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Effects of forest type and stand structure on coarse woody debris in old-growth rainforest in the Valdivian Andes, south-central Chile


Abstract and Figures

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important structural and functional component of temperate forests. There are few studies that have estimated CWD biomass in temperate forests of the southern hemisphere. In Chile, this is the first study of CWD in Andean old-growth forests, where tree-fall is the most common type of disturbance and generates a mosaic of different structures within a forest stand, both conditions that must affect the quantity and quality of CWD. We estimated and analyzed CWD biomass in two differing old-growth forest stands, one composed mainly by Nothofagus dombeyi, Laureliopsis philippiana and Saxegothaea conspicua (Nothofagus-dominated stand) and another composed mainly by L. philippiana, S. conspicua and Dasyphyllum diancanthoides (Mixed-species stand). We set up 80 and 95 circular 0.05-ha plots in these stands, where we measured all live trees ≥5cm diameter at breast height (dbh, 1.3m), recorded diameters at the large and small ends of logs and snags, and total length of logs or total height of snags, and classified these within three decay classes. The Nothofagus-dominated forest stand had 88.8Mgha−1 of CWD biomass, compared to 59.6Mgha−1 in the Mixed-species stand, a difference that can be attributed basically to the greater biomass of snags in the former, where most biomass of CWD, logs and snags belonged to N. dombeyi. In both stands we found that most plots had a tree structure dominated by small trees; these plots had greater CWD biomass, of which most was in decay class III, likely reflecting past tree falls that reduced the numbers of large trees and increased CWD. At the stand level the only significant but low correlation occurred between log biomass in decay class III and mean diameter of the plots. However, there were strong relationships of mean diameter (QMD) of the different structural types and log biomass in decay class III in both stands, thus reflecting that diameter structure (or QMD) can be a good predictor of log biomass. CWD biomass in these Valdivian old-growth rainforests is in the range of values found for North Patagonian rainforests sampled with similar plot size, greater than biomass in deciduous forests in North America, and lower than temperate rainforests in the Pacific Northwest in North America, in New Zealand and Tasmania. Differences can be attributed to forest type, forest productivity, and successional phase.
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Effects of forest type and stand structure on coarse woody
debris in old-growth rainforests in the Valdivian Andes,
south-central Chile
Bastienne C. Schlegel *, Pablo J. Donoso
Insituto de Silvicultura, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile
Received 17 April 2007; received in revised form 29 November 2007; accepted 10 December 2007
Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important structural and functional component of temperate forests. There are few studies that have estimated
CWD biomass in temperate forests of the southern hemisphere. In Chile, this is the first study of CWD in Andean old-growth forests, where tree-fall
is the most common type of disturbance and generates a mosaic of different structures within a forest stand, both conditions that must affect the
quantity and quality of CWD. We estimated and analyzed CWD biomass in two differing old-growth forest stands, one composed mainly by
Nothofagus dombeyi,Laureliopsis philippiana and Saxegothaea conspicua (Nothofagus-dominated stand) and another composed mainly by L.
philippiana,S. conspicua and Dasyphyllum diancanthoides (Mixed-species stand). We set up 80 and 95 circular 0.05-ha plots in these stands,
where we measured all live trees 5 cm diameter at breast height (dbh, 1.3 m), recorded diameters at the large and small ends of logs and snags, and
total length of logs or total height of snags, and classified these within three decay classes. The Nothofagus-dominated forest stand had
88.8 Mg ha
of CWD biomass, compared to 59.6 Mg ha
in the Mixed-species stand, a difference that can be attributed basically to the greater
biomass of snags in the former, where most biomass of CWD, logs and snags belonged to N. dombeyi. In both stands we found that most plots had a
tree structure dominated by small trees; these plots had greater CWD biomass, of which most was in decay class III, likely reflecting past tree falls
that reduced the numbers of large trees and increased CWD. At the stand level the only significant but low correlation occurred between log
biomass in decay class III and mean diameter of the plots. However, there were strong relationships of mean diameter (QMD) of the different
structural types and log biomass in decay class III in both stands, thus reflecting that diameter structure (or QMD) can be a good predictor of log
biomass. CWD biomass in these Valdivian old-growth rainforests is in the range of values found for North Patagonian rainforests sampled with
similar plot size, greater than biomass in deciduous forests in North America, and lower than temperate rainforests in the Pacific Northwest in North
America, in New Zealand and Tasmania. Differences can be attributed to forest type, forest productivity, and successional phase.
#2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Nothofagus;Laureliopsis;Saxegothaea; Dead logs; Snags
1. Introduction
Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important structural
component of many forest ecosystems in temperate forests
(Harmon et al., 1986; Spies et al., 1988; Stewart and Burrows,
1994; Carmona et al., 2002). CWD provides habitat for many
vertebrate and invertebrate species, an important substrate for
plant germination and growth and, a sink and source of
nutrients and carbon that can be recycled within the ecosystem
(Harmon et al., 1986; Hunter, 1990; Donoso, 1993; Takahashi
et al., 2000; Christie and Armesto, 2003). Logs (fallen dead
trees) and snags (standing dead trees) are the major types of
CWD and their relative contribution to total ecosystem biomass
varies greatly in the landscape depending on forest types,
disturbance regimes, topography and stand age (Spies et al.,
1988; Harmon and Hua, 1991; Goebel and Hix, 1996). Harmon
et al. (1986) and Spies et al. (1988) determined that in a forest
chronosequence the amount of CWD follows a U-shaped
pattern, where the maximum stock of CWD occurs following
stand disturbance and in old-growth forests, in the latter due to
small-scale disturbances (mainly tree falls) that generate a new
pulse of CWD input.
Valdivian temperate rainforests (Veblen et al., 1983; Veblen
and Alaback, 1996) in the southern cone of South America are
vailable online at
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 1906–1914
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +56 63 221228; fax: +56 63 221230.
E-mail addresses: (B.C. Schlegel), (P.J. Donoso).
0378-1127/$ – see front matter #2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
highly productive (Donoso, 1989; Armesto et al., 1995), and in
old-growth forests tree-fall gaps are a common type of small-
scale disturbance (Veblen, 1985a,b, 1989; Armesto et al., 1992;
Veblen et al., 1996). This is one reason why these forests should
accumulate large amounts of CWD. Another reason is that the
two major forest types of the region, the evergreen and the
´–Tepa (after the common name of its three major
tree species, i.e. Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.)–Nothofagus
nervosa ((Phil.) Dim. et Mil.)–Laureliopsis philippiana
((Looser) Schodde)), usually have a high degree of canopy
stratification, including emergents among which the most
common species are members of the Nothofagus family
(Veblen et al., 1981; Parada et al., 2003; Donoso and Lusk,
The only reported study of CWD biomass in Chile (Carmona
et al., 2002) was conducted in old-growth forests of the
evergreen forest, with CWD biomass values similar to those for
standing live tree, and even higher than values found for
coniferous temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest of
North America. There is no report of CWD in the Coigu
´–Tepa forest type, which is simpler in tree species
composition than the evergreen forest type. In this study we
intensively sampled two old-growth forest stands of this forest
type, one strongly stratified due to the presence of emergent N.
dombeyi trees (Nothofagus-dominated stand) above a canopy
tier of shade-tolerant species, and another comprised only of
shade-tolerant species (Mixed-species). From the point of view
of biomass dynamics in forest ecosystems, the Nothofagus-
dominated forest stand represents a transition phase, and the
Mixed-species forest stand a steady-state phase (sensu Borman
and Likens, 1979) within old-growth forests. The working
hypotheses of this study were that (a) the Nothofagus-
dominated forest stand has greater CWD than the Mixed-
species forest stand, and (b) within each old-growth forest
matrices, patches dominated by small-sized living trees would
have greater CWD due to more recent past disturbances,
particularly tree falls that allowed for CWD accumulation. The
associated objectives were (a) to compare biomass of two old-
growth forests stands in the transition and steady-state phases of
biomass accumulation (with and without an emergent tree
component); (b) to analyze if the current structure and species
composition of live trees can reflect the abundance of CWD;
and (c) to compare CWD biomass in these forests with other
temperate old-growth forests of North America and of the
southern hemisphere.
2. Methods
2.1. Study area
The study area is located in the Chilean Andes between 750
and 800 m of elevation in the San Pablo de Tregua experimental
forest (398380S, 728050W) of the Universidad Austral de Chile.
In this region the typical old-growth forests are those of the
´–Tepa forest type, which is widespread between
500 and 1000 m a.s.l. in the Andes of south-central Chile,
where either Coigu
¨e(N. dombeyi) or Raulı
´(N. nervosa), or
both, occupy emergent tiers, and the conifer Saxegothaea
conspicua (Lindl.), L. philippiana and Dassyphyllum dia-
canthoides (Less.) occupy the main canopy tier (Burschel et al.,
1976; Veblen et al., 1980, 1981, 2004; Veblen, 1985b; Donoso
et al., 1986; Donoso, 1993).
In this region both large-scale and small-scale disturbances
are common. Large-scale disturbances are caused by volcan-
ism, mass movements triggered by earthquakes, and stand-
devastating windthrow, and generate even-aged forest stands
dominated by Nothofagus species (Veblen and Ashton, 1978;
Veblen, 1985a); small-scale disturbances are those caused by
individual or small-group tree-fall gaps in old-growth forests.
With time the Nothofagus species tend to reduce their numbers
and become only represented by few large trees (LT) in small
numbers. Since frequency of disturbances that allow their
regeneration is shorter than the lifespan of the species, in the
Andes old-growth forest stands usually maintain some live
Nothofagus trees (Veblen and Ashton, 1978; Veblen et al.,
2004). The other species in these forests are more tolerant to
shade, with L. philippiana more tolerant than S. conspicua
(Donoso and Lusk, 2007). These forests can attain a large living
biomass as expressed in large basal area and volume values
(Donoso et al., 1986; Donoso, 1989; Donoso and Lusk, 2007).
Here we studied two old-growth forests of the Coigu
´–Tepa forest type without evidence of past human
disturbances. One stand is dominated by the emergent N.
dombeyi, and L. philippiana and S. conspicua are the two main
canopy species (Nothofagus-dominated forest). This stand was
established after patchy blowdown by a windstorm (Donoso
and Lusk, 2007), as previously reported by Veblen (1985a) for
forests of this type elsewhere in the region, and had Nothofagus
trees reaching almost 300 cm in dbh (see Donoso and Lusk,
2007), which are likely >500-year old (see Veblen, 1985a).
This is the most common species composition in old-growth
forest stands of this forest type in the Andes of Chile (Burschel
et al., 1976; Veblen et al., 1980, 1981, 2004; Veblen, 1985a,b;
Donoso et al., 1986; Donoso, 1993), although N. nervosa may
also be present with N. dombeyi in emergent positions. The
other stand is dominated by three canopy species, L.
philippiana,S. conspicua and D. diacanthoides, lacks the
emergent Nothofagus, and has a high density of Myrceugenia
planipes ((Hook. et Arn.) Berg) trees in the understory (Mixed-
species forest). This stand has trees of S. conspicua and D.
diacanthoides that reach 250 cm in dbh, and of L. philippiana
that reach 200 cm in dbh, all of which are likely >500-year old
(see Veblen, 1985a). The Nothofagus-dominated stand is in the
transition phase of biomass accumulation described by Borman
and Likens (1979), while the Mixed-species stand is in the
steady-state phase of biomass accumulation (results presented
later show that it has a relatively large amount of coarse woody
debris of N. nervosa while this species is almost absent among
living trees, suggesting that the stand is past the transition
phase). This stand without Nothofagus is rare in the region. We
suggest that it is the result of its south aspect, which apparently
has two consequences: winds coming from the north are
ameliorated, thus preventing the creation of large gaps needed
by Nothofagus to regenerate, and shade-tolerant species (and
B.C. Schlegel, P.J. Donoso / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 1906–1914 1907
probably also the common Chusquea bamboo) grow twice
faster than in the north aspect (information not published by
Pablo Donoso), so that these species might preempt occupation
of the relatively small-sized gaps by N. dombeyi. Soils are deep
and well-drained and are derived from Pleistocene and recent
volcanic ash layers in a mountainous area of the Andes range
(Tosso, 1985; Veblen, 1985a). A west-coast maritime climate
with a mild temperature range dominates the area, and high
annual precipitations (mainly rainfall) that exceed 5000 mm are
common (Burschel et al., 1976; Veblen, 1985b).
2.2. Sampling plots
In both stands we set up circular plots 0.05 ha in size each,
regularly spaced every 40 m along linear and parallel transects
separated by 40 m from one another. We set up 80 plots in part of
a 62-ha Nothofagus-dominated forest stand, and 95 plots in an
18-ha Mixed-species forest stand. The Nothofagus-dominated
forest stand is located in a terrain with a mean slope of 11% and a
predominant north aspect. The Mixed-species forest stand has a
predominant south aspect with a mean slope of 16%. In each plot,
we measured all live trees 5 cm diameter at breast height (dbh,
1.3 m) or above buttresses in the case of N. dombeyi.We
estimated tree density, basal area, quadratic mean diameter
(QMD) and above-ground biomass of living trees (EAGB) for
both stands. For live trees, EAGB was estimated using species-
specific equations generated by Gayoso (2001).
We chose this sampling protocol since in a large study on
CWD sampling methods, Woldendorp et al. (2002,2004) found
that in closed forests, plots at least 20 m 20 m in size and in
large numbers were the only means to achieve relatively low
coefficients of variations. However, with the 0.05-ha plots we
used, and the apparently large sampling numbers in each stand,
we still found a very high variation of the data: for the
Nothofagus-dominated and Mixed-species stands the coeffi-
cients of variation were 170 and 120% for CWD, 160 and 125%
for logs, and 395 and 216% for snags. To estimate the average
CWD biomass with a sampling error of 30 and 95% confidence,
we would have needed 129 plots in the Nothofagus-dominated
stand and 65 plots in the Mixed-species stand. For log biomass,
figures would be 114 plots for the Nothofagus-dominated stand
and 69 plots for the Mixed-species stand, and for snag biomass
689 and 205 plots, respectively. Overall, there was a relatively
lower sampling error in the Mixed-species stand, and snag
biomass was more variable than CWD and log biomass.
2.3. Biomass of coarse woody debris
In each plot, all logs on the forest floor with a stem diameter
20 cm and length 1 m were measured. For each log or branch
deposited on the forest floor within the limits of the plot we
recorded total length (m), and diameters (cm) at large and small
ends. We identified logs to species whenever possible. We also
sampled snags, with a diameter at the base 20 cm and height
1 m, in 72 plots of the Nothofagus-dominated stand and in 74
plots of the Mixed-species stand. For each snag we recorded
diameter at the top, diameter at the ground level, total height, and
species whenever possible. These minimum diameter and height/
length considered in this study for recording logs and snags is
based on the methodology utilized by Stewart and Burrows
(1994) in old-growth forests in New Zealand. Similarly,
Woldendorp et al. (2002) measured CWD for a minimum
diameter of 15 cm in Tasmanian old-growth forests, and
considered that samplingsmaller diameters would have increased
the sampling effort significantly and could not be justified in
terms of any additional contributions to the CWD pool.
We calculated the volume of each piece of CWD assuming the
shape of a frustum of a cone (Fraver et al., 2002). Each piece of
CWD was assigned to a three-class classification system adapted
from Stone et al. (1998) and Clark et al. (2002): (I) sound, intact
with little evidence of decay, more than 75% of the volume intact
or hard; (II) intermediate, partly firm, and (III) more than 75% of
the wood soft and rotten, can be kicked into pieces.
Dry biomass was obtained by multiplying the volume of each
piece times the wood specific gravity (g cm
) determined for
CWD in evergreen forests of the Andean range, in Putraique
(398560S, 728270W, 800 m s.n.m.), an area that is dominated by
the same species dominant in the present study site (Gayoso,
2001). We utilized a mean wood gravity of 0.51, 0.36 and
0.25 g cm
for the decay classes I, II and III, respectively. These
values are very similar to unpublished values of wood gravity in
five different species of the sampled forests of the present study,
which were 0.51 g cm
for decay class I (range 0.47–0.53 g
), 0.29 g cm
for decay class II (range 0.27–0.36 g cm
and 0.24 g cm
for decay class III (range 0.19–0.28 g cm
2.4. Diameter structure of plots
To analyze diameter structure and its relation with CWD
biomass, we assigned each plot to a specific structure class as
specified in SFFC (2000) and Donoso and Nyland (2005) (Fig. 1).
2.5. Analyses
We calculated species participation in CWD biomass and
EAGB. We compared number of trees per hectare, basal area
per hectare, QMD and EAGB of live trees between both stands
using a Student’s t-test. Since the data of biomass of logs and
snags did not meet the assumptions of normality of error terms
(Lilliefors test) and homocedasticity of variance (Levene test),
and had a skewed distribution (Zar, 1999), we compared their
distributions with the Bootstrap test that does not rely on
theoretical distributions (Diaconis and Efron, 1983). Then, we
analyzed the relation between basal area, QMD, and EAGB of
live trees and biomass of logs and snags with Pearson’s partial
correlation coefficient.
3. Results
3.1. Amount, distribution and species composition of CWD
in both forest stands
The Nothofagus-dominated stand had significantly greater
number of trees, basal area, QMD and EAGB (Table 1).
B.C. Schlegel, P.J. Donoso / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 1906–19141908
Although biomass of CWD and of its components (logs and
snags) was considerably higher in the Nothofagus-dominated
stand, there were no significant differences between both forest
stands, which could be a consequence of the large variability of
the data. Boxplots of CWD biomass indicated that both stands
had a similar median and that their frequency distributions of
CWD were skewed. The major difference is that the
Nothofagus-dominated forest has more extreme values (out-
liers) than the Mixed-species forest, which indicates a greater
variability of the sample (Fig. 2).
Biomass of logs and snags was highly concentrated in few
plots (Fig. 3a and b). In the Nothofagus-dominated and in the
Mixed-species stands, 10% of the plots had 49 and 42% of all
the estimated dead log biomass, respectively. Similarly, in the
Nothofagus-dominated stand 75% of the plots did not have any
snag, and only three plots concentrated 78% of the snag
biomass (Fig. 3a), while in the Mixed-species stand 51% of the
plots did not have any snags, and only 12% of the plots
concentrated 71.8% of the snag biomass (Fig. 3b). In the
Mixed-species stand there were proportionally more plots with
snags, but these had a lower biomass because snags had smaller
dimensions (mean diameter of 64 cm and mean height of 5.8 m)
in comparison with snags in the Nothofagus-dominated stand
(mean diameter of 95 cm and mean height of 8.4 m).
The Nothofagus-dominated and Mixed-species stands had a
total CWD biomass of 88.8 and 59.6 Mg ha
, respectively,
with relatively similar percentage in decay classes I (16–22%),
II (41–46%) and III (31–34%) (Table 1). While snags
represented 29% of all CWD biomass in the Nothofagus-
dominated stand, they only represented 10% in the Mixed-
species stand. Most log biomass in the Nothofagus-dominated
stand was in decay classes II and III, with 42% in each; in the
Mixed-species stand 46% of the log biomass was in decay class
II, while 32 and 22% were in decay classes III and I. Snag
biomass, however,was markedly different between both stands:
the Nothofagus-dominated stand had a nominal biomass in
decay class III, while the Mixed-species stand had one half of
the snag biomass in this decay class (Table 1).
The proportion between CWD biomass and EAGB of live
canopy trees was 10% in the Nothofagus-dominated stand and
9% in the Mixed-species stand. In the Nothofagus-dominated
stand 65% of CWD biomass and 49% of EAGB was comprised
Fig. 1. Triangle of structures for irregular forests (from SFFC, 2000; Donoso
and Nyland, 2005) for classification of irregular forests into one of seven
possible diameter structures in the Nothofagus-dominated and Mixed-species
stands. IR, irregular; ST, small trees; MT, medium trees; LT, large trees; MT–
ST, medium trees–smalltrees; ST–LT, small trees–large trees; MT–LT, medium
trees–large trees.
Table 1
Mean stand characteristics, and estimated aboveground biomass (EAGB) and CWD biomass (S.E.) (maximum and minimum values are given in parentheses) for
two old-growth forest stands of the Andean Coigu
´–Tepa forest type
Variable Nothofagus-dominated Mixed-species
Number of living trees (n ha
501.5 21.6 (200–1200) a 651.6 27.8 (160–1760) b
BA living trees (m
125.6 6.0 (31.0–245.8) a 109.4 3.8 (43.4–221.3) b
QMD living trees (cm)
57.3 1.7 (24.9–98.4) a 48.2 1.1 (24.6–81.8) b
EAGB (Mg ha
877.3 60.1 (153.8–2202.1) a 664.5 27.2 (225.4–1468.0) b
CWD (Mg ha
(% by classes I, II and III) 88.8 17.2 (0–1061) a (27.9; 41.4; 30.7) 59.6 8.4 (0–301.9) a (20.1; 46.2; 33.7)
Logs (Mg ha
(% by classes I, II and III) 64.1 11.5 (0–644.8) a (15.8; 41.7; 42.4) 53.7 6.9 (0–295.5) a (21.8; 46.4; 31.8)
Snags (Mg ha
(% by classes I, II and III) 24.7 11.5 (0–639.3) a (59.2; 40.6; 0.2) 5.9 1.5 (0–72.9) a (4.7; 44.8; 50.5)
Different letters within each row denote statistically significant differences between stands (P<0.05), following a Student’s t-test (Zar, 1999).
Same letters within each row denote no statistical differences between both forest stands (P>0.05), following a Bootstrap test (Quinn and Keough, 2002).
Fig. 2. Boxplot of CWD biomass (Mg ha
) for the Nothofagus-dominated and
Mixed-species stands.
B.C. Schlegel, P.J. Donoso / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 1906–1914 1909
by N. dombeyi (Table 2). In the Mixed-species stand, CWD
biomass belonged mainly to L. philippiana,S. conspicua and N.
nervosa, and only 4% of CWD biomass belonged to N.
dombeyi, while EAGB was represented mainly by S. conspicua,
L. philippiana and D. diancanthoides (Table 2).
3.2. Relations between diameter structure of live trees and
In both stands we found mainly five types of the diameter
structures described in Fig. 1. Two of the structural types
dominated by medium-sized trees (MT and MT–ST) were not
included in the analysis because they were present only in one
or two plots. In both stands the ST and ST–LT structural types
represented approximately one half of all plots (Table 2). In
these plots most CWD biomass was in decay class III (51% in
the Nothofagus-dominated stand and 43% in the Mixed-species
stand). In the case of log biomass the proportion was the same
in the Mixed-species stand, but in the Nothofagus-dominated
stand 65% of the log biomass was in decay class III.
The only significant correlations found in this study were
between log biomass and different dendrometrical variables,
i.e. we did not find significant correlations in the case of CWD
and snags. Considering all plots in each stand, the only
significant correlation in both stands was between biomass of
logs in decay class III and mean diameter (QMD; r=0.25 in
the Mixed-species stand and 0.37 in the Nothofagus-
dominated stand), although the correlation was also relatively
high, but not significant, in both stands between log biomass in
class III and QMD in the MT–LT plots (Table 3). By structural
type the only significant correlations were found in the
Nothofagus-dominated stand between log biomass in decay
class III and QMD in plots with ST structure (0.51), and
between log biomass and QMD and basal area in plots with
MT–LT structure (0.9 and 0.86).
Considering the mean data per structural type for both forest
stands, we found linear relations between QMD and log-
transformed biomass of logs in decay class III, with an r
Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of log and snag biomass in 80 0.05-ha sample
plots in the Nothofagus-dominated stand (a), and 95 0.05-ha sample plots in
Mixed-species stand (b).
Table 2
Estimated aboveground biomass (EAGB), log and snag biomass, and overall coarse woody debris (CWD, logs and snags) for two old-growth stands in the Valdivian
Species EAGB Log Snag CWD
(Mg ha
) (%) (Mg ha
) (%) (Mg ha
) (%) (Mg ha
) (%)
N. dombeyi 431.4 48.8 35.2 54.8 22.8 92.3 58.0 65.3
L. philippiana 148.5 17.0 4.5 6.9 0.9 3.8 5.4 6.1
S. conspicua 270.1 31.1 4.6 7.2 0.9 3.7 5.5 6.2
D. diacanthoides 26.6 3.1 – – – – -
A. luma 0.7 0.1 ––
n.i. 19.9 31.0 0.1 0.2 19.9 22.4
Total 877.3 100.0 64.1 100.0 24.7 100.0 88.8 100.0
N. dombeyi 1.8 3.3 0.6 10.2 2.4 4.0
L. philippiana 203.2 30.5 11.4 21.3 4.3 71.6 15.6 26.3
S. conspicua 261.5 39.3 13.6 25.4 0.8 13.8 14.4 24.3
D. diacanthoides 178.9 26.9 4.9 9.2 0.2 3.7 5.2 8.7
N. alpina 1.9 0.3 10.4 19.4 10.4 17.5
M. planipes 18.5 2.8 0.04 0.1 0.04 0.6 0.04 0.1
A. luma 1.7 0.3 – – – – – –
n.i. 11.4 21.3 11.4 19.1
Total 665.8 100.0 53.5 100.0 5.9 100.0 59.4 100.0
n.i., specie not identified.
B.C. Schlegel, P.J. Donoso / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 1906–19141910
0.86 in the Mixed-species, and 0.93 in the Nothofagus-
dominated stand (Fig. 4). These relations indicate that plots
dominated by small trees (ST), which had a lower QMD, had a
higher biomass of logs in decay class III. In contrast, plots
dominated by LT and a combination of medium and large trees
(MT–LT), which had a higher QMD, had the lowest biomass of
logs in decay class III. The slope of these relationships was
steeper in the case of the Mixed-species forest, in which log
biomass was slightly lower in every structural type, but three
times lower in the MT–LT plots. We did not find significant
relations between biomass, by structural type, of decay classes I
and II and basal area or QMD, or between snag biomass,
averaged by type of structure, and basal area or QMD.
4. Discussion
4.1. CWD in Andean old-growth forest stands of
contrasting structure and composition
We have estimated CWD in two Andean forest stands that
differ basically in the presence or absence of the emergent N.
dombeyi component. Therefore our results allow comparison of
the two stands but extrapolation to the two forest types must be
cautious since we did not have replicates of stands of each forest
type, i.e. we lacked a measure of variance among different
stands of each type. However, the Nothofagus-dominated stand
is typical of old-growth forests in the Andes in its composition,
structure and basal area (Burschel et al., 1976; Veblen et al.,
1980, 1981, 2004; Veblen, 1985a; Donoso et al., 1986; Donoso,
1993), so that we can suggest that this stand (and likely the less
common Mixed-species stand) represents well common
conditions of CWD biomass expected to find in these forests
in the region.
Both stands had a great variability of CWD biomass
distribution in the plots, which reflects the gap-phase dynamics
that predominates in these forests (Veblen, 1985a; Donoso and
Lusk, 2007), and is consistent with general patterns of CWD
distribution both at the stand and the forest levels (Lo
et al., 2005; Woldendorp et al., 2002, 2004). In both forest
stands CWD biomass represented about 10% of the estimated
aboveground biomass (EAGB) (Table 1), but while EAGB was
32% greater in the Nothofagus-dominated stand, CWD biomass
was almost 50% greater (the latter a difference that was not
significant due to the great variation of the data), suggesting that
old-growth stands in a transition phase (sensu Borman and
Likens, 1979) have not only a greater EAGB than those in a
steady-state phase but also a greater CWD biomass. In this
stand with emergent N. dombeyi there was a much greater
relative proportion of snags (28% of the total CWD biomass
compared to only 10% in the Mixed-species stand; Table 1) due
basically to the large biomass in large snags of N. dombeyi
(Table 2), which is a consequence of the dominant type of wind
damage on this species: most N. dombeyi trees damaged by
wind in San Pablo de Tregua are wind-snapped (57%) rather
than uprooted, while in the Mixed-species stand the species
most damaged by wind is S. conspicua and it is most commonly
Table 3
Pearson correlation coefficients between log biomass and basal area (BA), and
between log biomass and quadratic stand diameter (QMD), for the two stands
studied according to structural types based in the relative importance of small,
medium and large trees
Variable Nothofagus-
(Mg ha
(Mg ha
IR BA (m
)110.02 0.08 19 0.01 0.02
QMD (cm) 11 0.48 0.11 19 0.24 0.01
LT BA (m
) 18 0.14 0.55
24 0.28 0.25
QMD (cm) 18 0.06 0.21 24 0.09 0.12
)70.67 0.86
4 0.21 0.26
QMD (cm) 7 0.67 0.90
40.54 0.14
ST BA (m
)160.29 0.12 21 0.24 0.06
QMD (cm) 16 0.51
0.33 21 0.06 0.04
) 25 0.06 0.04 26 0.01 0.03
QMD (cm) 25 0.22 0.19 26 0.22 0.26
All structures BA (m
)800.18 0.04 95 0.08 0.06
QMD (cm) 80 0.37
95 0.26
The different types of structures (IR, LT, MT–LT, ST and ST–LT) are
specified in Table 1.
Biomass in decay class III.
Total biomass (sum of three decay classes). BA, basal area; QMD, quadratic
mean diameter.
Significance level P<0.05.
Fig. 4. Relation of log biomass in decay class III, with QMD (cm) (living stand)
averaged for each structural type in the Nothofagus-dominated (a) and Mixed-
species (b) stands. IR, irregular; LT, large trees; MT–LT, medium trees–large
trees; ST, small trees; ST–LT, small trees–large trees.
B.C. Schlegel, P.J. Donoso / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 1906–1914 1911
uprooted (50%) rather than wind-snapped (Veblen, 1985a). The
field data confirms this pattern: 40% of the CWD biomass of N.
dombeyi was in snags, and 60% in logs, compared to 84 and
16% in the case of S. conspicua in the Nothofagus-dominated
stand, and 94 and 6% in the Mixed-species stand. Overall, we
suggest that (a) transition forests have greater biomass than
steady-state forests both in the EAGB and the CWD biomass,
and (b) CWD in transition forests has a greater proportion of
snags relative to older forests due to the fact that pioneer species
seem to be less likely to be uprooted when damaged by wind, as
also observed by Tyrrel and Crow (1994) in Hemlock-
hardwood forests in the USA. These results suggest that the
model proposed by Spies et al. (1988) and supported by
Carmona et al. (2002) showing the greatest values of CWD
biomass in older forests could be modified to illustrate that
forests in a transition phase accumulate greater CWD biomass.
A sampling of several replicates of each forest type would be
needed to support this suggestion.
4.2. Diameter structures and CWD biomass
Estimations of CWD biomass and carbon can be determined
from other stand data (Muller and Liu, 1991), or in relation to
stand age and management regime (Woldendorp et al., 2002).
Only log biomass had significant correlations with stand
attributes, likely a consequence of its lower variation relative to
CWD biomass and snag biomass. In the case of the Nothofagus-
dominated stand this relation was stronger with log biomass in
decay class III. This is not surprising since between one half and
two thirds of the plots in these stands correspond to ST and ST–
LT structures, which accumulated most of the plot/stand log
biomass, and with the highest concentration in decay class III
(Fig. 4). In consequence, in both stands we observed that
grouped plots dominated by ST (lower mean diameter or QMD)
had a higher abundance of log biomass in the most advanced
decay class (III), and that grouped plots dominated by medium
and large trees (MT and LT; higher QMD) had a lower
abundance of log biomass, with intermediate values for plots
with IR and ST–LT structures (Fig. 4), and an overall strong
relationship of log biomass and QMD in both stands. Plots with
structures dominated by ST likely belong to areas where LT
have fallen and the original logs are decaying. This coincides
with Spies et al. (1988) and Lambert et al. (1980), who found in
young forest stands a high proportion of CWD biomass in the
most advanced decay class, indicating the occurrence of a
disturbance that generated large quantities of CWD that
decayed as the forest stand regenerated.
Overall, QMD and structural type as classified by proportion
of trees of different sizes prove to be good predictors of log
biomass. The type of structure with the classification used in
this paper has also proven useful to assess growth and
regeneration in Chilean old-growth forests (Donoso, 2005).
4.3. Comparisons with other temperate forests
There are few studies that have estimated CWD biomass in
temperate forests of the southern hemisphere. In Chile we know
of only the study by Carmona et al. (2002) in the evergreen
forest type in the Chiloe
´Island, who reported a CWD biomass
of 67 Mg ha
from 0.1-ha plots, a value intermediate between
the 89 Mg ha
that we reported for the Nothofagus-dominated
forest and the 59 Mg ha
reported for the Mixed-species forest
(Table 4). This is a reasonable comparison: canopy trees in old-
growth forest of south-central Chile (basically L. philippiana or
Podocarpaceae species in this case) have dominant heights
from 20 to 30 m, emergent N. dombeyi in the Andes have
heights that range from 40 to 50 m (Donoso et al., 1986; Parada
et al., 2003), and the dominant and/or emergent Eucryphia
cordifolia (Cav.) and Nothofagus nitida ((Phil.) Krasser) in
´usually reach 30–40 m in height (Donoso et al., 1985).
Since all these stands have basal areas close to 100 m
and a similar climate (408S in the Andes and 428S in the Chiloe
Table 4
CWD in old-growth temperate forests of North America and the southern hemisphere
Forest type Logs (Mg ha
) Snags (Mg ha
) CWD (Mg ha
Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
Conifers—North America
63 54–73 54 41–63 117 95–136
Broad-leaved deciduous—North America
25 16–38 11 36 27–49
Broad-leaved evergreen—New Zealand
96 78–119 94 53–176 191 130–296
Tall open Eucalyptus—Tasmania
447 270–615 53 25–70 500 292–683
Mixed broadleaved-conifer—Chile
Evergreen forest type
47 31–65 126 13–349 174 58–381
´–Tepa forest type
64 25 – 89
53 6 – 59
Spies et al. (1988).
Harmon et al. (1986).
Stewart and Burrows (1994).
Woldendorp et al. (2002).
Carmona et al. (2002).
This work.
There are no ranges because it is only one forest stand.
B.C. Schlegel, P.J. Donoso / Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 1906–19141912
Island), it is reasonable to expect a greater living and dead
woody volume from the forests with the tallest trees that
correspond also to pioneer species.
Compared to old-growth forests in other temperate
regions, the biomass of logs estimated in our study falls
behind the range of values estimated for conifer forests in the
western coast of North America, broad-leaved forests in New
Zealand and tall open Eucalyptus forests of Tasmania, is
about twice that estimated for deciduous forests of eastern
North America, and similar with CWD estimated from large
plots in the Ancud forests in Chile (Tab l e 4). The amount of
CWD is primarily a result of forest type, forest productivity (a
result of climate, soil and physiography) and disturbance
(Woldendorp et al., 2002). Forests dominated by tall
Eucalyptus in Tasmania or tall conifers in the Pacific
Northwest of the USA, and forests with pioneer emergent
trees (Nothofagus-dominated forest in this study or the
Nothofagus-dominated forests of New Zealand) have more
CWD than forests lacking these species. Regions with lower
site productivity and production, such as the eastern region of
the USA (Barnes et al., 1999), or the Mediterranean region of
New South Wales in Australia (Woldendorp et al., 2002),
attain lower CWD biomass.
Results in the present study also suggests that the
successional phase may be considered another variable that
affects CWD, since old-growth forests which retain emergent
early-successional or pioneer tree species have a greater living
and dead woody biomass than forests lacking this component.
Consistently, the Nothofagus-dominated stand with 40–50 m
tall emergent N. dombeyi trees in this study ranks first in CWD
biomass, followed by the Chiloe
´(Ancud) stands dominated by
the 30–40 m tall N. nitida and E. cordifolia trees, and lastly by
the Mixed-species stand of this study, which lacks emergent
trees. This can also be observed in the high amounts of CWD
reported for the New Zealand forests stands, which were old but
essentially even-aged (Stewart et al., 1991), with emergent
Nothofagus fusca trees, some sort of transition forest where
biomass is the greatest throughout succession (sensu Borman
and Likens, 1979).
We thank Roberto Godoy and Sabine Mu
¨ller-Using for
commenting on and revising this manuscript. This work was
supported by the International Foundation for Science D-3497-
1 to Pablo Donoso and Project FONDECYT No. 1050313.
Bastienne Schlegel acknowledges a Ph.D. fellowship from
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... To meet each country's emissions reduction commitments as part of the Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement (2015) and through REDD+ projects and programs, it is necessary to have information on forest C stocks and flows in the different forest types (Gower, 2003;Bonan, 2008;Keith et al., 2009;McKinley et al., 2011;Perez-Quezada et al., 2023;Idoate-Lacasia et al., 2024). While a wealth of data is available for the northern hemisphere (Luyssaert et al., 2007;Klein and Schulz, 2011;Krüger et al., 2012;Pan et al., 2013;Janowiak et al., 2017;Glatthorn et al., 2018;Westfall et al., 2023), especially in the temperate forests of South America serious data gaps remain (Weber, 1999;Gayoso, 2001;Carmona et al., 2002;Klein et al., 2008;Schlegel and Donoso, 2008;Peri et al., 2010;González et al., 2022;Perez-Quezada et al., 2023). ...
... In the same study, the authors reported for A. chilensis forests higher C densities than we did (108 vs. 76 Mg.C ha −1 ); this may be due to the fact that our plots of this forest type had only moderate stem densities. Our high living and dead biomass C density values of the N. dombeyi forests (228 Mg.C ha −1 ) were even smaller than values measured in Chilean Nothofagus-dominated old-growth forests (Schlegel and Donoso, 2008), probably reflecting higher precipitation and greater stand age. Similarly, evergreen broadleaved forest on perhumid Chiloe Island reached high biomass C densities between 286 and 384 Mg C ha −1 (Battles et al., 2002;Perez-Quezada et al., 2015). ...
Full-text available
Introduction Forests are a crucial part of the global carbon cycle and their proper management is of high relevance for mitigating climate change. There is an urgent need to compile for each region reference data on the carbon (C) stock density and C sequestration rate of its principal forest types to support evidence-based conservation and management decisions in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation. In the Andean Mountains of northern Patagonia, extensive areas of temperate forest have developed after massive anthropogenic fires since the beginning of the last century. Methods We used a plot design along belt transects to determine reference values of carbon storage and annual C sequestration in total live (above- and belowground biomass) and deadwood mass, as well as in the soil organic layer and mineral soil (to 20 cm depth) in different forest types dominated by Nothofagus spp. and Austrocedrus chilensis . Results Average total carbon stock densities and C sequestration rates range from a minimum of 187 Mg.ha ⁻¹ and 0.7 Mg.ha ⁻¹ .year ⁻¹ in pure and mixed N. antarctica shrublands through pure and mixed A. chilensis forests taller than 7 m and pure N. pumilio forests to a maximum in pure N. dombeyi forests with 339 Mg.ha ⁻¹ and 2.2 Mg.ha ⁻¹ .year ⁻¹ , respectively. Deadwood C represents between 20 and 33% of total wood mass C and is related to the amount of live biomass, especially for the coarse woody debris component. The topsoil contains between 33 and 57% of the total estimated ecosystem carbon in the tall forests and more than 65% in the shrublands, equaling C stocks of around 100–130 Mg.ha ⁻¹ in the different forest types. Conclusion We conclude that the northern Patagonian temperate forests actually store fairly high carbon stocks, which must be interpreted in relation to their natural post-fire development and relatively low management intensity. However, the current high stand densities of these forests may well affect their future carbon storage capacity in a warming climate, and they represent a growing threat of high-intensity fires with the risk of a further extension of burned areas in the future.
... First, high levels of standing living and dead tree biomass are expected under increased rainy conditions. Second, a marked biomass variation among Patagonian tree species (Peri et al., 2008) makes deadwood stock, a limiting resource for woodpeckers (Ojeda and Chazarreta, 2014), vary considerably between stands (Schlegel and Donoso, 2008). Forest composition not only varies in function of rainfall pattern. ...
... Forest composition not only varies in function of rainfall pattern. Some tree species supporting high levels of deadwood biomass, such as N. dombeyi and N. betuloides (Schlegel and Donoso, 2008), distribute in lowland forest and sites of intermediate altitude. Moreover, trees in the subalpine forest (mostly N. pumilio) are smaller in terms of canopy height and basal area because they grow on thin soils and are exposed to extremely low temperatures and considerable snow accumulation (Muñoz Schick, 1980;Pollmann and Veblen, 2004). ...
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Climate change-induced mortality of trees is a concerning phenomenon for global forest ecosystems. The rapid decay and death of long-lived trees can significantly impact forest dynamics, with effects that transmit through ecological networks, becoming more evident in organisms occupying high trophic levels, such as large and specialized woodpecker species. However, understanding how populations of high trophic level species respond to climate change is still a challenge. In this study it was analyzed 32-year data of social groups of the Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) in North Patagonia, a region facing increasingly frequent droughts and increased temperatures. A positive trend in the size of woodpecker social groups as a response to climate-induced tree senescence was tested. A causal structural equation model examining climate- tree senescence- woodpecker relationships was used. Increasing nonlinear trends and positive interannual growth rates (>10%) for tree senescence and group size were found. Lowland forest sites had higher levels of tree senescence and more numerous social groups. The causal model supported the positive effect of mean temperature on tree senescence and the positive association of woodpeckers with tree senescence. These results provide evidence of a climate-induced increase in tree senescence that causes an increase in the size of woodpecker social groups. It is suggested that accelerated decay and mortality of trees in the northern Patagonian forests will decrease the stocks of deadwood in the long term, threatening the persistence of this large woodpecker species.
... As a pioneer and dominant species in the forests ecosystems of Chile and Argentina, its large distribution spans from 35°S to 45°S, from the Mediterranean to the temperate climate (Donoso et al. 2014). Coihue has an important ecological role in the regeneration dynamics of temperate forests and is one of the native tree species that can reach high volume and biomass, with an essential role in carbon storage in this part of the continent (Gayoso & Guerra 2005;Schlegel & Donoso 2008). In Argentinean Patagonia, a massive mortality event Trees was recorded in a coihue population due to one of the most severe droughts of the twentieth century (1998-1999La Niña event, Suarez et al. 2004. ...
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There is evidence of recent declines in tree growth in the temperate forests of South America, due to the ongoing climate change. This study assessed growth-climate relationships and the xylem hydraulic architecture of coihue (Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst) trees exposed to the warmer and drier conditions of recent decades. We selected four coihue populations along a latitudinal gradient in the Andes, Chile, corresponding to a wide range of variation in growing season precipitation (northern dry to southern wet sites). Tree-ring width was measured in 24–32 adult trees per site during the last 60 years. We measured wood anatomical traits in a subsample of four trees per site during the last 25 years. All data were correlated with climatic variables. During the studied period, SPEI-6 passed from positive to negative in all sites. Basal area increment decreased by 1.7 mm² year⁻¹ over the period 1960–2020. Tree-ring width had a positive correlation with precipitation at the drier sites and a negative correlation with maximum temperature at the wetter populations. We estimated a density of 1.78 × 10–4 and 1.2 × 10–4 vessels µm⁻² in the xylem of dry and wetter sites, respectively. Vessel density had a negative correlation with precipitation at the driest site and a positive correlation with maximum temperature at wetter sites. The hydraulic diameter was smaller under drier conditions, reaching 68–75 µm in the driest and wettest sites, respectively. Among the traits measured, vessel density was the most sensitive to climate. Drier and warmer conditions were associated with an increased number of smaller sized vessels, especially at the northern populations. Compared with the southern populations of our gradient, the northern populations growing at the drier sites are more sensitive to the ongoing changes in climate, and potentially more vulnerable to the even drier conditions projected for the future.
... Site parameters such as stand establishment and quantity, grade, age, and management activities may affect the deadwood carbon stock in the forest. Our study found a deadwood carbon stock value of 20.37±2.68 in Taldanda and 9.77±2.33 in Dangdunge CF, which was much less than other estimates, e.g., 0 to >600 ton/ha (Bastienne and Pablo, 2008). ...
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Nepalese community forests are globally recognized for sustainable forest management and improving the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities, but their contribution to carbon sequestration in trees and soil is rarely studied. This study was performed to understand the effect of management practices on carbon stock of two community forests (CFs) - Taldanda (managed) and Dangdunge (unmanaged) - dominated by Sal (Shorea robusta) in the mid-hills of Nepal. Twenty-one concentric sample plots, each of 250 m2, were laid out in each forest to estimate different carbon pools and a stratified random sampling intensity of 0.5% used to collect data. Results showed significant (p<0.05) differences in above and below-ground biomass and carbon sequestration potential between the two CFs. The managed and unmanaged forests had total carbon stock of 269.3±27.4 and 150.0±22.7 ton/ha, respectively, demonstrating 1.79 times higher carbon stock in the former than the latter. The managed forest had significantly (p<0.05) greater mean soil organic carbon (SOC) stock than the unmanaged forest. The SOC was highest in the upper soil layer (0-10 cm), with a steady decrease as the soil depth increased. All other measured carbon pools values were higher in managed compared to unmanaged forest. The difference in carbon stock was due to the manipulation of different forest management activities, including thinning, timber extraction, fire control, grazing, and fuel wood/fodder extraction. The study suggests that the implementation of proper forest management would be necessary for enhancing carbon stock in forest trees and soils.
... In Chile, few studies have estimated forest carbon stocks. Total living and dead biomass carbon ranged between 310 and 470 Mg C ha −1 in Nothofagus-dominated old-growth Andean forests (Schlegel and Donoso, 2008). Total carbon stocks in an evergreen forest in the Chiloé Island reached between 286 and 384 Mg C ha −1 (Battles et al., 2002;Pérez-Quezada et al., 2015), and carbon stocks in broadleaved evergreen old-growth forests in Valdivia were estimated in 607 Mg C ha −1 , including living, dead biomass, and carbon from the 30-cm topsoil (Gayoso, 2001). ...
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Forest disturbances influence Fitzroya cupressoides forest structure and carbon stocks at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Natural disturbances such as landslides and volcanism affect and give rise to the mostly pristine Fitzroya stands present in the Andean cordillera. On the other hand, mostly human-caused fires and logging have been the main processes shaping the structure of Fitzroya stands in the Coastal range and of Fitzroya small remnants in the Central depression. The main goal of this study was to assess the carbon stocks and accumulation rates of Fitzroya forest stands according to their development stage under different disturbance regimes and environmental conditions given by the three physiographic units where the species grows (Coastal range, Central depression, and Andean range). The site selection included an age sequence of stands, known as a chronosequence approach. We identified Fitzroya post-disturbance stands in three different stages of development: young forest stage (mean stand age of the main cohort ≤ 200 years old), mature forest stage (200–800 years old), and old growth forest stage (800–1,500 years old). The following biomass components were considered: living standing trees, dead standing trees (snags), and logs from dead trees laying on the ground (coarse woody debris). Old-growth Fitzroya forests reached a mean total carbon stock (standing live trees, snags, and coarse woody debris) of 507, 279, and 331 Mg C ha ⁻¹ in the Andean and Coastal ranges, and Central depression, respectively. Fitzroya cupressoides contributes, in average, more than 80% to the total carbon stock in the Andean and Coastal ranges, and 63% in the Central depression. The remainder corresponds mainly to Nothofagus spp. The high carbon stocks in old-growth stands in the Andean range are explained by Fitzroya longevity, larger size, wood decay resistance, and the low recurrence of volcanic events. Carbon accumulation rates differ between the forests in the three physiographic units (Central depression>Andean range>Coastal range), mainly due to the different growth rates and environmental conditions present in each unit. In the context of climate change, conserving old-growth stands with large biomass and carbon stocks and restoring Fitzroya forests should be recognized as a key contribution toward national and global goals to mitigate global warming.
... Yet, we lack key information such as rate of loss, location, and exact remnant area for intact forests in the Valdivian ecoregion. In the same region, structural components of old-growth forests have been documented, such as the presence of long-lived and large trees, high accumulation of basal areas, high accumulation of trunks, and dead woody material, complex vertical structures, among others [9,10,30,[32][33][34]. However, these structural components are difficult and expensive to measure, which limits their use in large areas (>1 km 2 ). ...
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Forest degradation continues to increase globally, threatening biodiversity and the survival of species. In this context, identifying intact, old-growth forest stands is both urgent and vital to ensure their existence and multiple contributions to society. Despite the global ecological importance of the Valdivian temperate rainforests, they are threatened by forest degradation resulting from constant and intense human use in the region. Identification of remnant intact forests in this region is urgent to global forest protection efforts. In this paper, we analyzed whether forests-canopy alterations due to logging produce a distinctive canopy gap structure (e.g., a gap area and a fraction of canopy gaps in the forest) that can be used to remotely distinguish intact from altered forests. We tested this question by comparing the canopy gap structure of 12 old-growth temperate rainforests in south-central Chile (39–40° S), with different levels of canopy alterations due to logging. At each stand, we obtained aerial or satellite very high spatial-resolution images that were automatically segmented using the Mean-Shift segmentation algorithm. We validated the results obtained remotely with ground data on the canopy gap structure. We found that, in the variables, canopy gap fraction, gap area frequency distribution, and mean gap area could be measured remotely with a high level of accuracy. Intact forests have a distinct canopy gap structure in comparison to forests with canopy alterations due to logging. Our results provided a fast, low-cost, and reliable method to obtain canopy gap structure indicators for mapping and monitoring intact forests in the Valdivian ecoregion. The method provided valuable information for managers interested in maintaining and restoring old-growth forest structures in these southern-temperate rainforests.
... dominated forests of southern Chile. These forests have an average of 877 tons biomass per ha in the AGB live pool (Schlegel and Donoso 2008). ...
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Background Natural forests cover approximately 29% of New Zealand’s landmass and represent a large terrestrial carbon pool. In 2002 New Zealand implemented its first representative plot-based natural forest inventory to assess carbon stocks and stock changes in these mostly undisturbed old-growth forests. Although previous studies have provided estimates of biomass or carbon stocks, these were either not fully representative or lacked data from important pools such as dead wood (coarse woody debris). The current analysis provides the most complete estimates of carbon stocks and stock changes in natural forests in New Zealand. Results We present estimates of per hectare carbon stocks and stock changes in live and dead organic matter pools excluding soil carbon based on the first two measurement cycles of the New Zealand Natural Forest Inventory carried out from 2002 to 2014. These show that New Zealand’s natural forests are in balance and are neither a carbon source nor a carbon sink. The average total carbon stock was 227.0 ± 14.4 tC·ha − 1 (95% C.I.) and did not change significantly in the 7.7 years between measurements with the net annual change estimated to be 0.03 ± 0.18 tC·ha − 1 ·yr − 1 . There was a wide variation in carbon stocks between forest groups. Regenerating forest had an averaged carbon stock of only 53.6 ± 9.4 tC·ha − 1 but had a significant sequestration rate of 0.63 ± 0.25 tC·ha − 1 ·yr − 1 , while tall forest had an average carbon stock of 252.4 ± 15.5 tC·ha − 1 , but its sequestration rate did not differ significantly from zero (− 0.06 ± 0.20 tC·ha − 1 ·yr − 1 ). The forest alliance with the largest average carbon stock in above and below ground live and dead organic matter pools was silver beech-red beech-kamahi forest carrying 360.5 ± 34.6 tC·ha − 1 . Dead wood and litter comprised 27% of the total carbon stock. Conclusions New Zealand’s Natural Forest Inventory provides estimates of carbon stocks including estimates for difficult to measure pools such as dead wood and roots. It also provides estimates of uncertainties including effects of model prediction error and sampling variation between plots. Importantly it shows that on a national level New Zealand’s natural forests are in balance. Nevertheless, this is a nationally important carbon pool that requires continuous monitoring to identify potential negative or positive changes.
... In the absence of forest management, uneven-aged forests naturally produce a high quantity and diversity of DWD as mortality progressively occurs in each cohort (eg. Goebel and Hix, 1996;Schlegel and Donoso, 2008;Travaglini et al., 2012) and via recurring disturbance events (Hagemann et al., 2010;Pedlar et al., 2002). However, DWD abundance has declined in managed compared to unmanaged forests, because of active removal and reduced biomass inputs, which have historically been a common part of forest management practices (Goodburn and Lorimer, 1998;Vanderwel et al., 2008). ...
Natural forest disturbance events can influence soil biogeochemical processes in two ways-by creating downed woody debris (DWD; fallen tree boles or branches) and by creating canopy gaps that alter forest microclimate. DWD represents a substrate for microbial growth and a persistent store of carbon and nutrients, but microbial activity is also sensitive to temperature and moisture. We studied the potential interaction of DWD and canopy gaps on soil microbial processes, and wondered if microclimatic conditions resulting from the manipulation of forest structure would be enough to inhibit production, thereby altering a critical ecosystem process. Gaps and DWD (>10 cm diameter) were added to a maturing, even-aged, second-growth northern hardwood forest (the Flambeau Experiment; N Wisconsin, USA) to enhance structural complexity and promote key ecosystem processes typically associated with late-successional forests. We investigated the influence of DWD and gaps on soil microbial community composition, extracellular enzyme activity and soil characteristics. Soils were sampled near intermediately and highly decayed DWD and 2 m away from DWD (control) in gaps and closed canopy a decade after manipulation. DWD decomposition influenced the surrounding soil differentially depending on decay class and canopy condition. Mean C-and P-potential extracellular enzyme activities (BG, BX and AP) were enhanced near highly decayed DWD in gaps. The relative abundance of bacteria (actinomycete, anaerobic, gram-negative and gram-positive) remained constant in gaps but decreased from May to August in closed canopy. In gaps, soil total exchangeable cations increased by 34.6%, available phosphorus by 152% and fungal to bacterial ratios by 23.3% but temperatures decreased by 3.42% suggesting that canopy condition continues to affect soil properties and microbial processes a decade after gap creation. These results highlight the contribution of DWD to the forest floor and the influence of decaying wood characteristics on belowground ecosystems critical to future forest productivity. Retaining or adding heterogeneously distributed DWD of varying decay status may be essential to maintain ecosystem functions associated with nutrient cycling and microbial community dynamics in managed forests.
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Resumen Los restos lignocelulósicos de gran tamaño (RLC), constituyen la necromasa en ambientes boscosos, y cumplen variadas funciones ecosistémicas. Se evaluó el volumen, necromasa, y estados de descomposición de RLC muertos, en un bosque templado de antiguo crecimiento (BTAC) dentro del Parque Nacional Puyehue, Centro-Sur de Chile. En 10 parcelas de 900 m2, se cuantificó los RLC (≥ 10 cm ϕ), cuya necromasa se clasificó empleando una escala de cinco categorías/estados de descomposición (1= menor degradación y 5= mayor degradación). Se encontró 632 m3 ha-1 de madera muerta (= 231,5 Mg ha-1 de necromasa), representados principalmente por Nothofagus betuloides (95,2%), siendo los troncos (52,7%) y ramas (35%), las estructuras vegetales más representativas (554,3 m3 ha-1 ≈ 203 Mg h-1). Estos resultados demuestran que los BTAC del sur de Chile son importantes reservas de litera leñosa gruesa, que contribuye a la biogeoquímica de estos complejos y remotos ecosistema. Abstract Coarse woody debris (CWD) are the necromass in wooded environments and comply with various ecosystems functions. Volume, necromass, and decay states of CWD dead in an old-growth temperate (OGTF) forest in Puyehue National Park, South-Central Chile were evaluated. In 10 plots of 900 m2 CWD was quantified (≥ 10 cm diameter), whose necromass classified using a scale of five categories/stages of decay, necromass (1 = lowest and 5 = highest degradation). We found 632 m3 ha-1 of deadwood (= 231,5 Mg ha-1 of necromass), mainly represented by Nothofagus betuloides (95,2%), being logs (52,7%) and branches (35%), the most representative plant structures (554,3 m3 ha-1 ≈ 203 Mg h-1). These results demonstrate that the OGTF of southern Chile are significant reserves of coarse woody debris, which contributes to the biogeochemistry of these complex and remote ecosystems. Restos lignocelulósicos de gran tamaño (necromasa) en un bosque templado de antiguo crecimiento del sur de Chile YACHANA Revista Científica, vol. 4, Edición Especial (noviembre de 2015) pp. 213-221.
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The global expansion of forest plantations at the expense of natural forests, especially old‐growth forests, raises concerns about habitat loss and a decline in ecosystem services. Natural regeneration of second‐growth forests with minimal human assistance has been suggested as a cost‐effective way to restore forests and increase forest ecosystem service potential. However, it is unclear whether natural regeneration will lead to the development of second‐growth forests similar to natural forests because most naturally regenerated second‐growth forests are still young. We present a case study of a very old second‐growth forest in southeastern China in which a forest plantation established approximately six centuries ago has now developed into an old forest with extraordinary high biodiversity levels, an immense carbon pool, and a rich culture. The forest was established in the 14th century because of a charitable contribution, became protected under the Chinese cultural norm of ‘unity between humans and the nature’, and was conserved because of the belief that the prosperity of people is closely linked to the prosperity of trees. The recent designation of the forest as a nature reserve further protects it from development despite competing land‐use demands related to recent economic growth. This case illustrates that, although human activity is the main cause for the disappearance and degradation of many forests, when human interests and cultural values align second‐growth restoration and subsequent forest conservation can lead to the successional development of old‐growth forests. Because this development takes multiple centuries, the protection of current second‐growth forests within conservation easements (e.g. nature reserves) and the reformation of culture values for the linkage of forests to human well‐being are key aspects of the continued conservation‐aided succession of second‐growth forests. A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article.
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Summary 1 We studied the importance of fallen logs as recruitment sites for tree species, their role in species coexistence, and also the influence of canopy openness and litter depth on tree species establishment in mid-successional and old-growth temperate rain forests of Chiloé Island, southern Chile. 2 Old-growth (OG) stands showed significantly more fallen logs than mid-successional (MS) stands. Concomitantly, the proportion of seedlings and saplings established on logs was significantly greater in OG than MS stands. 3 Of 13 tree species found at our study sites, eight showed a significant bias towards establishment on logs, especially those in advanced stages of decomposition. 4 In some stands, all seedlings of Eucryphia cordifolia , Laureliopsis philippiana , Not- hofagus nitida , Tepualia stipularis and Weinmannia trichosperma occurred on decaying logs, whereas all Podocarpus nubigena seedlings were found on undisturbed soil sites. 5 Small-seeded species were more common on logs, whereas large-seeded trees occurred on soil. 6 On soil, litter depth negatively affected local abundance of log-dependent seedlings, suggesting that variation in litter accumulation influences species distributions across the forest floor mosaic. 7 The density of shade-intolerant seedlings was more enhanced by the presence of fallen logs under closed canopy than by the occurrence of canopy gaps over soil sites. 8 Seed size plays an important role in successful establishment of species across the mosaic of fallen logs and different litter depth on the forest floor. We suggest that this mosaic of microsites is an important factor for species coexistence.
This book offers a broad geographic scope and conceptual focus that establishes general principles and guidelines for forest and wildlife management. Balanced in approach, it discusses both the macro and micro approaches to forest management and addresses how to implement and fund various plans.