
The Unified Modeling Language for Object-Oriented Development

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... Cognitive-Task Analysis (CTA) is used to analyze and model the cognitive processes that gave rise to farmers' task performance in farming systems (Jonassen 1997;Chipman et al. 2000). Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to represent the decision-making problem in a standard and readily usable form for computer programming (Booch et al. 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos 2006). ...
... CTA includes a step to map the different tasks, identify the critical decision points and cluster, link and prioritize them and characterize the strategy used to face them (Klein 1989). CTA has a wide and varied pool of methods among which the most frequently used are structured interviews, verbal protocol analysis ('think-aloud' protocols, retrospective verbal protocols), and critical decision methods (Klein 1989) ; 3) Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to represent the decisionmaking problem in a standard and readily usable form for computer programming (Booch et al. 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos 2006). UML is a standardized object-oriented modeling language in the software engineering field (Booch et al. 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos 2006).UML is an efficient way to transcribe and abstract information for modeling purposes due to its similarity to knowledge objects (Milton and Kazmierczak 2006). ...
... CTA has a wide and varied pool of methods among which the most frequently used are structured interviews, verbal protocol analysis ('think-aloud' protocols, retrospective verbal protocols), and critical decision methods (Klein 1989) ; 3) Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to represent the decisionmaking problem in a standard and readily usable form for computer programming (Booch et al. 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos 2006). UML is a standardized object-oriented modeling language in the software engineering field (Booch et al. 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos 2006).UML is an efficient way to transcribe and abstract information for modeling purposes due to its similarity to knowledge objects (Milton and Kazmierczak 2006). UML has been used as ontology language (Cranefield and Purvis 1999;Pinet et al. 2009). ...
In semi-arid regions, agricultural production systems depend greatly on irrigation and encounter increasing challenges (depletion of natural resources, high volatility in market prices, rise in energy costs, growing uncertainty about climate change). Modeling farming systems and how these systems change and adapt to these challenges is particularly interesting for policy makers to better assess their flexibility and resiliency. To understand the ability of farming systems to adapt, it is essential to consider the entire decision-making process: from long-term decisions at the farm scale to short-term decisions at the plot level. To this end, the thesis conceives a flexible and resilient agricultural production system under a context of water scarcity and climate change. It provides a step-by-step methodology that guides data acquisition and analysis and model design. It proposes a simulation model NAMASTE that simulates the farmers' decisions in different time and space scales, represents the interactions between farmers for resource uses and emphasizes the feedback and retroaction between farming practices and changes in the water table. The model was initially developed to address critical issues of groundwater depletion and farming practices in a watershed in southwestern India. Its structure, frameworks and formalisms can be used in other agricultural contexts.
... As a broader understanding of the underlying details of the Mercury System was developed, the design of the simulator was further refined and modularized. The Unified Modeling Language (UML), a third generation object-oriented modeling language, was utilized to formalize the simulator's requirements in software terms [21]. UML is a language for specifying, visualizing, and constructing the artifacts of complex software systems. ...
... UML is a language for specifying, visualizing, and constructing the artifacts of complex software systems. It simplifies the complex process of software design and provides a blueprint for construction [21]. The primary goals of UML are as follows: (1) object is composed of another object). ...
... The initial (pseudo) state is shown as a small solid filled dot representing any transition to the enclosing state [21]. A final (pseudo) state is shown as a small filled dot enclose by a circle representing the activity in the enclosing state [21]. ...
... CTA includes a step to map the different tasks, identify the critical decision points and cluster, link and prioritize them and characterize the strategy used to face them (Klein, 1989). CTA has a wide and varied pool of methods among which the most frequently used are structured interviews, verbal protocol analysis ('think-aloud' protocols, retrospective verbal protocols), and critical decision methods (Klein, 1989); 3) Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to represent the decision-making problem in a standard and readily usable form for computer programming (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006). UML is a standardized object-oriented modeling language in the software engineering field (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006).UML is an efficient way to transcribe and abstract information for modeling purposes due to its similarity to knowledge objects (Milton and Kazmierczak, 2006). ...
... CTA has a wide and varied pool of methods among which the most frequently used are structured interviews, verbal protocol analysis ('think-aloud' protocols, retrospective verbal protocols), and critical decision methods (Klein, 1989); 3) Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to represent the decision-making problem in a standard and readily usable form for computer programming (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006). UML is a standardized object-oriented modeling language in the software engineering field (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006).UML is an efficient way to transcribe and abstract information for modeling purposes due to its similarity to knowledge objects (Milton and Kazmierczak, 2006). UML has been used as ontology language (Cranefield and Purvis, 1999;Pinet et al., 2009). ...
The agricultural research community uses languages and approaches to model farmers’ decision-making processes but does not clearly detail the steps necessary to build a decision model. We propose an original and easily applicable methodology for modelers to guide data acquisition and analysis, incorporate expert knowledge, and conceptualize decision-making processes in farming systems. It combines decision-making analysis with a modeling approach inspired by cognitive sciences and software-development methods. It is organized into four steps:1)Problem Definition Specify the context and the initial research question. Chose the type of data to collect. 2)Case Study Selection Select case studies based on theoretical sampling approach to search for diversity instead of representativeness. 3)Data Collection and Analysis of Individual Case Studies Collect preliminary knowledge on the context domain. Select appropriate knowledge representations for the task. Use critical decision method to collect farmer’s knowledge and identify critical incidents disrupting farming management. Present an initial transcription of the knowledge collected to the farmer for verification, refinement, revision. Represent farmers’ knowledge with UML diagrams.4)The Generic Conceptual Model List similarities and differences between individual analysis and UML graphs. Use literature, experts and modelers to strengthen development of the generic model by formulating and adding complex concepts. Format the generic conceptual model with UML graphs.We applied the methodology to two research questions on water management, one in adeveloped country (France) and one in an emerging country (India). This methodology can be used in different contexts and will be a useful tool to guide modelers in building decision model in farming system
... The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has established itself as an industry standard for describing and designing software systems [10,4]. In January 1997, the language has been submitted to OMG as a proposal for a standard notation of object-oriented analysis and design techniques [1]. The language was implemented, in 1994, by G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, and I Jacabson by combining the concepts of OOA/OOD and Object modeling techniques. ...
... The language is defined as a set of description techniques suited for specifying, visualizing, and documenting object-oriented systems [1]. Similar to alternative software engineering methods, the UML language offers a collection of graphical and textual description techniques theoretically supposed to be understood by all software developers. ...
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The Unified Modeling Langue (UML) is one of the backbones of the software design since it has been widely used in constructing models of systems. Therefore, a clear understanding of this concept is highly recommended for software designers to achieve a common communication with stakeholders. However, UML is known to have some popular drawbacks that were addressed by many pioneers of the software design field. These issues that hinder UML for being widely used are lack of clear semantics, excessive size and complexity, and limited customizability. We will mainly focus on the lack of clear semantics in this paper because of its importance to perform a mapping between diagrammatic models and mathematical logic. Therefore, we will go deeply in establishing a solid relationship between UML and one of the well-known mathematical theories which is set theory.
... This section focuses on deriving the abstract business architecture of the Ev- erex capital transfer system from the AOM goal model and the requirements of Section 3. We deploy a service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach, with well-defined and self-contained components that provide a specified set of ser- vices [15] [42]. A technology-agnostic UML-component-diagram representation is chosen to illustrate the system architecture [2][47]. Figure 5 shows the UML notation elements used to illustrate the system architecture. ...
... They are used to expose required and provided interfaces of a component. Ports may specify inputs and outputs as they can operate uni-, or bi-directionally [2] [47]. Furthermore, sim- ilarly to the AOM goal model from Section 3, sticky men are used to depict the roles of involved entities and their interactions with the system. ...
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Transferring money and gaining access to credit across international borders is still complicated, time consuming and expensive. Existing money transfer systems suffer furthermore from long lines, exchange rate losses, counter-party risks, bureaucracy and extensive paperwork. An estimated two billion adults are unbanked and with no, or limited access to financial services. Providing workable financial services to this population is often tagged as a key step towards eliminating world poverty and bootstrapping local economies. Everex focuses on easing the financial inclusion problem by applying blockchain technology for cross-border remittance, online payment, currency exchange and micro lending, without the volatility issues of existing, non-stablecoin cryp-tocurrencies. This whitepaper fills the gap in the state of the art by presenting a blockchain-based capital transfer system that aims to lower financial inclusion barriers and provide financial services to the unbanked. We present the advantages of the system, outline the requirements and goals, as well as the architecture of the Everex financial ecosystem. In addition, we present the results of an Everex remittance system case-study that involves over 100 migrant workers from Myanmar.
... CTA includes a step to map the different tasks, identify the critical decision points and cluster, link and prioritize them and characterize the strategy used to face them (Klein, 1989). CTA has a wide and varied pool of methods among which the most frequently used are structured interviews, verbal protocol analysis ('think-aloud' protocols, retrospective verbal protocols), and critical decision methods (Klein, 1989); 3) Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to represent the decision-making problem in a standard and readily usable form for computer programming (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006). UML is a standardized object-oriented modeling language in the software engineering field (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006).UML is an efficient way to transcribe and abstract information for modeling purposes due to its similarity to knowledge objects (Milton and Kazmierczak, 2006). ...
... CTA has a wide and varied pool of methods among which the most frequently used are structured interviews, verbal protocol analysis ('think-aloud' protocols, retrospective verbal protocols), and critical decision methods (Klein, 1989); 3) Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to represent the decision-making problem in a standard and readily usable form for computer programming (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006). UML is a standardized object-oriented modeling language in the software engineering field (Booch et al., 1996;Papajorgji and Pardalos, 2006).UML is an efficient way to transcribe and abstract information for modeling purposes due to its similarity to knowledge objects (Milton and Kazmierczak, 2006). UML has been used as ontology language (Cranefield and Purvis, 1999;Pinet et al., 2009). ...
The agricultural research community offers languages and approaches to model farmers' decision-making processes but does not often clearly detail the steps necessary to build an agent model underlying farmers' decision-making processes. We propose an original and readily applicable methodology for modelers to guide data acquisition and analysis, incorporate expert knowledge, and conceptualize decision-making processes in farming systems using a software engineering language to support the development of the model. We propose a step-by-step approach that combines decision-making analysis with a modeling approach inspired by cognitive sciences and software-development methods. The methodology starts with case-based analysis to study and determine the complexity of decision-making processes and provide tools to obtain a generic and conceptual model of the decisional agent in the studied farming system. A generic farm representation and decision diagrams are obtained from cross-case analysis and are modeled with Unified Modeling Language. We applied the methodology to a research question on water management in an emerging country (India). Our methodology bridges the gap between field observations and the design of the decision model. It is a useful tool to guide modelers in building decision model in farming system.
... UML-ADs are a specification of UML [88] that focuses on the representation of workflows. There, control flows are represented by activities, decision nodes, gates, and directed control flow edges (Req. 1 (PD), see Figure 7). ...
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In the context of Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods are used to maximize the efficiency and flexibility of production processes. The adaptive management of such semantic processes can optimize energy and resource efficiency while providing high reliability, but it depends on the representation type of these models. This paper provides a literature review of current Process Modeling Languages (PMLs). Based on a suitable PML, the flexibility of production processes can be increased. Currently, a common understanding of this process flexibility in the context of adaptive workflow management is missing. Therefore, requirements derived from the business environment are presented for process flexibility. To enable the identification of suitable PLMs, requirements regarding this are also raised. Based on these, the PMLs identified in the literature review are evaluated. Thereby, based on a preselection, a detailed examination of the seven most promising languages is performed, including an example from a real smart factory. As a result, a recommendation is made for the use of BPMN, for which it is presented how it can be enriched with separate semantic information that is suitable for the use of AI planning and, thus, enables flexible control.
... Regarding non-functional requirements, these are related to the foundations of the system, in other words, related to the speed of the system, security, and even data integrity [28]. To understand the requirements needed to develop this application, a use case diagram was drawn, as shown in Figure 19, which was built using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [29]. The fundamental objective of a use case is to illustrate the way a user or system can interact with another system [30]. ...
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Crosswalks play a fundamental role in road safety. However, over time, many suffer wear and tear that makes them difficult to see. This project presents a solution based on the use of computer vision techniques for identifying and classifying the level of wear on crosswalks. The proposed system uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to analyze images of crosswalks, determining their wear status. The design includes a prototype system mounted on a vehicle, equipped with cameras and processing units to collect and analyze data in real time as the vehicle traverses traffic routes. The collected data are then transmitted to a web application for further analysis and reporting. The prototype was validated through extensive tests in a real urban environment, comparing its assessments with manual inspections conducted by experts. Results from these tests showed that the system could accurately classify crosswalk wear with a high degree of accuracy, demonstrating its potential for aiding maintenance authorities in efficiently prioritizing interventions.
... Regarding modeling techniques, the chosen references were, the UML web site (UML Web Site, 1997), UML 0.9 specification (Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson, 1996) and "Applying Use Cases", one of the world's references regarding this diagram (Schneider and Winters, 2001). These references were vital to understand and apply UML's modeling techniques. ...
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The average rate of fruit and other fresh food products that perishes during transport varies between 10 and 25%. This volume of losses justifies the need for quality control means. Under the Software as a Service (SaaS) paradigm, the Real-Time Logistic Monitoring (RTLM) system aims to respond to this problem through real-time monitoring of the conditions in which the fruit is transported. The RTLM project integrates a responsive web application, a monitoring services system, an Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) engine, a set of integrated services through sensor plugins developed with Arduino technology, and a Grafana dashboard instance.
... The main elements of a class diagram are their classes and relationships, i.e., dependency, association and generalization [15][16][17]. These are the relational building blocks of UML and the most important elements of object-oriented modeling [18]. Current UML class model verification methods are sufficient to check for correctness. ...
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Unified Modeling Language (UML) models are considered important artifacts of model-driven engineering (MDE). This can automatically transform models to other paradigms and programming languages. If a model has bugs, then MDE can transfer these to a new code. The class model is a key component of UML that is used in analysis and design. Without a formal foundation, UML can create only graphical diagrams, making it impossible to verify properties such as satisfiability, consistency and consequences. Different techniques have been used to verify UML class models, but these do not support some important components. This paper transforms and verifies unsupported components such as XOR association constraints and dependency relationships of a UML class model through ontology. We use various UML class models to validate the proposed ontology-based method, easy and efficient transformation and verification of unsupported elements. The results show this approach can verify large and complex models.
...  Graphical models. These models are mainly based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [22] and Entity-Relationship Model (ERM) [23]. UML is a standardized general-purpose modeling language used in software architecture description, which can represent the user and context aspects, as well as its relations. ...
Context-Aware Recommender System research has realized that effective recommendations go beyond recommendation accuracy, thus research has paid more attention to human and context factors, as an opportunity to increase user satisfaction. Despite the strong tie between recommendation algorithms and the human and context data that feed them, both elements have been treated as separated research problems. This document introduces MoRe, a comprehensive software framework to build context-aware recommender systems. MoRe provides developers a set of state of the art recommendation algorithms for contextual and traditional recommendations covering the main recommendation techniques existing in the literature. MoRe also provides developers a generic data model structure that supports an extensive range of human, context and items factors that is designed and implemented following the object-oriented paradigm. MoRe saves developers the tasks of implementing recommendation algorithms, and creating a structure to support the information the system will require, proving concrete functionality, and at the same time is generic enough to allow developers adapt its features to fit specific project needs.
... @BULLET to assure their quality (using reliable components, documented development process). During the preliminary analysis it was decided to use object-oriented technology (Booch, et al. 1997;Jacobson, 1992;Selic, et al. 1994). During the further analysis of the functionality of the controlled station (with which the project was concerned) the CP A was divided into CPAProtocol and CPAManager ( seeFig ...
In the paper products of the COMSOFT project are described. One of the goals of the project was to facilitate design of the protocol software for the CPA (Communication Protocol Adapter) of controlled station using object oriented approach. The results cover wide range of telecontrol protocols and for this reason they are called “generic”. The protocol software has been divided into two parts: protocol stack (CPAProtocol) and protocol adapter (CPAManager). During the case studies the model has been verified for two protocols: MODBUS and IEC 870-5-101 and proved to be useful.
... Popular object oriented methodologies such as Booch (Booch, 1994), OMT (Rambaugh et al., (991), UML (Booch et al., 1996) do not address the issues of OOA/OOD over CORBA, and do not take into account distribution issues. Moreover, these methodologies do not allow a formal description of requirements since they lack of a rigorous underlying mathematical model. ...
This paper discusses how a TRIO specification can be used to derive the CORBA-oriented high level design of a Supervision and Control System. The paper identifies a sequence of steps which allow the designers to define the application objects and their IDL interfaces, starting from a formal specification. In the paper such steps are presented by means of a case study, namely an airport ground traffic controller.
... The most used graphical description language is the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that can be used in the domain of product modeling although it comes from software engineering field [13]. Especially, the UML static class diagram is the most suitable for hierarchical product model representation. ...
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The study illustrated in this paper aims at analyzing the knowledge management issue related to product development. Especially, the focus is on the domains in which Knowledge-based Systems (KBE) and Design Automation (DA) tools could be adopted. In the past various studies, a lot of KBE and DA systems have been developed in multiple fields such as automotive, aerospace, energy, materials and manufacturing: the information treated in these studies are about data relatives to specific design, for example, of automotive engine components, aircraft structures, energy plants, advanced material and manufacturing or assembly lines. In all of these domain the organization and formalization of the knowledge is a critical issue. The adoption of a good strategy to manage data and information relative to products and processes involves benefits in the product development process. Different methodologies are described in literature. The two of the most used are the Object-Oriented (OO) and Ontology Engineering (OE) approaches. The former is one of the most common and adopted in the industrial domain, including a lot of implementations in the recent past years. The latter is more commonly used in other fields, like bio-engineering, used with the scope of management of experimental data; few implementation in industrial engineering have been considered. The article considers a brief description of the state of the art about Knowledge Based Engineering and Ontology Engineering. A case studies will be described and the benefits and disadvantages due to the use of the different methodologies will be discussed. Copyright © 2016 by ASME Country-Specific Mortality and Growth Failure in Infancy and Yound Children and Association With Material Stature Use interactive graphics and maps to view and sort country-specific infant and early dhildhood mortality and growth failure data and their association with maternal
... Some models included in this paper are built with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) from Object Administration Group. The requirement of UML notation and some direction on the practical use of UML may be found in Booch et al. (1997), Fensel et al. (2003, Azam et al. (2014) correspondingly. ...
Network Pharmacology ISSN 2415-1084 Volume 1, Number 4, 1 December 2016 Cover Pages [Front Pages (87K)] [Back Pages (79K)] Articles A mathematical model for dynamics of occurrence probability of missing links in predicted missing link list Network Pharmacology, 2016, 1(4): 86-94 WenJun Zhang [Abstract] [XML] [EndNote] [RefManager] [BibTex] [DOAJ] [PubMed] [ Full PDF (147K)][Supplementary Material (645K)] [Email Article] [Comment/Review Article] Comparative study of risk administration in centralized and distributed software development atmosphere Network Pharmacology, 2016, 1(4): 95-103 Riaz Shah, F. Bahadur, Sheraz Ahmed, Faiza Kanwal [Abstract] [XML] [EndNote] [RefManager] [BibTex] [DOAJ] [PubMed] [ Full PDF (177K)] [Email Article] [Comment/Review Article]
... Object-oriented design leads to an object-oriented decomposition and uses different notations to express the different models of the class and object structure. This chapter uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) (Booch et al. 1996) as a software engineering tool that supports the development of the topological consistency checker classes. UML is a third-generation method for specifying, visualizing, and documenting the components of an object-oriented system. ...
Geographic databases contain collections of spatial data representing the variety of views for the real world at a specific time. Depending on the resolution or scale of the spatial data, spatial objects may have different spatial dimensions, and they may be represented by point, linear, or polygonal features, or combination of them. The diversity of data that are collected over the same area, often from different sources, imposes a question of how to integrate and to keep them consistent in order to provide correct answers for spatial queries. This thesis is concerned with the development of a tool to check topological equivalence and similarity for spatial objects in multi-representation databases. The main question is what are the components of a model to identify topological consistency, based on a set of possible transitions for the different types of spatial representations. This work develops a new formalism to model consistently spatial objects and spatial relations between several objects, each represented at multiple levels of detail. It focuses on the topological consistency constraints that must hold among the different representation of objects, but it is not concerned about generalization operations of how to derive one representation level from another. The result of this thesis is a?computational tool to evaluate topological equivalence and similarity across multiple representations. This thesis proposes to organize a spatial scene -a set of spatial objects and their embeddings in space- directly as a relation-based model that uses a hierarchical graph representation. The focus of the relation-based model is on relevant object representations. Only the highest-dimensional object representations are explicitly stored, while their parts are not represented in the graph.
... As classes descritas no diagrama da Fig. 4 são conceituais e representam, de forma simplificada, as estruturas de dados da aplicação Web. Estas classes estão em conformidade com a terminologia descrita pela Modelagem de Objetos através da UML (Unified Modeling Language), apresentada por Larman (2000) e Booch (1997). ...
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The meshing process has been automatized through several algorithms under various computational systems to attempt the increasing " push " of meshing technology. In fact, human analysts expect to mesh complex domains constituted of thousands or even millions of elements with low level of interactions. In spite of high transparency, one difficulty arises: how to develop the necessary sensitivity to analyse the relationship between the mesh quality, in global sense, and the element quality, in local sense, with a minimum number of interactions? The objective of this paper is to provide a new quality measure to evaluate and compare both unstructured 2D-Meshes, in global sense, and their triangular elements, in local sense, called 'perimetral ratio' (" Relação Perimetral – RP "). This concept introduces five propositions and a virtual element of comparison, called 'equivalent ideal triangle' (" Triângulo Ideal Equivalente – TIE "). Its functionality becomes clear through a simple and didactic two dimensional meshing web application, that permits the evaluation of a given mesh, or a set of meshes, offering a measure of global quality and a respective local metric for each one of the elements. The web application was designed in an object oriented fashion using Java Language, in order to increase the access and to facilitate the ability for meshing construction and analysis. To demonstrate the process and the application capabilities, a set of Lake Superior´s meshes, that was generated by the Delaunay Refinement process, are measured.
... In this study, we will describe and explain the design of an Object Oriented Debugger Model by using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The UML has become the standard notation for object-oriented modeling system (Ali, 1999) The UML use the notations to express the design of a software system. The UML process model starts by seeking the requirement and ideas of the system via Use Case diagram, the identification the steps involve in each requirement in Activity diagram and define the external interfaces that need in the system. ...
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Debugging on computer program is a complex cognitive activity. Although it is complex, it's still one of the popular issues in computer programming task. It is a difficult task, which is to understand what the error is and how to solve such error? In computer programming the difficulty is to understand the Object-Oriented programming concept together with the programming logic. If the programming logic is incorrect, the program codes will have such error named as logic error and can caused highly maintenance cost. Logic error is a bug in a program that causes it to operate incorrectly, without terminating or crashing the program. It will produce unintended output or other behavior than what we are expecting. Method that use to develop a propose model Object Oriented Debugger is Unified Modeling Language (UML). It is the best choice model and suitable to design the Object Oriented Debugger which will be developed in an object oriented programming environment. The model will provide an ability to capture the characteristics of a system by using notations in the process of designing and implementing the system. The model of Object Oriented Debugger has been successfully implemented. This model has been developed using Unified Approach methodology, which consists of two methods such as Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object-Oriented Design (OOD). The model developed is to capture the structure and behavior of the Object Oriented Debugger by using the UML diagram. The model also can ease the readability of the documentation for the maintenance purposes. The design of the Object Oriented Debugger Model has been developed using the UML notation. It's consisting of two parts that are object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design. All the developing and designing are based on the model in UML.
... In software, the Unified Modelling Language (UML) [1] has had some degree of success in visualizing software development. With the advent of a variant of UML for systems engineering [2], UML 2.0, modelling the generic aspects of large and complex systems and software now becomes realistic. ...
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As Systems Engineering problems and solutions become more complex, it is harder for engineers to describe them and harder for reviewers and other stake‐holders to understand the descriptions. What is needed is a more powerful way of describing both problems and solutions, which combines the textual approach with the diverse world of modeling, including the use of visual representation. The result would be more accurate and complete system descriptions that are easier to understand and communicate for all stakeholders involved. In the Systems Engineering “sandwich”, requirements management is the “bread and butter” of the development cycle, and system modeling provides the “filling“. The role of the filling provided by modeling is to hold the requirements layers together, and provide richer rationale for relationships between those layers. In our opinion, the key to integrating requirements management with system model is the recording of design rational in an organized way. Such rationale explains why requirements have been decomposed in particular ways, and how one layer of requirements is intended to satisfy the layer above. The focus for such information is the “design document“. The following benefits are identified as accruing from an effective process integration of requirements management and system modeling: System modeling adds formality to the design process that lies between each layer of requirements. System modeling supports the construction of a consistent vocabulary for the textual expression of requirements. The design rationale gathered around the system model becomes the rationale for tracing between layers of requirements. The structure of the system model can be used to give structure to the requirements document. System models can be embedded in system design documents. These can provide textual context for the system model, giving rationale for design choices, explanations of diagrams, etc. Impact analysis can be carried out uniformly through requirements and models. Non‐functional and performance requirements not captured in the model can be managed as textual statements.
... Currently Unified Modelling language (UML) [71] is the de facto standard proposed by [12] to the Object Management Group. There are different types of diagrams in the UML Standard. ...
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Change impact analysis is error prone and time consuming when business architecture capabilities, enterprise service models, enterprise data models and UML design models are disconnected across multiple repositories. Software architecture rapid evolution is further complicating the management of this analysis especially since software sizing is not based on techniques like function point measurement. Whilst following the Design Science Approach, this study seeks to analyze, design and implement a software prototype which integrates business architecture capabilities and design models to facilitate change impact analysis. This paper specifically reports on the findings obtained from the first stage of this design science research cycles and proposes an approach to model Business Architecture Capabilities when design specifications and models are spread over more than one repository. It also presents the requirements for a prototype to implement the principles to model Business Architecture Capabilities of disconnected design models which are obtained and confirmed from literature and through observations and interviews of solution design specialists. Therefore this paper proposes by literature, interviews and observations: (1) The need to have a tool and meta-model to model from a Business Architecture Capabilities perspective when design specifications and models are spread over more than one repository, (2), a set of requirements outline this need (3), a high level design pattern for implementing a software toolset that integrates UML design models and enterprise architecture models using a unifying meta-model.
... Currently Unified Modelling language (UML) [71] is the de facto standard proposed by [12] to the Object Management Group. There are different types of diagrams in the UML Standard. ...
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Change impact analysis is error prone and time consuming when business architecture capabilities, enterprise service models, enterprise data models and UML design models are disconnected across multiple repositories. Software architecture rapid evolution is further complicating the management of this analysis especially since software sizing is not based on techniques like function point measurement. Whilst following the Design Science Approach, this study seeks to analyze, design and implement a software prototype which integrates business architecture capabilities and design models to facilitate change impact analysis. This paper specifically reports on the findings obtained from the first stage of this design science research cycles and proposes an approach to model Business Architecture Capabilities when design specifications and models are spread over more than one repository. It also presents the requirements for a prototype to implement the principles to model Business Architecture Capabilities of disconnected design models which are obtained and confirmed from literature and through observations and interviews of solution design specialists. Therefore this paper proposes by literature, interviews and observations: (1) The need to have a tool and meta-model to model from a Business Architecture Capabilities perspective when design specifications and models are spread over more than one repository, (2), a set of requirements outline this need (3), a high level design pattern for implementing a software toolset that integrates UML design models and enterprise architecture models using a unifying meta-model.
... The first step is to define which types of users will access the LIMS (roles and groups) and which authorization policies we have to apply to specific users (permissions on data and operations). Using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) [16] use case diagram (Figure 1), we collected desired roles (called "actors" in UML) and operations (called "actions" in UML). The two principal roles of the system are distinguished for the area in which they operate. ...
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Many biological laboratories that deal with genomic samples are facing the problem of sample tracking, both for pure laboratory management and for efficiency. Our laboratory exploits PCR techniques and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods to perform high-throughput integration site monitoring in different clinical trials and scientific projects. Because of the huge amount of samples that we process every year, which result in hundreds of millions of sequencing reads, we need to standardize data management and tracking systems, building up a scalable and flexible structure with web-based interfaces, which are usually called Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). We started collecting end-users' requirements, composed of desired functionalities of the system and Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), and then we evaluated available tools that could address our requirements, spanning from pure LIMS to Content Management Systems (CMS) up to enterprise information systems. Our analysis identified ADempiere ERP, an open source Enterprise Resource Planning written in Java J2EE, as the best software that also natively implements some highly desirable technological advances, such as the high usability and modularity that grants high use-case flexibility and software scalability for custom solutions. We extended and customized ADempiere ERP to fulfil LIMS requirements and we developed adLIMS. It has been validated by our end-users verifying functionalities and GUIs through test cases for PCRs samples and pre-sequencing data and it is currently in use in our laboratories. adLIMS implements authorization and authentication policies, allowing multiple users management and roles definition that enables specific permissions, operations and data views to each user. For example, adLIMS allows creating sample sheets from stored data using available exporting operations. This simplicity and process standardization may avoid manual errors and information backtracking, features that are not granted using track recording on files or spreadsheets. adLIMS aims to combine sample tracking and data reporting features with higher accessibility and usability of GUIs, thus allowing time to be saved on doing repetitive laboratory tasks, and reducing errors with respect to manual data collection methods. Moreover, adLIMS implements automated data entry, exploiting sample data multiplexing and parallel/transactional processing. adLIMS is natively extensible to cope with laboratory automation through platform-dependent API interfaces, and could be extended to genomic facilities due to the ERP functionalities.
... Rumbaugh's and Booch's methodologies became very popular, and in 1995, they joined forces and created the Unified Method (UM). Later on, Jacobson joined the two with his comprehensive method ObjectOry [17], thus creating the Unified Modeling Language (UML) [5]. Since the mid 1990s, UML became a ''de facto standard'' for modeling systems based on the OO approach. ...
The blockchain integration in supply chain management disrupts financial practices with IoT finance, hence enabling services across all physical commodity societies for automation and intelligence. However, this is a concern for the security of IoT finance. These troubles are addressed by the decentralized nature of blockchain, its immutability, and fast settlement. This paper explores a financial platform that employs a blockchain to address finance bottlenecks within the supply chain that necessitate credit transfer, fragmented information, and difficulties in clearing. Secure bank loans are provided through supply chain financing for strong enterprises thus ensuring working capital for all chain businesses. This platform, therefore, synchronizes bank account systems, automates fund flows, supervises processes, and settles accounts via smart contracts. The system is divided into four modules that use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture style and the Unified Modelling Language (UML). Assessments indicate enhanced security and a wider range of financial services for supply chain enterprises.
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Phân tích và thiết kế hệ thống thông tin là một phương pháp được sử dụng bởi nhiều doanh nghiệp thuộc các lĩnh vực khác như IBM, PepsiCo, Sony để tạo ra và duy trì các hệ thống thông tin nhằm thực hiện các chức năng kinh doanh cơ bản của doanh nghiệp như quản lý khách hàng, quản lý nhân viên và tính doanh thu. Mục tiêu chính của việc phân tích và thiết kế hệ thống là để cải tiến hoạt động của tổ chức, thường là thông qua việc áp dụng phần mềm để giúp cho nhân viên công ty có thể hoàn thành các nhiệm vụ một cách dễ dàng và hiệu quả. Việc thiết kế và phân tích các hệ thống thông tin là dựa trên: - Sự hiểu biết về mục tiêu, cấu trúc và hoạt động của doanh nghiệp. - Kiến thức về cách khai thác công nghệ thông tin cho sự phát triển của doanh nghiệp. Mục tiêu chính của việc phân tích và thiết kế hệ thống là cải tiến các hệ thống của tổ chức (cơ quan hoặc doanh nghiệp). Thông thường quá trình này liên quan đến việc phát triển hoặc mua lại phần mềm ứng dụng và huấn luyện nhân viên sử dụng nó. Phần mềm ứng dụng, cũng được xem là một hệ thống thông tin, được thiết kế để hỗ trợ một quy trình hoặc chức năng cụ thể của tổ chức như quản lý hàng tồn kho, quản lý nhân viên hoặc phân tích thị trường. Mục đích của phần mềm ứng dụng là chuyển dữ liệu thành thông tin. Bên cạnh phần mềm ứng dụng, hệ thống thông tin còn có các thành phần khác. Trong đó: - Phần mềm hệ thống và phần cứng. Phần mềm ứng dụng sẽ chạy trên hai thành phần này. Sự khác biệt giữa hai loại phần mềm này là phần mềm hệ thống hỗ trợ các chức năng của máy vi tính, còn phần mềm ứng dụng hỗ trợ các tác vụ của người dùng như soạn thảo văn bản, duyệt web. - Tài liệu hướng dẫn và đào tạo. Đây là các tài liệu được tạo bởi nhà phân tích hệ thống để giúp các nhân viên sử dụng phần mềm mà nhà phân tích hệ thống giúp tạo ra. - Vai trò công việc cụ thể, ví dụ như vai trò vận hành máy vi tính và giữ cho phần mềm hoạt động. - Điều khiển, kiểm soát. Đây là phần của phần mềm được viết để giúp ngăn chặn lỗi hoặc mất cắp. - Người dùng hệ thống. Sách có lưu ở các thư viện (libraries): 1. Trường ĐH Bách Khoa TpHCM: 2. NXB ĐHQG TpHCM: 3. ĐH HUTECH: 4. ĐH Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật Vĩnh Long: 5. Thư Viện Khoa Học Tổng Hợp TpHCM: 6. ĐH QG Hà Nội: 7. ĐH Quốc Tế Miền Đông: 8. ĐH Văn Lang: ...
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Distribution warehouses are a key element in competitive supply chains. However, although there is a growing need to reduce waste and non-value-adding activities to increase warehouse performance, insufficient research exists examining how warehouse managers can reduce operational waste in warehouse operations. To address these challenges, this article aims to validate a multi-method optimization approach for identifying and reducing operational waste in distribution warehouses. The approach integrates a unified modelling language activities diagram, system thinking method, value stream mapping, and Genba Shikumi, i.e., a quantitative tool based on successive correlation vectors and matrices, among other methods. Qualitative and quantitative information was used to validate the approach through an exploratory case study in Denmark. The significant research findings showed that the implemented approach is able to identify and prioritise the primary wastes in distribution warehouse operations. Furthermore, the study shows that the warehouse lead time could be reduced by 41.4% and the total value-added time by 81.5%, thus improving warehouse performance. Overall, the paper contributes to advancing knowledge and research on reducing operational waste in distribution warehouses by implementing an approach that helps companies identify and quantify the impact of non-value-adding activities. Lastly, findings suggest that the approach implemented could be applied in other similar contexts to identify and reduce waste to increase the performance of distribution warehouse operations.
The process of context recognition in dynamically changing transportation processes is quite complex. The complexity arises from many aspects of understanding the concept of “context”. When developing computer-based systems, it is important to define what is included and how the concept of context is understood. Of course, a fairly wide range of ICT infrastructure components can be integrated into the digitization of contextual data. Quite a variety of devices and software can be included to help capture environmental data: different wireless channels, heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (WNSs), different flow management and e-document management systems, and various monitoring systems. Heterogeneity arises when we want to include different sensors and different means of communication. Vehicles can also be equipped with a wide variety of specialized apparatus and systems. Roads are equipped with special tools and road infrastructure software components. One of the goals of this part of the study is the desire to convey a wide range of context recognition processes. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods can be used for context recognition and such components form the basis of intelligent service systems. The provision of smart services should be based on a wide range of management needs in freight transport processes. How primary data sources are incorporated into all possible interconnected infrastructures is analysed in this section.KeywordsContext awarenessInformation Communication Technology (ICT)Information Management System (IMS)Processing methodsData aggregation
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Perusahaan Terbatas Sumber Berkat Indonesia bergerak di bidang kontruksi, dalam menjalankan bisnis sering kali mendapat permintaan untuk membangun sebuah proyek di beberapa titik lokasi berjauhan di wilayah yang berbeda. Pada praktiknya karena banyaknya titik lokasi proyek dan saling berjauhan satu sama lain membuat pihak manajemen pusat kesulitan untuk melakukan monitoring, selain itu sering terjadi gesekan antara pengembang dengan masyarakat umum dikarenakan kurangnya komunikasi antara pengembang dengan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini untuk membangun sebuah sistem yang mampu menampung data pelaporan dari tiap – tiap mandor di setiap lokasi proyek dan menyediakan saluran komunikasi antara masyarakat dengan pimpinan perusahaan melalui fitur keluhan. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam Sistem ini menggunakan metodologi Rational Unified Process dengan tahapan berupa inception, elaboration, contruction dan transition. Dalam penelitian ini dapat dihasilkan sebuah sistem informasi geografis siap pakai dengan fitur utama yaitu laporan proges proyek dari mandor dan layanan keluhan masyarakat.
Das Ziel der Aktivitätsmodellierung ist die Modellierung von Aktivitätsflüssen, die insbesondere bei der Operationsmodellierung und der Worflowmodellierung eine Rolle spielen. Die wesentlichen Konzepte der Aktivitätsmodellierung sind Aktion (action), Aktionszustand (action state) und Zustandsübergang (transition).
Das Ziel dieser Technik ist es, den Lebenszyklus eines reaktiven Objektes anhand seiner Zustände zu modellieren. Ein Objekt wird als reaktiv bezeichnet, wenn sein Verhalten auf externe Ereignisse reagiert. Für ein reaktives Objekt können eine begrenzte Anzahl von verschiedenen Zuständen identifiziert werden. Diese Objekte besitzen einen eindeutigen Lebenszyklus. Der aktuelle Zustand eines Objektes ist durch die vorherigen Zustände geprägt. Zustandsdiagramme stellen den Kontrollfluss von Zustand zu Zustand dar.
Das Ziel beim Anwendungsfalltest ist es, die Vollständigkeit, Konsistenz und Korrektheit eines Anwendungsfalls sicherzustellen (vgl. auch Techniken Anwendungsfallmodellierung und Detaillierung des Anwendungsfallmodells). Hierzu ist der vollständige Ereignisfluss des Anwendungsfalls zu ermitteln und durchzuspielen. Zusätzlich wird die Prüfung des Anwendungssystems gegen die mit dem Anwendungsfall spezifizierten Anforderungen vorbereitet (vgl. Technik Anwendungsfallbasierter Systemtest). Die wesentlichen Konzepte beim Anwendungsfalltest sind Vor- und Nachbedingungen, Aktionen, Szenarien und Aktivitätsdiagramme.
Die Objektnavigation ist eine deklarative Beschreibungstechnik. Sie eignet sich zu einem späten Zeitpunkt der Analysephase für das Funktionsmodell von objektorientierten Anwendungen, die einen Fokus auf Datenbankzugriffen haben. Sie ist damit relevant insbesondere für objektorientierte betriebliche Informationssysteme, da in solchen die Datenbanken eine wichtige Rolle spielen.
Das Ziel dieser Technik ist eine Anleitung für die Überführung eines Klassenmodells in einen Programmrahmen. Für die zentralen UML-Konzepte der Klassenmodellierung werden Übergangshinweise vorgestellt. Die konkreten Abbildungsregeln hängen direkt vom Sprachumfang der Zielsprache ab und sind beschrieben in [SIZ1999a] und [SIZ1999b].
Das Ziel dieser Technik ist es, eine konsistente Modellierung zu gewährleisten.
Das Ziel dieser Technik ist es, Pakete bestehend aus Modellelementen beliebigen Typs zu bilden. Ein Paket ist eine Ansammlung von Modellelementen, die zur einer besseren Übersicht oder Manipulation, gruppiert sind.
Conference Paper
This paper studies the specification, mapping and the transforming of behavioral aspects of Open Distributed Processing Information Language, within the context of Model Driven Architecture. In order to specify the executable behavior of a system and to make the processes of the Information executable and controllable, the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing can be used as a meta-model for behavioral specifications. In the Information language the behavior is specified in terms of schema dynamic, processes, actions, state and the relationships between these concepts. In this work we describe how behavior process can be generated exploiting the benefits of a MDA approach. We define the behavior models by using UML profile and their transformations into BPEL artifacts. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2013.
Conference Paper
Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system is a safety-critical system; it is widely used to ensure trains running safely. During its development lifecycle, there are many safety problems which are derived from the requirements. In order to make descriptions of the requirements accurate and consistent, we introduce requirement models in the development lifecycle. The requirement models are built based on the modified state machine with text descriptions and the introduction of SuperState. In these models, the limitations of transitions are well defined and the complexity of the models can be reduced effectively. With this approach, the requirement of train localization function of ATP system is described clearly and strictly. Besides, this requirement model is easy to understand and read for developers.
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Software evolution is a change in software requirements. It is an indispensable part of both software development and software maintenance and it is one of the most common software processes. Change in software is the basic building block of the software evolution. Each change affects only a part of software and leaves the rest intact. Software change is described in terms of the so-called change minicycle, consisting of several phases: • change request • change planning, including of software comprehension and change impact analysis • change implementation, including restructuring for change, change localization, propagation of change • validation of change. The current problems with Year 2000 and Euro conversions are manifestations of the importance of research in this field. The purpose of the workshop is to gather the most active researchers and practitioners in the field of software evolution and change. The workshop will explore both the state of the art and state of
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