The Multidimensional Measurement of Religiousness/Spirituality (MMRS) survey was administered to 515 respondents from the southeastern United States, 355 graduate and undergraduate students in Social Work, and 160 clients undergoing alcoholism or drug treatment. Exploratory factor analysis and reliability analyses resulted in retaining 59 of 81 MMRS items measuring 3 primary factors (Meaning, Spirituality, Religious Practices and Organized Religiousness) and 2 secondary factors (Guilt vs. God's Grace, and Loving/Forgiving God). The primary factors were highly internally consistent and showed acceptable stability reliability for a subsample of clients; they also largely replicated intended dimensions of the MMRS. Convergent, discriminant, and theoretical construct validity were generally supported for the factors in correlational analyses, but the Guilt dimension, in particular, should be reevaluated in future research. Various limitations were discussed. It was suggested that the 3 primary factors could be reliably assessed with 10 items, and that this 30-item scale could be a very useful multidimensional research tool.