... Because of this, during the last decade a big number of researchers from all over the world have become interested in studying different aspects of part-baked bread (PBB) and full-baked bread obtained from the first one. Among recent studies, it can be named those related to the effect of different ingredients on the quality of PBB and FBB (Almeida & Chang, 2012;Almeida, Chang, & Steel, 2013;Altamirano-Fortoul, Hernando, & Rosell, 2014;Jiang, Le Bail, & Wu, 2008;Majzoobi, Raissjalali, Jamalian, & Farahnaky, 2015;Ronda, Rivero, Caballero, & Quiles, 2012); on the physical properties (Altamirano-Fortoul & Rosell, 2011;Farahnaky & Majzoobi, 2008;Jury, Monteau, Comiti, & Le Bail, 2007;Hamdami, Monteau, & Le Bail, 2006;Le Bail et al., 2010;Novotni et al., 2011;Park & Baik, 2007;Primo-Martí n et al., 2006;Ronda, Gómez, & Quiles, 2010), the sensory attributes (Poinot et al., 2007) and the aging (Bosmans, Lagrain, Ooms, Fierens, & Delcour, 2014;Le Bail, Leray, Perronnet, & Roelens, 2011;Ronda, Quiles, Pando, & Roos, 2014) of these products. Refrigeration as a PBB preservation method has also been studied in the recent years (Bá rcenas & Rosell, 2006;Bá rcenas & Rosell, 2007;Bosmans et al., 2014;Karaoglu & Kotancilar, 2006;Karaoglu, Kotancilar, & Gurses, 2005;Lainez, Vergara, & Bá rcenas, 2008) because it represents an interesting alternative to freezing. ...