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"Architecture of a Video Web - Experience with Annodex



Since the year 2000 a project under the name of "Continuous Media Web", CMWeb, has explored how to make video (and incidentally audio) a first class citizen on the Web. The project has led to a set of open specifications and open source implementations, which have been included into the Xiph set of open media technologies. In the spirit of the Web, specifications for a Video Web should be based on unencumbered formats, which is why Xiph was chosen.
Position Statement W3C Video Workshop 12/13th Dec 2007
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"Architecture of a Video Web - Experience with Annodex"
Dr Silvia Pfeiffer
Vquence, and
Since the year 2000 a project under the name of "Continuous Media Web", CMWeb, has
explored how to make video (and incidentally audio) a first class citizen on the Web. The
project has led to a set of open specifications and open source implementations, which have
been included into the Xiph set of open media technologies. In the spirit of the Web,
specifications for a Video Web should be based on unencumbered formats, which is why
Xiph was chosen.
The project is now "owned" by the Annodex Association. One particularly exciting use case
of Annodex is the Metavid archive of public domain house and senate footage - presented by
Michael Dale in another position paper at this Workshop.
This position paper concentrates on a high-level technical description of Annodex, which
incidentally stands for "annotated and indexed media". We share the experiences of the
project and encourage the audience to consider it as a technology basis to experiment with
further functionality for future Web-delivered media.
Requirements for a Video Web
Annodex follows closely along the tradition of the existing text-based Web in creating a
Video-centric Web. It continues to build on the HTTP and URI specifications, which are
well suited to delivering video over the Web and addressing video resources. It makes use of
CSS, javascript and XML to handle video issues that are identical to text issues.
However, on the current Web, video cannot easily be searched, surfed, recomposed, cached,
and addressed. These functionalities need to be created through further specifications.
Search functionality requires a standard description of metadata and annotations. Surfing
functionality requires hyperlinks into and out of video. Recompositing (or "mashing up")
requires a clean random segmentation and recomposition of video - the same requirements
incidentally that caching or proxying have. While addressing requires the definition of
standard means to hyperlink into video at time offsets or at named offsets, as well as a
means to hyperlink out of video.
After some intensive analysis, we realised that there is a fairly easy approach to extending
the Web and making video a first class citizen. All that was required was:
1. a markup language (CMML) similar to HTML but for time-continuous media so we
could put annotations and metadata alongside video in a similar way that HTML puts
these alongside text,
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2. a means to hyperlink into time-continous media (temporal URIs) by specification of
temporal offsets and sections in URIs, and
3. a means to make use of the existing Web delivery and caching infrastructure of HTTP
through a recomposable encapsulation format (Annodex/Ogg Skeleton).
The HTML-like markup language: CMML
CMML, the "Continuous Media Markup Language", is an XML-based markup language for
time-continuous data such as audio and video. It provides a timed text annotation format
with the following key functionality:
o it is an XML file that describes a video's content, but can also easily be serialised into
time-continuous frames that can be multiplexed into a audio/video encapsulation format
such as Ogg, QuickTime, or MPEG.
o it starts with a header which has annotations and metadata for the video file as a whole.
o it then consists of a set of clips which have a start and end time and can provide
annotations, metadata, hyperlinks, a representative keyframe, and captions.
o additionally, CMML typically also contains a stream tag to provide information on the
location and format of the media file it describes.
An example CMML file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE cmml SYSTEM "cmml.dtd">
<cmml lang="en">
<stream basetime="0">
<import contenttype="video/ogg" src="fish.ogv" start="0"/>
<title>Types of fish</title>
<meta name="Producer" content="Joe Ordinary"/>
<meta name="DC.Author" content="Joe's friend"/>
<clip id="intro" start="0">
<a href="">Read more about fish</a>
<desc>This is the introduction to the film Joe made about fish.</desc>
<p id="subtitle1" start="0" end="1" style="text-align: left;">
This is a left aligned subtitle.
<p id="subtitle2" start="1" end="2" style="text-align: right;">
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This is a right aligned subtitle.
<clip id="dolphin" start="npt:3.5" end="npt:0:05:05.9">
<img src="dolphin.png"/>
<desc>Here, Joe caught sight of a dolphin in the ocean.</desc>
<meta name="Subject" content="dolphin"/>
<p id="subtitle3">
This is a <span style="fontWeight: bold;">lengthy</span><br/>
subtitle that is split over two lines.
The DTD for CMML can be found here:
The current draft specification can be found here:
Hyperlinking into and out of video: temporal URIs
There are many different possibilities of hyperlinking into and out of video that should be
o linking to a temporal offset into a video
o linking to a time segment inside a video
o linking to a named segment inside a video (the identifier of a CMML video clip works
well for naming segments)
o linking from the inside of a video to some other Web resource (through a hyperlink
inside the clip tag of a video)
The final item is provided through inclusion of “a” elements inside CMML clips. In this
way it is possible to link out of a video during a certain time period.
Here are some example URIs that use the specification that we came up with in the CMWeb
project. More exact details on the temporal URIs are addressed in a separate position paper. ---
video.axv is transferred from 15.2 seconds into video.axv to the end of the
file/stream. ---
video .axv is transferred from 15.2 seconds into video.axv to 18.7 seconds; the
default time scheme "npt" is used.
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video.axv is transferred from 15.2s to 18.7s and from 23s to the end of the
file/stream.,17.4/30.1 --
video.axv is transferred from 15.2 seconds into video.axv to 30.1 seconds."dolphin" --
video.axv will be transferred from 3.5s which is where it's CMML places it.
Specification of a clip always implicitly specifies a segment since a clip always has a
start and end time – even though the end time may be the end of the file/stream.
The draft specification of temporal URIs can be found here:
A recomposable file format: Annodex / Ogg
With CMML and the extension on the URI sepcification, it is basically to create a video
web. However, to gain all information about a video file now requires the transfer of a
CMML and a video file as two separate documents. Also, the Web client now needs to
synchronise the CMML with the video. Another challenge is: what do you do in situations
where the CMML file is still in production because the file on the server is actually being
created life? And finally: when storing a video file, you don’t really want to have to deal
with two files all the time – not on the server and not on your local hard drive.
Therefore, the CMWeb project invented the “Annodex” format to encapsulate CMML into
the video file. Annodex is really the Ogg container plus a Skeleton and a CMML track apart
from the audio and video tracks. The Skeleton track was added to allow dissection of Ogg
files and recomposition without a need for decoding and re-encoding.
The draft specification of Ogg Skeleton can be found here:
CSIRO’s Shane Stephens has recently released a library called liboggplay which implements
all of the Annodex specifications and a javascript API as a basic libary to enable codebases
such as Mozilla/Firefox or Opera to provide Ogg support according to the new WHATWG
video and audio tags. liboggplay also implements Annodex, thus enabling a much richer
interaction with the media data.
A demonstration of liboggplay can be provided at the Workshop consisting of a demo of
Firefox 3 running liboggplay and the javascript API to control it.
We are fully aware that at this stage in the development of CMML, temporal URIs and
Annodex, they are fairly simple and possibly incomplete. However, they fulfil the basic
requirements to create a Video Web and can be extended easily to meet further requirements
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such as digital rights management, accessibility, and privacy. These should be solvable in a
similar manner to how they work with HTML. So, the foundations are laid, should the
audience want to continue experimenting with Annodex and add further functionality.
S. Pfeiffer, C. Parker, and A. Pang, “The Continuous Media Web: A Distributed Multimedia
Information Retrieval Architecture Extending the World Wide Web”, Multimedia Systems
Journal, Special Issue on Systems and Architectures of Multimedia Information Retrieval,
2005; 10(6):544-558.
S. Pfeiffer, C. Parker, and A. Pang, “Continuous Media Web: Hyperlinking, Search and
Retrieval of time continuous data on the Web.” In: Srinivasan, U. and Nepal, S., eds.
Managing Multimedia Semantics. IRM Press; 2005; pp. 160-180. Chap. 7. ISBN:
1591405696;1591405424 (pbk.);1591405432 (e-bk).
C. Parker, A. Pang, and S. Pfeiffer, “Demonstrating a Video and Audio Web”, Proceedings
of the ACM Multimedia Conference, 2004 ,October 2004, New York, pp. 168 – 171.
A. Pang, C. Parker, and S. Pfeiffer, “Challenges of Networked Media: Integrating the
Navigational Features of Browsing Histories and Media Playlists into a Media Browser”,
Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, 2004, October 2004, New York, pp. 480 –
S. Pfeiffer, C. Schremmer, and C. Parker, “Annodex: A Simple Architecture to Enable
Hyperlinking, Search & Retrieval of Time-Continuous Data on the Web”, Proceedings of
the ACM Multimedia Conference 2003, 5th Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Information
Retrieval (MIR), November 2003, Berkeley.
... to make media a "first class citizen" on the Web, enabling people to create, identify, navigate, search, link, consume, and distribute media resources [12]. ...
... EXT -X -TARGETDU RATION :12.0 # EXT -X -MEDIA -SEQUENCE :0 # EXTINF :11 , http :// ninsuna / Do w nl oa d Se rv le t / media . ...
Full-text available
The current Web specifications such as HTML still treat video and audio resources as ‘foreign’ objects on the Web, especially lacking a transparent integration with current Web content. The Media Fragments URI specification is part of various efforts at W3C trying to make media a “first class citizen” on the Web. More specifically, with a Media Fragment URI, one can point to a media fragment by means of a URI, enabling people to identify, share, link, and consume media fragments in a standardized way. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a number of implementation strategies for Media Fragments. Additionally, we present two optimized implementation strategies: a Media Fragment Translation Service allowing to keep existing Web infrastructure such as Web servers and proxies and a fully integrated Media Fragments URI server that is independent of underlying media formats. Finally, we show how multiple bit rate media delivery can be deployed in a Media Fragments aware environment, using our Media Fragments URI server. KeywordsFormat-independent–Implementation–Media fragment URI–NinSuna
... If we want to further meet the prevailing accessibility needs of a video, we should be able to dynamically choose our preferred tracks that are encapsulated within this video resource, and we should be able to easily show only specific regions-of-interest within this video resource. And last but not least, if we want to browse or scan several video resources based on (encapsulated) semantics, we should be able to master the full complexity of rich media by also enabling standardised media annotation [21, 29]. Note that we can generalise the above observations to other media, such as audio resources. ...
Full-text available
To make media resources a prime citizen on the Web, we have to go beyond simply replicating digital media files. The Web is based on hyperlinks between Web resources, and that includes hyperlinking out of resources (e.g., from a word or an image within a Web page) as well as hyperlinking into resources (e.g., fragment URIs into Web pages). To turn video and audio into hypervideo and hyperaudio, we need to enable hyperlinking into and out of them. The W3C Media Fragments Working Group is taking on the challenge to further embrace W3C’s mission to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing a Media Fragment protocol and guidelines that ensure the long-term growth of the Web. The major contribution of this paper is the introduction of Media Fragments as a media-format independent, standard means of addressing media resources using URIs. Moreover, we explain how the HTTP protocol can be used and extended to serve Media Fragments and what the impact is for current Web-enabled media formats. KeywordsMedia fragments–W3C standardisation–HTML5
... If we want to further meet the prevailing accessibility needs of a video, we should be able to dynamically choose our preferred tracks that are encapsulated within this media resource, and we should be able to easily identify only specific Region Of Interests 2 (ROI) within this media resource. And last but not least, if we want to browse media resources based on (encapsulated) semantics, we should be able to master the full complexity of rich media by also enabling standardised media annotation [2], [3]. The mission of the W3C Media Fragments Working Group (MFWG) [4], which is part of W3C's Video in the Web activity 3 , is to provide a mechanism to address media 1 At the time of writing, the following browsers support the HTML5 media elements: IE 9, fragments on the Web using URIs [5], [6]. ...
Conference Paper
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There's a gap in consumer communications on how networks, devices, and services handle and identify space & time in media resources in the Web. W3C's Media Fragments URI specification, which we edited and contributed to over the last couple of years, not only bridges this gap by homogeneously opening up time-related media to the Internet crowd, but also makes time-related annotation feasible for hyperlinking into that media, thus finally also providing the necessary support for this already omnipresent `third dimension' time into the Internet. As such, this uniform approach using the standardised (semantic) web technology stack will improve search, discovery, usage, management, security, and linking of related media resources and its fragments.
Conference Paper
In this demonstration, we present NinSuna, a fully integrated multimedia content adaptation platform based on Semantic Web technologies. Moreover, we show how NinSuna can be used as a server-side implementation of W3C Media Fragment URIs, which enables addressing media fragments on the Web using URIs.
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we describe two examples of implementations of the Media Fragments URI specification which is currently being developed by the W3C Media Fragments Working Group. The group's mission is to create standard addressing schemes for media fragments on the Web using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). We describe two scenarios to illustrate the implementations. More specifically, we show how User Agents (UA) will either be able to resolve media fragment URIs without help from the server, or will make use of a media fragments-aware server. Finally, we present some ongoing discussions and issues regarding the implementation of the Media Fragments specification.
Full-text available
The Continuous Media Web project has developed a technology to extend the Web to time-continuously sampled data enabling seamless searching and surfing with existing Web tools. This chapter discusses requirements for such an extension of the Web, contrasts existing technologies and presents the Annodex technology, which enables the creation of Webs of audio and video documents. To encourage uptake, the specifications of the Annodex technology have been submitted to the IETF for standardisation and open source software is made available freely. The Annodex technology permits an integrated means of searching, surfing, and managing a World Wide Web of textual and media resources.
Conference Paper
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Today, Web browsers can interpret an enormous amount of different file types, including time-continuous data. By consuming an audio or video, however, the hyperlinking functionality of the Web is "left behind" since these files are typically unsearchable, thus not indexed by common text-based search engines. Our XML-based CMML annotation format and the Annodex file format presented in this paper are designed to solve this problem of "dark matter" on the Internet: Continuous media files are annotated and indexed (i.e., Annodexed), enabling hyperlinks to and from the media. Furthermore, the hyperlinks do not typically point to an entire media file, but to and from arbitrary fragments or intervals. The standards proposed in to create the Continuous Media Web have been submitted to the IETF for review.
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The World Wide Web, with its paradigms of surfing and searching for information, has become the predominant system for computer-based information retrieval. Media resources, however information-rich, only play a minor role in providing information to Web users. While bandwidth (or the lack thereof) may be an excuse for this situation, the lack of surfing and searching capabilities on media resources are the real issue. We present an architecture that extends the Web to media, enabling existing Web infrastructures to provide seamless search and hyperlink capabilities for time-continuous Web resources, with only minor extensions. This makes the Web a true distributed information system for multimedia data. The article provides an overview of the specifications that have been developed and submitted to the IETF for standardization. It also presents experimental results with prototype applications.
Conference Paper
One of the goals of the Continuous Media Web project1 is to integrate digital media with the World Wide Web: media documents can hyperlink to and from other documents in the same way that HTML pages do. The dual capabilities of hyperlinking (1) to other documents while viewing a media clip, and (2) into precise time intervals in a media clip, enable greatly improved user interaction with media. We discuss the idea of a novel media browser application, which merges the concept of a traditional media player that presents video and audio to the user, with a Web browser that provides hyperlinking and navigation between networked (media) documents. The particular issue we address in this article concerns the primary navigational features: a media player relies on a playlist while a Web browser uses a browsing history for navigation. We discuss design and user interface issues that arise when integrating these two navigational features in a media browser.
Conference Paper
This demonstration introduces the Annodex set of technologies, which enable the creation of Webs of audio and video resources integrated into the searching and surfing infrastructure of the World Wide Web. The demonstration covers the live creation of Annodex content and thus of Webs of video and audio, the setup of a Web server to distribute Annodex resources, the use of a Web browser to hyperlink between clips of Annodex resources, and the use of a Web search engine in which media clips can be searched through text queries.