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Intrinsic evolution has been shown to be capable of exploit- ing the physical properties of materials to solve problems, however most researchers have chosen to limit themselves to using standard electronic components. However, these components are human designed and inten- tionally have predictable responses, so they may not be the most suitable physical devices to use when using a stochastic search technique. In- deed allowing computer controlled evolution (CCE) to manipulate novel physical media might allow much greater scope for the discovery of un- conventional solutions. Last year the authors demonstrated, for the first time, that CCE could manipulate liquid crystal to perform computa- tional tasks (i.e frequency discrimination, robot control). In this paper, we demonstrate that it is also possible to evolve logic gates in liquid crystal.
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 1
Evolvable Physical Media
(or Evolution in materio)
Julian Francis Miller
Department of Electronics
The University of York, UK
Evolution in materio
The manipulation of a physical system by
computer controlled evolution (CCE) of its
physical properties
Does this mean optimisation? NO!
It means the discovery of physical properties
that can be utilized to help solve the imposed
I think that we might be able to use CCE to
invent a new technology!
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 2
Why we should be interested in
evolution in materio?
Natural evolution is par excellence an algorithm
that exploits the physical properties of materials
Artificial Evolution may be more effective when
the configurable medium has a rich and complex
The price of programmability
In conventional design the vast majority of
interactions that could possibly contribute to
the problem are deliberately excluded
(Michael Conrad 1988)
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 3
What are evolvable physical
Systems whose physical properties can be
affected by changes to controllable physical
To be evolvable the media must be
able to be reset
strong genetic inheritance of physical
A tricky question
What kinds of physical systems are
most easily exploited by an artificial
intrinsic evolutionary process?
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 4
How do you evolve matter to
compute? (view 1)
Configuration data
Incident signal
Modified signal
Test for
Configuration population subject to artificial
The Field Programable Matter
Array (View 2)
A single piece of
Region to which
voltage may be
Removing the voltage
must cause the material
to relax to its
former state
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 5
Has anybody demonstrated
evolvable physical media?
Gordon Pask - Ferrous sulphate
Adrian Thompson - silicon
Adrian Stoica, Didier Keymeulen, Riccardo
Zebulum - silicon
Huelsbergen, Rietman and Slous - silicon
Derek Linden - reed switch array
Paul Layzell and Jon Bird - silicon
Simon Harding and Julian Miller -liquid crystal
Gordon Pask
“Physical analogues to the
Growth of a Concept”
Mechanization of Thought
Processes, Symposium 10,
National Physical Laboratory,
H.M.S.O (London) pp 765-
794, 1958.
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 6
Some background
“We believe that if the ‘complexity barrier’ is to
be broken, a major revolution in production and
programming techniques is required…We may as
well start that with the notion that with 10
per cubic foot there will be no circuit diagram
possible…We would manufacture ‘logic by the
pound’, using techniques more like a bakery than
of an electronics factory” [see Cariani 1993].
People were looking for self-wiring, self-
organising machines way back then!
What Pask was trying to do
Build a machine without any explicit definition of
its parts (self-building)
Able to build its own “relevance criteria” and find
the observables required to solve the task
The device would choose its own training set and
the type of training variables
He needed a physically rich machine which could
be adaptively steered
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 7
Schematic of Electrode array and
Ferrous sulphate medium
What Pask did
“…the rewarding procedure acts by supplying more
current for constructing threads whenever the
mode of problem solution, implied by the
existence of a certain thread structure, satisfies an
external criterion, such as maximising the output
of the process. In this learning by reward
procedure some threads flourish, others will prove
abortive. It is a lengthy and inefficient kind of
learning not unlike natural selection” - (Pask 58)
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 8
“We have made an ear…”
“We have made an ear and a magnetic receptor.
The ear can discriminate two frequencies, one of
the order of fifty cycles per second and the other
on the order of one hundred cycles per second.
The ‘training procedure’ takes approximately half
a day and once having got the ability to recognize
sound at all, the ability to recognize and
discriminate two sounds comes more rapidly…” -
(see Cariani 1993)
View of actual apparatus
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 9
Modern generic evolvable
Generic in silico
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 10
The Xilinx 6216 Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
Function unit
Adrian Thompson’s experiment
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 11
What were the active parts of the
Logic circuit representation of
evolved circuit
Numbers in hexagons
are estimates of nanosec
Assumption: FPGA cells acting
as Boolean logic gates
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 12
Analysis of circuit
When input is 1, parts A and B settle to a constant
logic state (in 20ns) until next input goes to 0 (part
B settles to 1). This selects the Mux in part C own
output as input (so oscillates but settles to a logic
value). So circuit inactive until end of pulse.
Further analysis
Thompson and Layzell checked that there were no
circulating glitches (short duration pulses) during
static phase
PSPICE simulation (with extensive variation of
gate delays and parasitic capacitance) did not
produce real circuit behaviour
Build CMOS Mux version of circuit didn’t
reproduce actual circuit behaviour.
Time delays on connection from A to B&C crucial
to evolved circuit behaviour
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 13
Core of timing mechanism is a subtle
property of the VLSI medium
They ruled out:
glitches, beat frequencies
thermal time-constants (self-heating)
Evolution has exploited properties of the
system that are at present unknown
Evolution of antennas
Physical evolution of antennas using reed
evolution of wire segment antennas in
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 14
Toplogies of Reed Switches
Evolve and test apparatus
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 15
Test set-up
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 16
Evolution of Astable
Multivibrators in Silico
Huelsbergen, Rietman and Slous
Also used the Xilinx 6216
Paul Layzell: Evolvable
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 17
Evolution of inverter fitness
An evolved inverter that used the
measurement apparatus as a
circuit component!
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 18
Evolving an Oscillator
Fitness function chosen to reward high-amplitude
signals present at output
Huelsbergen et al. sampled through an a/d
converter and were troubled by aliasing errors.
Layzell used a frequency to voltage converter to
avoid aliasing errors
target frequency was 25KHz
Evolving an oscillator
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 19
Evolved Oscillator: fitness
a and f represent output amplitude and
frequency average over 20 samples, f
and f
are the maximum and minimum of 20 frequencies
Evolved circuit and output response
In 20 runs 10 were successful to within 1% with a minimum
amplitude of 100mV
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 20
Analysis of evolved oscillators
Difficult to clarify how the circuits work
If transistors are replaced by nominally identical
ones, the output frequency can change by up to
Simulation of circuits with parasitic capacitance
failed to oscillate
Some oscillators only worked while a nearby
soldering iron was switched on!
Programmable switches’ characteristics are almost
certainly important for circuit operation
An evolved radio
Some circuits that achieved high fitness
were found to be amplifying radio signals
(generated by nearby PCs) that were stable
enough over the sampling period to give
good fitness scores
The circuit board tracks were being used as
an aerial!
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 21
Evolution in silico or in materio?
Unconstrained evolution in silicon is possible
Intrinsic evolution often utilizes incidental
environmental effects to achieve a solution
Although these can be a nuisance we should not
give up. It is too early to worry about analysis.
Other material systems may have advantages. At
the very least evolution may tell us that
computational circuits can be constructed in
unusual systems. This may inspire conventional
design in such systems (i.e. evolution as a
discovery tool)
Should Evolvable Matter be on
the “edge of chaos”
Langton observed that interesting computation in
cellular automata occurs on the “edge of chaos”.
This suggests a good place to look in materials.
Supramolecular systems
Mesoscale systems (see “The Middle Way” in refs)
IDEA: Use a genotype to define a physical order in
a resetable material where chaos removes the order
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 22
What material systems should we
Liquid crystal
Conducting and electroactive polymers
Voltage controlled colloids
Irradiated Silicon
Langmuir-Blodgett films
nanoparticle suspensions
microbial consortia
Growing wires in nanoparticle
Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Electrically
Functional Microwires from Nanoparticle
Suspensions" Science Vol 294 November 2001
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 23
Liquid crystal programmable
Mesoscopic organisation
Smectic nematic
Organic elongated Polar
Many other types
Twisted nematic LC Display
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 24
Types and uses of liquid crystal
Dye doped
polymer dispersed
in plane systems
Evolution in Liquid Crystal
This year Simon Harding and myself
carried out evolution in a novel medium:
liquid crystal
We have evolved a number of functions
using a Liquid Crystal Display
The rest of the tutorial is about that work
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 25
Experimental setup
In materio evolution in progress
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 26
Inputs and Outputs to LCD
8 connectors:
Ground (fixed)
input signal
output signal
5 voltages (-10v
- 10v)
Genetic representation
Genotype in two parts
First part
64 integers in range 0-8:
64 contacts on the LCD that can be connected to any
of eight points (or not connected - left to float)
constrained: only one contact can connect to the
incident applied signal and one to the output pickup
Second part
5, 16 bit integers that represents voltages -10v
to +10v
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 27
Genetic Algorithm
Population 40
Top 5 genotypes promoted. Population
filled with tournament selected (size 5)
others that were mutated (5 mutations each)
100 generations.
It took approximately 1 minute to evalute
each generation
Task: Tone discriminator
Evolve a “circuit” that can discriminate between
two possible applied signals:
Signals were square waves, 0-5V, 100Hz, 5kHz*
Test sequence:
250ms 5Khz, 250ms 100Hz, 250ms 5KHz (i.e.
1250 pulses 5KHz, 25 pulses 100 Hz, 1250 pulses)
Reward: count percentage output < 0.1V for
100Hz and output >0.1V for 5kHz
* Many pairs of frequencies have now been
tried and proved successful
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 28
Best evolved “circuit” response
Analysis (preliminary)
Crosspoint switches unlikely to be involved as
they are designed for high frequency audio/video
signals. The feedthrough capacitance is 0.2pF and
the switch capacitance is 20pF.
Our current hypothesis is that the LCD is acting as
a configurable RC network but there is much more
work to be done to confirm/deny this
When an evolved configuration is reloaded it fails
to work, however if a population contains that
individual it evolves to work in 2-3 generations
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 29
Further work
Increase density of connections to Liquid crystal
Increase number of applied voltages
Robot control
Use different types of LC
Attempt to evolve solutions to much harder
Understand how the devices work
Examine potential of other physical systems
To be able to evolve things you need richness
It is time to let evolution to create technology for
us. Not tell it what technology it must use.
We know it has already created the technology of
living things.
I would like to see the growth of “evolution in
materio” as a research community
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 30
References and Recommended reading
H. Abelson, D. Allen, D. Coore, C. Hanson, G. Homsy, T. F. Knight Jr., R.
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Y. Bar-Cohen, Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles -
Reality, Potential and Challenges, SPIE Press, Vol. PM98, 2001.
J. Bird, P. Layzell. “An Evolved Radio and its Implications for Modelling the
Evolution of Novel sensors”, Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, pp 1836-1841, 2002.
S. Borman, "Combinatorial Chemistry", Chemical and Engineering News,
February 24, 1997. (available at:
P. Cariani, "To evolve an ear: epistemological implications of Gordon Pask's
electrochemical devices", Systems Research, Vol 10, No. 3, pp 19-33,
S. Chandrasekhar, "Columnar, Discotic Nematic and Lamellar Liquid
Crystals: Their Structure and Physical Properties", in [12], Vol.
2B, pp. 749-780.
M. Conrad, "The price of programmability", in R. Herken (ed.), The
Universal Turing Machine: A Fifty Year Survey, pp 285-307,
Oxford University Press, 1988.
W. A Crossland and T. D. Wilkinson, "Nondisplay applications of
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D. Demus, J. Goodby, G. W. Gray, H. -W. Spiess, V. Vill (eds.),
Handbook of Liquid Crystals, Vol 1, 2A, 2B, 3, Wiley-VCH,
J. Devillers (ed.), Genetic Algorithms in Molecular Modelling,
Academic Press, NY, 1996.
S. L. Harding and J. F. Miller. "A scalable platform for intrinsic
hardware and in materio evolution", 2003 NASA/DOD Conference
on Evolvable Hardware, pp. 221-224, IEEE Computer Society
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 31
S. L. Harding, J. F. Miller. Evolution in materio: Initial experiments
with liquid crystal", NASA/DOD Conference on Evolvable
Hardware 2004
S. L. Harding, J. F. Miller. "A Tone Discriminator In Liquid Crystal",
Proceedings of CEC 2004
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Microwires from Nanoparticle Suspensions", Science, Vol. 294, pp
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"The middle way", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp 32-37,
P. Layzell. “A new research tool for intrinsic hardware evolution”, in
M. Sipper, D. Mange, A. Pérez-Uribe (eds.), Proc. of The 2
Conf. on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, LNCS,
vol. 1478, Springer-Verlag, pp. 47- 56, 1998.
P. Layzell, Dphil thesis, School of Cognitive and Computing
Sciences, University of Sussex, 2001
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 32
D. Linden, E. E. Altshuler, "Evolving Wire Antennas using Genetic
Algorithms", in, A. Stocia, D. Keymeulen and J. Lohn, Proc. of
The 1st NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, IEEE
Computer Soc. Press, pp 225-232, 1999.
D. Linden, "A System for Evolving Antennas In-Situ", in D.
Keymeulen, A. Stocia J. Lohn,, and R. Zebulum, Proc. of The 3rd
NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, IEEE Computer
Society Press, pp 249-255, 2001.
L. F. Lindoy and I. M. Atkinson, Self-assembly in Supramolecular
Systems, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2000.
J. D. Lohn, D. S. Linden, G. S. Hornby, William F. Kraus, A.
Rodriquez-Arroyo, “Evolutionary Design of an X-Band Antenna
for NASA's Space Technology 5 Mission”, Proc. of The 2003
NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, IEEE Computer
Soc. Press, 2003 (not in published proceedings): available at
J. F. Miller, "Evolvable hardware: some directions for the future",
Second NASA/DOD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware: available
J. F. Miller, K. Downing, “Evolution in materio: Looking Beyond the
Silicon Box", in Adrian Stoica et al (Eds. ) 2002 NASA/DOD
Conference on Evolvable Hardware, pp. 167-176, IEEE Computer
Society Press, 2002.
R. J. Mortimer, "Electrochromic materials", Chem. Soc. Rev, Vol 26,
pp 147-156, 1997.
G. Pask, "Physical analogues to the growth of a concept",
Mechanization of Thought Processes, Symposium 10, National
Physical Laboratory, H.M.S.O (London) pp 765-794, 1958.
M. Pope and C. E. Swenberg, Electronic Processes of Organic
Crystals and Polymers, 2
edition, Oxford University Press, 1999.
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 33
S. R. Restaino, D. Dayton, S. Browne, J. Gonglewski, J. Baker, S.
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results of a closed-loop experiment", Optics Express, Vol. 6, No. 1,
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D. Sadagopan, R. Pitchumani, "Application of Genetic Algorithms to
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T. Scharf, J. Fontannaz, M. Bouvier and J. Grupp, "A adaptive
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positive dielectric anisitropy", Molecular Crystals and Liquid
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A. Stoica, D. Keymeulen, R. Zebulum, A. Thakoor, T. Daud, G.
Klimeck, Y. Jin, R. Tawel and V. Duong. "Evolution of analogue
circuits on Field Programmable Transistor Arrays", in J. Lohn, A.
Stocia, D. Keymeulen and S. Colombano, Proc. of The 2nd
NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, IEEE Computer
Soc. Press, 2000
A. Stoica, R. Zebulum, D. Keymeulen, "Mixtrinsic Evolution", In, J.
F. Miller, A. Thompson, P. Thomson, T. C. Fogarty (eds.). Proc. of
the 3
Int. Conf. on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to
Hardware, LNCS, vol. 1801, Springer-Verlag, pp 208 - 217, 2000.
A. Thompson. ”Hardware Evolution: Automatic design of electronic
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thesis, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of
Sussex, 1996.
A. Thompson. "An evolved circuit, intrinsic in silicon, entwined with
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LNCS, vol. 1259, Springer-Verlag, pp. 390 - 405, 1997
A. Thompson. "On the Automatic design of Robust Electronics
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Uribe (eds.), Proc. of The 2
Int. Conf. on Evolvable Systems:
From Biology to Hardware, LNCS, vol. 1478, Springer-Verlag, pp.
13- 24, 1998.
GECCO 2004, Tutorial 34
A. Thompson, P. Layzell. “Analysis of Unconventional Evolved
Electronics”, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 42, Part 4, pp.
A. Thompson, P. Layzell. "Evolution on Robustness in an Electronics
Design", in J. Miller, A. Thompson, P. Thomson, T.C. Fogarty
(eds.), Proc. of The 3rd Int. Conf. on Evolvable Systems: From
Biology to Hardware, LNCS, vol. 1801, Springer-Verlag, pp. 218 -
228, 2000.
J. V. Vincent, "From Cellulose to Cell", The Journal of Experimental
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... In this article, we only considered models of static nanomaterials, examples of which include carbon nanotubes suspended in polymer matrices Clegg et al., 2014;Dale et al., 2017;Kotsialos et al., 2014) and random resistor networks . However, nanomaterials can also be dynamically changed by applying a voltage, as in the case of liquid crystals (Harding and Miller, 2004;2007), CNTs suspended in a liquid crystal matrix (Vissol-Gaudin et al., 2016b;Massey et al., 2016;Volpati et al., 2015), and memristors (Sillin et al., 2013). When processing nontemporal data, materials with no memory and a fast settling time are desirable to allow a large bandwidth (Chen et al., 2020). ...
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Evolution-in-Materio is a computational paradigm in which an algorithm reconfigures a material's properties to achieve a specific computational function. This article addresses the question of how successful and well performing Evolution-in-Materio processors can be designed through the selection of nanomaterials and an evolutionary algorithm for a target application. A physical model of a nanomaterial network is developed which allows for both randomness, and the possibility of Ohmic and non-Ohmic conduction, that are characteristic of such materials. These differing networks are then exploited by differential evolution, which optimises several configuration parameters (e.g., configuration voltages, weights, etc.), to solve different classification problems. We show that ideal nanomaterial choice depends upon problem complexity, with more complex problems being favoured by complex voltage dependence of conductivity and vice versa. Furthermore, we highlight how intrinsic nanomaterial electrical properties can be exploited by differing configuration parameters, clarifying the role and limitations of these techniques. These findings provide guidance for the rational design of nanomaterials and algorithms for future Evolution-in-Materio processors.
... Let gates g 1 and g 2 discovered with occurrence frequencies f (g 1 ) and f (g 2 ), we say a gate g 1 is easier to develop or evolve than a gate g 2 : g 1 g 2 if f (g 1 ) > f (g 2 ). The hierarchies of gates obtained using evolutionary techniques in liquid crystals [78], light-sensitive modification of Belousov-Zhabotinsky system [79], slime mould Physarum polycephalum [80] and protein molecules [81,82]: ...
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Rule 22 elementary cellular automaton (ECA) has a 3--cell neighborhood, binary cell states, where a cell takes state `1' if there is exactly one neighbor, including the cell itself, in state `1'. In Boolean terms the cell-state transition is a XOR function of three cell states. In physico--chemical terms the rule might be seen as describing propagation of self-inhibiting quantities/species. Space-time dynamics of Rule 22 demonstrates non-trivial patterns and quasi-chaotic behavior. We characterize the phenomena observed in this rule using mean field theory, attractors, de Bruijn diagrams, subset diagrams, filters, fractals and memory.
... If gates g 1 and g 2 have occurrence frequencies f(g 1 ) and f(g 2 ), we say that gate g 1 is easier to develop or evolve than gate g 2 : g 1 ⊳ g 2 if f(g 1 ) > f(g 2 ). The hierarchies of gates obtained using evolutionary techniques in liquid crystals [76], light-sensitive ...
... Thompson demonstrated that unconstrained evolution on a silicon chip called a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) could utilize the physical properties of the chip to solve computational problems. Inspired by this, Harding and Miller showed that unconstrained evolution on a liquid crystal display could also solve a number of computational problems (Harding et al. 2004(Harding et al. , 2015Harding and Miller 2007;Harding et al. 2008). Indeed, it seemed to be easier to evolve computational functions with liquid crystal than it was with silicon (Harding et al. 2004). ...
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Modern computers allow a methodical search of possibly billions of experiments and the exploitation of interactions that are not known in advance. This enables a bottom-up process of design by assembling or configuring systems and testing the degree to which they fulfill the desired goal. We give two detailed examples of this process. One is referred to as Cartesian genetic programming and the other evolution-in-materio. In the former, evolutionary algorithms are used to exploit the interactions of software components representing mathematical, logical, or computational elements. In the latter, evolutionary algorithms are used to manipulate physical systems particularly at the electrical or electronic level. We compare and contrast both approaches and discuss possible new research directions by borrowing ideas from one and using them in the other.
... Depending on the material used and the physical properties to be exploited, different EiM computing devices can be developed. Liquid Crystals (LCs) from a display screen have been used as the material part of EiM for evolving robot controllers [7], a tone discrimination device [5] and logic gates [6]. In [10], [13], and [20] a dry mix of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) with a polymer were used as the computational material and its electrical conductance was used as the manipulated property for solving the problem of calculating Boolean functions using a threshold interpretation scheme; the same material is used in [15] and [16] for solving optimisation problems. ...
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Polyaniline-based atomic switches are material building blocks whose nanoscale structure and resultant neuromorphic character provide a new physical substrate for the development next-generation, nanoarchitectonic-enabled computing systems. Metal ion-doped devices consisting of a Ag/metal ion doped polyaniline/Pt sandwich structure were fabricated using an in situ wet process. The devices exhibited repeatable resistive switching between high (ON) and low (OFF) conductance states in both Ag+ and Cu²⁺ ion-doped devices. The threshold voltage for switching was >0.8 V and average ON/OFF conductance ratios (30 cycles for 3 samples) were 13 and 16 for Ag+ and Cu²⁺ devices, respectively. The ON state duration was determined by the decay to an OFF state after pulsed voltages of differing amplitude and frequency. The switching behaviour is analagous to short-term (STM) and long-term (LTM) memories of biological synapses. Memristive behaviour and evidence of quantized conductance were also observed and interpreted in terms of metal filament formation bridging the metal doped polymer layer. The succesful realization of these properties within physical material systems indicate polyaniline frameworks as suitable neuromorphic substrates for in materia computing.
Nanomaterial networks have been presented as a building block for unconventional in-Materio processors. Evolution in-Materio (EiM) has previously presented a way to configure and exploit physical materials for computation, but their ability to scale as datasets get larger and more complex remains unclear. Extreme Learning Machines (ELMs) seek to exploit a randomly initialised single layer feed forward neural network by training the output layer only. An analogy for a physical ELM is pro0duced by exploiting nanomaterial networks as material neurons within the hidden layer. Circuit simulations are used to efficiently investigate diode-resistor networks which act as our material neurons. These in-Materio ELMs (iM-ELMs) outperform common classification methods and traditional artificial ELMs of a similar hidden layer size. For iM-ELMs using the same number of hidden layer neurons, leveraging larger more complex material neuron topologies (with more nodes/electrodes) leads to better performance, showing that these larger materials have a better capability to process data. Finally, iM-ELMs using virtual material neurons, where a single material is re-used as several virtual neurons, were found to achieve comparable results to iM-ELMs which exploited several different materials. However, while these Virtual iM-ELMs provide significant flexibility, they sacrifice the highly parallelised nature of physically implemented iM-ELMs.KeywordsEvolution in-MaterioEvolvable processorsExtreme learning machinesMaterial neuronsVirtual neuronsClassification
We present a method that is capable of implementing information transfer without any rigidly controlled architecture using the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction system. Chemical wave fragments are injected into a subexcitable area and their collisions result in annihilation, fusion or quasi-elastic interactions depending on their initial positions. The fragments of excitation both pre and post collision possess a considerable freedom of movement when compared to previous implementations of information transfer in chemical systems. We propose that the collision of such wave fragments can be controlled automatically through adaptive computing. By extension, forms of unconventional computing, i.e., massively parallel non-linear computers, can be realised by such an approach. In this study we present initial results from using a simple evolutionary algorithm to design Boolean logic gates within the BZ system.
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In a conventional microprocessor the bits behave much like cars in city traffic; they can only use certain roads, they have to slow down and wait for each other in crossing traffic, and only one driving field at once can be used hence technological advancement may be limited. Large number of human activity are carried out electronically producing huge quantities of data; traditional computers my eventually fail to deal with such demands. Therefore, there is a need to develop novel computing paradigms, materials and architectures; building natural and artificial complex system; designing hybrid-computing devices combining wet- components and hard-were system. We aim to realise novel computing devices, based on the space-time dynamics of travelling waves/wave fragments in non-linear media and experimentally implement the computing devices in chemical reaction-diffusion media. Properties like the wave propagation in three dimensional spaces might make a chemical computer able to handle billions of times more data than a traditional computer. In addition there is a need to study self-assembly pattern formations in simple inorganic systems in order to gain a better understanding of pattern formation and the control thereof in order to synthesise functional materials by utilising the inherent self-assembly mechanisms. This will also be advantageous for novel computer for if it is damaged it can self heal. In this project the light sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction has been utilised to investigate the computational ability of non-linear media in an open reactor. The catalyst tris(2,2-bipyridine)-ruthenium was immobilized in a silica gel matrix and placed in the open reactor which was fed by a continuous-flow stirred tank reactor with fresh solution in order to maintain a non-equilibrium state. A projector was used to illuminate computer controlled image on the gel. Images of the excitation waves were captured using a digital camera and fed directly to the computer where they were processed. Also explore the software’s ability to observe, interpret and determine the next step of fragments in the BZ reaction by learning. Simulation experiment was implemented using the Oregonator model. Furthermore BZ solution encapsulated vesicles were created to investigate the possibility of three dimensional computing by investigating transferability of excitation between vesicles and methods of initiating excitation of vesicles. In addition drops of metal ion solution was placed on either potassium ferrocyanide or ferricyanide gel to construct complex Voronoi diagrams and find a mechanism of the reaction. Explore reconstruction of animal coat patterns using chemical reaction and possibility of reusing gels to calculate Voronoi diagrams. Also investigate the pattern formation in an inorganic reaction based on aluminium chloride loaded gel and placing sodium hydroxide solution on it and construct a phase diagram of the reaction. Logical computations have been implemented successfully in simulation using the Oregonator model of the light sensitive BZ reaction and in experiments. Half bit adder was implemented in channel and disk structures. Also using the disk structure it has been possible to realize in simulation and in the experimental study; an inverter gate, an AND gate, a NAND gate, a NXOR gate, an XOR gate, a diode and part of a memory circuit devised in the simulation experiments has been recreated in experiment. A 4-bit input, 2-bit output integer square root circuit has been experimentally implemented using a scheme constant speed wave propagation and annihilation of colliding wave fronts. By learning using memory and evolving heterogenous automata Controllers computer system was able to find solution when give the initial problem of solving target 1 in experiment. BZ solution encapsulated vesicle has been created for three dimensional computations. Transfer of excitation was observed between vesicles and excitation was initiated using light. A phase diagram has been created based on the reaction between aluminium chloride and sodium hydroxide. A controllable region has been found where circular wave, target waves, cardioid like double spiral, simple Voronoi and additively weight Voronoi diagram was constructed. Also we report the programmable construction of two sequential Voronoi diagrams in a simple chemical system. An extensive study of the binary sequential reactions of nine separate metal ions on two distinct substrates highlighted a number of pairings capable of constructing two permanent overlapping Voronoi diagrams. In conclusion the study presented shows chemical reaction diffusion media has potential for innovating novel computers.
Molecular self-assembly is a widespread phenomenon in both chemistry and biochemistry. Yet it was not until the rise of supramolecular chemistry that attention has increasingly been given to the designed self-assembly of a variety of synthetic molecules and ions. To a large extent, success in this area has reflected knowledge gained from nature. However, an increased awareness of the latent steric and electronic information implanted in individual molecular components has also contributed to this success. Whilst not yet approaching the sophistication of biological assemblies, synthetic systems of increasing subtlety and considerable aesthetic appeal have been created. Self-Assembly in Supramolecular Systems surveys highlights of the progress made in the creation of discrete synthetic assemblies and provides a foundation for new workers in the area, as well as background reading for experienced supramolecular chemists.
The subtitle of John Holland's pioneering 1975 book Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems correctly anticipated that the genetic algorithm described in that book would have "applications to.. .artificial intelligence." When the entities in the evolving population are computer programs, Holland's genetic algorithm can be used to perform the task of searching the space of computer programs for a program that solves, or approximately solves, a problem. This variation of the genetic algorithm (called genetic programming) enables the genetic algorithm to address the long-standing challenge of getting a computer to solve a problem without explicitly programming it. Specifically, this challenge calls for an automatic system whose input is a high-level statement of a problem's requirements and whose output is a satisfactory solution to the given problem. Paraphrasing Arthur Samuel [33], this challenge concerns "How can computers be made to do what needs to be done, without being told exactly how to do it?" This challenge is the common goal of such fields of research as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Arthur Samuel [32] offered one measure for success in this pursuit, namely "The aim [is].. .to get machines to exhibit behavior, which if done by humans, would be assumed to involve the use of intelligence." Since a problem can generally be recast as a search for a computer program, genetic programming can potentially solve a wide range of problems, including problems of control, classification, system identification, and design. Section 2 describes genetic programming. Section 3 states what we mean when we say that an automatically created solution to a problem is competitive with the product of human creativity. Section 4 discusses the illustrative problem of automatically synthesizing both the topology and sizing for an analog electrical circuit. Section 5 discusses the problem of automatically determining the placement and routing (while simultaneously synthesizing the topology and sizing) of an electrical circuit. Section 6 discusses the problem of automatically synthesizing both the topology and tuning for a controller. Section 7 discusses the importance of illogic in achieving creativity and inventiveness.
For many decades, the proponents of `artificial intelligence' have maintained that computers will soon be able to do everything that a human can do. In his bestselling work of popular science, Sir Roger Penrose takes us on a fascinating tour through the basic principles of physics, cosmology, mathematics, and philosophy to show that human thinking can never be emulated by a machine. Oxford Landmark Science books are 'must-read' classics of modern science writing which have crystallized big ideas, and shaped the way we think.
This book provides a multidisciplinary introduction to the subject of Langmuir–Blodgett films. These films are the focus of intense current worldwide interest, as the ability to deposit organic films of nanometre thicknesses has many implications in materials science, and in the development of new electronic and opto-electronic devices. Beginning with the application of simple thermodynamics to the common bulk phases of matter, the book outlines the nature of the phases associated with floating monolayer films. The Langmuir–Blodgett deposition process itself is described in some detail and contrasted with other thin film techniques. Monolayer-forming materials and the structural, electrical and optical properties of Langmuir–Blodgett films are discussed separately. Each chapter is comprehensive, easy to understand and generously illustrated. Appendices are provided for the reader wishing to delve deeper into the physics and chemistry background.
This book provides a broad overview of the entire field of DNA computation, tracing its history and development. It contains detailed descriptions of all major theoretical models and experimental results to date, which are lacking in existing texts, and discusses potential future developments. This book will provide a useful reference source for researchers and students, as well as an accessible introduction for people new to the field. The field of DNA computation has flourished since the publication of Adleman's seminal article, in which he demonstrated for the first time how a computation may be performed at a molecular level by performing standard operations on a tube of DNA strands. Since Adleman's original experiment, interest in DNA computing has increased dramatically. This monograph provides a detailed survey of the field, before describing recent theoretical and experimental developments. It concludes by outlining the challenges faced by researchers in the field and suggests possible future directions.
Join the authors on a journey where they describe the possibility of computers composed of nothing more than chemicals. Unlikely as it sounds, the book introduces the topic of 'reaction-diffusion computing', a topic which in time could revolutionise computing and robotics.
Liquid Crystal Spatial Light ModulationOptical CorrelationOptical InterconnectsWavelength Tuneable Filters and LasersOptical Neural Networks and Smart PixelsOther ApplicationsReferences