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Quantitative analysis of seismogenic shear-induced turbulence in lake sediments


Abstract and Figures

Spectacular deformations observed in lake sediments in an earthquake prone region (Lisan Formation, pre-Dead Sea lake) appear in phases of laminar, moderate folds, billow-like asymmetric folds, coherent vortices, and turbulent chaotic structures. These deformations are tied to earthquake events which are speculated to be intensified by seiche (mini Tsunami)-induced shear at the bottom of the lake. Power spectral analysis of the deformation indicates that the geometry robustly obeys a power-law of -1.89, similar to the measured value of Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) turbulence in other environments. Numerical simulations are performed using properties of the layer materials based on measurements of the modern Dead Sea sediments, which are a reasonable analogue of Lake Lisan. The simulations show that for a given induced shear, the smaller the thickness of the layers the greater is the turbulent deformation. This is due to the fact that although the effective viscosity increases (the Reynolds number decreases) the bulk Richardson number becomes smaller with decrease in the layer thickness. The latter represents the ratio between the gravitational potential energy of the stably stratified sediments and the shear energy generated by the earthquake. Hence for thin layers the shear energy density is larger and the KH instability mechanism, become more efficient. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) is related then to the observed thickness and geometry of the deformed layers.
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doi: 10.1130/G30685.1
Nadav Wetzler, Shmuel Marco and Eyal Heifetz
Quantitative analysis of seismogenic shear-induced turbulence in lake
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GEOLOGY, April 2010 303
Earthquake-induced deformation of sedi-
ments, called seismites, is common in the
late Pleistocene lacustrine Lisan Formation
near the Dead Sea (Fig. 1). El-Isa and Mus-
tafa (1986) postulated that the abundant folds
formed when seismic waves deformed the
sediments at the lake bed. The discovery of
turbulent breccia layers (originally called
“mixed layers”) abutting syndepositional faults
(Agnon et al., 2006; Marco and Agnon, 1995)
proved that the breccia layers are seismites,
thus providing a paleoseismic record spanning
70–15 ka (Marco et al., 1996). Additional con-
rmation for the identifi cation of these layers
as seismites was found in the temporal correla-
tion of late Holocene breccias with historical
earthquakes (Ken-Tor et al., 2001; Migowski
et al., 2004). The deformation features typi-
cally appear in layers with thickness varying
from centimeters to decimeters. The layers are
folded asymmetrically in trains showing the
same trend of axial plane dips. The deformed
beds are enclosed between undeformed layers
of alternating millimeter-scale laminas with
annual pairs of winter detritus and summer
evaporitic aragonite (Begin et al., 1974).
The tectonic environment of an active plate
boundary in which these layers lay, suggests that
understanding the process of seismite forma-
tion might provide a method to relate sediment
deformation features with earthquake param-
eters. The original sediments consist of stably
stratifi ed water saturated mud. This condition
rules out the role of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
(requiring an inversion of densities). The asso-
ciation of a specifi c mechanical process with the
seismites under discussion was rst presented
by Heifetz et al. (2005), who hypothesized
that, since earthquakes typically induce shear
and the sediments are stably stratifi ed, Kel-
vin Helmholtz Instability (KHI) is a plausible
mechanism. Using linear stability analysis they
showed that strong earthquakes are indeed capa-
ble of setting off the KHI, by providing shear
kinetic energy that exceeds the gravitational
potential energy. While the analysis of Heifetz
et al. (2005) was linear, it is evident that nonlin-
ear processes play a major role in the dynamics
of strong earthquakes, which is the focus of this
paper. We further examine the response of sta-
bly stratifi ed mud to an imposed shear through
direct numerical simulation (DNS), and uses
the KHI hypothesis to explore the possibility of
using these structures as “paleoseismograms.
The sediment deformations in the study area
(left column of Fig. 2) appear in various forms
of linear waves, billow-like asymmetric folds,
coherent vortices, and turbulent chaotic struc-
tures (breccia).
Because KHI is a non-isotropic phenomena
(with vertical stratifi cation and shear and hori-
zontally directed velocities) its energy power
spectrum does not obey the inertial isotropic
Kolmogorov turbulence power law [E(k) µ k
where E(k) is the energy deposited in wave
number k = 2π/λ, where λ is the wavelength,
with a = 5/3]. In other disciplines, such as ocean
uid dynamics (e.g., Li and Yamazaki, 2001),
turbulent KHI was found to obey a power law
with a value of ~2. Hence, in order to examine
further the KHI hypothesis, we fi rst analyze the
power spectra of hundreds of observed deforma-
tions in the fi eld.
Unlike analyses of KHI in lab or eld
experiments, in which the power spectrum of
the kinetic and potential energy are measured
directly, we have to deduce the energy indirectly
from the motionless deformed layers. After the
deformation ceased, the water was squeezed
out of the sediment, which became solid rock.
Hence, as a proportional proxy for the poten-
tial energy during the dynamic stage (i.e., the
earthquake) we consider the deformation ampli-
tude squared (A
), defi ned in Figure 3. Since in
idealized KHI the energy is equally partitioned
between its kinetic and potential components
(e.g., Kundu and Cohen, 2008) it can be approx-
imately related to the eddy kinetic energy.
We photographed more than 300 folds of
all shapes and evolutional stages in the Lisan
Geology, April 2010; v. 38; no. 4; p. 303–306; doi: 10.1130/G30685.1; 4 fi gures.
© 2010 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
Quantitative analysis of seismogenic shear-induced turbulence in
lake sediments
Nadav Wetzler, Shmuel Marco, and Eyal Heifetz
Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Spectacular deformations observed in lake sediments in an earthquake prone region (Lisan
Formation, pre–Dead Sea lake) appear in phases of laminar, moderate folds, billow-like asym-
metric folds, coherent vortices, and turbulent chaotic structures. Power spectral analysis of
the deformation indicates that the geometry robustly obeys a power-law of –1.89, similar to
the measured value of Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) turbulence in other environments. Numeri-
cal simulations are performed using properties of the layer materials based on measure-
ments of the modern Dead Sea sediments, which are a reasonable analogue of Lake Lisan.
The simulations show that for a given induced shear, the smaller the thickness of the layers,
the greater is the turbulent deformation. This is due to the fact that although the effective
viscosity increases (the Reynolds number decreases) the bulk Richardson number becomes
smaller with decrease in the layer thickness. The latter represents the ratio between the gravi-
tational potential energy of the stably stratifi ed sediments and the shear energy generated
by the earthquake. Therefore, for thin layers, the shear energy density is larger and the KH
instability mechanism becomes more effi cient. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) is related
to the seismogenic shear established during the earthquake. Hence, a link is made between the
observed thickness and geometry of a deformed layer with its causative earthquake’s PGA.
Figure 1. A: Sampling locations shown
with the background of maximum extent of
Lisan at 26 ka in blue. B: Tectonic plates in
the Middle East. Dead Sea Transform (DST)
transfers the opening motion in the Red
Sea to the Taurus-Zagros collision zone.
C: Landsat image of sampling region.
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304 GEOLOGY, April 2010
Forma tion outcrops in two locations, Masada
and Peratzim (Fig. 1). For each fold the most
conspicuous lamina is traced and stored in a dig-
ital database. For scaling and rectifi cation, we
use a 1m × 1m frame with grid lines spaced by
10 cm as well as a ruler with millimeter marks.
For very small folds we counted pixels on
images using standard commercial image pro-
cessing software. Each measurement includes
the deformation amplitude A, from the base of
the lamina to the most upper part of its curved
wave structure. The half wavelength (λ/2) is
measured on the base of the lamina between
the two minima points (illustrated on inset in
Fig. 3). Although this measurement technique
is rather crude the power spectrum is strikingly
robust with a power law of 1.89 and R
= 0.98.
The robustness of the power law and its
agreement with the measured KHI power law
in other disciplines, together with the facts that
these hundreds of samples (with amplitudes and
associated wavelengths varying from scales of
centimeters to decimeters) are associated with
dozens of different earthquake events, and are
taken from two different sites, all suggest that
KHI is likely the governing mechanism of the
sediment deformation.
Since the observed power spectra, and the
linear stability analysis both support the KHI
hypothesis, we proceed with direct numerical
simulations (DNS) examining the response of
stably stratifi ed saturated mud to an imposed
shear. This response depends on the material
properties of the mud, mostly on its density and
viscosity profi les. In order to obtain a reason-
able estimation of the paleo–Lake Lisan mud
properties we use the modern Dead Sea sedi-
ments as an analogue.
The purpose of these simulations is to verify
whether the deformations observed in the eld
can be generated by KHI, given typical earth-
quake properties (duration on the order of sec-
onds, ground acceleration ~0.1 g, where g is
gravity), typical layer thickness (from a few
centimeters up to 0.5 m), and typical density
and viscosity stratifi cations. As a best reason-
able estimation for the latter two properties, we
sampled mud from the Dead Sea lake bed at two
layers: at depths of 10 cm and 30 cm. The aver-
age densities are 1600 kg/m
for the upper layer
and 1750 kg/m
for the lower layer, where their
respective viscosities (measured with a Newto-
nian analog viscometer) are 0.3 PaS and 3 PaS.
We use the FLUENT commercial software
( uid-dynam-
ics/fl uent/) to solve the Navier-Stokes equations
numerically. The simulation setup is composed
of two stratifi ed uid layers, subject to shear. In
the simulations the layers are 2 m long and their
Figure 2. Comparison of eld observations in Lisan Formation sediments with numerical
simulations showing similar stages of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability evolution from linear wave
through asymmetric billows, coherent vortices, and fully turbulent breccia. Grid spacing on
photos is 10 cm.
Figure 3. The deformation amplitude (A) squared versus wavenumber k of 310 folds mea-
sured in Masada (solid triangles) and Peratzim (open circles). The dashed blue regression
line of A
= 0.26k
, R
= 0.98, is compared with a reference curve of A
= 0.26k
(solid). Inset
picture at top right illustrates how the amplitudes and wavelengths were measured.
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GEOLOGY, April 2010 305
thickness varies between 4, 10, and 50 cm. The
model grid is built using the GAMBIT software,
with a fi xed horizontal resolution of 0.5 cm
and a vertical resolution of 0.1, 0.3, and 1 cm
respectively. The background hydrostatic pres-
sure is taken to be 600,000 Pa corresponding
to a 50 m lake depth, based on paleo lake level
record (Bartov et al., 2002). To study the two-
phase problem with the FLUENT simulations
we applied the option of uid volume conser-
vation, free boundary condition at the interface
between the layers, and no slip solid boundary
conditions for the upper and lower boundaries.
The upper layer is accelerated horizontally,
with respect to the lower layer, imposing a
range of accelerations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.6 g.
A localized sinusoidal perturbation with a fre-
quency of 1 Hz (representing a seismic wave) is
initiated at the interface with small amplitude of
5 mm. The time step of the simulation is 0.01 s
and the simulations are run up to 1.5 s.
Snapshots after 1 s of evolution of these 12
runs are presented in Figure 4A. The four types
of deformation found in the fi eld (linear waves,
asymmetric billows, coherent vortices, and fully
turbulent breccia layers) are produced by the
simulations. The resemblance of the simula-
tions to the observed deformations is apparent
in Figure 2. The larger the ground acceleration
and the thinner the layer, the more intense is the
deformation. While the former dependency is
quite obvious, the latter is not trivial, although
predicted by Heifetz et. al (2005) by the linear
analysis. On the one hand, the viscosity becomes
more effective for thin layers since the Reynolds
number (Re = UD/ν, where U is the characteris-
tic velocity, D is the layer thickness and ν is the
kinematic viscosity) becomes smaller. On the
other hand, the bulk Richardson number (Ri)
becomes smaller as well [Ri = (g∆ρ/ρ
where ∆ρ is the density difference between the
layers and ρ
is their mean value]. The Rich-
ardson number indicates the ratio between the
gravitational potential energy of the stably strat-
ifi ed sediments and the required shear energy,
exerted by the earthquake, to overcome the for-
mer. Because the sheared region is concentrated
at the interface between the layers but acts to
deform the full depth of the layers, the shear
energy density is larger for thin layers, making
the KHI mechanism more effi cient.
The deformation stages as a function of Rich-
ardson and Reynolds numbers are summarized
in Figure 4. As expected from the theory, no
instability is obtained when Ri > 0.25.
The ubiquitous appearance of deformed
coherent billows, together with the basic condi-
tions of stably stratifi ed sediments subjected to
earthquake-induced shear, strongly suggest that
KHI is indeed the governing mechanism of fold
evolution. Nonetheless, it is impossible to abso-
lutely determine that the seismites deformations
examined in this study resulted only from KHI
during paleo-earthquakes.
Among other plausible mechanisms is the
liquefaction of the underlying muddy layer and
passive collapse of the overlying cohesive mud
during the earthquake (Owen, 1987). Then,
even slopes with slight inclination can yield
asymmetrical morphologies. Evidence for simi-
lar KHI-induced deformations in other places
were observed after the tsunami generated by
the great Sumatra earthquake (Matsumoto et
al., 2008), where coherent billows were formed
at the sheared interface at the bottom of the tsu-
nami sand deposits. Simulations of the effects
of strong earthquakes in Lake Lisan also show
that seiches may form and cause destratifi ca-
tion in the water column associated with breccia
forming at the lake bottom (Begin et al., 2005).
Hence, the seiche-induced shear at the bottom
of the lake could have enhanced the turbulent
characteristics of the deformation. Another case
was observed in deformed clay sediments that
also show coherent billows in the Jharia Basin,
India. It was shown experimentally and numeri-
cally by Dasgupta (2008), that the waveform of
shear induced deformation is enhanced if the
two layers have different rheological properties.
A detailed analysis of the deformation
amplitude power spectrum of more than 300
samples (in varying sizes of few millimeters
to 1 m), taken from two different sites near
the Dead Sea, triggered by dozens of differ-
ent earthquakes, reveals a strikingly well-
constrained sharp power law of 1.89, a similar
value to the power law obtained for KHI in
other environments.
Although it is impossible to determine the
Ozmidov scale, from which the stratifi cation
shifts the power spectrum from the inertial Kol-
mogorov power law to the KH one, this nd-
ing strongly supports the KHI hypothesis (the
Ozmidov scale is defi ned as the square root of
the ratio between the dissipation rate of turbu-
lent kinetic energy and the third power of the
Figure 4. A: Simulation snapshots after 1 s from onset of earthquake fi rst shock for different ground accelerations and various layer thick-
ness. Basic simulation setup shown at bottom left. B: Values of Reynolds (Re; color coded) and Richardson numbers (Ri; dashed lines)
based on the same layer thickness and ground acceleration as the simulation snapshots on the left (curves are smoothed). Annotation
between gray lines indicates ranges with characteristic deformation patterns obtained for each run, after 1 s of model time.
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306 GEOLOGY, April 2010
buoyancy frequency. While the buoyancy fre-
quency can be extracted from the density profi le
there is no reliable way to obtain the dissipation
rate from the fi eld data).
Our numerical simulations are somewhat
crude. They do not take directly into account
the two phase ow non-Newtonian behavior
of the consolidated mud, the buildup of pore
pressure that may lead to liquefaction, the pres-
ence of fi nite thick shear layer and other related
phenomena. Furthermore, the material proper-
ties of the sediments (see above) are taken from
measurements of the current lakebed sediments,
which may differ from the paleo–lake Lisan
sediments. Nevertheless, the simulations show
that within typical ranges of earthquake ground
acceleration, layer thickness, and perturbed
seismic frequency, all types of KH deforma-
tion phases (linear waves, asymmetric billows,
coherent vortices, and fully turbulent breccia
layers) are reconstructed. The robustness of the
results may therefore testify to the robustness of
the KH mechanism.
The numerical simulations indicate that the
larger the ground acceleration and the thin-
ner the layer, the more intense are the defor-
mations. The duration of the earthquake was
found to affect the geometry, rather than the
deformation amplitude. This is somewhat dif-
ferent from the earthquake duration effect on
asymmetric morphologies generated by gravity
currents above liquefi ed layers, (Moretti et al.,
1999; Owen, 2003).
Potentially, Figure 4 may serve as a sort of
“paleoseismogram”; identifi cation of the geom-
etry of the deformation and the layer thickness
provides an estimation of the peak ground accel-
eration. By assuming locations of paleo earth-
quakes and using known attenuation relations
(e.g., Boore et al., 1997) an indirect estimation
for the earthquake magnitude may be obtained
from the geometrical properties of the deformed
sediment layer.
We suggest that the various types of defor-
mation in the Lisan Formation can be explained
as the results of earthquake triggered KHI. The
instability caused a continuous development,
which culminated in turbulent breccias layers.
The deformation process was quenched at dif-
ferent stages depending on the sediment prop-
erties (layer thickness, density and viscosity
gradients) and induced acceleration. These rela-
tions may enable the estimation of paleo-earth-
quake magnitude.
We thank Amotz Agnon for stimulating discus-
sions and good advice. We are also grateful to Mas-
simo Moretti and an anonymous journal referee for
thorough revisions and constructive comments. The
research was funded by the Binational U.S.-Israel Sci-
ence Foundation grant #2004087 to Heifetz and Israel
Science Foundation grant 1539/08 to Marco.
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Manuscript received 14 September 2009
Revised manuscript received 24 October 2009
Manuscript accepted 27 October 2009
Printed in USA
on March 25, 2010geology.gsapubs.orgDownloaded from
... Seismic shaking can deform sediment by inducing shear stress between sediment layers, leading to Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities at their boundary (KHI; Heifetz et al., 2005;Wetzler et al., 2010). Gravitational downslope stress then modulates how the instable sequence deforms and moves downslope, even on slopes of less than 1° (Alsop & Marco, 2013). ...
... Gravitational downslope stress then modulates how the instable sequence deforms and moves downslope, even on slopes of less than 1° (Alsop & Marco, 2013). Numerical modeling and field studies of different sediment types showed the potential of KHI-related deformation for quantitative paleoseismology as stronger shaking increases the deformation degree from disturbed lamination over folds to intraclast breccia (e.g., Heifetz et al., 2005;Lu et al., 2020;Wetzler et al., 2010). However, most paleoseismic studies using SSDS records focus on a single site (e.g., Avşar et al., 2016;Lauterbach et al., 2019;Migowski et al., 2004;Monecke et al., 2006;Oswald et al., 2021). ...
... Sediment characteristics alter sediment sensitivity for earthquake-triggered deformation through their influence on geotechnical and rheological properties (e.g., Alsop & Marco, 2014;Balaban-Fradkin et al., 2022;Molenaar et al., 2022;Wetzler et al., 2010). Therefore, thorough knowledge of the effect of lithology on earthquaketriggered deformation is essential to derive quantitative shaking constraints from SSDS records. ...
Subaqueous paleoseismic studies used soft sediment deformation structures (SSDS) to discern the shaking strength of past earthquakes, as the deformation degree of SSDS related to Kelvin Helmholtz Instability evolves from disturbed lamination and folds to intraclast breccia with higher peak ground accelerations (PGA). We lack comparative studies of different sediment types with SSDS related to earthquakes from different seismogenic sources to comprehend how these factors modulate earthquake‐induced deformation. Here, we compile sediment records with seven earthquake‐triggered SSDS from 10 lakes with organic‐, carbonate‐, siliciclastic‐, and diatom‐rich sediment from three subduction zones and one collisional setting. We target basin sequences with slope angles <0.65° to reduce the influence of gravitational downslope stress. We find that even minimal increases in slope angle, maximal 1°, lead to higher deformation degrees and, for some earthquakes, SSDS are only present at >0.65°. Fine‐grained clastics enhance sediment susceptibility to deformation, whereas abundant diatoms reduce it, demonstrating the influence of composition. Deformation correlates best with PGA and the vicinity of the earthquakes, suggesting that high frequency shaking promotes deformation. In addition, deformation only occurs above a minimum magnitude dependent on sediment composition, and higher deformation degrees in our studied basin sedimentary sequences only above Mw 4.9 for all sediment types, suggesting that sufficient duration of shaking—magnitude correlates with duration—is essential for SSDS development. We advise taking multiple cores on gentle slopes to study SSDS—additional to basin cores—to resolve small magnitude local earthquakes and relative differences in frequency content of past events.
... the region (Avşar et al., 2014;Howarth et al., 2016;Hubert-Ferrari et al., 2020;Moernaut, 2020;Wang et al., 2021;Banjan et al., 2022), relying on multiple high-precision dating methods, high sensitivities of lakecatchment systems to off-fault seismic ground motions, and identification of seismically induced sedimentary imprints (Lu et al., 2021a;Alsop et al., 2022;Daxer et al., 2022;Fan et al., 2022b). In situ soft sediment deformation structures (SSDs) including brittle (e.g., microfaults) and ductile (e.g., liquefaction and microfolds) deformations in lake sediments were commonly recognized as seismites produced by distinct seismic shaking intensities (Avşar et al., 2016;Jiang et al., 2016;Zhong et al., 2022), which can be calibrated by computational fluid dynamics modeling and historical seismic data (Wetzler et al., 2010;Fan et al., 2020b;Lu et al., 2020). In many lakes, however, seismic events did not always result in sediment deformations because of the restrictions of pore-water pressure and lithology (Suter et al., 2011;Shanmugam, 2017). ...
... Several previous studies have focused on the potential of using seismically induced SSDs to quantitatively reconstruct shaking intensities (Monecke et al., 2004;Lu et al., 2020Lu et al., , 2021bFan et al., 2020bFan et al., , 2022bMolenaar et al., 2022;Zhong et al., 2022). For example, intensities of 6.5, 7, 8 and 8.5 MMI were needed to initiate linear waves, asymmetric billows, coherent vortices and intraclast breccia with a certain thickness, respectively, in the Dead Sea sediments (Lu et al., 2020), based on computational fluid dynamics modeling results (Wetzler et al., 2010). Accordingly, a local intensity of 6.35 MMI was required to trigger linear waves in the sediments from Yileimu Lake, southern Altay (Fan et al., 2020b). ...
Lake sediments that widely distributed in the active and complicated fault zones have been recently showing great potential for paleoseismic reconstruction. However, flood events and human activities may make the seismic signal unrecognizable. In this study, high-resolution analyses of sedimentary structure, physical and chemical proxies, as well as absolutely radioactive dating were conducted on seven representative sediment cores from the depocenter, nearshore and inlet areas of Yangzong Lake, a typical fault lake in the Xiaojiang Fault zone, southeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP). These new data were calibrated by historical documents, suggesting that seismically induced mass-transport deposits (MTDs, i.e., turbidites) were massive and/or amalgamated (earthquake doublet), became fining and thickening towards the lake center (without changing lake morphology), and occasionally exhibited soft sediment deformation structures (SSDs, i.e., microfaults). These sediments were relatively poorly sorted and instantaneously deposited from slope failures within the lake. An extremely strong earthquake could cause coseismic subsidence of the lake basin and destruct the local hydrological system, resulting in exceptionally high Mn and total inorganic carbon (TIC) contents in the lake center. In contrast, flood deposits were thinner with horizontal beddings, had higher terrestrial organic matter (higher C/N ratios), and distributed locally in the lake inlet area. Human activities-induced sediments were inversely graded, poorly sorted and gradually deposited, had horizontal beddings and no erosive base, and exhibited high carbon, Pb and Zn contents and low C/N ratios. In addition, macroseismic investigations and statistical results from intensity prediction equations (IPEs) provided a conservative threshold of ~8 Modified Mercalli Intensities (MMI) for triggering turbidites, and a ~ 10 MMI for inducing coseismic subsidence and hydrological destruction. This study was among the first attempts to establish a quantitative lacustrine paleoseismograph in the southeastern TP, and the new results would greatly improve the valid assessment of geohazard risks.
... The formation of the SSDSs in the Dead Sea area might be attributed to seismic activities. The formation of SSDSs requires seismic waves that occur due to an earthquake with a magnitude of ≥5.5 ML [84]. Nevertheless, it is reported that the average earthquake recurrence period is about 340 ± 20 yr with magnitudes of ≥5.5 ML, according to a study of the seismic disturbances that affected Lisan's sediments, specifically on the eastern side of the Dead Sea in Wadi Arab [7]. ...
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Soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDSs) typically form in unconsolidated sedimentary deposits before lithification. Understanding these structures involves evaluating their characteristics, genesis timing, and the dynamics of sediment deformation. SSDSs are essential for deciphering ancient environments, reconstructing depositional processes, and discerning past prevailing conditions. In the Dead Sea region, SSDSs are abundant and well preserved due to unique geological and environmental factors, including rapid sedimentation rates and seismic activity. Influenced by the Dead Sea Transform Fault, the area offers insights into tectonic activity and historical earthquakes predating modern instrumentation. This study extensively examines SSDSs along the Dead Sea area in Jordan, focusing on sediments near the Lisan Peninsula, where the prominent Lisan Formation (71-12 ka) exposes numerous deformations. Mineralogical and geochemical analyses using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) were applied on deformed and undeformed layers to test the potential trigger of seismite formation in the Dead Sea area. The XRD and XRF results reveal Aragonite and Halite as the predominant compounds. Field observations, coupled with mineralogical and geochemical data, suggest tectonic activity as the primary driver of SSDSs formation in the Dead Sea region. Other contributing factors, such as high salinity, arid climate, and depositional settings, may also have influenced their formation. These structures offer valuable insights into the region's geological history, environmental conditions, and tectonic evolution.
... The first type is represented by deposit J. Deposit J is a complex 730 sequence with an initial thin suspected bypass turbidite followed by a silt layer enriched in Slickear Creek watershed-sourced sediment displaying loading at the base followed by an organic-rich tail that shows evidence of extensive sediment partitioning of the delta slope sediment during settling. The base of the silt in deposit J shows evidence of loading but this could be the result of sediment-water interactions during shaking (earthquake-triggered shear known as the Kelvin Helmholtz Instability, Wetzler et al., 2010). The tail is followed by a change in the organisms in the water column. ...
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We compare event deposits from the historical portion of the sedimentary record from Lower Acorn Woman Lake, Oregon, to historical records of regional events to determine if the lake records Cascadia earthquakes. We use the sedimentological characteristics and x-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) provenance of disturbance deposits (labelled A-J) from the historical portion (post 1650 CE) of the record to discriminate between deposit types. We show that earthquake-triggered deposits can be differentiated from flood deposits, and Cascadia earthquakes deposits can be differentiated from other types of earthquake deposits. Event deposit J dates close to 1700 CE (1680-1780 CE) through multiple approaches, suggesting it was the result of shaking from the magnitude (M) 8.8-9.2 1700 CE Cascadia megathrust earthquake. Event deposits H and I are a complex sequence deposited in response to the ~M7.0 1873 CE Brookings earthquake. This earthquake has been previously interpreted to be an intraplate earthquake, is reinterpreted here as the result of an earthquake on a nearby crustal fault. Furthermore, the methods used have uncovered a previously unrecognized crustal earthquake deposit in the tail of deposit J, suggesting a stress relationship between Cascadia earthquakes and crustal earthquakes. These results not only demonstrate the usefulness of these methods to identify cryptic earthquake deposits and discriminate between subduction earthquake and other type of earthquake deposits in sediments from small, Cascadia lakes, but also suggest previously unknown relationships between subduction and crustal earthquakes in Cascadia.
... (Obermeier, 1996 ;Rodriguez-Pascua et al., 2000 ;Heifetz et al., 2005 ;Wetzler et al., 2010 ;Alsop and Marco, 2011 ;Kremer et al., 2017a ;Lu et al., 2020 ;Molenaar et al., 2021Molenaar et al., , 2022Alsop et al., 2022 ;Shi et al., 2022 ...
Short historical and shorter instrumental records limit our perspective of earthquake maximum magnitude and recurrence, and thus are insufficient to fully understand multiscale seismic behavior and its consequences. Examining long-term prehistoric events in the geological record is important for characterizing the recurrence patterns of large and great earthquakes and for reducing uncertainties in seismic hazard assessment. Earthquake-induced event deposits in marine sediments such as deep-sea turbidites, which have been formed by every large earthquake in the past, are one of the geological records used for understanding the long-term history of past large and great earthquakes. Surface-sediment remobilization is a suitable mechanism for the initiation of earthquake-induced turbidity currents and for deep-sea turbidite paleoseismology, although submarine landslides have been considered to be major contributors for the initiation of earthquake-induced turbidity currents. Here, I would like to review recent studies on the surface-sediment resuspension and remobilization by large and great earthquakes and paleoseismology using its related event deposits, and to discuss the future direction of deep-sea turbidite paleoseismology.
Ubiquitous and complex avalanche–substrate interactions during rock avalanche emplacement have attracted widespread attention in recent years and are regarded as vital processes influencing mobility and damage potential through rapid changes in avalanche mechanical properties. However, the fundamental interaction mechanisms of avalanche mass on substrate and the resultant effect on mobility have yet to be elucidated for natural events. To better understand the mechanics of avalanche–substrate interactions, we present a detailed study on the spectacular synsedimentary deformation structures at the bottom of the gigantic Iymek rock avalanche deposit, including undulose structures, flame structures, mixed textures, clastic dikes, and cracked gravels. The cracked gravels demonstrate that the overriding avalanche mass exited high-energy shearing on the avalanche–substrate interface, where the stress in substrate far exceeded the overburden from the avalanche mass during the avalanche–substrate interaction. Along with high-energy shearing, two different interaction modes with the change of substrate materials are identified, i.e., the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI) characterized by undulose-to-flame structure transitions, and the Raleigh–Taylor instability (RTI) characterized by the formation of clastic dikes. The KHI is interpreted as a result of the growth of shear instabilities induced by high-energy shearing along the avalanche–substrate interface. The RTI is associated with local liquefaction of the water-bearing sandy substrate and was mainly induced by the high-frequency ground vibrations generated by high-energy shearing. Therefore, we propose that the overriding avalanche mass exited high-energy shearing on the substrate during the avalanche–substrate interaction, which motivated two predominant physical processes of the KHI and RTI along the avalanche–substrate interface. The shear-induced KHI is a potential mechanism of erosion and entrainment in rock avalanches and is responsible for promoting the incorporation of substrate materials into moving avalanche mass. These results not only yield profound insights into the interaction behaviours between rock avalanches and substrates but also provide a fundamental geological prototype to motivate further modelling work to elucidate rock avalanche dynamics.
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We review the impact of large historical lake water-level changes on seismicity via the stress field of the shallow crust where devastating earthquakes nucleate. A novel backward earthquake simulation presented in this chapter can be used to investigate the geological record for the past ten millennia (presented in this study) and even more. The simulation is based on a theoretical model, which explains the variability in the recurrence interval of strong earthquakes. We suggest that the water-level changes in ancient lakes located in tectonic depressions along the Dead Sea transform could contribute to the observed differences. It is found that the increase in the water level moderates the seismic recurrence interval. Based on this empirical correlation together with mechanical considerations, an additional indication is established regarding the water-level reconstruction and location of earthquakes in the Dead Sea area. This indication is based on simulated earthquakes, by superimposing the effective normal stress change due to the reconstructed water-level change on the estimated tectonic shear stress accumulated since the preceding seismic event.
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Four types of soft-sediment folds of distinct geometry can be recognized in the upper part of the Talchir Formation (Lower Permian) of Jharia Basin, India. These folds, on systematic examination, indicate some events of progressive deformation. Experimental study reveals that if a layered stack of clay and overlying sand is allowed to flow slowly down a slope, differential velocity due to viscosity contrast leads to the deformation of the rheologic interface. The sharp planar contact gradually becomes wavy leading to the development of round-hinged folds involving sediments adjacent to it. With the advancement of the flow these folds gradually become overturned with the rotation of the axial plane in the direction of flow. Computer simulation suggests that progressive deformation of these folds by simple shearing may lead to the formation of tight isoclinal folds, which on dislocation along intrastratal normal faults may lead to the development of rootless isoclinal folds. The sheath folds observed in the studied section also indicate accentuation of the curved hinge due to simple shearing. The spatial distribution of these fold types in conjunction with the inferred direction of progressive deformation indicate basinward translation of the slump slice. If the same stack of sediments rapidly flows down the slope, the waveform generated at the interface quickly breaks in the form of roll-up recumbent fold due to Kelvin–Helmholtz instability.
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We studied breccia beds in lacustrine sediments within the active Dead Sea basin. The beds were deformed by M >5.5 earthquakes during the past 60 k.y. Our new analysis considers both the thickness of breccia beds and the lithology of beds directly overlying them in order to identify 11 M >7 earthquakes that originated within the Dead Sea pull-apart between 54 and 16 ka. The resulting time series is a unique long record of earthquakes in a well-constrained segment of a fault system in which the time interval between consecutive earthquakes increased from hundreds of years to a background recurrence interval of ˜11 k.y. since ca. 40 ka. Since this recurrence interval is similar to the M >=7.2 recurrence interval in the Dead Sea basin, as extrapolated from present seismicity, we suggest that the present seismic regime in the Dead Sea basin, as reflected in its magnitude-frequency relation as well as in its deficiency in seismic moment, has been stationary for the past ˜40 k.y. Since the increasing interval between consecutive earthquakes in the studied segment of the Dead Sea fault is time-logarithmic, it may be a result of healing of the brittle crust as well as a diminishing strain rate following the first strong earthquake in the sequence.
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Earthquake-induced fluidizations and suspensions of lake sediments, associated with syndepositional faults, form a paleoseismic record in the Dead Sea graben. The association of fluidized beds with surface faulting supports the recognition of mixed layers as reliable earthquake indicators and provides a tool for the study of very long term (>70 kar) seismicity along the Dead Sea transform. The faults compose a fault zone that offsets laminated sediments of the late Pleistocene Lake Lisan. They exhibit displacements of as much as 2 m. Layers of massive mixtures of laminated fragments are interpreted as disturbed beds, each formed by an earthquake. The undisturbed laminated layers between these mixed layers represent the interseismic interval. A typical vertical slip of about 0.5 m per event is separated by several hundred years of quiescence. The fault zone lies within the Dead Sea graben, 2 km east of Masada, where archaeology and historical accounts indicate repeated strong earthquake damage. The distribution of strikes in the fault zone resembles that of the faults exposed in and around the graben, including the seismogenic ones. The excellent exposures over hundreds of metres allow an unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution of slip events on faults.
In this paper we summarize our recently-published work on estimating horizontal response spectra and peak acceleration for shallow earthquakes in western North America. Although none of the sets of coefficients given here for the equations are new, for the convenience of the reader and in keeping with the style of this special issue, we provide tables for estimating random horizontal-component peak acceleration and 5 percent damped pseudo-acceleration response spectra in terms of the natural, rather than common, logarithm of the ground-motion parameter. The equations give ground motion in terms of moment magnitude, distance, and site conditions for strike-slip, reverse-slip, or unspecified faulting mechanisms. Site conditions are represented by the shear velocity averaged over the upper 30 m, and recommended values of average shear velocity are given for typical rock and soil sites and for site categories used in the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program's recommended seismic code provisions. In addition, we stipulate more restrictive ranges of magnitude and distance for the use of our equations than in our previous publications. Finally, we provide tables of input parameters that include a few corrections to site classifications and earthquake magnitude (the corrections made a small enough difference in the ground-motion predictions that we chose not to change the coefficients of the prediction equations).
The standard explanation for soft sediment deformation is associated with overturn of inverted density gradients. However, in many cases, observations do not support this interpretation. Here we suggest an alternative in which stably stratified layers undergo a shear instability during relative sliding via the Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability (KHI) mechanism, triggered by earthquake shaking. Dead Sea sediments have long stood out as a classical and photogenic example for recumbent folding of soft sediment. These billow-like folds are strikingly similar to KHI structures and have been convincingly tied to earthquakes. Our analysis suggests a threshold for ground acceleration increasing with the thickness of the folded layers. The maximum thickness of folded layers (order of decimeters) corresponds to ground accelerations of up to 1 g. Such an acceleration occurs during large earthquakes, recurring in the Dead Sea.
Load structures are a type of soft-sediment deformation structure comprising synforms (load casts and pseudonodules) and antiforms (flame structures and diapirs) at an interface. They form in response to unstable density contrasts (density loading) or lateral variations in load (uneven loading) when sediment becomes liquidized or otherwise loses strength. They are here classified into five varieties: simple and pendulous load casts, in which the upper (denser) layer is laterally continuous; and attached pseudonodules, detached pseudonodules and ball-and-pillow structure, in which discrete masses of the upper layer are separated by matrix. Conceptual models demonstrate that there are several possible modes of formation for each type of load structure. One interpretation of the variation of load structure morphology is as a deformation series representing varying degrees of deformation, controlled by the magnitude of the driving force and/or the duration of its effective action. An interpretation of the commonly observed pattern of wide load casts and narrow flame structures is presented in terms of their differential growth. Fluidization has an important influence on the development of load structures and their relationship to other products of sediment mobilization.
Deformation in unconsolidated sands requires the action of a deformation mechanism to reduce sediment strength and a driving force to induce deformation. Deformation mechanisms include liquefaction and fluidization and are reflected in the style of deformation and grain orientation fabrics. They are initiated by a trigger, including groundwater movements, wave action and seismic shaking. Driving forces include gravitational body force, unevenly distributed loads, unstable density gradients and shear forces, and are reflected in the geometry of deformation. These components are combined to produce a genetic classification of soft-sediment deformation processes and structures. -Author