
Remarks upon Mr. Mallet's Theory of Volcanic Energy

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The theory of Mr. Mallet, F.R.S., contained in his now celebrated paper which was read before the Royal Society in 1872, has already been much discussed; but there seems to be still room for the following remarks, which I hope I shall not be thought presumptuous in laying before you. The treatise is of such considerable dimensions that the simplest plan will be to take the sections of it in order as they occur, passing over those which approve themselves, and discussing only those which appear to be open to question. There is nothing contained in the first eleven sections but what entirely commends itself to my judgment. Indeed some of the remarks of the distinguished author were anticipated in a paper of mine read at Cambridge in 1868, of which Mr. Mallet had no knowledge at the time when his theory was given to the world. In § 12 the opinion that the crust of the earth rests on a liquid nucleus is mentioned, but not with favour. Whatever its condition may be at a very great depth, the view which at present seems probable to me is, that there is, at any rate, a substratum in a state of igneous fusion beneath the crust. In § 15 Mr. Hopkins’s investigation upon precession, according to which he believed himself to have shown that the crust of the earth is at present from 800 to 1000 miles thick, is referred to, but not with approval. General Barnard, of the United-States

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... Egli fece seguire a questa comunicazione un'altra nella quale forniva le temperature derivate da un suo lavoro sperimentale di compressione di alcuni cubetti di roccia (Mallet 1875b). L'ecclesiastico Osmund Fisher era piuttosto critico nei riguardi della teoria di Mallet 210 sul "calore vulcanico" e nel maggio del 1875 lesse una lunga critica ai membri in assemblea della Geological Society di Londra (Fisher 1875). Fisher era in una posizione ideale per articolare questi punti di vista, dato che era ciò che noi oggi chiameremmo un "geofisico", sebbene questa sotto-disciplina della geologia fosse ancora sconosciuta negli anni settanta dell'Ottocento. ...
... The cleric Osmund Fisher was rather critical of Mallet's 'Volcanic Heat' theory and in May 1875 he read a long critique to the assembled members of the Geological Society of London (Fisher 1875). Fisher was well-placed to articulate these views, as he was what we would call a 'geophysicist', although this sub-discipline of geology was unknown of in the 1870s. ...
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