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Lead levels in rivers, sediments and fish ponds in the Ibadan metropolitan area, south-west Nigeria


Abstract and Figures

Lead levels in rivers, their surface sediments, and in fish ponds in Ibadan, Nigeria, were assessed in the 2003–2004 dry and wet seasons. It was planned to reduce lead levels in petrol, regarded as the major source of lead in the Nigerian environment, to 0.15g l−1 by the end of 2002 and to zero by 2004, while 2005 was to be the phase-out year for lead additives in petrol throughout the sub-Saharan region. The WHO-recommended limit for lead levels in surface water is 0.01mg l−1. Despite the now-reduced lead content in petrol, lead levels in surface waters ranged between 0.5–2.35mg l−1 (mean 0.76mg l−1) and 1.15–2.20mg l−1 (mean 1.34mg l−1) during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Lead levels in river sediments ranged between 0.9–4mg kg−1 (mean 1.86mg kg−1) and 1.15–2.2mg kg−1 (mean 1.49mg kgl−1) during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Lead levels in fish ponds were even higher, at 1.09–2.9mg l−1 (mean 1.88mg l−1). The present situation therefore indicates severe lead contamination of aquatic systems in Ibadan City, which portends a serious public health risk to humans. A detailed assessment of other sources of lead pollution in the Nigerian environment — besides vehicle emissions — is required if lead pollution is to be reduced effectively.
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African Journal of Aquatic Science 2007, 32(2): 153–157
Printed in South Africa — All rights reserved
Copyright © NISC Pty Ltd
EISSN 1727–9364
doi: 10.2989/AJAS.2007.
Lead levels in rivers, sediments and fish ponds in the Ibadan metropolitan
area, south-west Nigeria
Olanike K Adeyemo
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Received 5 May 2006, accepted 15 November 2006
Lead levels in rivers, their surface sediments, and in fish ponds in Ibadan, Nigeria, were assessed in the 2003–2004 dry and wet
seasons. It was planned to reduce lead levels in petrol, regarded as the major source of lead in the Nigerian environment, to 0.15g
by the end of 2002 and to zero by 2004, while 2005 was to be the phase-out year for lead additives in petrol throughout the sub-
Saharan region. The WHO-recommended limit for lead levels in surface water is 0.01mg l
. Despite the now-reduced lead content
in petrol, lead levels in surface waters ranged between 0.5–2.35mg l
(mean 0.76mg l
) and 1.15–2.20mg l
(mean 1.34mg l
during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Lead levels in river sediments ranged between 0.9–4mg kg
(mean 1.86mg kg
and 1.15–2.2mg kg
(mean 1.49mg kg
) during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Lead levels in fish ponds were even
higher, at 1.09–2.9mg l
(mean 1.88mg l
). The present situation therefore indicates severe lead contamination of aquatic systems
in Ibadan City, which portends a serious public health risk to humans. A detailed assessment of other sources of lead pollution in
the Nigerian environment — besides vehicle emissions — is required if lead pollution is to be reduced effectively.
During the 20th century, emissions of lead into the environ-
ment have dominated biogeochemical cycles on a global
scale (Dunlap et al. 2000). Lead occurs naturally in uncont-
aminated aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems at relatively
low levels. Most of the lead in the environment is from
anthropogenic sources, far exceeding that from natural
sources (Maduka 2001, Abulude et al. 2006). Toxic organic
forms of lead are also present in the environment from
direct inputs, including the manufacture, transport, storage
and combustion of leaded petrol and the possible chemi-
cal/biological methylation of inorganic lead in anaerobic
sediments (Odiete 1999, Eja et al. 2003).
Due to increasing evidence of the harmful effects of lead
on human health, most Western industrialised nations started
to reduce lead additives in petrol in the 1980s, and since the
1990s only unleaded petrol has been marketed (Sridhar et al.
2000). In Nigeria, however, due to very low levels of environ-
mental awareness, these lead-generating processes and
products continue to be used and patronised. The lead limit
in petrol sold in Nigeria is 0.7g Pb l
. However, the lead level
in the Nigerian-produced petrol averages about 0.25g Pb l
However, the lead level in the Nigerian-produced petrol aver-
ages about 0.25g Pb l
; with a national consumption of 25
million litres per day and a 75% emission rate of lead as
particulate lead (Maduka 2001).
The main sources of lead pollution in Nigeria, besides
petrol, include lead mining and smelting, paints, piping,
fixtures and solder, and lead-based batteries. Although the
amount of lead pollution from leaded petrol in Nigeria
has been quantified with some level of accuracy, the contri
butions from other sources are still the subject of specula-
tion. Lead has no known nutritional, biochemical or physio-
logical function (Abulude et al. 2006). Lead is also toxic to
all aquatic biota and there is some evidence of the bioavail-
ability of sediment-bound lead to deposit-feeding species
(Bryan and Langston 1992, Davies et al. 2006). In compari-
son to water testing, sediment testing reflects the long-term
quality situation independent of current inputs (Hodson 1986,
Biney et al. 1994). Sediment tests are a better basis for
fundamental comparisons with other flowing waters. In addi-
tion, lead can be accumulated directly from sea and fresh
waters, especially in organisms that utilise gill tissue as their
major route of nutrition (Eja et al. 2003, Abulude et al. 2006).
This study assessed the lead levels in rivers and their
sediments and also in randomly-selected aquaculture
ponds in Ibadan City. Rivers serve as sinks for urban
drainage and agro-industrial effluents and are also impor-
tant in fisheries production, as a large number of settle-
ments and fish farms situated along rivers depend on them
for their water supply. The results of this study will therefore
help to assess the health risk implications to inhabitants of
water usage and fish consumption from these sources.
Materials and methods
Study area
Ibadan (3°5NE, 7°20NN), in Oyo state, Nigeria, is the
largest city in West Africa and the second largest in Africa,
Keywords: fish pond, lead, Nigeria, pollution sources, river, sediment
covering an area of 240km
. It is situated at an average
height of 200m above sea level and is drained by three
major river basins, the Ogunpa, Ona and Ogbere. Figure 1
illustrates the sampling points in the study area that
encompasses 11 local government areas. A GPS
(Magellan 315
) was used to determine the co-ordinates
of each sample site.
Water and sediment sampling
Two replicates — each of upstream and downstream
water samples — were collected from the rivers between
October 2003 and March 2004 during the dry season, and
repeated between August and September 2004 during the
rainy season. Two replicates of midstream water samples
were collected at each sample point, using clean polyeth-
ylene containers pre-washed in nitric acid and thoroughly
rinsed with deionised water. Sediment samples were
collected concurrently (using plastic spatulas) and stored
in polyethylene containers. Water samples were also
collected from three aquaculture ponds in each of 10
randomly-selected fish farms. Samples were stored on ice
in a dark cooler box, transported to the laboratory, stored
at 4°C and analysed within six hours of collection.
Analytical method
The lead content of the samples was determined by standard
spectrometric methods after UV irradiation of unfiltered water
samples and acid digestion of solid samples with analytical
grade HNO
(DWAF 1992). Digested samples were filtered
into a 20ml standard flask, made up to the mark with distilled-
deionised water and stored in a refrigerator prior to chemical
analysis. The water extracts were analysed for lead by an
atomic absorption spectrometer. Each sample was analysed
in duplicate and the average of the results was calculated.
General laboratory quality assurance measures were always
observed to prevent sample contamination and instrumental
errors. Spectrometer wavelengths were set daily by standard
instrumental procedures. No certified reference materials
were used to check analytical effciency.
Lead levels in surface water ranged between 0.5–2.35mg l
(mean 0.76) and 1.15–2.20mg l
(mean 1.34) during the dry
and rainy seasons, respectively (Figure 2). Sediments had
lead levels of 0.9–4mg kg
(mean 1.86) and 1.15–2.2mg
(mean 1.49) during the dry and rainy seasons, respec-
tively (Figure 3). At 1.09–2.9mg l
(mean 1.88) (Figure 4),
the lead content of fish pond water was even higher than that
of the river surface water. All data are presented as mean ±
standard error of mean (SEM).
The existence of heavy metals in aquatic environments has
led to much concern over their influence on plant and animal
life in these environments, and indeed on man’s need for
uncontaminated water and food (Obodo 2003, Chindah et al.
2004, Davies et al. 2006). The accumulation of these
elements has direct consequences for flora and fauna in
aquatic ecosystems, and also for man.
In this study, lead levels were found to be notably high.
The higher mean lead levels observed in the sediments
during dry and rainy seasons, respectively, confirmed that
pollutants accumulate and remain in sediments over long
periods of time, according to their chemical persistence and
the physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of the
substrata (Barbour et al. 1999, Eja et al. 2003). Sediment is
also the major depository of metals in some cases, holding
more than 99% of the total amount of a given metal present
in the aquatic system (Odiete 1999). The inverse proportion
of mean lead levels in rivers (0.76 and 1.34mg kg
) and
sediments (1.86 and 1.49mg kg
) during the dry season,
relative to the rainy season, is in agreement with the findings
of Barbour et al. (1999) that, after sedimentation, portions of
fixed contaminants can be remobilised to re-enter the water
cycle as a result of desorption, whirling up, weathering and
the physical and physiological activity of benthic organisms.
The lead levels found in water, sediments and fish pond
water sampled in this study, during both seasons, are higher
than the recommended standards for drinking water set by
the WHO (1985) and for pollution control set by the Federal
Environmental Projection Agency of Nigeria (FEPA 2003),
and therefore the water should be considered unsafe for
drinking or aquaculture purposes. Toxicological studies have
shown that lead is especially toxic to fish. Sub-lethal effects
in fish include changes in morphology, metabolism and
enzymatic activity, increased mucous formation, delayed
embryonic development, suppressed reproduction, inhibition
of growth, and fin erosion (Rashed 2001). Avoidance behav-
Figure 1: Map of Ibadan city, indicating the sampling points
Ona Ara
City boundary
Regional boundary
Sample site
Study area
Gulf of Guinea
iour has also been observed in adult fish exposed to lead
levels ranging from 10–100mg l
(WHO 1989). Other effects
include altered gonadosomatic indices and oocyte growth
(Ruby et al. 2000) and significant haematological and
biochemical abnormalities (Ramalingam et al. 2000).
Most fish farms in Ibadan City received their water supply
from local rivers and streams. It was therefore not surprising
to observe that the mean lead level in fish pond water in
African Journal of Aquatic Science 2007, 32(2): 153–157
lead in rivers (dry season)
lead in rivers (rainy season)
Ibadan Iddo Ibadan
Ibadan Ona Ara Egbeda Lagelu Ibadan
North East
North South West North West South East
Figure 2: Lead levels (mg l
) in rivers in Ibadan City during dry seasons (open columns) and rainy seasons (solid columns). Means, with
standard error of mean (SEM) bars
Figure 3: Lead levels (mg kg
) in river sediments in Ibadan city during dry seasons (open columns) and rainy seasons (solid columns).
Means with standard error of mean (SEM) bars
Lead in sediments (dry season)
Lead in sediments (rainy season)
Ibadan Iddo Ibadan
Ibadan Ona Ara Egbeda Lagelu Ibadan
North South-west North-west South-east
156 Adeyemo
Ibadan was as high as 1.88mg l
. This may be attributed to
the fact that most fish ponds are largely unmanaged, with
little or no water exchange over the culture period. This,
however, portends a serious health risk to the general
public, whose fresh fish consumption derives mainly from
this source (Obodo 2003, Abulude et al. 2006). This is
because the aquatic microflora and microfauna that consti-
tute fish food are capable of incorporating and accumulating
lead into their living cells from the environment.
Consequently, small fish become enriched with the accumu-
lated heavy metals. Predatory fish generally display higher
levels of heavy metals than do their prey and, eventually, on
consuming the predatory fish, man suffers from the results
of an enrichment having taken place at each trophic level
(Chindah et al. 2004, Abulude et al. 2006).
Blood lead levels as low as <10–100µg dl
in children
and 10–100µg dl
in adults have been associated with a
wide range of adverse effects, including nervous system
disorders, anaemia and decreased haemoglobin synthesis,
cardiovascular disease and disorders in bone metabolism,
renal function and reproduction (Bernard et al. 1995,
ATSDR 1997, Pirkle et al. 1998).
Despite the plans by the Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC) to reduce the lead level in petrol to
0.15g l
by the end of 2002 and to zero by 2004 (Jalal
2001), it can be concluded from the results of this study that
the lead levels in the river systems of Ibadan are currently
unsafe for both human consumption and use (WHO 1985,
FEPA 2003). In Nigeria, the increasing consumption of fish
by the population, as well as its importance in animal feed,
underscores the importance of the potential risks of lead
and other heavy metals in fish.
It is therefore important to monitor lead pollution levels in
Nigerian aquatic systems carefully, so that approximate
measures of the potential hazard can be attained. These
measures should give an estimation of the type of effects
that could be expected in aquatic flora and fauna and also
in man, after exposure to lead. A detailed assessment of
other sources of lead entering Nigerian aquatic systems
and further research into the distribution of lead in different
biotia (e.g. aquatic plants, invertebrates and fish) in relation
to the environment are recommended.
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Figure 4: Lead levels (mg l
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... A critical assessment states that the levels of lead pollution in Bangladeshi sediments range from 4.9 to 69.75 mg/kg [56]. According to Adeyemo [57], Pb levels in fish ponds in the southwest Nigerian city of Ibadan were 1.09-2.9 mg/L (mean 1.88 mg/L). ...
Full-text available
Pollution by heavy metals poses a significant risk to human health and ecology through the food web. Metal contamination in fish pond sediments can be caused by improper waste management and the overuse of artificial feed to increase output and profit. By using an atomic absorption spectrometer to analyse heavy metals such as Cd, Mn, Pb, and Cr, this study aims to assess the contamination levels and pollution risk from bottom sediment samples taken from 12 different fish ponds in the Rajshahi City of Bangladesh. According to this investigation , the concentrations of the metals Pb, Mn, Cr, and Cd were 0.1188 to 1.5139, 0.1899 to 0.8483, 0.0292 to 0.0395, and 0.3017 to 1.6182 mg/kg, respectively. All results show that the metal contents of all the sediments studied around the area do not exceed the standard limit. The risk assessment of the sediments was evaluated based on the geoaccumulation index, enrichment factor, and contamination factor. The analysis indicated that Cd, Pb, and Cr accumulation are within the acceptable limit except for Mn. This study provides essential baseline data on heavy metal contamination, serving as a foundation for future research by focusing on identifying contamination sources, accumulation pathways, and element mobility from feed to fish and sediment to significantly reduce environmental risks and protect both ecosystem integrity and public health.
... Three measures of heavy metals level in aquatic habitats are usually carried out in pollution studies--namely concentrations in water, sediments, and biota. For example, A study (Adeyemo, 2007a) on lead levels in rivers, sediments and fishponds in the Ibadan metropolitan area, South-West Nigeria revealed that lead levels in surface waters ranged between 0.5-2.35 mg l -1 (mean: 0.76 mg l -1 ) and 1.15-2.20 mg l -1 (mean: 1.34 mg l -1 ) during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. ...
Full-text available
Biomonitoring offers an appealing tool for the assessment of pollution in aquatic ecosystem. Biological processes, species, or communities of bioindicators are used to assess the quality of the environment and how it changes over time. Bioindicators include algae, macrophytes, zooplanktons, insects, bivalves, molluscs, gastropods, fish, amphibians, and others. Changes in aquatic ecosystems are often attributed to anthropogenic disturbances, including pollution. Major contributors to aquatic pollution include wastewater, metals and metalloids, industrial effluents, contaminated sediments, nutrients, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, flame retardants, persistent organic pollutants, pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs, emerging contaminants (such as microplastics and engineered nanoparticles), pesticides, herbicides, and endocrine disruptors. In this review, we discuss categories of aquatic pollutants, status and trends of aquatic biomonitoring and approaches, from genomics to populations. We conclude by offering recommendations for research and regulatory testing.
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The degree of contamination in aquatic environment is frequently assessed by the effect of contaminant exposure in associated biota (Yang & Chen, 1996). In heavy metal pollution (e.g., lead and cadmium), organs such as the liver have been identified as the storage sites in C. gariepinus (Gbem et al., 2001). An investigation on the effect of the heavy metal, lead (Pb) on the liver and brain of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus was carried out in the laboratory. Clarias gariepinus was exposed to various sublethal concentrations (0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg/l) of lead nitrate over a period of 8 weeks to determine the histological alterations in the liver and brain. Pathological lesions observed in the liver mainly in the groups (D & E) exposed to higher concentrations of Pb include moderate diffuse hydropic degeneration and discrete areas of haemosiderosis at four weeks into the experiment and extensive hydropic degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes at eight weeks. Pathological alterations noticed in the brain include focal areas of perivascular oedema and haemorrhage; focal areas of malacia with diffuse neuronal degeneration and diffuse areas of microgliosis. The severity of alterations was significantly (p<0.05) greater in the fishes exposed to higher doses of lead. The results showed that the degree of alterations noticed in the liver and brain was proportional to the exposure periods and concentration of Pb.
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The effect of lead acetate at a sublethal concentration of 10 μg/L, for 30 days and 60 days, was studied on haematological parameters and some biochemical changes in the liver of a fresh water fish Cirrhina mrigala. Lead acetate produced significant haematological and biochemical abnormalities. Haemoglobin content, RBC and WBC counts, PCV, MCV, MCH were markedly reduced. Total protein, glycogen, RNA, DNA and the activities of acid and alkaline phosphatases were decreased in the liver after the exposure of lead acetate. The adverse effect of lead acetate was higher in long term exposure when compared to the short term exposure.
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The accumulation of three heavy metals; chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in periwinkle ( Tympanotonus fuscatus var radula ; shell and soft tissues), water and sediment collected from four stations along Elechi Creek course was studied. Elechi Creek receives effluents discharges from heavily industrialized and highly populated settlements. The water, sediment and periwinkles were processed and analyzed for heavy metals and the results showed that the sediment concentrated more heavy metals than the water while the periwinkles accumulated more of these metals than the sediment. Cr was the highest concentrated heavy metals in both the normal and depurated periwinkles. The biological concentration factor (BCF) revealed that these periwinkles have high potential to concentrate heavy metals in their shells and soft tissues, and it is directly proportionate to their sizes. However, the observed heavy metals concentrations in these animals are below the recommended limits for human consumption. This study therefore advocates environmental surveillance of this creek in order to achieve good sediment quality and contaminant-free periwinkles for safe human health.
Levels of hydrocarbons and heavy metals in sediment and a crustacean (Shrimp - Penaeus notialis) along Bonny/New Calabar River Estuary were studied to cover the two dominant (wet - September 2000 and dry - January 2001) seasons, in ten selected stations located in 3 main ecological zones along the Bonny/New Calabar river estuary which lies between longitude 7° 00′ to 7° 15′ E and latitude 4° 25′ to 4° 45′N. Samples were collected and analyzed using appropriate tools and methods. The results obtained showed the distribution of total hydrocarbon concentration for sediment and Shrimp - Penaeus notialis body tissue for the three ecological zones a consistent longitudinal sequence of Upper > lower > middle for wet and dry seasons respectively. In addition, both sediment and organism (Shrimp - Penaeus notialis) had total hydrocarbon and metal (Cr, Cd, V and Pb) concentrations that demonstrated seasonal differences with significant higher values in wet than in the dry season, except Zn and Cu that showed a contrary pattern. Furthermore, indications of hydrocarbon and metal bioaccumulation in organisms were observed. The possible source of total hydrocarbon and metals in the body tissue of the Shrimp - Penaeus notialis was highlighted by this study.
Variations in the isotopic composition of lead in 1995−1998 river waters flowing into San Francisco Bay trace the washout of lead deposited in the drainage basin from leaded gasoline combustion. At the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers where they enter the Bay, the isotopic compositions of lead in the waters define a linear trend away from the measured historical compositions of leaded gas in California. The river waters are shifted away from leaded gasoline values and toward an isotopic composition similar to Sierra Nevadan inputs which became the predominant source of sedimentation in San Francisco Bay following the onset of hydraulic gold mining in 1853. Using lead isotopic compositions of hydraulic mine sediments and average leaded gasoline as mixing end members, we calculate that more than 50% of the lead in the present river water originated from leaded gasoline combustion. The strong adsorption of lead (log Kd > 7.4) to particulates appears to limit the flushing of gasoline lead from the drainage basin, and the removal of that lead from the system may have reached an asymptotic limit. Consequently, gasoline lead isotopes should prove to be a useful nonpoint source tracer of the environmental distribution of particle-reactive anthropogenic metals in freshwater systems.