
Civilisation materielle, economie et capitalisme XVe-XVIIIe siecle

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... Following the devastating impact of the Black Death between 1346 and 1353, which claimed the lives of at least one-third of Europe's population, there was a notable shift in food availability [12]. The reduced population meant that the same amount of natural resources was distributed among fewer individuals, resulting in a surplus of food [62]. As a consequence, a wider range of meats became accessible to a larger segment of the population until the sixteenth century, when population growth led to bread once again becoming the dominant component of meals [62]. ...
... The reduced population meant that the same amount of natural resources was distributed among fewer individuals, resulting in a surplus of food [62]. As a consequence, a wider range of meats became accessible to a larger segment of the population until the sixteenth century, when population growth led to bread once again becoming the dominant component of meals [62]. Another crucial element to consider in the development of regional cuisines is the primary source of fat, which varies based on climate and culture. ...
... The Scandinavian region was one of the most severely affected region by the Black Death plague that ended in 1353 [73]. The decrease of population resulted in a relative prosperity and an increase in food availability in the coming years [62]. However, it is less likely that this would have directly affected the survival of the rulers in this region, who always had access to sufficient amounts of food regardless of the prosperity of the general population. ...
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Significant regional variability in lifespan in Europe is influenced by environmental factors and lifestyle behaviors, including diet. This study investigates the impact of geographical region on the lifespan of European rulers spanning from the fourteenth century to the present day. By analyzing historical records and literature, we aim to identify region-specific dietary patterns and lifestyle factors that may have contributed to longer lifespans among rulers. The hypothesis to be tested is that rulers from Southern European countries, where the traditional Mediterranean diet is consumed by the local people, may exhibit longer lifespans compared to rulers from other regions, due to the well-documented health benefits associated with this dietary pattern. We extracted comprehensive information for each ruler, encompassing their sex, birth and death dates, age, age of enthronement, duration of rulership, country, and cause of death (natural vs. non-natural). To determine their nationality, we coded rulers based on their hypothetical present-day residence (2023). Utilizing the EuroVoc Geographical classification, we categorized the countries into four regions: Northern, Western, Southern, Central and Eastern Europe. While Cox regression models did not find significant differences in survival rates among regions, further analysis stratified by time periods revealed intriguing trends. Contrary to our initial predictions, the Northern region displayed better survival rates compared to the Southern region between 1354 and 1499, whereas survival rates were similar across regions from 1500 to 1749. However, after 1750, all regions, except the Southern region, exhibited significantly improved survival rates, suggesting advancements in healthcare and lifestyle factors. These findings underscore the dynamic influence of both region and time period on health and longevity. Interestingly, despite the prevalence of the Mediterranean diet in the Southern region of Europe, rulers from this region did not demonstrate longer lifespans compared to their counterparts in other regions. This suggests that additional lifestyle factors may have played a more prominent role in their longevity. In conclusion, our study sheds light on the intricate relationship between region, time period, and lifespan among European rulers. Although the Mediterranean diet is often associated with health benefits, our findings indicate that it alone may not account for differences in ruler longevity across regions. Further research is warranted to explore the impact of other lifestyle factors on the health and lifespan of European rulers throughout history.
... Not even in the 1850s, as during its latter half, the new Argentine Confederation clashed, seeking support from Asunción, with the State of Buenos Aires, which, like Brazil, was dissatisfied with the resurgence of internal strife in Uruguay. 1 Taking it as a unit of analysis, and only thus, the Platine worldregion experienced a Sixty Years' War in the 19th century, during which the parties engaged based on their long-term interests, shaped by the unique characteristics of the Plata region. Exceeding the notion of a nation-state, which was then emerging through trials and errors, without equating to a sub-nationality or an administrative space, the Platine world-region constituted a geopolitical system within the 19th-century world-economy (Braudel, 1979) and was composed of distinct relationships, not necessarily formalized as state administrations. ...
... From the perspective of the world-region, greatly inspired by Fernand Braudel's concept of the world-economy, the starting point is not the atomization of its parts or even the regional provinces but rather the relationship between them and a unified Platine entity (Braudel, 1979). The essence of the world in the world-region of the Plata was, firstly, Although modest on a planetary scale, this was a universe for those who, from the late 16th century, recognized the potential to expedite time in its riverine characteristics. ...
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This article proposes a theoretical-methodological framework using the concept of the world-region to reassess the causes of the 1864 conflict. It argues that the prevailing systemic alliances perspective in historiography might insufficiently account for the temporal dimension characteristic of the world-region. According to this proposal, the 1864 conflict arose from a contentious geopolitical environment and significantly from the inclusion of historical perspectives in redefining national interests. Beyond spatial unity or integration into the world economy dominated by Great Britain, the River Plate basin in the 19th century was defined as a world-region by two main temporal layers. The first, lasting until the mid-century, was marked by the contentious formation of nation-states, which Brazil resolved in regional hegemony. The subsequent contradictions, representing a second temporal layer extending until 1870, highlighted threats to this new status quo, specifically Brazilian unipolarity. Therefore, the 1864 conflict, essentially an episode of the Sixty Years’ War, had deeper roots in the 1851-1852 reconfiguration of the Platine basin rather than the 1863-1864 alliances, which were merely outcomes of this second temporal layer, characterized by already established nation-states. KEYWORDS: World-region; River Plate basin; Paraguayan War
... (35) «Si l'Etat moderne grandit, si le capitalisme se loge chez lui, la guerre en est souvent rinstrument : bellum omnium pater » (Braudel 1979, tome 3, p. 47). ...
... Cette reprise «des périodisations différentielles qui s'imposent à l'historien soucieux d'articulier entre elles les diverses instances en mutation qui constituent l'histoire globale»(Richet 1973, p. 11) ne va pas cependant sans un certain flou quant à la nature des liaisons entre les trois «étages de la maison». Mais c'est qu'il s'agit là d'une représentation simplifiée d'un modèle de l'histoire plus complexe.En effet, les trois temps de l'histoire ne sont pas sans renvoyer initialement à des rapports sociaux différenciés vivant à des «étages» différents de la société.. Pour F.Braudel (1979), le temps long est celui des «structures du quotidien», de l'économie matérielle et de la subsistance, tandis que la conjoncture est le temps des échanges et du marché, le court terme relevant, par contre, d'abord du «temps du monde», celui du capitalisme marchand qui crée l'événement. Ces trois (3°)Braudel 1958, p. 56. ...
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Dans cet article, on examine d’abord la place que l’Etat occupe dans trois approches économiques qui, en France, utilisent une théorie de la régulation. De cette évaluation, il ressort qu’au-delà de différences particulières parfois irréductibles une même conception générale de l’Etat, comme forme superstructurelle de représentation des intérêts de classe et de cohésion sociale, les unit. L’Etat est défini par son rôle -plus ou moins fonctionnel -dans la régulation et non pas situé en son sein en fonction d’une conceptualisation propre. On tente donc ensuite de rendre à l’Etat, dans le cadre même d’une analyse en terme de régulation, toute une série de dimensions ainsi oubliées : sa dimension économique spécifique, sa dimension historique d’invariant, et sa dimension d’ensemble de formes institutionnelles. On introduit, ce faisant, des régulations propres à la structure étatique et on cherche à montrer leur importance pour l’analyse des modes de régulation.
... Precise numbers diverge but estimates show only very slow population growth between 1500 and 1800. Whereas by 1800 the population of Europe had more than doubled in size compared with 1500, Africa had only increased from 87 to 102 million, or by 17% (Livi-Bacci, 2017;Braudel, 1979). Compared to other world regions, the natural environment was not very conducive for population growth, but in addition to this the slave trade between 1500 and 1870 drained the continent, especially West Africa, of a significant share of its young population. ...
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... Brasília: FUNAG, 2014 longa duração, pelo resto, condicionados pelas próprias especificidades do Prata. Forçosamente maior do que o Estado-nacional, naquele tempo formado aos tropeços, sem equivaler a uma sub-nacionalidade ou a um espaço administrativo, a região-mundo platina foi um sistema geopolítico inserido na economia-mundo do século XIX (Braudel, 1979) e constituída por relações particulares -entre partes, portanto -não necessariamente instituídas como administrações estatais. Igualmente relevante para a caracterização da região-mundo, afora o espaço, pois, é o tempo, sem o qual os vínculos entre partes permaneceriam meras aproximações. ...
Para além do resultado do Seminário “10 anos de Lab-Mundi”, foi também por meio das noções de diálogo e de transmissão que este livro foi traçado. Como as leitoras e os leitores poderão observar, ele reúne trabalhos e reflexões apresentados no evento, mas igualmente se organiza a partir de princípios e dinâmicas de diversas atividades que estruturam o Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Brasil e o Sistema Mundial, o Lab-Mundi. Criado em abril de 2013 pelos professores Rafael Marquese e João Paulo Pimenta, do Departamento de História da USP, juntamente com diversos colegas, alunas e alunos, o Lab-Mundi tornou-se um espaço para ações das mais importantes e profícuas que uma universidade pública pode abrigar: a valorização do fazer historiográfico e das relações de aprendizado entre professores e alunos.
... These private equity entities concentrate power and wealth, promising exceptional profits only to a few. 25 It is what the great French historian Braudel has called a form of jungle capitalism, where "the great predators roam and the law of the jungle operates." 26 Let's start at the beginning with corporate clients and whether these clients have crossed a line into creating harm to third parties by the deals being made. Lawyers doing deals frequently invoke the mantra of "efficiency" and "innovation" as the benefits of a profit-driven model such a private equity financing of health care organizations. ...
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This article proposes ethical — and legal — accountability for lawyers representing clients such as private equity (PE) firms who create ownership structures for nursing home systems. Using PE ownership as a case study, I will show that nursing home residents are often harmed and Medicaid costs inflated. I propose private law provides tools to compel such accountability, through (1) aiding and abetting doctrines and (2) fiduciary doctrines that require that the fiduciary be responsible for its vulnerable beneficiaries, not just ethically but for damages and equitable relief. I further propose that the teaching of Professional Responsibility needs to be changed to force law students to consider the effect of legal practice on third parties in situations like health care financing.
... Europe is incomprehensible without talking about slaves and vassal economies. Likewise, China is incomprehensible without talking about its uncivilized peoples at home and its vassals abroad (Braudel, 2002). John King Fairbank characterizes the ancient East Asian order as a "concentric circle" structure of three circles. ...
... III. 1976-1979(Paris: Gallimard, 1994. 3 For longue durée perspectives: Fernand Braudel, Immanuel Wallerstein, "History and the Social Sciences: The Longue Durée." ...
This article is situated within the context of exploring transnationality, circulation, and mobility as methodological devices/operational concepts in analyzing artistic artifacts, artists, and knowledge in motion. It delves into the interaction between art history and the global configuration of the contemporary age, reflecting on the application of methodological proposals from the global turn in the social sciences to the analysis of artistic mobility during the early modern period. Within this broader exploration, the article delves into the multifaceted nature of the genesis of reflections that have led to the emergence of global art history as a constellated phenomenon. It argues that the questioning of paradigms and the introduction of new terminology into the discipline cannot be solely attributed to art history itself. Instead, it emphasizes the need to examine the close association between this approach and broader movements of thought and historiography. At its core, the article highlights the crucial need for reevaluating language, lexicon, and research practices within historiographical movements. It advocates for the deconstruction of existing narratives and the creation of counter-narratives through a reconsideration of the terminology employed. This process fosters imaginative exploration bringing artistic analysis closer to current debates and ongoing reformulations of research practices.
... Bien sûr, leur fonction traditionnelle d'articulation entre les espaces lointains et leur hinterland proche demeure. Certes, les relations « horizontales » entre villes de même rang ne sont pas une nouveauté (BRAUDEL, 1979). Mais, comme l'indique SASSEN (2001 ;, les liens inter-urbains s'organisant indépendamment du cadre traditionnel de l'État-Nation ont pris une ampleur jamais atteinte auparavant, et ce en particulier dans le contexte de globalisation de l'économie et d'expansion des firmes et des marchés transnationaux. ...
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This paper examines the determinants of air traffic volume in the major European urban regions, distinguishing those that depend on the metropolitan features of cities from those that implement strategies pursued by airlines and governments. This distinction is made by drawing on the homogeneous data that make international comparisons possible. The number of inhabitants, the importance of the functions of economic decision-making and of tourism, and the distance from a major airport account for about two-thirds of the localisation of air service. The other third is attributable in part to the specificities of the urban economy, to the strategies pursued by governments and airlines and to competition from high-speed trains. Cet article examine les facteurs qui influencent le volume de l’offre aérienne à l’échelle des principales régions urbaines européennes, en distinguant ceux qui relèvent de la dotation des villes de ceux qui traduisent les stratégies menées par les compagnies aériennes et les pouvoirs publics. Pour ce faire, des données homogènes qui rendent possibles les comparaisons internationales ont été mobilisées. Le nombre d’habitants, l’importance des fonctions de décision économique et du tourisme, et l’éloignement à un grand pôle aéroportuaire contribuent à environ deux-tiers de la localisation de l’offre aérienne. Le tiers restant est en partie expliqué par des spécificités de l’économie urbaine, par des stratégies des pouvoirs publics et des compagnies aériennes et par la concurrence des trains à grande vitesse.
This article discusses the relationship between neoliberalism and financialization. It is widely recognized that financial accumulation plays a central role in the neoliberal era, both because neoliberalism is fundamentally supported by financial actors and because its epistemology has operated as a lever for the expansion of financial transactions and the power of financial actors. However, the boundary between the two constructs remains uncertain, also because the expansion of financial accumulation is not exclusive to the neoliberal era. Therefore, in this contribution, after identifying the essential features of financialization processes described by the classics of social sciences, it is argued that what distinctively characterizes financialization in the neoliberal era are two interconnected aspects: the pervasive influence of finance and financial calculation on economic governance (particularly the codification of shareholder value maximization as the keystone of corporate control, i.e., as the primary goal of companies’ economic actions) and the impact of contemporary financialization on the dynamics of social reproduction through a process of financialization of the foundational economy.
Pour les besoins de l’économie postcoloniale, la grande majorité de la population haïtienne a été contrainte d’habiter dans le milieu rural et de cultiver la terre au profit des classes dominantes. Après la levée juridique de cette assignation sociospatiale, l’État haïtien avait continué à priver les paysans d’instruction afin de maintenir leur domination. Cependant, face à la crise agraire survenue environ un siècle et demi plus tard, ils ont vu dans la migration interne et la scolarisation de leurs enfants les moyens les plus appropriés pour changer leurs conditions d’existence et donc occuper une meilleure position dans la société haïtienne. Cet article analyse les dynamiques migratoire et scolaire en Haïti afin de déterminer si elles constituent globalement des facteurs de mobilité sociale.
Trade in goods has undoubtedly been a part of the history of human civilization. Evidence of exchange between communities.
To quote this resource: Dorian DUTOIT-PROUST, “Relevance and Effectiveness of sui generis instruments to tackle exclusionary practices in the Digital Economy”, Competition Forum – Resources, 2024, n° 0015,
The Maghreb without a doubt makes up a structure leaning on a certain number of strata and characteristics inherited from history where multiple socio, anthropological and political characteristics mingle and of which it is the result with a superimposition of diverse nomenclature. Outside some rare historical periods of its history marked by centralist self centered or external tendencies (Roman antiquity, Almohade period, or French colonization) and in spite of attempts operated by National movement fractions under its modern form, the Maghreb couldn’t reach political unity. Even if the region could look like an “imagined community”, it has never been able to make up a modern nation although some characteristics described by Benedict Anderson for that are found gathered together (existence of a printed language and capitalism, even mainly under its colonial form).We try to come back to the historical process of the ensemble to suggest some explanations for this state of facts.
This chapter examines how and why the rural poor used credit in preindustrial France. The absence of landed guarantees to secure loans did not exclude the poor from the local credit market. In the eighteenth century, they could borrow to alleviate a shortage of cash and defer payment for the purchase of foodstuffs, items of necessity and services. This chapter uses a sample of probate inventories collected in the south of Alsace for the period 1770–1790. Probates allow for a reconstruction of credit patterns and networks. Far from being excluded from credit, the poor were fully part of a network of solidarity.
The article focuses on the discussion by foreign historians on the book of the Soviet scholar Boris Porshnev Popular Uprisings in France before the Fronde, 1623–1648, which appeared in the USSR in 1948 and was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1950. The book was an orthodox Marxist analysis of the history of popular movements in France in the first half of the 17th century, based on a wide range of sources, including both published materials and documents from the Chancellor Pierre Séguier’s archive, which had not been used by scholars before. The author analyses the history of translations of the Porshnev’s book into different European languages (in the GDR the book was published in 1954, in France — in 1963) as well as the estimates given to the monograph by such experts as Fernand Braudel, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Robert Mandrou. Most of the French historians (and not only left-wing ones) received the book with enthusiasm, finding it ground-breaking and paying tribute to the author’s talent and the originality of the sources he drew upon. At the same time, Porshnev’s construct was opposed by Roland Mousnier, who rejected its Marxist schematism. Subsequently, Mousnier’s disciples clarified many aspects of the subject of popular movements in France, while acknowledging Porshnev’s primacy in posing the question itself. Despite the criticism, interest in the monograph continued unabated for a long time: in the 1970s, along with the new French edition, Italian and Spanish translations of the monograph were published. The article shows that the nature of the reception of Porshnev’s book in France was partly due to competition within the professional community of historians. The article also describes the main vectors of reception of the monograph in other European countries. Ultimately, the credibility of Porshnev as the pioneer in the topic and the publisher of important sources is still indubitable, but many of his theses have been seriously criticized. The analysis of the reception of Porshnev’s work abroad helps to better understand the mechanisms of the transfer of ideas in the world academic culture after the Second World War.
Coletânea de textos que tem como tema principal as dimensões da contemporaneidade, do desenvolvimento local sustentável e a questão do emprego das tecnologias informacionais e comunicacionais na educação. Neste livro, contemporaneidade é compreendida como o delineamento de um modo de ser e de estar no mundo baseado na ideia de autonomia, de diálogo, de convivência pacífica e de valorização da vida.
Purpose of research is to study the semantics of the French words “globalisation” and “mondialisation” in the socio-historical context of the phenomenon of globalisation. The origin of the phenomenon of globalization is considered and its multidimensional nature in the context of global processes is revealed. Methods . The research uses the method of contextual, hermeneutic, historical and logical analysis of theoretical activities and practical developments on the topic. It is based on a linguophilosophical approach to the consideration of the phenomenon of globalization, taking into account the differences between human society following the path of formation of consciousness and civilization. Theoretical developments of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of philosophy, sociology, linguistics, and history are taken into account when solving the tasks set. Results. The article presents the main stages of the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization in the course of the socio-historical development of human civilization. It is determined that the phenomenon of globalization affects many aspects: economic, political, cultural, military, environmental. The meanings of the French words "globalisation" and "mondialisation", denoting the concept of globalization, are considered, and the specific features of the processes designated by them are revealed. It is established that "Mondialization" geographically covers the designated areas, and "globalization" is a continuation of the process of "mondialization" by creating global systems in the field of production and digitalization. Conclusion. Ultimately, it is determined that the words "globalisation" and "mondialisation", which denote the concept of globalization in French scientific thought and are often used synonymously, in practice imply different, albeit interrelated, processes. The French word "mondialisation", meaning "globalization", comes from the word "monde" - "world" and means a multidimensional process affecting various aspects of the life of societies and individuals, associated with geographical expansion. "Globalisation" does not refer to a view of the world, but to liberation from national frameworks.
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Данная работа посвящена изучению особенностей проявления феномена цикличности во внемузыкальном пространстве и его специфическому воплощению в музыкальном искусстве. Предметом исследования послужили циклические фортепианные произведения «несонатного» типа. Одной из поставленных задач стало теоретическое осмысление сущности цикличности как универсальной категории и разнообразие реализации принципа цикличности в казахстанской фортепианной музыке. В работе применяются как общенаучные, так и специальные методы анализа, включая исторический, сравнительный и проблемно-логический подход, а также музыковедческие методы, такие как структурный анализ формы и формально-стилистический метод. Особое внимание уделяется анализу «Прелюдии и фуги» и «Триптиха» Бакира Баяхунова, которые рассматриваются как примеры авторского взгляда на цикличность. Результаты исследования подчеркивают многоуровневость циклического движения, включая постоянную смену фаз и взаимодействие элементов различных циклов. В музыке же, цикличность приобретает дополнительные характеристики, включающие в себя наличие условного контраста и автономность каждой из частей цикла. / This research is dedicated to examining the characteristics of cyclicity’s manifestation within the extramusical domain and its distinct realization in the realm of musical composition. The focal point of this inquiry is the examination of cyclic piano compositions that diverge from the sonata form. A pivotal objective was to theoretically elucidate the concept of cyclicity as a universal construct and explore the diverse ways the cyclical principle is implemented in Kazakh piano compositions. The methodology employed encompasses both conventional scientific techniques and specialized analytical methods, such as historical and comparative analysis, and the problematic-logical approach, in conjunction with musicological methodologies like the structural dissection of musical forms and the formal-stylistic approach. The analysis of Bakir Bayakhunov’s «Prelude and Fugue» and «Triptych» receives particular scrutiny, serving as a representation of the composer’s interpretation of cyclicity. The findings underscore the stratified nature of cyclical progression, marked by the perpetual evolution of phases and the synergy among elements belonging to disparate cycles. Within the musical sphere, cyclicity is endowed with supplementary dimensions, notably the emergence of conditional contrast and the self-contained nature of each segment within the cycle.
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Joseph A. Schumpeter made multiple contributions to economic science and beyond. Drawing on this wide range of writings, this book argues that Schumpeter provided a theoretical account of capitalism as a total phenomenon. It methodically reconstructs the “general theory” of capitalism present in Schumpeter's work and shows its consistency and limits. The book identifies three key dimensions of a Schumpeterian general theory of capitalism. First, capitalism is defined at its core as a form or method of economic change: the entrepreneur disrupts a static, equilibrium economy (which is the foundation of all economic activities) with the introduction of an innovation. He is an unbalancing and disruptive force. Second, capitalism is defined as an institutional order composed of private property, private initiative for private profit and credit. Finally, capitalism is defined as a "civilization" or culture: a set of values, attitudes, and beliefs. The general theory thus accounts for capitalism as an economic form (innovation and entrepreneurship) which is the source of economic change; supported and enabled by a particular institutional order without which innovation would remain a dead letter (private property, private profit, and credit); all this generates the culture of capitalism. This book will be of interest to readers in the history of economic thought, economic theory, innovation, political economy, and social theory.
L’entrepreneur innovateur est une figure centrale du capitalisme industriel qui émerge au xix e siècle. Son avènement est toutefois le résultat d’un long processus historique qui démarre à l’époque du capitalisme mercantiliste avec l’apparition de nouveaux comportements économiques incarnés par le faiseur de projet. Il s’agit d’étudier dans ce contexte les conditions d’émergence de cet entrepreneur non routinier. Le progrès des connaissances a largement contribué à nourrir les ambitions des hommes à projet. C’est à partir des analyses proposées par Defoe, Cantillon, Turgot et Smith que nous proposons de resituer les débats autour du faiseur de projet pour mieux en comprendre les enjeux.
The volume focuses on the importance and placement of alternative exchange practices in the 13th to 18th centuries, specifically examining goods and services used as means of payment in barter or in-kind transactions. Despite monetary theory emphasizing credit and real currency, coins or paper money did not prevent in-kind transactions. Barter isn’t merely a result of a lack of money, but rather an economic choice with diverse reasons, meanings, and consequences, found in both rural and urban areas. These alternative exchange methods go beyond mere stopgaps and impact all economic activities, from production to consumption.
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A partir da pesquisa e da seleção realizada sobre os termos: Edifício "A Noite" e Praça Mauá em livros da literatura brasileira, nos jornais de grande circulação e nos vídeos e documentários disponíveis online na atualidade, propomos nesse trabalho, discorrer sobre algumas outras percepções (não acadêmicas) do Edifício "A Noite" e sua envoltória, a Praça Mauá, analisando-as sob o ponto de vista da atribuição de valores patrimoniais. Os materiais escolhidos especificamente para essa comunicação, compreendem as áreas de literatura, de arte, da arquitetura e do urbanismo. Pretende-se, a partir dessas disciplinas específicas, traçar seus pontos de contato e distanciamento com o objeto arquitetônico, relacionando o papel da retórica individual na elucidação de narrativas coletivas no campo institucional -seus referidos órgãos - do patrimônio cultural.
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Geopolitical diversity holds an undeniable allure, leading to the categorization of publications into four 'schools': neo-classical geopolitics, subversive geopolitics, non-geopolitics, and critical geopolitics, each exploring different dimensions of geopolitical dynamics. These schools distinguish themselves based on their proximity to the studied object (practical/applied or academic/reflective) and their stance toward the state system (focusing on states as principal actors or acknowledging other political actors and interests). Despite their differences, these studies collectively demonstrate a growing interest in geo-economics. Various thinkers, including Mackinder, Spykman, Collins, and Ratzel, have formulated these theories using terms like Heartland, Rimland, inland, outerland, enclave, and exclave. Notably, Bangladesh, as a developing country, is geopolitically strengthening its position in world politics.
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Los historiadores “profesionales” han usado a la nación como el marco para estructurar sus análisis, lo que ha elevado la historia europea al nivel de metanarrativa. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, un grupo de historiadores y académicos de otras disciplinas, interesados en el estudio de imperios, han replanteado de manera radical varios patrones historiográficos con el fin de descentralizar la historia y entender el desarrollo de las sociedades o poblaciones de forma global. Para ello, han propuesto el concepto de “imperio” como categoría transhistórica y transgeográfica. El presente artículo introduce las discusiones de estos académicos y propone una terminología para entender los imperios como acciones sociales realizadas dentro de condiciones materiales y construcciones conceptuales específicas. El objetivo es mostrar el alcance de esta nueva historia imperial como una metodología que no sólo plantea nuevas preguntas, sino que expande nuestra imaginación política fuera de los confines del Estado-nación.
The economy is the basis for political processes, while the contradictions arising in the system of socio-economic relations determine the cyclical nature of social development, in particular, cyclical economic and political processes that have become global under the conditions of the capitalist world-system. The cyclic nature of geo-economic and geo-political processes is manifested primarily in the cyclical nature of the change of the world hegemon, whose presence indicates the existence of a global political and economic system. The prerequisites for the formation of the world political and economic system, which develops cyclically, arose already in the most ancient times. The historical prototypes of world hegemony were the Roman and Chinese empires, as well as the Mongolian empire, after whose fall the Western European civilization from the beginning of the "long" XVI century became a source of contradictions, giving rise to a cyclical process of struggle for world leadership, which is reflected in the main provisions of the theory of long cycles of world politics by J. Modelski and U. Thompson, theories of cycles of hegemony by I. Wallerstein, etc. The unfolding of long cycles of world politics and cycles of hegemony is coordinated with the unfolding of Kondratiev cycles, whose beginning and end are marked by wars, generated by political and economic contradictions and serving as a way of their partial resolution. The competition of the leading actors of geopolitics gives rise to global military-economic cycles, whose rhythm is set by world wars, and global geo-economic and geopolitical cycles create the basis for the deployment of cycles derived from them on a regional scale. The rhythm of cyclical geo-economic and geopolitical processes on a regional scale is determined by the dynamics of global cycles. Today, the increasing instability in the capitalist world-system indicates the beginning of crisis-militaristic phases of global cycles, whose unfolding leads to a cyclical change of the leader in the capitalist world-system, and the reformatting of the world geopolitical system, and creates the basis for the development of deep geo-economic and geopolitical contradictions, which are the internal driving force of the cyclicality of global political and economic processes.
Political individualism refers to the protection of individual property rights, including those rights usually referred to as human rights. In the first part of this chapter, we trace the sources of political individualism, which include Justinian’s reforms of Roman law, the scholastic tradition in medieval universities, the writings of Enlightenment thinkers, and the role of interjurisdictional competition from the late Middle Ages onward. In the second part, we look at twenty-first century empirical evidence regarding the relationship between political individualism and institutional attractiveness, with a focus on domestic interstate migration in the United States. The chapter concludes by explaining how the consistent application of the subsidiarity principle advances political individualism.
The century ending in 1834 with the abolition of the East India Company’s monopoly on tea purchases from China was also a time during which the new beverage, originally the preserve of the elites throughout Europe, became in England alone an item of general consumption. The current study is an attempt at claryfying the various social, economic and cultural factors which contributed to this change. One of the best ways to approach this remarkable promotion – an exotic drink making it to national beverage status — consists in studying the types of employment and the actual jobs and businesses born out of tea imports, and seeing whether they belonged to the mainstream economy or to the economy of smuggling.
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The new millennium crises have fueled the debate about free running markets management, in some parts of Europe. This is having considerable consequences for corporations that need to raise funds to invest in job-creating facilities or in improving productivity necessary to compete with new producers from Asia. Increasing volumes of trade historically required rules and government regulation. In this article organizational theoretical frameworks are used to understand dynamism and change in financial operations, and in this line rules are here approached as progressive legal adjustments to good practice. Historical evidence is the methodology used in this paper, to highlight significant changes in the conceptualization about the organizations that have to supply financial services, especially when external shocks affect SMEs and their needs.
Few studies have focused specifically on the physiocratic analysis of money. The physiocrats' position was based on their criticism of Law's system and more broadly on the role of finance. First, they rejected the idea that a large amount of money was the condition for the wealth of nations. Second, they rejected paper money, as well as any form of currency alteration. As a simple means of exchange, Quesnay and his followers recognized that money could be replaced by paper. However, in order to comply with the “value for equal value” principle of exchange, money had to be made of precious metals, as Le Trosne, the main architect of the physiocratic monetary doctrine, forcefully asserted. This doctrine of money created a tension: from the circulation perspective, money was not considered as a component of wealth and could be replaced by paper to simply represent flows in expenditure; but from the equality-of-exchange perspective, money had to be made of precious metals, thus becoming a storable asset in a portfolio. To overcome this tension, the économistes were to forcefully denounce hoarding and deny money the function of a store of value.
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