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The Effect of Methylsulfonylmethane on Hair Growth Promotion of Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate for the Treatment of Alopecia


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on hair growth promotion of magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (MAP) for the treatment of alopecia. Aqueous solutions of MAP 7.5% with or without MSM 1%, 5% or 10% were prepared and applied onto the depilated back skin of the male mice once a day for 20 days. The degree of hair growth was evaluated by visual scoring using hair growth quantification scale (0-5, 0 being initial state and 5 being complete hair growth). In vitro transdermal penetration and intradermal retention studies of MAP were performed with Franz diffusion cell using hairless mice skin. Hair growth in the group treated with the aqueous solution containing MAP 7.5% and MSM 10% was comparable to or better than the result in the group treated with minoxidil 5% solution. Hair growth promotion of MAP was dose-dependently increased by the presence of MSM used in combination with MAP 7.5% solution. The in vitro transdermal penetration of the MAP was decreased in proportion to the concentration of MSM. However, intradermal retention of MAP was profoundly and dose-proportionally increased as a function of MSM concentration, reaching 802 μg/cm2 in the presence of MSM 10% (200-fold increase). The effect of MSM on hair growth promotion of MAP was dose-proportional to the concentration of MSM due to the enhanced intradermal retention of MAP in the presence of MSM. Therefore, topical application of MAP together with MSM appears to be useful for the treatment of alopecia.
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Biomolecules & Therapeutics,
, 241-248 (2009) ISSN: 1976-9148(print)/2005-4483(online) DOI: 10.4062/biomolther.2009.17.3.241
*Corresponding author
Tel: +82-53-810-2822 Fax: +82-53-810-4654
Fig. 1.
The chemical structures of magnesium ascorbyl pho-
sphate (MAP) and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). (A) Magnes-
ium ascorbyl phosphate (MAP). (B) Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).
The Effect of Methylsulfonylmethane on Hair Growth Promotion of
Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate for the Treatment of Alopecia
Srinivasan S
, Rengarajan B
, Santhoshkumar N
Chul-Soon Y
, Han-Gon C
, Jong Soo W
, and Bong-Kyu Y
College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam University, Kyungsan 712-749, Republic of Korea
(Received April 10, 2009; Revised May 16, 2009; Accepted May 23, 2009)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on hair
growth promotion of magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (MAP) for the treatment of alopecia. Aqueous solutions
of MAP 7.5% with or without MSM 1%, 5% or 10% were prepared and applied onto the depilated back skin of
the male mice once a day for 20 days. The degree of hair growth was evaluated by visual scoring using hair
growth quantification scale (0-5, 0 being initial state and 5 being complete hair growth). In vitro transdermal
penetration and intradermal retention studies of MAP were performed with Franz diffusion cell using hairless
mice skin. Hair growth in the group treated with the aqueous solution containing MAP 7.5% and MSM 10%
was comparable to or better than the result in the group treated with minoxidil 5% solution. Hair growth
promotion of MAP was dose-dependently increased by the presence of MSM used in combination with MAP
7.5% solution. The in vitro transdermal penetration of the MAP was decreased in proportion to the
concentration of MSM. However, intradermal retention of MAP was profoundly and dose-proportionally
increased as a function of MSM concentration, reaching 802 μg/cm
in the presence of MSM 10% (200-fold
increase). The effect of MSM on hair growth promotion of MAP was dose-proportional to the concentration of
MSM due to the enhanced intradermal retention of MAP in the presence of MSM. Therefore, topical
application of MAP together with MSM appears to be useful for the treatment of alopecia.
Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, Methylsulfonylmethane, Alopecia, Hair growth, Skin per-
meation/accumulation, Permeation enhancer
Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (MAP) (Fig. 1A), a sta-
ble phosphate derivative of L-ascorbic acid has been re-
ported to stimulate growth of dermal papilla cells in vitro
(Hata and Senoo, 1989; Takamizawa et al., 2004) and in-
duce early conversion of telogen phase to anagen phase
of hair cycle in experiment with mice (Sung et al., 2006).
Furthermore, MAP treatment resulted in significant elonga-
tion of hair shafts in isolated hair follicles. Mechanism re-
sponsible for the growth stimulation of dermal papilla cells
and elongation of hair shafts has been suggested that
MAP induces proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects on
dermal papilla cells (Sung et al., 2006). This finding pro-
vided a potential that MAP might be useful for hair growth
promotion in the treatment of alopecia. However, because
of its hydrophilicity MAP has lower ability to penetrate the
skin barrier stratum corneum to produce its therapeutic ef-
fect (Spiclin et al., 2002; Yoo et al., 2008).
Srinivasan Shanmugam et al.
Table I.
Compositions of aqueous solution of MAP containing
various concentrations of MSM
MAP MSM Solvent
MAP 7.5% only 7.5% - Distilled water
MAP-MSM 1% 7.5% 1% Distilled water
MAP-MSM 5% 7.5% 5% Distilled water
MAP-MSM 10% 7.5% 10% Distilled water
MAP: magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, MSM: methylsulfonylme-
thane, MAP-MSM: MAP 7.5% in the presence of designated
concentration of MSM.
In transdermal drug delivery arena, several approaches
have been employed to lessen the barrier function of the
stratum corneum for enhanced penetration of drug of
choice, and one popular approach has been the use of
trandermal permeation enhancers (Godwin and Michniak,
1999; Asbill and Michniak, 2000). These are chemical
compounds that reversibly alter the barrier function of the
skin and enhance penetration. Among various classes of
permeation enhancers, those that enhance local skin-drug
concentrations (intradermal) and do not produce sig-
nificant transdermal enhancement (across the skin) are
considered ideal permeation enhancers for topical delivery
(Asbill and Michniak, 2000; Im et al., 2008). Myriad of re-
searchers reported the possible mechanisms and uses of
various penetration enhancers. However, despite major in-
terest in this research arena, very few penetration en-
hancers have been made commercially available because
of the limitations on selection based on their efficacy, lack
of toxicity, and compatibility with other components of the
transdermal system (Skelly et al., 1987). One of the ear-
liest and widely investigated penetration enhancers is
DMSO (Williams and Barry, 1992).
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), also known as dimethyl
sulfone or methyl sulfone (Fig. 1B), is an organic sul-
fur-containing compound that occurs naturally in a variety
of plants and animals including humans (Pearson et al.,
1981; Usha and Naidu, 2004; Ameye and Chee, 2006).
MSM is a normal oxidative metabolite product of dime-
thylsulfoxide (DMSO) and has been widely used as a diet-
ary supplement for the treatment of several indications
such as osteoarthritis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, interstitial
cystitis, and snoring (Childs, 1994; Barrager et al., 2002;
Blum and Blum, 2004; Kim et al., 2006). Like DMSO, MSM
is an aprotic solvent that can dissolve wide range of sol-
utes and is miscible with many solvents, and therefore
could be easily incorporated into pharmaceutical for-
mulations (Clark et al., 2008).
It is well known that much of the unique properties of
DMSO are related to its characteristic polar O-S bond,
which enables the compound to interact strongly with wa-
ter by forming hydrogen bonds. This interaction with water
is thought to be one of the key elements in the mechanism
of action of DMSO as a penetration enhancer (Franz et al.,
1995). Due to the structural similarity with DMSO, MSM is
expected to act as a skin permeation enhancer for various
medications by similar mechanisms (Engelen and Engelen,
2002). Structural similarity coupled with non-toxicity and
safety (GRAS Notice Number: GRN 229) as an oral nutri-
tional additive as well as unavailability of prior work, put
forth MSM a rightful candidate to explore its permeation
enhancing potential among many other permeation
In this study, we have hypothesized that hair growth pro-
motion effect of MAP can be improved by co-application
with MSM because of its skin permeation enhancing effect.
The purpose of this study was (1) to evaluate in vivo hair
growth promotion effect of MAP (in the absence and pres-
ence of MSM) using alopecia model of C57BL/6N mice
and (2) to substantiate the in vivo result with transdermal
penetration and intradermal retention of MAP in vitro.
Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, methylsulfonylmethane,
and methyl paraben were obtained from Wako Pure
Chemical Industries (Osaka, Japan). Thioglycolic acid
80% cream (Niclean Cream
, Ildong Pharmaceutical Inc.,
Korea) and minoxidil 5% solution (Minoxyl Solution
Hyundai Pharmaceutical Inc., Korea) were purchased from
a local pharmacy. Sodium phosphate monobasic mono-
hydrate and sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate were
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, Inc., (St. Louis, USA).
Metaphosporic acid and trichloroacetic acid were pur-
chased from Junsei Chemical Company Ltd., (Tokyo,
Japan). Methanol used was HPLC grade and all other
chemicals were of analytical grade and used without fur-
ther purification.
Preparation of MAP solutions
MAP (7.5 g) was accurately weighed and dissolved into
100 ml distilled water. Aliquots of this solution (10 ml) were
taken and added with 100, 500, or 1,000 mg of MSM to
make 1%, 5%, or 10% MSM in the MAP 7.5% solution. The
resultant aqueous solutions of MAP 7.5% alone or with
MSM 1%, 5% or 10% were thoroughly mixed with mag-
netic bar and used for in vitro or in vivo studies thereafter.
Compositions of aqueous solution of MAP containing vari-
ous concentrations of MSM are shown in Table I.
Hair Growth Promotion of Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate
Fig. 2.
Hair growth quantification scale. 0: initial state, 1: grey to
black coloration, 2: short visible hair, 3: sparse long hair, 4:
dense long hair, 5: complete hair growth.
HPLC analysis
The concentration of MAP in transdermal penetration
and intradermal retention studies, was assayed by HPLC
system (Shimadzu, Japan) equipped with Class VP com-
puter software, LC 10 AD VP pump, and SPD 10A UV-VIS
detector at 240 nm using methyl paraben as internal
standard. Column used was Inertsil CN-3 (4.6
×250 mm,
GL Science Inc, Japan) and mobile phase consisted of a
mixture of 0.02 M phosphate buffer and methanol (60:40,
v/v) adjusted to pH 2.3 with phosphoric acid. Flow rate was
0.8 ml/min and the injection volume of the sample was 20 μl.
The validation of the HPLC assay was performed by re-
peating five times a day for five consecutive days for MAP
concentration range of 50 ng/ml-100 μg/ml.
Animals care and procedures were conducted accord-
ing to the guidelines for animal use in toxicology (Society of
Toxicology USP 1989) and the study protocol was ap-
proved by the Animal Care and Use Committee, College of
Pharmacy, Yeungnam University. Six-week-old male mice
(C57BL/6N) and six-week-old male hairless mice were ob-
tained from Orient Bio (Seoul, Korea) and housed in
groups not exceeding six per cage and maintained under
standard conditions. The acclimation period was two
weeks before the experimental procedure with a dark/light
cycle of 12 h/12 h at the temperature of 23 ± 2
C. Food and
tap water were available ad libitum during the acclimation
Evaluation of hair growth promotion using alopecia
model in mice
The hair on the back of male C57BL/6N mice was re-
moved by electric clipper and depilated using thioglycolic
acid 80% cream (Niclean cream
, Ildong Pharmaceutical
Inc., Korea) one day before applying the samples. About
0.5 g of the cream was applied on the hair-clipped back of
the mice and allowed for 2 min. The cream and hair were
wiped off using cotton for depilation, and the back skin was
rinsed with plenty of distilled water to remove remaining
thioglycolic acid. The mice without significant wound on the
back were selected, randomly grouped, and used for hair
growth study. Freshly prepared aqueous solution (0.2 ml)
of MAP 7.5% alone or with MSM 1%, 5% or 10% was ap-
plied onto the depilated back of the mice (n=5) and allowed
to dry. The sample application was done once a day for
twenty days. Saline solution (0.9%) and Minoxyl
5% solution) were also used as negative and positive con-
trol, respectively. The degree of hair growth was evaluated
by visual scoring of hair growth quantification scale as re-
ported by Chen and his colleagues (0: initial state, 1: grey
to black coloration, 2: short visible hair, 3: sparse long hair,
4: dense long hair, 5: complete hair growth) (Fig. 2) (Chen
et al., 2005). Photographs of all mice in this study were tak-
en every five days for 20 days.
Transdermal penetration and intradermal retention
Hairless mice were sacrificed and full-thickness skin
was taken, followed by removal of subcutaneous fat.
Approximately 3 cm
of the trimmed skin was placed into
Franz diffusion cell with effective diffusion area of 2.27
. For transdermal penetration study, freshly prepared
aqueous solution (0.4 ml) of MAP 7.5% alone or with MSM
1%, 5% or 10% was applied on the skin and allowed to
spread over the skin. Donor compartment (epidermal layer
of the skin) remained unoccluded, but covered with a lid,
and the receptor compartment (dermal layer of the skin)
was perfused with distilled water maintaining temperature
at 37
C. Serial sampling of the receptor compartment was
performed at predetermined intervals (1.5, 3, 6, 9, and 12
h). Cumulative amount of MAP penetrated through the skin
was plotted as a function of time. The flux of MAP was cal-
culated by the slope of the linear portion of the curve,
which was achieved in 6 h.
For intradermal retention study, the effective diffusion
area of the mounted skin was cut off after transdermal pen-
etration study and washed with distilled water, and stored
in the deep-freezer until HPLC determination. For analysis,
the skin was homogenized with isotonic phosphate buffer
(pH 7.4) for 10 min in an ice bath. To 0.45 ml of the skin ho-
mogenate, 0.05 ml of internal standard (100 μg/ml) sol-
ution and 0.5 ml of extraction solvent (10% metaphos-
phoric acid:20% trichloroacetic acid:distilled water=2:4:4)
were added, and was subjected to sonication for 10 min
and centrifugation at 16,000 g for 3 min. The clear super-
Srinivasan Shanmugam et al.
Fig. 3.
Hair growth quantification score after application of MAP
in alopecia model of C57BL/6N mice (n=5). MAP: magnesium
ascorbyl phosphate, * and ** represent p0.05 and 0.01 com-
pared to negative control, respectively.
Fig. 4.
Hair growth quantification score after application of MAP
7.5% with or without MSM in alopecia model of C57BL/6N mice
(n=5). MAP: magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, MSM: methylsul-
fonylmethane, MAP-MSM: MAP 7.5% in the presence of desig-
nated concentration of MSM, * and ** represent p0.05 and
0.01 compared to MAP 7.5% only, respectively.
natant thus obtained was then analyzed for MAP by HPLC
utilizing the method described in HPLC assay section.
Data analysis
All the data obtained were analyzed using SPSS 12.0
for Windows and a significance level of p0.05 was used
to indicate the statistically significant difference between
data sets.
Aqueous solution (0.2 ml) of MAP was investigated for
the ability to promote hair growth in the alopecia model of
C57BL/6N mice. There was no significant difference be-
tween the MAP-treated groups and control group up to 10
day (Fig. 3). However, in 15
day, hair growth quantifica-
tion score in the mice treated with MAP 7.5% or above was
significantly enhanced compared to control group (p
0.05), and the hair growth status of the mice was “dense
long hair” in 20
day. MAP 5% also showed hair growth
promotion compared to control group in 20
day (p0.05),
but hair growth status of the mice was in the level of
“sparse long hair”. Hair growth status in the group treated
with MAP 2.5% was not different from control group even
in 20
The effect of MSM on the hair growth promotion of MAP
7.5% solution was investigated in the presence of MSM
1%, 5% or 10% (Fig. 4). MSM 1% did not result in sig-
nificant additive effect even after 20 days. However, MSM
10% demonstrated statistically significant additive effect
as early as in 10
day (p0.05), showing 2.50 ± 0.33 of
hair growth quantification score compared to 1.92 ± 0.33 in
the group treated with MAP 7.5% solution without MSM.
After 20 days of treatment, hair growth status in the group
treated with MAP 7.5% solution with MSM 5% or 10% was
“complete hair growth”, while it was still in the level of
“dense long hair” in the group treated with MAP 7.5% sol-
ution without MSM (p0.01). Furthermore, hair growth
rate in the mice treated with MAP 7.5% solution with MSM
10% was better than or similar to the mice treated with
minoxidil 5% solution. Photographs for hair growth status
in all groups tested are shown in Fig. 5.
Cumulative amount of MAP penetrated through the hair-
less mice skin during 12 h was 3.89 ± 0.41, 2.23 ± 0.39,
and 1.80 ± 0.24 μg/cm
in the presence of MSM 1%, 5%,
and 10%, respectively, while it was 4.17 ± 0.46 μg/cm
the absence of MSM (Fig. 6). Lag time for transdermal
penetration of MAP was about 1.5 h, and MAP was de-
tected in the receptor compartment of the Franz diffusion
cell after 3 h. When MAP was applied as 7.5% solution with
5% or 10% MSM, transdermal penetration of MAP was only
53.5% and 43.2% of the amount penetrated in the absence
of MSM, respectively (p0.01). Average flux of MAP calcu-
lated by the slope of the linear portion of each curve was
0.08080 ± .04, 0.0359 ± 0.01, and 0.0313 ± 0.02 μg
in the presence of MSM 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively,
while it was 0.2205 ± 0.02 μg
/h in the absence of
MSM (Table II). The flux of MAP in the presence of MSM
5% or above was less than one fifth of the flux in the ab-
sence of MSM.
The amount of MAP remaining in the skin (intradermal
Hair Growth Promotion of Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate
Fig. 5.
Photographs of hair growth status during treatment with MAP in the absence or presence of MSM. MAP: magnesium ascorbyl
phosphate, MSM: methylsulfonylmethane, MAP-MSM: MAP 7.5% in the presence of designated concentration of MSM, NC: negative
control (0.9% saline solution), PC: positive control (minoxidil 5% solution).
retention) after 12 h of transdermal penetration study was
10.5 ± 12.1, 62.0 ± 34.6, and 801.7 ± 156.0 μg/cm
in the
presence of MSM 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. It was
only 4.2 ± 5.9 μg/cm
when MAP was applied without MSM
(Fig. 7). Intradermal retention of MAP was exponentially in-
creased in the presence of MSM, reaching about 200-fold
when MAP was applied with MSM 10%.
Hair growth in animals periodically undergoes a con-
tinuous hair cycle, during which the hair follicle switches
between phases of growth and regression (Paus, 2006).
During the hair cycle, the growth phase (anagen) lasts for
two to seven years followed by transition and involution
phase (catagen), which lasts for one to two weeks, and fi-
nally the resting phase (telogen) that lasts for five to 12
weeks (Ellis et al., 2002). MAP was reported to enhance
the hair growth through anagen induction, which is consid-
ered one of the most effective strategies for treating hair
loss (Paus, 2006).
As a preliminary study, we investigated hair growth pro-
motion effect of MAP in alopecia model using black-haired
mice (C57BL/6N). Concentrations of MAP tested in this
study were 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%, because previous
researchers reported that MAP induced early conversion
from telogen phase to anagen phase of hair growth cycle
at 250 mM concentration, which is equivalent to about
7.25% of MAP (Sung et al., 2006). Hair growth quantifica-
tion score in the groups treated with MAP was in proportion
to the concentration of MAP up to 7.5% and plateaued
above this concentration. This result is consistent with the
Srinivasan Shanmugam et al.
Fig. 7.
Amount of MAP accumulated in hairless mice skin (n=5).
MAP: magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, MSM: methylsulfonyl-
methane, MAP-MSM: MAP 7.5% in the presence of designated
concentration of MSM, ** and *** represent p0.01 and 0.001
compared to MAP 7.5% only, respectively.
Table II.
Average flux of MAP in the skin penetration study (n=6)
MAP 7.5% only MAP-MSM 1% MAP-MSM 5% MAP-MSM 10%
Average flux (μg
/h) 0.2205 ± 0.02 0.0808 ± 0.04
0.0359 ± 0.01
0.0313 ± 0.02
MAP: magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, MSM: methylsulfonylemethane, MAP-MSM: MAP 7.5% in the presence of designated concentration of
p0.01 compared to MAP 7.5% only.
Fig. 6.
Amount of MAP penetrated through hairless mice skin
(n=5). MAP: magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, MSM: methylsul-
fonylmethane, MAP-MSM: MAP 7.5% in the presence of de-
signated concentration of MSM, * and ** represent p0.05 and
0.01 compared to MAP 7.5% only, respectively.
previous researchers’ finding that MAP promotes hair
growth (Sung et al., 2006).
Hair growth status in the group treated with combination
of MAP 7.5% solution and MSM 5% or 10% was sig-
nificantly better than the result found in the group treated
with MAP 7.5% solution only (p0.01). Notably, hair growth
in the group treated with MAP 7.5% solution and MSM
10% showed better than or similar to the group treated with
minoxidil 5% solution (positive control), which is consid-
ered a standard topical therapy for the treatment of
alopecia. Also remarkably, the hair growth status was in
proportion to the concentration of MSM, suggesting that
MSM played a role as a hair growth promotion agent. Due
to its high sulfur content, MSM has been believed to nour-
ish skin, hair, and finger nails (Richmond, 1986). So, we
performed a preliminary experiment to see if MSM itself
has hair growth promotion effect in the concentration
range of 1-10% using mice alopecia model. The experi-
ment, however, did not show any hair growth promotion ef-
fect of MSM in the concentration range tested. These find-
ings ruled out the probable hair growth ability of MSM and
demonstrated that the observed hair growth promotion in
MAP and MSM treated mice was only due to MAP.
However, the dose-dependent enhancement in hair
growth with increasing MSM concentration implied sig-
nificant role of MSM as a penetration enhancer, which
could have exerted its additive effect on the hair growth of
MAP 7.5% solution by enhancing transdermal delivery of
MAP to hair follicles in the dermis layer of the skin.
In the present study, based on the speculation above
(enhanced transdermal delivery of MAP with the aid of
MSM), we performed transdermal penetration study of
MAP 7.5% solution in the presence of MSM (1, 5, and
10%) using Franz diffusion cell. We expected that trans-
dermal penetration of MAP would be significantly in-
creased in the presence of MSM, because MSM is struc-
turally very similar to dimethyl sulfoxide, a very strong skin
permeation enhancer (van Engelen and van Engelen,
2002). Unexpectedly, in this experiment, the transdermal
penetration of MAP was significantly decreased when
MAP was applied with MSM concentrations of 5% or
above (Fig. 5) compared to control. This unexpected result
led us take into consideration that transdermal permeation
enhancers might be subdivided into several classes. In
fact, Asbill and his colleagues have categorized the en-
hancers into those that enhance transdermal penetration
across the skin, those enhance intradermal retention into
the skin, and those enhance both (Asbill and Michniak,
2000). In fact, accumulation of drug within skin without sig-
Hair Growth Promotion of Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate
nificant systemic appearance is the objective of any means
of topical delivery (Trommer and Neubert, 2006).
Accordingly, as an attempt to substantiate the possibility
of accumulation of MAP within the skin by MSM, we meas-
ured the amount of MAP remaining in the skin (intradermal
retention) after 12 h of transdermal penetration study.
Surprisingly, we found that the amount of MAP in the skin
was profoundly and dose-proportionally increased as a
function of MSM concentration. The increase was almost
about 200-fold in the presence of MSM 10%, compared to
the result in the absence of MSM (Fig. 7). Though, the ex-
act mechanism by which MSM enhances intradermal per-
meation of MAP is unclear now, MSM might have followed
the similar mechanism of DMSO due to the structural sim-
ilarity, principally with the possession of characteristic po-
lar O-S bond, which enables the compound to interact
strongly with water by forming hydrogen bonds. The hydro-
gen-bonding ability of a substance is a major determinant
of penetration. Therefore, the hydrogen-bonding groups of
the enhancers could indeed modify the penetration
(Abraham et al., 1995; Potts and Guy, 1995). Although
DMSO is considered a strong permeation enhancer, its
permeation enhancing effect is dose-dependent and in
general, more than 60% DMSO is needed for optimal per-
meation enhancing effect. Nevertheless, at such high con-
centrations, DMSO is reported to cause erythema and
wheals of the stratum corneum and may denature skin pro-
tein (Williams and Barry, 2003).
It is worth noting that MSM possesses two polar O-S
groups (Fig. 1B) that could have efficiently bound to water
of stratum corneum forming hydrogen bonds and aided
penetration of the solutes. Probably, the same reason
could be applicable for its penetration effectiveness even
at low concentration of about 10% or less compared
DMSO. It is possible that the high hydrogen bonding ability
of MSM might have perturbed the stratum corneum suffi-
ciently for the fast entry of MAP into the skin, while the low
concentration (and subsequent reduction in concentration
of MSM, due to its high penetration rate through the skin in
to the systemic/receptor compartment) may not be suffi-
cient to enhance the penetration of huge amount of MAP
accumulated in the skin to penetrate through the skin. It is
also possible that the strong interaction of MSM with water
molecules might have resulted in less hydrophilic environ-
ment for MAP which makes its partitioning difficult leading
to accumulation rather than further penetration (Kim et al.,
1999). Also, it appears that skin accumulation effect of
MSM was exponential to the concentration of MSM in the
formula applied to the skin. However, without further
mechanistic studies, we could not understand the exact
mechanism by which MSM exerts its skin accumulation
enhancing effect.
Despite the fact that the data reported do not directly re-
veal mechanistic information on percutaneous penetration
and enhanced intradermal accumulation, they do provide a
clear correlation of effect of MSM on the hair growth pro-
motion effect of MAP in vivo and substantial intradermal
accumulation of MAP in vitro, which was the primary ob-
jective of this study. Furthermore, this finding could be uti-
lized for optimization and exploitation of intradermal drug
delivery of MAP for the treatment of alopecia.
In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate
that topical application of magnesium ascorbyl phosphate
(MAP) and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is effective in
promoting hair growth in C57BL/6N mice in vivo. Authors,
first time to our knowledge report that, MSM could be used
as a penetration enhancer that augments hair growth pro-
motion of MAP in vivo through higher dermal accumulation
of MAP demonstrated by in vitro skin study. The pene-
tration enhancing effect of MSM was found to be dose-de-
pendent, both in vivo and in vitro. Overall, topical applica-
tion of MAP together with MSM appears to be useful for the
treatment of alopecia.
This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation
Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD, Basic
Research Promotion Fund) (KRF-2007-314-E00246).
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... The evidence also suggests that MSM is beneficial for skin nourishment, growth promotion, and hair quality improvement. For example, MSM was shown to nourish human skin [13], promote growth in broilers [14] and enhance hair growth in mice [15]. Our previous study demonstrated the beneficial effects of MSM on promoting hair quality in kittens [16]. ...
... In this study, miniature poodles (15)(16)(17)(18)(19) inches in length) were used as model animals. A total of 32 adult poodles (average age 3.5 ± 1.14 years) were randomly assigned according to sex and initial body weight (BW) to 1 of the 4 dietary treatment groups, each of which included 8 animals (4 females and 4 males). ...
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This study aimed to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and myo-inositol (MI) on hair quality, fecal microbiota, and metabolome in poodles. Thirty-two adult poodles categorized based on initial body weight and sex were randomly assigned to four groups. These groups (designated the CON, MSM, MI, and MSM + MI groups) received a basal diet, the same diet supplemented with 0.2% MSM + 0% MI, the same diet supplemented with 0% MSM + 0.2% MI, or the same diet supplemented with 0.2% MSM + 0.2% MI, respectively. The study lasted for 65 days. During the entire study period, body weight, average daily weight gain, feed intake, energy intake, and fecal output were normal in all the animals and did not differ significantly among the treatment groups. Hair scale thickness was lower in the MI and MSM + MI groups than in the CON group on Day 65 (p < 0.05). An amino acid analysis of the hair revealed higher sulfur content in the MI and MSM + MI groups on Day 65 than on Day 0 (p < 0.05). Moreover, the poodles in the MSM, MI, and MSM + MI groups presented significantly lower levels of Proteobacteria_unclassified and Candidatus Phytoplasma than did those in the CON group. The relative abundance of Gammaproteobacteria_unclassified was greater in the MSM and MI groups than in the CON group (p < 0.05). The MSM group presented a greater abundance of Glucerabacter than the CON group (p < 0.05). Compared with those in the CON and MSM + MI groups, the abundances of Paramuribaculum and Hafnia in the MSM group were greater (p < 0.05). The abundances of Enterobacter and Kineothrix were greater (p < 0.05) in the MI group than in the CON and MSM + MI groups. The poodles in the MI group presented significantly greater abundances of Bacteroidales_unclassified, Halanaerobium, Mycobacterium, and Erysipelotrichaceae_unclassified than did poodles in the CON, MSM, and MSM + MI groups. Fecal metabolomics analysis revealed that MSM, MI, and MSM + MI treatment markedly affected carbohydrate metabolism. MSM + MI treatment also influenced lipid metabolism. These findings suggest that dietary supplementation with MSM and MI can improve the hair quality of poodles.
... The isolated fraction contains almost 81% of dimethyl sulfone. Shanmugam et al., 2009 have proved that dimethyl sulfone has been effectively used for the treatment of alopecia [43]. The effect of the BE alcoholic extract can be attributed to the presence of Dimethyl sulfone, which is the major constituent of the isolated fraction. ...
... The isolated fraction contains almost 81% of dimethyl sulfone. Shanmugam et al., 2009 have proved that dimethyl sulfone has been effectively used for the treatment of alopecia [43]. The effect of the BE alcoholic extract can be attributed to the presence of Dimethyl sulfone, which is the major constituent of the isolated fraction. ...
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Background In Aayurveda, Blumea eriantha DC has been used in the management of various diseases and is found to exhibit antioxidant and anti-hyperlipidemic, hypoglycemic, anti-diarrhoeal, larvicidal, antimicrobial properties. Objective The present study has focused on isolation of the active fraction from B. eriantha DC extract and to investigate its effect as a hair growth promoter along with identification of phytoconstituent(s) responsible for hair growth activity and its probable mechanism of action. Materials and methods Our work introduces an effective isolation protocol for the active fraction from B. eriantha DC extract using chromatographic techniques. Fraction A was isolated by using mobile phase toluene:acetone (9:1). In-vitro and in-vivo methods were executed for the evaluation of hair growth activity. Moreover, the docked conformations of the isolated phytoconstituent Dimethyl sulfone was compared to Minoxidil for selected proteins namely 2FGF, 2PVC and 4U7P. The PDB identifications 2PVC (DNMT3L recognizes unmethylated histone H3 lysine 4), 4U7P (Crystal structure of DNMT3A-DNMT3L complex and 2FGF (Human Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor) were downloaded from Protein Data Bank. Results The study data revealed that B. eriantha DC alcoholic extracts exhibited prominent hair growth activity and it was affirmed that Dimethyl sulfone a phyto-constituent isolated from B. eriantha DC alcoholic extract contributed for the same. Conclusion The findings strongly suggest hair growth promotion potential of the extract of B. eriantha DC.
... Evidence for the growthpromoting function of MSM is also available. For example, MSM can nourish human skin (Muizzuddin and Benjamin, 2020), promote the growth performance of growing-finishing pigs (Ho et al., 2006), and stimulate hair growth in mice (Shanmugam et al., 2009). ...
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Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a natural sulfur-containing organic substance that has many biological functions, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, skin nourishing, and hair growth-promoting effects. This study was conducted to determine the effect of MSM supplementation on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, and hair quality in kittens. A total of 21 Ragdoll kittens were assigned to three diets by initial body weight and gender: basal diet supplemented with 0%, 0.2%, and 0.4% MSM (CON, LMSM, and HMSM groups) for 65 days. During the whole period, the food intake of kittens in the MSM-treated groups tended to be higher (P < 0.10) compared with the CON group, and the average daily gain (ADG) had no significant difference when compared to the kittens in the CON group (P > 0.05). Antioxidant capacity had no significant difference (P > 0.05) among the groups. The scale thickness of hair tended to be smaller in the LMSM group compared to the CON group (P < 0.10) and decreased significantly (P < 0.05) over time from d 0 to d 65 in the LMSM group, indicating the improvement of hair quality. Besides, supplementation with LMSM increased bacterial diversity. Kittens fed MSM had no significant differences in fecal genus at the end of the study. No significant differences in fecal short-chain fatty acids were observed among groups. Fecal metabolomics analysis further revealed that MSM hardly affected the metabolites. Overall, dietary supplementation with 0.2% MSM can improve the hair quality of kittens. Furthermore, 0.2∼0.4% of MSM had no detrimental effects on serum biochemistry, growth performance, gut microbiota, and metabolome, which supports the safety inclusion of MSM to a certain degree in feline diets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the effects of MSM supplementation in cats.
... Each of its components has been incorporated to potentially apply a multifaceted approach to the treatment of AGA (Table 1). Similarly, the formulation contains methylsulfomethane, designed to aid penetration of the active topical ingredients [32]. Since it is used as a topical formulation, it minimizes adverse or toxic effects that are sometimes experienced after the ingestion of botanical extracts. ...
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Introduction. Current approved medications for hair loss, such as topical minoxidil and oral finasteride, may have suboptimal efficacy or side effects precluding continued use in some patients. Thus, we report an evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a new topical botanical formulation -GASHEE containing over 12 phytoactive ingredients that affect multiple targets in the cascade of pathophysiologic events that cause hair loss. Five patients with various hair-loss conditions, including cases of previous treatment failures, are presented. Case Presentation. This is a case series of four women and one man with hair loss due to various causes, four of whom had failed minoxidil treatment for over a year. All patients used the topical treatment as a sole therapy for at least 3 months before the documentation of outcomes, which involved interval changes noted through each patient’s account, direct observation, and photography. Discussion. In all patients, we observed significant improvements in hair regrowth in the nape, crown, vertex, and temple areas after 3–15 months of treatment. All patients were highly satisfied with their results and reported no adverse events. Although the use of botanicals in the treatment of hair loss is in an infant stage, the new formulation used in this study demonstrated a good efficacy related to hair growth, warranting further evaluation.
... Due to the structural similarity with DMSO, MSM is expected to act as a skin penetration enhancer for many drugs by similar mechanisms (Nishino et al. 2008). Additionally, some studies proposed that MSM forms bonds with hair follicle in order to delivering sulfur to the cortex layer of the hair, and thus promoting the conversion of telogen to anagen phase (Shanmugam et al. 2009 ...
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Consuming functional foods and drinks such as kombucha tea is believed to give many beneficial effects for promoting immunity and preventing cancer. The fermented tea with sugar and symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria is also useful in the topical application for hair re-growth. This study aims to investigate hair re-growth properties of kombucha black tea and chamomile with and without methylsulfonylmethane. Treatments were applied topically to denuded Balb/c mice and observed for hair growth initiation time, density and length in 15 and 30 days in addition to microbiological identification of the main yeast and bacteria. Results showed significantly better hair density and length in groups treated with kombucha black tea with and without MSM, followed by kombucha chamomile tea with and without MSM respectively. In addition, it has been found that MSM promotes hair growth significantly when combined with kombucha ferments. Microbiological analysis indicated the presence of Zygosaccharomyces bailii and Acetobacter genus in the tea broth. Black tea kombucha with MSM can be used as a natural alternative therapy for hair fall and a cost-effective treatment with fewer side effects compared to the synthetic drugs.
... The positive subjective assessment of the MCN effect on the joints, mucosae, nails, and hair might be a result of the proprieties of its three components on these nonskin tissues. 10,12,16,21,30 These findings suggest that a separate trial to confirm any possible beneficial effects of the MCN on nonskin targets would be of value. ...
Objective: The aim: The purpose of this research was to find out the effect of Methylsulfonylmethane in minimizing hair loss. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Twenty adult Wister Albino mice weighing 25-35g and aged 6-7 weeks were employed. Male mice's coat hairs on the dorsal skin were carefully clipped and then colored. Mice were randomly assigned into four groups, each with five animals: (1) Control group: Treated with D.W. (2), Minoxidil (5%) treated group (3), Methylsulfonylmethane (10%) treated group (4), Methylsulfonylmethane plus Minoxidil treated group. Results: Results: We found that the tissue level of 8-isoprastanein the groups receiving medication are considerably lower than in the control (D.W.). We also discovered that the serum tissue vascular endothelial growth factor levels in the groups receiving medication are considerably greater than those in the control (D.W.) groups. On the other hand, we discovered that hair growth, hair follicle expansion and hair follicle number are much higher in the groups receiving medication than in the control groups. Conclusion: Conclusions: We concluded that MSM, through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, dramatically reduces hair loss in male mice.
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Background Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), alopecia, low quality of life, and acne are considered as complications of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). We hypothesized that magnesium supplementation would yield beneficial effects on PCOS related complications. Objective To examine the effects of magnesium supplementation on AUB, alopecia, quality of life, and acne. Methods In this parallel randomized clinical trial, we randomly assigned 64 women with PCOS to the magnesium group (n = 32) or placebo group (n = 32) for 10 weeks. AUB, alopecia, quality of life, and acne were assessed by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics criterion, the Sinclair Scale, the Health Survey Quality of Life Questionnaire, and the Global Acne Grading System, respectively. This randomized clinical trial was registered at (IRCT20130903014551N9). Results Magnesium supplementation significantly improved the components of quality of life including physical functioning (p = 0.011), role limitations due to physical health (p = 0.012), role limitations due to emotional problems (p < 0.001), energy/fatigue (p = 0.005), emotional wellbeing (p < 0.001), social functioning (p = 0.002), general health (p = 0.013), and total quality of life (p < 0.001), compared with placebo. No significant effect was observed on acne, alopecia, and AUB. Conclusion Magnesium supplementation in women with PCOS had a significant positive effect on improving total quality of life. Trial registration This randomized clinical trial was registered at on 2020–10-18 (Registration Code: IRCT20130903014551N9).
Androgenetic alopecia is a common form of scalp hair loss that affects men in their mid-twenties and increases with age. Finasteride (FNS) has been approved and used orally to treat androgenetic alopecia; however, systemic effects on other androgen-dependent tissues cause severe side-effects. To overcome these systemic effects and target hair follicles in the scalp only, numerous topical formulations of FNS have been developed and further combined with the solid microneedle (SMN) technique to create micro-channels in the skin, thus overcoming the skin barrier properties. However, low delivery efficiency and concerns over patient safety of SMNs remain major limitations of the treatment. In the present study, we developed a novel FNS delivery system comprising powder-carrying microneedles (PCMs), which is a patch-less and self-administered powder delivery technique that simultaneously overcomes the safety issues. This system could directly implant FNS inside the skin by encapsulating the FNS powder in the center of the PCMs. In addition, we introduced the concept of a diffusion enhancer for this system, which facilitated the dissolution and release of the implanted FNS powder to achieve its successful intradermal delivery. Using implanted FNS powder as a reservoir inside the skin, this novel system permitted sustained release of the implanted FNS powder for 3 days with only one application of FNS-PCMs. In addition, compared with the topical FNS-gel, the developed system showed a higher efficacy in promoting hair growth and increased the amount and density of hair while addressing the safety concerns. This approach has the potential to advance the field of transdermal drug delivery for any type of powdered drug in a wide variety of biomedical applications.
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Proliferation of human skin fibroblasts was stimulated significantly by the presence of L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (Asc 2-P). The presence of Asc 2-P (0.1–1.0 mM) in the culture medium for 3 weeks enhanced the relative rate of collagen synthesis to total protein synthesis 2-fold as well as cell growth 4-fold. Coexistence of L-azetidine 2-carboxylic acid (AzC), an inhibitor of collagen synthesis, attenuated both effects of Asc 2-P in a dose-dependent manner. Supplementation of the medium with Asc 2-P also accelerated procollagen processing to collagen and deposition of collagen in the cell layer. Among the acidic glycosaminoglycans (GAG), another major component of extracellular matrix (ECM), deposition of sulfated forms was increased by the additive. Electron microscopic observations showed multilayered, rough endoplasmic reticulum-rich cells surrounded by dense ECM. These results indicate that Asc 2-P is useful in culture systems as a long-acting vitamin C derivative and also that it promotes reorganization of a three-dimensional tissuelike substance from skin fibroblasts in culture by stimulating collagen accumulation in the fibroblasts.
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Transdermal formulation of L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate magnesium salt (A2P) was prepared using multilamellar vesicles (MLV). A2P was either physically mixed with or entrapped into three different MLVs of neutral, cationic, and anionic liposome vesicles. For the preparation of neutral MLVs, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and cholesterol (CH) were used. For cationic and anionic MLVs, dioleoyl-trimethylammonium-propane and dimyristoyl glycerophosphate were added as surface charge inducers, respectively, in addition to PC and CH. Particle size of the three A2P-loaded MLVs was submicron, and polydispersity index revealed homogenous distribution of the prepared MLVs except neutral ones. Skin penetration study with hairless mouse skin showed that both physical mixtures of A2P with empty MLVs and A2P-loaded MLVs increased penetration of the drug compared to aqueous A2P solution. During the penetration, however, significant amount of the drug was metabolized into L-ascorbic acid, which has no beneficial effect on stimulation of hair growth. Out of the physical mixtures and A2P-loaded MLVs tested, physical mixture of A2P with empty cationic MLV resulted in the greatest skin penetration and retention in hairless mouse skin.
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When we try to maximize drug flux through the skin, we usually meet major difficulties because of the impervious nature of the stratum corneum. A popular solution incorporates penetration enhancers into transdermal products. Such materials ideally possess the sole property of reversibly reducing the barrier resistance of the horny layer, allowing the drug to reach the living tissues at a greater rate. This article considers examples of accelerant action that support a general concept explaining enhancer activity in human skin. The core of the proposal is that enhancers usually work by one or more of three main mechanisms: alteration of the lipid or protein domains of the stratum corneum or increase in tissue partitioning of a drug, a coenhancer, water, or any combination of these three chemicals. We may usefully refer to the overall hypothesis as the lipid-protein-partitioning (LPP) concept.
Sodium ascorbyl phosphate is a hydrophilic derivative of ascorbic acid, which has improved stability arising from its chemical structure. It is used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations since it has many favorable effects in the skin, the most important being antioxidant action. In order to achieve this, it has to be converted into free ascorbic acid by enzymatic degradation in the skin. In the present work, o/w and w/o microemulsions composed of the same ingredients, were selected as carrier systems for topical delivery of sodium ascorbyl phosphate. We showed that sodium ascorbyl phosphate was stable in both types of microemulsion with no significant influence of its location in the carrier system. To obtain liquid microemulsions appropriate for topical application, their viscosity was increased by adding thickening agents. On the basis of rheological characterization, 4.00% (m/m) colloidal silica was chosen as a suitable thickening agent for w/o microemulsions and 0.50% (m/m) xanthan gum for the o/w type. The presence of thickening agent and the location of sodium ascorbyl phosphate in the microemulsion influenced the in vitro drug release profiles. When incorporated in the internal aqueous phase, sustained release profiles were observed. This study confirmed microemulsions as suitable carrier systems for topical application of sodium ascorbyl phosphate.
Monoolein-based cubic liquid crystalline systems were formulated for the local delivery of oregonin and hirsutanonol for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. The liquid crystalline phase and its nanodispersion containing drugs were prepared. The skin permeation and deposition properties of the drugs were examined in normal and delipidized rat skin. The proportion of oregonin (%) deposited in normal skin after topical administration of the drugs in the form of aqueous solution, cubic phase or cubic nanodispersions were , and , and those of hirsutanonol were , and , respectively. The greater lipophilicity and thus greater skin affinity of hirsutanonol than oregonin contributed the greater amount of skin deposition. The monoolein-based liquid crystalline phases significantly increased the amount of both drugs permeated and deposited. Approximately 3.2, 2.1 and 3.0 times greater amount of oregonin, and 3.4, 2.1 and 2.2 times greater amount of hirsutanonol were deposited in delipidized skin after administration of each drug in the form of aqueous solution, cubic phase and cubic nanodispersions system, respectively, because of lowered barrier function of the delipidized skin. In this study, the effects of drug property, vehicles type and skin condition on skin deposition and permeation properties of drug were examined and concluded that monoolein-based liquid crystalline systems would be a promising formulation for the local delivery of drugs.
In this study, human skin permeation data are analysed using a number of physicochemical descriptors. It is shown that the equilibrium distribution of compounds between the stratum corneum and water (log Km) can be correlated with either water-octanol partition coefficients (log Poct) or Abraham solute descriptors. The latter reveals that partitioning of compounds is governed by solute size and hydrogen-bond acidity that favour the stratum corneum, and solute dipolarity/polarizability, and hydrogen-bond basicity that favour water. For water-skin permeation coefficient (log kp) data it is demonstrated that log Poct cannot be used as a descriptor across a wide range of chemical families, but that log kp can be correlated using Abraham solute descriptors. These disclose that log kp values are increased by solute size and decreased by solute dipolarity/polarizability, hydrogen-bond acidity and hydrogen-bond basicity. It is suggested that different solutes travel through the stratum corneum by the same route, which cannot be distinguished as an intercellular or transcellular mechanism. Backward skin permeation is examined and it is demonstrated that factors governing this process can be rationalized. Furthermore, it is shown that using the Abraham analysis, log Poct can be corrected to correlate log kp over a wide range of compounds. The determination of solute descriptors is also described, indicating that Abraham solute descriptors can be obtained by substructure summation and partition coefficient measurements, so that dermatological properties can be predicted for solutes without the necessity for synthesis.
The stratum corneum, poses a formidable challenge to formulators of drug delivery systems. Several approaches have been utilized to facilitate entry of drugs into the lower skin layers. Traditionally, permeation enhancers were designed to deliver high drug concentrations across the skin into the systemic circulation. The use of many of these agents resulted in unpleasant or toxic side effects. However, in recent years there has been a search for compounds that exhibit low toxicity, and maintain their enhancing activity. More recently, there has been interest in agents that may be used in topical formulations to prevent the passage of active ingredients or excipients into the lower skin layers. These so-called skin retardants have potential uses in many over-the-counter (OTC) skin formulations, such as sunscreens and pesticides, where the site of action is restricted to the skin surface or upper skin layers. Research in the area of permeation enhancement or retardation is yielding valuable insights into the structure–activity relationships of enhancers as well as retardants.
Here, we sketch why significant progress in the as yet very unsatisfactory pharmacological management of hair loss demands more rational strategies for ‘hair drug’ development, which effectively target defined key events in hair follicle cycling and transformation. Chiefly, drugs need to be identified that serve as inhibitors of catagen, exogen and/or the terminal-to-vellus transformation, or that induce anagen. For this, identification of the relevant molecular controls of human hair follicle cycling is an essential prerequisite.Section editor:Mike P. Philpott – Queen Mary School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of London, UK
Methionine, an essential amino acid, and cysteine are the major sulfur-containing amino acids in the body and both are thought to be synthesized predominantly in plants and micro-organisms. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a natural constituent of the environment in which it is found in plants, in milk and urine of both bovines and humans, is a normal oxidation product of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) also in the natural environment and may be part of the natural global sulfur cycle. To determine whether sulfur from methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is incorporated into sulfur amino acids, I fed 35S-MSM to guinea pigs. 35S was incorporated into peptidyl methionine and cysteine of guinea pig serum proteins. The specific activity of 35S-methionine was 30% greater than for 35S-cysteine, suggesting a precursor-product relationship. Total specific activity of serum proteins was increased by only 30% with a 100% increase of administered 35S-MSM, suggesting a limiting step in synthesis. Approximately 1% of the radioactivity was recovered in serum proteins, none in the feces and most was excreted in the urine. Microorganisms of intestinal lumen may be responsible for the incorporation of the 35S of MSM into sulfur amino acids. MSM may provide a source of sulfur for essential animal methionine by mechanisms not yet elucidated in either animals or micro-organisms.