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This article is concerned with these two aspects of distance education: how it can change our approach to learning and how it can change us. Through the eyes of its potential we can navigate the long journey of addressing some of the educational problems that have plagued us since Sputnik and that have increasingly turned the American public into a group cynical about its own value in the world. At the same time, we can see in it our evolution toward a culture whose values, organizational principles, and sense of what it means to be educated and prepared for the tasks of living are undergoing a transformation at the most fundamental levels.

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... Yükseköğretimde öğrencilerin Açıköğretimi tercih etme nedenleri ülkeden ülkeye farklılık gösterebilmektedir. Ohler, (1991) çalışmasında Açıköğretimin potansiyelini ortaya koymak amacıyla ABD'de bir örnek olay kapsamında bir öğrencinin neden Açıköğretimi tercih edebileceğini tartışmıştır. Çalışmada ABD'de bir öğrencinin Açıköğretimi tercih etmesi için olası nedenler belirlenmiştir (Ohler, 1991). ...
... Ohler, (1991) çalışmasında Açıköğretimin potansiyelini ortaya koymak amacıyla ABD'de bir örnek olay kapsamında bir öğrencinin neden Açıköğretimi tercih edebileceğini tartışmıştır. Çalışmada ABD'de bir öğrencinin Açıköğretimi tercih etmesi için olası nedenler belirlenmiştir (Ohler, 1991). Bunların başında; düşük maliyet, coğrafi zorluklar, toplumsal baskı, izolasyon, öğrenme dinamiklerine dahil olma, engellilik durumları, yaşam tarzı veya kültürden kopmamak, zamanlama problemiyle başa çıkmak, okulda öğrenememe, kendini geliştirme ve medyanın motivasyonel etkileri sıralanmıştır. ...
... Bununla birlikte alanyazında 2000'li yıllardan önce yapılmış araştırma sonuçları daha sonra yapılmış araştırma sonuçlarından farklılık göstermektedir. Örneğin Ohler, (1991) öğrencilerin Açıköğretimi tercih etmelerindeki en önemli etken olarak coğrafi koşulları gösterirken Moore ve Kearsley (2011) en önemli etkenin Açıköğretimle sağlanan esneklik olduğunu vurgulamıştır. Wallace, (2007) yaptığı bir araştırmada Açıköğretim öğrencilerin tipik bir şekilde yetişkin, part-time çalışan, coğrafi olarak üniversitelerden uzak olduğu görüşüne eleştiri getirmiş ve Açıköğretim öğrencilerinin demografik özellikleri ile Açıköğretimi tercih etme nedenlerinin hızla değiştiğini öne sürmüştür. ...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğrencilerin Açıköğretimi tercih etme nedenlerini ve bu nedenlerin ekonomik durumlarına göre nasıl farklılaştığını belirlemektir. Rekabete dayalı küresel bilgi ekonomisinin baskın olduğu günümüzde istenen insan profili ve yetişmiş insan gücünün sahip olunması gereken beceriler ve yeterlikler kapsamlı bir değişime uğramıştır. Yeni dönemde istenen becerilerin ortak vurguları ise öğrenmeyi öğrenme, kendi kendine öğrenme ve yaşamboyu öğrenme üstünedir. Açık ve uzaktan öğrenme bu beceri ve yeterliliklerin kazanılabileceği yeni-dönem bilim alanı olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu araştırmada ise 18856 öğrencinin Açıköğretimi tercih etme nedenleri ve bu nedenlerin ekonomik durumlarına göre nasıl farklılaştığı araştırılmıştır. Bulgular; öğrencilerin açık ve uzaktan öğrenmeyi artık coğrafi sınırlılıklar, ailevi sorunlar ve ekonomik sıkıntılardan dolayı değil kendi istekleriyle bir meslek sahibi olmak, istediği bir alanda bilgi sahibi olmak veya çalıştığı işlerde yükselmek için tercih ettiklerini göstermiştir.
... In higher education, the reasons for students' preference of distance education differ from one country to another. In a study carried out to determine the potential of distance education, Jason Ohler (1991) discussed the reasons why a student may prefer distance education. In the study, a total of 17 reasons were identified (ibid.): ...
... On the other hand, the findings of studies conducted before 2000 differ from those carried out later. For instance, Ohler (1991) reports geographical conditions as the most important factor influencing student preference for distance education, while Moore and Kearsley (2011) point out that the most important factor is the flexibility provided by distance education. In the interim between these two studies, powerful technological changes occurred in distance learning which affected the preferences of students. ...
... This gap in the literature was mentioned by Wallace (2007). In addition, although there is frequent emphasis on the economic advantages of distance education in the literature (Ohler 1991;Gilbert 1995;Holmberg 2005;Moore and Kearsley 2011;Pop 2016), there is almost no research focusing on how students' economic conditions influence the reasons for their preference for distance education. ...
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In the past, distance education was used as a method to meet the educational needs of citizens with limited options to attend an institution of higher education. Nowadays, it has become irreplaceable in higher education thanks to developments in instructional technology. But the question of why students choose distance education is still important. The purpose of this study was to determine Turkish students’ reasons for choosing distance education and to investigate how these reasons differ depending on their financial circumstances. The author used a Chi squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) analysis to determine 18,856 Turkish students’ reasons for choosing distance education. Results of the research revealed that Turkish students chose distance education not because of geographical limitations, family-related problems or economic difficulties, but for such reasons as already being engaged in their profession, increasing their knowledge, and seeking promotion to a better position.
... Online education presents educational opportunities for minorities, high-risk learners, and the handicapped. Not only are opportunities greater for the broad range of people seeking education, online learning also can be an enjoyment for students because it facilitates the sharing of cost, information, and expertise between many learners and educators while providing additional educational opportunities for outlying or disadvantaged locations (Ohler, 1991;Webster & Hackley, 1997). Besides the characterization of online learning explained above, there are clear advantages of online instruction: ...
... Additionally, Ally (2004) explains that the Internet affords the learner the ability to have access to current and relevant learning materials, the ability to communicate is increased, learners are allowed to complete online courses while working on the job or in their own space and online materials can be updated and learners are able to see the changes at once. When learners are able to access materials over the Internet, it is easier for instructors to direct them to appropriate information based on their needs (Ohler, 1991). ...
... This study is concentrated on the online learning environment where researchers (Rovia, 2002;Ally, 2004;Ohler, 1991) feel an in-depth knowledge of the mathematics is necessary. ...
This qualitative case study evaluated an instructor’s practices and decision making in the online course, Seminar in Teaching Geometry. The focus of the data analysis was to understand and evaluate the instructor’s decisions as they were influenced by the association of belief dimensions and learning-centered orientations. The results were coded based on my interpretation of the framework presented by Samuelowicz and Bain (2001). This framework explains that there are nine belief dimensions and four learning-centered orientations. The data collection involved one case (the instructor), examining the relationship between this instructor’s decision making, class activities, and responses from two students. At the conclusion of the study I presented a model that detailed the findings of this instructor and this online mathematics education course. The model identifies belief dimensions and learning-centered orientations associated with this online mathematics education course. This model will help educators, institutional administration, and students understand the dynamics of an online environment, in hopes of enhancing the experiences for the students and the instructors.
... Technology development has made the education system change its learning paradigm. Society has developed toward another level, so education must be prepared to transform at the most fundamental level [1] . Distance education as a platform for education is an answer to a new society that based their daily lives on the digital platform. ...
... Distance education does not result because of a critic of citizens, school board, and government. It is part of social evolution how education provides the skill to survive in the developed world [1]. In the case of COVID-19, the urgency of distance education has become more vital. ...
... Web-based distance education involves creating a meaningful learning environment in which learning is encouraged and supported by a hypermedia-based curriculum using the resources available on the web (Bay & Tuzun, 2002;Chrisman & Harvey, 1998). Because of its independence from time and place, web-based distance education is widely acknowledged (Aslanturk, 2002;Ohler, 1991;Zaborova et al., 2017). While web-based distance education enables fast and interactive learning, its tools and materials provide a rich source of information and encourage users to structure and exchange information. ...
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The effect of the flipped classroom model on students’ academic achievement, academic satisfaction, and general belongingness was investigated using an experimental design. Purposive sampling was used to select 94 undergraduate students as participants. The participants were divided into three groups: one experimental group with the flipped classroom model and two control groups with the traditional classroom and distance education models. The groups attended the same course content sessions that are suitable for their classroom model over eight weeks. For analysis, descriptive statistics, dependent groups t-tests, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, ANCOVA, and ANOVA tests were performed. Students’ academic achievement, academic satisfaction, and general belongingness levels significantly increased in the flipped classroom compared with the other classroom models. Suggestions for future research and limitations of the study are provided.
... Theoretical and methodological analysis of approaches to the implementation of distance learning technologies in preschool education, analysis of the practical application of distance learning technologies in preschool education in Russia (Komarova et al., 2011) and foreign countries (Sampson, 2003;Ohler, 1991) have allowed the authors to single out the main target groups of the school community who are consumers of this type of educational services, that is, PEI teachers and families with preschool children having: -children with health limitations (HLs) raised at home; -children with HLs attending a PEI with no dedicated specialists (speech and language therapists, special education teachers, psychologists); ...
The urgency of this research is determined by the need to study the readiness of school community in preschool educational establishments of Russia to apply distance learning technologies. The purpose of the research is to study motivation and value-based, cognitive, operational (operational-activity), emotional-volitional, and information components of the readiness of preschool teachers and parents of preschool children to implement distance learning technologies in a major city and in rural areas. A sociological method has been chosen for this study, specifically, a questionnaire survey method. The diagnostic findings of preschool teachers' readiness to implement distance learning technologies have been analyzed; the awareness level of preschool children' parents of the content and means of implementing distance learning technologies and their readiness to embrace this type of educational technology have been studied. The results and conclusions obtained during the research can be useful for head masters of preschool educational establishments, as well as for regional and municipal educational authorities implementing distance learning technologies and e-learning.
... E-learning is considered to have many benefits because it promotes self-directed learning; it provides asynchronous and synchronous open access that are very advantageous to many adult learners; and it can engage students and practitioners in ongoing professional development (Lewis, Cidon, Seto, Chen & Mahan, 2014, p. 150). An early study of the evolution of distance education observed that distance education is appropriate for all students who may have been marginalized for a variety of reasons, and who themselves are already distanced from traditional education for psychological, geographical, or cultural reasons (Ohler, 1991, p. 25). Waite and Fowler (2002) have pointed to the benefits of synchronous and asynchronous availability of Internet-based distance education delivery (p. ...
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Longstanding calls for return to self-government and continuing alienation of First Nations’ youth from mainstream educational systems point to the need for provision of adult education that serves First Nations’ needs. An adaptable and culturally coherent learner support system for adult education programs for First Nation students and practitioners is proposed that can be adapted for use by different groups and for different subjects to support self-determination and self-government. Using online Communities of Interest (for learners) and Communities of Practice (for practitioners) is culturally appropriate and would facilitate engagement of students and practitioners, particularly in view of the importance that First Nations place on community. Establishment and evaluation of a pilot project to test the approach is recommended. Because of its relevance to self-determination and self-government, bookkeeping is recommended to be the first curricular subject to demonstrate the learner support system.
... This author posits that a reason why an institution such as UOP is successful in DE is its conception of the distance learner. While traditional distance learning adopted by traditional institutions tend to see the distance learner as one who is physically remote, Ohler (1991) hypothesized that the paradigm of the distance learner as one who is physically separated from the instructor and other students might not be wholly accurate. His conception of distance education is of "dispersed or decentralized learners who are… networked to form new learning communities" (p.25).He posited that individuals engage in distance learning for reasons other than geographical remoteness. ...
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Whereas distance education was formerly on the periphery of education and in the realm of insti- tutions with questionable academic credentials, it has been gradually gaining acceptance, is be- coming mainstreamed, and is being embraced by traditional universities. The use of distance technologies is challen ging the traditional structures of higher education institutions and it has been predicted that distance education technologies will precipitate changes in existing organiza- tional models. This is not an unexpected outcome, as changes in technology precipitate changes in work relationships and in the way output is produced. The exact form that universities of the future will take in response to these changes is uncertain. This paper discusses distance education in the light of the challenges that it poses to higher edu- cation and its role as a driver of structural and cultural change. Emergent models and possible future directions will also be explored. The primary focus of this paper will be online or Internet based distance education.
The knowledge explosion, the increased complexity of human life, and the ubiquitous, 24/7 nature of technology coupled with the globalization of the marketplace herald the need to embrace the most effective methods and platforms of teaching and learning. Currently providing powerful educational opportunities, the science and technology of distance teaching and learning continues to multiply at unprecedented rates. While historically traveling from village to village verbally disseminating knowledge was the only process of training those at a distance, today's learners eagerly embrace the rapidly expanding cloud-based technologies of the 21st century, offering a plethora of informational and educational opportunities. With this exponentially expanding global educational landscape, one must question what exactly distance teaching and learning is, how it has evolved, what the current state of affairs is, and what we anticipate in the future?
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У статті подано визначення поняття «дистанційне навчання» в контексті викладання іноземної мови. Виокремлено сім основних компетентностей, якими повинні володіти викладачі для успішного проведення занять під час дистанційного навчання. Визначено перелік ключових елементів дієвого навчання іноземних мов. Наведено практичні поради викладачам щодо розроблення онлайн-курсу з викладання іноземної мови з ілюстрацією конкретних прикладів імплементації цих порад. Детально описано дії викладача щодо кожного окремо взятого компонента ефективного онлайн-навчання іноземної мови. Зазначено доцільність використання автентичного матеріалу в дистанційних курсах. Вказано на необхідність залучення студентів до створення власних аудіо- та відеоматеріалів як складових практичних завдань. Також наголошено на важливості надання оперативного зворотного зв’язку й відгуків з боку як викладача, так і студентів.
The knowledge explosion, the increased complexity of human life, and the ubiquitous, 24/7 nature of technology coupled with the globalization of the marketplace herald the need to embrace the most effective methods and formats of teaching and learning. Currently providing powerful educational opportunities, the science and technology of distance learning continues to multiply at unprecedented rates. Where historically traveling from village to village verbally disseminating knowledge was the only process of training those at a distance, today's learners eagerly embrace the rapidly expanding web-based delivery systems of the 21st century, which offer a plethora of educational alternatives. So, with this rapidly changing distance educational landscape, one must question, what exactly is distance teaching and learning, how has it evolved, and what is its future?
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In higher education and to a lesser extent in the labour movement, computer-mediated communication (CMC) is being used for teaching, research and other purposes. In Canada, the open and distance Athabasca University cooperates with SoliNet, the computer communication network owned and operated by the Canadian Union of Public Employees, to provide credit courses to trade unionists across the country. The first CMC course was offered during 1994-95. This paper begins with an overview of educational provision on SoliNet. It then assesses the CMC experience by describing the 1994-95 course and its structure, providing student profiles and information on completion rates, analyzing the conference messages, and commenting on the usefulness of the conference for facilitating group interaction and on the experience of moderating the conference. CMC offers a forum for group discussion which is lacking in other distance-education delivery options and is an important part of adult and labor studies pedagogy.
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This study investigates distance education students’ level of satisfaction and evaluations about distance English courses. To this end, a Likert-type questionnaire was applied to 72 students attending a distance education program. In addition, semi-structured interview was employed so as to verify the data gathered from the questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that a great majority of the students were satisfied with the distance education English course stating that the content, format, reading and grammar sections of the course were sufficient, but synchronous courses, listening, speaking, and writing sections were not satisfactory and sufficient both in quality and quantity.
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RESUMO Este é o segundo artigo de uma série que pretende apresentar algumas considerações acerca das relações entre as tecnologias de informação e comunicação, as organizações educacionais, os valores e o trabalho docente. O objetivo principal deste artigo é o de discutir algumas conseqüências das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, especialmente do computador, no trabalho docente. Para uma compreensão mais abrangente do assunto dividimos o texto em três pequenas partes: i) a importância do trabalho na vida humana; ii) os valores relacionados ao trabalho docente e iii) o uso dos computadores na educação. Palavras-chaves: trabalho, trabalho docente, valores de docentes, computadores na educação. ABSTRACT This article is lhe second of a series presenting some considerations on the relations between information and communication technologies, education organizations and values and lhe academic work of the teacher. The main purpose ofthis article is to discuss some consequences of information and communication tecnologies, particulary those related to lhe use of the computer in academic work. In arder to have a more comprehensive understanding of the subject, the text is divided into three parts: i) the importance of work in human life; ii) the values related to academic work and iii) the use of computers in education.
In 1995, Auburn University launched a Master of Science degree with emphasis in Hotel and Restaurant Management via distance education. To improve and expand the program, a needs assessment was conducted targeting club managers. This paper describes the structure of the program, as well as the methods and results of the club managers survey.
Throughout the formative years of learning how to use instructional technology and programs for education, questioners neglected to bring educational goals and objectives into line with social realities, such as the economy, historical specificity, and cultural components. By examining the literature in the field and addressing what is now known about the attitudes, behaviors, and use patterns of students of differing ages, we can create a more socially responsible educational policy that addresses a variety of issues in a more fluid, yet dynamic way. The effectiveness of using programs and instructional technologies can better be evaluated by looking at the interplay of the various actors and issues within the educational context. This article summarizes early literature on the effectiveness of interactive programs and distance learning. It discusses how these terms have been grossly misused, thereby obfuscating the real issues that influence instructional practices. Profiles of young students, college-aged students, and adult learners demonstrate how, under what circumstances, and for whom, instructional programs and technologies can best be used.
Global learning is critical to world-class hospitality and tourism programs. However, involvement in truly global learning communities has not until recently been available to most learners. The Internet has been the vehicle that has supported the creation of global learning communities. UW-Stout has maximized distance technologies to create learning opportunities for students around the world. This article summarizes the evolution of the Master's program, presents key aspects of the curriculum development, discusses technologies utilized to support the learning environment, and shares evaluation information. Lessons learned will also be shared to assist those beginning their journey into on-line learning in a global environment.
This article reviews various methods of providing distance learning, including factors to be considered in establishing distance education programs and a list of resources useful in implementing such programs. The number of criminal justice degree programs available via distance learning is growing; trends in delivery systems are explored in this article, along with an example of how such a degree might be obtained through the University of Great Falls (UGF) Telecom Program. While the UGF Telecom program is only one of many distance learning programs, a description may increase understanding about how such programs generally operate.
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This study to validate the measures for the determinants that influence the student's intention to enroll an online MBA program, in particular USM online MBA. About 180 questionnaires were distributed to the adult who has obtained at least a bachelor's degree and the response rate of 67% was obtained. The analysis was carried out by using factor analysis. It was also found that the initial four constructs with total of 13 items for learner's characteristics had been reduced to 8 items which were grouped under three factors, the original four constructs for institutions characteristics reduced to three, technology characteristics were initially grouped under three constructs had been reduced to 10 items contained in two constructs by combining the construct of perception of usefulness and ease of use into one. The remaining two variables remain the same. Accordingly, the study provides reliable measures so that the relationships between the independent and dependent can further be analysed in order for the Graduate School of Business as well as other policymakers in the field of higher education can have insight into what is taking place in the domain of virtual campuses and means to setup a sustainable initiatives and strategies for a successful online education.
In an empirical study, the predominant needs of 2 contrasting groups of students in distance learning programs were investigated. One group was composed of traditional, on-campus students. The other was composed of nontraditional, off-campus students from a rural area. We administered a survey to 95 distance learning students to determine their primary educational needs, and completed a contrasting analysis to determine if accessibility of the instructor and satisfaction levels varied across groups. Results show that satisfaction levels did not vary significantly across student segments.
Rapid advances in computer and communication technology present opportunities for the Army War College to enhance and expand strategic knowledge throughout the force. This paper examines the concept and theory of distance learning, briefly traces the history of its development and describes technology currently available. It discusses issues of quality and institutional planning and management and suggests some potential applications at the Army War College. It argues that, through the application of distance learning technology, the Army War College core missions of instruction, research, and outreach can be enhanced to meet the challenges of increased need for strategic knowledge at all levels, limited or declinIng resources, and the changing needs of students.
The character of universities is under rapid change. Traditional academic institutions are now becoming adept at using new tools of communication technology to reach a growing audience for scholarly consumption. Especially within criminal justice, changes in educational requirements and a focus on national security are forcing an expansion of returning nontraditional students. Changes in student demographics now include more working professionals who desire a median of utilizing technology to earn their degree in a manner that will allow them to maintain employment and family commitments. This article discusses online education for criminal justice working professionals and questions what obligations today's university has to nontraditional students. Exploratory data analysis used for this article consists of contrasting surveys completed by students enrolled in an Internet Master's degree program (IMP) specializing in security administration. Strategies that can help alleviate problems in the application process for universities offering an Internet degree program are discussed in addition to the quality differences between students who enroll or just seek application material. Faculty interview data is explored with recommendations made through a constructivist approach to online learning, which signals a shift away from pedagogical control to an andragogy learner-centered Web-based environment.