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Ozone In Medicine



Ozone therapy has been used as a complementary medical approach for half a century but it has encountered skepticism by orthodox medicine because, particularly in the past, it has been used by practitioners and others without a rational basis and appropriate controls. With the advent of modern medical ozone generators incorporating a photometer, it has become possible to obtain precise ozone concentrations and to evaluate some mechanisms of action and possible toxicity. In contrast with the respiratory tract, human blood exposed to appropriate ozone concentrations is able to tame its strong oxidant properties and neither acute, nor chronic side effects have ensued in millions of patients treated with ozonated autohaemotherapy (O3-AHT). This review summarizes our studies aimed at clarifying biological effects, defining any possible damage, the therapeutic window and suitable doses able to express a therapeutic activity. A very interesting and promising aspect is the induction of the so-called heat stress proteins (HSP) leading to adaptation to a chronic oxidative stress. The use of ozone in human therapy has been reviewed but so far very few controlled clinical studies have been reported. Mostly on the basis of anecdotal results, ozone therapy appears useful in infectious diseases, immune depression, vascular disorders, degenerative diseases and orthopedics.
... La generación de ERO y POL ejercen las siguientes acciones biológicas: (4,6,7,8) (4,9) La activación del NrF2/ERA: 1) incrementa los niveles de antioxidantes directos como GSH, monóxido de carbono (CO) y bilirrubina. ...
... S 9) Inhibe la insulina y la producción de hormona de crecimiento, incrementando la resistencia al estrés. (9,10) El 4-HNE también puede atenuar la inflamación mediada por los receptores tipo toll (TLR), cuya activación es esencial para iniciar la respuesta inflamatoria contra los patógenos al "disparar" la producción de citocinas inflamatorias, realzando la inmunidad adaptativa. (11) ...
... La ozonoterapia puede activar al factor nuclear activado de células T (FNAT) el cual también induce la transcripción de citocinas como IL2, FNTα, IL6, IFN γ y elementos de respuesta inmune en el ADN. (3,4,6,9,12) El H 2 O 2 y los lipoperóxidos realzan la activación de los neutrófilos y la actividad fagocítica. De este modo aumenta la producción de H 2 O 2 , muy útil al ser letal para las bacterias y provocar la lisis de su pared celular. ...
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The Ozone-therapy allows using the potential of ozone reactions with body molecules in order to obtain a desired biological effect treating diseases as cancer and infection. The aim of this work is to shortly describe the attributable actions of therapeutic use of medicinal ozone to put it into the treatment schemes. By means of reviewing recent issues about the topic there was compiled the information that permits to conclude that usage of medical ozone, in appropriated dose, is an advantage in treatment of patients in the institute.
... Концентрация кальпротектина в кале увеличивалась на 2-е сут и снижалась на 4-е и 6-е сут, но на всех сроках наблюдения оставалась значимо выше, чем в группе интактных животных. Ранее нами показано, что ректальные инсуффляции озона при ОИК усиливают окислительную деструкцию белков и липидов в очаге повреждения толстой кишки на 2-е сут, что обусловлено прямыми окислительными свойствами озона, его способностью выступать в роли прооксиданта [18,24]. На начальных этапах воспаления озон активирует факторы транскрипции (HIF-1α, NF-kβ) и повышает продукцию провоспалительных цитокинов (IL-1β, IL-6 и TNF-α) [25]. ...
Введение. Уровень маркеров воспаления при воспалительных заболеваниях кишечника (ВЗК) имеет не только диагностическое и прогностическое значение, но важен и для оценки эффективности терапии. Побочные эффекты и рефрактерность базисных средств терапии ВЗК, включая производные 5-аминосалициловой кислоты (5-АСК), явились предпосылкой для оценки эффектов озона - плейотропного фактора регуляции гомеостаза. Цель работы - проведение сравнительного анализа противовоспалительного действия ректального применения озона и 5-АСК при оксазолон-индуцированном колите (ОИК). Методика. На 73 крысах Wistar моделировали ОИК вначале накожным, затем ректальным применением оксазолона. В течение 6 сут применяли ректальные инсуффляции озона в дозе 0,1 мг/кг 1 раз в сутки или ректальные суппозитории с 50 мг 5-АСК 2 раза в сутки. Оценивали выраженность клинических симптомов по индексу активности болезни (DAI), морфологических признаков повреждения кишки - по индексу повреждения тканей (TDI). Определяли концентрацию кальпротектина в кале, содержание в крови лейкоцитов, С-реактивного белка, НСТ-редуцирующую способность нейтрофилов крови. Результаты. При ОИК максимальное увеличение DAI и содержания кальпротектина в кале наблюдается на 6-е сут, НСТ-редуцирующей способности нейтрофилов крови и количества в крови нейтрофилов и моноцитов - на 2-е сут, концентрации С-РБ в сыворотке крови и выраженности морфологических признаков повреждения в толстой кишке - на 4-е и 6-е сут. Применение озона на 4-е и 6-е сут снижает DAI, TDI, содержание кальпротектина в кале и концентрацию С-РБ в сыворотке; на 2-е, 4-е, 6-е сут снижает количество в крови лейкоцитов за счет лимфоцитов, ограничивает кислород-зависимый метаболизм нейтрофилов крови; на 2-е сут увеличивает содержание кальпротектина в кале. Эффекты ректальных инсуффляций озона по сравнению с применением 5-АСК сопоставимы по данным DAI, TDI; менее выражены в отношении уменьшения размера язвенного дефекта на 2-е и 6-е сут, снижения концентрации в кале кальпротектина на 6-е сут, концентрации С-РБ в сыворотке и количества лейкоцитов в крови на 2-е, 4-е, 6-е сут; более выражены в отношении снижения НСТ-редуцирующей способности нейтрофилов крови. Заключение. Полученные результаты об эффективности ректального применения озона при ОИК в отношении клинических признаков, местных и системных проявлений воспалительного процесса в толстой кишке, полной или частичной сопоставимости показателей ответа острой фазы, клинико-морфологических эффектов озона с ректальным применением 5-АСК являются предпосылкой для дальнейшего изучения механизма противовоспалительного действия озона при ВЗК на доклиническом этапе и возможного применения локальной озонотерапии у больных язвенным колитом и болезнью Крона. Introduction. The investigation of inflammatory markers in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is both of diagnostic and prognostic value and important for the evaluation of therapy. Side effects and the refractoriness to basic therapy for IBD, including 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) derivatives, have warranted evaluating the effects of ozone as a pleiotropic homeostasis-regulating agent. The aim of the study was to comparatively analyze the anti-inflammatory effects of ozone and 5-ASA when administered rectally to treat oxazolone-induced colitis (OIC). Methods. OIC was induced in 73 Wistar rats by cutaneous followed by oral oxazolone. For 6 days, rectal insufflations of ozone were performed at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg once a day, or rectal suppositories containing 50 mg of 5-ASA were administered twice a day. The severity of clinical symptoms was assessed by the disease activity index (DAI). Morphological signs of intestinal damage were assessed by the tissue damage index (TDI). Calprotectin concentration in feces, number of blood leukocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), and NBT-reducing ability of blood neutrophils were determined. Results. In rats with OIC, the maximum increases in DAI and fecal calprotectin content were observed on the 6th day. The maximum increases in the NBT-reducing ability of blood neutrophils and the number of blood neutrophils and monocytes were observed on the 2nd day. The maximum serum concentration of CRP and the severity of morphological signs of damage in the colon were observed on the 4th and 6th days. The ozone treatment reduced DAI, TDI, calprotectin content in feces, and the serum concentration of CRP on the 4th and 6th days. On the 2nd, 4th, and 6th days, the ozone treatment reduced blood leukocytes at the expense of lymphocytes and limited oxygen-dependent metabolism of blood neutrophils. On the 2nd day of ozone treatment, there was an increased fecal content of calprotectin. The effects of rectal ozone insufflation were comparable with the effect of 5-ASA by DAI and TDI. These effects were less pronounced with regard to the decrease in ulcer size on the 2nd and 6th days, the decrease in the fecal concentration of calprotectin on the 6th day, the serum concentration of CRP, or the number of leukocytes in the blood on the 2nd, 4th, 6th day. The effects were more pronounced in relation to the decrease in the NBT-reducing ability of blood neutrophils. Conclusion. The effectiveness of rectal ozone treatment in OIC in relation to clinical signs, local and systemic manifestations of the inflammatory process in the colon, complete or partial comparability of acute phase response rates, and clinical and morphological effects of ozone with rectal application of 5-ASA warrant further studying the mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effect of ozone in IBD at the preclinical stage and a possible use of local ozone therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
... Ранее нами показано, что внутрибрюшинные инсуффляции озона при ОИК усиливают окислительную деструкцию белков и липидов в очаге повреждения толстой кишки на 2-е сутки, что обусловлено прямыми окислительными свойствами озона, его способностью выступать в качестве прооксиданта [13]. На начальных этапах воспаления озон активирует факторы транскрипции, такие как HIF-1α и NF-kβ, повышает продукцию провоспалительных цитокинов IL-1β, IL-6 и TNF-α [14]. ...
... A grande solubilidade do ozônio na água permite sua reação imediata com quaisquer compostos solúveis e biomoléculas presentes nos fluidos, o que é explicado por ser o terceiro agente oxidante mais forte, depois flúor e persulfato. A alta solubilidade e instabilidade do O3 garantem seu consumo total, não acarretando produtos tóxicos ao organismo vivo 3 . ...
Objetivou-se determinar as concentrações de ozônio em água bidestilada não estéril (ABDNE), água monodestilada não estéril (AMDNE), água para injeção estéril (AIE) e solução fisiológica a 0,9% (SF 0,9%), utilizando-se o método DPD. As soluções ozonizadas foram obtidas por micro borbulhamento do gás ozônio, durante 15min, provocado a partir de baixo fluxo de oxigênio medicinal (¼L/min), a uma concentração de 56mg/L. A determinação das concentrações de ozônio foi baseada na reação de coloração oxidativa de N,N′-dietil-p-fenilediamina (DPD). AIE apresentou maior valor de ozônio (9,94 ppm). ABDNE mostrou concentração nos 5, 10 e 15 minutos de ozonização, respectivamente, de 6,14 ppm, 7,84 ppm e 8,34 ppm. Nos tempos subsequentes, houve instabilidade e alternância da concentração. Ensaios de medição de ozônio na SF foram realizados utilizando o mesmo método, com resultados de: 8,08 ppm; 9,36 ppm e 9,08 ppm, aos 5, 10 e 15 minutos, respectivamente. A AIE mostrou-se a mais adequada para o alcance de concentração próxima a 10 ppm. Estudos acerca de dosagem e concentrações do ozônio, bem como, de seus subprodutos, devem ser realizados a fim de embasar a tomada de decisão acerca das doses seguras para aplicação desta modalidade do ozônio terapêutico.
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Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) refers to metastatic spread of tumor into the peritoneal cavity. Earlier, PC was thought to be associated with grave clinical outcome. However, various advances in treatment options including cytoreductive surgery and heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy or early post-operative chemotherapy can prolong survival of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis. These treatment options are associated with high morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this article is to acquaint the radiologist about various appearances of peritoneal carcinomatosis in order to help clinicians in selecting candidates for surgery and avoid unnecessary potentially debilitating surgeries in patients with unresectable PC.
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Pain and asthenia are symptoms of difficult control in cancer patients and greatly determine their quality of life. Conventional ozone therapy is used successfully in the symptomatic control of patients with cancer. We believe that the administration of ozone at high doses through IPO3 could provide an additional benefit in the control of refractory symptoms in patients with cancer. We present below a cancer patient with very deteriorated quality of life, successfully treated with IPO3. The patient is a 48-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer who has a disseminated metastatic recurrence that affects bones, skull, liver, lung and peritoneum, with symptomatology refractory to symptomatic medication. Her quality of life was limited by severe asthenia (which kept her bedridden for more than two months) and pain refractory to symptomatic treatment with opiates and corticosteroids. The patient was treated with a cycle of rectal ozone therapy, consisting of a conditioning cycle with 15 sessions of oxygen / ozone rectally, followed by placement of a peritoneal catheter to subsequently perform five IPO3 sessions. At the end of the treatment, all the symptoms of the patient were resolved completely, allowing the withdrawal of all the analgesic medication, returning the patient to a normal life. There were no side effects, and the beneficial effects of this IPO3 cycle were maintained for more than two months. The analysis showed diminution of the tumor and inflammatory markers during the treatment. Ozone therapy at high doses should be considered in cancer patients with severe symptoms and refractory to conventional treatment.
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Hospital effluents are characterized as possible vehicles for the dissemination of numerous pathogenic microorganisms and other contaminants and, when left untreated, represent a potential risk to man and the environment. The objective of this research was to evaluate the presence of arable pathogenic microorganisms present and to verify the efficacy of ozone in the disinfection of effluents from a public hospital in the city of Uberlandia-MG. Hospital effluent collections were performed at two points, with a distance of 200 m: the first point, from the Emergency Room, wards, intensive care unit, surgical center and laboratory and the second point, hemodialysis, kitchen, laundry and clothing. Sampling was performed for three months. The samples were evaluated for the presence of total mesophiles, total and thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. The effluent was treated with ozone for different periods of time. The presence of mesophiles, coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. was verified in both effluents and in all months of evaluation. Ozone was effective in decontamination of hospital effluent, requiring 20 minutes to eliminate bacterial load.
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Medical oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) is a successful therapeutic approach accounting on the assessed beneficial action of ozone in the range 30–45 μg/ml (expanded range 10–80 μg/ml according to different protocols), as in this dosage range ozone is able to trigger a cellular hormetic response via the modulating activity of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as signaling molecules. The ozone-dependent ROS-mediated fatty acid oxidation leads to the formation of lipid ozonization products (LOPs), which act as signal transducers by triggering ROS signaling and therefore mitohormetic processes. These processes ultimately activate survival mechanisms at a cellular level, such as the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE system activation, the AMPK/FOXO/mTOR/Sir1 pathway and the Nrf2/NF-kB cross talk. Furthermore, indirectly, via these pathways, LOPs trigger the HIF-1α pathway, the HO-1 signaling and the NO/iNOS biochemical machinery. Ozone-driven shift of cytokine activation pathways, from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory immediately afterwards, also exert direct immunoregulatory effects on regulatory T lymphocytes as well as on the intestinal microbiota, which in turn can affect immune response thus influencing the progression of the disease. In this review, we will describe the biological and biochemical mechanisms of action of ozone therapy with the aim of evaluating both positive and critical aspects of ozone use as a therapeutic adjuvant in the light of emerging viral infections, such as SARS-CoV-2 and microbiome-associated disorders related to SARS-CoV-2.
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Purpose In the present study, antifungal activity of ozonated olive oil (OZO) and ozonated distilled water (ODW) in the treatment of experimentally induced keratitis with C. albicans in rabbits were investigated. Methods The Groups were composed of as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 (n = 5 rabbits, 10 eyes/in each group) and Group 6 (n = 10 rabbits, 20 eyes/in the group). Fourty-eight hours after C. albicans inoculation; Group 1 received fluconazle (FLU)+OZO drops, Group 2 received FLU drop, Group 3 received OZO drop, Group 4 received FLU+ODW drops, Group 5 received ODW drop, Group 6 (infected control group) and Group 7 received PBS drop (negative control group). Treatment continued in all groups for 22 days for every 8 hours. Results Cornea cultures made 24 days post inoculation revealed statistically significant differences (p < 0,05) with concern to C. albicans amounts between Group 6 and Group 1–5. Statistical comparison of corneal opacity and corneal ulcer and conjunctivitis values among the Group 6 and Group 1–5 were also different significantly (p < 0,05) on days 20 and 24 post inoculation. Conclusion OZO and ODW were found to be effective in treating C. albicans keratitis in the present study. It has also been proven by this study that ODW contain 26 μg/ml was the most effective in the treatment of C. albicans keratitis.
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Lipid peroxidation often occurs in response to oxidative stress, and a great diversity of aldehydes are formed when lipid hydroperoxides break down in biological systems. Some of these aldehydes are highly reactive and may be considered as second toxic messengers which disseminate and augment initial free radical events. The aldehydes most intensively studied so far are 4-hydroxynonenal, 4-hydroxyhexenal, and malonaldehyde. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive summary on the chemical properties of these aldehydes, the mechanisms of their formation and their occurrence in biological systems and methods for their determination. We will also review the reactions of 4-hydroxyalkenals and malonaldehyde with biomolecules (amino acids, proteins, nucleic acid bases), their metabolism in isolated cells and excretion in whole animals, as well as the many types of biological activities described so far, including cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, chemotactic, and effects on cell proliferation and gene expression. Structurally related compounds, such as acrolein, crotonaldehyde, and other 2-alkenals are also briefly discussed, since they have some properties in common with 4-hydroxyalkenals.
Biomembranes serve barrier functions and serve as a store for precursors of rapidly generated, structurally diverse intracellular and extracellular lipid-derived mediators (LM). Cell activation is accompanied by remodeling of membrane components that appear to be essential in signal transduction. Phospholipases (PLA2, PLC, PLD, sphingomyelinase) are pivotal in the generation of these LM including eicosanoids, platelet activating factor (PAF), diacylglycerides, ceramide, and other newly discovered bioactive autacoids. Cytokines exert a dramatic multilevel impact both in regulating enzymes in individual LM pathways and in generating LM central to their action. Here, we provide an overview and update of recent progress in this area with emphasis on the effect of cytokines on LM networks. The generation of eicosanoids (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and lipoxins), oxygenated lipids, and PAF remain the focus of rational drug design targets given their established roles in cell-cell communication and as mediators in inflammation and pathophysiologic events. Key enzymes in these pathways are cloned, sequenced, and their subcellular organization is investigated with surprising findings implicating involvement of the nuclear membrane at the functional level. Several LM receptors are identified and cloned, and results from transgenic animals have emerged for several key enzymes. Novel bioactive eicosanoids were discovered, including 15-epi-lipoxins, isoprostanes, and isoleukotrienes, that offered new concepts to consider in formation of LM and the actions of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Together, these findings indicate that LM play critical and essential roles in both signal transduction and cell-cell communication and will continue to be important pathways to be considered in novel therapeutic approaches.-Serhan, C. N., Haeggström, J. Z., Leslie, C. C. Lipid mediator networks in cell signaling: update and impact of cytokines.
Autohemotherapy with ozone is widely applied by German therapists who prefer complementary medicine, in elder patients with cardiovascular problems in order to improve various symptoms and the quality of life. The strong oxidant ozone may further increase the already high oxidative potential of these patients and thereby counteract positive effects of antioxidants. In the present study, the effects of autohemotherapy with ozone on cardiovascular risk factors were evaluated in 17 patients,vith mild hypertension. In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover-study, 24 h ambulatory blood pressure and blood pressure load were significantly reduced after a cycle of ten autohemotherapies with ozone, but not after a cycle with placebo (oxygen) (p < 0.05). The initial blood pressure level was restored after the end of the therapy within 4 months. Aggregation of thrombocytes was significantly and the malondialdehyde concentration was clearly increased, serum HDL concentration was reduced, and the rate of side effects was higher during the cycle with ozone. The reduction of blood pressure may be due to an increased oxygen supply of the vascular endothelium, but an activation of the oxidative potential of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and/or macrophages cannot be excluded. Considering the small reduction of blood pressure, the potentially noxious oxidative mechanisms and the rather high expenses, autohemotherapy with ozone cannot be recommended as a useful alternative to pharmacological treatment of patients with mild hypertension.
Isoprostanes (IsoP's) are a series of prostaglandin(PG)-like compounds that are formed independent of the cyclooxygenase by free radical catalyzed peroxidation of arachidonic acid esterified to phosophlipids. New insights regarding the enzymatic hydrolysis of preformed esterified Isop's will be presented. The initial series of Isop's identified had a prostanoid F-type ring structure (F2-Isop's). Subsequently, Isop's with prostanoid E-type and D-type ring structures were identified (E2D2-Isop's). Additional unique products of this pathway (isothromboxanes and isolevuglandins) have been recently identified and will be discussed. Two Isop's that have been tested for bioactivity (8-iso-PGF2α and 8-iso-PGE2) have been found to be potent vasoconstrictors via interaction with a receptor(s). Isolevuglandins, on the other hand, exert unique biological properties owing to their remarkable proclivity to form covalent adducts with proteins and DNA. A valuable aspect of the discovery of Isop's is that measurements of Isop's in biological fluids and tissues offers a reliable means to assess oxidative stress status in vivo. Examples of how measurement of Isop's has proven useful to assess the role of free radicals in human disease, with an emphasis on atherosclerosis/cardiovascular disease, will be discussed.
We determined in rat lung whether ozone exposure was associated with the expression of the chemokine, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC), and of the transcription factor, NF-κB. CINC mRNA expression peaked at 2 h after cessation of ozone exposure, and returned to basal levels by 24 h. DNA-binding activity of NF-κB showed a marked increase after ozone, maximal at 2 h. Dexamethasone inhibited CINC mRNA and NF-κB expression, together with neutrophilic inflammation. Our data supports the concept that ozone leads to NF-κB activation which increases CINC mRNA expression. These series of events could lead to neutrophilic inflammation.
BIOMEDICINEA flurry of reports and congressional hearings, sparked by the death of a volunteer in a study at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia last fall, are due in the next few weeks. The Penn episode points up a central problem: The field still lacks an ideal vector. Many clinicians fear that support for gene therapy will buckle under the onslaught.
The role of ozone on earth is controversial, as in the stratosphere it is protective against excessive ultra violet irradiation, and in the troposphere it is toxic for animals and plants. The effectiveness of ozone against pathogens is well recognized and ozone appears to be the best agent for sterilization of water. In spite of this, the use of ozone in medicine has been overlooked or despised, mostly because it has been either misused or used without appropriate controls. Studies carried out in our laboratory have revealed that ozone can display relevant biological effects and that, having defined its therapeutic index, can become an important and reliable drug for the treatment of several diseases. An exciting new aspect is that ozone, being a strong oxidizer, can stimulate the increase of cellular anti-oxidant enzymes, eventually inhibiting the oxidative stress.
A simple method is suggested for calculating the time it takes ozone to traverse a biological region, such as a bilayer or a cell, and comparing this time to the halflife of ozone within that region. For a bilayer the calculations suggest that most of the ozone reacts within a bilayer, but a fraction may exit unreacted. For the lung lining fluid layer (LLFL), the calculations show that ozone cannot cross this layer without reacting where the LLFL is thicker than about 0.1 μm. However, since the LLFL varies from 20 to 0.1 μm in thickness with patchy areas in the lower airways that are virtually uncovered, some ozone could reach underlying cells, particularly in the lower airways. For cells (such as alveolar type I epithelial cells), the calculations show that ozone reacts within the cell too rapidly to pass through and exit unreacted from the other side.