistent and inconsistent word size problems were used to assess participants’ understanding of the principles of representing spoken language in printed text.
d. Postswitch items in the dimensional change card sort (DCCS) task were used for this sample.
e. Knowledge items in the DCCS task were used for this sample.
f. Results from 24 monolingual and 24 balanced full bilingual participants were used. We discarded results from the 24 unbalanced bilinguals because they reported minimal use of the second language. For example,
“a participant reporting moderate knowledge of Italian but the opportunity to use it only several times per month when visiting relatives was considered an unbalanced bilingual” (Bialystok et al., 2006, p. 1971).
Experiment 1 was conducted with younger participants and Experiment 2 with older participants.
g. A dual-task classification paradigm was used in both experiments.
h. Although the overall result here shows a bilingual disadvantage for adults, the breakdown of outcome measures actually shows bilingual superiority in letters or numbers (LN) conditions, but overall that advantage
was subdued by a much larger bilingual disadvantage in the animals or musical instruments (A-M) task.
i. Mean reaction times (MRT) for both congruent and incongruent trials on Simon task. Note that MRT was reversed to reflect the inverse relationship between RT and benefit. MRT was categorized as a cognitive
benefit closely associated with attentional control.
j. Chinese–English, Hebrew–English, and Spanish–English bilinguals were compared to English monolinguals on phoneme counting measure.
k. French–English and Bengali–English bilinguals were compared to English monolinguals on block design and water-level tasks to examine whether balanced bilinguals carry over their linguistic advantage into
nonlinguistic tasks.
l. This includes the phoneme segmentation task with first and second graders.
m. This was measured by a computerized DCCS task measuring inhibition of attention—categorized as a cognitive benefit closely associated with attentional control.
n. Appearance–reality tasks were used.
o. Outcome measures derived by using children’s embedded figures task and ambiguous figures task, categorized as abstract and symbolic representation.
p. Outcome measures for inhibition of attention include opposite worlds task and computerized DCCS.
q. MLA (metalinguistic awareness) outcomes include letter detection task.
r. Tone, onset, and rime awareness tasks were each assessed with two pholonogical tasks: the oddity task and the same–different task.
s. Outcome measures include symbol substitution, sentence judgment, and correction tasks.
t. Familiar and unfamiliar objects with or without spare parts were used as outcome measures in all experiments. These measures were categorized as abstract and symbolic representation.
u. This article was written in French. Outcomes used to measure linguistic awareness include the grammatical judgment and correction tasks.
v. Outcome measures include the arbitrariness test, initial and final phoneme tests, and phoneme–syllable deletion test.
w. Outcome measures are the competing language processing task and dual processing comprehension task.
x. Turkish–Persian and Armenian–Persian bilinguals were compared to Persian monolinguals using controlled productive ability test at 2,000- and 3,000-word levels.
y. Measures include the rhyme oddity, syllable completion, cluster onset oddity, single phoneme onset oddity, phoneme elision, and initial phoneme identification tasks.
z. Several metalinguistic awareness measures used including passage comprehension, proofreading, verbal analogies, and oral vocabulary.
aa. Metacognitive awareness was measured by self-ratings of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
bb. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic Trials 1, 2, and 3.
*p < .05.
TABLE 1 (continued)
associated degrees of freedom (df), and the percentage of variability that is attribut-
able to true heterogeneity, that is, over and above the sampling error (I2).
Table 2 shows that the overall weighted mean effect size is moderate (g = 0.41)
but with substantial variability among studies (Qtotal = 362.62, p < .001).
Heterogeneity among the full set of studies was anticipated as different studies
measured different cognitive outcomes and there was no reason to expect similar
effect sizes for different outcomes. Following up on this heterogeneity, separate
analyses were conducted for each category of cognitive outcomes.
It was observed that 30 of the 63 independent effect sizes were obtained from
studies conducted by Bialystok and colleagues. A sensitivity analysis was per-
formed so as to investigate the potential bias of including about 47% of the entire
studies conducted by a single principal investigator. Table 2 shows statistically
detectable mean effect sizes irrespective of whether studies were authored by
Bialystok or not. There was an overlap in the confidence intervals across the two
categories. Hence, a decision was made to combine the data from both categories
in subsequent analyses.
Cognitive Correlates of Bilingualism
Table 3 shows the weighted mean effect sizes for different cognitive outcomes
associated with bilingualism. All the outcome measures produced statistically detect-
able mean effect sizes in favor of bilingualism. Attentional control produced the largest
effect with a weighted mean effect size of .96 across 14 studies. Although all the cogni-
tive outcomes in Table 3 had statistically detectable mean effect sizes, most of the effect
size distributions were highly heterogeneous, indicating that the variability among
effect sizes was greater than that expected from sampling error.
Moderator analyses were conducted to investigate this heterogeneity, but given
the small number of studies within some of the categories of cognitive outcomes,
a decision was made to collapse across categories with similar outcomes. We col-
lapsed studies that investigated metalinguistic and metacognitive awareness into
one group, and abstract and symbolic representation, attentional control, and prob-
lem solving were collapsed into another group. We did not include working mem-
ory studies with either of the recategorized groups because the dependent variables
used to measure working memory were markedly different from those used in
studies subsumed under the other two groups. Given the small number of studies
Overall weighted mean effect size
Effect size
95% confidence
of null Test of heterogeneity
N k g SE Lower Upper z Q df p I2 (%)
All 6,022 63 0.41 0.03 0.36 0.46 15.00* 362.62 62 .00 82.90
Not conducted
by Bialystok
4,245 33 0.38 0.03 0.31 0.44 11.54* 141.26 32 .00 77.35
Conducted by
1,777 30 0.48 0.05 0.39 0.58 9.74* 218.17 29 .00 86.71
*p < .05.
Weighted mean effect sizes for bilingual studies by outcome constructs
Effect size
95% confidence
of null Test of heterogeneity
N k g SE Lower Upper z Q df p I 2 (%)
Outcome constructs (cognitive
Metalinguistic awareness 2,813 29 0.33 0.04 0.26 0.41 8.44* 151.56 28 .00 81.53
Metacognitive awareness 487 2 0.32 0.09 0.14 0.50 3.47* 1.26 1 .26 20.80
Working memory 451 7 0.48 0.10 0.29 0.67 4.90* 41.36 6 .00 85.49
Abstract and symbolic representation 484 8 0.57 0.10 0.39 0.76 6.04* 42.10 7 .00 83.37
Attentional control 594 14 0.96 0.09 0.79 1.13 10.86* 73.30 13 .00 82.26
Problem solving 1,193 3 0.26 0.07 0.13 0.38 3.96* 0.65 2 .72 0.00
Collapsed outcome constructs
Metalinguistic and metacognitive
3,300 31 0.33 0.04 0.26 0.41 9.14* 152.61 30 .00 80.34
Abstract and symbolic representation,
attentional control, and problem
2,271 25 0.52 0.05 0.43 0.61 11.33* 157.69 24 .000 84.78
*p < .05.
Adesope et al.
in the working memory category, moderator analyses were not conducted on this
category. However, we note that bilingualism was associated with greater working
memory, resulting in a moderate effect size of .48. Henceforth, the results section
deals with the two new categories (metalinguistic or metacognitive awareness and
attention and representation).
Table 3 shows weighted mean effect sizes for the recategorized outcome con-
structs. The new categories produced statistically detectable mean effect sizes, and
significant heterogeneity was observed in both categories. In subsequent analyses,
we examined the different moderators that may help explain the variability within
each of these two categories.
Moderator Variable Analyses
A mixed-effects model was used for all moderator variable analyses. A mixed-
effects model uses a random-effects model to combine studies within subgroups and a
fixed-effect model to combine studies across subgroups to yield an overall effect
(Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2009). By using the random-effects model
to combine studies within subgroups in moderator analyses, a mixed-effects model
typically allows for population parameters to vary across studies, reducing the proba-
bility of committing a Type I error, and is usually regarded as a more rigorous meta-
analytical model than a fixed-effects model only (Borenstein et al., 2009; Denson,
2009; Hedges & Vevea, 1998; National Research Council, 1992).
Relationship Between Bilingualism and
Metalinguistic or Metacognitive Awareness Across
Different Locations, Educational Levels, Settings, Language Groups,
SES, and Region
Table 4 shows weighted mean effect sizes for metalinguistic or metacognitive
awareness outcomes under various conditions. When disaggregated by the geographi-
cal location of the research, the effect of bilingualism was statistically detectable across
studies conducted in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.
Because the total between-levels variance was statistically detectable, QB(5) =
14.47, p = .01, further analyses showed that studies conducted in Europe were sig-
nificantly different from those conducted in other geographical locations. Although
studies conducted in the United States and the Middle East produced a statistically
detectable effect, they were not significantly different from those conducted in China
or Canada and/or those that are part of the various or mixed category.2
In Table 4, a majority of the studies were conducted with primary school stu-
dents in kindergarten through third grade. A mean effect size was statistically
detectable only for these early primary-level students, possibly because of the
small number of studies with students at other levels.
Classroom studies in which learning activities contributed toward performance
assessment in a program produced statistically detectable effect sizes along with
studies that did not specify the setting. The classroom studies were significantly
different from studies conducted in the laboratory. However, the certainty of this
interpretation is limited by the high number of studies that did not specify the set-
ting under which those studies were undertaken.
Bilingualism was reliably associated with greater metalinguistic or metacogni-
tive awareness when bilinguals spoke Spanish and English or a mix of language
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Weighted mean effect sizes for studies investigating bilinguals’ metalinguistic and metacognitive awareness under various conditions
Effect size
95% confidence
Test of
Test of
N k g SE Lower Upper z QBdf p
Geographical locations 14.47 5 .01
Canada 672 8 –0.08 0.15 –0.37 0.20 –0.57
United States 757 5 0.55 0.18 0.19 0.90 2.99*
Europe 556 7 0.57 0.17 0.24 0.89 3.41*
Middle East 136 2 0.77 0.30 0.18 1.35 2.56*
China 564 5 0.15 0.18 –0.19 0.49 0.87
Mixed 615 4 0.26 0.20 –0.12 0.65 1.34
Educational level 1.99 4 .74
Preschool 30 1 0.64
Primary (K–3) 1,739 21 0.26 0.11 0.04 0.48 2.33*
Intermediate (4–7) 552 3 0.09 0.27 –0.45 0.63 0.33
Secondary (8–12) 261 2 0.63 0.35 –0.05 1.31 1.80
Postsecondary 718 4 0.36 0.24 –0.11 0.83 1.50
Setting 10.54 2 .01
Classroom 1,232 6 0.65 0.16 0.34 0.96 4.11*
Laboratory 1,359 16 0.07 0.10 –0.13 0.27 0.72
Not specified 709 9 0.42 0.14 0.15 0.70 2.99*
Language of the monolingual group 2.99 3 .56
English 2,042 18 0.22 0.11 0.01 0.44 1.97*
Romance (Castilian, French, and Spanish) 468 4 0.58 0.23 0.13 1.04 2.51*
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TABLE 4 (continued)
Effect size
95% confidence
Test of
Test of
N k g SE Lower Upper z QBdf p
Chinese 564 5 0.15 0.20 –0.24 0.55 0.76
Othera226 4 0.50 0.25 0.02 0.99 2.03*
Languages of the bilingual group 16.52 3 .00
French–English 284 3 –0.32 0.22 –0.74 0.11 –1.44
Spanish–English 770 5 0.54 0.17 0.21 0.87 3.24*
Chinese–English 918 10 0.08 0.12 –0.16 0.32 0.69
Mixedb1,328 13 0.51 0.11 0.29 0.72 4.57*
Socioeconomic status 5.99 3 .11
Medium 485 4 –0.04 0.22 –0.47 0.39 –0.19
High 313 4 0.28 0.23 –0.17 0.74 1.23
Mixed 681 4 0.72 0.22 0.28 1.16 3.21*
Not reported 1,821 19 0.27 0.11 0.07 0.48 2.60*
Region 3.05 3 .39
Urban or inner city 552 8 0.28 0.18 –0.07 0.63 1.59
Suburban 225 3 0.00 0.27 –0.54 0.54 0.01
Rural 76 1 0.96
Not reported 2,447 19 0.30 0.11 0.09 0.51 2.83*
Note. QB = QBetween.
a. The “other” subset refers to studies in which participants spoke languages other than English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin or Chinese. Specifically, monolingual control
participants in the “other” subset spoke Swedish (Cromdal, 1999), Hebrew (Eviatar & Ibrahim, 2000), Persian (Keshavarz & Astaneh, 2004), or Greek (Loizou & Stuart, 2003).
b. The “mixed” subset refers to studies in which participants spoke various language couplings apart from French–English, Spanish–English, and Chinese–English.
*p < .05.
Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
not including French–English or Chinese–English. Similarly, bilinguals showed a
significant metalinguistic or metacognitive advantage over monolinguals for most
monolingual groups except Chinese-speaking monolinguals.
Many of the studies did not report the SES of participants involved in the studies in
Table 4. Statistically detectable mean effect sizes were found among participants
with mixed SES and those studies that did not report the SES of participants.
However, mean effect sizes did not differ statistically among the four SES catego-
ries (i.e., middle, high, mixed, and not reported).
Relationship Between Bilingualism and Attention and
Representation Across Different Locations, Educational Levels,
Settings, Language Groups, SES, and Region
Table 5 shows weighted mean effect sizes for studies investigating bilinguals’
abstract and symbolic representation, attentional control, and problem-solving
outcomes under various conditions. Studies conducted in Canada and various geo-
graphical locations (mixed) produced statistically detectable mean effect sizes.
The mean effect size for studies conducted in different locations was much higher
than those conducted specifically in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
Studies conducted with preschool, primary, and postsecondary students pro-
duced statistically detectable mean effect sizes, with bilingual postsecondary stu-
dents showing the largest mean effect size (g = 1.76). Post hoc comparisons were
conducted because the total between-levels variance for educational level was sig-
nificant, QB(4) = 12.92, p = .01. Results showed that studies conducted with par-
ticipants from preschool up to 12th grade were not significantly different from one
another but that they were all significantly different and produced lower mean
effect sizes than studies conducted with postsecondary students.
There were no classroom studies in which participants engaged in learning
activities that contributed toward performance assessment. Most of the studies did
not report the setting in which they were conducted. Nevertheless, studies con-
ducted in the laboratory and those that did not report the setting both produced
statistically detectable effect sizes.
Except Urdu–English bilinguals (who were included in only three studies), all
categories of language pairs spoken by bilinguals showed statistically detectable
mean effect sizes, indicating that bilingualism is reliably associated with better atten-
tion and representation skills. Because the total between-levels variance was statisti-
cally detectable, QB(4) = 11.95, p = .02, further analyses showed that studies conducted
with bilinguals who spoke Tamil–English were significantly different from those
conducted with Chinese–English bilinguals and those in the “mixed” category.
In Table 5, statistically detectable mean effect sizes were found among partici-
pants with medium SES and those studies that did not report the SES of partici-
pants. Mean effect sizes did not differ statistically among the four SES categories
(i.e., low, middle, mixed, and not reported). These findings indicate that bilingual-
ism contributes to cognitive benefits irrespective of the SES of participants. Across
all regional categories, bilinguals showed more positive and statistically detectable
mean effect sizes than monolinguals.
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Weighted mean effect sizes for studies investigating bilinguals’ abstract and symbolic representation, attentional control, and
problem solving under various conditions
Effect size
95% confidence
Test of
null Test of heterogeneity
N k g SE Lower Upper z QBdf p
Geographical locations 12.06 4 .02
Canada 915 16 0.72 0.16 0.40 1.03 4.52*
United States 100 3 0.58 0.38 –0.17 1.33 1.52
Europe 1,026 1 0.23
Papua New Guinea 96 1 0.40
Mixed 134 4 1.92 0.36 1.23 2.62 5.42*
Educational level 12.92 4 .01
Preschool 734 12 0.63 0.18 0.28 0.99 3.47*
Primary (K–3) 232 5 0.64 0.29 0.07 1.21 2.20*
Intermediate (4–7) 96 1 0.40
Secondary (8–12) 1,026 1 0.23
Postsecondary 183 6 1.76 0.30 1.18 2.34 5.93*
Setting 0.30 1 .59
Laboratory 421 8 0.72 0.24 0.25 1.19 2.98*
Not specified 1,850 17 0.88 0.17 0.55 1.20 5.28*
Language of the monolingual group 0.44 1 .51
English 2,175 24 0.85 0.14 0.57 1.12 6.01*
Pidgin English 96 1 0.40
Languages of the bilingual group 11.95 4 .02
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TABLE 5 (continued)
Effect size
95% confidence
Test of
null Test of heterogeneity
N k g SE Lower Upper z QBdf p
French–English 342 7 0.80 0.24 0.33 1.28 3.30*
Chinese–English 407 7 0.55 0.23 0.09 1.01 2.36*
Tamil–English 134 4 1.92 0.35 1.23 2.62 5.47*
Urdu–English 100 3 0.58 0.38 –0.16 1.33 1.53
Mixeda1,288 4 0.63 0.29 0.05 1.20 2.14*
Socioeconomic status 4.40 3 .22
Low 1,026 1 0.23
Medium 716 13 1.12 0.20 0.73 1.52 5.52*
Mixed 100 3 0.58 0.43 –0.26 1.42 1.36
Not reported 429 8 0.56 0.25 0.07 1.06 2.23*
Region 4.99 2 .08
Urban or inner city 356 8 0.57 0.27 0.05 1.09 2.16*
Suburban 472 7 0.57 0.27 0.04 1.10 2.09*
Not reported 1,443 10 1.25 0.24 0.78 1.73 5.23*
a. The “mixed” subset refers to studies in which bilinguals spoke languages other than French–English, Chinese–English, Tamil–English, and Urdu–English. Specifically, bilin-
gual participants spoke Bengali/French–English (Bialystok & Majumder, 1998); Armenia, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, and a host of other languages (Bialystok & Senman, 2004,
p. 573); Pidgin–English (Clarkson & Galbraith, 1992); or various languages (Demie & Strand, 2006).
*p < .05.
Effects of Different Methodological Features
Tables 6 and 7 show how effect sizes varied with research design and imple-
mentation features. The studies were categorized according to the researchers’
confidence in the calculated effect size (rated as medium or high depending on
whether sufficient data were provided to calculate an effect size), the reliability and
validity of instruments used in the studies, and a measure of the level of control for
bias in the studies. An additional source of variance often reported in meta-analyses is
the research designs of the studies under consideration (Abrami & Bernard, 2006).
However, because none of the studies in the current meta-analysis used random
assignment—almost all the studies included were matched quasi-experimental
designs except two studies that did not clearly report the design—we could not
meta-analyze the variations based on research designs. As well, all the analyzed
studies were published, hence precluding further analyses based on whether stud-
ies were published or not but heightening the potential for publication bias.
Table 6 shows the weighted mean effect sizes for metalinguistic or metacogni-
tive awareness studies by different methodological features. High coder confi-
dence in the effect size calculation was associated with statistically detectable
mean effect size, but medium coder confidence was not. Studies in which the reli-
ability of measures was not reported produced a statistically detectable mean effect
size, but studies in which reliability was reported did not. Studies produced a sta-
tistically detectable mean effect size whether they reported validity measures or
not. Studies in which bias was tightly controlled or not controlled produced a sta-
tistically detectable mean effect size, but studies in which biases were loosely
controlled did not.
Table 7 shows the weighted mean effect sizes for representation and attention
studies by different methodological features. High coder confidence in the effect
size calculation was associated with a statistically detectable mean effect size, but
medium coder confidence was not. Mean effect sizes were statistically detectable
whether reliability of the measures used were reported or not. Similarly, mean
effect sizes were statistically significant whether bias was tightly or loosely con-
Publication Bias
Researchers have observed that published studies are a biased sample of studies
in a particular domain because research reports are more likely to be published
when significant results are reported (Orwin, 1983; Rosenthal, 1979). Hence, stud-
ies with nonsignificant findings are often either tucked away in file drawers or
reported in the less accessible gray literature. This problem, referred to as the “file-
drawer problem,” becomes apparent in meta-analyses, where there is a tendency to
exclude unpublished and gray literature studies, thereby potentially skewing meta-
analytical findings toward a positive mean effect size. This poses a threat to the
validity of results obtained from any meta-analyses. Researchers have proposed
different methods to examine the validity of results obtained from meta-analyses.
In the current work, publication bias seems to be a potential threat to the validity
of results obtained because all the studies analyzed were published in peer-
reviewed journals. Two statistical tests were performed using Comprehensive
Meta-Analysis software to assess the potential for publication bias in this meta-
analysis. First, a “classic fail-safe N test was performed to determine the number
at SIMON FRASER LIBRARY on June 28, 2010 http://rer.aera.netDownloaded from
Weighted mean effect sizes for studies investigating bilinguals’ metalinguistic and metacognitive awareness by different
methodological features
Effect size
95% confidence
Test of
Test of
N k g SE Lower Upper z QBdf p
Confidence in effect size derivation 0.84 1 .36
Medium 238 2 0.58 0.33 –0.06 1.21 1.77
High 3,062 29 0.27 0.09 0.09 0.44 3.02*
Reliability 0.44 1 .51
Not reported 2,028 19 0.33 0.11 0.12 0.55 3.06*
Reported 1,272 12 0.22 0.14 –0.05 0.49 1.57
Validity 0.54 1 .46
Not reported 2,644 26 0.26 0.09 0.08 0.45 2.76*
Reported 656 5 0.44 0.22 0.01 0.86 2.00*
Control for bias in studies 3.11 2 .21
Tightly controlled 1,556 17 0.34 0.12 0.12 0.57 2.99*
Loosely controlled 1,023 11 0.12 0.14 –0.15 0.39 0.86
Not controlled 721 3 0.58 0.25 0.10 1.06 2.35*
*p < .05.
of null effect studies needed to raise the p value associated with the average effect
above an arbitrary alpha level (set at a = .05). This test revealed that 3,791 addi-
tional studies would be required to invalidate the overall effect found in this meta-
The second test, Orwin’s fail-safe N, was used to estimate the number of
file-drawer studies with null results required to nullify the effects found in this
meta-analysis. Using a criterion trivial level of .05, the fail-safe N was found to be
453 studies, meaning that 453 missing null studies would be needed to bring the
current mean effect size found in this meta-analysis to .05. Researchers have
claimed that meta-analytical results could be interpreted as valid and thus resistant
to the “file-drawer problem” if the fail-safe N reaches the 5k+10 limit (Carson,
Schriesheim, & Kinicki, 1990; Rosenthal, 1979). The results of the two computed
statistical tests suggest that it is unlikely that publication bias poses a significant
threat to the validity of findings reported in the current work because both fail-safe
N values are larger than the 5k+10 limit.
The meta-analysis presented here synthesized data from 63 studies to examine
the cognitive correlates of bilingualism and the magnitude of such benefits. We
found a moderate positive overall effect of bilingualism on different cognitive
measures. Nevertheless, significant variability existed among studies, with some
yielding a positive cognitive effect of bilingualism and others a negative cognitive
effect. To more appropriately explain the variability among findings, we examined
the study features that may account for the variable effects. Specifically, this meta-
analysis provided answers to the following research questions.
Weighted mean effect sizes for studies investigating bilinguals’ abstract and
symbolic representation, attentional control, and problem solving by different
methodological features
95% confidence
Test of
Test of
N k g SE Lower Upper z QBdf p
Confidence in effect
size derivation
0.65 1 .42
Medium 1,180 4 0.59 0.34 –0.07 1.24 1.75
High 1,091 21 0.88 0.15 0.58 1.18 5.69*
Reliability 1.43 1 .23
Not reported 1,779 18 0.94 0.17 0.61 1.27 5.58*
Reported 492 7 0.57 0.26 0.07 1.08 2.21*
Control for bias in
3.11 2 .21
Tightly controlled 1,862 18 0.89 0.16 0.57 1.21 5.43*
Loosely controlled 409 7 0.67 0.26 0.17 1.17 2.61*
*p < .05.
What Cognitive Correlates Is Bilingualism Associated With?
Results of this meta-analysis show that bilingualism is positively associated
with a range of cognitive benefits. Specifically, bilinguals were found to outper-
form monolinguals on the combined measures of metalinguistic and metacognitive
awareness (g = 0.33) and on measures of abstract and symbolic representation,
attentional control, and problem solving (g = 0.52). There was, however, signifi-
cant variability in these effect sizes.
These results indicate that the process of acquiring two languages and of simul-
taneously managing those languages—of inhibiting one so the second can be used
without interference—allows bilinguals to develop skills that extend into other
domains. These skills appear to give bilingual speakers insight into the abstract
features of language and into their own learning processes. They also appear to
give bilingual speakers an enhanced capacity to appropriately control and distrib-
ute their attentional resources, to develop abstract and symbolic representations,
and to solve problems.
How Do the Effects of Bilingualism Vary When
Cognitive Outcomes Are Measured in Different
Geographical Locations and Settings, for Different Language Groups,
at Different SESs, and at Different Educational Levels?
Sociocultural attitudes toward bilingualism and the use of particular languages
vary across different countries and communities (Hamers & Blanc, 2000).
Consistent effects associated with geography were not observed in the current
work. For example, Canada and the United States provide rather different contexts
for bilingualism: Canada maintains two official languages, and a number of poli-
cies supporting bilingualism in both official languages are in place (Government
of Canada, 2009). As well, Canada’s multicultural attitude toward immigration
encourages immigrants to maintain their native language while acquiring at least
one of Canada’s official languages (Esses & Gardner, 1996). In contrast, the United
States is officially unilingual and has adopted a “melting pot” rather than multicul-
tural approach to immigration (Ravitch, 1990). Despite these differences, we
observed no consistent differences regarding cognitive correlates of bilingualism
in Canada and the United States. It may be that limiting our inclusion criteria to
cover only studies in which participants were balanced bilinguals eliminated any
potential differences across bilingual speakers in different countries.
Bilinguals who acquire their second language at an early age often master that
second language more fully than those who acquire their second language later in
life (Johnson & Newport, 1989). The evidence reviewed in the current analysis
suggests that earlier, rather than later, acquisition of a second language is also more
likely to be associated with greater metalinguistic and metacognitive awareness.
Although bilingual speakers of all ages demonstrated significant advantages with
respect to representation and attention, only the youngest bilinguals (who, by def-
inition, must have acquired their second language early in life) showed significant
advantages with respect to metalinguistic or metacognitive awareness.
Studies conducted in the classroom yielded a moderately high effect of bilin-
gualism over monolingualism on measures of metalinguistic and metacognitive
awareness, but this effect was not observed in laboratory studies conducted outside
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Adesope et al.
of the classroom. Because of the high stakes associated with classroom studies in
which testing contributes to students’ performance assessments, it is possible that
bilinguals in such studies exhibited their cognitive skills to the fullest relative to
bilinguals in the laboratory studies in which outcome measures typically do not
contribute to performance assessments.
How Are Effect Sizes Influenced by Different Combinations
of Languages Spoken by Bilinguals?
For most language pairings—including French–English and Chinese–English
pairings—bilinguals outperformed monolinguals on the set of representation and
attention measures that includes abstract and symbolic representations, attentional
control, and problem solving. However, when measuring metalinguistic or meta-
cognitive outcomes, French–English and Chinese–English pairings did not show
a significant advantage over monolinguals. This may be a result of the specific
manners in which metalinguistic or metacognitive outcomes were measured in the
French and Chinese speaker studies. Alternatively, this pattern of results may indi-
cate that any language pairing can yield general cognitive benefits for bilinguals
but specific pairs of languages are necessary for bilinguals to develop metalinguis-
tic or metacognitive advantages. For example, it may be necessary for both lan-
guages to contain certain features for bilinguals to become metalinguistically
aware of those features. This would be in line with the findings from research on
cross-linguistic transfer of reading skills, where it has been observed that the
amount of cross-linguistic transfer is maximized when both languages have alpha-
betic writing systems. As a result, cross-linguistic transfer occurs easily for
Spanish–English bilinguals but not for Mandarin–English bilinguals (Bialystok,
Luk, & Kwan, 2005; Koda & Zehler, 2008).
Are the Effect Sizes of Cognitive Benefits Influenced by
Methodological Features of the Research?
Across different methodological features, the meta-analysis found cognitive advan-
tages of bilingualism. Specifically, on measures of metalinguistic or metacognitive
awareness, statistically detectable benefits of bilingualism were obtained when
researchers’ confidence in calculating effect sizes was high and when biases in studies
were tightly controlled. However, the large number of studies that did not report any
reliability or validity measures somewhat undermines the methodological quality of
the studies we analyzed. On measures of representation and attention, a similar result
was found with researchers’ confidence in calculating effect sizes. A large, statistically
detectable effect size was obtained showing that a high coder confidence in the effect
size was associated with a high mean effect size. Also, statistically detectable effect
sizes were obtained whether reliability of instruments used was reported or not and
irrespective of how biases in studies were controlled.
Although monolingualism is often depicted as normative, the best available
evidence indicates that, around the world, bilingual and multilingual speakers out-
number monolingual speakers (Tucker, 1998). The current work suggests that
bilingualism (and, presumably, multilingualism) is associated with a number of
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
cognitive benefits. These findings point to the need for further work investigating
the utility of these benefits in a variety of contexts. For example, cognitive benefits
documented in the current work may be of use to bilingual speakers in classrooms
where the language of instruction is not their native language. As the pace of
immigration to developed countries increases, the incidence of bilingualism and
multilingualism in these countries will also increase—as will the number of sec-
ond language learners in public school classrooms. Although second language
learners often present challenges within the classroom, the current analysis sug-
gests they may also bring a number of advantages. It remains unclear how, in
practice, second language learners and their instructors may capitalize on these
advantages. Further work investigating the cognitive correlates of bilingualism
within educational contexts is required to clarify this issue.
Codebook on the cognitive benefits of bilingualism: Coded variables
Section A: Identification of studies/
A.1 Name of the reviewer A.1.1 Details
A.2 Date of the review A.2.1 Details
A.3 Please enter the details of the paper A.3.1 Author (last name, first name)
A.3.2 Date of publication
A.3.3 Title of the article
A.3.4 Journal, issue number, pages
A.3.5 Credentials—institutional affiliation of
the authors
Section B: General information
B.1 What is the focus of the study? B.1.1 ESL instructional practices
B.1.2 Cognitive benefits of bilingualism
B.2 In what country was the study
B.2.1 USA
B.2.2 Canada
B.2.3 United Kingdom
B.2.4 Australia/New Zealand
B.2.5 Other (please specify)
B.3 What is the language of the
monolingual group?
B.3.1 English
B.3.2 Other (please specify)
B.4 What are the languages of the
bilingual group?
B.4.1 (Please list)
B.4.2 (Please list)
B.5 What is/are the cognitive variable(s)
being measured?
B.5.1 Problem-solving skills
B.5.2 Theory-of-mind tasks
B.5.3 Creative and divergent thinking
B.5.4 Cognitive flexibility
B.5.5 Abstract representation and reasoning
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B.5.6 Learning strategies
B.5.7 Metalinguistic awareness
B.5.8 Metacognitive skills
B.5.9 Working memory
B.5.10 Others (Please provide details)
B.6 What is the age range of the
B.6.1 Grades K–3 (5–8 years old)
B.6.2 Grades 4–7 (9–12 years old)
B.6.3 Grades 8–12 (13–18 years old)
B.6.4 Longitudinal range (Please provide details)
B.7 What is the location of the study? B.7.1 Classroom
B.7.2 Pull-out room (for instance, a resource
room or another room within the school)
B.7.3 Laboratory
B.7.4 Other (please specify)
Section C: Study research questions
C.1 What is the overarching question the
researcher is trying to address? Please
write in authors’ description if there is
one. Elaborate if necessary, but
indicate which aspects are reviewers’
interpretations. Other, more specific
questions about the research questions
and hypotheses are asked later.
C.1.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)
C.1.2 Implicit (please specify)
C.1.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
C.2 What is the author’s specific
research question? Research questions
operationalize the overarching
question. Please write in author’s
description if there is one. Elaborate if
necessary, but indicate which aspects
are reviewer’s interpretations.
C.2.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)
C.2.2 Implicit (please specify)
C.2.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
C.3 What is the author’s hypothesis?
Research questions or hypotheses
operationalize the aims of the study.
Please write in authors’ description if
there is one. Elaborate if necessary,
but indicate which aspects are
reviewers’ interpretations.
C.3.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)
C.3.2 Implicit (please specify)
C.3.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
C.4 What is the theoretical/empirical basis
for this study? Please write in author’s
description if there is one. Elaborate if
necessary, but indicate which aspects
are reviewers’ interpretations.
C.4.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)
C.4.2 Implicit (please specify)
C.4.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
APPENDIX (continued)
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
Section D: Methods–designs
D.3 What variables are included? D.3.1 Independent variables
List independent moderator variables
D.3.2 Dependent (outcome) variables
List outcome variables
D.4 What measurement tool(s) is/are
D.4.1 Standardized test
Please provide the name of the test if listed
D.4.2 Classroom or teacher developed test
Please describe and give page number
D.4.3 Observation
Please give a description and the page
D.4.4 Other
Please describe and give page number
Section E: Methods–groups
E.1 What is the design of the study E.1.1 Nonrandomized with treatment and
control groups. How were the groups
E.1.2 Repeated measures design (Where the
same sample of individuals is measured in
all of the conditions)
E.1.3 Other (please specify)
E.2 How do the groups differ? E.2.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)
E.2.2 Implicitly stated (please specify)
E.2.3 Not applicable (not more than one group)
E.2.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
E.3 Number of groups. For instance, in
studies in which comparisons are made
between groups, this may be the number
of groups into which the dataset is
divided for analysis (e.g., social class,
or form size).
E.3.1 Not applicable
E.3.2 One
E.3.3 Two
E.3.4 Three
E.3.5 Four or more (please specify)
E.3.6 Other/unclear (please specify)
Section F: Method–sampling strategy
F.1 Are the authors trying to produce
findings that are representative of a
given population? Please write in
authors’ description. If authors do not
specify, please indicate reviewers’
F.1.1 Explicitly stated (please specify)
F.1.2 Implicit (please specify)
F.1.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
F.2 What is the sampling frame (if any)
from which the participants are chosen?
e.g., telephone directory, electoral
register, postcode, school listing, etc.
There may be two stages—e.g., first
sampling schools and then classes or
pupils within them.
F.2.1 Not applicable (please specify)
F.2.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)
F.2.3 Implicit (please specify)
F.2.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
APPENDIX (continued)
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F.3 Which method does the study use to
select people, or groups of people (from
the sampling frame)? e.g., selecting
people at random, systematically—
selecting for example every 5th person,
F.3.1 Not applicable (no sampling frame)
F.3.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)
F.3.3 Implicit (please specify)
F.3.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
Section G: Sample information
G.1 What was the total number of
participants in the study (the actual
sample)? If more than one group is
being compared, please give numbers
for each group.
G.1.1 Not applicable (e.g., study of policies,
documents, etc.)
G.1.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)
G.1.3 Implicit (please specify)
G.1.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
G.2 What is the sex of the individuals in
the actual sample? Please give the
numbers of the sample that fall within
each of the given categories. If
necessary refer to a page number in the
report (e.g., for a useful table). If more
than one group is being compared,
please describe for each group.
G.2.1 Not applicable (e.g., study of policies,
documents, etc.)
G.2.2 Single sex (please specify)
G.2.3 Mixed sex (please specify)
G.2.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
G.2.5 Coding is based on: Authors’
G.2.6 Coding is based on: Reviewers’ inference
G.3 What is the socioeconomic status of
the individuals within the actual
sample? If more than one group is
being compared, please describe for
each group.
G.3.1 Not applicable (e.g., study of policies,
documents, etc.)
G.3.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)
G.3.3 Implicit (please specify)
G.3.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
G.4 What is the ethnicity of the individuals
within the actual sample? If more than
one group is being compared, please
describe for each group.
G.4.1 Not applicable (e.g., study of policies,
documents, etc.)
G.4.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)
G.4.3 Implicit (please specify)
G.4.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
G.5 What is known about the special
educational needs of individuals
within the actual sample? (choose all
that apply) Please note whether it was
explicitly stated or implicit.
G.5.1 Normally developing children
G.5.2 Language impaired
G.5.3 Learning disabled
G.5.4 Reading disabled
G.5.5 Late talkers
G.5.6 Intellectual difficulties
G.5.7 Other (please specify)
G.5.8 Not applicable (e.g., study of policies,
documents, etc.)
G.5.9 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
G.6 What are the regional characteristics
of individuals/groups in sample?
G.6.1 Not applicable (please specify)
G.6.2 Urban/inner city
G.6.3 Suburban
G.6.4 Rural
G.6.5 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
APPENDIX (continued)
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
G.6.6 Other
G.7 Do the authors describe strategies used
to control for bias from confounding
variables and groups? Please include
information on: Were the groups similar
at the start of the study?
G.7.1 Age (please specify)
G.7.2 Gender (please specify)
G.7.3 Social class (please specify)
G.7.4 Not stated/Unclear
G.7.5 Other (please specify)
G.8 What are additional sample
information/characteristics if any?
G.8.1 Not applicable
G.8.2 Sample was obtained from another
study (specify study)
G.8.3 Other
G.8.4 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
G.9 How many participants left before the
end of the study? If more than one group,
please give numbers for each group.
G.10 If the study involves following
samples prospectively over time, do
authors provide baseline values of key
variables such as those being used as
outcomes and relevant socio-
demographic variables?
G.10.1 Not applicable (e.g., study of policies,
documents, etc.)
G.10.2 Not applicable (not following samples
prospectively over time)
G.10.3 Yes (please specify)
G.10.4 No
Section H: Recruitment and consent
H.1 Which methods are used to recruit
people into the study? e.g., letters of
invitation, telephone contact, face-to-
face contact.
H.1.1 Letter of invitation
H.1.2 Telephone contact
H.1.3 Other (please specify)
H.1.4 Not applicable (please specify)
H.1.5 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
H.2 Were any incentives provided to
recruit people into the study?
H.2.1 Not applicable (please specify)
H.2.2 Explicitly stated (please specify)
H.2.3 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
H.3 Whose consent was sought? Please
comment on the quality of consent if
H.3.1 Participants
H.3.2 Parental consent
H.3.3 Other (please specify)
H.3.4 No consent was sought
H.3.5 Not stated/unclear
Section I: Data collection
I.1 Which methods were used to collect
the data? Please indicate all that
apply and give further detail where
I.1.1 Experimental
I.1.2 Curriculum-based assessment
I.1.3 Focus group
I.1.4 Group interview
I.1.5 One to one interview (face to face or by
I.1.6 Observation
I.1.7 Self-completion questionnaire
APPENDIX (continued)
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I.1.8 Self-completion report or diary
I.1.9 Exams
I.1.10 Clinical test
I.1.11 Practical test
I.1.12 Psychological test
I.1.13 Hypothetical scenario including
I.1.14 School/college records (e.g.,
attendance records, etc.)
I.1.15 Secondary data such as publicly
available statistics
I.1.16 Other documentation
I.1.17 Not stated/unclear (please specify)
I.1.18 Coding is based on: authors’ description
I.1.19 Coding is based on: reviewers’
I.2 Who collected the data? Please
indicate all that apply and give further
detail where possible.
I.2.1 Researcher
I.2.2 Head teacher/senior management
I.2.3 Teaching or other staff
I.2.4 Parents
I.2.5 Pupils/students
I.2.6 Governors
I.2.7 LEA/government officials
I.2.8 Other educational practitioner
I.2.9 Other (please specify)
I.2.10 Not stated/unclear
I.2.11 Coding is based on: Authors description
I.2.12 Coding is based on: Reviewers’ inference
I.3 Do the authors describe any ways
they addressed the reliability of their
data collection tools/methods? e.g.,
test–retest methods (Where more than
one tool was employed, please provide
details for each.)
I.3.1 Details
I.4 Do the authors describe any ways
they have addressed the validity of
their data collection tools/methods?
e.g., mention previous validation of
tools, published version of tools,
involvement of target population in
development of tools. (Where more
than one tool was employed, please
provide details for each.)
I.4.1 Details
APPENDIX (continued)
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
Section J: Data analysis
J.1 Which statistical methods, if any,
were used in the analysis? (check all
that apply)
J.1.1 Descriptive
J.1.2 Correlation
J.1.3 Group differences (e.g., t test, ANOVA)
(please specify)
J.1.4 Growth Curve analysis/multilevel
modeling (HLM)
J.1.5 Structural equation modeling (SEM)
J.1.6 Path analysis
J.1.7 Regression
J.1.8 Latent growth curve
J.1.9 Other (please specify)
Section K: Results and conclusion
K.1 What are the results of the study as
reported by authors? Please give
details and refer to page numbers in
the report(s) of the study, where
necessary (e.g., for key tables).
Group means:
Estimated effect size:
Appropriate SD:
F, t statistic:
Inverse variance weight:
K.2 Are there any shortcomings in the
reporting of the data? Please list all
implicit and explicit shortcomings of
the study.
K.2.1 Yes (please specify)
K.2.2 No
K.3 Do the authors report on all
variables they aimed to study as
specified in their aims/research
questions? This excludes variables
just used to describe the sample.
K.3.1 Yes
K.3.2 No (please specify)
K.4 What do the author(s) conclude
about the findings of the study?
Please give details and refer to page
numbers in the report of the study,
where necessary.
K.4.1 Details
Note. ESL = English as a second language; LEA = local educational agencies; HLM = hierarchical linear
modeling. Thanks to the EPPI-Reviewer database system team (Thomas & Brunton, 2006).
APPENDIX (continued)
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This research was supported by a grant from the Canadian Language & Literacy
Research Network (CLLRNet) and funds from the Canadian Council on Learning
1When the value of Q is less than or equal to the degree of freedom associated with
a subset, I2 is assigned a value of zero. Similarly, negative values of I2 are assigned a
value of zero so that I2 lies between 0% and 100%. A value of 0% indicates no observed
heterogeneity, and larger values show increasing heterogeneity. Higgins and Thompson
(2002) recommend that percentages of around 25% (I2 = .25), 50% (I2 = .50), and 75%
(I2 = .75) should be interpreted to mean low, medium, and high heterogeneity, respec-
2The “mixed” category consists of studies conducted in multiple locations (e.g.,
Ransdell, Barbier, & Niit, 2006, reported a study conducted in three disparate geo-
graphical locations—Estonia, France, and the United States).
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OLUSOLA ADESOPE holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Simon Fraser
University, Canada. He recently accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Educational
Psychology in the Department of Educational Leadership & Counseling Psychology at
Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2136; email:
His research interests include the cognitive and psychological processes underlying mul-
timedia learning, teaching and learning with interactive concept maps and diagrams,
language pedagogy, technology-mediated instruction and research synthesis, especially
TRACY LAVIN is a Researcher with the Directions Evidence and Policy Research Group,
1055 Dunsmuir–Suite 1254, Four Bentall Centre, Vancouver, BC V7X 1A2; email: She received a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia and
pursued postdoctoral studies at Northwestern University. She has studied and written
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Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism
about a number of learning and educational issues from both academic and public policy
perspectives. Her research interests include studying how children and adults learn lan-
guage and acquire its underpinning cognitive concepts. She has written several research
papers for the National Literacy Strategy initiative and also leads the team of analysts
responsible for developing, analyzing, and reporting on Canadian Council on Learning’s
annual Survey of Canadian Attitudes toward Learning.
TERRI THOMPSON is a Researcher with the Directions Evidence and Policy Research
Group, 1055 Dunsmuir–Suite1254, Four Bentall Centre, Vancouver, BC V7X 1A2;
email: Over the past five years, she has participated in, and man-
aged the completion of, over 60 systematic reviews and question scans devoted to issues
about education and learning. She holds a Master’s degree in Education from the
University of British Columbia where she studied issues of social justice and education
CHARLES UNGERLEIDER is a professor of the sociology of education at the University
of British Columbia, 2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada; e-mail: charles. His research interests include educational policy, finance and gov-
ernance, educational change, and the educational trajectories of students in elementary
and secondary schools.
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... Specifically in a conversation-specific context, the intertwined interplay of working memory subcomponents allows to hold in mind speech-and conversation-specific information and demands. This involves keeping track of vocabulary, content, and conversational goals of the latest output (Adams et al., 2022;Adesope et al., 2010;Monnier et al., 2021;Swets & Ivanova, 2022) as well as contributing to longer and more informatively formulated utterances at sentence and discourse level (Adams et al., 2022;Swets & Ivanova, 2022). Considering the challenging nature of monitoring and adjusting one's language during a conversation, especially when difficulties arise that require input from both language systems, it is plausible to assume that working memory capacities also play a significant role in code-switching (Green & Wei, 2014). ...
... Considering the latent modeling of children's inhibitory control skills and the associations observed with code-switching, it seems unlikely that this unexpected moderate correlation is due to a lack of reliability, usually a common issue in reaction time tasks with young children. One possible explanation could be that age-independent dual language experiences in young children might mitigate the pure biological maturation processes in inhibitory control (Adesope et al., 2010). ...
... Analogous to other linguistic domains in single and dual language acquisition, such as speech formulation at sentence and discourse level (Adams et al., 2022;Adesope et al., 2010;Monnier et al., 2021;Swets & Ivanova, 2022), verbal aspects of working memory also appear to be a key cognitive factor in understanding the development of code-switching behavior in preschool-aged children. This study is, to our knowledge, the first to specifically investigate verbal short-term memory effects on the direction and location of children's code-switching. ...
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This study investigates how dual language learning preschooler's code-switching relates to their linguistic and cognitive strengths and challenges. Utilizing a cross-sectional approach, we examined preschool-aged children in Switzerland and Germany acquiring a societal language (German or French) together with a heritage language (Italian or Turkish). We hypothesized that age-related maturation in verbal short-term memory, alongside language abilities and inhibitory control, shapes children's code-switching both within (intrasententially) and between sentences (intersententially). Parent-based code-switching reports of 106 children aged three to six years were incorporated into a generalized mixed model analysis, which also included data from linguistically parallelized tests administering societal and heritage language skills together with linguistically unbiased cognitive assessments. Findings indicate that as children age, their intrasentential switches to the heritage language decrease, while their intrasentential switches to the societal language slightly increase. Verbal short-term memory, improving with age, seems to facilitate intrasentential switching to the societal language. Moreover, strong inhibitory control helps avoid unintended intrasentential switches to the societal language. Switching intersenten-tially is not affected by age or cognition. Irrespective of intra-or intersentential switches, switching towards the societal and heritage language reflects children's linguistic strengths and difficulties, with a noticeable preference for switching into the societal majority language, even when language proficiencies are controlled. Using a comprehensive research design, this study offers valuable insights into children's dual language development. Code-switching is portrayed as a complex behavior significantly shaped by the development of verbal short-term memory, alongside strengths and challenges in linguistic skills and inhibitory control, as well as further influenced by the broader language environment within the society.
... Several meta-analyses have revealed that bilingualism was associated with better working memory abilities with a moderate effect size (Adesope et al. 2010;Grundy and Timmer, 2017;Monnier et al. 2022). Specifically, bilinguals generally achieve higher levels of performance than monolinguals when the working memory task is nonverbal (e.g., Cockroft et al. 2019;Hansen et al. 2016;Luo et al. 2013), effortful (Antón et al. 2019;Jiao et al. 2019;Morales et al. 2013), and performed in the bilingual's native language (Grundy and Timmer, 2017). ...
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Studies investigating the effects of bilingualism on cognitive function have often yielded conflicting results, which may stem in part from the use of arbitrary criteria to categorize participants into groups based on language experience. The present study addresses this limitation by using a machine learning algorithm, known as cluster analysis, to identify naturally occurring subgroups of participants with similar language profiles. In a sample of 169 participants with varying degrees of first- and second-language proficiencies and ages of acquisition, the cluster analysis yielded four bilingual subgroups: late-unbalanced, early-unbalanced, late-balanced, and early-balanced. All participants completed the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery. Results revealed that early-balanced and early-unbalanced bilinguals scored higher than late-unbalanced bilinguals on the cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control subtests of the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery, whereas late-unbalanced bilinguals scored higher than early-balanced bilinguals on the verbal working memory subtest of the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery. Bilingual language experience did not impact performance on measures of processing speed, episodic memory, and English vocabulary. These findings demonstrate the utility of data-driven approaches to capture the variability in language experience that exists in the real world. We conclude that different bilingual experiences can shape a wide range of cognitive abilities, from working memory to inhibitory control.
... Considering the full range of bilingual experiences has been shown to be a particularly useful approach to synthesizing the heavily contested findings on the effects of bilingualism on cognitive skills, such as executive functions (e.g., Adesope et al., 2010;Barac et al., 2016;Bialystok, 2011;Bialystok et al., 2009;Duñabeitia & Carreiras, 2015;Kapa & Colombo, 2013;Paap & Greenberg, 2013). Results from two recent studies suggest that bilingualism may have a graded effect on the development of cognitive skills (Sorge et al., 2017;Chung-Fat-Yim et al., 2020). ...
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The present study examined whether length of bilingual experience and language ability contributed to cross-situational word learning (XSWL) in Spanish-English bilingual school-aged children. We contrasted performance in a high variability condition, where children were exposed to multiple speakers and exemplars simultaneously, to performance in a condition where children were exposed to no variability in either speakers or exemplars. Results revealed graded effects of bilingualism and language ability on XSWL under conditions of increased variability. Specifically, bilingualism bolstered learning when variability was present in the input but not when variability was absent in the input. Similarly, robust language abilities supported learning in the high variability condition. In contrast, children with weaker language skills learned more word-object associations in the no variability condition than in the high variability condition. Together, the results suggest that variation in the learner and variation in the input interact and modulate mechanisms of lexical learning in children.
Monografija predstavlja tri zaokrožene entitete, ki so dokaj samostojne in hkrati soodvisne: (1) terminološka vprašanja, povezana z otroško in mladinsko književnostjo: tematologija, književne vrste in oblike bralnih gradiv, kanonizacija, medbesedilnost; (2) vrednotenje otroške in mladinske književnosti, temeljni kriteriji; (3) teorije bralnega razvoja in branja: starost naslovnikov oz. razvitost sposobnosti bralne pismenosti mladega bralca ali bralke; kriterija dolžine besedila in števila različnih besed v besedilu (povezava z gradniki bralne pismenosti). V zadnjih nekaj letih se kažejo bistvene spremembe pri nastajanju, oblikovanju, izdajanju in vrednotenju literarnih del, ki sodijo v otroško in mladinsko književnost. Bralni razvoj otrok, učencev in dijakov preučujejo različne stroke, zato je smiselno, da bi strokovna javnost sodelovala pri oblikovanju kakovostnih bralnih priporočil (za branje na formalni, neformalni in informalni ravni), pri čemer je nujno upoštevanje literarnozgodovinskih, literarnoteoretičnih in literarnorecepcijskih načel.
Objectives: This study attempted to explore the possibility of clinical diagnosis to see if nonverbal executive functions (updating, inhibition, cognitive flexibility) detect language difficulties in culturally diverse children. Methods: Culturally diverse children [TD (typically developing children)=24, LD (children with language disorder)=26] in the preschool age of 4 to 7 years old participated in this study. All children participated in the nonverbal executive function tasks. Discriminant analysis and ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic) curve analysis were conducted to confirm whether it is possible to identify children with language disorders among culturally diverse children. Results: The differences between TD and LD in culturally diverse children’s nonverbal executive function were consistently significant, and a total of 80.0% (specificity=75.0%, sensitivity=84.6%) of the original group cases could be correctly classified. Conclusion: This study supports previous studies that reported the benefits of executive function in children with better language skills. This study did not reveal the benefits of bilingualism for performing executive functions, which is likely influenced by the lack of sufficient opportunities for culturally diverse children in Korea to speak their native languages both inside and outside their homes. The potential for culturally diverse children to speak two languages should continue to be encouraged. This study is meaningful in identifying the possibility of diagnosing language disorders in culturally diverse children in pre-school age through nonverbal executive functioning tasks.
Aims and objectives Previous research has reported that varied language experiences and language use can play a role in the development of empathy and emotional intelligence (EI). The present study aimed to investigate the association between language experience, bilingualism and personality. Methodology One hundred and forty-two participants completed a language background questionnaire along with a series of measures to assess empathy and both trait and ability EI. Data and analysis Measures included the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire short form (TEIQue), the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ), and the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding Brief (STEU-B). Hierarchical regression models, analyses of variance (ANOVAs), and Structural Equation Modelling were used to examine the relationships between language experience, bilingualism, and measures of empathy and EI. Findings Findings reveal that bilingualism and language experiences did not contribute to empathy and EI. These results question the role that linguistic experience has in shaping empathy and EI. However, a significant difference in empathy and EI scores emerged when comparing participants who processed information in their first (or native) language to those who did not, suggesting that empathy and EI are stronger when processed in the first language. Originality This study provides a new understanding of the influence of language background on empathy and EI as well as the impact of processing information in a first language. Significance This study highlights the importance of considering the role that language has in future cross-cultural and cross-linguistic studies. Implications for the use of culturally appropriate measures and future research are discussed.
There has been a recent trend in research to integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) into language education curricula to promote bilingualism and multilingualism, addressing the requirements of 21st century skills. However, this emerging issue remains insufficiently synthesized in the language education literature. To address this gap, this study aims to synthesize STEM literature in the context of language education, providing a comprehensiveview of how this issue has been researched and identifying trending research themes and hotspot research issues. Thirty-nine studies were selected from meticulously searched databases including Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. To visualize the studies’ findings, we employed Python software to illustrate results obtained from the pool of studies and utilized Jupyter Notebook software to generate word clouds. Results reveal a rapid growth in STEAM education research since 2017, with a predominance of qualitative and mixed methods approaches, involving high numbers of participants in the studies’ interventions. Findings also indicated positive outcomes in students’ linguistic and STEM abilities, highlighting bilingualism, multilingualism, and translanguaging as emerging themes that enhance overall STEM literacy and engagement. Writing activities were more frequently employed in the target studies and more prevalent than reading, especially at the college level, while reading was more common in primary and middle schools.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaokul 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin iki dilli olmalarının okuduğunu anlama becerilerini etkileyip etkilemediğini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma aracılığıyla öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama seviyeleri; ana dili Türkçe olan ve olmayan öğrencilere göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığının yanı sıra öğrencilerin cinsiyetlerine, okudukları kitap sayısına, ailelerinin gelir düzeylerine, anne ve babalarının eğitim düzeylerine göre incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini Van ili merkez ilçelerinde bulunan 143 ortaokulda öğrenim gören 5. sınıf öğrencileri, örneklemini ise bu okullardan çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak seçilen 2 ortaokulda öğrenim gören 229’u tek dilli (Türkçe), 158’i iki dilli (Kürtçe-Türkçe) olmak üzere toplam 387 5. sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama modeline göre yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada veriler Okuduğunu Anlama Testi ile toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 26.0 paket programı aracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda tek dilli 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuduğunu anlama becerileri iki dilli 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuduğunu anlama becerilerinden yüksek çıkmıştır. Bu fark istatistiksel olarak da anlamlıdır (,000). Elde edilen diğer sonuçlara bakıldığında erkek öğrencilerin kız öğrencilere; 1 kitap okuyan öğrencilerin hiç kitap okumayan öğrencilere göre okuduğunu anlama becerilerinin anlamlı derecede farklılık gösterdiği görülmektedir. Öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama becerileri okudukları kitap sayısına, aile gelir düzeylerine, anne ve babalarının eğitim düzeylerine göre anlamlı bir fark göstermemektedir.
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English as a second language (L2) has become the medium of instruction in numerous contexts even though many people may have difficulties to read and study in L2. According to the self-regulated framework, metacognitive strategies are essential to achieve successful learning, but they are resource-consuming and their use might be compromised in demanding contexts such as learning in L2. In Experiment 1, nonbalanced bilinguals read high- and low-cohesion texts in L1 and L2 and self-rated their learning using a judgment of learning (JOL). Then, they answered open-ended questions and responded a customized questionnaire regarding their strategies. In Experiment 2, we introduced two bilingual groups varying in L2 proficiency. Overall, participants could adjust their JOLs and detect the difficulty of the texts correctly in L1 and L2. However, results evidenced some nuances in learning strategies related to L2 proficiency. We discuss these findings within the context of the self-regulated learning.
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Three groups of 4- and 5-year-old children were examined for their concepts of how print refers to language. All of the children could identify printed letters and their sounds but not read alone. The groups studied were monolingual speakers of English, bilingual speakers of French and English, and bilingual speakers of Chinese (Mandarin) and English. Bilingual children were equally proficient in both languages and were familiar with print and storybooks in both languages. The tasks assessed children’s understanding of the general correspondence between print and language in which the printed form represents a word and the specific correspondence between a constituent of print and one of language that determines representation in a given writing system. The general correspondence relation applies to all writing systems, but the specific correspondence relation changes for different kinds of writing systems. Bilingual children understood better than monolingual children the general symbolic representation of print. The older Chinese–English bilingual children also showed advanced understanding of the specific correspondence relations in English print.
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The verbal fluency task requires generation of category exemplars and appears to be an example of what M. Moscovitch (1995) calls a strategic test of memory retrieval. Four experiments explored the role of individual differences in working memory (WM) capacity on verbal fluency under various secondary load conditions. High WM participants consistently recalled more exemplars. However, load conditions caused a decline in recall only for high WM participants. Low WM participants showed no effect of secondary workload on exemplar generation. WM group differences and load effects were observed even in the 1st min of retrieval, which suggests that differences were not due to differences in knowledge. A model of retrieval is supported that relies on cue-based-automatic activation, monitoring of output for errors, controlled suppression of previously recalled items, and controlled strategic search.
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A theory of the way working memory capacity constrains comprehension is proposed. The theory proposes that both processing and storage are mediated by activation and that the total amount of activation available in working memory varies among individuals. Individual differences in working memory capacity for language can account for qualitative and quantitative differences among college-age adults in several aspects of language comprehension. One aspect is syntactic modularity: The larger capacity of some individuals permits interaction among syntactic and pragmatic information, so that their syntactic processes are not informationally encapsulated. Another aspect is syntactic ambiguity: The larger capacity of some individuals permits them to maintain multiple interpretations. The theory is instantiated as a production system model in which the amount of activation available to the model affects how it adapts to the transient computational and storage demands that occur in comprehension.
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In 2 experiments the authors examined whether individual differences in working-memory (WM) capacity are related to attentional control. Experiment 1 tested high- and low-WM-span (high-span and low-span) participants in a prosaccade task, in which a visual cue appeared in the same location as a subsequent to-be-identified target letter, and in an antisaccade task, in which a target appeared opposite the cued location. Span groups identified targets equally well in the prosaccade task, reflecting equivalence in automatic orienting. However, low-span participants were slower and less accurate than high-span participants in the antisaccade task, reflecting differences in attentional control. Experiment 2 measured eye movements across a long antisaccade session. Low-span participants made slower and more erroneous saccades than did high-span participants. In both experiments, low-span participants performed poorly when task switching from antisaccade to prosaccade blocks. The findings support a controlled-attention view of WM capacity.
Until recently, cognitive science virtually ignored the fact that most people of the world are bilingual. During the past ten years this situation has changed markedly. There is now an appreciation that learning and using more than one language is the more natural circumstance of cognition. As a result, there is a wealth of new research on second-language learning and bilingualism that provides not only crucial evidence for the universality of cognitive principles, but also an important tool for revealing constraints within the cognitive architecture. In this volume, Judith Kroll and Annette de Groot have brought together the scientists at the forefront of research on second-language learning and bilingualism to present chapters that, rather than focusing simply on their own research, provide the first comprehensive overviews of this emerging field. Bilingualism provides a lens through which each of the central questions about language and cognition can be viewed. The five sections of this book focus on different facets of those questions: How is language acquired when infants are exposed to multiple-language input from birth, and how is it acquired when adults are required to learn a second language after early childhood? How do adult bilinguals comprehend and produce words and sentences when their two languages are potentially always active and in competition with one another? What are the neural mechanisms that underlie proficient bilingualism? What are the general consequences of bilingualism for cognition and for language and thought? This handbook will be essential reading for cognitive psychologists, linguists, applied linguists, and educators who wish to better understand the cognitive basis of bilingualism and the logic of experimental and formal approaches to language science.
This book is a collection of papers that explore the ways in which bilingual children cope with two language systems. The papers address issues in linguistics, psychology, and education bearing on the abilities that bilingual children use to understand language, to perform highly specialised operations with language, and to function in school settings. All of the papers provide detailed analysis about how specific problems are solved, how bilingualism influences those solutions, and how the social context affects the process. Finally, the implications of these findings for policy-setting and the development of bilingual education programmes are explored. This will be an important and useful volume at the forefront of topical research in an area which is exciting increasing interest among linguists and cognitive scientists.
This updated and revised edition of Hamers and Blanc's successful textbook presents state-of-the-art knowledge about languages in contact from individual bilingualism (or bilinguality) to societal bilingualism. It is both multi- and interdisciplinary in approach, and analyses bilingualism at individual, interpersonal, and societal levels. Linguistic, cognitive and sociocultural aspects of bilingual development are explored, as are problems such as bilingual memory and polyglot aphasia. Hamers and Blanc analyse the relationship between culture, identity, and language behaviour in multicultural settings, as well as the communication strategies in interpersonal and intergroup relations. They also propose theoretical models of language processing and development, which are then applied to bilingual behaviour. Other topics reviewed include language shift, pidgins and creoles, language planning and bilingual education. This book will be invaluable to students, teachers and scholars interested in languages in contact in a range of disciplines including psycholinguistics, linguistics, the social sciences, education and language planning.