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Thin oxide films (100nm) grown on silicon (100) substrates were characterized by Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC). Three samples were analyzed: (a) prepared by electron beam evaporation; (b) prepared by atomic-layer chemical vapor deposition method, with H2O and HfCl4 as precursors; (c) prepared by metal organic chemical vapor deposition with tetrakis-diethyl-aminohafnium and O2 as precursors. The radioactive 181Ta isotopes used as PAC probes appeared in the samples after the β-decay of 181Hf. These isotopes were introduced, in the cases of samples prepared by chemical vapor deposition, by ion implantation. In the case of samples prepared by electron beam evaporation, the PAC isotopes 181Hf were produced by neutron activation of the film by the reaction 180Hf(n,γ)181Hf. PAC measurements were carried out at room temperature after annealing at different temperatures from 773K up to 1273K in air. The PAC technique allows to determine the electric field gradient at the probe sites. In this way, the crystallization of the hafnium oxide films was monitored, characterizing at a nanoscopic level the atomic surrounding of the probes.

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... Die Gitterstruktur muss dabei zwar vorgegeben werden, die genaue Lage der Atome wird dann aber wieder iterativ berechnet, bis nur noch verschwindende Kräfte auf die Atome wirken. Filmen [Quil10]. Zu letzterem gehören die in [Stef07] durchgeführten und bisher unveröffentlichten Vorarbeiten an neutronenaktivierten 100 nm-Schichten, welche identisch zu den in diesem Kapitel nach Ionenimplantation gemessenen Schichten ( Kap. 6.4) sind. ...
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Angefangen bei Kupferoxid (CuO) als einem der ersten, in größerem Maßstab verwendeten Halbleitern überhaupt, bis hin zu den Arbeiten der letzten Jahren an Elektroden aus transparenten, elektrisch leitfähigen Oxiden (TCO), spielten Oxidhalbleiter oder -isolatoren in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine durchgängig wichtige Rolle. Da die meisten Elemente des Periodensystems mindestens ein stabiles Oxid ausbilden, resultiert dies in einer Vielzahl von Materialien unterschiedlichster Eigenschaften und auch Phasen und damit auch einer Fülle möglicher Anwendungsgebiete. Am Beispiel der drei Oxidverbindungen des Hafniums, Galliums und Aluminiums wurde die Methode der gestörten γ-γ-Winkelkorrelation (PAC) unter anderem in Abhängigkeit der Probentemperatur angewendet. Die kernphysikalische Messmethode der PAC fasst die Hyperfeinwechselwirkung eines radioaktiven Sondenkerns mit dem Gradienten des elektrischen Feldes (EFG) am Sondenplatz im Wirtsgitter in messbare Größen. Da diese Wechselwirkung kurzreichweitig ist, ist die PAC sensitiv auf die nächste Umgebung der Sondenkerne. Hieraus erhält man Informationen über die Gitter- und Defektstruktur des Wirtsgitters. Eingesetzt wurden dabei die PAC-Sondenkerne 111Cd und 181Ta, welche durch Ionenimplantation in die Proben eingebracht oder mittels Neutronenaktivierung in den Proben produziert wurden. Den Experimenten mit den einzelnen Materialien übergeordnet ist die genauere Betrachtung dynamischer Hyperfeinwechselwirkungen, insbesondere jener, welche in Folge des Zerfalls des Mutterisotops181In zum Sondenkern 111Cd via Elektroneneinfang (EC) auftreten. In den Spinkorrelationsfunktionen R(t) äußern sich diese als ungewöhnlich starke Dämpfung der Spektren durch eine zusätzliche Wechselwirkung. Die dynamischen Wechselwirkungen an111Cd sind jedoch nicht durch die Eigenschaften des Wirtsmaterials gegeben, sondern werden durch die Sonde selbst erzeugt und es kann gezeigt werden, dass diese bei Verwendung anderer Sonden wie181Ta oder dem EC-losen Zerfall des 111mCd nicht auftreten. In der Literatur findet sich dafür der Name „electron-capture after-effect” (Elektroneneinfangsnachwirkung, ECAE). Beim HfO2 wird dabei besonders die Hyperfeinwechselwirkung dünner Schichten mit Dicken von 2,7 nm bis 17nm und 100 nm untersucht. Es zeigen sich stark uneinheitliche Feldgradienten und ein großer Einfluss der Probenoberfläche auf die Messung. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Wechselwirkungsfrequenz der Hyperfeinwechselwirkung νq mit der Schichtdicke des Oxides skalieren sollte und dass das temperaturabhängige Verhalten, welches von der thermischen Expansion des Gitters geprägt ist, auch dieser Skalierung unterliegt. Bedingt durch die Nähe zur Oberfläche kann bei hohen Temperaturen Sauerstoff aus den Proben entweichen und so das Oxid degradieren. Die untersuchten Ga2O3-Schichten werden durch Oxidation von GaN bei 1223 K an Raumluft produziert. Der Aufbau der Oxidschicht wurde dabei schrittweise mit der PAC verfolgt. Die Oxidation wird mit mehreren Proben bei gleicher absoluter Oxidationszeit aber unterschiedlicher Aufteilung in Zwischenschritte wiederholt. Insgesamt zeigten sich die Ergebnisse reproduzierbar, die auftretenden Unterschiede der Hyperfeinwechselwirkungen sind wahrscheinlich von externen, bei der Oxidation schwankenden Größen, gegeben. Bei der Vermessung derAl2O3-Proben in PAC-Ofen und Kryostat steht der Versuch im Vordergrund, das temperaturabhängige Verhalten der Hyperfeinwechselwirkung durch zusätzliche Dotierung zu manipulieren. Die Messungen mit dem Sondenkern111Cd zeigen bei den untersuchten Materialien das gleiche tendenzielle Verhalten: So liegen bei Ga2O3 und Al2O3 zwei spezifische Übergangstemperaturen vor, eine im Tieftemperaturbereich von 50 K bis 150 K und eine weitere bei hohen Temperaturen im Bereich von 500 K bis 850 K. Mit HfO2 werden nur Messungen oberhalb Raumtemperatur durchgeführt, so dass sich hier nur der Übergang bei hohen Temperaturen zeigt. Unter- bzw. oberhalb dieser Übergangstemperaturen liegen die Sonden vermehrt in ungedämpfter, statischer Umgebung vor. Im Zwischenbereich, welcher die Raumtemperatur bei den untersuchten Materialien immer einschließt, liegen die Sonden hingegen vorwiegend in einer stark gedämpften, als dynamisch angesehenen Wechselwirkung vor. Der bei Raumtemperatur hohe Sondenanteil in dynamischer Wechselwirkung bei Messungen an der Sonde 111Cd wird üblicherweise als Folge des Elektroneneinfangs (ECAE) des Mutterkerns 111In angesehen. Der Rückgang dieses Sondenanteils bei hohen Temperaturen wird in der Literatur als Rekombination von Löchern nahe oder an der Sonde mit Elektronen aufgefasst; das Hochtemperaturverhalten würde damit abhängig vom Elektronentransport. Entsprechend geht das in dieser Arbeit auf die Messungen angewandte analytische Modell zum ECAE von einem thermisch aktivierten Übergang von der dynamischen Defektwechselwirkung zur Statischen aus. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die hieraus berechnete Übergangsrate Γr an Ga2O3 und Al2O3 nicht durch makroskopische Größen, wie z.B. der Leitfähigkeit des Materials, erklärt werden kann, sondern eher durch Sprungprozesse zwischen der Sonden und deren nächsten Nachbarn. Der Anstieg bei hohen Temperaturen wäre daher durch ein Auffüllen der Löcher mit Elektronen aus flachen Donatorzuständen (Ga2O3) oder mit Elektronen aus dem Valenzband in von der Sonde selbst ausgebildete Akzeptorzustände(Al2O3) erklärbar. Der Übergang zu kleinen Temperaturen ist nicht vollends verstanden und wurde bisher mit phononenunterstütztem Tunneln von Elektronen zur Sonde erklärt. Im Vergleich mit theoretischen Berechnungen von Varley et al. (Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012), 081109) zeigt sich aber eine auffällige Übereinstimmung von Materialien, welche kleine Polaronen in Form von gebundenen Löchern („self-trapped holes”, STH) ausbilden, zu jenen an welchen der ECAE mit der PAC beobachtet wurde. Das Tieftemperaturverhalten könnte dann mit der Annahme erklärt werden, dass nach der thermischen Aufbringung einer Aktivierungsenergie die beim EC-Zerfall des 111In generierten Löcher an die Sonde gebunden werden. Die eigentlich dazu notwendige lokale Gitterverzerrung müsste dabei nicht von den Löchern selber generiert werden, sondern wäre bereits durch die Anwesenheit der Sondenkerne gegeben. Dementsprechend wird ein geringerer Wert der Aktivierungsenergie bestimmt, als von Varley et al. vorhergesagt wird. Diese Bindung der Löcher an die Sonde wird in dieser Arbeit als Ursache der dynamischen Wechselwirkung angesehen. Durch Dotierung von Ga2O3 und Al2O3 soll dieses temperaturabhängige Verhalten beeinflusst werden.
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In this chapter Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) experiments on binary oxides are described. These experiments provide local-scale fingerprints about the formation, identification, and lattice environment of defect complexes at the PAC probe site. The potential of the PAC observations in conjunction with ab initio calculations is shown. Measurements of the electric-field gradient at impurity sites using 111Cd and 181Ta probes are reviewed. Special attention is paid to oxides with the bixbyite structure. The case of In2O3 is particularly analyzed. Results obtained with HfO2, in form of coarse grain or nano particles, are described. The potential results that can be obtained from Density Functional Theory ab initio calculations in doped systems are shown describing the main results observed in many impurity-host systems.
The evolution of the environment of Hf sites in a hafnium-alkoxide-modified polysilsesquioxane upon polymer-to-ceramic transformation was investigated via the perturbed angular correlation (PAC) method. The results of the PAC measurements on samples thermally treated at temperatures from 400 to 1300 °C indicate that Hf is surrounded only by oxygen at all studied temperatures. This finding is in agreement with the evolution pathway of polymer-derived SiHfOC ceramics, which were reported to be generated as single-phase amorphous materials upon pyrolysis of alkoxide-modified polysiloxanes and subsequently to phase separate and crystallize towards HfO2/SiOC nanocomposites. Thus, the results presented here support our previous statement that there is a thermodynamic control on the phase separation and crystallization behavior of Si
As HfO 2 appears as a good candidate to replace SiO 2 in Si complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor devices, a refined knowledge of the possible solid-state reactions between Si and HfO 2 is valuable. Being the Perturbed Angular Correlations technique a very sensitive method to detect small changes in solid state, the goal of this work is to follow the different stages that occur while ball milling a blend Si-HfO 2 by inspecting the hyperfine quadrupole interaction at Hf sites. The characterization is complemented by X-ray diffraction analysis. For comparison, a similar study on pure m-HfO 2 is carried out. The results seem to reveal a gradual incorporation of Si in a tetragonal defective phase of hafnia with milling time. In addition, the formation of precursor arrays of the HfSiO 4 structure takes place. After an annealing at 1000 • C an important amount of crystalline hafnon appears.
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The hyperfine field at 181 Ta lattice sites in a nanostructured HfO 2 thin film was studied by the perturbed angular correlation (PAC) technique. The thin oxide film was deposited by pulsed laser ablation on a silicon substrate kept at 673 K. The thickness was about 25 nm. The radioactive 181 Hf ions were produced by neutron activation of the very thin film in the Portuguese research reactor by the reaction 180 Hf(n,γ) 181 Hf. PAC measurements were carried out at room temperature after annealing at different temperatures up to 1,473 K in air. The PAC technique allows determining the electric field gradient at the 181 Ta probe sites. The 181 Ta isotopes appear in the sample as disintegration product of 181 Hf.
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In vision systems the image processing represents a bottle neck because the big amount of information that should be analyzed. Working with variant spaces over the visual field has been widely proposed as a way to reduce such information. Foveal vision is one of these proposals by providing a way to transform the visual field obtained with conventional cameras into a sampling with high resolution at the center and decreasing over the periphery such as in mammal vision systems. In this paper, an FPGA based architecture to transform conventional images into foveal images is presented. The hardware algorithm has been taken from new proposal to foveate images. Strategies as parallelism and pipeline are exploited to obtain a high performance and thus, with both of them, reduction in the visual field and the transformation in real time of the digital images into foveal images, a vision system can accelerate its performance and reaches real time restrictions
Electron beam evaporation was employed to deposit hafnium on silicon (100) substrate, followed by a rapid thermal oxidation process to fabricate hafnium dioxide thin film. Hafnium was transformed to hafnium oxide above a oxidizing temperature of 500 °C. An interfacial layer of hafnium silicate was observed between HfO2 and silicon substrate. Oxidation temperature greatly affects interfacial quality and leakage current of the film.
The aim of this work was to find the suitable high-k dielectric compound to be used as gate dielectric in MOS devices. Thin films of zirconia (ZrO2), zirconium silicate (ZrSixOy), hafnia (HfO2) and hafnium silicate (HfSixOy) with thickness in the nanometer range have been obtained by pulsed laser deposition (PLD), assisted or not by radio-frequency discharge.For thin films of ZrO2 and HfO2, high purity targets of metallic Zr and Hf, respectively, have been ablated in oxygen reactive atmosphere. Alternative ablation of Zr and Si, respectively, Hf and Si targets in oxygen reactive atmosphere was used to obtain thin films of ZrSixOy and HfSixOy. Laser fluence (3–6J/cm2), oxygen pressure (10−3 to 10−1mbar) and laser wavelength (355 and 532nm) were varied during deposition.The thin films were investigated using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and secondary ion mass spectroscopy, electrical characterization. Low leakage current values (in the range of 10−3 to 10−7A/cm2) were measured for all thin films deposited by radio-frequency beam assisted pulsed laser deposition (RF-PLD). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy investigations showed surface roughness of the order of a few angstroms, for films deposited by RF-PLD.
A Zr(10 mol % Pr)O2 powder obtained by high-energy ball milling has been investigated at nanoscopic scale using primarily the Perturbed Angular Correlations technique. The aim has been to determine the nanoconfigurations around Zr4+ cations present in the solid solution and their thermal evolution with the intention of providing knowledge on the stability of the system. Results indicate that the milled product is a substitutional cubic solid solution described by two hyperfine interactions: a highly disordered interaction due to oxygen vacancies located very close to Zr4+ and an ordered interaction probably depicting a charge distribution including Pr3+ as nearest neighbor to Zr4+ probes. On cooling from high temperatures, monoclinic zirconia appears mostly at the expense of the oxygen defective cubic form. A gradual cooling indicates that destabilization of the solid solution takes place around 500°C. Thermal cycling leads to increasing amounts of the monoclinic phase.
Charge trapping in high-permittivity metal oxides (Al2O3, ZrO2, and HfO2) grown on (100)Si using various types of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was studied using generation of electron-hole pairs in the oxide by 10 eV photons. For most of the CVD methods, thin (≈5 nm) oxide films exhibit positive charging suggesting hole trapping as most efficient charge trapping process. Negative charge is observed only in as-deposited nitrogen-containing films grown from Hf(NO3)4. The trapped positive charge depends only weakly on the HfO2 thickness indicating that holes are trapped in a silicon oxide interlayer grown between the Si and HfO2 during deposition, which is further affirmed by enhanced positive charging after additional oxidation of the samples at high temperatures. The work function of the metal electrode material has a large influence on hole trapping in thin oxides, indicating electron exchange between the metal and defect states in the oxide. In addition, trapping of positive charge correlates with liberation of atomic hydrogen during electron-hole pair generation pointing to a considerable contribution of protonic species to the charge. Electron trapping increases with thickness of oxide layers and appears strongly sensitive to both the method of oxide deposition and post-deposition processing. This suggests the electron traps to be related to defects and/or impurities incorporated into the oxide film during deposition. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.
The Mössbauer effect and perturbed angular correlation techniques have been used to investigate the nature and thermal stability of Zr and Fe surroundings in a solid solution of zirconia and 15 mol% hematite obtained by mechanical mixing. Hematite incorporates completely into the zirconia lattice, resulting in a substitutional cubic structure that remains stable over a wide thermal range. Upon annealing at 900°C, a 20% decrease in the iron solubility occurs, accompanied by the cubic to tetragonal zirconia transformation. Both the cubic and the tetragonal crystalline solid solutions exhibit two local coordinations for each one of the probes. The presence of the charge-balancing oxygen vacancy, which appeared after Fe3+ substitution for Zr4+ and located as a nearest neighbor to host and dopant cations, is reflected by the most disordered interaction, which shows similar characteristics for the cubic and the tetragonal polymorphs. The other local coordination, described at Zr sites by an electric field of phase-dependent intensity, has been thought to depict a direct interaction between very near Fe and Zr cations.
This paper deals with a perturbed angular correlation investigation of the microstructure and subsequent thermal evolution of a commercial ZrO2-2. 8 mol% Y2O3 ceramic powder and of a pellet obtained upon sintering the powder at 1450°C. The perturbed angular correlation results, complemented by those of X-ray diffraction and Raman spectrometry, indicate that the metastable tetragonal phase exhibits two hyperflne interaction forms instead of the interaction associated with the conventional t-ZrO2 phase, both having different oxygen vacancy configurations around zirconium sites. While the powder sample exhibits mainly a very defective tetragonal form, the pellet exhibits a slightly distorted one as the major form. As temperature is increased, a reversible transformation between both forms occurs involving a redistribution of the oxygen vacancy. Once the transition is completed, the oxygen vacancy movement is described by a fast relaxation regime with an activation energy Eact= 0. 50 ± 0. 04 eV.
HfO2 films were grown by atomic layer deposition from Hf[N(CH3)2]4 and H2O on Si(100) substrates in the temperature range of 205–400 °C. Around 250 °C, nearly amorphous but dense films grew without marked dependence of their physical properties on the process parameters, such as Hf[N(CH3)2]4 pulse length. Incomplete reaction between adsorbed alkylamide species and water at the lowest temperatures, and thermal decomposition of the precursor at the highest temperatures were the likely reasons to increased impurity content and deterioration the film properties. At intermediate temperatures, films with permittivity of 15–16 and breakdown fields 4–5 MV/cm could be grown. The residual hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen contents in the as-deposited films were marked, exceeding several at.%. Hydrogen content was reduced 4–5 times by annealing procedures.
We report on growth behavior, structure, thermal stability and electrical properties of ultrathin (<10 nm) hafnium oxide films deposited by atomic layer deposition using sequential exposures of HfCl4 and H2O at 300 °C on a bare silicon surface or a thin thermally grown SiO2-based interlayer. Compared to good quality continuous films deposited on SiO2 surfaces, HfO2 deposited on HF-last treated Si surfaces show a non-uniform, island-like morphology and poor electrical properties due to poor nucleation on H-terminated Si. As-deposited films have a significant amorphous component and undergo crystallization to a monoclinic phase above ∼500 °C. Crystallization behavior is found to be dependent on film thickness with higher crystallization temperatures for thinner films. HfO2 on an ultrathin SiO2 interlayer shows good electrical properties with gate leakage current reduced by a factor of 103–104 with respect to conventional SiO2 gate dielectrics which justifies its consideration as a candidate for high-K dielectric for future CMOS devices.
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