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... This resistance is also rooted in employees' fear of learning new skills and their apprehension or inability to adapt. The level of resistance experienced by employees is influenced by the treatment they receive during the change process and the relationship between employees and the organisation (Strebel 2009). Lallmahomed, Lallmahomed and Lallmahomed (2017) demonstrated the critical role of RTC in the adoption of E-government and the detrimental effect of RTC on adopting E-government systems. ...
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Background: Big data analytics (BDA) is vital for modern supply chain operations. However, implementing BDA requires significant administrative effort to ensure success, as managers and employees may resist change. A study was conducted on large and medium-sized companies in Saudi Arabia to investigate the impact of organisational factors on BDA adoption and identify potential resistance. (hereafter Saudi Arabia). Objectives: This study investigate how organisational factors influence the adoption of BDA in medium and large supply chain companies in Saudi Arabia. It also explores the moderating role of resistance to change (RTC) in this relationship. Method: A survey questionnaire was given to 402 supply chain practitioners working in medium and large enterprises (MLEs) in Saudi Arabia as part of a quantitative study. The collected data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS29.0) and SMART PLS (version 4.0). Results: The findings indicated that organisational factors (top management support, IT expertise, and organisational resources) insignificantly influenced BDA adoption (p < 0.05). Furthermore, RTC did not moderate the relationship between organisational factors and technology adoption (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The successful use of BDA is crucial for improving Saudi supply chain operations, with a positive impact on customers, companies, and the country. Contribution: This study is important for medium and large companies in the Saudi Arabian supply chain. It provides scope for developing innovations in adopting BDA by understanding organisational factors that influence adoption. The results will help push Saudi companies forward in trusting BDA in supply chain operations. Keywords: big data analytics (BDA)
... This resistance is also rooted in employees' fear of learning new skills and their apprehension or inability to adapt. The level of resistance experienced by employees is influenced by the treatment they receive during the change process and the relationship between employees and the organisation (Strebel 2009). Lallmahomed, Lallmahomed and Lallmahomed (2017) demonstrated the critical role of RTC in the adoption of E-government and the detrimental effect of RTC on adopting E-government systems. ...
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Background: Big data analytics (BDA) is vital for modern supply chain operations. However, implementing BDA requires significant administrative effort to ensure success, as managers and employees may resist change. A study was conducted on large and medium-sized companies in Saudi Arabia to investigate the impact of organisational factors on BDA adoption and identify potential resistance. (hereafter Saudi Arabia).Objectives: This study investigate how organisational factors influence the adoption of BDA in medium and large supply chain companies in Saudi Arabia. It also explores the moderating role of resistance to change (RTC) in this relationship.Method: A survey questionnaire was given to 402 supply chain practitioners working in medium and large enterprises (MLEs) in Saudi Arabia as part of a quantitative study. The collected data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS29.0) and SMART PLS (version 4.0).Results: The findings indicated that organisational factors (top management support, IT expertise, and organisational resources) insignificantly influenced BDA adoption (p 0.05). Furthermore, RTC did not moderate the relationship between organisational factors and technology adoption (p 0.05).Conclusion: The successful use of BDA is crucial for improving Saudi supply chain operations, with a positive impact on customers, companies, and the country.Contribution: This study is important for medium and large companies in the Saudi Arabian supply chain. It provides scope for developing innovations in adopting BDA by understanding organisational factors that influence adoption. The results will help push Saudi companies forward in trusting BDA in supply chain operations.
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The purpose of this study is to facilitate organizational culture change because changing an organizational culture is one of the most difficult leadership challenges. Successful organizational culture change often considers an organizational capability and core competency that facilitate the complexity of the change management implementation process. To address the research problem, this research approached was mixed method research, using qualitative and quantitative research combined. A semi-structured interview, purposive sampling (10 participants) and computer software NVivo used for qualitative approached. On the other hand, three hundred surveys, random clustered probability sampling, computer software SPSS used to interpret the quantitative data. The study provided insight about how sustainable culture change can achieve for post pandemic workplace. It recommends that effective leadership is key for successful organizational culture change in the post pandemic workplace. The study also found that the organizational culture is the key to organizational transformation because it spells out a change initiative will falter or successful. The study fulfills the global needs of academic and practitioners to achieve the sustainable organizational culture change in the post pandemic workplace.
The theoretical exploration of the culture of fear in hotel businesses is essential to understanding the significant effects on business management and employee well-being. The primary purpose of this research is to provide information to improve businesses' management strategies by examining the impact of a culture of fear on employee behavior. Understanding the effects of a culture of fear on employees' psychological health, job satisfaction, and organizational productivity can help managers identify measures to create a healthier and more supportive work environment. This research may also contribute to the business management literature on the culture of fear and provide a basis for future studies. In conclusion, examining the culture of fear in hotel businesses is an essential area of research in business management and employee well-being, and this research aims to raise awareness and develop management strategies in this area.
Organisational changes that threaten the status quo, such as moving away from unsustainable practices towards more sustainable ones, are bound to face resistance at the individual, group, and organisation levels. Resistance to change is a common phenomenon to planned changes, which slows and sometimes stops change efforts. It arises when passing from the known to the unknown and slows or stops movement. A myriad of barriers to change that affect the different organisational levels. Most of the literature has focused on individual or organisational barriers, while few authors have focused on groups. The barriers to change can be analysed with the help of the Multi-dimensional Sustainability Influence Change (MuSIC) memework. Examples from four case studies are presented. Resistance to change is most easily overcome when it can be foreseen and neutralised in advance. Several strategies can be used to overcome the barriers at the different organisational levels. Sometimes the strategies may be used independently, other times combined. Overcoming barriers to change is both radical and incremental. Examples from three case studies are presented. There is, in general, incongruity between the barriers to change and the strategies being applied to overcome them.
Organisations are an integral part of modern societies. They are sub-systems of a larger environmental system. Organisations are, usually, divided into civil society, corporations, education, and public sector ones. Organisations are complex, semi-open, social systems with sets of inter-related units engaged in joint problem-solving to accomplish a goal or objective, and to create value and acceptable outcomes for stakeholders. An organisation is composed of system elements (differentiated functions or groups divided into operations and production, management and strategy, organisational systems, governance, supply chains, service provision, assessment and reporting, and research and development), that are, in turn, composed of individuals. The organisation, groups, and individuals are affected by informational, emotional, and behavioural attitudes. Organisations must also balance the needs and interactions of multiple stakeholders, including social and environmental, primary and secondary concerns, and internal and external needs. Stakeholder interactions can be inter-personal, inter-group, or inter-organisational, and range from competitive, to cooperative, to collaborative ones. The Multi-dimensional Sustainability Influence Change (MuSIC) memework is designed to address the entire organisation system, including the organisation, its groups, individual, their respective attitudes, as well as the systemic/connecting and external levels.
The aim of the research is to identify the factors which enable / restrain public managers’ learning from past experience. The article draws upon research undertaken in Italian local governments after the last performance-based reform (2009). It gives evidence of the ways of learning in organizations characterized by a bureaucratic administrative culture, a political regime instability and ones that operate under financial stress conditions. These circumstances are common in many public administrations in the “era” of the global financial, economic and fiscal crisis. We based our analysis on a cross-sectional data set and the research was carried out using an OLS model. Besides the factors identified in the performance management literature which foster public managers’ learning, we found that the political regime stability produced positive effects on learning. Moreover, executives in municipalities characterized with an higher percentage of enforcement measures tended to be more aware of the importance of measuring and analyzing past performance in order to reduce further potential financial criticalities.
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Change is something that cannot be avoided, especially in an organizational environment, changes will often occur. Transformation or change in an organization has become a global issue since the discovery of the industrial revolution, therefore an organizational leader must be able to carry out various organizational changes and innovations and cannot escape the inevitable changes because this is what makes a leader carry out various organizational changes and innovations and cannot escape the inevitable changes because this is what makes a leader be a winner in business competition. Companies must be able to keep up with changes by carrying out organizational development. Therefore, the author conducted research to find out what are the impacts of implementing change management, things that affect change management and obstacles in change management. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature approach from several sources. The results of this study indicate that the impact of the implementation of change management on the organization affects the success of the company in the future.
This study identifies how change management practitioners promote organizational change. It expands upon current research to describe contemporary approaches that practitioners use in the field. We interviewed 20 participants from change management organizations and academic departments to identify how they used different strategies to promote organizational change. We developed 14 themes consisting of actionable strategies. The themes focus on how organizational culture affects change in terms of communicating with employees about change, promoting change through leadership, using change management strategies contextually, measuring change through milestones, and implementing informal assessments. The results of this study suggest that (a) there are common strategies that practitioners often use, (b) practitioners use different strategies based on the context of the change, and (c) change managers use informal assessments to determine whether a change transitioned into organizational culture.
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