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Leaf phenology of some mid-Cretaceouspolar forests, Alexander Island, Antartica

Cambridge University Press
Geological Magazine

Abstract and Figures

The leaf longevity and seasonal timing of leaf abscission within a plant community is closely related to climate, a phenomenon referred to as leaf phenology. In this paper the leaf phenology of some mid-Cretaceous (late Albian) forests which grew at latitude of 75° S on Alexander Island, Antarctica, is analysed. Five independent techniques for determining leaf longevity are applied to the fossil remains of each of the canopy-forming trees. These techniques utilize: (1) the anatomical character of growth rings in trunk woods, (2) leaf trace persistence in juvenile branch and stem woods, (3) leaf physiognomy, (4) comparison with nearest living relatives, and (5) leaf taphonomy. The application of techniques 113 years. The application of techniques 3deciduous vegetation in Alaska, northern Russia and New Zealand. Cold month mean temperature probably exerted the largest influence on the leaf phenology at each of these forest sites.
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1. Introduction
Fossil forests occur at multiple horizons in the mid-
Cretaceous (late Albian) Triton Point Formation,
Fossil Bluff Group of southeast Alexander Island,
Antarctic Peninsula (Jefferson, 1982; Moncrieff &
Kelly, 1993; Nichols & Cantrill, unpub. data) (Fig. 1).
This formation accumulated within a fore-arc basin
and is divided in two members; the lower Citadel
Bastion Member consists of braided alluvial plain
deposits and the upper Coal Nunatak Member consists
of coastal plain deposits characterized by more later-
ally restricted (probably meandering) river channels
(Cantrill & Nichols, 1996; Nichols & Cantrill, unpub.
data). Upright, coniferous tree trunks (up to seven
metres high) occur in both facies associations where
they are rooted in carbonaceous palaeosols and buried
by coarse-grained sandstone units interpreted as major
flood deposits (A. C. M. Moncrieff, unpub. British
Antarctic Survey Field Report AD6/2R/1988/G4,
1989). Transported logs and wood fragments occur in
siltstone and sandstone units variously interpreted as
river channel deposits, flood deposits and crevasse
splay deposits. Abundant foliage remains occur on
palaeosols (e.g. Cantrill & Nichols, 1996) and in fine-
grained overbank deposits (Jefferson, 1982).
Quantitative analysis of 68 wood fragments from this
formation has revealed the presence of araucarian
(Araucarioxylon Kraus and Araucariopitys Jeffrey; 13 %
of specimens), podocarp (Podocarpoxylon Gothan sp. 1
and sp. 2; 85% of specimens) and taxodioid conifers
(Taxodioxylon Hartig; 2% of specimens). This conifer
diversity is mirrored in the foliage record that includes
Araucaria Juss. and Araucarites Presl. (Araucariaceae);
Podocarpites Unger (Podocarpaceae); Athrotaxites
Andra (Taxodiaceae); Brachyphyllum Brongniart,
Elatocladus Halle, Pagiophyllum Heer, and Podozamites
(Brongniart) Braun (Incertae Familae) (Cantrill &
Falcon-Lang, unpub. data). Estimates of tree height
based on stump diameter suggest that these conifers were
tall trees up to 29 m high (Falcon-Lang & Cantrill, 2000).
Other plant fossils present include liverworts, lycopsids,
sphenopsids, ferns, ginkgophytes, taeniopterids, bennet-
titaleans and angiosperms (Cantrill & Nichols, 1996).
Preliminary palaeoecological reconstructions based
on the distribution of plant remains on exposed
palaeosol surfaces indicate that the braidplain was
dominated by shrubby taeniopterids interspersed with
stands of podocarp and taxodioid conifers (Cantrill &
Nichols, 1996). On the coastal plain, open canopy
forests dominated by podocarp and araucarian
conifers occurred in some regions (Jefferson, 1982;
Chaloner & Creber, 1989) and graded into broken
conifer woodlands and fern thickets on more imma-
ture substrates (Cantrill, 1995a,b; Cantrill & Nichols,
1996; Falcon-Lang & Cantrill, 2000). This temperate
rainforest vegetation grew well within the Southern
Hemisphere polar circle (palaeolatitude of 75° S)
during the mid-Cretaceous thermal optimum (Creber
& Chaloner, 1985; Spicer, Rees & Chapman, 1993;
Geol. Mag. 138 (1), 2001, pp. 39–52. Printed in the United Kingdom © 2001 Cambridge University Press 39
Leaf phenology of some mid-Cretaceous polar forests,
Alexander Island, Antarctica
British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK
(Received 30 March 2000; accepted 10 October 2000)
Abstract – The leaf longevity and seasonal timing of leaf abscission within a plant community is
closely related to climate, a phenomenon referred to as leaf phenology. In this paper the leaf phenol-
ogy of some mid-Cretaceous (late Albian) forests which grew at latitude of 75° S on Alexander Island,
Antarctica, is analysed. Five independent techniques for determining leaf longevity are applied to the
fossil remains of each of the canopy-forming trees. These techniques utilize: (1) the anatomical char-
acter of growth rings in trunk woods, (2) leaf trace persistence in juvenile branch and stem woods, (3)
leaf physiognomy, (4) comparison with nearest living relatives, and (5) leaf taphonomy. The applica-
tion of techniques 1–5 suggests that the araucarian and podocarp conifers, which comprised more
than 90 % of the canopy-forming vegetation, were evergreen with leaf retention times in excess of 5–13
years. The application of techniques 3–5 to rare taxodioid conifers indicates the existence of both ever-
green and deciduous habits in this group, whilst both ginkgos and taeniopterids, which are locally
abundant, are interpreted as possessing a deciduous habit. The polar forests of Alexander Island were
therefore dominantly evergreen. Preliminary analysis of five other mid-Cretaceous polar forests sug-
gests the presence of dominantly evergreen vegetation in Australia and Antarctica, and mixed ever-
green–deciduous vegetation in Alaska, northern Russia and New Zealand. Cold month mean
temperature probably exerted the largest influence on the leaf phenology at each of these forest sites.
* Author for correspondence:
Clarke & Jenkyns, 1999). In this environment, plant
growth was subject to conditions of extreme light sea-
sonality characterized by up to 70 days of unbroken
darkness each winter and a humid climate (Parrish,
Ziegler & Scotese, 1982; Read & Francis, 1992).
Despite this broad understanding of the nature of the
Alexander Island ecosystem, it is still not known
whether these forests were dominantly evergreen or
deciduous. It is particularly important to understand
this palaeoecological dimension because the leaf
longevity and seasonal timing of leaf abscission in a
plant community is closely related to climate, a phenom-
enon referred to as leaf phenology (Woodward, 1987).
Analyses of the leaf phenology of fossil plant communi-
ties could yield valuable palaeoclimatic data needed to
test and refine numerical models of past global climates,
vegetation and environments (Wolfe & Upchurch, 1987;
Otto-Bliesner & Upchurch, 1997; Upchurch, Otto-
Bliesner & Scotese, 1999; Falcon-Lang, 2000a). In addi-
tion, the presence or absence of winter vegetation has
important implications for the ecology of terrestrial
faunas described from the Cretaceous polar circle, such
as theropod, sauropod, and ornithopod dinosaurs
(Dettman et al. 1992). In this paper we make a system-
atic attempt to analyse the leaf longevity of the most
common trees in the mid-Cretaceous fossil forests of
Alexander Island. These data are then discussed in rela-
tion to palaeoclimate models to interpret the leaf phe-
nology of the Alexander Island forests, and compared
with preliminary analyses of leaf phenology from other
mid-Cretaceous polar forest sites in Alaska, Australia,
New Zealand and northern Russia.
2. Analysis of the leaf longevity of the Alexander
Island trees
There is no single, simple way of determining the leaf
longevity of a fossil plant. In an earlier paper one of us
(Falcon-Lang, 2000a) reviewed some of the tech-
niques available for such analysis but stressed the need
to utilize as many techniques as possible in order to
test and refine the interpretation. Here we critically
describe five independent techniques for analysing fossil
leaf longevity and apply each of them to the remains
of the canopy-forming vegetation on Alexander
Island, the conifers, ginkgos and taeniopterids.
2.a. Growth rings in trunk woods
2.a.1. Method
The first technique, developed by Falcon-Lang
(2000a,b), utilizes the anatomical characteristics of
growth rings in coniferopsid trunk woods. In trans-
verse section, growth rings are composed of parallel
rows of tracheid cells which decrease in diameter
across the ring. The larger cells are produced in the
early part of the growing season (earlywood) and the
smaller cells are formed towards the end of the grow-
Figure 1. Location details of study area. (a) Map of Antarctic
Peninsula showing the position of the Alexander Island fossil
forests; (b) detailed outcrop map of southeast Alexander
Island showing the outcrop of the Albian Triton Point
Formation, a stratigraphic unit within the Fossil Bluff Group.
Dashed line delimits inferred extent of Triton Point Formation
(Moncrieff & Kelly, 1993). Principal localities mentioned in
the text where the fossil wood was collected are shown.
ing season (latewood). In this technique the radial
diameters of individual tracheid cells (viewed using
standard transverse thin sections) are measured across
each ring increment with the aid of a calibrated scale
mounted in the eye-piece of the transmitted light
microscope. Five adjacent rows of cells are measured
for each ring increment and averaged (cf. Falcon-
Lang, 1999a). The cumulative sum of each cell’s devia-
tion from the mean of this data is then calculated
(Creber & Chaloner, 1984) and plotted as a zero-
trending curve (the CSDM curve). For each growth
ring increment the percentage skew of the zenith of
the CSDM curve relative to the centre of the plot is
ascertained (Falcon-Lang, 2000a) (Fig. 2). Only
growth rings lacking subtle false rings, growth inter-
ruptions or any other growth abnormalities can be
used in this analysis because the presence of these fea-
tures gives rise to CSDM curves with multiple zeniths.
Falcon-Lang (2000a,b) showed that the percentage
skew of the zenith of the CSDM curve is closely related
to the leaf longevity of the parent tree in modern conif-
eropsids. Only deciduous species possess CSDM skews
of less than –10 % and only evergreen species have
skews of greater than +10 %. Of the woods which
yielded skew values between –10 % and 0 %, 81% were
from deciduous conifers and 19% from evergreen
conifers, whilst between 0 % and +10% skew, 46 % were
from deciduous conifers and 54% from evergreen
species. Woods that possess growth rings with CSDM
skews in the range from –10 % to +10 % therefore can-
not be unambiguously assigned evergreen or deciduous
status, although the majority with a negative percent-
age are likely to be deciduous. Nevertheless, in many
cases the woods produced by deciduous and evergreen
conifers may be distinguished from one another on the
basis of percentage skew values.
2.a.2. Data and interpretation
Poor preservation meant that the only Araucarioxylon
wood specimen could not be analysed by the present
technique. However, two specimens of Araucariopitys,
eight specimens of Podocarpoxylon sp. 1, four speci-
mens of P. sp. 2 and one specimen of Taxodioxylon
possessed sufficiently well-preserved growth rings for
the study. The former two genera possessed growth
rings with subtle ring boundaries continuous around
the stem circuit (Fig. 3a,b); the latter genus possessed
Cretaceous leaf phenology 41
Figure 2. Diagram illustrating how percentage skew is
calculated (see text for explanation; after Falcon-Lang, 2000a).
Figure 3. Transverse sections of conifer woods, (a)
Podocarpoxylon sp. 1 exhibiting subtle growth rings, mag.
×25, KG. 4710.1; (b) Araucariopitys exhibiting subtle
growth rings, mag. ×25, KG. 4740.11; (c) Taxodioxylon
exhibiting marked growth rings, mag. ×25, KG. 4626.1.
much more marked ring boundaries continuous
around the stem circuit (Fig. 3c). Five ring increments
were measured for Araucariopitys,Podocarpoxylon sp.
2 and Taxodioxylon, and ten ring increments were
measured for P. sp. 1. The results were as follows:
Araucariopitys gave percentage skew values ranging
from +34.6% to +61.8 %, for Podocarpoxylon sp. 1
values ranged from +38.1% to +76.1 %, and for P. sp.
2 values ranged from +51.5% to +83.1 % (Table 1;
Figs 4, 5). Compared with the modern data in Falcon-
Lang (2000a) and summarized above, these skew val-
ues are consistent with woods produced by evergreen
conifers with long leaf retention times, probably more
than five years. For example, modern specimens of
Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch, which retain
leaves for 3–15 years, give a mean skew value of
+66.7 % (Falcon-Lang, 2000a). Taxodioxylon percent-
age skew values range from –11.7% to +6.38 % (Table
1; Figs 4, 5). Compared with modern data, these val-
ues straddle the deciduous and the evergreen fields
with short leaf retention times. Therefore the leaf
longevity of the parent tree cannot be interpreted with
certainty; it may have been deciduous or evergreen
with a short leaf retention time.
2.b. Leaf traces in juvenile branch and stem woods
2.b.1. Method
The second technique utilizes the leaf traces in juve-
nile stem or branch coniferopsid wood. Leaf traces are
bundles of vascular tissue which join the living leaf to
the primary vascular cylinder at the centre of the
young stem. In deciduous plants, the onset of sec-
ondary growth and the centripetal addition of a layer
of secondary wood by the vascular cambium, buries
the proximal part of the leaf trace and ruptures away
the distal portion: leaf traces thus are only encoun-
tered embedded in the first ring increment of such
stems (Eames & McDaniels, 1947; Esau, 1977). In
evergreen plants, leaf traces are extended by a type of
secondary growth which increases them in length by
addition of new tissue. As the woody plant stem
increases in diameter by secondary growth, the
phloem is progressively stripped away from the leaf
trace, so that the buried portion of the trace consists
only of a xylem strand (Eames & McDaniels, 1947;
Esau, 1977). Thus, where a tree has a high leaf reten-
tion time, as in Araucaria araucana, the leaf trace
may be very long, passing through many growth ring
Table 1. Results of the application of Falcon-Lang’s (2000a) ‘percentage skew technique’ to the Alexander Island coniferous woods
Wood taxon Number of Percentage Interpretation of
(Specimen number) Locality Facies association cells per ring skew leaf phenology
KG. 4740.11 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 135 +51.1 Evergreen
KG. 4740.11 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 52 +34.6 Evergreen
KG. 4740.11 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 136 +61.8 Evergreen
KG. 4702.17 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 30 +40.0 Evergreen
KG. 4702.17 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 46 +52.2 Evergreen
Mean 79.8 +47.9 Evergreen
Podocarpoxylon sp. 1
KG. 4657.9 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 30 +66.7 Evergreen
KG. 4657.9 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 24 +58.3 Evergreen
KG. 4660.4 Citadel Bastion Braided alluvial plain 39 +43.6 Evergreen
KG. 4710.2 Triton Point Braided alluvial plain 21 +38.1 Evergreen
KG. 4717.42 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 51 +52.9 Evergreen
KG. 4717.44 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 20 +40.0 Evergreen
KG. 4717.45 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 67 +76.1 Evergreen
KG. 4717.45 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 41 +41.4 Evergreen
KG. 4717.46 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 51 +69.8 Evergreen
KG. 4719.4 Titan Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 45 +64.4 Evergreen
Mean 38.9 +55.1 Evergreen
Podocarpoxylon sp. 2
KG. 2814.256 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 83 +83.1 Evergreen
KG. 2814.256 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 84 +54.2 Evergreen
KG. 4660.1 Citadel Bastion Braided alluvial plain 41 +61.0 Evergreen
KG. 4710.3 Triton Point Braided alluvial plain 44 +59.1 Evergreen
KG. 4747.13 Coal Nunatak Coastal plain 33 +51.5 Evergreen
Mean 57 +61.8 Evergreen
KG. 4626.1 Hyperion Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 128 –11.7 Deciduous
KG. 4626.1 Hyperion Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 74 +4.1 Evgrn/Decid.
KG. 4626.1 Hyperion Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 97 +4.6 Evgrn/Decid.
KG. 4626.1 Hyperion Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 134 –6.0 Evgrn/Decid.
KG. 4626.1 Hyperion Nunataks Braided alluvial plain 47 +6.4 Evgrn/Decid.
Mean 96 –0.5 Deciduous?
increments before being occluded by parenchyma
(Eames & McDaniels, 1947). By counting the number
of growth ring increments through which a leaf trace
passes before being occluded, a very precise estimate
of the leaf longevity of the parent plant can be made
(Fig. 6a; W. G. Chaloner, pers. comm., 1997; Falcon-
Lang, 1999a). However, this technique is difficult to
apply to fossil specimens because leaf traces, due to
their small size and widely spaced distribution around
the stem circumference, are rarely intersected in the
plane of thin sections; only a very few examples have
Cretaceous leaf phenology 43
Figure 4. Example graphs showing the Cumulative Sum of the Deviations from the Mean (CSDM) for four measured growth
rings in the Alexander Island woods. Note that Araucariopitys and the two Podocarpoxylon species possess CSDM curves with
high positive skew values whilst the CSDM curve of Taxodioxylon is almost symmetrical.
Figure 5. Results of analysis of Alexander woods using
Falcon-Lang’s (2000a) new technique. The grey area repre-
sents the zone of overlap between the deciduous and ever-
green fields based on data in Falcon-Lang (2000a). The
results imply that Araucariopitys and the two
Podocarpoxylon species were evergreen with long leaf reten-
tion times whilst Taxodioxylon may have been deciduous or
evergreen with a short leaf retention time.
been described in the literature with sufficient detail to
apply the technique (e.g. Gordon, 1935; Galtier &
Scott, 1994; Falcon-Lang & Cantrill, 2000). In addi-
tion, the technique is dependent on the ring incre-
ments in young woods representing annual periods of
growth, a questionable assumption for some fossil
wood assemblages (Falcon-Lang, 1999a).
2.b.2. Data and interpretation
In two specimens of Araucariopitys, vascular traces
290–415 µm in diameter (up to 0.140 mm2in cross-
sectional area; n=8), and composed of scalariform or
reticulate thickened tracheids of 6–8 µm diameter
were found. The first specimen (KG. 4702.28) con-
sisted of a 45 mm diameter woody cylinder surround-
ing a parenchymatous pith and was interpreted as part
of a small vertical stem because reaction wood was
absent (Creber, 1975). This fossil specimen possessed
two vascular traces which passed through five ring
increments before disappearing out of the plane of
section. The second specimen (KG. 4740.11) consisted
of a 65 mm diameter, strongly asymmetric woody
cylinder surrounding a parenchymatous pith. Marked
asymmetry in stem cross-section is most commonly
found in branches (where it is termed reaction wood)
and is due to the influence of gravity on wood forma-
tion. In gymnosperms the widest stem radius occurs
on the underside of the branch (Creber, 1975). On the
basis of this observation, specimen KG. 4740.11 is
interpreted as a lateral branch. Six vascular traces
extended from the lower side of this fossil branch and
passed through up to 13 ring increments before disap-
pearing from the plane of section; one such trace is
31 mm in length (Fig. 6b). Vascular traces were also
noted in one specimen of Podocarpoxylon sp. 1. This
specimen (KG. 4719.4) consisted of a woody cylinder
(90 mm in diameter), surrounding a poorly preserved
pith and was interpreted as a small vertical stem
because reaction wood was absent. Four large leaf
traces, up to 475 µm in diameter (up to 0.178 mm2
cross-sectional area) occurred close to the pith region
and extended through the first five growth increments
(Fig. 6c).
There are three pieces of evidence which suggest
that all these persistent vascular traces are leaf traces
and not small branch traces. First, the vascular traces
are almost identical in cross-sectional area (Fig. 6c,d)
to the leaf traces of modern araucarian conifers such
as Agathis australis (D. Don) Laudon (0.134 mm2:
Lacey, 1953) and Araucaria araucana (0.095 mm2:H.J.
Falcon-Lang, pers. obs., 1997). Second, the vascular
traces are composed entirely of cells with scalariform
to reticulate wall ornamentation, uncharacteristic of
the more mature tissue one would expect to encounter
in branches (Esau, 1977). Third, small branch traces
are also present in the Araucariopitys specimens; they
are more than 2 mm in diameter (an order of magni-
tude larger than the leaf traces), and exhibit a concen-
tric outer layer of secondary xylem, a feature not seen
in leaf traces.
The Alexander Island conifers grew in a polar
environment. In this setting, the onset of the cool,
dark winter would be the most likely trigger of cam-
bial dormancy and growth ring formation, and indi-
vidual ring increments in the woods therefore probably
Figure 6. Leaf traces. (a) Longitudinal section through mod-
ern specimen of branch of Araucaria araucana (19 mm diam-
eter) showing three persistent leaf traces. The traces, which
pass through 11 growth ring increments, were attached to liv-
ing leaves when the specimen was collected; they indicate that
leaf longevity was > 11 years in this specimen. (b) Leaf trace
departing through juvenile stem of Araucariopitys, transverse
section. Arrows mark ring boundaries intersected by leaf
trace, mag. ×25 , KG. 4740.11. (c) Cross-section of circular
leaf trace in latewood of Podocarpoxylon sp. 1. Arrow marks
strand of secondary xylem on the underside of the trace,
oblique tangential section, mag. ×25, KG. 4719.4. (d) Cross-
section of oval leaf trace in Araucarioxylon, tangential
section, mag. ×100, KG. 4702.4.
represent an annual growth period (Francis, 1986).
Furthermore, in the closest modern analogues to the
vegetation of the Triton Point Formation, the cool
temperate podocarp forest of South Island, New
Zealand, conifers usually only make one growth ring
per annum (Franklin, 1969). Assuming that growth
rings were formed annually, the fossil leaf trace data
indicate that Araucariopitys and Podocarpoxylon sp. 1
were both evergreen with long leaf retention times, at
least five years in Podocarpoxylon sp. 1 and at least 13
years in the case of Araucariopitys. However, there is
limited evidence that the leaf traces of present-day
araucarian conifers may continue to extend in length
even after leaf fall (Eames & McDaniels, 1947); if this
is confirmed, then the estimates of leaf longevity for
the Araucariopitys plant may be too high.
2.c. Leaf physiognomy
2.c.1. Method
In the third technique, the form and structure of fossil
leaves (leaf physiognomy) are examined for clues that
may suggest leaf habit. In angiosperms, evergreen
leaves are usually thicker with a smaller surface area
than their deciduous counterparts and possess a thick
cuticle, sunken stomata and an array of sclerophyllic
characteristics such as spines or hairs to avoid winter
herbivore predation (Chabot & Hicks, 1982; Wolfe
& Upchurch, 1987; McElwain & Chaloner, 1996).
However, interpretation of the leaf physiognomy of
non-angiosperms is more difficult and has only been
attempted to a limited degree (Chaloner & Creber,
1990). For example, Pigg & Taylor (1993) interpreted
the presence of an abscission scar on the leaf petiole of
a glossopterid to indicate a deciduous habit.
2.c.2. Data and interpretation
The coniferous foliage of Alexander Island can be bro-
ken down into three classes; there are (1) large broad
leaves, (2) small appressed scale leaves, and (3) linear
dorsiventrally flattened leaves that are often twisted to
lie in one plane (Cantrill & Falcon-Lang, unpub. data).
The large, broad leaves are either broadly attached at
the base and strongly imbricate (e.g. Araucaria; Fig. 7a),
or are constricted basally and almost petiolate (e.g.
Podozamites; Fig. 7b). The leaves of Araucaria alexan-
derensis Cantrill show evidence of seasonal variation
in leaf size; a transition from large leaves (40 mm long)
to small leaves (7 mm long) and then back to larger
leaves (40 mm) again occurs in KG. 4745.15. This type
of growth pattern is seen in many extant conifers
including araucarian species such as A. bidwillii Hook.
(Stockey, 1982, plate III, 7) and Wollemia nobilis W. G.
Jones et al. (Chambers, Drinnan & McLoughlin, 1998,
fig. 1) where the variation in size relates to the growing
season. The fluctuation in leaf size seen in KG.
Cretaceous leaf phenology 45
Figure 7. (a) Broad-leafed Araucaria alexanderensis
Cantrill, mag. ×1, KG. 2815.165, and (b) broad-leafed
Podozamites binatus Cantrill with scaly taxodiaceous conifer
leafy shoot (Brachyphyllum) in top-left corner, mag. ×1,
KG. 1704.5a.
4745.15 indicates that this foliage is evergreen and
represents two seasons of growth.
Podozamites leaves are always found attached to
stems and never as isolated leaves (Fig. 7b). Stems
range from those with two to three leaves to larger
stems with up to 20 leaves. This suggests that the
foliage preserved does not represent seasonally deter-
minate shoots that abscised in the autumn, but rather
portions of the plant that have been broken off.
Further support for this interpretation is seen in the
stem bases that lack an abscission zone or expanded
base, a feature often seen in deciduous shoots. In
addition, deciduous foliage units typically have small
leaves at the base that grade into mature leaves more
distally. All the leaves seen in Podozamites are of a
uniform size. Thus the combined evidence supports an
evergreen interpretation.
Both these broad foliage types occur in the upper
part of the Triton Point Formation associated with
the woody stems, Araucariopitys and Podocarpoxylon.
Lacey (1953) noted that the cross-sectional area of a
leaf trace shows a positive correlation with leaf area.
For example Agathis australis possesses leaf traces
with a large cross-sectional area (0.134 mm2) and pos-
sesses large leaves of dimensions 7 ×4 cm (Lacey,
1953). The Alexander Island woody conifer stems
Araucariopitys and Podocarpoxylon sp. 1, which pos-
sess leaf traces of a similar size to Agathis australis,
therefore may have borne equally large broad leaves.
On this basis, the two Alexander Island foliage types
attributed to Araucaria and Podozamites (maximum
leaf dimensions: 4 ×1.2 cm and 8.2 ×1.1 cm respec-
tively) are the most likely taxa borne by these two
wood genera (Cantrill & Falcon-Lang, unpub. data).
The small appressed scale-like leaves are represented
by the foliage of Athrotaxites titanensis Cantrill and
Brachyphyllum (Fig. 7b). It is suggested that most of
this foliage is also evergreen because foliage units are
not determinate and do not appear to be shed as
foliage units. However, there is limited evidence that
one species of Brachyphyllum may have been decidu-
ous; these shoots are of similar dimensions suggesting
a initially determinate habit, and that the plant may
have shed foliage units like extant deciduous taxodia-
ceous conifers. These Brachyphyllum foliage units
occur in the braided river systems at a similar strati-
graphic level to the Taxodioxylon wood, which may
also have been derived from a deciduous taxodiaceous
conifer (cf. Section 2.a.2).
The linear lanceolate leaves in the Alexander Island
foliage assemblage possess a single midvein and occur
attached in a helical fashion with the leaves oriented
into two planes (e.g. Elatocladus). Comparison with
the foliage of the deciduous conifers Taxodium Rich
and Metasequoia Hu & W.C. Cheng, allows the leaf
habit of Elatocladus to be interpreted. In these two
extant genera a resting bud surrounded by scale leaves
overwinters, and in the spring produces a determinate
shoot with linear lanceolate, helically inserted leaves.
In the autumn these foliage units are shed, except
where the long shoots become indeterminate; resting
buds form in the leaf axils of this latter shoot and the
leaves are shed. Consequently deciduous conifers have
a distinctive morphology when compared to conifers
with longer leaf retention times. The foliage shoots are
characterized by distinct basal buds and scale leaves.
Non-deciduous forms lack these features. The linear
lanceolate foliage seen in the Alexander Island mater-
ial lacks this morphology and therefore is considered
to be evergreen also.
Other foliage of linear lanceolate leaves such as
Podocarpites wileyii Cantrill possesses resting buds
with scale leaves and leafy shoots with longer leaves.
However, these are rarely found as isolated foliage
units but rather as isolated branches with short lateral
shoots. This suggests that these small shrubby
podocarps were not deciduous but produced resting
buds that presumably overwintered prior to leaf and
shoot expansion in the spring (Cantrill & Falcon-
Lang, unpub. data).
Finally, specimens of Ginkgoites Seward are charac-
terized by the long shoot–short shoot syndrome seen
in fossil Ginkgo (Zhou & Zhang, 1989) and other
extant (e.g. Larix Mill., Malus) and fossil (e.g.
Glossopteris Brongniart and Nilsoniocladus Kimura &
Sekido) deciduous plants. On this basis Ginkgoites was
almost certainly deciduous. A similar shoot morphol-
ogy is observed in Taeniopteris Brongniart and it is
also considered to be deciduous.
2.d. Nearest Living Relatives
2.d.1. Method
In the fourth method, the Nearest Living Relative
technique, the assumption is made that related mod-
ern and fossil groups have similar leaf longevity.
Clearly, the closer the taxonomic relationship between
the two groups in question, the more accurate the
interpretation of leaf life span possible. This method
becomes increasingly difficult to apply for pre-Tertiary
floras where only family-level taxonomic affinity may
be assumed (Chaloner & Creber, 1990). In addition,
axiomatic to the method is that the ecological and cli-
matological requirements of taxa were constant
throughout geological time and were not affected by
evolutionary changes; this assumption is questionable
for floras of Cretaceous age (A. B. Herman, pers.
comm., 2000)
2.d.2. Data and interpretation
Three conifer families, the Araucariaceae, Podocar-
paceae and Taxodiaceae, occur in the Alexander
Island forest assemblage together with ginkgopsids
(Falcon-Lang & Cantrill, 2000; Cantrill & Falcon-
Lang, unpub. data). Today, all members of the
Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae are evergreen,
usually with long leaf retention times. For example,
amongst the Araucariaceae, Araucaria araucana grow-
ing in Chile retains leaves for 15 years (Vidakovic,
1982) whilst the podocarp conifers Halocarpus
biformis (Hook) Quinn and Halocarpus bidwillii
(Hook. F. ex Kirk) Quinn growing in New Zealand
may hold leaves for 10 and 20 years respectively
(Wardle, 1963; Odgen & Stewart, 1995). Alexander
Island Araucariaceae and Podocarpaceae may there-
fore also have been evergreen with long leaf retention
times. In contrast, present-day Taxodiaceae possess
the greatest number of deciduous genera of any
conifer family; of the eight extant genera, Taxodium,
Glyptostrobus Endl. and Metasequoia are all decidu-
ous (Vidakovic, 1982), whilst the remaining genera are
evergreen with short leaf retention times. The only tax-
odiaceous foliage found on Alexander Island was
assigned to Athrotaxites, a form genus that bears some
similarity to the extant evergreen conifer genus
Athrotaxis D. Don, endemic to Tasmania (Cantrill &
Falcon-Lang, unpub. data). The interpretation of
Athrotaxites as evergreen seems plausible given its
shoot morphology discussed above. Finally, the only
living relative of the foliage genus Ginkgoites is Ginkgo
biloba, which is deciduous.
2.e. Leaf taphonomy
2.e.1. Method
The fifth technique relies on the interpretation of the
transport and depositional history of plant parts
(plant taphonomy), based on the distribution of fossil
plant remains in sedimentary facies. One might expect
that deciduous leaves which are synchronously shed at
a particular time in the year would tend to accumulate
in discrete layers (leaf mats), whilst evergreen leaves
shed throughout the year would occur randomly
within a sequence (Spicer & Parrish, 1986). This idea
has been developed to good effect by Retallack (1980),
who correlated the occurrence of glossopterid leaves
with the autumn–winter component of Permian lacus-
trine varved units, thus demonstrating autumnal
abscission and a deciduous habit. Interpretation of
leaf habit is more problematic, however, where leaves
occur in sequences with no intra-annual temporal
framework such as floodbasin mudstone units. For
example, Parrish et al. (1998) recorded discrete leaf
mats of Agathis Salsib. from the Cretaceous of New
Zealand; all leaves were well preserved which sug-
gested to the authors that they were synchronously
shed in the autumn by a deciduous plant. However,
similar well-preserved leaf mats of Cordaites Unger
are found in the Upper Carboniferous of Nova Scotia
(Falcon-Lang, 1999b; Falcon-Lang & Scott, 2000); it
is known that cordaitaleans were evergreen so these
leaf accumulations must merely represent the product
of random sedimentary processes. As a consequence it
is important not to place too much emphasis on
taphonomic data.
2.e.2. Data and interpretation
Only a few observations pertinent to this paper can be
made with regard to the taphonomy of the Alexander
Island floras. First, Ginkgoites leaves, which are wide-
spread within the sequence, often form prominent leaf
mats. These leaf mats are characterized by leaves of a
uniform size class and preservational state suggesting
they were synchronously shed. Taeniopteris also forms
similar leaf mats at a number of localities (e.g. KG.
4737). These data indicate that both these taxa may
have been deciduous.
3. Discussion
Data acquired using the five independent techniques
above strongly suggest that the canopy-forming vege-
tation of Alexander Island that included conifers,
ginkgos and taeniopterids was dominantly evergreen.
The araucarian and podocarp conifers that composed
more than 90 % of the forest canopy were evergreen
with leaf retention times of at least 5–13 years. Some
rare taxodiaceous conifers were also evergreen but
with much shorter leaf retention times; other taxodia-
ceous conifers may have been deciduous as were all the
ginkgos and taeniopterids. The understorey vegetation,
dominated by ferns, was probably mainly deciduous.
For example, pteridophytes such as Phyllopteroides
Medwell (Osmundaceae) frequently occur as isolated
pinnules; this may imply that this fern died down
during the winter months as do extant Osmunda L.
Some of the understorey angiosperms may have been
evergreen, however (Cantrill & Nichols, 1996).
3.a. Southern Hemisphere polar vegetation
Forest vegetation is also known to have grown in the
Southern Hemisphere polar region at two other sites
during the mid-Cretaceous (Fig. 8a). In New Zealand,
late Albian–Cenomanian vegetation grew at a latitude
of 70° S. One of the dominant elements of this flora
was the foliage of Agathis, a canopy-forming araucar-
ian conifer. On the basis of cuticle thickness and
taphonomic data, Parrish et al. (1998) interpreted one
Agathis species as being deciduous whilst another was
assigned evergreen status. Other plants present were
liverworts, ferns, sphenopsids, taeniopterids, cycads,
bennettites, pentoxylaleans, ginkgophytes, podocarp
conifers and angiosperms which probably included a
mixture of evergreen and deciduous plants (Stopes,
1914, 1916; Parrish et al. 1998).
In southeastern Australia, abundant Albian fossil
floras have been studied in the Otway Basin; these
Cretaceous leaf phenology 47
represent vegetation which grew at a latitude of 66° S.
Floras are dominated by the wood and foliage of ever-
green araucarian and podocarp conifers which would
have formed the forest canopy; taxodiaceous conifers
which may also have been evergreen occur rarely
(Cantrill & Webb, 1987; Cantrill & Douglas, 1988;
Cantrill, 1991, 1992; Dettman et al. 1992). The under-
storey comprised a mixed evergreen–deciduous vege-
tation which included cycads, gymnosperms, ferns,
ginkgophytes and angiosperms (Douglas & Williams,
In summary, the Southern polar forests of
Alexander Island and southeastern Australia appear
to have been composed of an almost exclusively ever-
green coniferous canopy with a mixed evergreen–
deciduous understorey, but New Zealand forests from
a similar latitude appear to have contained a larger
deciduous component.
3.b. Northern Hemisphere polar vegetation
Vegetation patterns have also been reconstructed for
several mid- to Late Cretaceous sites in the northern
polar region (Fig. 8b). Spicer & Parrish (1986)
described a number of floras from the Albian–
Cenomanian Nanushuk Group of northern Alaska
which grew at a latitude of more than 75° N. These
were largely composed of deciduous plants including
angiosperms, ginkgophytes, ferns, vine-like cycads and
conifers (Axelrod, 1984; Spicer & Parrish, 1990; Spicer
& Herman, 1996). The dominant conifers were proba-
bly deciduous because they possessed foliage morpho-
types comparable to that of modern taxodiaceous
shoot-dropping species. Some other conifers such as
the broad-leafed Podozamites which grew in Alaskan
peat mire environments have also been assigned decid-
uous status but this interpretation is based on equivo-
cal taphonomic grounds; microphyllous conifers such
as Brachyphyllum were almost certainly evergreen
(Spicer & Parrish, 1986). In the same vicinity, Coniacian
and Campanian–Maastrichtian plant assemblages
have been described from the Colville Group and were
also dominantly deciduous being composed of
angiosperms, ginkgophytes, ferns and sphenopsids.
Some of these conifers, particularly the cuppressa-
ceous forms, were probably evergreen whilst other
more dominant taxodiaceous forms were deciduous
(Parrish & Spicer, 1988).
Finally, mid- to Late Cretaceous forest vegetation is
also known from many sites in northern and north-
eastern Russia where it flourished at latitudes of
65–82° N (Spicer & Herman, 1998). These forests were
composed of deciduous caytonealeans, ginkgos,
czekanowskialeans, vine-like cycads, and many
conifers and angiosperms. Some of the conifers were
of the taxodiaceous shoot-dropping species, but many
others were of araucarian or cuppressacean affinity,
and possessed evergreen scale-like leaves (Herman,
1999; Kelley, Spicer & Herman, 1999). Considered in
totality, the Northern Hemisphere polar forests of
Alaska and northern Russia appear to have contained
a much larger deciduous component than the
Southern forests of Antarctica, Australia and New
Zealand (Wolfe & Upchurch, 1987). This conclusion
conflicts with early studies which suggested that both
Northern and Southern Hemisphere polar forests were
equally deciduous (Spicer, Rees & Chapman, 1993).
Figure 8. Mid-Cretaceous polar-centred geographies show-
ing the position of fossil forests mentioned in the text. (a)
Southern Hemisphere, late Albian stage, 105 Ma, and (b)
Northern Hemisphere, Albian–Cenomanian stages, 95 Ma
(Palaeo-coastlines from Smith, Smith & Funnel, 1994, and
R. Livermore, BAS). Light grey – deep ocean; medium grey
– continental marine shelf; dark grey – land.
3.c. Mid-Cretaceous polar environments
Why did Northern Hemisphere polar forests contain a
much larger number of deciduous trees than the
Southern Hemisphere forests? Growing within the
polar circles (palaeolatitude >66°), all these floras
would have had to adapt to conditions of extreme light
seasonality including a protracted period of perma-
nent darkness during the winter months (Read &
Francis, 1992). The employment of different ecological
strategies in these two coeval polar communities sug-
gests that environmental conditions differed between
the Northern and Southern Hemisphere poles. In this
section we explore the nature of the Cretaceous polar
environments and attempt to relate these environmental
conditions to the observed patterns of leaf phenology.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Alaskan and
Russian polar forests both grew on maritime peninsu-
las almost entirely surrounded by ocean or on islands.
Multivariate analyses of foliar physiognomic data
from these regions suggest that the cold month mean
temperature never fell very low, being in the region of
+6.2 °C at 75° N in Alaska, –0.6 °C at 82° N in north-
ern Russia, and +5.5°C at 70°N in northeast Russia
during the late Albian–Coniacian stages, and that
Arctic Ocean temperature was warm year-round,
never falling much below 5.7 °C (Herman & Spicer,
1996; Spicer & Herman, 1998). These figures compare
reasonably well with the results of climate computer
models run by Valdes, Sellwood & Price (1996).
Although dropstone evidence suggests that seasonal
sea-ice may have formed adjacent to continental high
northern latitude regions such as Spitsbergen in the
Albian (Frakes & Francis, 1988; Francis & Frakes,
1993), there is no widespread evidence for sea-ice in
the Arctic Circle; permanent ice was probably only
present at high altitude in Alaska and Russia (Spicer &
Parrish, 1990). Collectively these data suggest a mild,
maritime climate during the Arctic winter months.
In contrast, the polar floras of the Southern
Hemisphere grew along the palaeo-Pacific coast of the
Gondwanan supercontinent in New Zealand and the
Antarctic Peninsula, and in a more continental setting
in southeast Australia (Fig. 8a). Numerical computer
climate models predict cold month mean temperatures
to have been around +4°C for maritime New Zealand
but much lower (down to –8 °C) for Antarctica and
southeast Australia (Valdes, Sellwood & Price, 1996).
More primitive terrestrial climate models have pre-
dicted that Australia–Antarctica would have experi-
enced cold month mean temperatures as low as –18 °C
(Barron & Washington, 1984). Freezing winter condi-
tions are implied by the presence of Aptian ikaite
pseudomorphs (glendonites nodules) in central
Australia which develop under cold bottom water con-
ditions (Dettman et al. 1992; Francis & Frakes, 1993),
and Aptian–Albian dropstones in northern Australia
suggest that seasonal sea-ice periodically extended
as far north as 55° S (Frakes & Krassay, 1992). The
presence of a small permanent Early Cretaceous
Antarctic ice sheet has also been inferred by Stoll &
Schrag (1996) to explain rapid sea-level changes
during this interval. All these data suggest that
Southern Hemisphere polar vegetation in Australia
and Antarctica grew under a climate characterized
by cold, dark winter conditions whilst New Zealand
floras existed in a maritime setting where winter
temperatures were milder.
3.d. Mid-Cretaceous polar leaf phenology
As noted in the introduction, the leaf phenology of
plants is ‘finely tuned’ to the growing environment in
order to achieve the highest possible annual carbon
gain. The largest problem facing plants growing well
within the polar circle relates to the high levels of dark
respiration incurred during the winter darkness. This
may not have been such a severe problem during the
Cretaceous greenhouse phase as it would be today,
because it is known that whole-canopy dark respira-
tion is reduced under conditions of elevated carbon
dioxide (Barker et al. 2000). Nevertheless, physiologi-
cal adaptation to prolonged periods of dark respira-
tion may have been one of the main factors influencing
leaf phenology.
For example, in polar regions with warm dark
winters like those of the Cretaceous Northern
Hemisphere (e.g. +6°C cold month mean tempera-
ture), a deciduous habit would probably be favoured
because the presence of winter leaves would permit
high rates of dark respiration and quickly lead to etio-
lation of seedlings (Spicer & Corfield, 1992). Creber &
Chaloner (1985) have suggested that some evergreen
plants may have been able to survive in such warm
winter dark conditions by altering their physiology
so that optimum respiration temperature was set a few
degrees higher than ambient temperature. Another
option would be to evolve scale-like, xeromorphic
foliage which could effectively close stomata and mini-
mize dark respiration carbon-loss; this strategy
appears to have been utilized by some araucarian and
cuppressacean conifers from the northern Russian
sites (Herman, 1999).
In contrast, in polar regions with cold dark winters
like those of mid-Cretaceous Australia and Antarctica
(perhaps as low as –8°C), an evergreen habit would
probably have been favoured. Here, temperatures
would be sufficiently low to suppress metabolic activ-
ity during the winter darkness, therefore minimizing
respiration losses (Gower & Richards, 1990). Under
such circumstances, an evergreen habit would be
advantageous as it would permit photosynthesis to
begin as soon as light and temperature levels exceeded
the necessary threshold, whilst at the same time reduc-
ing the carbon-expenditure in making a new leaf
canopy (Chabot & Hicks, 1982). In contrast New
Cretaceous leaf phenology 49
Zealand floras existed under a milder maritime cli-
mate, and as in the Northern Hemisphere, plants with
a deciduous habit were more competitive.
This thesis for explaining mid-Cretaceous phenologi-
cal patterns is supported by the work of Read & Francis
(1992). They examined the response of some seedlings
to ten weeks of permanent darkness at both 4°C and
15 °C. In general evergreen conifer species such as
Dacrycarpus cinctus (Pilg.) de Laub., Lagarostrobus
franklinii (Hook.) Quinn, Microstrobus niphophilus J.
Garden & L.A.S. Johnson and Phyllocladus aspleni-
ifolius Hook. F. survived 70 days of darkness without
long-term damage at the lower temperature but were
more severely affected at the higher temperature. In
contrast, deciduous taxa such as Ginkgo biloba L. and
Nothofagus antarctica were apparently unaffected by
either the warm or cold dark treatment.
4. Conclusions
(1) A systematic study of the leaf phenology of a fossil
forest is presented for the first time. Five independent
lines of evidence are drawn upon to strongly suggest
that the mid-Cretaceous (late Albian) forest vegetation
of Alexander Island consisted of a dominantly ever-
green canopy with a mixed evergreen–deciduous
(2) Preliminary analysis of all known polar forests
implies the existence of a rather complex ecophysio-
logical mosaic during mid- to Late Cretaceous times;
Antarctic and Australian forests were dominantly
evergreen whilst Alaskan, Russian and New Zealand
forests possessed a rather larger deciduous component.
(3) These two ecological strategies represent
responses to different polar environments. In Alaska,
Russia and New Zealand, forests experienced mild
dark winter climates; these conditions favoured a
deciduous strategy which acted to minimize dark-
respiration carbon loss. In Antarctica and Australia,
forests experienced cold, dark winter conditions; these
forests developed an evergreen strategy to efficiently
exploit the short summer growing season whilst low
winter temperatures thermally depressed metabolic
rates and minimized dark-respiration losses.
Acknowledgements. This paper was prepared as part of a
post-doctoral project examining Cretaceous polar forests
and was funded by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
Chris Gilbert and Pete Bucktrout (BAS) are thanked for
preparing the photographs. Discussion with Chris Page
improved our grasp of conifer ecology, whilst thorough and
thoughtful reviews by W. G. Chaloner and A. B. Herman
greatly tightened up our arguments.
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52 Cretaceous leaf phenology
... Since the publication of Jefferson's (1982) paper on the topic, this vegetation usually has been described as 'temperate forest' or 'rainforest', although variations in its floristic composition demonstrate that it transitioned over a long period of time, until complete woody plant extinction had occurred by the Pliocene c. 5 Ma (Francis & Hill 1996, DeConto & Pollard 2003, Cantrill & Poole 2005, Truswell & Macphail 2009, Carter et al. 2017, Gulick et al. 2017. Recent examples (emphasis added) are 'some mid-Cretaceous polar forests', 'Polar forests on the edge of extinction', 'forests under temperate and frost-free climate' and 'Temperate rainforests near the South Pole' (Falcon-Lang & Cantrill 2001b, Truswell & Macphail 2009, Iglesias 2016, Klages et al. 2020. Much of the biogeographical evidence (and age control) is centred on the fossil remains of this ancient plant life. ...
We conclude that the extinct polar forests of Antarctica deserve recognition as a distinct biome - the ‘Austral Polar Forest Biome’ - rather than being regarded as analogous to modern rainforest.
... 1 前 言 树木是自然界记录气候环境信息和生理现象 的 天 然 载 体 (Creber, 1977;Stoffel and Corona, 2014;Yang et al., 2017;Babst et al., 2019;Zhang and Fang, 2020), 被广泛应用于千年尺度古气候 和古环境的研究中 (葛全胜等, 2014;Zhang et al., 2020)。树木的生长轮不仅记录了年际尺度或季节 尺度的气候环境变化, 还记录了短时间内发生的 突发事件, 例如: 雪崩、落石、滑坡、冰雹、火灾、 洪水、火山爆发、虫灾、动物侵袭等 (Agee, 1990;Blanchette, 1992;Scott and Jones, 1994;Putz and Taylor, 1996;Lombardero et al., 2006;Stoffel and Hitz, 2008;Arbellay et al., 2012;Sigl et al., 2015;Feng et al., 2017Feng et al., , 2019Luthardt et al., 2018;Mundo et al., 2019)。生长轮的形成不仅受到内部 因素(基因)的控制 (Buttò et al., 2020), 同时, 供水 量、大气湿度、白昼时长、营养供应、气温、光 照、重力等因子所引起的外界环境变化, 亦对树 木 生 长 轮 的 形 成 产 生 重 要 影 响 (Fritts, 1976;Creber, 1977;Kramer and Kozlowski, 1979;De Micco et al., 2019;Jiang et al., 2019a (Creber and Chaloner, 1984;Schweingruber, 1996;Esper et al., 2012;Mbow et al., 2013;Schollän et al., 2015;Huang et al., 2020)。 保存精美解剖结构的木化石同样可显示清晰 的生长轮(图 1)。木化石是地质历史时期的裸子植 物和被子植物的茎干保留在地层中的残体 (Zheng et al., 2008), 在泥盆纪以后大量出现 (Creber, 1977)。 相对于植物叶片、 繁殖器官等其它部分, 植 物茎干除了具有重要分类学意义, 还能够提供环 境和气候等丰富的信息 (Chapman, 1994), 是唯一 具有逐年气候环境变化记录的宝贵材料(扆铁梅 等, 2000)。 因此, 植物茎干化石在探究植物的系 统演化、古地理和古气候重建以及古生态学和化 石 植 物 物 候 学 等 方 面 都 具 有 非 常 重 要 的 意 义 (Francis, 1983(Francis, , 1984Ash and Creber, 2000;Poole, 2000;Falcon-Lang, 2000a;Falcon-Lang and Cantrill, 2001;Feng et al., 2013;Jiang et al., 2019a;Wei et al., 2019) 1985; Taylor and Taylor, 1993;Chapman, 1994;Creber and Francis, 1999;Falcon-Lang, 2000a, b;Philippe et al., 2017;Wan et al., 2020;Gou et al., 2021a, b, c ...
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Trees faithfully record the physiological responses to climatic and environmental changes during their life spans, which can be obtained by using quantitative analysis of the anatomical characteristics of growth rings. Thus, quantitative analysis of growth rings is widely used in modern forestry, geography, palaeoclimatology and palaeontology. In this paper, we systematically compared different parameters and methods of quantitative analysis of growth rings, including the identification of Growth Ring Type, Growth-ring Width, Annual Sensitivity, Mean Sensitivity, Ring Markedness Index, Percentage Latewood, Percentage Diminution, Vulnerability Index, Mesomorphy Index, and the cumulative algebraic sum of each cell's deviation from the mean of the radial diameters (CSDM). The application of these parameters and methods on fossil conifer wood not only provides an unique opportunity to assess the leaf longevity and phenology of ancient conifer plants, but also provides comprehensive understandings of the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic conditions during the geological past. Therefore, quantitative analysis of growth rings has irreplaceable advantages in the study of fossil conifer wood.
A fundamental question in dinosaur evolution is how they adapted to long-term climatic shifts during the Mesozoic and when they developed environmentally independent, avian-style acclimatization, becoming endothermic. The ability of warm-blooded dinosaurs to flourish in harsher environments, including cold, high-latitude regions, raises intriguing questions about the origins of key innovations shared with modern birds, indicating that the development of homeothermy (keeping constant body temperature) and endothermy (generating body heat) played a crucial role in their ecological diversification. Despite substantial evidence across scientific disciplines (anatomy, reproduction, energetics, biomechanics, osteohistology, palaeobiogeography, geochemistry, and soft tissues), a consensus on dinosaur thermophysiology remains elusive. Differential thermophysiological strategies among terrestrial tetrapods allow endotherms (birds and mammals) to expand their latitudinal range (from the tropics to polar regions), owing to their reduced reliance on environmental temperature. By contrast, most reptilian lineages (squamates, turtles, and crocodilians) and amphibians are predominantly constrained by temperature in regions closer to the tropics. Determining when this macroecological pattern emerged in the avian lineage relies heavily on identifying the origin of these key physiological traits. Combining fossils with macroevolutionary and palaeoclimatic models, we unveil distinct evolutionary pathways in the main dinosaur lineages: ornithischians and theropods diversified across broader climatic landscapes, trending toward cooler niches. An Early Jurassic shift to colder climates in Theropoda suggests an early adoption of endothermy. Conversely, sauropodomorphs exhibited prolonged climatic conservatism associated with higher thermal conditions, emphasizing temperature, rather than plant productivity, as the primary driver of this pattern, suggesting poikilothermy with a stronger dependence on higher temperatures in sauropods.
Fossil plants, including large trunks, stems, some branches, and twigs, were collected from the Maastrichtian (68.9 Ma), upper Dorotea Formation in the Magallanes–Austral Basin, 16 km north of the Cerro Guido–Las Chinas complex in the southern Chilean Magallanes region. These fossil trunks range from 0.2 to 2.2 m in length. Petrographic slides were made in three sections (transverse, radial and tangential) and analysed under a light microscope to study the permineralized fossils. The woods and stems belong to Austroginkgoxylon gen. et sp. nov., Agathoxylon antarcticum , Podocarpoxylon paradoxi sp. nov., Podocarpoxylon mazzonii , Palmoxylon subantarcticae and Notomalvaceoxylon magallanense gen. et sp. nov. The growth rings of gymnosperms and anatomical characters of angiosperms were analysed to obtain palaeoecological data. Interactions between gymnosperm roots growing into the secondary xylem of an angiosperm (nurse logs) are recorded. The data obtained from the fossil woods suggest warm and humid conditions in this southern South American locality during the Late Cretaceous, providing a unique opportunity to study continental environments at high southern latitudes, which are poorly represented on a global scale.
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The Jurassic vegetation of Antarctica remains poorly known and, while there have been several reports of large fossil trees from that time period across the continent, detailed anatomical studies of their wood are extremely scarce. Here we describe new silicified woods of Early Jurassic (probably Toarcian) age from Carapace Nunatak, South Victoria Land. The genera Agathoxylon and Brachyoxylon are formally recognized for the first time in the Jurassic of Antarctica. The preservation of the woods is imperfect, which is likely explained by the presence in some of the specimens of fungi, whose anatomical structures are described in detail. Combined with previous reports of pollen, leaves, and cones from South and North Victoria Land, these new specimens support the presence of several conifer families in the Early Jurassic floras of the region.
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Fossil wood serves as a natural data source for deciphering plant physiological features and paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions experienced during its lifespan. Although permineralized conifer wood commonly occurs in the Jurassic of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang), Northwest China, their physiological features and paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental significance have been rarely studied. Here, we quantitatively analyzed the anatomical characteristics of a permineralized conifer stem (Agathoxylon sp.) from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation in Naomaohu Town of Yiwu County, Hami City, Xinjiang. The fossil stem is only preserved with secondary xylem. The secondary xylem is pycnoxylic and exclusively composed of tracheids and parenchymatous rays. Tracheids have mostly uniseriate or biseriate, partially triseriate or tetraseriate, alternately or sub-oppositely arranged bordered pits on their radial walls. Rays are mostly uniseriate, partially biseriate, and are up to 27 cells high. There are 4 to 11 cupressoid pits in each cross field, arranged in the araucarioid type. Growth rings are distinct and wide. The mean sensitivity and ring markedness index analyses of growth rings suggest that a stable paleoclimate with regular seasonal fructifications could have prevailed in the Santanghu Basin during the Middle Jurassic. Statistical analyses of cell diameters in 11 successive growth rings indicate that this fossil plant was deciduous. Our study sheds new light on leaf phenology and paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions of Middle Jurassic conifer plants.
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Four species of Phyllopteroides are present in the Lower Cretaceous of eastern Australia: P. laevis sp. nov., P. serrata sp. nov., P. dentata Medwell 1954a and P. lanceolata (Walkom) Medwell 1954b. The first three of these species form a probable evolutionary lineage showing progressive changes in leaf morphology, particularly shape and dentation. Well-preserved osmundaceous fructifications occur closely associated with P. dentata leaves, strongly suggesting that Phyllopteroides is an osmundaceous fern. The Lower Cretaceous megafloral zonation is revised by defining the zone boundaries as the first occurrence of the nominate Phyllopteroides species for each zone. This modified zonation can be correlated with the Lower Cretaceous microfloral zonation, throughout eastern Australia. - from Authors
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The plant cuticle with its stomatal pores represents an important interface between the plant and its surrounding environment. The potential of cuticular features such as cuticle thickness, stomatal density, stomatal index and stomatal ratio to signal the environment in which they grew and developed have been reviewed. In particular, new stomatal data from three Yorkshire Middle Jurassic species, Brachyphyllum crucis Kendall, Brachyphyllum mamillare Lindley and Hutton and Ginkgo huttonii (Sternberg) Heer, have been compared with those of two selected nearest living equivalent (NLE) species Athrotaxis cupressoides and Ginkgo biloba, in an attempt to deduce the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from that time. It appears that the development of a thick cuticle can represent an adaptation to more than one kind of environmental constraint and evidently is a feature of certain taxonomic groups. It was concluded therefore that cuticle thickness, taken on its own, was not a suitable palaeo-ecological indicator. In contrast however stomatal parameters of fossil plants seem to have great potential as palaeo-atmospheric indicators of carbon dioxide and in this sense as "skeletal evidence of palaeo-ecological change." The stomatal density and index results of the Jurassic species were significantly lower (P < 0.0001) than those of their selected NLE species, therefore indicating elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations for the Middle Jurassic. In addition the stomatal ratios of the Jurassic species were in agreement with those of previous Devonian and Carboniferous stomatal ratio results. These results are consistent with the evidence from carbon cycle modelling and carbon isotopic data which infer elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the Middle Jurassic of 4 to 5 times and 6 to 10 times the present atmospheric level respectively.
Two petrified stems are described. One, Eristophyton waltoni, which only differs from E. beinertianum (Goeppert) Zalessky, in details, provides new information about the leaf trace and its occlusion after leaf fall. The other, identified as Endoxylon zonatum (Kidston) Scott, differs from the Type chiefly in showing no growth rings; it indicates the range of variation in the genus and an emended generic diagnosis is given. Both genera, formerly included in the Calamopityaceae, are now tentatively referred to the Cordaitales.
The Grebenka flora comprising over 120 species of horsetails, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms was found in a number of exposures of the upper subformation of the Krivaya Rechka Formation, the middle course of the Anadyr' River. Palynological and paleomagnetic data on the flora-bearing beds, their relationships with overlying marine deposits, and taxonomic compositions of different Krivaya Rechka plant assemblages suggest the late Albian-early Turonian age of the Grebenka flora and the late Albian-early Cenomanian age of the classic Eliseev flora. Two different overwintering strategies could be favorable for the Grebenka plants: the shedding of foliage and the evergreen state. In the latter case, the plants developed xeromorphic features protecting them from an excessive moisture loss during the dark winter and reducing the plant resources necessary for the metabolism.
Quantitative palaeoclimatic estimates are derived from foliar physiognomy of fossil angiosperm leaves from nine late Albian-Coniacian floras of Northern Alaska, Northern and North-eastern Asia and Kazakhstan by means of multivariate statistical analysis (CLAMP: Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program). Comparison of these estimates with the Cenomanian numerical climate model (Atmospheric General Circulation Model) predictions shows both reasonable good agreement between them for coastal areas and a considerable contrast, particularly for Arctic high latitudes and Asiatic continental interiors. These differences between the estimates and the model may indicate that the Cretaceous atmospheric and hydrospheric dynamics were significantly different from those of the present.
Evidence from leaf-margin analysis and vegetational physiognomy indicates that a mid-Cretaceous flora from the South Island of New Zealand grew at a mean annual temperature of 10°C. This compares with an identical estimate derived from a coeval flora in northern Alaska. Both floras grew at about the same latitude and in coastal plain settings. This study provides the first direct comparison of non-marine near-polar climates in the pre-Tertiary record.