... Forcart (1967) and Raheem et al. (2014) attributed its possible occurrence in India and elsewhere through the introduction of flowering plants from different countries as also inferred by others. The slug has been studied in detail on various aspects (morphology, morphometry, anomaly, colour variation, systematics, Karyology, distribution, population dynamics, food & feeding, breeding, incidence on palm seedlings, control measures, nematode hosts, influence of temperature, diseases, intermediate host etc.) by a number of workers during the past (Rao & Ramdoss, 1953;Ray,1961;Brar & Simwat, 1973;Kulkerni & Nagabhusam, 1973;Rao & Mitra, 1979;Godan, 1983;Rao et al., 1989;Muthumani et al., 1992;Rao et al., 1995;Panigarhi, 1997Panigarhi, , 1998aPanigarhi, -c, 1999aPanigarhi, -c, 2000aKulkerni et al., 1998;Kumar et al., 1998;Raut & Mandal, 1984, 1986Rao & Mitra, 1991;Mitra & Dey, 1992;Kumar et al., 1998;Raut & Panigrahi, 1988a,b, 1989, 1998, 1990, 1991aRao et al., 1997;Raut, 1999;Kumar & Ahmed, 2000;Mookherjee et al., 2000;Murugan & Chandran, 2001;Dey et al., 2003;Herbert & Kilbum, 2004;Rao et al., 2004;Mitra et al., 2005;Kumari & Thakur, 2005;Patil & Tamale, 2005;Kalidas et al., 2006;Cowie et al., 2008;Cordova et al., 2010;Ramakrishna et al., 2010;Patil & Talmale, 2011, 2012Brodie & Barker, 2012;South, 2012;Jayashankar et al., 2014;Raheem et al., 2014;Budha et al., 2015;Das & Parida, 2015;Selvi et al., 2015;Kim et al., 2018;Das, 2020;Sajan et al., 2021;wikipedia.org). The species has been recorded from various states of India but no record is available from Jharkhand and Uttarakhand. ...