... including improved mood, quality of life, and well-being, and reduced feelings of depression and isolation (Ahessy, 2016;Boyd, 2012;Coulton, Clift, Skingley, & Rodriguez, 2015;Sanal & Gorsev, 2014;Sun & Buys, 2012. Benefits of singing have been reported from populations including not only healthy adults but also children and adolescents (Ashley, 2002), juvenile offenders (Rio & Tenney, 2002;Wolf & Holochwost, 2016), prisoners (Cohen, 2012;Silber, 2005), homeless people (Bailey & Davidson, 2002, 2003, older adults with depression (Ahessy, 2016), people with chronic mental health and substance abuse problems (Bailey & Davidson, 2005), people recovering from surgery and strokes (Fogg-Rogers et al., 2016;Tamplin, Baker, Jones, Way, & Lee, 2013), and people living with dementia (Davidson & Almeida, 2014), Parkinson's disease (Fogg-Rogers et al., 2016), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Lord et al., 2012), and emphysema (Engen, 2005). Despite these positive results, several studies have reported mixed, null, or negative findings Gick & Daugherty, 2015;Hinshaw, Clift, Hulbert, & Camic, 2015;Kenny & Faunce, 2004;Pearce, Launay, Machin, & Dunbar, 2016;Stewart & Lonsdale, 2016;Unwin et al., 2002). ...